Getting Started With Phonetic Comparisons

May 29, 2006

I've been reading a bit about full-text searches, phonetic values and match-queries and just don't know where to begin.

What I'm eventually going to do, is make procedures for matching names, finding records that are close matches and presenting them in a subform below the actual member that you look up.

E.g. if an employee looks up Sergej, he or she will also see Sergey, Sergei etc. below the membersheet.

BOL isn't very practical in examples, and its about 7 years since I took my SQL-Server 7.0 MS courses, plus I've primarily worked as an administrator up until last fall, not a developer. So where to begin?

Thanks in advance,


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Phonetic Function

Jul 22, 2007

Hi All,

Is there any function which will return "MATCH PERCENTAGE"?

For Example, Function("United","Unitd") should return 99% or so based on how close the strings match.

I tried Difference(string1,string2) which returns only values between 0 and 4 (inclusive). I need to get a percentage.



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Better Phonetic Matching Algorithm Than Soundex

Mar 6, 2002

Disgruntled with Soundex I went looking for a better phonetic matching algorithm.

Turns out there is a rather good one called Metaphone, which comes in two variants (Simple and Double)

I could find the source for this in C++, but I wanted to have it as a user function.

So here it is:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Metaphone(@str as varchar(70))
RETURNS varchar (25)
Metaphone Algorithm

Created by Lawrence Philips.
Metaphone presented in article in "Computer Language" December 1990 issue.
Translated into t-SQL by Keith Henry (

*********** BEGIN METAPHONE RULES ***********
Lawrence Philips' RULES follow:
The 16 consonant sounds:
|--- ZERO represents "th"
B X S K J T F H L M N P R 0 W Y
Drop vowels

Beginning of word: "ae-", "gn", "kn-", "pn-", "wr-" ----> drop first letter
Beginning of word: "x" ----> change to "s"
Beginning of word: "wh-" ----> change to "w"
Beginning of word: vowel ----> Keep it

B ----> B unless at the end of word after "m", as in "dumb", "McComb"

C ----> X (sh) if "-cia-" or "-ch-"
S if "-ci-", "-ce-", or "-cy-"
SILENT if "-sci-", "-sce-", or "-scy-"
K otherwise, including in "-sch-"

D ----> J if in "-dge-", "-dgy-", or "-dgi-"
T otherwise

F ----> F

G ----> SILENT if in "-gh-" and not at end or before a vowel
in "-gn" or "-gned"
in "-dge-" etc., as in above rule
J if before "i", or "e", or "y" if not double "gg"
K otherwise

H ----> SILENT if after vowel and no vowel follows
or after "-ch-", "-sh-", "-ph-", "-th-", "-gh-"
H otherwise

J ----> J

K ----> SILENT if after "c"
K otherwise

L ----> L

M ----> M

N ----> N

P ----> F if before "h"
P otherwise

Q ----> K

R ----> R

S ----> X (sh) if before "h" or in "-sio-" or "-sia-"
S otherwise

T ----> X (sh) if "-tia-" or "-tio-"
0 (th) if before "h"
silent if in "-tch-"
T otherwise

V ----> F

W ----> SILENT if not followed by a vowel
W if followed by a vowel

X ----> KS

Y ----> SILENT if not followed by a vowel
Y if followed by a vowel

Z ----> S

Declare@Result varchar(25),
@str2 char(2),
@str1 char(1),
@strp char(1),
@strLen tinyint,
@cnt tinyint

set @strLen = len(@str)

--Process beginning exceptions
set @str2 = left(@str,2)
if @str2 in ('ae', 'gn', 'kn', 'pn', 'wr')
set @str = right(@str , @strLen - 1)
set @strLen = @strLen - 1
if@str2 = 'wh'
set @str = 'w' + right(@str , @strLen - 2)
set @strLen = @strLen - 1
set @str1 = left(@str,1)
if @str1= 'x'
set @str = 's' + right(@str , @strLen - 1)
if @str1in ('a','e','i','o','u')
set @str = right(@str , @strLen - 1)
set @strLen = @strLen - 1

while @cnt <= @strLen
set @str1 = substring(@str,@cnt,1)
if @cnt <> 1
elseset@strp=' '

if @strp<> @str1
set @str2 = substring(@str,@cnt,2)

if @str1in('f','j','l','m','n','r')
set@Result=@Result + @str1

if @str1='q'set @Result=@Result + 'k'
if @str1='v'set @Result=@Result + 'f'
if @str1='x'set @Result=@Result + 'ks'
if @str1='z'set @Result=@Result + 's'

if @str1='b'
if @cnt = @strLen
if substring(@str,(@cnt - 1),1) <> 'm'
set@Result=@Result + 'b'
set@Result=@Result + 'b'

if @str1='c'

if @str2 = 'ch' or substring(@str,@cnt,3) = 'cia'
set@Result=@Result + 'x'
if @str2in('ci','ce','cy')and@strp<>'s'
set@Result=@Result + 's'
elseset@Result=@Result + 'k'

if @str1='d'
if substring(@str,@cnt,3) in ('dge','dgy','dgi')
set@Result=@Result + 'j'
elseset@Result=@Result + 't'

if @str1='g'
if substring(@str,(@cnt - 1),3) not in ('dge','dgy','dgi','dha','dhe','dhi','dho','dhu')
if @str2 in ('gi', 'ge','gy')
set@Result=@Result + 'j'
if(@str2<>'gn') or ((@str2<> 'gh') and ((@cnt + 1) <> @strLen))
set@Result=@Result + 'k'

if @str1='h'
if (@strp not in ('a','e','i','o','u')) and (@str2 not in ('ha','he','hi','ho','hu'))
if@strp not in ('c','s','p','t','g')
set@Result=@Result + 'h'

if @str1='k'
if @strp <> 'c'
set@Result=@Result + 'k'

if @str1='p'
if @str2 = 'ph'
set@Result=@Result + 'f'
set@Result=@Result + 'p'

if @str1='s'
if substring(@str,@cnt,3) in ('sia','sio') or @str2 = 'sh'
set@Result=@Result + 'x'
elseset@Result=@Result + 's'

if @str1='t'
if substring(@str,@cnt,3) in ('tia','tio')
set@Result=@Result + 'x'
set@Result=@Result + '0'
if substring(@str,@cnt,3) <> 'tch'
set@Result=@Result + 't'

if @str1='w'
if @str2 not in('wa','we','wi','wo','wu')
set@Result=@Result + 'w'

if @str1='y'
if @str2 not in('ya','ye','yi','yo','yu')
set@Result=@Result + 'y'
set @cnt=@cnt + 1
RETURN @Result

K e i t h H e n r y

Edited by - khenry on 03/06/2002 06:41:15

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Apr 27, 2001

This question is from a deveoper that I work with:

In SQL Server 7.0:

Do you know of a query or sp which will return the list of objects in a DB, sorted in descending order by last changed date?

I need to generate a list of all the stored procedures created or modified since a specified date. I can get the created ones, but I can't see how to get the modified ones.


Any ideas on how to tackle this one?



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Aggregate Comparisons??

Dec 12, 2007

I have implemented a login audit on a particular system which catches the users login details, including their application logon name and NT username.

What I want to do is report on users who have logged on to the software using someone else's workstation (i.e. logged on to more than one workstation).

Here's some sample stuff to play with

DECLARE @logins table (
loginName char(20)
, ntUsername char(25)
, loginDate datetime

--Insert test data. Please note that loginName and ntUsername are rarely the same
INSERT INTO @logins (loginName, ntUsername, loginDate)
SELECT 'Amy', 'Amy', '20070101' UNION
SELECT 'Amy', 'Amy', '20070102' UNION
SELECT 'Amy', 'Amy', '20070103' UNION
SELECT 'Bob', 'Bob', '20070101' UNION
SELECT 'Bob', 'Bob', '20070102' UNION
SELECT 'Bob', 'Amy', '20070103' UNION --Bob has logged on using 2 different NT accounts
SELECT 'Cal', 'Cal', '20070102' UNION
SELECT 'Cal', 'Amy', '20070102' UNION --So has cal
SELECT 'Dom', 'Dom', '20070102' UNION
SELECT 'Dom', 'Dom', '20070102'

Any ideas? I just can't think of the logic needed to get what I want.

Any extra info needed - just ask!

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Query Comparisons

Feb 15, 2007

I have the following query below that I am trying to get working. What I want it to do is check for users who have sat a module and failed it and compare it to a table to check that they have not passed the module second time and report only those who have failed withg no passes. Query below.

SELECT DISTINCT dbo.PPS_SCOS.NAME, PPS_PRINCIPALS.NAME, pps_transcripts.date_created, score, max_score, status

Any help appreciated.


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Dates And Time Comparisons

Feb 17, 2006

got a quick question guys.

if i use this to parse the current date to the right side of the time.
right(getdate(),7) - i'll get something like 7:30AM.

i also have Times stored in a column of a table, but as a string not a date time.
it seems to compare okay, but when the time is say 1:30PM and im comparing it if its greater than or equal to (>=)to 7:30AM - it doesnt return.

i think its ignoring the AM/PM Meridian Values and just comparing the numbers.

is there a conversion i could use to do this?
ive tried a military time conversion i found but it converts to hrs,min,milliseconds.
convert(char(8),(convert(datetime,current_timestam p,113)),114)

if anyone knows a good way to do this - i would appreciate it.

thanks again

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CASE With Multiple Comparisons

Mar 26, 2008

hallo i have an expression like this
when (a1<>a2 AND b1=b2 AND c1=c2) then...
when (a1=a2 AND b1<>b2 AND c1=c2) then...

when (a1= a2 AND b1=b2 AND c1<>c2) then...

is there any more elegant/compact/fast way to write this?

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Best Way To Ignore Time In Datetime Comparisons

Sep 27, 2000

What is the best method for ignoring the time in datetime comparisons. Say I want all records on 07/08/1996 regardless of their time. Or all records between 01/01/1999 and 04/01/1999 even if one of the records on 04/01/1999 had a time of 16:32:22

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Smalldatetime Comparisons With Non-clustered Index

Apr 12, 2006

This looks like a bug - hopefully somebody can explain what is actuallyhappening. Using SQL Server 2000 SP4.Here's a repro script with comments:/* repro table */CREATE TABLE dbo.T (ID int NOT NULL,Time datetime NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT PK_T PRIMARY KEY (ID, Time))GO/* the problem does not happen without this index */CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_T ON dbo.T (Time)GO/*sample row - note thatCAST('2006-04-08 13:14:58.870' AS smalldatetime) = '2006-04-08 13:15:00'*/INSERT INTO dbo.T (ID, Time)VALUES (1, '2006-04-08 13:14:58.870')GO/*This does not return any rows - why?The comparison should evaluate to TRUE.*/SELECT *FROM dbo.TWHERE CAST(Time as smalldatetime) >= '2006-04-08 13:15:00'GO/*This does return the row.*/SELECT *FROM dbo.TWHERE CAST(DATEADD(millisecond, 0, Time) as smalldatetime) >='2006-04-08 13:15:00'GODROP TABLE dbo.TGOThe difference between the two SELECT statements is that the first one usesa non-clustered index seek, whereas the second one uses a scan of the sameindex.--(remove a 9 to reply by email)

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Transact SQL :: Error On String Comparisons

Jul 7, 2015

I am trying to compare the ADDRESS FIELDS Between 2 tables in SQL SERVER 2008. However when I run the comparisons below it throws the error below:


Error : Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_Pref_CP437_CI_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN" in the equal to operation.

A.Address ,b.PropertyAdd
from TABL1 A

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Performance Help: Binary Comparisons Vs Full Normalization?

Feb 18, 2008

I have a pretty intensive query that I need performance help on. There are ~1 million de-normalized 'adjustment rows' that I am checking about 20 different conditions on, but each of these conditions has multiple possibile entries.

For example, one condition is 'what counties apply' to each row? Now I could cross-join a table listing every county that applies to every row, which would mean 1 million rows X 3,000 potential counties. And for every one of these 20 condition, I'd need to be joining tables for each of these lookups.

Instead, I was told to do a binary comparison of some sort, but I'm not exactly sure of how to do it. This way, I'm not needing to do any joins, but just have a large binary string, with bits representing each county.

Since each query I know the exact county searched, I can see if each row applies (along with each of the other conditions I must check vs the other binary strings).

I accomplished this using:
AND Substring(County, @CountyIndex, 1) = '1'
I have a character string for county, which is painfully slow when running all of these checks.

My hope is if the county in the lookup is 872, I can just scan the table, looking at bit #872 for the county field in each record, rather than joining huge tables for every one of these fixed fields I need to test.

My guess is the fastest way is some sort of binary string comparisons, but I can't find any good resources on the subject. PLEASE HELP!

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Performance Help: Binary Comparisons Vs Full Normalization?

Feb 18, 2008

I have a pretty intensive query that I need performance help on. There are ~1 million de-normalized 'adjustment rows' that I am checking about 20 different conditions on, but each of these conditions has multiple possibile entries.

For example, one condition is 'what counties apply' to each row? Now I could cross-join a table listing every county that applies to every row, which would mean 1 million rows X 3,000 potential counties. And for every one of these 20 condition, I'd need to be joining tables for each of these lookups.

Instead, I was told to do a binary comparison of some sort, but I'm not exactly sure of how to do it. This way, I'm not needing to do any joins, but just have a large binary string, with bits representing each county.

Since each query I know the exact county searched, I can see if each row applies (along with each of the other conditions I must check vs the other binary strings).

I accomplished this using:
AND Substring(County, @CountyIndex, 1) = '1'
I have a character string for county, which is painfully slow when running all of these checks.

My hope is if the county in the lookup is 872, I can just scan the table, looking at bit #872 for the county field in each record, rather than joining huge tables for every one of these fixed fields I need to test.

My guess is the fastest way is some sort of binary string comparisons, but I can't find any good resources on the subject. PLEASE HELP!

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Well... Help Getting Started

Nov 25, 2003

Dear All,

This is my first time posting in this forum, so forgive me if my post is out of place. If so, let me know.

I am trying to get started setting up a development server on Windows 2000. These are the componants I have installed so far:

- IIS 5
- MSDE Database Server
- .NET Framework 1.1
- MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Componants)
- ASP.NET Web Matrix

I have also downloaded a quickstart example, TimeTracker, to learn from.

Here is my problem: When I try to install TimeTracker, it does not detect a database connection. Also, when I try to connect to a database in Web Matrix, it says I need to have client tools installed. What are these and how to I get them?

Is there anyone that can give me a hand with this? Is it a matter of running the MSDE service? If so, how do you do this?

My apologies for not being more knowledgable, but thanks for helping me get started.


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Getting Started

Feb 2, 2003

I have just started programming using sql server. how do i get stated?
the basics are needed thanks for ur advice

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Can't Get Started

Jan 2, 2008

I just installed SQL server 2005 with SP2 on Vista business.

When I open Management Studio, and try to Register a new server, I get this message:

Cannot connect to MyServer.
Additional information:
An error has occured while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could nor open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1231)

When I open SQL Server 2005 Surface Area configuration and click on Add New Administrator, there are no Available privileges. Not sure if this is relevant.

Don't know what to do, any help will be appreciated.

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Getting Started

May 27, 2006

I have just installed SQL Server at home. Had a bit of experience at work, but at home I have to get started from scratch.

Enterprise manager says 'Connection could not be established'. In this error it talkes about 'registration properties'. I am (by default ?) a member of SQL Server group, but I have no sub items, like databases. And how do I get to where I can edit stored procedures ?

As you can see I'm quite a novice, but with a little nudge I can would a lot out myself. But not all. If you can help me now, I'll be back soon.

Thank you so much.


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Getting Started, Need Some Help

Nov 27, 2006

i have roughly 10-15 access databases that i am trying to run through sql server express, i installed this thing thinking it would would "just work minus a little configuration", what a misconception.

so do tell, what do i need to do. i have sql server express running, it is configured to allow remote connections. i know the path's of these access databases. how do i attach them. i saw something about the command line interface but im not interested in that because of the number of databases i will need to manage, not to mention trying to add an additional one 6 months down the road and i will be lost all over again. i thought about downloading SQL Server Management Studio thinking it would be a "gui side" to the CLI version. while it was downloading, it said i need XX program, i go to that page, it says i need XX and XX first, it is turning into a pyramid scheme to install a billion programs.

so point blank, i want to share some access databases to my local lan, i have sql server express installed and running. what do i need to finish this out. the simplest and smallest footprint solution is needed.

all this because the program im using cant do remote databases. ugh.

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Getting Started

Apr 15, 2007


I am trying to make a small program in visual studio 2005 edition. I would like to have a SQL database with it.

I have the Microsoft Visual Studio and SQL Server 2005 installed on my PC. I am running XP but will be moving it all to a new pc running Vista next week.

How to I get the SQL database started ?
I am not using the express edition.

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How To Get Started?

Feb 23, 2007

This is a repost of my post on the VB Express board.

I would like your opinions.

I am a network guy. I learned basic years ago. I can do some html edits as needed to change sites.

Today I would like to start the long process of learning VB with .net applications. I thought I could start with Office developer xp to learn VB. I have that package.

I also would like to be able to build SQL quaries and integrations or automate and manipulate data exports and imports later down the road.

Example: Export various order and customer information from a shopping cart and import it in to Quickbooks or MS Accounting.

First off I need to be able to build web sites and I know I want to grow into VB and SQL.

What should I do?

Learn HTML from web monkey?

Start with Office xp developer Tutorials?

Start with VB Express?

Buy a book?

Can someone tell me where to start and when to move to the next language?

What is the best resource to get to it, without the bla bla bla and a commnd/syntax refference?

How do I mix Html, CSS and .Net (VB) the learning process?

I would like to get the fast track for the long haul.

Thanks so much.

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How To Get Started?

Dec 27, 2006

I am looking to learn about reporting with SQL Server for my company

Currently we have an applicaiton running on SQL Server 2000 and have SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services installed. However, I have VB Express and Web Development Express 2005.

How do I get started here? What versions "work" with what? Do I need to either upgrade the DB to SQL 2005 or find 2003, or can I use what I have to get started?

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Getting Started 101

Aug 15, 2007

i own about a dozen interactive forums (see example at for one of them) that i host on a windows 2000 server dedicated server out of my home on a commercial cable backbone. the forums are ASP using Access DBs. we have outgrown the capabilities of Access and are getting complaints from DB lag during peak usage, and i must upgrade my DB to ensure the QOS end users get from my forums. i have no intention of switching over to php/MySQL/linux formats.

i tried unsuccessfully to get MySQL to play nicely in a windows environment, and recently learned that MSSQL offers free versions, the compact and the express. trouble is, i know absolutely nothing about DB management. Access is idiot proof so i have used it as long as i could. now i find myself in a scramble to learn how to create, employ, and use a more powerful DB.

for my intended usage (running about a dozen DBs on a dedicated server), will compact or express be the appropriate version to start learning? for my intended usage, is there any benefit to downloading/installing/learning the additional tools that are also available? if so, which tools? where do i learn how to create new DBs, and what tools do i need to do this? most tech papers ive seen on MSSQL assume a prior working knowledge of MSSQL DB management and im coming into this completely ignorant but willing to dedicate myself to learning.

answers, advice, etc. very much appreciated.

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Getting Started With DMX

Sep 19, 2006


I'm studying some articles about DMX and i have a question. DMX statements is only for prediction?

Can i create a model and run a classification/clustering/decision tree algorithm through DMX instead of prediction?Because all the examples i found are talking about prediction.

Are there any other sources i can study, so i can have a better understanding of what DMX does?

Thank you in advance!

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Getting Started

Oct 15, 2007

I am using this program for the first time but as it has no direct interface on its own, I would like to ask if anyone could help me get a database up and running.Nothing fancy but simple and functional for my staff to use for basic csv searches and so forth.

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Trying To Get Started

Sep 19, 2006

Hi folks... this is part complaint, part request for help. I have an Access db that I'd rather were an sql db. Partly to learn sql and partly because all of the examples use sql and don't seem to work with access.

I installed VS2005 which includes sqlexpress, but there's no front end to it.. there's no way to "talk to" this sql2005. Can't seem to create tables, etc.

So, I installed SQL 2005 Development server... still no front end. Just some config tools that I presume I may care about some day but don't mean anything to me just yet.

I'm on XP Pro so can't install SQL 2005 Enterprise, but I discover a CTP called Management Studio Express. Well, we all know how robust CTPs are, nevertheless I install it and boy is it friendly.

At this point I feel as though I've missed The Big Thing that had I not missed I would be a lot further along.

Maybe the best way to express my question is to ask for what the heck I should have done in order to be learning sql at this point instead of having run out of time again.

Thanks for any insight.



PS... hmm, seems like this is mostly complaint... sorry.

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Job When It Was Started.

Nov 16, 2007

Hi all

I have a job for run DTS packages,
My Job got failed due some reason,I corrected the problem a started Job again.Here problem is I for got to note the start time.Now I want find out from how long it is running or it what time it started.

Thanks in advance

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How To Get Started

Sep 6, 2007

Hi -
I need to start from the beginning with SQL Server 7 2005 Express. I want to get financial data and perform analysis in conjunction with Excel. I have downloaded the file from Microsoft and would like a resource for getting going. What is the best way to go?

Your help appreciated.


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Getting Started - What Do I Need?

Aug 7, 2006

While I have been programming .Net for four years and T-SQL for about 12, I am a newbie to the whole SQL CLR thing. I have VS.NET 2003 on my machine, and I installed the client tools for SQL 2005 which also installs VS 2005 for SQL. Yet when I open VS 2005, it only has Data Analysis projects, but no Database projects. If I go into VS 2003 and try to import some of the assemblies I have found by googling 'SQL CLR' - VS 2003 won't let me add them.

Exactly what do I need to install so that I can get started? Do I need an instance of SQL server running on my machine? (I currently do not have a server running, only the client tools are installed)



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Help Getting Started With @@Identity

May 24, 2006

OK, so, from what people tell me I should be using @@Idnetity. What Im trying to do is insert data into a table, than revrieve the id from the new row in that table, than use that id in another sql insert statment later down the road. Currnetly the way im doing it is with a sql insert, than executte the scalar, than execute a reader, which is causeing me much grief.
This is my sql statment here:
Dim sqlInsert As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Author (Lastname, FirstName, FullName) VALUES (@LName, @FName, @FullName)", sqlConn)
From what I understand, using @@Identity, I can retrive data from my insert statment without using a sperate select statment. Can you guys point me in the right direction, ive looked alot in the forms and such, most I found is either assuming you know what todo, or is security related.

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Advice On Getting Started

Sep 27, 2005

Hello all. I have some questions that are probably pretty stupid but Ill ask anyway :)

It is important that I start down a path of understanding mssql 2000. I wanted some advice from experts as to what the best way to start would be. Is there a great book out there? Can I run a version locally that I can play with? Also, when using the database, are the commands the same for mssql and mysql? I ask because I searched for tutorials and a lot more mysql tutorials popped up.

Obviously I dont expect to become an expert in a few weeks but if I could start down the path I would be happy. Maybe learn how to do simple maintenance and management functions.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Help Getting Started With MS SQL 2005

Mar 6, 2008

I have never used MS SQL database. I usually create my database with phpMyadmin. But my clinet doesn't have this tool. And they don't have MySQL instead they have MS SQL.

Could I create the data base with phpMyadmin and output that? Then import the data into MS SQL? There is no GUI tool on the server to create tables and data entry.

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Getting Started With Cursors

Apr 4, 2008

I have this simple example from which to start learning to use cursors:

USE ar
DECLARE @mortgage INT

SET @getMortgage = CURSOR FOR
SELECT Converted_Mortgage_Number
FROM format_mortgage_history
OPEN @getMortgage
FROM @getMortgage INTO @mortgage
PRINT @mortgage
FROM @getMortgage INTO @mortgage
CLOSE @getMortgage
DEALLOCATE @getMortgage

Although it runs, I dont see the Converted_Mortage_Number printed. What have I done wrong please?

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Getting Started: MS SQL 2005

Feb 16, 2007

Hello everyone,
I have got MS SQL express editon 2005, installed on my laptop and want to download MS SQL 2005 With management studio

I have been searching on microsoft's website, Where can i download it ?


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