How Do You Uninstall SQL Express Completely?

May 24, 2008

Hello Win XP Pro, SP3 ,.Net 1.1,2.0,3.5, ASP.Net 2.0.

I made the mistake of trying to install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services as a requirement to install dashCommerce. That was a big mistake. It never installed and it screwed up my current install of SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.

I have been trying for two days now to get my SQL Server 2005 Express Edition back to normal. I can't run and test my programs in VS2005 that use SQL anymore and it's keeping me from getting my work done.

I tried uninstalling everything SQL using Add Remove Programs. Deleted all temp, SQL and unneeded files. Ran defrag. Restarted my computer. I did all that three times and still am unable to install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.

On the existing components screen, i get the message "The following components that you chose to install are already installed on the machine. To view a report of available options and alternatives click on details."

It won't allow me to check any options and when i click next, it gives the error "None of the selected features can be installed or upgraded. Setup cannot proceed since no effective change is being made to the machine. To continue, click Back and then select features to install. To exit SQL Server Setup, click Cancel"

All i can do is cancel out of it.

Any help from anybody to figure out why i can't install SQL Express again would be gratefully appreciated.

This problem is keeping me from doing my work, it's frustrating. Is there a way to totally clean my machine of any SQL so i can get back to doing my job?


View 6 Replies


Completely Uninstall Sql Server 2005

Oct 9, 2007

i need help for completely removing sql server 2005 from my computer,in order to reinstall it again.

please help me

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How To Completely Uninstall SQL 2005 Std On Vista?

Aug 4, 2007

I have just migrated from XP Professional to Windows Vista Home Premium using Laplink€™s PCMover. PCMover gives no choice but moving everything to the new PC. I tried to uninstall everything related to SQL 2005, but whenever I try to install SQL 2005 Standard€™s database engine or analysis service, I get an error saying there is already an instance.

I tried the following command:
"%ProgramFiles%Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapARPWrapper.exe /Remove

I also tried:
start /wait msiexec /x {GUID} /l*v c:sql_uninstall.log

Is there anyway to completely uninstall everything of SQL 2005 in my situation?
Thanks in advance!

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Unable To Completely Uninstall Advanced SQL Server- Report Server

Jul 5, 2006

1) I uninstalled Advanced SQL with Report Server to install 2005 SQL Developers Editions.

2) For some reason I am unable to completely uninstall Express Report Server.

3) Configuration Manager is still showing SQL Exp Report Server, even though I uninstalled Advanced Server.

4)I tried to remove though A/R programs (using my 2005 DE) - I see it listed but I receive the following error:The setup failed to read IISmime maptable the error code is -2147024893.

5) When I try to use 2005 Report Service Config Manager, I receive the following error: An unknown error in WMI Provider Error code 80040219 wmi provider.

So I am unable to setup my 2005 SQL DE Report Server.

Any ideas on uninstalling Express Report Server...This might be part of my problem.


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Cannot Completely Install/remove SQL Server Express

Jan 20, 2007

I cannot use, remove, or reinstall Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Although Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files appear in ControlPanel-ARP, when I attempt to remove Microsoft SQL Server 2005, the workstation component remains. If I try to download and reinstall Microsoft SQL Server Express from the Microsoft website, the download does not install completely as described below.

My current situation is much better than the previous incompatibility or configuration problems I had been experiencing between Microsoft Office Small Buisness Accounting 2006, Microsoft Office Outlook 2003, Outlook Business Contact Manager, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (express edition installed in conjunction with Visual Basic 2005 express), and Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (installed in conjunction with Small Business Accounting 2006). The problems and error messages previously included: 1) A consistent bootup error (Net service configuration error...The specified service does not exist as an installed service); 2) The inability of Visual Basic to connect to an instance of SQL server (An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server...); 3) a SQL server configuration manager error: Cannot connect to WMI provider. You do not have permission or the server is unreachable. Note that you can only manage SQL Server 2005 servers with SQL server configuration manager. Invalid namespace [0x8004100e]; and 4) SQL server management studio express error: Cannot connect to <computername>SQLEXPRESS... An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1).

These problems have been partially solved by: 1) completely removing Small Business Accounting 2006, Outlook Business Contact Manager Update, and MSDE (which appear to be codependent); and 2) removing and reinstalling Visual Basic 2005. However SQL Server still cannot be completely removed or reinstalled and therefore Visual Basic cannot connect to SQL datafiles.

When I most recently tried to remove SQL server 2005 using ARP, the installer reported that only the workstation component remains (Version: 9.00.1399.06 Edition: Express Edition Patch level: 9.00.1399.06), but is not removed by the ARP process. When I most recently tried to install SQL server 2005, the Setup Support Files install correctly, the System Configuration Check passes, but setup fails for MSXML6, SQL Server Database Services, and WorkStation components Books Online (detail log SQLSetup0068 file). According to Add/Remove programs, the following applications are installed:

Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition ENU
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client
Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English)
Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Various MSXML versions

Any help in un/reinstalling or configuring Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for use with Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition would be dearly appreciated. Thanks.

View 2 Replies View Related

Uninstall SQL Express

Dec 19, 2006

I mistakenly installed SQL express using remote desktop, now I cannot do anything in it. Nobody could help with that either but based on posts with the same message, I tried uninstalling sql server. It wouldn't uninstall nor can I repair or reinstall. Uninstalling thru Add or Remove Programs only resulted in the program listing being removed from Add or Remove Programs. Most of the sql server programs are still installed. They can be run but continue to malfunction. When I try a new installation, I get a message that the programs are already installed. How can I correct this without reinstalling Win XP? Please help. Your valuable feedback is greatly appreciated.

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Cannot Uninstall Sql Server Express

Nov 23, 2006

I have sql server express installed in my computer, but I want to uninstall it and install sql server 2005 entreprise edition.
I have successfully uninstalled instance of sql server, but I cannot uninstall the workstation.

here are the log that I have :

=== Verbose logging started: 11/23/2006  13:06:11  Build type: SHIP UNICODE 3.01.4000.2435  Calling process: E:OriginalSQL2005Ent32 bitServerssetup.exe ===
MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:021]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:021]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:021]: ******* RunEngine:
           ******* Product: E:OriginalSQL2005Ent32 bitServersSetupSqlSupport.msi
           ******* Action:
           ******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:021]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:021]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:036]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:036]: Attempting to enable all disabled priveleges before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:068]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:068]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (04:28) [13:06:11:068]: MainEngineThread is returning 1618
=== Verbose logging stopped: 11/23/2006  13:06:11 ===

Please help

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SQL Express Uninstall Utility

Mar 31, 2008

I just installed SQL over an expired version of Express and can't get the SQL server service to start. Does anyone know of a utility that will clean the registry of everything SQL (after I uninstall 2005)

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SQL Express Uninstall Fails

Apr 2, 2008


I am trying to uninstall SQLExpress from a win2k3SP1 server but it keeps on failing with, "Unable to write to directory ...MSSQLData.", while trying to remove the data files. I am a local admin on the box so there should be no problem with my permissions, right?

Anyone had this one before?

Thanks in advance

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SQL Express 2005 + CU5 Uninstall Error

Apr 25, 2008


I wonder if someone could help me.

I am currenltly working on a scripted install of SQL 2005 Express SP2 with Cumulative update 5 and am experiencing some very frustrating problems.

I need to provide the ability to script the install and script the deinstall, both of which are fine. However..

When i try to uninstall SQL from the script (or manually from add/remove programs) i get the following error

The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 2709. The specified Component name ('SxSComp.42B34EA79EE84812AF478E608EA6C2F8') not found in Component table.

The error occurs when the SQL 2005 uninstaller attempts to uninstall the workstation components, the result is a partial uninstall of SQL 2005 which becomes very difficult to uninstall.

Would appreciate any assistance anyone could provide me.


James Hodgson

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How Do You Uninstall SQL Server Express Edition?

Jan 31, 2008

While installing VS 2008, I chose the full install and it installed SQL Server 2005 Express edition. Since I do have a full version of SQL Server running on this machine, I would like to uninstall the Express edition. But I do not see the application listed in the Add/Remove Programs.



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SQL Express Uninstall On Vista PC Fails

Jul 9, 2007

I have written a custom executable thats purpose is to find and uninstall a named instance. It works as intended on PC's running XP and Vista with UAC turned off. However when I try to run the exe on a Vista Machine with UAC on, it does not fully remove the named instance.

It leaves behind in the folder path: "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQL" three folders: "Data", "LOG", and "Template Data". However it does remove all of the registry entries and all of the services attached to that named instance.

Why oh why does it have permission to remove everything else besides these 3 folders, and how (programmatically) can I give it the proper admin rights?

the code that does all the work from the cmd:

msiexec /x "ProductCode" /passive

The removal of these three folders is important b/c when you try to reinstall the namedinstance it gives an error message saying files already exist inside the "Data" Folder.

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Cannot Uninstall SQL Express 2005 Instances

Sep 5, 2007

Using Windows XP SQL Express 2005...

In Windows Installer Clean Up, it shows two instances:

MSSMLBIZ (used by Outlook Enterprice 07 with BCM)

Control, Panel, Add Remove, Remove SQL Express 2005, shows:

CSOLUTION (which is disabled)

MSSMLBIZ (enabled for BCM 07)

SQLEXPRESS (which is disabled)

The disabled instances will not start due to various error messages.

Under Computer, Manager, Services, more instances are listsed, which also will not start:

SQLEXPRESSDATA for example (which is disabled)

I would like to remove CSOLUTION since it is not used; it will not remove from control panel or manually via . You get various error messages, such as

Another application has exclusive access to the file c:program files...errorlog. Please shut down all other applications, then try again.

Even after a reboot, I still get this error.

I want to install and use instance SQLExpress, and I cannot remove it, but it will not start, and trying to reinstall it fails.

It was simple under MSDE 2000, no2 it seems to be impossible.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Honestly, I would like to uninstall SQL Express 2005 completely (except the BCM instant), and start over, but canot find a way to do this. SQL Express is a mess, I have spent days trying to resolve this, and am still where I started.
Thanks, bob

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Sequel Express Uninstall Problem

Apr 19, 2006

Hey everyone,

I'm trying to uninstall Sequel express (RTM) and the uninstallation just stops. no error message, no nothing.

I'm posting my uninstall logs hoping someone has any advice on how to solve this issue.


SCCOpenPerformer Added machine: JUSTIN
RegisterAddCheckArticleCallbackFunction registered callback function

Calling add article callback function for article: WMIServiceWin32OSWorking
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Calling add article callback function for article: WMIServiceWin32CompSystemWorking
Callback function returned TRUE
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Article Id: WMIServiceWin32CompSystemWorking
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Calling add article callback function for article: WMIServiceReadRegWorking
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Calling add article callback function for article: WMIServiceWin32DirectoryWorking
Callback function returned TRUE
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Article Id: WMIServiceWin32DirectoryWorking
Namespace: cimv2
WQL Query: Select * from Win32_Directory where name='C:\'

Calling add article callback function for article: WMIServiceCIMDataWorking
Callback function returned TRUE
Adding Article...
Article Id: WMIServiceCIMDataWorking
Namespace: cimv2
WQL Query: Select * from CIM_DataFile where name='C:\'

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Callback function returned TRUE
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Article Id: XMLDomDocument
RegisterCallbackFunction registered callback function
Callback filter = 0x6

Performing check on local machine JUSTIN
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Creating class instance Win32_ComputerSystem
CreateInstanceEnum Win32_ComputerSystem returned 0 (0x0)
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EnumClass of Win32_ComputerSystem returned 0 (0x0)
Getting property NumberOfProcessors
Get property NumberOfProcessors returned 0 (0x0)
Variant value: 1
Creating class instance Win32_OperatingSystem
CreateInstanceEnum Win32_OperatingSystem returned 0 (0x0)
Enumerating the first class of Win32_OperatingSystem
EnumClass of Win32_OperatingSystem returned 0 (0x0)
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Get property OSLanguage returned 0 (0x0)
Variant value: 1033
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Get property SystemDirectory returned 0 (0x0)
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Creating class instance Win32_OperatingSystem
CreateInstanceEnum Win32_OperatingSystem returned 0 (0x0)
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EnumClass of Win32_OperatingSystem returned 0 (0x0)
Getting property SystemDirectory
Get property SystemDirectory returned 0 (0x0)
Variant value: C:WINNTsystem32
Creating class instance Win32_Processor
CreateInstanceEnum Win32_Processor returned 0 (0x0)
Enumerating the first class of Win32_Processor
EnumClass of Win32_Processor returned 0 (0x0)
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Get property CpuStatus returned 0 (0x0)
Variant value: 1
Openning namespace \rootdefault
GetNamespace \rootdefault returned 0 (0x0)
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GetMethod returned 0 (0x0)
Executing method EnumValues in StdRegProv class
ExecMethod returned 0 (0x0)
Looking for registry type for ProgramFilesDir registry value
Registry type for ProgramFilesDir registry value is 1
Getting method GetStringValue in StdRegProv class
GetMethod returned 0 (0x0)
Executing method GetStringValue in StdRegProv class
ExecMethod returned 0 (0x0)
Getting registry value ProgramFilesDir
Variant value: C:Program Files

Processing article WMIServiceWin32OSWorking
Scc Error: 0 (0x0)
Error code: 0 (0x0)
Calling callback function for reason: 0x4
Callback function returned TRUE

Processing article WMIServiceWin32CompSystemWorking
Scc Error: 0 (0x0)
Error code: 0 (0x0)
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Callback function returned TRUE

Processing article WMIServiceWin32ProcessorWorking
Scc Error: 0 (0x0)
Error code: 0 (0x0)
Calling callback function for reason: 0x4
Callback function returned TRUE

Processing article WMIServiceReadRegWorking
Scc Error: 0 (0x0)
Error code: 0 (0x0)
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Callback function returned TRUE

Processing article WMIServiceWin32DirectoryWorking
Openning namespace \rootcimv2
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Error code: 0 (0x0)
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Processing article WMIServiceCIMDataWorking
Openning namespace \rootcimv2
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Processing article XMLDomDocument
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Error code: 0 (0x0)
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RegisterAddCheckArticleCallbackFunction registered callback function

Calling add article callback function for article: Processor
Callback function returned TRUE
Adding Article...
Article Id: Processor
Namespace: cimv2
WQL Query: Select * from Win32_Processor

Calling add article callback function for article: PhysicalMemory
Callback function returned TRUE
Adding Article...
Article Id: PhysicalMemory
Namespace: cimv2
WQL Query: Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem

Calling add article callback function for article: DiskFreeSpace
Callback function returned TRUE
Adding Article...
Article Id: DiskFreeSpace
Namespace: cimv2
WQL Query: Select * from CIM_LogicalDisk
RegisterCallbackFunction registered callback function
Callback filter = 0x6

Performing check on local machine JUSTIN
Connecting to JUSTIN machine
ConnectServer returned 0 (0x0)
ConnectServer returned 0 (0x0)

Processing article Processor
Openning namespace \rootcimv2
GetNamespace \rootcimv2 returned 0 (0x0)
Scc Error: 0 (0x0)
Error code: 0 (0x0)
Calling callback function for reason: 0x4
Callback function returned TRUE

Processing article PhysicalMemory
Openning namespace \rootcimv2
GetNamespace \rootcimv2 returned 0 (0x0)
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Error code: 0 (0x0)
Calling callback function for reason: 0x4
Callback function returned TRUE

Processing article DiskFreeSpace
Openning namespace \rootcimv2
GetNamespace \rootcimv2 returned 0 (0x0)
Scc Error: 0 (0x0)
Error code: 0 (0x0)
Calling callback function for reason: 0x4
Callback function returned TRUE
SccPerformer closed.
SCCOpenPerformer Added machine: JUSTIN
RegisterAddCheckArticleCallbackFunction registered callback function

Calling add article callback function for article: OSVersion
Callback function returned TRUE
Adding Article...
Article Id: OSVersion
Number of value: 2
Value: 1
Namespace: cimv2
Class name: Win32_OperatingSystem
Property name: Version
Property type: 2
Value: 2
Namespace: cimv2
Class name: Win32_OperatingSystem
Property name: OSType
Property type: 2

Calling add article callback function for article: OSServicePack
Callback function returned TRUE
Adding Article...
Article Id: OSServicePack
Number of value: 2
Value: 1
Namespace: cimv2
Class name: Win32_OperatingSystem
Property name: Version
Property type: 2
Value: 2
Namespace: cimv2
Class name: Win32_OperatingSystem
Property name: ServicePackMajorVersion
Property type: 2

Calling add article callback function for article: OSType
Callback function returned TRUE
Adding Article...
Article Id: OSType
Number of value: 4
Value: 1
Namespace: cimv2
Class name: Win32_OperatingSystem
Property name: OSProductSuite
Property type: 2
Value: 2
Namespace: cimv2
Class name: Win32_OperatingSystem
Property name: SuiteMask
Property type: 2
Value: 3
Namespace: cimv2
Class name: Win32_OperatingSystem
Property name: Version
Property type: 2
Value: 4
Namespace: cimv2
Class name: Win32_OperatingSystem
Property name: OSType
Property type: 2

Calling add article callback function for article: iisDep
Callback function returned FALSE
Skipping Article...

Calling add article callback function for article: AdminShare
Callback function returned TRUE
Adding Article...
Article Id: AdminShare
Number of value: 1
Value: 1
DefKey: 0x80000002
Subkey name: SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServiceslanmanserver
Value name: AutoShareServer
Registry type: 4

Calling add article callback function for article: PendingReboot
Callback function returned TRUE
Adding Article...
Article Id: PendingReboot
Number of value: 1
Value: 1
DefKey: 0x80000002
Subkey name: SYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession Manager
Value name: PendingFileRenameOperations
Registry type: 4

Calling add article callback function for article: PerfMon
Callback function returned FALSE
Skipping Article...

Calling add article callback function for article: IEVersion
Callback function returned TRUE
Adding Article...
Article Id: IEVersion
Namespace: cimv2
WQL Query: select * from CIM_DataFile where Name='C:\WINNT\system32\shdocvw.dll'

Calling add article callback function for article: DriveWriteAccess
Callback function returned TRUE
Adding Article...
Article Id: DriveWriteAccess
Namespace: cimv2
WQL Query: select * from Win32_Directory where Name='C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server' or Name='C:\Program Files'

Calling add article callback function for article: COMPlus
Callback function returned TRUE
Adding Article...
Article Id: COMPlus

Calling add article callback function for article: ASPNETVersionRegistration
Callback function returned TRUE
Adding Article...
Article Id: ASPNETVersionRegistration

Calling add article callback function for article: MDAC25Version
Callback function returned TRUE
Adding Article...
Article Id: MDAC25Version
RegisterCallbackFunction registered callback function
Callback filter = 0x6

Performing check on local machine JUSTIN
Connecting to JUSTIN machine
ConnectServer returned 0 (0x0)
ConnectServer returned 0 (0x0)
Openning namespace \rootcimv2
GetNamespace \rootcimv2 returned 0 (0x0)
Creating class instance Win32_OperatingSystem
CreateInstanceEnum Win32_OperatingSystem returned 0 (0x0)
Enumerating the first class of Win32_OperatingSystem
EnumClass of Win32_OperatingSystem returned 0 (0x0)
Getting property OSProductSuite
Get property OSProductSuite returned 0 (0x0)
Getting property OSType
Get property OSType returned 0 (0x0)
Variant value: 18
Getting property ServicePackMajorVersion
Get property ServicePackMajorVersion returned 0 (0x0)
Variant value: 4
Getting property SuiteMask
Get property SuiteMask returned 2147749890 (0x80041002)
Getting property Version
Get property Version returned 0 (0x0)
Variant value: 5.0.2195
Creating class instance Win32_OperatingSystem
CreateInstanceEnum Win32_OperatingSystem returned 0 (0x0)
Enumerating the first class of Win32_OperatingSystem
EnumClass of Win32_OperatingSystem returned 0 (0x0)
Getting property OSType
Get property OSType returned 0 (0x0)
Variant value: 18
Getting property ServicePackMajorVersion
Get property ServicePackMajorVersion returned 0 (0x0)
Variant value: 4
Getting property SuiteMask
Get property SuiteMask returned 2147749890 (0x80041002)
Getting property Version
Get property Version returned 0 (0x0)
Variant value: 5.0.2195
Creating class instance Win32_OperatingSystem
CreateInstanceEnum Win32_OperatingSystem returned 0 (0x0)
Enumerating the first class of Win32_OperatingSystem
EnumClass of Win32_OperatingSystem returned 0 (0x0)
Getting property ServicePackMajorVersion
Get property ServicePackMajorVersion returned 0 (0x0)
Variant value: 4
Getting property SuiteMask
Get property SuiteMask returned 2147749890 (0x80041002)
Getting property Version
Get property Version returned 0 (0x0)
Variant value: 5.0.2195
Creating class instance Win32_OperatingSystem
CreateInstanceEnum Win32_OperatingSystem returned 0 (0x0)
Enumerating the first class of Win32_OperatingSystem
EnumClass of Win32_OperatingSystem returned 0 (0x0)
Getting property SuiteMask
Get property SuiteMask returned 2147749890 (0x80041002)
Getting property Version
Get property Version returned 0 (0x0)
Variant value: 5.0.2195
Creating class instance Win32_OperatingSystem
CreateInstanceEnum Win32_OperatingSystem returned 0 (0x0)
Enumerating the first class of Win32_OperatingSystem
EnumClass of Win32_OperatingSystem returned 0 (0x0)
Getting property Version
Get property Version returned 0 (0x0)
Variant value: 5.0.2195
Openning namespace \rootdefault
GetNamespace \rootdefault returned 0 (0x0)
Getting method EnumValues in StdRegProv class
GetMethod returned 0 (0x0)
Executing method EnumValues in StdRegProv class
ExecMethod returned 0 (0x0)
Looking for registry type for PendingFileRenameOperations registry value
Registry type for PendingFileRenameOperations registry value is 0
Getting method EnumValues in StdRegProv class
GetMethod returned 0 (0x0)
Executing method EnumValues in StdRegProv class
ExecMethod returned 0 (0x0)
Looking for registry type for AutoShareServer registry value
Registry type for AutoShareServer registry value is 0

Processing article OSVersion
Scc Error: 0 (0x0)
Error code: 0 (0x0)
Calling callback function for reason: 0x4
Callback function returned TRUE

Processing article OSServicePack
Scc Error: 0 (0x0)
Error code: 0 (0x0)
Calling callback function for reason: 0x4
Callback function returned TRUE

Processing article OSType
Scc Error: 0 (0x0)
Error code: 0 (0x0)
Calling callback function for reason: 0x4
Callback function returned TRUE

Processing article AdminShare
Scc Error: 0 (0x0)
Error code: 0 (0x0)
Calling callback function for reason: 0x4
Callback function returned TRUE

Processing article PendingReboot
Scc Error: 0 (0x0)
Error code: 0 (0x0)
Calling callback function for reason: 0x4
Callback function returned TRUE

Processing article IEVersion
Openning namespace \rootcimv2
GetNamespace \rootcimv2 returned 0 (0x0)
Scc Error: 0 (0x0)
Error code: 0 (0x0)
Calling callback function for reason: 0x4
Callback function returned TRUE

Processing article DriveWriteAccess
Openning namespace \rootcimv2
GetNamespace \rootcimv2 returned 0 (0x0)
Scc Error: 0 (0x0)
Error code: 0 (0x0)
Calling callback function for reason: 0x4
Callback function returned TRUE

Processing article COMPlus
Scc Error: 0 (0x0)
Error code: 0 (0x0)
Calling callback function for reason: 0x4
Callback function returned TRUE

Processing article ASPNETVersionRegistration
Scc Error: 0 (0x0)
Error code: 0 (0x0)
Calling callback function for reason: 0x4
Callback function returned TRUE

Processing article MDAC25Version
Scc Error: 0 (0x0)
Error code: 0 (0x0)
Calling callback function for reason: 0x4
Callback function returned TRUE
SccPerformer closed.


Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup beginning at Wed Apr 19 11:08:18 2006
Process ID : 2312
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe Version: 2005.90.1399.0
Running: LoadResourcesAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18
Complete: LoadResourcesAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18, returned true
Running: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18
Loaded DLL:C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapxmlrw.dll Version:2.0.3604.0
Complete: ParseBootstrapOptionsAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18, returned true
Running: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18
Complete: ValidateWinNTAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18, returned true
Running: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18
Complete: ValidateMinOSAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18, returned true
Running: PerformSCCAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18
Complete: PerformSCCAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18, returned true
Running: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18
Complete: ActivateLoggingAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18, returned true
Running: DetectPatchedBootstrapAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18
Complete: DetectPatchedBootstrapAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18, returned true
Action "LaunchPatchedBootstrapAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions:
Condition "EventCondition: __STP_LaunchPatchedBootstrap__2312" returned false.
Action "BeginBootstrapLogicStage" will be skipped due to the following restrictions:
Condition "Setup is running locally." returned true.
Running: PerformDotNetCheck2 at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18
Complete: PerformDotNetCheck2 at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18, returned true
Running: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:18
Loaded DLL:C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsqlspars.dll Version:2005.90.1399.0
<Func Name='DwLaunchMsiExec'>
Examining 'sqlspars' globals to initialize 'SetupStateScope'
Opening 'MachineConfigScope' for [JUSTIN]
Trying to find Product Code from command line or passed transform
If possible, determine install id and type
Trying to find Instance Name from command line.
Instance Name = SQLEXPRESS
Trying to find install through Instance Name
Install Type = 1
If possible, determine action
Failed to determine installSkuId due to property load failure.SKU is set to SKU_EXPRESS.
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "InstallSku" {"SetupStateScope", "", ""} in cache
Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
Function Name: SetupStateScope.InstallSku
Source Line Number: 44
No collector registered for scope: "SetupStateScope"
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = WMIServiceWin32OSWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = WMIServiceWin32CompSystemWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = WMIServiceWin32ProcessorWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = WMIServiceReadRegWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = WMIServiceWin32DirectoryWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = WMIServiceCIMDataWorking, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = XMLDomDocument, Result = 0 (0x0)
Failed to determine installSkuId due to property load failure.SKU is set to SKU_EXPRESS.
Source File Name: datastorecachedpropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:49 2005
Function Name: CachedPropertyCollection::findProperty
Source Line Number: 130
Failed to find property "InstallSku" {"SetupStateScope", "", ""} in cache
Source File Name: datastorepropertycollection.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Fri Jul 29 01:13:50 2005
Function Name: SetupStateScope.InstallSku
Source Line Number: 44
No collector registered for scope: "SetupStateScope"
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = Processor, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = PhysicalMemory, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = DiskFreeSpace, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = OSVersion, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = OSServicePack, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = OSType, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = AdminShare, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = PendingReboot, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = IEVersion, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = DriveWriteAccess, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = COMPlus, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = ASPNETVersionRegistration, Result = 0 (0x0)
Machine = JUSTIN, Article = MDAC25Version, Result = 0 (0x0)
Setup Consistency Check Report for Machine: JUSTIN
Article: WMI Service Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: MSXML Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Operating System Minimum Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Operating System Service Pack Level Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: SQL Compatibility With Operating System, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Minimum Hardware Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Pending Reboot Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Default Installation Path Permission Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Internet Explorer Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Check COM+ Catalogue, Result: CheckPassed
Article: ASP.Net Registration Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
Article: Minimum MDAC Version Requirement, Result: CheckPassed
<Func Name='PerformDetections'>
<EndFunc Name='PerformDetections' Return='0' GetLastError='0'>
Failed to find help file for LCID :1037
<EndFunc Name='DwLaunchMsiExec' Return='0' GetLastError='0'>
Complete: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:30, returned true
Running: SetPackageInstallStateAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:30
Complete: SetPackageInstallStateAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:30, returned true
Running: DeterminePackageTransformsAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:30
Complete: DeterminePackageTransformsAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:31, returned true
Running: ValidateSetupPropertiesAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:31
Complete: ValidateSetupPropertiesAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:31, returned true
Running: OpenPipeAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:31
Complete: OpenPipeAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:31, returned false
Error: Action "OpenPipeAction" failed during execution.
Running: CreatePipeAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:31
Complete: CreatePipeAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:31, returned false
Error: Action "CreatePipeAction" failed during execution.
Action "RunRemoteSetupAction" will be skipped due to the following restrictions:
Condition "Action: CreatePipeAction has finished and passed." returned false.
Running: PopulateMutatorDbAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:31
Complete: PopulateMutatorDbAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:31, returned true
Running: GenerateRequestsAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:31
SQL_Engine = -1
SQL_Data_Files = -1
SQL_Replication = -1
SQL_FullText = -1
SQL_SharedTools = -1
Analysis_Server = -1
AnalysisDataFiles = -1
AnalysisSharedTools = -1
RS_Server = -1
RS_Web_Interface = -1
RS_SharedTools = -1
Notification_Services = -1
NS_Engine = -1
NS_Client = -1
SQL_DTS = -1
Client_Components = -1
Connectivity = -1
SQL_Tools90 = -1
SQL_WarehouseDevWorkbench = -1
SDK = -1
Tools_Legacy = -1
SQL_Documentation = -1
SQL_BooksOnline = -1
SQL_DatabaseSamples = -1
SQL_AdventureWorksSamples = -1
SQL_AdventureWorksDWSamples = -1
SQL_AdventureWorksASSamples = -1
SQL_Samples = -1
Complete: GenerateRequestsAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:34, returned true
Running: CreateProgressWindowAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:34
Complete: CreateProgressWindowAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:34, returned true
Running: ScheduleActionAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:34
Complete: ScheduleActionAction at: 2006/3/19 11:8:35, returned true
Skipped: InstallASAction.11
Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallASAction.18
Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallASAction.22
Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallASAction.9
Skipped: Action "InstallASAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "as", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction.11
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction.12
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.12" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlncli", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction.18
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction.22
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallDTSAction.9
Skipped: Action "InstallDTSAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "dts", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.11
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.12
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.12" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlncli", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.18
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.22
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.9
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallRSAction.11
Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallRSAction.18
Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallRSAction.22
Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallSqlAction
Skipped: Action "InstallSqlAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sql", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallSqlAction.18
Skipped: Action "InstallSqlAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "sql", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallSqlAction.22
Skipped: Action "InstallSqlAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "sql", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallToolsAction.11
Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallToolsAction.12
Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.12" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlncli", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallToolsAction.13
Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.13" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "PPESku", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallToolsAction.18
Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.18" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "owc11", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallToolsAction.20
Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.20" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "BOL", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallToolsAction.22
Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.22" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "bcRedist", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallToolsAction.9
Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallASAction
Skipped: Action "InstallASAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "as", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallNSAction.10
Skipped: Action "InstallNSAction.10" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlxml4", referred by package: "ns", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallRSAction
Skipped: Action "InstallRSAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "rs", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallSqlAction.11
Skipped: Action "InstallSqlAction.11" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlsupport", referred by package: "sql", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallSqlAction.12
Skipped: Action "InstallSqlAction.12" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlncli", referred by package: "sql", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallSqlAction.21
Skipped: Action "InstallSqlAction.21" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlwriter", referred by package: "sql", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallSqlAction.9
Skipped: Action "InstallSqlAction.9" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "msxml6", referred by package: "sql", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallToolsAction
Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: InstallToolsAction.10
Skipped: Action "InstallToolsAction.10" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
No install request found for package: "sqlxml4", referred by package: "tools", install will be skipped as a result.
Skipped: RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction
Skipped: Action "RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
Action: "RepairForBackwardsCompatRedistAction" will be skipped due to the following condition:
Condition "sql was successfully upgraded." returned false.
Skipped: UninstallForMSDE2000Action
Skipped: Action "UninstallForMSDE2000Action" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
Action: "UninstallForMSDE2000Action" will be skipped due to the following condition:
Condition "Action: InstallSqlAction was skipped." returned true.
Skipped: UninstallForSQLAction
Skipped: Action "UninstallForSQLAction" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
Action: "UninstallForSQLAction" will be skipped due to the following condition:
Condition "Action: InstallSqlAction was skipped." returned true.
Skipped: UninstallForRS2000Action
Skipped: Action "UninstallForRS2000Action" was not run. Information reported during analysis:
Action: "UninstallForRS2000Action" will be skipped due to the following condition:
Condition "Action: InstallRSAction was skipped." returned true.
Running: ReportChainingResults at: 2006/3/19 11:8:36
Complete: ReportChainingResults at: 2006/3/19 11:8:37, returned true
Delay load of action "UploadDrWatsonLogAction" returned nothing. No action will occur as a result.
Message pump returning: 0


View 7 Replies View Related

SQL Server Express 2005 Uninstall Failures

Apr 13, 2008

This is getting extremely annoying. I cannot unistall another instance of SQL Server Express 2005.

I have had three different servers with the separate installs of SQL Server Express 2005. I remove the product (Backup Exec, Dell IT Assistant, Microsoft System Center 2007). I uninstall the third-party product and they leave behind SQL Server Express 2005. For what idiotic reason I do not know. Then I try and remove SQL Server Express 2005 and for the third straight time it fails.

Here's the latest failure error, "TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup
The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Setting Internal Properties. The error is: Fatal error during installation.

For help, click:

Does anyone know how to actually remove SQL Server Express 2005? This is pathetic.

View 2 Replies View Related

How To Silently Uninstall SQL Server 2005 Express

Apr 23, 2007


I'm trying to perform a silent install/uninstall of SQL Server 2005 Express.
I manage to install silently, but when trying to uninstall with the following command line:


there is one item left behind - "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client"

Does anyone know how to uninstall this as well?

Also, if MSXML 6.0 is already installed when installing SQL Server 2005 Express, when performing an uninstall with the above command line, MSXML 6.0 is also uninstalled, which may not be the desired outcome.

View 4 Replies View Related

Unable To Uninstall SQL Server 2005 Express

Jul 15, 2005

When I try to un install SQL Server Express (VS 2005 Beta 2), which is not functional, I get an error message:

View 5 Replies View Related

SQL Server Express Edition Uninstall Nightmare

May 15, 2008

I have been trying to uninstall SQL Server 2005 Express Edition for a day and a half to no avail. I have cleaned it out of the registry, and I have done everything possible to get rid of this, er, Microsoft virus software. I have erased every folder that has any SQL Server name after I stopped all SQL server services in the task list. All I want to do is install SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition so that I can use the BI Manager to create a DTS package. Does anyone have any utilities that might help?

View 3 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2005 Express - Service Pack 2 Uninstall !??

Jan 18, 2008

Hello All:

On my backup server running Symantec BackupExec 11D, I wanted to install Service Pack 2 for SQL Server 2005 Express. I started performing the update using "Windows Update", but cancelled the upgrade process just before it started to install (right after the downloading/verifying download phase of Windows update).

Now when I try to find the SP2 update using Windows Update, it doesnt show up on the update website. Rebooting the server doesnt help. I manually downloaded the file for SQL 2005 Express SP2 and tried installing it, but it says "the component is already installed" and I have to exit the process.

BackupExec 11D is running fine as of now, and it might not face problems later.. but I am not sure. Is there any way to uninstall SP2 and re-install it again!??

Any guidance/pointers is greatly appreciated!

Thanks a lot in advance.

View 6 Replies View Related

Uninstall SQL Server 2005 Express Without Add/Remove Programs

Mar 26, 2008

I am having trouble installing SQL Server 2005 Express. I was told to uninstall and reinstall clean but now SQL Server does NOT show in the Add/Remove Program list but when I try to install, my system says I already have SQL Server installed. I get error messages every time. Any ideas???

View 2 Replies View Related

Unable To Uninstall SQL Server Express 2005 Tools

Sep 16, 2005

I get an error message when trying to uninstall the SQL Server Express 2005 Tools.  It reports,

View 7 Replies View Related

How To Uninstall Server 2008 Express Instance With Other Instances Present

May 15, 2015

This is probably easy for some who have done it, but I have an installed Instance of SQL Server 2008 Express or SQL Server 2008 R2 Express I'll call Instance CCC and need to remove it.  I have two other Express instances I'll call Instance AAA and Instance BBB.  I want to uninstall Instance CCC without affecting the other two instances or the software that uses them.  Instance CCC should have been installed as a SQL Server 2012 Express instance, so I need to remove the 2008 Instance of CCC and reinstall it as 2012.  In all cases, I'm talking about SQL Server Express.  Full SQL Server is not installed.  

The Instances are all installed on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard server.   

I have read that I can do this through Control Panel  >  Programs and Features, but that I can corrupt or mess up the other instances (AAA and BBB) if I don't do it right.  I'm uneasy about this, not having done it before, and do not want to affect the users of the AAA and BBB instances!  

View 6 Replies View Related

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit Is Not In My Add Remove Programs How Do I Uninstall It?

Jul 17, 2007

I have Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit installed but there is something from with the installation since every time that I try and create a Report Server Project It gives me error

Could not load file or assembly "Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer, Version, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The system cannopt find the file spesified.

How can I reinstall it or repair the installation so it will work. I have uninstalled every SQL2000 component in Add Remove Programs and reinstalled them. The problem is however that I cannot see an entry for "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit" in the Add Remove programs in Windows XP Profesional.

Can someone please help me. Maybe tell me where the uninstall file is located on disk??

Any help will be great

Manu Thanks

View 2 Replies View Related

Am Completely Lost

Jun 10, 2006

Hello all let me first start out by saying I suck at SQL.  I can do quite a bit with ASP.NET but SQL Server is on area that has haunted me and I have finally decided to bite the bullet and figure this behamouth out.Well here is my first problem, which is the biggest reason I can't seem to understand SQL Server or dataases in general.To have a realtional database you set up tables with foriegn keys and primary keys referenceing the id's like product table has a product name and one of the columns is a user_id displaying the id number of the user in the user table.  From what I can tell you are supposed to set up the user_id in the products table a foriegn key to the Primary Key in the user table.   I may be totally wrong on this though.Now my biggest question is how do you retrive this information the proper way to get it ready to be displayed in a gridveiw or a datalist?  I have been reading SQL Server 2005 for developers and reading online tutorials and it seems like they say you need to set up a relationship and because of the realtionship you don't need to do a join, but I never hear how to use the relationship at all.Please someone help I am so totally lost that i feel like i will never understand. I have spent the last week trying to figure this out and I guess I am just googleing this wrong completely or i am incompentent one of the two.Thank you.

View 1 Replies View Related

Standard Edition Fails To Install, Express Edition Fails To Uninstall

May 8, 2008

We are trying to install the Standard Edition of SQL Server 2005. We already have SQL Express installed. Standard won't install and Express won't uninstall.

We have tried every suggestion we can find and some we made up. When we try to install Standard, we get to the bit where you choose what you want to install and the only thing available is workstation components.

There are so many cases of this on the Internat that I can't believe MS have not solved the issue. And I am stunned that they want to charge us more money to talk to us about how to fix something we just paid them an arm and a leg for!

What do I need to tell you to get some idea of where to go next with this?

View 11 Replies View Related

How To Completely Remove MSDE

Mar 1, 2004

I need to completly remove MSDE from my PC it was installed using Install Shield Express and when I try to uninstall, I get a Fatal error durring installation. There must be a way other than reformatting?

Thank you,

View 1 Replies View Related

Won't Let Me Completely Install The Server. PLEASE HELP!

May 23, 2005

I installed sql2ksp3 from the CD I received in my book. The installation went fine and then I went to the DOS prompt and did the setup SAPWD and it ran. I restarted my computer and opened ASP Matrix and went to the Data tab and proceed to connect to the server. It gave me an error message it couldn't connect. So I uninstalled MSDE and made sure the sql2ksp3 folder was gone. So I went ahead and installed the sql2ksp3 from the CD again and then went to DOS to do the setup. It ran through the setup until the very end, saying it couldn't setup the server. I have tried it several times and it always stops around 11 seconds. I have tried to install the download from microsoft instead the CD and that didn't work also. So at this point I am stuck. PLEASE HELP!

View 7 Replies View Related

How To Remove Replication Completely?

Sep 25, 2001

When i uninstall replication, it failed to remove completely. How do i remove them completely. so that make replication again

I would appriciate any help.

Thanks in advance


View 1 Replies View Related

Completely Remove SQL 2005

Aug 30, 2007

Can any 1 guide me how to completely remove SQL 2005 ?

Currrently i have a problem to install SQL 2005 where before this i already install SQL 2005 and uninstall it and delete some of the file inside the SQL folder, after that i reinstall the SQL 2005 and it get many error while installing.

Can some 1 guide me how to unintall it completely?

PS: im using Vista

View 2 Replies View Related

Completely New To SQL Server 2000

Oct 16, 2006

Hello, I have installed Enterprise edition. I used Client Network Utility to create a server. I went into Enterprise manager and tried to register this server I created and I got the following error:
Specified SQL Server not found

What should I do?

View 20 Replies View Related

Does SQL Work Completely In Memory

Feb 1, 2008

Assume you have a query SELECT Column1 from Table WHERE Column2 = 'x' Say you have a non-clustered index on Column2. The engine is going to load the non-clustered index into memory to search for that record then do a lookup to the clustered index to grab column one also but quickly becuase it knows the RowID.. Right?

Is that safe to assume that every table that is queried would need to be in memory? ie the buffer pool? So if I have a table that has 2 million records, any operation on that data requires the table to be in memory?

View 6 Replies View Related

Can I Have Replication Between Two Completely Different Schemas?

Feb 22, 2007

Hi SQL guys,

I have 2 different databases and an import tool that reads from one and fills the other one and then whenever we run it, it should synch the two databases and its kind of a heavy task. I was wondering if i can replace it with replication between these databases. I defined publisher and subscriber, but i cannot find anywhere that i can say which field in source maps to which field in destination.

Is it possible at all to have a replication between 2 databases with totally different schemas? If so, please let me know how.



View 4 Replies View Related

Uninstalling SQL 2005 Completely

Apr 18, 2006

hi all,

i have gone through the thread which had the same subject but still it didn't work out..

i have even removed SQL 2005 install bits using msicuu2.exe but still i can find SQL 2005 in my programs list in start menu....

Can anyone please let me know how i can remove SQL 2005 completely when it does not show up in Add/Remove programs and WindowsInstaller Cleanup Tool but i can still find it if i navigate to Start --> All programs --> Microsoft SQL Server 2005......


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