How Can I Use Default Schemas Of Users In A Function ?

Aug 2, 2007


I've a Problem with a Function called by different users.
I want the different callers to query a table in their own default Schema.

So if i refence the full Path [Schema].[Tablename] it works Properly.
If i just Use the [Tablename] for reference it fails.

The function was created with EXECUTE AS CALLER option ;

if I call it with dynamic SQL i retreive the error-message

"Only functions and extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function."

does anybody know a solution for this problem?

thanks in advance

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Nov 27, 2006

I'm trying to find some documentation or procedures that will allow me to xfer existing users' roles, etc from sql2000 to sql2005.
When our sql 2005 database was restored on a new server (from sql2000), all of the database users were orphaned. I need to create identical server logins and then make the logins database users. It is also important to understand the significance of the new schema concept. The Microsoft SQL2005UpgradeTechRef.doc white paper does not explain any of this.
Ultimately, I would like to create a script for the above scenario once a sql2005 db is restored from a sql2000 db.
Could someone please help me out on this?

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Questions On Users/Schemas

Oct 24, 2007


I am looking for some advice on securing a sql 2005 database.

I have a database to which I want to grant 3 different users access.

The first users, who we will call 'public' should have access to a set of stored procedures, and no access to tables without using the stored procedures they have access to.

The second users have again got access to a certain set of stored procedures, along with the stored procedures for 'public'. These should be called 'moderator'.

Finally the third set of users 'admin' should have access to all stored procedures, but again no access to the database unless its through a stored procedure.

Questions :

Using SQL 2005, how do I assign access to particular stored procedures to a user?

How do I ensure that a 'user' cannot access stored procedures I don't want them to access?

Some of the stored procedure use dynamic sql within them, will this affect my setup. If I deny direct access to the tables to all three users, but allow them access the stored procedures, can the stored procedures access the tables?

If schemas are the answer, how on earth do I set them up, Ive never seen something so badly documented online in my experience! In my development environment im using sql express, so will probably working through the query analyzer.

Thanks in advance.


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Nov 27, 2006

I'm trying to find some documentation or procedures that will allow me to xfer existing users' roles, etc from sql2000 to sql2005.

When our sql 2005 database was restored on a new server (from sql2000), all of the database users were orphaned. I need to create identical server logins and then make the logins database users. It is also important to understand the significance of the new schema concept. The Microsoft SQL2005UpgradeTechRef.doc white paper does not explain any of this.

Ultimately, I would like to create a script for the above scenario once a sql2005 db is restored from a sql2000 db.

Could someone please help me out on this?

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MSSQL 2005 Schemas Vs SQL 2000 Users

Aug 20, 2007

I think now MS SQL 2005 support packaging database object into schemas which may be granted access by any of the db users, while SQL 2000 only we could use the database creator user instead of schema. my case is i am working in a system with more than one module, e.g. HR + TaskManagemt.
Both HR and TaskManagement objects are in the same database, and there are some common objects.
I want to isolate the HR objects from the TaskManagemt objects, so i can package any module separated from the other, suppose i want to buy only the HR module, so that i want only to exctract the HR Object + the common objects but not the TaskManagement objects.
So how can i accomplish such operations using SQL 2005 schemas AND using SQL 2000 users.
P.S. i have two servers one with 2000 and the other with 2005, so i want to find solutions for both 2000 and 2005
 Thanks in advance

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Newbie Questions On Schemas, Roles, Users & Logins

Apr 5, 2008

Sql 2005
I want to grate execute permissions on my stored procedures to a role. While creating the role, it asks for "schemas owned by this role".
To me, the schema is merely a namespace that allows you to group objects, but arent schemas such as db_datawriter roles that are central to the db and only admin type users should have ownership of these, correct ?

In a nutshell, I want to:
create a new role and assign a user to that role
with a stored procedure, grant execute permissions to this role

I was confused by the sql 2005 dialog that asks me to take ownership of roles such as db_datawriter, db_datareader etc, wouldnt that mess up other things with the database ?

help ...

I think its time I review all of the above items

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I Cannot Get The SQL Server 2005 Roles, Schemas, Users Correctly Setup For Proper Access

May 16, 2008

I have been struggling with this for a while and cannot get it right. I have read countless articles on the internet as well as MSDN documentation about SQL Server 2005 and no success so far.

What I want is a database with multiple SCHEMAS, DATABASE ROLES and USERS in order to have a finer grade of security to access the various objects.

My schemas are (in order to simplify the situation and provide an example of the setup):

- [dbo] the standard DBO schema which is always default. Contains public objects.
- [com] a special module integrated into the system
- [ofc] contains objects used by back-office only
- [aud] contains objects used for auditing, etc.

Each of these schemas has their fair share of tables, views, functions and stored procedures which have been created appropriately (i.e. CREATE TABLE [ofc].[Addresses]), in other words prefixed by the name of the schema to which they belong.

Then I have created various database roles (don't confuse them with SQL2005 application roles) as follows:

- PublicRole mostly used for viewing, no data alterations
- WorkerRole used by front end processes that need write access to data in [dbo] and [aud]
- OfficeRole used by back-office for dealing with backoffice data (basically [ofc], [aud] stuff)
- AdminRole used by application administrator

Each of these database roles has been defined with owner 'dbo', none of them own any schemas. And last but not least to each of these roles I have selected the above named schemas (dbo, ofc, aud) as securables and for each of those securables schemas I have then given the correct set of GRANT/DENY on the Alter, Control, Delete, Execute, Insert, References, Select, Update, Take ownership and View definition.

As an example, the PublicRole role has been given the following permissions (Y=GRANT, N=DENY):

Table #1 of Application Permissions [dbo] [com] [ofc] [aud]Alter N N N N
Control N N N N Delete N N N N Execute Y Y N Y Insert N N N Y References Y Y N Y Select Y Y N Y Update N N N Y Take ownership N N N N View definition N N N N

And I have the following minimum set of database users defined (the server login has the same name):

- upublic, assigned to PublicRole
- uworker, assigned to WorkerRole
- uoffice, assigned to OfficeRole
- uadmin, assigned to AdminRole

As I understand when I assign these users to a particular custom Database Role, the users inherit the permissions granted to THAT role thus liberating me from having to assign the permissions to each and every user account on the same role.

What I expected was that when I logged in to the database with the upublic user account I would at least be able to view (SELECT at least) ALL the objects with the exception of those in th e[ofc] schema. Unfortunately the account is not able to access ANYTHING at all, I get an error like

"The SELECT permission has been denied on object XYZ, database DB, schema 'dbo'"

So, when I use Management Studio to look at the properties I selected the PublicRole and it showed the upublic user as a member of the role (Members of this role). So far so good.

Then when I switch to the Securables page for this role it shows all the schemas I defined and for each of them the same list shown in Table #1 except it has two lines for each permission, the first for Grantor dbo and the second for Grantor upublic. The first has the same permissions I assigned to the role (as shown on Table #1) but the 2nd does not show a checkmark on either GRANT or DENY!!! For example ([x] = checked, [ ] unchecked):

Table #2 Explicit permissions for Securable
Permission Grantor Grant Grant-with Deny
Select dbo [x] [ ] [ ] Select upublic [ ] [ ] [ ]

What am I doing wrong here? Apparently I then have to repeat the whole grant/deny for EACH and EVERY USER I define when the idea was that I would grant/deny on the database role and every member of that role would inherit those permissions automatically.

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Schemas, Users, Logins, Database Roles, Application Roles

Mar 5, 2006


I am new user of SQL Server. I have some problems with these words. I want to make my database works in my specified permissions. I will specify permissions with schemas and these schema wants an owner. I want this owner should be my user. When creating a user it needs a valid login. I am selecting my login and it occurs and error says this login has an different user. I am specifying permissions with roles. But i can't make association all of them. I hope i told my problem to you as well. If you explain these words to me and tell me how can i do my database's works with my own schemas, users and roles i'll be grateful. Thanks for advices.

Happy coding...

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New Users And Default Permissions

Nov 26, 2006

I want to create a new user for my database and allow them to only select data from the tables...
What permissions will this give to the new user? Do I need to grant any permissions and/or revoke any?

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Default Owner For SQL 2k Users

Mar 11, 2008

HiOverview - non-sysadmin access to SQL 2k box using 2k5 tools. Not used 2k in over a year,Any way to set the default owner for objects created by a user? So if user x runs: CREATE TABLE mytable ( mycol BIT ) it is owned by dbo not x (dbo.mytable not x.mytable)? Note I can't (or won't for now anyway) change the DDL above. I also don't believe I can do this with the SSMS tools (schema <> owner). I also can't use sp_adduser...So 2k comliant T-SQL or at a push SMO only please!Ta

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Write String Default Value Function

Jun 3, 2008

I have a datetime column and I set the Default value of the column to: getDate().

How can I set a nvarchar columns Default value to write string data (such as: "test")?

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Convert Function In Default Constraint

Aug 23, 2006

I have two fields CourseID and Erpid in table.

CourseID has identity property with integer datatype.

I need to add a default value for Erpid column which will show a value like 'A' + CourseID column. Erpid is Varchar column.

How can I use Convert function in default constraint?


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SQL Server 2012 :: Possible To Tell Whether Function Passed A Value Or Used Default Value

Apr 22, 2015

I have a function that accepts a date parameter and uses getdate() as its default value. If a date is passed in, I'm going to have to find records using the datediff method based on input. If no date is passed, I am going to bypass the datediff logic and search for records based on a column called "is_current" which will reduce the query time.

However, I don't know how to tell if the date value in the function came from an input or was the default.

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Default Template For User Defined Function

Jan 6, 2006

How can I restore the original User Defined Function Template? I madean error and saved one of my UDFs as a template but would like theoriginal template restored?TIA

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SQL Server 2012 :: Set Default Parameter For Function Parameter?

Jan 13, 2014

I want to set the default parameters for a function. I;d like to set the date start date to current date and end date for the last 90 days. how to make this work?

Create Function HR.Equipment
@startdate Date =(Convert(Date,DATEADD(DAY,-1,GETDATE())),
@enddate Date = (Convert(Date,@StartDate-90)
FROM HR.Equipment
WHERE IssueDate <=@StartDate and IssueDate >=@EndDate

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Default Date(current Date) Function W/ Update?

Mar 10, 2008

I have a reference table that currently has no web front-end. It's a small table(<10 rows) that's not going to change very often (maybe once every few months).

We manually update rows on the table via the GUI table interface in Enterprise Mgr., not in T-SQL.

What I'd like to do is have SQL Server automatically update the "Last_Modified" column with the current timestamp. I can do it on an Insert using the GetDate() function, but if I update a row, this doesn't work.

Is there a function I can use that can auto-populate for both insert and updates?

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Reporting Services :: Adding (new) Child Domain Users To SSRS As System Users?

Jul 28, 2015

We have an existing SSRS server, and have just created a new child domain. We'll be migrating users from the parent to the child, and want to add the users of that new domain with access to SSRS. In the parent domain they are able to access, but after migration with the child domain account, they cannot.

I have added the group CHILDDomain Users with a system user role on SSRS, and PARENTDomain Users was already there.

Is there any additional step I should/could take to get this active?

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Why Out Of The Blue Would VPN Users Be Unable To Connect To Database And Local Users Are Unaffected?

Mar 6, 2008

I have had this issue just pop up. I have local users who can connect fine, but my users that require connection by VPN cannot connect. I get the server not available or access denied error. I did confirm that the VPN'ers are connected to the network correctly and can see that their shares and mappings are correct. Any ideas? Thanking you all in advance!!

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SQL Security :: Did Not Create Any New Users And There Are No Other Users Listed In Accounts Section

Sep 28, 2015

I am trying to revert back to Windows 7 after upgrading to Windows 10, however it will not let me and the following message occurs: "Remove new accounts.Before you can go back to a previous version of Windows, you'll need to remove any user accounts you added after the most recent upgrade. The accounts need to be completely removed, including their profiles.You created one account (NT SERVICEMSSQLSERVER) Go to Settings> Accounts> Other users to remove these accounts and then try again".However I did not create any new users and there are no other users listed in the Accounts section.

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Stored Procedure To Get All Users Or All Users Of A Specific Country

Apr 30, 2008

hi alli've got two tables called "webusers" (id, name, fk_country) and "countries" (id, name)
at the meantime, i've a search-page where i can fill a form to search users. in the dropdown to select the country i included an option which is called "all countries".
now the problem is: how can i make a stored procedure that makes a restriction to the fk_country depending on the submitted fk_country parameter?it should be something like
SELECT * FROM webusers(if @fk_country > 0, which is the value for "all countries"){    WHERE fk_country = @fk_country}
who has an idea how to solve this problem?

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SQL 2K5 Schemas

Jan 28, 2008

I'm trying to understand the schemas in SQL Server 2005. I have a script which was given to me by someone as follow and I'm trying to run the script but it gave me an error at the create view section:

Assume an empty database has been created.


CREATE TABLE [tblABC] ( ... ) /*note: it didn't bind the table to the above schema*/

create view mySchema.vwMyView as
SELECT * FROM mySchema.tblABC

However I'm confused because the above CREATE VIEW made a reference to the table with the schema. Can someone help clarify. When i tried to create the view, it gives me an error that it is unable to find the mySchema.tblABC table. To me, the error is correct as per my understanding of binding a table to a schema ---> If you do not create a table and bind it to a schema, you are not able to call it together with the schema.

What I'm trying to understand is, without explicitly stating [mySchema] during the table creation, is there a way where it is mysteriously binded thus the CREATE VIEW somehow understood that tblABC has been binded therefore it called the table in the view? or is this just a script error.

Btw, this script was generated from a working database.

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Comparing Two Schemas

Mar 1, 2001

Hi Guys,

I'm afraid the schemas of the Development and Production versions of a database are in fact diferent.

How may I compare two database schemas?

Thanks in advance !-)

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Differentiating Between Two Schemas

Dec 12, 2011

Is there anyway to differentiate between two schemas between two SQL server instances?

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Standard Schemas?

Aug 15, 2007

Hi,Anyone know an online source for database schemas, or schemas for singletables i.e. where can I download a schema for an addresses table?--Rich -= Sea fishing badly explained =-

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Using Non Standard Schemas

Mar 25, 2008

Is there any way to create a local database cache from an SQL 2005 database that uses non standard schemas (like AdventureWorks). I have tried in Visual Studio 2008 but any database that does not use .dbo will not allow any tables to be copied locally. Even setting the default schema for my login does not enable adding any tables in the Configure Data Synchronization dialog box.
If it is not possible via Visual Studio is there any other way? I notice all examples with Sql Compact conveniently use Northwind. Seemingly Compact edition does not support non .dbo schemas.

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Need T-sql Statement For Schemas

Dec 27, 2007


I wanted to find out what the statement is for finding out the number of schemas in all your databases.

I know in 2005 the you can do a select * from sys.schemas

but how do you achieve the same thing in sql server 2000 ?

Please let me know..


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Number Of Schemas

Dec 26, 2007


How do I find out the number of schemas in sql server 2000 and 2005 for each database?

Also, how can i find the number of tables in each database?

I'm trying to figure this out but can't find anything on google.

Please help.


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Schemas And Permessions

Apr 25, 2007

I have schema called [sitex] for some tables .
I have to perform insert or update operations in to these tables through views only and these views were created with [site] schema

All stored procedures are written in the point of view only ( all DML operations into the tables are through views).and these stored procedures has schema same as views.

Now come to the permissions and authorization.

We have some users like sa,112,janu

These users must have permissions only on site schema not on [sitex].
I have a role called €œtestrole€? with 112,janu users and I gave authorization on site schema on for testrole

Now I€™m getting error select permessions are denied on [sitex] schema.

But our requirement is 112 must don€™t have any type of permissions on tables

And also is there schema to schema permissions. (that mean [site] schema has permissions on [sitex] schema .

PLZ help me

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Schemas - A Brief Introduction ?

Jan 7, 2006


Can anyone give an introduction to the use of schemas i SQL Server 2005. If have noticed the feature, but i would like to know why and how the use of schemas is a good thing.

If anyobe has a link to a whitepaper or practical insight that would be nice.

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Difference Between Database -- &&> Users And Security --&&> Users

Nov 28, 2006

Hi Team,

In SQL Enterprise Manager, when we expand "Database -->Users", we see the

users there. When we expand "Security --> logins" we see the same users there.

Can you differentiate these two.



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Compare 2 Database Schemas?

Nov 17, 2006

We're using Sql Server 2000. The one database contained tables and stored procedures which were possibly updated with some script information. Is there an application(commercial or free) or script I can use to compare the base database against this updated database to confirm there schema information is the same.


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SQL Server 2005 Schemas

Dec 10, 2007

Is there a way to create a table in SQL Server Management Studio under a different schema? I've tried setting my default schema and adding a table, but that didn't work. I know I could do it with a SQL statement, but wanted to know if I could do it with the designer.

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Moving Views Between Schemas...

Mar 27, 2008

Is there an easy way to move a view from one schema to another?

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