How To Handle Errors In Stored Procedure

Feb 23, 2004

How to handle errors in stored procedure ?

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Calling A Stored Procedure From ADO.NET 2.0-VB 2005 Express: Working With SELECT Statements In The Stored Procedure-4 Errors?

Mar 3, 2008

Hi all,

I have 2 sets of sql code in my SQL Server Management Stidio Express (SSMSE):

(1) /////--spTopSixAnalytes.sql--///

USE ssmsExpressDB


CREATE Procedure [dbo].[spTopSixAnalytes]



SELECT Labtests.Result AS TopSixAnalytes, LabTests.Unit, LabTests.AnalyteName

FROM LabTests

ORDER BY LabTests.Result DESC


(2) /////--spTopSixAnalytesEXEC.sql--//////////////

USE ssmsExpressDB

EXEC spTopSixAnalytes

I executed them and got the following results in SSMSE:
TopSixAnalytes Unit AnalyteName
1 222.10 ug/Kg Acetone
2 220.30 ug/Kg Acetone
3 211.90 ug/Kg Acetone
4 140.30 ug/L Acetone
5 120.70 ug/L Acetone
6 90.70 ug/L Acetone
Now, I try to use this Stored Procedure in my ADO.NET-VB 2005 Express programming:

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim sqlConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source = .SQLEXPRESS; Integrated Security = SSPI; Initial Catalog = ssmsExpressDB;")

Dim sqlDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdaptor("[spTopSixAnalytes]", sqlConnection)

sqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand.Command.Type = CommandType.StoredProcedure

'Pass the name of the DataSet through the overloaded contructor

'of the DataSet class.

Dim dataSet As DataSet ("ssmsExpressDB")




End Sub

End Class

I executed the above code and I got the following 4 errors:
Error #1: Type 'SqlConnection' is not defined (in Form1.vb)
Error #2: Type 'SqlDataAdapter' is not defined (in Form1.vb)
Error #3: Array bounds cannot appear in type specifiers (in Form1.vb)
Error #4: 'DataSet' is not a type and cannot be used as an expression (in Form1)

Please help and advise.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

More Information for you to know:
I have the "ssmsExpressDB" database in the Database Expolorer of VB 2005 Express. But I do not know how to get the SqlConnection and the SqlDataAdapter into the Form1. I do not know how to get the Fill Method implemented properly.
I try to learn "Working with SELECT Statement in a Stored Procedure" for printing the 6 rows that are selected - they are not parameterized.

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How Can We Handle Stored Procedure Parameter Prefix

Jun 9, 2008

 When we add parameters in stored procedure we have to add parameter prefix "@" in case of SQL Database and in case of ORACLE Database we have to add parameter prefix "v_" but i need to know is there any class library which its handle the headache of parameter prefix either i connect to SQL Server or ORACLE or any other and i just add parameters without prefix..Please if you got my point so tell the solution ASAPThankyou! 

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How To Handle Multiple Result Sets Return From Stored Procedure

Aug 22, 2007

Hi all,

I want to know how to handle multiple result sets return from Stored Procedure? I know one way is to insert the result sets into the table, but the limitation is the result sets must have the same data structure. If the result sets have different data structure, how can I handle it.


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How To Handle Errors

May 20, 2002

I'm having trouble with something and I was hoping that you could point me in the right direction.

Here's the scenario:
I have a VB application that clients use to add records to a SQK 2K DB. The info they have added that day is shown in a grid. They have the ability to edit items in the grid, and then update those changes to the database. The problem is that sometimes they change the values to something they shouldn't. To combat this I've started experimenting with check constraints. In query analyzer I test the constraint by trying to update an entry to an 'illegal' value. When I do this, I get an error saying: "Server: Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Line 1" and the change is not made. What I'd like to do is to give the user a dialog box notifying him of the error. Is there a way to have a sub-routine or stored procedure be triggered when a message of this type is generated?

My specs are: W2K pro clients, SQL2K on an NT4 sp6a server. Application is written in VB6.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Handle SQL Errors With Severity 10

Jul 23, 2005

how to handle sql errors with severity less then 10 in .NETi call to stored procedure which raise error with severity 10 for examplehowever in c# i can't cach this error (with severiry >= 11 it going to thecatch block in my c# app), also the @@ERROR is equal to zero when severity<= 10--Message posted via

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How To Handle Errors In OpenRowSet

Apr 7, 2008


I have to connect to number of servers, i'm doin it by dynamically preparing query which uses OPENROWSET

Now sometimes, some server my be down. Hence i used, TRY.. CATCH block to handle that. But i don't think
Try-Catch Block is able to handle it.

Can anybody suggest on how to handle this situation. ?


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Controlling Errors In Stored Procedure

Jul 14, 2006

Hi everyone:
I need to use the "SET ROWCOUNT" statement to limit the amount of data returned to the application in a query, I know that if "SET ROWCOUNT = 0" is not specified at the end of this stored proc all the next queries will return only the amount of records specified in the initial "SET ROWCOUNT" call, so I would like to know if a I can have something like the TRY-CATCH-FINALLY statement (in SQL-92 for SQL Server 2000, not in SQL 2005) to make sure the "SET ROWCOUNT = 0" is sent at the end even if an error is raised.
Can it be done?
Thanks for any help.

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How Can I Trap Errors In A Stored Procedure?

May 26, 2004

My simple question:

Is there any way to prevent unimportant errors in a stored procedure from causing exceptions in my C# code? This is preventing the SqlAdapter from filling the query results into my DataSet.

The Setup:

I have a Stored Procedure in Sql Server 2000 which has a text parameter called @Xml. I send in an Xml document to process. This document contains several "records" to process. The format of the xml really isn't important.

I create a temporary table called #Results to hold the results of processing each record in the xml.

To process the xml I have a Cursor which loops over a SELECT from the xml.

For each record, the sproc attempts to make a series of INSERTs and UPDATEs inside of a transaction. Any one of these commands may fail because of constraint violations or attempts to insert NULL into non-null columns, or such. After each command I check @@ERROR. If it is not zero, I stop processing the record and rollback the transaction. The cursor loops around and tries the next record. Each time the success or failure of the transaction is recorded into the #Results table.

When the cursor is done looping I 'SELECT * FROM #Results'.

I've tested this many times in the Query Analyzer and each time, regardless of any errors, I can see the result set from the SELECT of the #Results table in the Grids tab. The Messages tab shows each of the errors that occurred.

I try to call this stored procedure using the following code:

int c = 0;

sqlAdapter.Fill( sqlDS );
catch( System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException )
c = sqlDS.Tables.Count;

The value of c will always be zero, if there were any errors during the execution of the stored procedure. The DataSet does not get filled, even though the stored procedure is returning a result set. This is a problem for me because I expect errors to occur, and I need to know which records from the Xml caused those errors.

Is there any way to clear the errors in my stored procedure so that they don't turn into exceptions in my code? Or, is there anyway to get the Adapter to fill the DataSet regardless of any errors that were encountered?

I've also tried this with a SqlDataReader. The reader never gets assigned to because SqlCommand.ExecuteReader() throws an exception.

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Dynamic Stored Procedure Errors

Aug 17, 2004


I am getting the following error

Syntax error converting the varchar value 'Select * from Residential WHERE Price BETWEEN ' to a column of data type int.

when running the following SP.


Declare @strSql char(255)
Set @strSql="Select * from Residential WHERE "

Set @strSql=@strSql + "Price BETWEEN " + @MinPrice + " AND " + @MaxPrice
If @Location is NOT NULL
Set @strSql=@strSql + ' AND city = ' + @Location

If @TypeHome is NOT NULL
Set @strSql=@strSql + ' AND Type = ' + @TypeHome

Set @strSql=@strSql + ' AND BDRM >= ' + @Bedrooms
Set @strSql=@strSql + ' AND BATHS <= ' + @BathsSearch
Set @strSql=@strSql + ' AND IDX = Y'


What is causing this error?

Thanks in advance

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Trapping Stored Procedure Errors

Jun 23, 2000

In Stored Procedures that have a group of statements wrapped in a Begin and End Statement What is the best way of trapping errors ?

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Trapping Errors In Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

Hi there,I am converting a large PL/SQL project into Transact-SQL and have hitan issue as follows:I have a PL/SQL procedure that converts a string to a date. Theprocedure does not know the format of the date in the string so ittries loads of formats in converting the string to a date until itsucceeds.After trying each potential format it uses the Oracle 'EXCEPTION WHENOTHERS' construct to trap the failure so it can try another format.Is it possible to do this with SQLServer ? If I do a CONVERT and it isnot one of the standard formats it fails. This is part of a backgroundscheduled process and I cannot afford the procedure to bomb out.I suspect the answer is I cannot do this and will need to impose somecontrol over the string being received (from various externalsystems!!) to ensure it is a specific known format. Even if I know itwill be one of the known SQLServer formats this will not be enoughsince if the first one I try is not correct the process will crash.Any ideas ?Thanks

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Stored Procedure T -sql Syntax Errors

Apr 22, 2008

Hi, i'm writing this stored procedure -

Code Snippet
USE [TheHub]

create proc dbo.sp_GetInvitationsHistoryDetails(@ExecID int, @OrgID int)
IF (@OrgID = 0)
select E.EventID,E.Description as Event,E.EventDate as Date
I.Attending as [Att'g],NotAttending as [Not att'g],I.Bootcamp as [Maybe] I.Attended
FROM Invitations I INNER JOIN Events E on I.EventID=E.EventID
WHERE I.MemberID=@ExecID and NotForStats=0
select E.EventID,E.Description as Event,E.EventDate as Date
count(*) as Invited,SUM(CONVERT(smallint,I.Attended)) AS Attended
FROM Invitations I INNER JOIN Events E on I.EventID=E.EventID
WHERE I.MemberID IN (select ID FROM Executives WHERE OrganisationID=OrgID
GROUP BY E.EventID,E.Description,E.EventDate

and i'm getting the following syntax errors when i check it -

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_GetInvitationsHistoryDetails, Line 10

Incorrect syntax near 'I'.

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_GetInvitationsHistoryDetails, Line 19

Incorrect syntax near 'count'.

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_GetInvitationsHistoryDetails, Line 23

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ORDER'.

Originally i just ran this sql from C# and it worked, obviously added the @ to the variables but it's basically the same.

Any ideas??

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Integration Services :: How To Handle Errors In SSIS

Oct 30, 2015

I am trying to handle errors occurred in SSIS package.

I have created flat file destination task in Data flow to handle the error records,configured the output columns with redirect row option.I am getting below error when I execute the package.

Error: 0xC0202009 at DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_2, OLE DB Source [1]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.An
OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server"  Hresult: 0x80004005  Description: "The statement has been terminated.".An OLE DB record
is available.  Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server"  Hresult: 0x80004005  Description: "Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.".

Package execution is stopping and none of the error records are logged in the error file task.

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Getting Permission Errors On Using Webclient In CLR Stored Procedure.

Jan 11, 2008

 Hello,I have a CLR stored procedure which send some values to an external URL by using the webclient, but for some reason I am getting this error.A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or
aggregate "sp_LeadSend": System.Security.SecurityException: Request for
the permission of type 'System.Net.WebPermission, System, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
System.Security.SecurityException: at System.Net.WebClient.UploadValues can anyone please advice how to resolve this one...I am really having a hard luck....... thanks.  

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Conversation Handle Processed By An Activated Stored Procedure Service Can Not Be Invoked By A CLR Service Instance?

Dec 1, 2006

I have a initiator and a target service broker peer.

Both are controlled by a C# unit test. The initiator uses the Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer class. The target service uses stored procedure activation.

Sending a message from the initiator to the target, saves the content of the message, along with its conversation handle in the target's database specific table.

The unit test needs - at a later time - to instruct the target to send a message back on the same conversation handle to the initiator service.

For this the C# unit test creates a Conversation off of the saved conversation handle:

Service client = new Service("cleintservicename", conn, tran);

Conversation dialog = null;

dialog = new Conversation(client, convHandle);
Sending the message on this dialog generates an error "Message body: <Error xmlns=""><Code>-8495</Code><Description>The conversation has already been acknowledged by another instance of this service.</Description></Error>".
Is the error due to the fact that a service - using the activated stored procedure already picked up the conversation, so that a new reference to the service can not be created through the Service class in CLR?
If so, I might need then to skip the activated stored procedure in favor or a CLR service, alltogether?
Any help - greatly appreciated.

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Stored Procedure Not Updating Database (no Errors Appearing)

Dec 1, 2003

Hi All,

I have a stored procedure (works form the SQL side). It is supposed to update a table, however it is not working, please help. What is supposed to happen is I have a delete statement deleting a payment from the payment table. When the delete button is pushed a trigger deletes the payment from the payment table and transfers it to the PaymentDeleted table. The stored procedure is supposed to update the PaymentDeleted table with the empID and reason for deleting, the delete and transfer work fine, however these 2 fields are not updated. Below is the sp and below that is the vb code. Thanks, Karen

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.PaymentDeletedInfoTrail (@EmpID_WhoDeleted varchar(10), @Reason_Deleted varchar(255), @PmtDeletedID int)

UPDATE dbo.PaymentDeleted
SET EmpID_WhoDeleted = @EmpID_WhoDeleted
WHERE PmtDeletedID = @PmtDeletedID

UPDATE dbo.PaymentDeleted
SET Reason_Deleted = @Reason_Deleted
WHERE PmtDeletedID = @PmtDeletedID


Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSubmit.Click
If Me.IsValid Then
Dim DR As SqlClient.SqlDataReader

Dim strPmtID As String
strPmtID = lblPmtIDDel.Text

Dim MySQL As String
MySQL = "DELETE From Payment WHERE PmtID = '" & strPmtID & "'"
Dim MyCmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(MySQL, SqlConnection1)
DR = MyCmd.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)

Dim strDeletePmt As String
strDeletePmt = lblPmtIDDel.Text

Dim cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("PaymentDeletedInfoTrail", SqlConnection1)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Dim myParam As SqlClient.SqlParameter
myParam = cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@PmtDeletedID", SqlDbType.Int))
myParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
myParam.Value = lblPmtIDDel.Text

myParam = cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@EmpID_WhoDeleted", SqlDbType.VarChar))
myParam.Value = txtEmpIDDelete.Text

myParam = cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Reason_Deleted", SqlDbType.VarChar))
myParam.Value = txtDeleteComments.Text


End If
End Sub

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Is There A Way To Capture All Bulk Insert Errors From Within A Stored Procedure?

Sep 28, 2007

Hi all!!

I have a stored procedure that dynamically bulk loads several tables from several text files. If I encounter an error bulk loading a table in the stored procedure, all I get is the last error code produced, but if I run the actual bulk load commands through SQL Management Studio, it gives much more usable errors, which can include the column that failed to load. We have tables that exceed 150 columns (don't ask), and having this information cuts troubleshooting load errors from hours down to minutes. Onto my question..., is there any way to capture all of the errors produced by the bulk load from within a stored procedure (see examples below)?

Running this...


FROM 'c: estcustomers.txt'

WITH (TabLock, MaxErrors = 0, ErrorFile = 'c: estcustomers.txt.err')

Produces this (notice column name at the end of the first error)...

Msg 4864, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 1 (CustId).

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.

Msg 7330, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".

Running this (similar to code in my stored procedure)...



FROM 'c: estcustomers.txt'

WITH (TabLock, MaxErrors = 0, ErrorFile = 'c: estcustomers.txt.err')




ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber,

ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity,

ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState,

ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure,

ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine,

ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage;


Produces something similar to this (which is useless)...
...Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".

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Variable Type Errors When Calling Stored Procedure

May 12, 2008

I currently have a stored procedure that is defined as follows:


@TableName char(100),

@LastSyncDateTime datetime,

@ErrorState int OUTPUT

I am using an execute sql task to call this procedure. The connectiontype is ADO .NET and the SQLSourceType is DirectInput. The IsQueryStoredProcedure setting is false, and the following is my SQL Statement I have entered:

exec UpdateSyncLog 'myTestTable', @LastSyncDateTime, @ErrorState

Result set is set to None, as this query returns NO results (i.e. has no select statements in it that returns results).

I have two variables in this SSIS package. CurrentDateTime, and ErrorStateVal. CurrentDateTime is of Data type DateTime, the ErrorStateVal is of type Int32

The parameter mappings are as follows:

Varialbe Name=User::CurrentDateTime, Direction=Input, DateType=DateTime, Parameter Name=@LastSynDateTime, Parameter Size=-1

Variable Name=User::ErrorStateVal, Direction=Output, DateType=Int32, Parameter Name=@ErrorState, Parameter Size=-1

The error I am getting when running this execute sql task is as follows:

Error: 0xC001F009 at AS400 to SQL Full Repopulation Sync: The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::ErrorStateVal" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.

Error: 0xC002F210 at Execute SQL Task, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec UpdateSyncLog 'myTestTable', @LastSyncDateTime, @ErrorState" failed with the following error: "The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::ErrorStateVal" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.

". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

Task failed: Execute SQL Task

This makes no sense to me, both the SSIS variable ErrorStateVal is Int32, as well as the parameter declaration in the Execute SQL task is Int32 with direction of OUTPUT, and my stored procedure definition has @ErrorState as an integer as well.

What gives?

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Calling CLR Stored Procedure From Within A CLR Table-valued Function Giving Errors

Apr 6, 2007

We are trying to create a TVF that executes a CLR Stored Procedure we wrote to use the results from the SP and transform them for the purposes of returning to the user as a table.

Code Snippet

[SqlFunction ( FillRowMethodName = "FillRow",

TableDefinition = "CustomerID nvarchar(MAX)",

SystemDataAccess = SystemDataAccessKind.Read,

DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read,


public static IEnumerable GetWishlist () {

using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection ( "Context Connection=true" )) {

List<string> myList = new List<string> ();

conn.Open ();

SqlCommand command = conn.CreateCommand ();

command.CommandText = "GetObject";

command.Parameters.AddWithValue ( "@map", "Item" );

command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

using ( SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader ( System.Data.CommandBehavior.SingleRow )) {

if (reader.Read ()) {

myList.Add ( reader[0] as string );



return (IEnumerable)myList;



When command.ExecuteReader is called, I am getting an "Object not defined" error. However, the stored procedure can be used in SQL Management Studio just fine.

Code SnippetEXEC GetObject 'Item'

Is there some sorf of trick I am missing?

Thank you!

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Handle Store Procedure Return 2 Table

Sep 20, 2006

I have a sp that will do two select from two table. now, can datareader read both table or only dataset can? if datareader can? how to handle it?

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Can Stored Procs Run After Handle Is Closed?

Jul 23, 2005

I have written a stored proceedure for MSSQL that needs to run for hours ata time. I need to execute it from C++ code. The current code does:nRet = SQLDIRECTEXEC(hstmt, "exec stored_proc", SQL_NTS)followed shortly after by aFree_Stmt_Handle(hstmt) //roughlyThe stored proc currently dies with the statement handle, not fullypopulating the table I need it to.I need to either know when the proc finishes so I can close the handle afterthat, or allow the proc to run independently on the server no matter whatthe program is doing (is exited, etc), either of these is fine.Please Help! Thanks in advance!Joseph

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How Can I Handle OnError Event In My Stored Proc.

Apr 15, 2004

Dear All:
I want to ask how can I handle OnError events in stored procedure in MSSQL.

Actually I wanted to place some Rollback procedure on this.

Can you suggest some methods for me?


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Calling A Stored Procedure Inside Another Stored Procedure (or Nested Stored Procedures)

Nov 1, 2007

Hi all - I'm trying to optimized my stored procedures to be a bit easier to maintain, and am sure this is possible, not am very unclear on the syntax to doing this correctly.  For example, I have a simple stored procedure that takes a string as a parameter, and returns its resolved index that corresponds to a record in my database. ie
exec dbo.DeriveStatusID 'Created'
returns an int value as 1
(performed by "SELECT statusID FROM statusList WHERE statusName= 'Created') 
but I also have a second stored procedure that needs to make reference to this procedure first, in order to resolve an id - ie:
exec dbo.AddProduct_Insert 'widget1'
which currently performs:SET @statusID = (SELECT statusID FROM statusList WHERE statusName='Created')INSERT INTO Products (productname, statusID) VALUES (''widget1', @statusID)
I want to simply the insert to perform (in one sproc):
SET @statusID = EXEC deriveStatusID ('Created')INSERT INTO Products (productname, statusID) VALUES (''widget1', @statusID)
This works fine if I call this stored procedure in code first, then pass it to the second stored procedure, but NOT if it is reference in the second stored procedure directly (I end up with an empty value for @statusID in this example).
My actual "Insert" stored procedures are far more complicated, but I am working towards lightening the business logic in my application ( it shouldn't have to pre-vet the data prior to executing a valid insert). 
Hopefully this makes some sense - it doesn't seem right to me that this is impossible, and am fairly sure I'm just missing some simple syntax - can anyone assist?

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SQL 2012 :: Use SSIS Or Stored Proc Or Combination To Handle Stopping A Process On Failure

Apr 7, 2015

A project I'm working on consists of a Main stored procedure which then runs about 30 nested procedures. The client wants to know when a certain nested SP fails, but wihtout rollbacks, as they may want to fix a data item manually (such as a missing Patient ID, that they have to call someone about). At this point, we don't want to roll back anything but halt the rest of the nested SP's and send out an email to someone that they have to check out a missing PatientID.

I'm wondering if an SSIS package would handle this better than just using a Stored Procedure. When that SP runs, it will also update a "Process tracking" table in the backend, that would update [Lastprocessran] with a number. I'm thinking that if they run the main SP again, after making a manual correction, that they could re-run the main SP, and it would bypass any step that already ran successfully based upon the [Lastprocessrun] number.

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Can SSRS 2005 Handle Stored Procedures Or SQL Subqueries That Rreturn Rowsets Based On Multiple SQL Updates?

Nov 8, 2006


I have a stored procedure that creates a temporary table, and then populates it using an INSERT and then a series of UPDATE statements. The procedure then returns the temporary table which will contain data in all of its columns.

When I call this procedure from SSRS 2005, the rowset returned contains data in only those columns that are populated by the INSERT statement. The columns that are set via the UPDATE statements are all empty. I read (in the Hitchhikers Guide to Reporting Services) that SSRS will only process the first rowset in a stored procedure that generates multiple rowsets. Is this true? Is this why SSRS does not retrieve data for the columns that are populated by the UPDATE statements?

Here is the stored procedure:


-- File: sp_GetProgramsWatchedByDateRange.sql
-- Desc: Returns EDP program and related channel (i.e., provider) information from the IPTV Data warehouse.
-- Note that some of that data used by this procedure are obtained from the RMS_EPG database
-- which is created by an application (loadEPG) that loads the EPG data from a GLF format XML file.
-- Auth: H Hunsaker
-- Date: 11/07/2006

-- Example invocation
-- EXEC dbo.sp_GetProgramsWatchedByDateRange ...

-- Arguments/Parameters:

-- Parameter Name Type Description
-- 3. StartDate datetime First date of reporting period
-- 4. EndDate datetime Last date of reporting period
-- TerseMode bit Return all columns? (1 = no, 0 = yes)
-- 5. AsXML bit Resultset format (0 = standard, 1 = XML)
-- 6. Debug bit Debug mode (0 = off, 1 = on). Currently disabled

IF OBJECT_ID (N'dbo.sp_GetProgramsWatchedByDateRange') IS NOT NULL
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.sp_GetProgramsWatchedByDateRange

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_GetProgramsWatchedByDateRange
@StartDate datetime = NULL,
@EndDate datetime = NULL,
@TerseMode bit = 0,
@AsXML bit = 0,
@Debug bit = 0
-- Notes: Much of the program content (roles, flags, etc.) that we want is not stored in the IPTV data warehouse.
-- So I am going to the RMS_EPG database to obtain that information.
-- We will have to ensure that the 2 databases are generated at the same or a matching time
-- in order to to ensure that all programID values in the data warehouse can be located in the RMS_EPG database.

-- Debug code for testing
-- DECLARE @StartDate datetime
-- DECLARE @EndDate datetime
-- DECLARE @TerseMode bit

--SET @StartDate = NULL
--SET @EndDate = NULL
--SET @TerseMode = 1


CREATE TABLE #programWatched
--IPTV device ID
tdeviceId uniqueidentifier NULL,
taccountId uniqueidentifier NULL,

-- Basic program information
tprogram int NULL, -- programID from EPG XML, needed to access program data in the RMS_EPG db.
tprogramId uniqueidentifier NULL, -- programID generated by IPTV
tprogramTitle varchar(150) NULL,
tprogramEpisodeTitle varchar(100) NULL,
tprogramDescription varchar(500) NULL,

toriginDateTime datetime NULL,
tduration bigint NULL,
tprogramType nvarchar(100) NULL,
tchannelCallName nvarchar(20) NULL,

programMPAARating varchar(50) NULL,
programVCHIPRating varchar(50) NULL,
programMPAARatingVal smallint NULL,
programVChipRatingVal smallint NULL,

-- Categories
programGenre varchar(50) NULL,
programCategory1 varchar(50) NULL,
programCategory2 varchar(50) NULL,
programCategory3 varchar(50) NULL,
programCategory4 varchar(50) NULL,

-- Roles
programActor1FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor1LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor1 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor2FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor2LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor2 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor3FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor3LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor3 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor4FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor4LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor4 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor5FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor5LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor5 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor6FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor6LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor6 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor7FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor7LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor7 varchar(100) NULL,

programActor8FirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor8LastName varchar(50) NULL,
programActor8 varchar(100) NULL,

programDirectorFirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programDirectorLastName varchar(50) NULL,
programDirector varchar(100) NULL,

programWriterFirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programWriterLastName varchar(50) NULL,
programWriter varchar(100) NULL,

programProducerFirstName varchar(50) NULL,
programProducerLastName varchar(50) NULL,
programProducer varchar(100) NULL,

-- Flags
ClosedCaption bit NULL,
InStereo bit NULL,
Repeats bit NULL,
New bit NULL,
Live bit NULL,
Taped bit NULL,
Subtitled bit NULL,
ThreeD bit NULL,
Letterbox bit NULL,
Dolby bit NULL,

FlagOrdinalValue smallint NULL,

-- Channel
tchannelId int NULL,

callLetters varchar(20) NULL,
displayName varchar(50) NULL,
type varchar(50) NULL,
networkAffiliation varchar(50) NULL

-- I store the program watching data in a temp table because
-- data from the VIL and the Sandbox that were used to test this procedure were either incomplete or invalid.
-- Use of a temp table with a series of updates allow me more control over the result set.

INSERT INTO #programWatched (

SELECT pw.DeviceID,
pw.originTime AS 'When Watched',
pw.Duration AS 'Duration Seconds',

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 -- program flag values default to zero, as we do not want NULL values.

FROM DW_EventClientProgramWatched pw
WHERE programID IS NOT NULL AND programID != '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -- These values should not occur, but they did in the test system
AND originTime BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
INSERT INTO #programWatched (

SELECT pw.DeviceID,
pw.originTime AS 'When Watched',
pw.Duration AS 'Duration Seconds',

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 -- program flag values default to zero, as we do not want NULL values.

FROM DW_EventClientProgramWatched pw
WHERE programID IS NOT NULL AND programID != '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' -- These values should not occur, but they did in the test system

-- AccountId/SubscriberId
UPDATE #programWatched
SET taccountId = (SELECT accountId
FROM DW_BRDB_bm_device d
WHERE d.deviceId = tdeviceId)

-- program (this is the integer program ID stored in the EPG XML, not to be confused with the IPTV programId)
-- a program can occur on multiple channels, so we filter channels where scheduleTime <= originTime <= scheculeTime + durationSecs
UPDATE #programWatched
SET tchannelCallName = (SELECT TOP 1 channelCallName
WHERE tprogramId = EPG.programId AND toriginDateTime BETWEEN scheduleTime AND DATEADD(s, epg.durationSecs, epg.scheduleTime))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET tprogram = (SELECT TOP 1 program FROM DW_EPG EPG WHERE tprogramId = EPG.programId AND tchannelCallName = channelCallName),
tprogramTitle = (SELECT TOP 1 programTitle FROM DW_EPG EPG WHERE tprogramId = EPG.programId AND tchannelCallName = channelCallName),
tprogramEpisodeTitle = (SELECT TOP 1 programEpisodeTitle FROM DW_EPG EPG WHERE tprogramId = EPG.programId AND tchannelCallName = channelCallName),
tprogramType = (SELECT TOP 1 programType FROM DW_EPG EPG WHERE tprogramId = EPG.programId AND tchannelCallName = channelCallName)

-- Rating (otained from programValues, can also be obtained from programFlags)
UPDATE #programWatched
SET programMPAARating = (SELECT TOP 1 programValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programValue pv
WHERE tprogram = pv.programID AND pv.programValueTypeId = 9)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programMPAARatingVal = CASE programMPAARating
WHEN 'PG-13' THEN 30
WHEN 'NC-17' THEN 50

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programVChipRating = (SELECT TOP 1 programValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programValue pv
WHERE tprogram = pv.programID AND pv.programValueTypeId = 8)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programVChipRatingVal = CASE programVChipRating
WHEN 'TV-14' THEN 45

-- Genre
UPDATE #programWatched
SET programGenre = (SELECT TOP 1 programCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory pc
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType psct ON psct.programSubCategoryTypeId = pc.programCategoryId
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programCategoryType pct ON pct.programCategoryTypeId = psct.programCategoryTypeId
WHERE tprogram = pc.programID)

-- Categories
UPDATE #programWatched
SET programCategory1 = (SELECT TOP 1 programSubCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory pc
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType pct ON pct.programSubCategoryTypeId = pc.programCategoryId
WHERE tprogram = pc.programID)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programCategory2 = (SELECT TOP 1 programSubCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory pc
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType pct ON pct.programSubCategoryTypeId = pc.programCategoryId
WHERE tprogram = pc.programID AND programSubCategoryTypeValue NOT IN (programCategory1))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programCategory3 = (SELECT TOP 1 programSubCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory pc
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType pct ON pct.programSubCategoryTypeId = pc.programCategoryId
WHERE tprogram = pc.programID AND programSubCategoryTypeValue NOT IN (programCategory1, programCategory2))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programCategory4 = (SELECT TOP 1 programSubCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory pc
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType pct ON pct.programSubCategoryTypeId = pc.programCategoryId
WHERE tprogram = pc.programID AND programSubCategoryTypeValue NOT IN (programCategory1, programCategory2, programCategory3))

-- Roles
UPDATE #programWatched
SET programDirectorFirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 2)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programDirectorLastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 2)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programDirector = programDirectorLastName + ' , ' + programDirectorFirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programWriterFirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 7)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programWriterLastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 7)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programWriter = programWriterLastName + ' , ' + programWriterFirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programProducerFirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 6)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programProducerLastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 6)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programProducer = programProducerLastName + ' , ' + programProducerFirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor1FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1)
UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor1LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor1 = programActor1LastName + ' , ' + programActor1FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor2FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor2LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor2 = programActor2LastName + ' , ' + programActor2FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor3FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor3LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor3 = programActor3LastName + ' , ' + programActor3FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor4FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor4LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor4 = programActor4LastName + ' , ' + programActor4FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor5FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor5LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor5 = programActor5LastName + ' , ' + programActor5FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor6FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor6LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor6 = programActor6LastName + ' , ' + programActor6FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor7FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor6FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor6LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor7LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor6FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor6LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor7 = programActor7LastName + ' , ' + programActor7FirstName

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor8FirstName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleFirstName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor6FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor6LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor7FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor7LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor8LastName = (SELECT TOP 1 programRoleLastName
FROM RMS_EPG..programRoleName prn
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programRole pr ON pr.programRoleNameId = prn.programRoleNameId
WHERE tprogram = pr.programID AND pr.programRoleTypeId = 1
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor1FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor1LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor2FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor2LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor3FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor3LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor4FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor4LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor5FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor5LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor6FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor6LastName)
AND programRoleFirstName NOT IN (programActor7FirstName) AND programRoleLastName NOT IN (programActor7LastName))

UPDATE #programWatched
SET programActor8 = programActor8LastName + ' , ' + programActor8FirstName

-- Channel (provider) Call Letters, Display Name and Type
-- Is this correct? Should we get the channelId from the schedule table?
-- Is this efficient? View execution plan

UPDATE #programWatched
SET tchannelId = (SELECT TOP 1 c.channelId
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..schedule s on s.channelID = c.channelID
WHERE s.programId = tprogram)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET callLetters = (SELECT TOP 1 c.channelCallLetters
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..schedule s on s.channelID = c.channelID
WHERE s.programId = tprogram and s.channelId = tchannelId)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET displayName = (SELECT TOP 1 c.channelDisplayName
JOIN RMS_EPG..schedule s on s.channelID = c.channelID
WHERE s.programId = tprogram and s.channelId = tchannelId)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET type = (SELECT TOP 1 c.channelType
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..schedule s on s.channelID = c.channelID
WHERE s.programId = tprogram and s.channelId = tchannelId)

UPDATE #programWatched
SET networkAffiliation = (SELECT TOP 1 c.channelNetworkAffiliation
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..schedule s on s.channelID = c.channelID
WHERE s.programId = tprogram and s.channelId = tchannelId)

IF @TerseMode = 0
FROM #programWatched
ORDER BY toriginDateTime
-- Get only Genre, title, show date/time, rating, call letters
SELECT tDeviceId, tprogramTitle, tprogramEpisodeTitle, programGenre, toriginDateTime, programMPAARating, programVCHIPRating, tchannelCallName
FROM #programWatched
ORDER BY toriginDateTime

DROP TABLE #programWatched




I also tried a query that populates some of its columns via subqueries. The query works fine when executed by the SQL Sevrer Query Analyzer,
meaning that all columns contain values, but when executed from SSRS, the columns that are poulated by the subqueries are empty, and only the columns that are not set by subqueries contain values:


PW.originTime AS 'When Watched',
PW.Duration AS 'Duration Seconds',

(SELECT TOP 1 programTitle FROM DW_EPG WHERE DW_EPG.programId = PW.programId AND PW.originTime BETWEEN DW_EPG.scheduleTime
AND DATEADD(second, durationSecs, DW_EPG.scheduleTime)) AS Title,

(SELECT TOP 1 program FROM DW_EPG WHERE DW_EPG.programId = PW.programId AND PW.originTime BETWEEN DW_EPG.scheduleTime AND
DATEADD(second, durationSecs, DW_EPG.scheduleTime)) As program,

(SELECT TOP 1 programCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory PC
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType PSCT ON psct.programSubCategoryTypeId = PC.programCategoryId
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programCategoryType PCT ON PCT.programCategoryTypeId = PSCT.programCategoryTypeId
WHERE PC.programID = (SELECT TOP 1 program FROM DW_EPG WHERE DW_EPG.programId = PW.programId AND PW.originTime BETWEEN
DW_EPG.scheduleTime AND DATEADD(second, durationSecs, DW_EPG.scheduleTime))) AS Genre,

(SELECT TOP 1 programSubCategoryTypeValue
FROM RMS_EPG..programCategory PC
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programSubCategoryType PSCT ON psct.programSubCategoryTypeId = PC.programCategoryId
INNER JOIN RMS_EPG..programCategoryType PCT ON PCT.programCategoryTypeId = PSCT.programCategoryTypeId
WHERE PC.programID = (SELECT TOP 1 program FROM DW_EPG WHERE DW_EPG.programId = PW.programId AND PW.originTime
BETWEEN DW_EPG.scheduleTime AND DATEADD(second, durationSecs, DW_EPG.scheduleTime))) AS Category

FROM DW_EventClientProgramWatched PW
ORDER BY DeviceId, programId, originTime


Any help is appreciated

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: One Stored Procedure Return Data (select Statement) Into Another Stored Procedure

Nov 14, 2014

I am new to work on Sql server,

I have One Stored procedure Sp_Process1, it's returns no of columns dynamically.

Now the Question is i wanted to get the "Sp_Process1" procedure return data into Temporary table in another procedure or some thing.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Embed Parameter In Name Of Stored Procedure Called From Within Another Stored Procedure?

Jan 29, 2015

I have some code that I need to run every quarter. I have many that are similar to this one so I wanted to input two parameters rather than searching and replacing the values. I have another stored procedure that's executed from this one that I will also parameter-ize. The problem I'm having is in embedding a parameter in the name of the called procedure (exec statement at the end of the code). I tried it as I'm showing and it errored. I tried googling but I couldn't find anything related to this. Maybe I just don't have the right keywords. what is the syntax?

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[runDMQ3_2014LDLComplete]
@QQ_YYYY char(7),
@YYYYQQ char(8)
select [provider group],provider, NPI, [01-Total Patients with DM], [02-Total DM Patients with LDL],

[Code] ....

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Connect To Oracle Stored Procedure From SQL Server Stored Procedure...and Vice Versa.

Sep 19, 2006

I have a requirement to execute an Oracle procedure from within an SQL Server procedure and vice versa.

How do I do that? Articles, code samples, etc???

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Grab IDENTITY From Called Stored Procedure For Use In Second Stored Procedure In ASP.NET Page

Dec 28, 2005

I have a sub that passes values from my form to my stored procedure.  The stored procedure passes back an @@IDENTITY but I'm not sure how to grab that in my asp page and then pass that to my next called procedure from my aspx page.  Here's where I'm stuck:    Public Sub InsertOrder()        Conn.Open()        cmd = New SqlCommand("Add_NewOrder", Conn)        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        ' pass customer info to stored proc        cmd.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", txtFName.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@LastName", txtLName.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@AddressLine1", txtStreet.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@CityID", dropdown_city.SelectedValue)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Zip", intZip.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@EmailPrefix", txtEmailPre.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@EmailSuffix", txtEmailSuf.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhoneAreaCode", txtPhoneArea.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhonePrefix", txtPhonePre.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhoneSuffix", txtPhoneSuf.Text)        ' pass order info to stored proc        cmd.Parameters.Add("@NumberOfPeopleID", dropdown_people.SelectedValue)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@BeanOptionID", dropdown_beans.SelectedValue)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@TortillaOptionID", dropdown_tortilla.SelectedValue)        'Session.Add("FirstName", txtFName.Text)        cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()        cmd = New SqlCommand("Add_EntreeItems", Conn)        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        cmd.Parameters.Add("@CateringOrderID", get identity from previous stored proc)   <-------------------------        Dim li As ListItem        Dim p As SqlParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("@EntreeID", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)        For Each li In chbxl_entrees.Items            If li.Selected Then                p.Value = li.Value                cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()            End If        Next        Conn.Close()I want to somehow grab the @CateringOrderID that was created as an end product of my first called stored procedure (Add_NewOrder)  and pass that to my second stored procedure (Add_EntreeItems)

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SQL Server 2012 :: Executing Dynamic Stored Procedure From A Stored Procedure?

Sep 26, 2014

I have a stored procedure and in that I will be calling a stored procedure. Now, based on the parameter value I will get stored procedure name to be executed. how to execute dynamic sp in a stored rocedure

at present it is like EXECUTE usp_print_list_full @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT

I want to do like EXECUTE @SpName @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT

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Error Log Peppered With --&&> 'The Conversation Handle Is Missing. Specify A Conversation Handle.'

Dec 3, 2007


I'm using service broker and keep getting errors in the log even though everythig is working as expected

SQL Server 2005
Two databases
Two end points - 1 in each database
Two stored procedures:
SP1 is activated when a message enters the sending queue. it insert a new row in a table
SP2 is activated when a response is sent from the receiving queue. it cleans up the sending queue.

I have a table with an update trigger
In that trigger, if the updted row meets a certain condition a dialogue is created and a message is sent to the sending queue.
I know that SP1 and SP2 are behaving properly because i get the expected result.
Sp1 is inserteding the expected data in the table
SP2 is cleaning up the sending queue.

In the Sql Server log however i'm getting errors on both of the stored procs.
error #1
The activated proc <SP 1 Name> running on queue Applications.dbo.ffreceiverQueue output the following: 'The conversation handle is missing. Specify a conversation handle.'

error #2
The activated proc <SP 2 Name> running on queue ADAPT_APP.dbo.ffsenderQueue output the following: 'The conversation handle is missing. Specify a conversation handle.'

I would appreceiate anybody's help into why i'm getting this. have i set up the stored procs in correctly?

i can provide code of the stored procs if that helps.


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System Stored Procedure Call From Within My Database Stored Procedure

Mar 28, 2007

I have a stored procedure that calls a msdb stored procedure internally. I granted the login execute rights on the outer sproc but it still vomits when it tries to execute the inner. Says I don't have the privileges, which makes sense.

How can I grant permissions to a login to execute msdb.dbo.sp_update_schedule()? Or is there a way I can impersonate the sysadmin user for the call by using Execute As sysadmin some how?

Thanks in advance

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