How Come I Can Connect To A Database Through A Datasource Control, But Not Code?

Apr 11, 2006

Hi I am trying to open a database connection to a Northwind database.  I can open it with a datasource control and return data to a gridview, but can't programically.  I get a sqlexception error.  this is ust for learning.

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim S As New SqlConnection
        Dim builder As New SqlConnectionStringBuilder

        builder("Data Source") = ".SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:SQLNORTHWND.MDF"
        builder("Integrated Security") = True
        builder("Connect Timeout") = 30
        builder("User Instance") = True

        S.ConnectionString = builder.ConnectionString

        Me.Label1.Text = S.ConnectionString

        Me.Label2.Text = S.State.ToString
        Me.Label3.Text = Me.SqlDataSource1.ConnectionString.ToString

    End Sub

 The text in label2 and Label three are identical except there are "" around the datasource.

How come I can connect through the datasource control but not through code?

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Can't Connect DataSource In VWD To Hosted Database

Mar 7, 2008

I've tried everything. The CreateUserWizard works fine, but then, I didn't have to connect anything for that. I've tried both SQLServer and MySQL. Connection Strings are correct, everything is correct as far as I can see. I've followed every step many many times. I'm about to go back to the old style and use VB6, because this is just stupid. The error I get is "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)" If anyone could help me out with this I'd really appreciate it.

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Can't Access The Datasource Control

May 21, 2006

When I put a sqldatasource in my page and want to configure it and add a new connection to it I recieve this error : "object reference not set to an instance of an object" . Do you have any idea about solving this problem. please help me Thanks

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Need Sample Code In C# To Connect To Sql Database

Apr 8, 2004

i learn by practice and i would like an asp code using c# that connects to sql database can retrives information from a table.
can you please copy paste me some code or give me exact link a?

thank you

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Help Assigning A Datasource To The Gmap Control In C#

Sep 18, 2007

I'm trying to assign a datasource to a gmap control in 2.0 so that i can get pushpins in the map for all the locations in the sql db. I've enclosed my code below as well as a link to the site that provides the control and their sample. Can anyone tell me why it won't show the pins? What am I doing wrong?
 My Code (sqllocations is a datasource):
GMap1.DataSource = sqllocations;
Their site:
Their example (part of their explanation is not english, sorry):
 List<DataSourceField> fields = new List<DataSourceField>(); fields.Add(new DataSourceField(45, 2, "hola"));fields.Add(new DataSourceField(46, 3));// Lo comentamos porque al utilizar la clase DataSourceField, // pero si fuera un dataset o cualquier otra cosa, // le deberíamos dar los nombres correspondientes// GMap1.DataLatField = "lat";// GMap1.DataLngField = "lng";// GMap1.DataGInfoWindowTextField = "gInfoWindowText";GMap1.DataSource = fields;GMap1.DataBind();  

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Error Trapping Of Datasource Control

Oct 1, 2007

I encountered an interesting situation. I have a gridview and a sqldatasource. It has delete function. When I delete a record an error of foreign key violation is raised. I would like to trap this error and give a user friendly message to the user.
If I use ADO.Net I can use Try/Catch, but it seems there is no way to do the same thing using datasource. Anyone knows?
Thank you,

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Dirty Read With DataSource Control

Nov 19, 2007

Hi all,
Can anyone tell me how I can do a "Dirty Read" on a SqlDataSource Control? I'm affraid that the record locks are causing problems on the live system.
It is connected to an infromix db using odbc. Thanks. 

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How To Check DataSource Control For Values

Jan 18, 2008

Hey all,
 I was wondering what the best method of checking on page_load if a datasource control is pulling back nothing from a database.  I want to display a message explaining that there is no data to be displayed.  How would I go about doing that?  I have tried searching google and whatnot but didn't find anything really helpful.
Here is the current code for the data source control.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|EventInsider.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient" SelectCommand="SELECT Events_Groups.GroupName, Events_Groups.GroupID FROM Events_GroupMembership INNER JOIN Events_Groups ON Events_GroupMembership.GroupID = Events_Groups.GroupID WHERE (Events_GroupMembership.UserID = @UserID)">
<asp:SessionParameter Name="UserID" SessionField="UserID" />
 But I have no idea what the code behind would be to check it on page_load.  If there is no way to particularly do this, do you have to do it per control?  Like dropdownbox's or gridviews?  I am just confused on how to check to make sure there is data to be displayed.

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Does Anybody Know Where I Can Learn How To Add, Update, Delete Using SQL Datasource Control?

Mar 24, 2008

does anybody know where I can learn how to add, update, delete using SQL datasource control?  I have a couple of books that shows me how to SELECT but nothing shows me how to update, add new record or delete with the SQL data source control. Even this website doesn't have any tutorial. Does any body know where I can read up on how to use all features of this control? Or where that have a couple of examples on how to use it? 

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SqlDataSource Insert, Update Delete Options Are Dimmed In Configure DataSource Control

Mar 23, 2008

I can select the tables and fields, but when I click on Advanced the Check Box to Create the Commands is not available. they are dimmed out.
Why is this happening, is it a setting that I have missed. Any help is appreciated.

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Accessing ASP Datasource Results Through VB Code

Nov 20, 2007

I have the following datasource...
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ***%>"
ProviderName="<%$ ***%>" SelectCommand='SELECT "var1", "var2", "var3" FROM "tbl1"'>
Would it be possible to use VB code to read the reasults from this datasource? (There are conditions that restrict me from running the query itself through VB code.)
 As always, any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Rdlc Code Based DataSource?

Oct 24, 2007

Hi All,
Can I create a code based ( datasource for a report? I am using VS studio and really do not like the GUI based datasets/tables. They are a big hassle to manipulate. It is much easier to create them in code. But how do I make the dataset "visible" to the report.

The reports in VS studio seem very limited, they do not seem allow much programming?


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Use Shared Datasource In Embedded Report Code

May 31, 2007


I was wondering if there's a way to connect to a shared datasource in the Code section of a report's properties. I want to connect using my shared datasource as defined in my solution and query it to return a value based on user input for a function I need to put there.



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[Express 2005] Unable To Connect To Datasource

Aug 21, 2006

I've never used SQL Server before. I installed VB 2005 Express (I've been working with VB since I was 16), and SQL Server 2005 Express.

I installed the server with all the default settings and created a small database to handle customer information (a remake of some Access and Oracle databases I've made before).

I'm told, however, each time I try to connect to the database via VB, that SQL Server isn't accepting remote connections...

Remote? It's on a local computer. So is VB...what is going on here? Is there a setting I've missed?

Warren Ayen

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Connect To .DataSource=.... Using Authetication (userid &&amp; Passphrase)!

Nov 9, 2006


My school is runnnig SQL Server 2005 and i want to connect to it using authetication (userid & passphrase). As i coded the windows application i used localhost as my own computer and IntegratedSecurity shown below. I'm new in C# and SQL. I would appriciate if someone could help me out.

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Text;

namespace Personregister
class DBManager
SqlConnection conn;
SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder;

public DBManager()
builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
builder.InitialCatalog = "Personregister";
builder.IntegratedSecurity = true;
conn = new SqlConnection(builder.ToString());

// more code fallows ......

Best Regards,

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2005 Reporting Srv Cannot Connect To Oracle Datasource On Web Server

Nov 18, 2006

created an Oracle datasource (tried both ole db & oracle client) in Visual Studio 2005 report project - works fine connecting and preview of report within ide , deployed to Reporting Services web server, received the following error when attempting to run the report on web server:

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Cannot create a connection to data source 'oracle'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)
System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.

web server has oracle client 9i client installed and connecting to db ok through sql plus (this server also is loaded with VS2005 and the SqlServer2005 db)

any thoughts or direction greatly appreciated

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SQL Code Control

Nov 3, 2005

Is anybody aware of how I can audit redundant Stored Procedures [SP] out of a large application. I only have the SQL-Server (no Sourcesafe/CVS). I need to know when an SP was last accessed. There are over seven hundered SPs.

Any help appreciated


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SQL 2012 :: Delete Encrypted Key In SSRS But Now Report Cannot Connect To Datasource

Dec 10, 2014

I decided to delete the encryption key.After that when I go to the reporting page, the report cannot connect to the datasource.

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)

Cannot create a connection to data source 'xxxxx'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)

For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

What do I suppose to do?

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User Control And Code Behind

Jan 18, 2006

I am working with Telerik's new rad grid that is helping us speed up our development process. I also have a VB code behind page for the aspx form that does my sql database connection and statements. From the aspx form I also have a user control. The user control allows me to format my edit area within the rad grid in html and which allows me full control. This user control is an ascx page referenced in my aspx form. I know this is getting confusing so let me get to the point. My control page has an button with CommandName="Update". The vb codebehind for this page looks like:
Imports SystemImports System.DataImports System.CollectionsImports System.Web.UIImports System.Data.SqlClientImports Telerik.QuickStartImports Telerik.WebControlsPartial Class UserDetailsInherits System.Web.UI.UserControlSub Btn_Update(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.ClickDim MySqlConnection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=")Dim UserAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM WebUsers", MySqlConnection)Dim UserDT As DataTable = New DataTable()UserAdapter.UpdateCommand = New SqlCommand("UPDATE [Users] SET [UserName] = @OldUserName, [Comments] = @OldComments WHERE [UserID] = @OldUserID", MySqlConnection)UserAdapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserID", SqlDbType.Int, 5, "UserID")UserAdapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@OldUserName", SqlDbType.Char, 5, "UserName")UserAdapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@OldComments", SqlDbType.Char, 5, "Comments")UserAdapter.Fill(UserDT)MySqlConnection.Close()TryMySqlConnection.Open()UserAdapter.Update(UserDT)Catch ex As ExceptionFinallyMySqlConnection.Close()End TryEnd SubEnd Class
The line of code for the button is:
<asp:button id="btnUpdate" text="Update" runat="server" CommandName="Update" OnClick="Btn_Update"></asp:button>
I know there is some simple logic error I have. The page isn't erroring, and there doesn't look like a problem but we aren't able to update the database. I know the button click event gets to the code because we plugged a msg box in there and it appeared, twice I might add, which i don't know about either. Can anyone help us make this darn thing update??? What logic are we missing?

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Version Control For SQL Code

Jul 20, 2005

We've been using CVS for our HTML, JAVA etc..Now we would like to use it for our SQL CODE to. We have a largedatabase with many stored procedures.I would like to have something using Ant like:Download the latest version of source code.If the SQL patch has been updated, run the patch to update theDatabase.I don't know how to deal with the SQL patch files. Do I update thesame file(over writing the anything from the previous patch, or justwrite new files for each version?)I am sure someone has done something like this.What are the best practices for doing this? Could someone pleaseoutline thier setup for SQL version control?

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SP Source Code Control In MSSQL 7.0...

Sep 7, 2000

We use a lot of stored procedures within our project and I am looking for a source code/versioning control software that can be used with SQL Server 7.0 to track any changes to these stored procedures. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,
Darrin Wilkinson

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Source Control / Code Deployment

Jan 3, 2008

Look for recommendations for the best product out there to facilitate both source control and code deployment. Typical features I would be looking for are bullet below:

Control object versions
Automated feature
Capture database changes
Roll-back feature (should such a thing exist)


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Source Code Control And SQL Server Express??

Apr 18, 2006


I was wondering if anybody could advise on source code control for SQL Server express, for the table schema and stored procedures?

I currently use Sourcesafe V6 to work with visual studio 6 and 2003 (although it isn't integrated in 2003), and wondered if that can be used?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as I see this as a disaster waiting to happen!

Thanks in advance.


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Error While Connect To SQL Server Using ADO Control

Jun 22, 2006

The following error happens in my ASP.NET page from time to time. It will disappear after I restart the SQL Server. I guess I messed up in the garbage collection, but I really don't know what to do except using "conn=nothing" statement, can anyone help me with this?
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.Source Error:

Line 39: Public Sub New()
Line 40: conn = New ADODB.Connection
Line 41: conn.Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=xxxxx;User ID=xxxxx;Initial Catalog=xxxx;Data Source=xxx")
Line 42: rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Line 43: my_UserID = 0

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VB.NET Codebehind Code To Update SQL Server 2005 Using SQLDataSource Control?

Jul 20, 2007

Hi, I am a newbie in using ASP.NET 2.0 and ADO.NET.  I wrote a hangman game and want to record statistics at the end of each game.  I will create and update records in the database for each authenticated user as well as a record for the Anonymous, unauthenticated user.  After a win or loss has occurred, I want to programmatically use the SQLDataSource control to increment the statistics counters for the appropriate record in the database (note I don't want to show anything or get user input for this function).
I need a VB.NET codebehind example that will show me how I should set up the parameters and update the appropriate record in the database.  Below is my code.  What happens now is that the program chugs along happily (no errors), but the database record does not actually get updated.  I have done many searches on this forum and on the general Internet for programmatic examples of an update sequence of code.  If there is a tutorial for this online or a book, I'm happy to check it out.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
CODE - Hangman.aspx.vb
1        Protected Sub UpdateStats()2            Dim playeridString As String3            Dim gamesplayedInteger, gameswonInteger, _4                easygamesplayedInteger, easygameswonInteger, _5                mediumgamesplayedInteger, mediumgameswonInteger, _6                hardgamesplayedInteger, hardgameswonInteger As Int327    8            ' determine whether player is named or anonymous9            If User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then10               Profile.Item("hangmanplayeridString") = User.Identity.Name11           Else12               Profile.Item("hangmanplayeridString") = "Anonymous"13           End If14   15           playeridString = Profile.Item("hangmanplayeridString")16   17           ' look up record in stats database18           Dim hangmanstatsDataView As System.Data.DataView = CType(statsSqlDataSource.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), System.Data.DataView)19   20           gamesplayedInteger = 021           gameswonInteger = 022           easygamesplayedInteger = 023           easygameswonInteger = 024           mediumgamesplayedInteger = 025           mediumgameswonInteger = 026           hardgamesplayedInteger = 027           hardgameswonInteger = 028   29           If hangmanstatsDataView.Table.Rows.Count = 0 Then30   31               '   then create record with 0 values32               statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters.Clear() ' don't really know what Clear does33               statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("playerid").DefaultValue = playeridString34               statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("GamesPlayed").DefaultValue = gamesplayedInteger35               statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("GamesWon").DefaultValue = gameswonInteger36               statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("EasyGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = easygamesplayedInteger37               statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("EasyGamesWon").DefaultValue = easygameswonInteger38               statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("MediumGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = mediumgamesplayedInteger39               statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("MediumGamesWon").DefaultValue = mediumgameswonInteger40               statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("HardGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = hardgamesplayedInteger41               statsSqlDataSource.InsertParameters("HardGamesWon").DefaultValue = hardgameswonInteger42   43               statsSqlDataSource.Insert()44           End If45   46           ' reread the record to get current values47           hangmanstatsDataView = CType(statsSqlDataSource.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), System.Data.DataView)48           Dim hangmanstatsDataRow As System.Data.DataRow = hangmanstatsDataView.Table.Rows.Item(0)49   50           ' set temp variables to database values51           gamesplayedInteger = hangmanstatsDataRow("GamesPlayed")52           gameswonInteger = hangmanstatsDataRow("GamesWon")53           easygamesplayedInteger = hangmanstatsDataRow("EasyGamesPlayed")54           easygameswonInteger = hangmanstatsDataRow("EasyGamesWon")55           mediumgamesplayedInteger = hangmanstatsDataRow("MediumGamesPlayed")56           mediumgameswonInteger = hangmanstatsDataRow("MediumGamesWon")57           hardgamesplayedInteger = hangmanstatsDataRow("HardGamesPlayed")58           hardgameswonInteger = hangmanstatsDataRow("HardGamesWon")59   60           ' update stats record61           'statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters.Clear()62           'statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("playerid").DefaultValue = playeridString63   64           If Profile.Item("hangmanwinorloseString") = "win" Then65   66               statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("GamesPlayed").DefaultValue = gamesplayedInteger + 167               statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("GamesWon").DefaultValue = gameswonInteger + 168               Select Case Profile.Item("hangmandifficultyInteger")69                   Case 170                       statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("EasyGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = easygamesplayedInteger + 171                       statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("EasyGamesWon").DefaultValue = easygameswonInteger + 172                   Case 273                       statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("MediumGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = mediumgamesplayedInteger + 174                       statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("MediumGamesWon").DefaultValue = mediumgameswonInteger + 175                   Case 376                       statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("HardGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = hardgamesplayedInteger + 177                       statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("HardGamesWon").DefaultValue = hardgameswonInteger + 178               End Select79   80   81           ElseIf Profile.Item("hangmanwinorloseString") = "lose" Then82   83               statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("GamesPlayed").DefaultValue = gamesplayedInteger + 184               Select Case Profile.Item("hangmandifficultyInteger")85                   Case 186                       statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("EasyGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = easygamesplayedInteger + 187                   Case 288                       statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("MediumGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = mediumgamesplayedInteger + 189                   Case 390                       statsSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters("HardGamesPlayed").DefaultValue = hardgamesplayedInteger + 191               End Select92           End If93   94           statsSqlDataSource.Update()95   96       End Sub97  
CODE - Hangman.aspx 1 <asp:SqlDataSource ID="statsSqlDataSource" runat="server" ConflictDetection="overwritechanges"
2 ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:lambanConnectionString %>" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Hangman_Stats] WHERE [PlayerID] = @original_PlayerID AND [GamesPlayed] = @original_GamesPlayed AND [GamesWon] = @original_GamesWon AND [EasyGamesPlayed] = @original_EasyGamesPlayed AND [EasyGamesWon] = @original_EasyGamesWon AND [MediumGamesPlayed] = @original_MediumGamesPlayed AND [MediumGamesWon] = @original_MediumGamesWon AND [HardGamesPlayed] = @original_HardGamesPlayed AND [HardGamesWon] = @original_HardGamesWon"
3 InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Hangman_Stats] ([PlayerID], [GamesPlayed], [GamesWon], [EasyGamesPlayed], [EasyGamesWon], [MediumGamesPlayed], [MediumGamesWon], [HardGamesPlayed], [HardGamesWon]) VALUES (@PlayerID, @GamesPlayed, @GamesWon, @EasyGamesPlayed, @EasyGamesWon, @MediumGamesPlayed, @MediumGamesWon, @HardGamesPlayed, @HardGamesWon)"
4 OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectCommand="SELECT PlayerID, GamesPlayed, GamesWon, EasyGamesPlayed, EasyGamesWon, MediumGamesPlayed, MediumGamesWon, HardGamesPlayed, HardGamesWon FROM Hangman_Stats WHERE (PlayerID = @playerid)"
5 UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Hangman_Stats] SET [GamesPlayed] = @GamesPlayed, [GamesWon] = @GamesWon, [EasyGamesPlayed] = @EasyGamesPlayed, [EasyGamesWon] = @EasyGamesWon, [MediumGamesPlayed] = @MediumGamesPlayed, [MediumGamesWon] = @MediumGamesWon, [HardGamesPlayed] = @HardGamesPlayed, [HardGamesWon] = @HardGamesWon WHERE [PlayerID] = @original_PlayerID AND [GamesPlayed] = @original_GamesPlayed AND [GamesWon] = @original_GamesWon AND [EasyGamesPlayed] = @original_EasyGamesPlayed AND [EasyGamesWon] = @original_EasyGamesWon AND [MediumGamesPlayed] = @original_MediumGamesPlayed AND [MediumGamesWon] = @original_MediumGamesWon AND [HardGamesPlayed] = @original_HardGamesPlayed AND [HardGamesWon] = @original_HardGamesWon">
6 <DeleteParameters>
7 <asp:Parameter Name="original_PlayerID" Type="String" />
8 <asp:Parameter Name="original_GamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
9 <asp:Parameter Name="original_GamesWon" Type="Int32" />
10 <asp:Parameter Name="original_EasyGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
11 <asp:Parameter Name="original_EasyGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
12 <asp:Parameter Name="original_MediumGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
13 <asp:Parameter Name="original_MediumGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
14 <asp:Parameter Name="original_HardGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
15 <asp:Parameter Name="original_HardGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
16 </DeleteParameters>
17 <UpdateParameters>
18 <asp:Parameter Name="GamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
19 <asp:Parameter Name="GamesWon" Type="Int32" />
20 <asp:Parameter Name="EasyGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
21 <asp:Parameter Name="EasyGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
22 <asp:Parameter Name="MediumGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
23 <asp:Parameter Name="MediumGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
24 <asp:Parameter Name="HardGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
25 <asp:Parameter Name="HardGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
26 <asp:Parameter Name="original_PlayerID" Type="String" />
27 <asp:Parameter Name="original_GamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
28 <asp:Parameter Name="original_GamesWon" Type="Int32" />
29 <asp:Parameter Name="original_EasyGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
30 <asp:Parameter Name="original_EasyGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
31 <asp:Parameter Name="original_MediumGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
32 <asp:Parameter Name="original_MediumGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
33 <asp:Parameter Name="original_HardGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
34 <asp:Parameter Name="original_HardGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
35 </UpdateParameters>
36 <InsertParameters>
37 <asp:Parameter Name="PlayerID" Type="String" />
38 <asp:Parameter Name="GamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
39 <asp:Parameter Name="GamesWon" Type="Int32" />
40 <asp:Parameter Name="EasyGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
41 <asp:Parameter Name="EasyGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
42 <asp:Parameter Name="MediumGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
43 <asp:Parameter Name="MediumGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
44 <asp:Parameter Name="HardGamesPlayed" Type="Int32" />
45 <asp:Parameter Name="HardGamesWon" Type="Int32" />
46 </InsertParameters>
47 <SelectParameters>
48 <asp:ProfileParameter Name="playerid" PropertyName="hangmanplayeridString" />
49 </SelectParameters>
50 </asp:SqlDataSource>

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Can't Connect To Db Via Code, But Can From SQL Server.

Apr 10, 2004

Having an issue where I can connect to a remote SQL Database server via enterprise manager, however using the exact same db credentials, I can't connect via the .NET SqlConnection object...

Anyone have this error? Did you ever figure it out?

The error I get is: "SQL Server does not exist or access denied."

Again... I'm using the EXACT same user name, password, port number. I've setup an alias in Client Network Utility....

The SQL Server Enterprise is running on the exact same PC as the code I'm trying to execute.

Thanks for any help!

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Cannot Connect To MSDE From C# Code

Dec 23, 2004

Hello everybody and happy holidays to all.
I'm new to C#, and I appologize for this basic question.
I am trying to connect to an SQL database from a very short C# program, which I found on the Microsoft site, demonstrating this subject.
Here is my setup:
Windows 2000 Professional
dotNET Framework 1.1 with sp1 installed
MSDE 2000
Note: I do not own nor do I have Visual Studio.NET of any kind installed.

Now, here is what works:
osql -E -S localhostvsdotnet
And I can create and populate a database, which I called mydb.

Now, in my simple C# demo program I have this line

SqlConnection mycon = new SqlConnection("server=localhost;database=mydb;trusted_connection=true");

And the program compiles OK using "csc" command. But when I run it, I get this message:
Couldn't Open Connection to server=localhost;database=mydb;trusted_connection=true

Could anybody comment on what am I missing?

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Connect To SQL Server Code

Feb 26, 2006

I am new to I just installed MS Sql Server and Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.
Can any help with the code to connect to SQL server?

Thank you

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Connect To Sql Express 2005 Through Code

Feb 1, 2007

Hi All:

I'm new to using sql express 2005 as the database, so I apologize if my question is very basic.

I can connect to db through sql mngmt studio, but I don't know how to connect through application code. The authentication mode is windows. I'm having trouble with the provider in the application code.

Can someone please tell me where I can find more detailed information on available providers for sql express?

Thanks for any help, as I'm against a tight deadline.

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Need Help With SqlConnection To Connect Table To A Variable In C# Code Behind

Jan 1, 2008

I need to connect to a table in my database to get the contents there to put into a string variable in C# behind code.   I’m having trouble with writing the part with the SqlConnection.   I want to take the contents from a specific field in a specific record.  I think the SELECT command might look like:SELECT formulation FROM Current WHERE id = 1formulation,id are fields, Current is the tableThe string variable is defined by: string test="000000";My connectionStrings in the web.config:     <connectionStrings>        <add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"            providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />    </connectionStrings>
Thank you for your help.

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Any One Tell Me The Code To Connect To .sdf File In C# Windows Application?

Apr 10, 2008


Any one tell me the code to connect to .sdf file in c# windows application?And tell the requirments to conncet.My sdf file path is this

C:\Documents and Settings\koti\My Documents\Example.sdf

I write this code.It is not working

string str = "Provider=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.MOBILE.OLEDB.3.0;Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\koti\My Documents\Example.sdf;SSCE:Encrypt Database=True";
SqlCeConnection cn = new SqlCeConnection(str);

Ant one help me Plz...


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Coneverting Oledb Code To Connect To Remote Sqlserver

Sep 28, 2007

i have some oledb code made in c#(vs 2005) it is for local msaccess file. i want to conevert the code for sql server where connection string placed in web.config file seperately. please help is code private void buildGrid()
string conStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=";
conStr += Server.MapPath("~/common/db/demo.mdb");
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection dbCon = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(conStr);

string sql = "SELECT * FROM Posts ORDER BY LastPostDate DESC";
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter dbAdapter = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, dbCon);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Tables[0].TableName = "Inbox";

Grid1.DataSource = ds;

please healp me..

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Can't Connect To Local Report Server, Error Code....

Aug 2, 2007

Anyone know how to get around this?

TITLE: Connect to Server
Cannot connect to OES-XP1007.
Client found response content type of 'text/html; charset=utf-8', but expected 'text/xml'.
The request failed with the error message:
SQL Server Reporting Services
</title><meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 9.00.3054.00" />
<meta name="HTTP Status" content="500" />
<meta name="ProductLocaleID" content="9" />
<meta name="CountryLocaleID" content="1033" />
<meta name="StackTrace" content />
.ProductInfo {FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; FONT-WEIGHT:bold; FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR:gray}
A:hover {FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; COLORFF3300; TEXT-DECORATION:underline}
A:visited {FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; COLOR3366CC; TEXT-DECORATION:none}
A:visited:hover {FONT-SIZE: 8pt; FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; colorFF3300; TEXT-DECORATION:underline}
</head><body bgcolor="white">
Reporting Services Error<hr width="100%" size="1" color="silver" />
<li>An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError) <a href="" target="_blank">Get Online Help</a></li><ul>
<li>Could not find stored procedure 'GetOneConfigurationInfo'.</li>
</ul><hr width="100%" size="1" color="silver" /><span class="ProductInfo">SQL Server Reporting Services</span>
--. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)

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