How Do I Grant Execute/edit For A DTS Package?

Mar 3, 2008

Hi, I have created a DTS Package in SQL Server 2000, is there any way that a different user can edit and execute that DTS WITHOUT having server roles?


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Grant Execute On Sproc Doesn't Grant Privilege To Update?

Oct 31, 2014

I am writing a stored procedure which updates a table, but when I run the stored procedure using a login that I have granted execute privileges on, then I get a message that I cannot run an update on the table. This would happen in dynamic sql... while my SQL has parameter references, I don't think it is considered dynamic SQL?

CREATE PROCEDURE [schemaname].[SetUserCulture]
@UserID int
, @Culture nvarchar(10)
UPDATE dbo.SecUser
SET Culture = @Culture
WHERE UserID = @UserID

execute SQL:
EXEC schemaname.SetUserCulture @UserID = 9, @Culture = N'x'

The UPDATE permission was denied on the object 'SecUser', database 'DatabaseName', schema 'schemaname'.

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SQL Security :: How To Grant User Rights To Edit Job Description

Aug 27, 2015

What's best practice (security wise) in granting a user access right to edit say the description of a job.

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May 6, 2008


I want one of my database users to be able to grant execute to procedures, but I don't want the user to have sys admin rights.

Is this possible. Kind of a statement like the following:


Thanks in advance

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"Execute Any Procedure" Grant?

Feb 9, 2001

I am trying to set up a security system for my senior developers where they automatically can execute any procedure. It is in the System Administrator server role. Is there any way I can grant this role to their database role withour giving them complete System Adminstrator rights?

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How To Grant Execute On Xp_cmdshell??

Apr 2, 2002

Can anyone help me please.
Healp please.
Does anybody know how to make xp cmdshell runnable for users other than Admin. It should be possible to grant execute to others, but i can't figure out how.

This is what i found:

Be aware that when you grant execute permission for xp_cmdshell to users, the users will be able to execute any operating-system command at the Windows NT command shell that the account running SQL Server (typically local system) has privilege to execute.

To restrict xp_cmdshell access to users who have administrator permission on the Windows NT-based computer where SQL Server is running, use SQL Setup or SQL Enterprise Manager to set the server options, selecting the "xp_cmdshell - Impersonates Client" option. With this option selected, only users who have connected to SQL Server via a trusted connection and are members of the local Administrators group on that computer are allowed to use xp_cmdshell. The commands run by xp_cmdshell continue to execute in the server's security context.

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Grant Create - And Execute - Procedures

May 6, 2008

I am creating a login with a user in one database. The id has to
create procedures in the dbo schema, execute them, and grant execute on them to other users.
BOL says to
I did that. User can now create procedures, but cannot execute what he creates. And cannot grant execute on the sp to anybody.

I don't want to give this id a lot of priviledges.

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Grant Execute Permission In 2000

Dec 11, 2006

does anyone know how to do this, its :


for 2005 but for 2000?

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Script To Grant Execute For Sprocs

Aug 7, 2007


I'm using what looks to be a popular script to grant execute privileges to stored procedures, and it works great as long as the user account that you want to grant to is not a domain account.
For example, I need to grant execute to myDomaindbUsers, but get a syntax error when the script tries to execute this statement:


+ '].[' + @StoredProcedure

+ '] TO myDomaindbUsers'

Incorrect syntax near ''.

The script works fine if a non-concatenated user account is given.
We use Active Directory to manage our access, thus the domaingroup.
Has anyone found a way around this?
Thanks in advance.


Here's the entire script for anyone who's interested:

USE whateverDatabase


DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(4000),

@Owner sysname,

@StoredProcedure sysname,


-- Cursor of all the stored procedures in the current database



SELECT USER_NAME(uid) Owner, [name] StoredProcedure

FROM sysobjects

WHERE xtype = 'P'


AND name LIKE 'p%'

OPEN cursStoredProcedures

-- "Prime the pump" and get the first row

FETCH NEXT FROM cursStoredProcedures

INTO @Owner, @StoredProcedure

-- Set the return code to 0


-- Encapsulate the permissions assignment within a transaction


-- Cycle through the rows of the cursor

-- And grant permissions



-- Create the SQL Statement. Since we€™re giving

-- access to all stored procedures, we have to

-- use a two-part naming convention to get the owner.


+ '].[' + @StoredProcedure

+ '] TO myDomaindbUsers'

-- Execute the SQL statement

EXEC @RETURN = sp_executesql @SQL

-- Get the next row

FETCH NEXT FROM cursStoredProcedures

INTO @Owner, @StoredProcedure


-- Clean-up after the cursor

CLOSE cursStoredProcedures

DEALLOCATE cursStoredProcedures

-- Check to see if the WHILE loop exited with an error.

IF (@RETURN = 0)


-- Exited fine, commit the permissions





-- Exited with an error, rollback any changes


-- Report the error

SET @SQL = 'Error granting permission to ['

+ @Owner + '].[' + @StoredProcedure + ']'




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Grant Execute To Role But Permissions Dont Show Up

Apr 5, 2008

I have a stored procedure in which at the bottom of the code, im granting execute permissions to a role I have defined. However, when I view the permissions on the procedure, the role isnt there, what could I be missing ? The procedures were all created under the default or dbo schema. I could manually give the permissions to the role, but id rather have it scripted.

help ?

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Allow Several Users To Execute And Edit Agent Job

Feb 14, 2008

Is there a way that I can allow several users to read, edit (add/delete steps), and execute the same job? I've read that you cannot assign a windows group as the owner of a sql server agent job but hopefully there is a workaround.


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How To Grant Rights For The Anonymous IIS Web User IUSR_.. To Execute Scalar Function In Assembly

Jul 26, 2006

Dear all,

Basically I want to set chain up the rights so that the anonymous web user IUSR_ .. can execute the new .NET subs, functions etc in the assembly, just as the anonymous web user can execute Stored Procedures when granted. In this way, it should be possible to call the .NET assembly just as classic stored procedures from ASP/ASP.NET.

I have written a .NET function which I can successfully execute if I log on to the database as an administrator by sending this T-SQL query; it returns the result of a given string:

select dbo.CLRHTMLString('abc')

The scenario is now to try to grant access to this assembly for a different role (webuser), which the classic IUSR_MYSERVERNAME is a login of, so that I can call the .NET Assembly when I am authenticated as the anonymous web user (e.g. via ASP, etc.).

To test access, I created a login (webusertest) for a user (webusertest) in the same role (webuser) on the database. But when I use this login, which supposedly has the same rights as the IUSR_, execution right is denied:

EXECUTE permission denied on object 'CLRHTMLString', database 'adt_db', schema 'dbo'.

Note: The 'webuser' database role has Execute permission on the Assembly.

I have also tested this from my actual web page, with the following results:
(1) IUSR_MYSERVER member of db_owner role: Web page has right to call assembly.
(2) IUSR_MYSERVER not member of db_owner role: Web page does not have right to call assembly.

Further test results:
(3) Function can be called when making the user "webusertest" member of the "db_owner" role, which is too much rights to grant for the anonymous web user.

(4) When adding the user 'webusertest' to get 'Execute' permissions on the assembly, it does not get added. After clicking OK, there is no warning message, but when opening the Assembly Properties -> Permission dialog box the same time, the 'webusertest' user does not appear in the list.

Thankful for any advice on this matter.

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Cannot Edit My Dts Package (Urgent Please)

Mar 11, 2002

I created a dts package using my Windows NT authentication. One of my colleague edited that package last week and when I tried to open it now, it gives me an error message "The system cannot find the file specified". The package still has my NT id as the owner. Could anyone please let me know why is this happening ???
My colleague is still able to edit my package. My NT id and my colleague NT id both are setup as administrators on the sql server. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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How Can I Edit A SSIS Package

Feb 20, 2008

OK, I've figured out how to create and schedule my packages.
now I want to go back in and redefine some of the options.
How can I get at it so i can edit it.


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How Can I Edit SSIS Package From BI

Nov 28, 2007

I have a SSIS package, I export it as a dtsx package and open it with MS Business intelligence. I am not able to edit the package.

Please help.

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Looking For A Way To Refer To A Package Variable Within Any Transact-SQL Code Included In Execute SQL Or Execute T-SQL Task

Apr 19, 2007

I'm looking for a way to refer to a package variable within any
Transact-SQL code included in either an Execute SQL or Execute T-SQL
task. If this can be done, I need to know the technique to use -
whether it's something similar to a parameter placeholder question
mark or something else.

FYI - I've been able to successfully execute Transact-SQL statements
within the Execute SQL task, so I don't think the Execute T-SQL task
is even necessary for this purpose.

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SSIS Execute Package With Execute Out Of Process = True Causes ProductLevelToLow Error

Mar 6, 2008


I have a master package, which executes child packages that are located on a SQL Server. The Child packages execute other child packages which are also located on the SQL server.

Everything works fine when I execute in process. But when I set the parameter in the mater package ExecutePackageTask to ExecuteOutOfProcess = True, I get the following error

Error: 0xC00470FE at DFT Load Data, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW. The product level is insufficient for component "Row Count" (5349).

Error: 0xC00470FE at DFT Load Data, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW. The product level is insufficient for component "SCR Custom Split" (6399).

Error: 0xC00470FE at DFT Load Data, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW. The product level is insufficient for component "SCR Data Source" (5100).

Error: 0xC00470FE at DFT Load Data, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW. The product level is insufficient for component "DST_SCR Load Data" (6149).

The child packages all run fine when executed directly, and the master package runs fine if Execute Out of Process is False.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Making A DTS Package Edit Stick

May 23, 2006

This is probably a st00p1d n00b question, but here goes:

I have a DTS package that I got from someone else, but it needs to be edited. It was set as a local package, but when I double-click it in Enterprise Manager and edit it, then save and quit, I can go right back in and changes are gone, as if it was never edited.

Well, lo and behold, I got the bright idea to edit the package using Notepad, then bring the package back into Enterprise Manager. Now it says it can't do it because it's no longer a DTS Package. Fortunately, I have another unmodified copy, or I would have really thrown out the baby with the bathwater.

So my question is: What do I need to use to edit the package offline, then be able to bring it back into Enterprise Manager as a valid DTS Package?

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Integration Services :: How To Edit A Package

Apr 28, 2015

I found a problem in the SQL that's a part of a SSIS package written by a third party, which is in our SQL Server 2008 R2 database. I've discussed this with the third party person; she's given me the necessary changes to the SQL. But I don't know what to do next.We've got this package on a test database server. I've got SSIS open to Stored Packages and have drilled down to the necessary folders to find it. But beyond that I don't know what to do. I understand that BIDS is involved, but that's as far as my understand of it goes.

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How Do I Edit An Imported DTS Package In SSIS???

Mar 31, 2006

I have used the wizard to import a DTS package from a SQL 2000 server to our new SQL 2005 server and need to make edits to reference the new server and database. I am able to see the package within the SQL Management studio under Integration Services, but I cannot find it in the Development studio?

What am I missing?


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Can't Edit A Package Created With Wizard

Mar 12, 2008

I was working on a flat file import spec yesterday, using the import wizard, and I saved my work as a SSIS package. Today, if I connect to Integration Services through SQL Management Studio, I can see the package, but I can't edit it. I've tried to open the package using BIDS, but I can't find it on the server. Obviously it exists, but where?

How the heck can I edit this package? And, where is it? I don't understand why things are so much more difficult in 2005 vs. 2000.


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Best Way To Move Dtsx To A New Server And Be Able To Edit The Package

Aug 6, 2007

What is the best way to move a SSIS solution to a new server so that I can edit the solution when I have problems?


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Enterprise Manager Hangs When Trying To Edit DTS Package

May 22, 2008

We are on SQL Server 2000 SP2 version.
I have 3 DTS packages that are running successfully every day.
We need to change them as the source side tables are going to be changed pretty soon.
When I go into the designer view Enterprise Manager hangs when I do any of the following:

1. click on Properties for the transformation task
2. Click on Disconnected Edit
3. Click on Properties of connection 1(IBM DB2/400 Source), properties window pops up, now change the userid/pwd and click ok.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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SQL 2005 How Do You Edit A Package Stored In MSDB?

Mar 23, 2006

Which tool is used to maintain packages stored in the MSDB. Do you have to export them as file based to edit them?

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Can You Edit A SSIS Package Saved To The Server

Nov 16, 2006

Is it possible to open a package that is saved to a server??

The reason being is I develop on desktop but some of the development I cannot do due to access restrictions.... So I want to save the package to the server then do the final creation there...

Is this possible??

If so How??

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Edit Import-generated Package Without Visual Studio?

Apr 20, 2007

I created a package via the import wizard in SQL Server Management Studio. When I test-ran the package I realised it needed to be modified. How do I do this without using either Visual Studio, SSIS Designer or an XML editor, none of which is installed where the package was created? Ideally I want to hear that there's a way of redisplaying the package in the import wizard.

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GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[TblAreaCatmap] TO [admin] Prevent Grant From Being Automaticly Add To Each Column

Oct 15, 2007

GRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[TblAreaCatmap] TO [admin] prevent grant from being automaticly add to each column?

Is there a way when you issue a grant select to a table or a view to not also grant select for each column.

The problem is when you use the grant command it automaticly adds the grant command to each column. I want to grant the permission at the table level so when the table is scripted it only has a single grant command instead of a grant for the table and a grant for each column which is not needed.

The sql managemnt studion interface will allow you to do this but onlt by using the interface. If you issue the above command from a query window it also creates A GRANT FOR EVERY COLUMN. How can I stop this behavior.

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How To Grant Create View Access Without Grant Alter On Schema::

Aug 16, 2007

In SQL Server 2005 SP2 I want to grant the ability to create views to a user but in order to do this it requires that the users has the ability to grant alter on a schema.

Is there any way to grant this privilage without granting alter on schema also?

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Jul 21, 2015

Have a certificate and symmetric key that i have used the following to GRANT to logins. How can I find out which SQL logins have the GRANT CONTROL and GRANT VIEW DEFINTION?


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Integration Services :: Cannot Edit Package In Data Tools After Upgrade To Windows 10

Aug 24, 2015

I "upgraded" to Windows 10 (I was installing a new c: drive anyway).  I installed SQL Server & SSIS, Visual Studio 2012, SQL Server Data Tools 2012, etc. When I try to load up my project (.sln) in SQL Data Tools I get the following warnings/errors:

Warning 1
Warning loading DataImport.dtproj: Warning: Failed to decrypt an encrypted XML node. Verify that the project was created by the same user. Project load will attempt to continue without the encrypted information.

Warning 2
Warning loading DataImport.dtproj: Warning: Failed to decrypt sensitive data in project with a user key. You may not be the user who encrypted this project, or you are not using the same machine that was used to save the project. If the sensitive
data is a parameter value, the value may be required to run the package on the Integration Services server.

Error 3
Error loading ImportFiles.dtsx: The version number in the package is not valid. The version number cannot be greater than current version number.  

Error 4
Error loading ImportFiles.dtsx: Package migration from version 8 to version 6 failed with error 0xC001700A "The version number in the package is not valid. The version number cannot be greater than current version number.".  

Error 5
Error loading ImportFiles.dtsx: Error loading value "<DTS:Property xmlns:DTS="" DTS:Name="PackageFormatVersion">8</DTS:Property>" from node "DTS:Property".  

Error 6
Error loading 'ImportFiles.dtsx' : The package failed to load due to error 0xC0010014 "One or more error occurred. There should be more specific errors preceding this one that explains the details of the errors. This message is used as a return
value from functions that encounter errors.". This occurs when CPackage::LoadFromXML fails. 

As well as installing Windows 10, I had also renamed by computer.  I have tried renaming it back (I noticed some references to the computer name in the xml), but no difference.Have I installed the wrong versions of one of the software?  If so, how could I check which one I need to install (to match the VS project/dts package)?  

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Passing A Variable Value (Package Scope) To A DTS Package Embedded Into Execute DTS 2000 Task

Jul 19, 2007

Hi friends,

I have a for each loop that populates from a set of flat files into a Sql Server table, I run the Flat file Import via a dts package embedded into Execute DTS 2000 Task. I want to pass the Sourcefile Name that is fetched by the For Each Loop to assign it Global Variable in DTS. how this can be made ?


Subhash Subramanyam

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Passing Execute DTS Package Result (success/failure) To Calling SSIS Package

Mar 6, 2008

I have a SSIS job, one of the last steps it performs is to execute a SQL 2000 DTS package. This has to be done as a SQL 2000 DTS package as it is performing rebuilds of SQL 2000 Analysis Services dimensions and cubes. We've found that when the DTS fails the SSIS job is happily completing showing as a success, we would prefer to know it went wrong.

As far as I'm aware SSIS merely starts the DTS off and doesn't care about it's result. I've taken a look in to turning on the logging for the execute DTS package and thought that the ExecuteDTS80PackageTaskTaskResult would give me the answer I need...but is merely written to the log not available as an event-handler. It also looks like it is not safe to put a SQL task in as the next item to go look at the SQL 2000 system tables to look at the log for the DTS package as the SSIS documentation warns that the DTS package can continue to run after the execute DTS package task has ended.

Ideally I want any error raised within the DTS package to cascade up to be an error in the SSIS job, I can then handle it appropriately. I cannot find a way to do this. Is there a way?

If not, can anyone suggest how in the remainder of the SSIS tasks I can be sure that the DTS has completed before I start any other tasks that will check for the SQL 2000 log of its execution?

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Execute Package Task: Error 0x80070005 While Preparing To Load The Package. Access Is Denied.

Jun 8, 2007

I am having problems executing a child package from a parent package using the Execute Package Task. I am attempting to run the master package through a SQL Server Agent job.

The SQL Server Agent job is owned by sa. The step that runs the parent package is configured to load the package from the SSIS Package Store on the same server that the job is running.

I have the Execute Package Task configured as follows:

Location: SQL Server
ExecuteOutOfProcess: True
Connecting as a SQL Server login (let's say TestEtl)

I have added the db_dtsoperator database role to both the TestEtl login and the login that SQL Server Agent connects through. I have also configured the child package's reader role to include db_dtsoperator. Per, this should allow these logins to run the child package.

I have enabled logging of all events in both the parent and child packages. I see the following in the logs when the Execute Package Task executes (omitted portions unrelated to the execution of the child package task):

450939 OnPreExecute ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450940 OnPreValidate ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450941 OnPostValidate ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450942 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_pre: The object is ready to make the following external request: 'IDataInitialize::GetDataSource'.450943 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_post: 'IDataInitialize::GetDataSource succeeded'. The external request has completed.450944 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_pre: The object is ready to make the following external request: 'IDBInitialize::Initialize'.450945 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_post: 'IDBInitialize::Initialize succeeded'. The external request has completed.450946 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_pre: The object is ready to make the following external request: 'IDBCreateSession::CreateSession'.450947 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_post: 'IDBCreateSession::CreateSession succeeded'. The external request has completed.450948 OnError ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 Error 0x80070005 while preparing to load the package. Access is denied. . 450949 OnError ParentPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 Error 0x80070005 while preparing to load the package. Access is denied. . 450950 OnTaskFailed ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450951 OnPostExecute ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450952 OnWarning ParentPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors. 450953 OnPostExecute ParentPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450954 PackageEnd ParentPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 End of package execution.

I am sure that what I am doing is quite common, and I obviously have something misconfigured somewhere - but I'm not sure what my misconfiguration is. Can anyone enlighten me?

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