How To Identify The Base Table For A PageID ?

Jul 19, 2007


Have a LOB error which provides the corrupt PageID and this recommends a DBCC CHECKDB. However I'm unable to identify what the base table for the PageID. DBCC PAGE does not provide base table info (I think), DBCC PGLINKAGE has been retired in SS2005 and DBCC READPAGE doesn't work either.

Does any know of a valid SS2005 command or technique which will allow my to identify the base table for a PageID???

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How Do I Identify The Base Table For A PageID?

Jul 19, 2007


Have a LOB error which provides the corrupt PageID and this recommends a DBCC CHECKDB. However I'm unable to identify what the base table for the PageID. DBCC PAGE does not provide base table info (I think), DBCC PGLINKAGE has been retired in SS2005 and DBCC READPAGE doesn't work either.

Does any know of a valid SS2005 command or technique which will allow my to identify the base table for a PageID???

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How Can I Manage Database On Lan Base[network Base]software

Jul 20, 2005

himy self avicurrently i am developing one application in vb 6 and back end assqlserver 7 which is used on lan.i have some problem. like in my database i have one table salesvoucherwhich has 'voucherno' field. when 2-3 user will work on salesform at atime [since the softwrae will run on lan] then the same voucherno willsave for all users data which is wrong i need to save different vouchernofor each no. is there any way in sqlserver to apply some condition ondatabase or to set some its property[tables] so that at a time only oneusers data will save depend on firstcome first serve base or is there anyway to make changes in programme.plz help me regarding this i need it very badly.since its my first lan based software plz give me some books nameregarding this software for vb6 and sqlserver7

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Trigger For Updating Value On One Table When That Value Is Updated On Base Table

Jul 30, 2015

If the id1 will change in table1 it should also change the corresponding id1 field in table2 it does not do anything.

ON [dbo].[table1]
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

[Code] .....

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SQL To Identify The Primary Key In A Table?

Oct 24, 2007


I have been looking for a way to identify the primary key defined in a
table using a SQL can i do it?

Thanx for your support!!!

Diego Bayona

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Get A Max Value From One Table Base On Date From Another.

Jul 20, 2006

I have a problem where I need to join multiple tables. Part of the query needs me to make the following relationship in a join.

Say I have a table with items, prices, and dates.



A 1.00 5/5/2000

B 3.00 1/1/2000

A 2.50 6/5/2004


This table represents an items price from the date on. So Item 'A' costed 1.00 from 5/5/2000 through 6/5/2004, then it costed 2.50 from that day on.

Now say I have a table of transactions with items, amount bought, and dates.



A 5 6/6/2003

A 1 8/5/2003

A 2 8/5/2004

The total for A should come out to be 11.00. There are multiple Items and multiple price changes.

If someone could point out how a inner join of this nature would work it will help me in my query. I guess the reason i say inner join is because I am joining multiple other tables to do my query.

My current Price Table has a start date and an end date and my query looks something like this. "Select SUM(PriceTable.Price * TransactionTable.Amount) From PriceTable Inner Join TransactionTable ON TransactionTable.Date Between PriceTable.StartDate and PriceTable.EndDate AND PriceTable.Item = TransactionTable.Item".

I want something like this because the tables need to be in the format above "Select SUM(PriceTable.Price * TransactionTable.Amount) From PriceTable INNER JOIN TransactionTable ON Max(PriceTable.Date) WHERE PriceTable.Date <= TransactionTable.Date AND PriceTable.Item = TransactionTable.Item".

Hope that made sense, thanks.

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How Can I Search A Schema To Identify Table

Feb 12, 2007

I am trying to find a needle in a haystack.

One of the tables in this database has a column named column_xyz.

There are over 800 tables, each with numerous columns. If I know that the column I am looking for is "column_xyz" is there an easy query I can do to identify all tables that contain that column?

I hope.


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Can I Add A Row To A Data Base Table With VWD Express

Dec 21, 2005

I have a data table I have adabted for my own use and want to add a row to the table. Can I do that with Visual Web developer Express?
I can add update modify the colums and data in the exciting table but I cannot figure out how to add a row.
This is just a simple datalist of names. firstname lastname. there are 18 of them and i want to add more names

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Truth Table Generator For Any Base!

Jul 25, 2007

This little handy algorithm provides a truth table for any range of numbers between 0 and 65535 of any base between 2 and 36!
As a twist, you can either return the digits concatenated or as separate columns.CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.uspTruthTable
@FromNumber SMALLINT = 0,
@ToNumber INT = 255,
@Step INT = 1,
@Base TINYINT = 2,
@Concat BIT = 0


@b VARCHAR(12),
@d VARCHAR(2),
@Diff INT,
@Digits CHAR(36)

IF @FromNumber > @ToNumber
SELECT@Temp = @FromNumber,
@FromNumber = @ToNumber,
@ToNumber = @Temp

IF @FromNumber < 0
RAISERROR('The parameter FromNumber %d is less than 0 (base 10).', 16, 1, @FromNumber)

IF @ToNumber > 65535
RAISERROR('The parameter ToNumber %d is greater than 65535 (base 10).', 16, 1, @ToNumber)

IF @Base < 2
RAISERROR('The parameter Base %d is less than 2 (base 10).', 16, 1, @Base)

IF @Base > 36
RAISERROR('The parameter Base %d is greater than 36 (base 10).', 16, 1, @Base)

@Temp = FLOOR(LOG(@ToNumber) / LOG(@Base)),
@Diff = @ToNumber - @FromNumber + 1,

WHILE @Temp >=0
WHEN @Concat = 1 THEN '+SUBSTRING(''' + @Digits + ''',1 + Number/POWER(' + @b + ',' + @d + ') % ' + @b + ', 1)'
ELSE ',SUBSTRING(''' + @Digits + ''',1 + Number/POWER(' + @b + ',' + @d + ') % ' + @b + ', 1) AS Digit' + @d
@Temp = @Temp - 1



WHILE @Step <= @Diff
SELECT@Step + Number
WHERENumber <= @ToNumber - @Step

SET@Step = @Step * 2

IF @Concat = 1
SET @SQL = 'SELECT Number, ''''' + @SQL + ' AS Digits FROM #Numbers ORDER BY Number'
SET @SQL = 'SELECT Number' + @SQL + ' FROM #Numbers ORDER BY Number'


DROP TABLE #NumbersYou can use the algorithm like these examplesEXEC dbo.uspTruthTable
EXEC dbo.uspTruthTable 0, 255, 1, 8
EXEC dbo.uspTruthTable DEFAULT, 15, 1, 2
E 12°55'05.76"
N 56°04'39.42"

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SQL 2012 :: Identify Unused Indexes In Table

Jan 15, 2015

How to find if there is a query that can be written on DMV's which will be able to retrieve the indexes that are not being used in a table.

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Identify Range And Related Data From Look Up Table

Dec 27, 2007

I have a query/report that I need to create that needs to look at the size of a company and based on that size apply different rules. I am sure that this is not the only query/report I'll need to do using this and I'm also not so sure that the size ranges won't be changed in the future. Given this, I'd like to store the size ranges in a lookup(global) table. That way, if the ranges ever change I can just alter them in that table and not in all of the queries/reports that use them. What I need to figure out is how to join the live table with the look up table.

Specifically, here is what I have. The look up table would be:

Code Block
CREATE TABLE #gl_sizerange (
glsid int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
lowsize int,
highsize int,
sizecat varchar(10),
milestone varchar(25),
days int
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(1, 24, 'Small', 'Approach', 14)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(1, 24, 'Small', 'Interview', 14)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(1, 24, 'Small', 'Demonstrate', 21)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(1, 24, 'Small', 'Negotiate', 14)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(1, 24, 'Small', 'Close', 7)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(25, 99, 'Medium', 'Approach', 14)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(25, 99, 'Medium', 'Interview', 21)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(25, 99, 'Medium', 'Demonstrate', 21)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(25, 99, 'Medium', 'Negotiate', 14)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(25, 99, 'Medium', 'Close', 7)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(100, 499, 'Large', 'Approach', 14)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(100, 499, 'Large', 'Interview', 21)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(100, 499, 'Large', 'Demonstrate', 21)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(100, 499, 'Large', 'Negotiate', 14)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(100, 499, 'Large', 'Close', 7)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(500, 300000000, 'Super', 'Approach', 28)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(500, 300000000, 'Super', 'Interview', 35)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(500, 300000000, 'Super', 'Demonstrate', 28)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(500, 300000000, 'Super', 'Negotiate', 35)
INSERT into #gl_sizerange VALUES(500, 300000000, 'Super', 'Close', 35)

Then what I have is two more tables, one that indicates the size of the company and another that has the milestone contained within it and I will also calculate how long that milestone has been open and if it is longer than what is in the lookup table for that milestone and size range I need it returned in the report. Here are some quick sample table to represent that data (I've condensed the size and number of tables for the example):

Code Block
CREATE TABLE #en_entity (
enid int NOT NULL,
orgsize int,

INSERT into #en_entity VALUES(1, 5)
INSERT into #en_entity VALUES(2, 18)
INSERT into #en_entity VALUES(3, 24)
INSERT into #en_entity VALUES(4, 25)
INSERT into #en_entity VALUES(5, 47)
INSERT into #en_entity VALUES(6, 101)
INSERT into #en_entity VALUES(7, 499)
INSERT into #en_entity VALUES(8, 500)
INSERT into #en_entity VALUES(9, 10000)
INSERT into #en_entity VALUES(10, 567890)
CREATE TABLE #op_opportunity (
opid int NOT NULL,
enid int NOT NULL,
milestone varchar(25),
daysopen int
INSERT into #op_opportunity VALUES(1, 1, 'Approach', 5)
INSERT into #op_opportunity VALUES(2, 2, 'Interview', 18)
INSERT into #op_opportunity VALUES(3, 4, 'Negotiate', 24)
INSERT into #op_opportunity VALUES(4, 7, 'Demonstrate', 25)
INSERT into #op_opportunity VALUES(5, 7, 'Approach', 7)
INSERT into #op_opportunity VALUES(6, 9, 'Close', 35)
INSERT into #op_opportunity VALUES(7, 8, 'Close', 36)

So, given the sample data, I would expect the results to return me the following opids from the #op_opportunity table because they don't comply with what is in the look up table based on milestone, size and days open: 2,3,4,7

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Identify Who Dropped A Table

Jun 30, 2015

I'm getting a replication error that an object (Table) was not found. Any script that can capture this information?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Identify DB Objects That Depend On Particular Table?

Jul 7, 2015

Any SQL that can be used to identify all objects that depend on a particular table? For example, sprocs, functions, views, etc.

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Transact SQL :: Identify Primary And Foreign Keys In Two Table

Apr 23, 2015

I've attempted to identify a primary and foreign key in these two tables, but I am getting a bunch of errors re duplicate keys and column names needing to be unique.Perhaps the primary and foreign key I have identified don't meet the criteria?

-- Added Primary key to [stock_symbol]
[stock_symbol] VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_stock_symbol PRIMARY KEY,
[stock_name] VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL,
[stock_exchange] VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,


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Derive Base Table/column From View

Aug 19, 2002

Is there any way to get the base table/column from a view by supplying the view name/column name_in_view? I know about INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE, but it doesn't always work. Try it on a regular database, not pubs. Any help is appreciated!

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Identify Columns Which Will Create Unique Record In A Table

Sep 15, 2014

I am looking to create a script that will go through a table a pick out the necessary columns to create a unique record. Some of the tables that I am working with have 200 plus columns and I am not sure if I would have to list every column name in the script or if they could be dynamically referenced. I am working with a SQL server that has little next to no documentation and everytime I type to mere some tables, I get too many rows back.

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Insufficient Base Table Information For Updating Or Refreshing

Nov 16, 2006

I am using MADC 2.8 to connect to Sql Sever 2000.

The Connection string uses a File DSN.

I get few records into a Record set using Select Command. Then I update one Col in the Recordset and Updates the database table. I open the recordset in

I am getting "Insufficient base table information for updating or refreshing" Error some times. This Code executes in a Multi user Environment.

I tried to recreate this error condition on my local system by Deleteing/Updating the Reocrds from the table and even locking the table.

I get this error "Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have been changed since it was last read."

Are both of these errors connected? or is there any way i can get rid of this error

The Code is somethng like this

Set objRs = New ADODB.Recordset
objRs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
objRs.Open strSql, SQLCON, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
If (Not objRs.BOF) And (Not objRs.EOF) Then
objRs.Fields("FLAG") = 1
VAR1 = objRs.Fields("0")
MsgBox ("No Reocrds exist")
End If

Thanks in Advance for any help

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Row-level Security: Permissions Required On Base Table?

Jun 2, 2007

I'm implementing row-level security in a SQL Server database that uses Microsoft Access for the front end. I'm using a UDF (a view behaves the same way) to restrict access to specific rows of a base table based on membership in a role. According to the reading I've done, if the base table has DENY ALL permissions for the role, and the UDF has GRANT ALL, members of the role should be able to update records in the base table via the UDF, without having direct access to the base table. However, I find that unless I grant appropriate permissions on the base table, the user is unable to update the table via the UDF.

Is this expected behavior? Nothing I've read suggests I should have to grant permissions on the columns of the base table.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Identify Difference Between Two Table Columns And Output Only The Differences

Sep 4, 2015

IF Object_id('GoldenSecurity') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.GoldenSecurity;
IF Object_id('GoldenSecurityRowVersion') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.GoldenSecurityRowVersion;

CREATE TABLE dbo.GoldenSecurity (securityID INT, CompanyId INT, Securityname VARCHAR(50), issuedate SMALLDATETIME, currencyID INT)

[Code] ......

View 6 Replies View Related

SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Identify Table Made On Temporary Basis Are Not Used?

Sep 9, 2015

In the Operating environment databases, may be made tables in the database on a temporary basis but they are still yet and they are not removed, how to identify tables that have been made on a temporary basis are not used (don’t have any read & write records)?

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ODBC Error Code = S0002 (Base Table Not Found)

Nov 20, 2001

I have converted a access database to sql server 2000 for some reason i keep getting this error base table not found.
I know the sql database is there and i also know the table is there. I'm not sure why i keep getting this error..


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Schema Change History - Identify Who Dropped A Table?

Jun 30, 2015

How can I easily identify who dropped a table?

View 8 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2014 :: Trigger On A View If Any Insert / Update Occurs On Base Table Level

Apr 21, 2015

I have a situation where I have Table A, Table B.

View C is created by joining table A and table B.

I have written a instead of trigger D on view C.

I do not insert/update/delete on the view directly.

For every insert/update in table A /B the values should get insert/update in the view respectively. This insert/update on view should invoke the trigger.

And I am unable to see this trigger work on the view if any insert/update occurs on base table level.

Trigger is working only if any operation is done directly on the view.

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Error (8626) While Inserting Record Into Table With Text Field And Which Is The Base For Indexed View

Mar 14, 2006

I have a problem with inserting records into table when an indexed viewis based on it.Table has text field (without it there is no problem, but I need it).Here is a sample code:USE testGOCREATE TABLE dbo.aTable ([id] INT NOT NULL, [text] TEXT NOT NULL)GOCREATE VIEW dbo.aViewWITH SCHEMABINDING ASSELECT [id], CAST([text] AS VARCHAR(8000)) [text]FROM dbo.aTableGOCREATE TRIGGER dbo.aTrigger ON dbo.aView INSTEAD OF INSERTASBEGININSERT INTO aTableSELECT [id], [text]FROM insertedENDGODo the insert into aTable (also through aView).INSERT INTO dbo.aTable VALUES (1, 'a')INSERT INTO dbo.aView VALUES (2, 'b')Still do not have any problem. But when I need index on viewCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [id] ON dbo.aView ([id])GOI get following error while inserting record into aTable:-- Server: Msg 8626, Level 16, State 1, Procedure aTrigger, Line 4-- Only text pointers are allowed in work tables, never text, ntext, orimage columns. The query processor produced a query plan that requireda text, ntext, or image column in a work table.Does anyone know what causes the error?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Identify Sets That Have Same Items (where Set ID And Items In Same Table)

Feb 25, 2015

I am struggling to come up with a set-based solution for this problem (i.e. that doesn't involve loops/cursors) ..A table contains items (identified by an ItemCode) and the set they belong to (identified by a SetId). Here is some sample data:



You can see that there are some sets that have the same members:

- 1 and 10
- 2 and 11
- 7, 8 & 9

What I want to do is identify the sets that have the same members, by giving them the same ID in another column called UniqueSetId.

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Transact SQL :: SUM Of Two Table Column Base On Another Column Value And SUBTRACT And Join Tables

Oct 14, 2015

I have the following table

Table Name EmployeeInformation
EmployeeID EmployeeFirstName EmployeeLastName
    1             |John                       |Baker
    2             |Carl                        |Lennon
    3             |Marion                    |Herbert

Table Name PeriodInformation
PeriodID PeriodStart PeriodEnd
    1        |1/1/14      |12/30/14
    2        |1/1/15      |12/30/15


I want a query to join all this tables based on EmployeeID, PeriodID and LeaveTypeID sum of LeaveEntitlement.LeaveEntitlementDaysNumber based on LeaveTypeID AS EntitleAnnaul and AS EntitleSick and sum AssignedLeave.AssignedLeaveDaysNumber based on LeaveTypeID  AS AssignedAnnaul and AS AssignedSick and subtract EntitleAnnaul from AssignedAnnual based on LeaveTypeID  AS AnnualBalance and subtract EntitleSick from AssignedSick based on LeaveTypeID  AS SickBalance

and the table should be shown as below after executing the query

EmployeeID, EmployeeFirstName, EmployeeLastName, PeriodID, PeriodStart, PeriodEnd, EntitleAnnual, AssignedAnnual, AnnualBalance, EntitleSick, AssignedSick, SickBalance

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Transfer Data From An Excel Sheet To Table In Sql Data Base

Nov 15, 2006

I have an excel sheet that contain colummns as in a table in a sql database i want to transfer this data from the sheet to the table frombusiness logic code layer not from the enterprise manager by wizardwhat can i do?? ...please urgent

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Modify String Data Base On Data In The Table

Jun 17, 2004

I need to get rid of the first char of data in a field f1 (in sql server)

I tried to use:

update myTable
set f1= substring(f1,1,f1.Len -1)

and get error "The column prefix 'f1' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.

Could anyone help? Thanks.

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How To Identify A Dll

Apr 17, 2008


How would I know that a dll component I built is in .NET framework 1.0 or 1.1??


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Identify Neg And Pos Values

May 7, 2003

How do l select a negative value from a column and set it to 'C' and if its a positive value set it to 'D' for debit

l've written it in layman's terms .Is it wise to use substring or they is a better method......

when amount is (negative) then 'C'
when amount is (positive) then 'D'

from table_Tran

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SHOWCONTIG - Need A Bit Of Help To Identify If

Oct 11, 2007


I'm currently on a company with an ms sql server 2000. I'm looking into the indexes and tables to see if there are some bottlenecks there but the LogicalFramentation is very low in the index I have searched.

However, this table has a logicalFragmentation of 99,9215698242188 which I get when I do DBCC SHOWCONTIG ([TInsurance]) WITH TABLERESULTS. Is that a value to be trusted or not to be trusted since this does not check an index? If it is, how do I defrag a table? I know only how to defrag an index. (example: DBCC INDEXDEFRAG (MFSSEK,[TInsurance], PK_InsuranceID) )

Tipps, suggestions, help, all is very wellcome! :-)

DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'TInsurance' table...
Table: 'TInsurance' (2051694557); index ID: 0, database ID: 17
TABLE level scan performed.
- Pages Scanned................................: 1275
- Extents Scanned..............................: 225
- Extent Switches..............................: 224
- Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 5.7
- Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 71.11% [160:225]
- Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 74.67%
- Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 520.0
- Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 93.58%
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

View 9 Replies View Related

How To Identify An Array

Nov 20, 2006

I have seen several examples explaining the fact that a tablecontaining a field for each day of the week is for the most part anarray. An specific example is where data representing worked hours isstored in a table.CREATE TABLE [hoursWorked] ([id] [int] NOT NULL ,[location_id] [tinyint] NOT NULL,[sunday] [int] NULL ,[monday] [int] NULL ,[tuesday] [int] NULL ,[wednesday] [int] NULL ,[thursday] [int] NULL ,[friday] [int] NULL ,[saturday] [int] NULL)I had to work with a table with a similar structure about 7 years agoand I remember that writing code against the table was pretty close toHell on earth.I am now looking at a table that is similar in nature - but different.CREATE TABLE [blah] ([concat_1_id] [int] NOT NULL ,[concat_2_id] [int] NOT NULL ,[code_1] [varchar] (30) NOT NULL ,[code_2] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[code_3] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[some_flg] [char] (1) NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]The value for code_2 and code_3 will be dependently null and they willrepresent similar data in both records (i.e. the value "abc" can existin both fields) . For example if code_2 contains data then code_3 willprobably not contain data.I do not think that this is an array. But with so many rows wherecode_2 and code_3 will be NULL something just does not feel right.I will appreciate your input.

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How To Identify Hot Tables

Jul 20, 2005

Does anyone know how to identify the hottest, most active tables in adatabase?We have hundreds of users hitting a PeopleSoft database with hundredsof tables. We are I/O bound on our SAN, and are thinking of puttingthe hottest tables on a solid state (RAM) drive for improvedperformance. Problem is: which are the hottest tables? Would like todo this based on hard data instead of developer/vendor guesses.Any suggestions are much appreciated.

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