How Can I Use Format As HH:MM:SS From Seconds Within The SQL Query

Nov 8, 2007

I have the following SQL query where i want thease to be populate to GridView, but the Duration field is in Second format, I want it would be in HH:MM:SS format.

cmd = "select subscriber_id as Subscriber_no,,amount,duration from MyTable" ;

Please help me how to format this within the Query to display in GridView.

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Why Query Takes 0 Seconds And Stored Procedure Takes 16 Seconds Sql Server 2000

Sep 21, 2007

I have a Stored Procedure that has a query in it and it take 0 second and then a stored procedure that takes 16 seconds. From what I can tell they shoul be the same.

It doesn't recompile when i run the stored procedure, I checked that.

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Convert Seconds To Hour And Minutes Format

Feb 15, 2008

I have a column of data that is the number of seconds. I need to format this column into the HH:MMS format. If there are 130 seconds the second column should read 00:02:10. How can I accomplish this in report builder or is it even possible in Report builder? I can use the following formula in SQL but is there a way to do it in Report Builder?

CONVERT(varchar(6), talktime / 3600) + ':' + RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(varchar(2),

talktime % 3600 / 60), 2) + ':' + RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(varchar(2), talktime % 60), 2)


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Format Expressions(converting Seconds To Minutes)

Mar 20, 2007

can any one tell me how to change seconds to minutes by using if condition in rss...

for example i have value of seconds=50, minutes should come like this 50/60=0.833333.... i got the answer ... but the problem is how to roundoff or truncate the minutes to 0.83 or 0.84 from 0.8333333...

Thanks in anticipation


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SQL Function To Display A Seconds Counter In Datetime Format

Aug 28, 2007

I'm querying a database table that creates a time stamp in seconds only. I have a starting time of
1099725928 = 11/6/2004 12:25:28 AM. So that if another entry is made 1 second later the time stamp value entered into the table is 1099725929. The front end application does the converstion from the seconds counter to the datetime format. The query I am writing calls information from this table for a different application that does not have the conversion capability. If I know the starting point (I don't want to create a conversion table) which is 1099725928 = 11/6/2004 12:25:28 AM, is it possible to write into my query script a function to convert the seconds value to the correct datetime format? It would need to accurately account for leapyear and even/odd months.

Select Case_ID_, Region, Assigned_To_Group_, Assigned_To_Individual_,
Status, Priority, Category, Type, Item, Affiliate, Hours_to_resolve, Resolved_Time, Assign_Time, Create_Time
From HPD_HelpDesk
Where Region = 'Central Valley'
and Assigned_To_Group_ = 'CVSA Desktop Support'
and Status In (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
and Priority In (0, 1, 2, 3)

Order by Case_ID_ Desc************************************************************************************************

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Custom Code/function To Format Seconds To Hh:mm:ss With Ability To Go Over 24 Hours

Aug 4, 2007


I am trying to get this to work - but it only returns minutes & seconds:

Function Seconds2mmss(ByVal seconds As Integer) As String
Dim ss As Integer = seconds Mod 60
Dim mm As Integer = (seconds - ss) / 60
Seconds2mmss = String.Format("{0:0}:{1:00}", mm, ss)
End Function

Can anyone help me out? I am not that familiar with VB.


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Convert Seconds To Hours:minutes:seconds

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all.If I've got a query which has a field with seconds in it... how will I usethe Convert function to get my field converted to the format: HH:MM:SS ?The field with the seconds in is called: "Diff"Thanks alotRudi

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Help.. Simple Query Took 20+ Seconds

Mar 26, 2004

Hi all,

can someone give me some advise on how to troubleshoot this.... thanks.

Here is the situation:

We have a server running nicely for the past 1 years. And just yesterday, things started to acting very slow.
A simple query that will return one row:

"select * from product where itemno = 1234 and visible =1"

will take 20 second sometime 30! The weird thing is.. it only happens intermittently. The table also only contain 4000 rows. so its not even a big table. I am not sure if this is caused by lack of memory or what (256mb ram, p4 1ghz on this server).

The system cpu usage % avg around 3-8%. but when that weird behavior started. All the other queries will wait for it to finished and then burst the cpu usage up to 100%. Afterward, it will level off and then the cycle repeat again.

I'm just hoping if anyone can give me a few pointers as of where to troubleshoot. I've tried rebuild the index on that table but it didn't help. This weird behavior not only happen on this particular table, but also on different db within the same server. (note: they are small dbs only)

p.s. here is the site that is running on this db, you'll see this weird delay after a few click on the pages.

Thanks you for your time,

forgot to mentioned, the sql server is 7.0

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Grouping A Query In 30 Seconds

Apr 13, 2006


How can I make a query and group the registries in a interval of 30

for each line I have a datetime field that have all the day, and I need it to return just like

TIME Contador_type1 Contador_type2 Total

01-01-2006 00:00:30.000 2 5 7

01-01-2006 00:01:00.000 3 7 10

It's just an example...but that's the result that I need and my table is

data_hora -- datetime field

tipo - 1 or 2 -- count

nrtelefone - that's is the number dialed.


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Slow Query; Timeout After 30 Seconds

Aug 17, 2004

Hello there,

I am programming with visual basic and I have a large query wich takes too long for execution. After 30 seconds I get a timeout error.

Is there any way to raise the timeout to 90 seconds or something.

I'm using the following connection string to connect to the database.

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Connect Timeout=2;Password=****;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=user;Initial Catalog=test;Data Source=sqlserver

thank you

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Update Query Taking 23 Seconds

Jan 26, 2007

I am not sure if I am in the correct location or if I should be in the SQL forum but here is my question:

I have an update statement that goes out through SQL 2000 through a local linked server to another SQL 2000 server on my machine. When I run the update in Query Analyzer it takes less than a second. When I run it in my C# code using the SqlCommand object and parameters it takes me ~23 seconds. If I remove one of the parameters it goes down to ~15 milliseconds. Has anyone heard of this happening?

The parameter that I remove is a simple char(10) column that isn't the primary key and is used in the WHERE statement. There isn't an index on the field.

23 Seconds
Update table Set column = @val WHERE field = @field AND other = @other
15 milliseconds
Update table Set column = @val WHERE field = 'values' AND other = @other

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Help Me Diagnose This SQL Timeout (runs 40 Seconds In ASP.NET, &<1 Second In Query Analyzer)

Mar 8, 2007

This is in ASP.NET 1.1.  I have a performance problem with a webform.  The form contains several bound fields and a couple datagrids.  I fill the grids by creating a data adapter, then I use the adapter to fill a dataset, then I set the grid datasource to the dataset.
The query to fill one of the grids is getting a SQL timeout when running from my application (it takes about 40 seconds to complete).  When I run the same SQL code from SQL Query Analyzer it runs in less than 1 second.  (it is embedded sql in the app, not a stored procedure).
I suspect that something else is being requested from SQL during the postback that is causing a blocking issue or something but I can't tell exactly what is happening.  I've tried tracing through the code and all that I can tell is that the timeout occurs during the dataadapter.fill command.
Has anyone else seen something similar?  Is there a good way for me to see what SQL commands are being executed from ASP.NET?  Any advice on debugging this would be much appreciated.

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Transact SQL :: How To Get Difference To Two Datatime In Seconds Using Logparser Query

Sep 23, 2015

In sql we have a built in function

DATEDIFF(second, startdate, enddate)

How can we achieve the same using Log parser query for date time in format (2015-09-22 10:25:30.5220)


startdate = 2015-09-22 10:25:30.5220.
Enddate = 2015-09-22 10:26:30.5220

After DateDiff I need to get 6 seconds.

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Transact SQL :: How To Run Query In BAT File In Task Scheduler At Every 10 Seconds

Mar 4, 2015

This is my sql script :

DECLARE @countRows INT,
@currDate DATE,
@checkForTasks INT,
@created_by_id INT,
@gst_ID int;
SET @currDate = Getdate()

This is resided in videos folder of windows , i have created a task schedular in windows 8.1 to run daily at every 10 seconds , but it is not working ...

This sql query is running perfectly in sql server. Query have no errors.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Query Causing Blocking / Locks Table For 1000 Seconds?

Feb 11, 2015

I have a sql snippet from a 3rd party application that will not complete its transaction. The SELECT statement executes but does not finish. Instead the statement just sits in AWAITING COMMAND for 1000 seconds then dies, thus killing the UPDATE statement that is supposed to follow.

The CROSS JOIN and CROSS APPLY seem suspect.

@p1 INT,
@p2 INT,
@p3 NVARCHAR(4000),
@p4 INT,


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Can’t Understand The Query Execution Interval, For Every One Criteria It Takes Extra 60 Seconds. Help Please?,

Aug 17, 2006

Can€™t understand the Query execution interval, for every one criteria it takes extra 60 seconds. Help please?,  

Query A



AND'20060817') AND sd='20060817'



The above query take 2 seconds to return result

Query B



AND'20060817') AND sd='20060817' AND STOCKNAME like 'A%' ORDER BY D_CUM desc

This query same as above but " AND STOCKNAME like 'A%'" Criteria only added but it takes 01 minute 43 seconds to return result. why it is like that where i need to adjust the query i have no idea. please help

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Please Help Me To Optimize This Sql Query, It Takes 28 Seconds To Return Result. Please Give Me A Tips Where I Went Wrong?

Aug 21, 2006

AND T2.L_CUM < '1900'
AND CMDS.sector >='1'
AND CMDS.sector <='47')
CMDS.SERIAL=CMD7.SERIAL AND'20060821' AND'20060821' AND'20060821' AND
T1.L_CUM < '1900' AND
CMDS.sector >='1' AND
CMDS.sector <='47' ORDER BY T1.D_CUM desc)

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Help: Why Excute A Stored Procedure Need To More 30 Seconds, But Direct Excute The Query Of This Procedure In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Under 1 Second

May 23, 2007

Hello to all,
I have a stored procedure. If i give this command exce ShortestPath 3418, '4125', 5 in a script and excute it. It takes more 30 seconds time to be excuted.
but i excute it with the same parameters  direct in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio , It takes only under 1 second time
I don't know why?
Maybe can somebody help me?
thanks in million
best Regards
My Procedure Codes are here:set ANSI_NULLS ON
-- =============================================
-- Author: <Author,,Name>
-- Create date: <Create Date,,>
-- Description: <Description,,>
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ShortestPath] (@IDMember int, @IDOther varchar(1000),@Level int, @Path varchar(100) = null output )
if ( @Level = 1)
select @Path = convert(varchar(100),IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships
where wtcomValidRelationships.[IDMember]= @IDMember
and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',(select RelationshipIDs from wtcomValidRelationships where IDMember = @IDMember) ) > 0
if (@Level = 2)
select top 1 @Path = convert(varchar(100),A.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships as A, wtcomValidRelationships as B
where A.IDMember = @IDMember and charindex(convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember),A.RelationshipIDS) > 0
and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',B.RelationshipIDs) > 0
if (@Level = 3)
select top 1 @Path = convert(varchar(100),A.IDMember)+ '-'+convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships as A, wtcomValidRelationships as B, wtcomValidRelationships as C
where A.IDMember = @IDMember and charindex(convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember),A.RelationshipIDS) > 0
and charindex(convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember),B.RelationshipIDs) > 0 and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',C.RelationshipIDs) > 0
if ( @Level = 4)
select top 1 @Path = convert(varchar(100),A.IDMember)+ '-'+convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),D.IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships as A, wtcomValidRelationships as B, wtcomValidRelationships as C, wtcomValidRelationships as D
where A.IDMember = @IDMember and charindex(convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember),A.RelationshipIDS) > 0
and charindex(convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember),B.RelationshipIDs) > 0 and charindex(convert(varchar(100),D.IDMember), C.RelationshipIDs) > 0
and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',D.RelationshipIDs) > 0
if (@Level = 5)
select top 1 @Path = convert(varchar(100),A.IDMember)+ '-'+convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),D.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),E.IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships as A, wtcomValidRelationships as B, wtcomValidRelationships as C, wtcomValidRelationships as D, wtcomValidRelationships as E
where A.IDMember = @IDMember and charindex(convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember),A.RelationshipIDS) > 0
and charindex(convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember),B.RelationshipIDs) > 0 and charindex(convert(varchar(100),D.IDMember), C.RelationshipIDs) > 0
and charindex(convert(varchar(100),E.IDMember),D.RelationshipIDs) > 0 and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',E.RelationshipIDs) > 0
if (@Level = 6)
select top 1 @Path = '' from wtcomValidRelationships

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Way To Format Query

Oct 22, 2013

I have to fetch some rows within a Crystal report. I need to select

from Orderhist a where
order# a = order# cr
and trncde is in 'pwb' 'pdb' 'pbb'

but i need then that trncde as a report field. also the order# cr is a formula field because its a subscript embedded 8 char within a 24 char. this is already available to the cr but can u do the where = on a formula field?

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Query Criteria Format

Feb 9, 2004

I have a text box that is used to submit stock symbols that are to be saved in a sql table. The symbols are to be separated by a space or a comma (I don't know which, yet). I want to retrieve the symbols later to be used in a query, but I don't know how to get the symbols in the proper string format for the query, eg

The symbols are stored in the tables as: A B C D
The query string criteria would look like: IN('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')

The IN('A', 'B', 'C', 'D') citeria would be the values in the @Symbol variable in this SPROC

SELECT a_Name_Symbol.Symbol, a_Financials.Revenue
FROM a_Financials INNER JOIN
a_Name_Symbol ON a_Financials.Symbol = a_Name_Symbol.Symbol
WHERE (a_Name_Symbol.Symbol @Symbol)
ORDER BY a_Name_Symbol.Symbol

Is there a slick (ie easy) way to change the contents entered in the text box (A B C D) into IN('A', 'B', 'C', 'D') ?



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Query Regarding Date Format

Jul 20, 2005

select last_name,hire_date,to_char(hire_date,'DAY') DAYfrom employeesorder by to_char(hire_date-1,'d')i wanted to know how the function to_char(hire_date-1,'d') works...its basically a query used to find the day on which a employee washired ,also it requires that the query be sorted by the day of theweek on which the employee was'll be helpful is someone replies to this

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Query Format Date

Sep 10, 2007

I wrote query to get date from database SQL 2000 server. Sometime I get different date format not MMDDYYYY but number as Julian calendar?? Do you know what wrong with this? How can I wrote SQL so that all date will be MMDDYYYY?

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View The SQL Query Out-put In Horizontal Format.

Jan 10, 2005

I have the following SQL query that I like to view the out put in horizontal format:

Select ID, First_name, Last_name from ABC

Instead of getting out-put like

Id First_name Last_name
1Jim Smith
2Tom Jones

I like to see the out-put like:

Id1 2

Please advice.

Thanks in advance,


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Convert Smalldatetime To Mmm Yy Format In Query

Jan 7, 2004

I am trying to write a simple query that retrieves the data field from a table (stored in the smalldatetime format) and converts the date to mmm yy format. The closest I can get is retrieving the date in the dd mmm yy format using the query below.

select convert(varchar(10),DATA_DATE,06) As DATA_DATE

If there an easy way to parse out the information I want? I also attempted to use the SUBSTR functions, but they always returned error messages.

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SQL Vs Access Date Query Format

Mar 7, 2004

I am new to SQL server, and am learning as I move an Access db to MSDE2000A. With Access db I run several different queries from a VB6 application in the basic format:

SELECT testdb.*
FROM testdb
WHERE testdb.datefield = #1/01/2004#

When working with the MDSE version of the db, problem is with the "#" delimiter of dates. MSDE is giving a bad query error. If I change the format to: datefield = '1/01/2004' , the query works on MSDE

However, using SQL builder in VB Design Environment I can run the query in either format and get a result.

Any suggests what I am missing? Thanks.

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Sql Query To Get A Desired Format Of Display

May 23, 2008

Hi Guys,

Below is example of the current structure of table1 I have at run time:

GroupName Resourcename Week1 Week2 ..cont.. dynamically

Associates A1 0 80 ......
Assocaites A2 20 40 ......
Associates A3 50 100 ......
Principal P1 20 100 ......
Principal P2 0 0 ......
Principal P3 0 100 ......
I want to change the above to something like below table2:
GroupName Status Week1 Week2 ....cont

Associates Assigned 2 3
Associates NotAssigned 1 0
Principal Assigned 1 1
Principal NotAssigned 2 1

I will try to explain how I am deriving table2 from table1. I have to count the number of Resource name against each Groupname for a particular week column(Weeki i 1 to n dynamic) where value of Week column is 0, then use this numbber against NotAssigned and the complementary number to be stored as Assigned.

The table formaating is lost in HTML view but just consider any gaps between fields as next column value.

Am I clear in what i am asking , if not please ask me.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

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Changing The Format For A SQL Server Query

Apr 3, 2006


I have to generate a daily report of survey answers by users? My question is there a way to reformat the query so it generates a table or report with it showing the rows as columns instead.

Here is my initial query.


dbo.Reporting_SurveyAnswers.DateCreated AS DateCreated

,dbo.Reporting_SurveyAnswers.questionid AS QuestionID

,dbo.Reporting_SurveyAnswers.surveyid AS SurveyID

,dbo.Reporting_SurveyQuestions.ordernumber AS OrderNumber

,dbo.Reporting_SurveyAnswers.userid AS UserID

,dbo.Reporting_User.LastName1 AS LastName

,dbo.Reporting_User.FirstName AS FirstName

,dbo.Reporting_SurveyQuestions.QuestionText AS QuestionText

,dbo.Reporting_SurveyAnswers.QuestionAnswer AS QuestionAnswer



INNER JOIN dbo.Reporting_SurveyQuestions

ON dbo.Reporting_Surveys.surveyid = dbo.Reporting_SurveyQuestions.surveyid

INNER JOIN dbo.Reporting_SurveyAnswers

ON dbo.Reporting_SurveyQuestions.QuestionID = dbo.Reporting_SurveyAnswers.QuestionID

INNER JOIN dbo.uvwReporting_User

ON dbo.Reporting_SurveyAnswers.userid = dbo.uvReporting_User.userid


dbo.uvReporting_SurveyAnswers.surveyid = 1125

Order by dbo.Reporting_SurveyAnswers.DateCreated



dbo.Reporting_SurveyQuestions.ordernumber AS OrderNumber

, dbo dbo.Reporting_SurveyQuestions.QuestionText AS QuestionText

To complicate matters, some of the users did not answer some of the questions and some of the questions are duplicated in the rows because the database assigned them one answer each.

Example. Question 18 says "Name all the industries you have worked in. Check all that apply.

What happens is lets say the user checks 4 different boxes. In the query results, it will show 4 rows with question 18 with each answer they checked off.

Any help would be appreciated.


The Accidental Tourist

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Data Format Consistency Or Query?

Oct 2, 2006


I have a table that stores the period and year as two seperate fields the problem that i have is that when the data is entered in the data base the period is sometime entered as 6 or 06, hence i have a table thaat looks like as follows:

Period Year
====== ====
6 2006
06 2005
12 2006
3 2005
2 2005
4 2005
04 2005
03 2005

when i currently query the information using the period i use the LIKE command in SQL which gives me the results but the problem is when the like is done with 2 as the period value it also retrieves the 12, 02, and 2, in that case the period 12 was not that was requested.

I was wondering is there a way to reformat the data so that all the data is in a consistent format?

Or is there a better way of quering the information in the current format?

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SQL Server Date Format Query

Aug 16, 2007

Dear All,

I'm having a query problem regarding to the date format. From a table, there's a record of patients' birthdate.

In order to identify their age, how should i perform the query?

Select * from patient where BirthDate.Year < 1950

I've tried the above query where i want to extract patients' records who born before 1950, however, it generates error. Can somebody help?

M i K e

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Query Analyzer Vs Isqlw Different Format

Jul 23, 2005

HelloI have a SQL 2000 server, the server setting is default language :French and all Collation names in FrenchIf i launch the 'Query Analyzer' from the SQL Entreprise Manager on mydatabase, and run a T-SQL my dates are in English.If i do a : DBCC USEROPTIONS, my results arelanguageus_englishdateformatmdyNow if i launch 'Query Analyzer' from the startup menu, my date formatis ok in French, if i do DBCC USEROPTIONS, results are:languageFrançaisdateformatdmyIn the Query Analyzer i checked the option in Tools>Options>Connections(Use regional settings is unchecked) and they are the same in both case.How can i resolve my problem ?Thanks

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How Can I Format The Date In The SQL Table Using A SQL Query

Aug 23, 2006


I have a SQL table that contains date in this format :-

2006-07-02 16:20:01.000
2006-07-02 16:21:00.000
2006-07-02 16:21:01.000
2006-07-02 16:22:00.000
2006-07-02 16:22:02.000
2006-07-02 16:23:00.000

The date above contains seconds that I dont want, how can I remove those seconds so that the output looks like :-

2006-07-02 16:20:00.000
2006-07-02 16:21:00.000
2006-07-02 16:21:00.000
2006-07-02 16:22:00.000
2006-07-02 16:22:00.000
2006-07-02 16:23:00.000

Your help will be highly appreciated.

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Changing The Number Format In SQL Query

Jan 30, 2008


I have query

SELECT col1, a.Inv_Amount as Amount
FROM SPS_Oustandings a

I can get the result values for example as 12345.67 as result, but i need it in german format with , used as decimal point and . as thousand seperator

i need output as 12.345,67
My DataGrid (ASP.NET) is directly bound to SP which have this query, i want to show amount in above format in grid.

Please Help,

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Preserve SQL Format In Query Editor?

Dec 11, 2007

Not exactly a TSQL question. Query Editor in Management Studio keeps reformatting my sql code every time I hit save, making the code much harder to read. Is there a way to preserve line breaks and indentation in the SQL when creating a view? Thanks.

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