How To Maintain Users Permission And Access Level

Mar 9, 2007

Hi guys,

We have a scenario where there are about 50 tables in our database and we want to build an intranet web application for users to with the office to access those tables.

Users ability to access tables falls into diferent category:

Some users can NOT view some tables at all
Some users can ONLY view some tables but not insert/update any field
Some users can view and also insert/update some tables (in the same time they might not have view(select) permision on some other tables)

Now, what is the right way to implement this.

I say we have to have a Role, RolePermission, User, UserPermission inside our database to implement this (something which would look like the Roles and Users inside MSSQL) and we only have one user for our Database (MachineName/ASPUSER) to access the database and all the tables within

My colleague says NO, instead of creating all these tables and implement this, we add every user of our application as a Database user inside MSSQL in the Databse Users.

All the web application I have seen so far, DNN, CommunityServer, ... the have tables to implement all these and they don't add users inside the MSSQL.

Now which way is the way to go with, and what problem might we fall into if we use SQL users, is this possible at all. How can I convince him that we have to make and use our own tables to manage this.

 Thanks for any help,

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Do I Need Admin Access On My Computer To Run Or Maintain An SSIS Package?

Oct 26, 2006

Do I need admin access on my computer to Run or manage an SSIS Package?

if i dont have admin access on my computer, what functionality of SSIS i cannot use?

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Maintain Audit Trail Of Access To SQL Server 2000 Database

Sep 25, 2006

Is there any way to maintain audit trail of access to my SQL server 2000 database by any user ?? I need to log the timestamp of any insert/update/delete to any record in a table within the database by the user.


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Permission Problem W/ Users Running Some Queries

Feb 26, 2002

Permission problem w/ users running some queries

I have a SQL-authenticated user that I want to be able to run a pass-thru query. The user was created solely for this particular job. I've given it appriopriate permissions on all the tables, views, and stored procedures directly involved in the task. BUT, the task fails.
If I have the query perform a simple task, like SELECT * FROM TABLE, it works,
but, not on this:

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_gtn_RunFromAccess AS
EXEC msdb..sp_start_job @job_name='CA_GTN Download From Mainframe'

If I give the user the DB_OWNER role, it fails; however, if I make it a sys admin, it suceeds. That is obviously no good. It also suceeds it I put sa and a password in the ODBC string, but that is unacceptable, as well.

What kinds of permission am I overlooking?
Any thoughts on this?
Michael G

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SQL Server 2008 :: Logins Or Users Without Any Permission?

Feb 13, 2015

How to find the list of logins/users who do not have any permission (except default Public) access.

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How To Grant User Permission To Create Other Users?

Jun 26, 2007

There's something I can't quite figure out about user creating

The application that I'm currently working on is interacting with DB, therefore every time you use application you need to login as user which is fine. The problem is that certain users should be able to create new users and the new user may even have the same level of permissions as the one that's creating it ( like admin creating another admin acount or some like that).

Question is how can I allow users to create these user with giving them as few permissions as possible.

If there's is somewhere a code sample on the net I would appreciate the link.

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SQL Security :: Assign Database Permission To All The Users?

May 31, 2015

How can I assign permission to new database for all the existing user in SQL.?

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SYSAdmin Users Do Not Have Permission To See Records In A View?

Sep 15, 2006

We have a third party application and wish to create a report based upon a view.

The strange thing is logged in to the server as a SQL SYSAdmin account, we cannot view the data via the view. SQL Admin accounts are setup correctly and there is nothing different on this particular server. No errors are returned just a blank view with no records.

Could this be a permissions problem or orphaned schemas in that particular database? I thought SYSAdmin could view and do just about anything and the people who use this particular database would not have the know how on denying permission to the SYSAdmin role.



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Schema-level Security For Multiple Users In One Database

Apr 17, 2007

My developers would like a 'sandbox' database with full ddl and dml permissions, however, they do not want others to read/change/drop their objects. With SQL 2005, can DDL permissions be granted to a user at the schema level? I'd rather not set up a database for each developer.

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Server Level Role That Can Add / Alter Logins And Corresponding Users On All Databases

Jul 7, 2015

Does securityadmin Server level role can add, alter logins and corresponding users on all databases ? 

If not what is the best role other thn SA to have to manager logins and users.

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Users' Access Linked Table From ACCESS To SQL 7.0 By ODBC

Jan 12, 2000

Hi Everyone,

I have set up a link from ACCESS to a SQL 7.0 database using ODBC (File DSN saved on a shared DRIVE). The link works well only from the workstation where the link was created. But How can I create a link so a group of users can view the linked table in ACCESS without type a password? Any suggestion is appreciated.


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Access Permission

Sep 28, 2004

it is proberly not right place to post here, but i found there are many experts here. I learn a lot from here. I would like to ask.
I have a new window 2000 server.
my supervisor let me set Domain Admins to both of us, how to set up?
The domain admins is full control, also we have admin for server, what is different? Is that Domain admin has been add in the server, and just let me add two users to be a domanin admins? how to do that? Thanks for your help.

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How To Give ASPNET Account Permission To Access DB's

Jun 16, 2005

I'm creating one of my first pages, and it accesses an MS SQL database.It runs fine locally, but if you go to it remotely through a web browser, you get an exception saying that the database login failed for user ASPNET.My brother told me to do the following in SQL Server Managment studio.  It seems I don't have that program installed, so I did it from the SQL command prompt.CREATE LOGIN [bigblueASPNET] FROM WINDOWSuse AdventureWorkscreate user [bigblueASPNET](Where "bigblue" is the computer name and "AdventureWorks" is the database my web page reads from).This only partially fixed the problem - now when you open the page remotely and try to access the DB I get an error message saying that permission to use the SELECT command is denied.I searched on these forums, and found this: future reference, let's call what my brother told me "Method 1" and what the previous poster did as "Method 2."I haven't tried method 2 because I don't know exactly what I am giving ASPNET permission to do.  Does method 2 enable ASPNET to do anything to any database?  It seems method 1 is more secure, as from the commands I could already tell it only has permission to access AdventureWorks.So, I'd prefer to use method 1.  Can anyone tell me what further commands I can use to give ASPNET permission to do specific actions?If I can't figure out method 1 and have to do method 2, how can I undo what I did in method 1?Thanks!

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Users' Access Through ADO

Sep 20, 2004

I'm writing a program to access a SQL server and my problem is that if I use a user that isn't an administrator the login is failed.

It specifies the " DomainUserName "

Maybe it wouldn't have bothered me so if I didn't see it working on the last server I had. Unfortunatly, that one was formatted and I wasn't the one installing the SQL server on it.

Does anybody know how to make the SQL server more tolrant to users?


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Unable To Load An Assembly With Permission Set = EXTERNAL ACCESS

Jul 20, 2007


I've loaded a C# assembly into my database with External Access (the dll contains a routine

that accesses Environment.MachineName).

I am now unable to invoke any of the entry points in this assembly. I get the error message

'An error occured trying to load assembly Id XYZ. System.IO.FileLoadException.....'

I have set the database Trustworthy flag to ON and the assembly does not have a strong name.

Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong?



P.S. I am calling the assembly from SQL code residing in a different database than the one

the assembly has been loaded into.

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What Kind Permission Required To Access Sys.sysreferences On SQL 2005?

Jul 20, 2006

In SQL 2000, a guest user can access any system tables in a database, but it looks not the same in SQL 2005. What even worse is the SQL security handles it in a confused way. When I sign on as sa and run:

SELECT * FROM sys.sysreferences

Of course I get what I want. While, if I sign on as a user only has guest privilege, I get nothing. Based on my understanding, if one does not have permission to SELECT, he should get rejucted error message. Otherwise, he should get return data. Now, SQL 2005 does not give any.

More interesting thing is when select * from sys.sysobjects, SQL 2005 return data to both sa user and user with guest privilege. Did MS applied different security on different sys.sys.. table? When a select return nothing, how can we know if there is no data at all, or the user does not have sufficient privilege.

Please help me to get out this puzzle.


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MS Access Concurrent Users

Nov 7, 2000


Does anyone know is MS Access has any limited no of users, or how many concurrent users MS Access has?


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Users Limited Access By IP

Sep 25, 2007

Hiya - this might be a bit of a simple question but please bear with me! I have looked reasonably hard for this but can not find an answer:

I have an MSSQL 2000 server running on PC-A and would like to limit certain users (e.g. admin) to be only able to logon when using the actual PC-A machine.

I am aware that you can acheive this in MySQL with the "insert into user (host, user, password) values (localhost, username, password);" command. Is there an equivalent way to do this in MSSQL?

Thanks for your help,


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Users Cant Access New Database

Dec 22, 2004


Ok I created a database SQL is the engine and Access XP is the gui. When the users try to access the databae they get error message, it opens up but they cant open the forms for some reason. I was wondering if this had to do with me have Access XP and them having Access 2000, but I highly doubt it because when I had a user log on to my machine (which has access xp) they still were not able to access the forms. Can someone help me out PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... this is so frustrating :(

One thing I'm noticing is that the users connection keeps dropping???

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Allowing Users Access To Their DB Only?

Apr 6, 2004

Hey all.

I'm trying to set up SQL Server so that people with Enterprise Mgr can create a DB registration to their DB only ( Are there any tutorials out there for doing this?

Thanks for the help!

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Access For Users To SQL Server Read Only

Jan 29, 2001

I have SQL Server 7 database & I need to create some interface between users & database to let users see what is in the database, but not let them change or destroy data. Do I need to create some other database in-between users & the original database? Users can't program & want access to all doesn't want to create a replication of the database. They want to let users have access through MS Word or Access. What could you advise me?

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List Of Users Access By Database

Mar 31, 2004


is there a master table that i could querry to buiild a report on the users who have acces to the various databases on the SQL server. I am trying to use master.dbo.syslogins but that is not generating what i need.

thak you all in advance,


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Can I Access SQL Login Users In ASP.Net Application

Sep 28, 2005

Hello All,

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Access Forbidden: Too Many Users Are Connected

Oct 22, 2007

I have a web application that runs on IIS on Windows XP professional. I have reached the max number of connections to the IIS website. So, I tried the approach of disabling HTTP Keep-Alives.

All is fine and dandy until my Business Intelligence Studio report project attempts to set the parameters for a report using report viewer at which point I get the following error message:

"The request failed with http status 401: access denied."

How can I fix this? I have posted this over at the forums, but I figured I would check here to see if anyone else has solved this problem.

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Allow Users To Access Report Server

Mar 8, 2008

Ive finally gotten my report server setup to run. I can access the reports via IIS from a remote computer if I login as the server administrator. Ive given certain users permissions to the /Program Files/sql server/Reporting Services/ folder, however, when I try to enter their login info, from the IIS login prompt when i visit http://servername/ReportServer/ I am unable to login. How do I grant users permission to login to report server?


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Severe Error Occurring When Creating Assembly With External Access Permission

Jul 11, 2006

I had created a CLR function in my db and was able to execute it successfully a couple of months ago. But when I tried to execute it today it was throwing errors saying there was something wrong with the permissions on the assembly. So I decided to drop everything and recreate it except I can not longer create the assembly with EXTERNAL ACCESS permissions. Whenever I try to create the assembly I get the followng error:

Msg 0, Level 11, State 0, Line 0

A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.

Msg 0, Level 20, State 0, Line 0

A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.

I also tried to create the assembly with Unsafe permissions and got the same error. Does anyone know why this error would be occurring now? I tried creating the same assembly on a different SQL 2005 server and it creates successfully and can be executed successfully. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!



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SQL 2012 :: Finding Out What Users Are Getting Access Denied

Jun 3, 2014

Is there a query that I can run which will give me a list of users that have tried to use SQL resources for which they do not have permissions?

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Granting Users Access To SQL Server Express

Mar 3, 2008

I have now succefully setup SQL Server Express on an Admin PC in my office and can see it and connect to it easily from my PC using my NT logon.

My application is complete and runs a treat for me connecting to the server from my PC.

I have now deployed the application using ClickOnce and it has all gone smoothly, except for other NT users gaining access to the database?

Within MSMSE I have clicked on Security-Logins and can see my NT login details are present and as me I can administrate the server/db.

I have added a few new logins and even tried to match them to my settings but from their computers the application fails to logon to the server/database.

Within the ODBC setup the server is visible for them but they cannot connect?

If I logon to their computer it works for me?

This section is new to me so I am struggling to get it to work, can anyone throw me a bone please?


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Can Multiple Users Access The Same Report Simultaneously?

Aug 24, 2007

We are currently using Crystal reports but are considering using SQL RS. We need to know if there is a restriction on simultanoeus access to the same report by multiple users? What happens when multiple users try to access the same report simultaneously? If reports can be accessed simultaneously, do the requests queue up or are they processed concurrently?

Any help on this issue is greatly appreciated.

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Finding All SQL Users Permissions And Access On Every Server And DB?

Sep 18, 2007

Hello team, I have learned quite a bit from everyone here. I have decided to post a question for you guys and see what the best method is. Our Sr. DBA has asked me to get a list of all of our users permissions on all of our databases. We have about 20 SQL servers some of which have more databases and instances than I have fingers and toes. Can anyone recommend any solution to this problem? Perhaps there is a script I can download/write which will help me on this? Thanks in advance.

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Transferring MS Access Tables To SQL Server 2005: PRODUCT LEVEL TOO LOW Error

Jun 27, 2007


I am using MS Access 2003 SP2 to maintain some data tables. I use SSIS to transfer them to SQL Server 2005, Enterprise Edition.

When I run the SSIS package from within Visual Studio 2005, the package runs without error.

When I try to run the same SSIS package by double-clicking on it in my File System (which invokes the Execute Package Utility, Version: 1.0) none of the tables get copied. Instead all I receive is a message for each table,

Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW. The product level is insufficient for component "Data Conversion 1" (49).

The only data conversion I perform is double-byte characters to single-byte characters.

Bob Bojanic, MSFT, made a few suggestions about this in another thread -- but I have created this new thread to help focus on this specific issue. In particular, he asked if we have installed the complete SSIS support for SQL Server 2005, Enterprise Edition, and my network support and database support staff assure me that such complete SSIS support was installed.

Are others having this problem?


(I just took a look at some of the transformations in the Data Conversion task, and many of them are using an Output Alias identical to the Input Column name. Might that be causing the problem? I will try changing the Output Alias for some tables and see if they then transfer correctly. The "identical name" Output Alias values were created by the Migration Wizard for a DTS 2000 package.)

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SQL 2012 :: Database Access From Multiple Windows Users?

Jun 3, 2014

I have been using the software, and it has been working fine (on windows user A). Now, I have created another windows user (User B), and would like to use the same software/database. The software launches fine (User B), but cannot access the created SQL database (created with user A)

How do I setup the database to allow access from all users on the same PC?

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SQL 2012 :: Grant Access To Sensitive Data To Users

May 12, 2015

I have a large table with email column. I need to grant select access to this email column to many users but the actual email should not be visible to those users. I thought of following options:

1.Create an indexed view with that column encrypted and then grant access to users.While searching by email, their search text will also be encrypted and then matched with view column.Problem with this is that I have to create indexed view because most searches will be on Email column and table size is pretty big,20 m records. I don't prefer indexed view in general.

2. Add another column to table with encrypted email and grant access to that column to users. Problem with this is that it will increase table size and i'll need one more index.

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