How To Return Months For Column Labels In Crosstab

Aug 1, 2013

I want to line up across the top of a cross tab Jan-12 Feb-12 ... July-13 Aug-13 up to and including the latest month in the db. What's the best way to achieve this?

I currently create crosstabs with case statements as follows:

sum(case month(date) when 1 then value) as Jan,
sum(case month(date) when 2 then value) as Feb
from db

I figured you could create some sort of while loop for the case statements but I can't get the syntax right.

Or another strategy would be to use the Pivot method and build [Jan], [Feb], [Mar] etc through a loop?

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Return Values From A Crosstab Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

I came across an article in SQL Mag about Crosstab Queries. It worksgreat in Query Analyzer, but I'm stuck on how to use it in an AccessADP. I need to use it as a Recordsource in a form and report. Cansomeone tell me how to use it, and please try to be as descriptive aspossible. I'm new to Stored Procedures.Thanks*****************************************CREATE PROC sp_CrossTab@table AS sysname, -- Table to crosstab@onrows AS nvarchar(128), -- Grouping key values (on rows)@onrowsalias AS sysname = NULL, -- Alias for grouping column@oncols AS nvarchar(128), -- Destination columns (on columns)@sumcol AS sysname = NULL -- Data cellsASDECLARE@sql AS varchar(8000),@NEWLINE AS char(1)SET @NEWLINE = CHAR(10)-- step 1: beginning of SQL stringSET @sql ='SELECT' + @NEWLINE +' ' + @onrows +CASEWHEN @onrowsalias IS NOT NULL THEN ' AS ' + @onrowsaliasELSE ''ENDCREATE TABLE #keys(keyvalue nvarchar(100) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)DECLARE @keyssql AS varchar(1000)SET @keyssql ='INSERT INTO #keys ' +'SELECT DISTINCT CAST(' + @oncols + ' AS nvarchar(100)) ' +'FROM ' + @tableEXEC (@keyssql)DECLARE @key AS nvarchar(100)SELECT @key = MIN(keyvalue) FROM #keysWHILE @key IS NOT NULLBEGINSET @sql = @sql + ',' + @NEWLINE +' SUM(CASE CAST(' + @oncols +' AS nvarchar(100))' + @NEWLINE +' WHEN N''' + @key +''' THEN ' + CASEWHEN @sumcol IS NULL THEN '1'ELSE @sumcolEND + @NEWLINE +' ELSE 0' + @NEWLINE +' END) AS c' + @keySELECT @key = MIN(keyvalue) FROM #keysWHERE keyvalue > @keyENDSET @sql = @sql + @NEWLINE +'FROM ' + @table + @NEWLINE +'GROUP BY ' + @onrows + @NEWLINE +'ORDER BY ' + @onrows-- PRINT @sql + @NEWLINE -- For debugEXEC (@sql)GO

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SQL Server 2008 :: Display A Column Alias As Part Of The Result Set Column Labels?

Feb 26, 2015

Is there a way to display a column alias as part of the result set column labels?

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Return The Last 3 Months Data

Mar 12, 2007


I have the following SSAS MDX query, currently taking a From & To date. How would I alter the MDX below so that just the prior 3 months data was returned for a chart of balances. I do not wish to retain the date parameters

SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[EOD Book Balance] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY { ([Time].[Simple Date].[Simple Date].ALLMEMBERS * [Products].[Product ID].[Product ID].ALLMEMBERS ) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOMEMBER(@FromTimeDate, CONSTRAINED) : STRTOMEMBER(@ToTimeDate, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [Products].[Product Type].&[Term] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [Book Balance Type].[Balance Type].&[Credit Balance] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM [DailyBalances]))) WHERE ( [Book Balance Type].[Balance Type].&[Credit Balance], [Products].[Product Type].&[Term] ) CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FORMATTED_VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, FONT_FLAGS

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Return All Months Within A Range Of Dates

Jun 18, 2004

I currently have a stored procedure that returns a list of dates based on a date range a user enters.

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_GetContactScheduleDates
@MonthFrom int,
@YearFrom int,
@MonthTo int,
@YearTo int,
@DaysInMonth int
Select distinct s.ScheduleMonth, s.ScheduleYear
From OnCall_Schedules s
Where CAST(cast(s.ScheduleMonth as nvarchar) + '/' + cast(s.ScheduleDate as nvarchar) + '/' + cast(s.ScheduleYear as nvarchar) as smalldatetime)
>= CAST(cast(@MonthFrom as nvarchar) + '/' + cast('01' as nvarchar) + '/' + cast(@YearFrom as nvarchar) as smalldatetime)
And CAST(cast(s.ScheduleMonth as nvarchar) + '/' + cast(s.ScheduleDate as nvarchar) + '/' + cast(s.ScheduleYear as nvarchar) as smalldatetime)
<= CAST(cast(@MonthTo as nvarchar) + '/' + cast(@DaysInMonth as nvarchar) + '/' + cast(@YearTo as nvarchar) as smalldatetime)
Order by s.ScheduleYear, s.ScheduleMonth

However, this only brings back those dates that are in the table. I need to get ALL dates within the range.

For example, the OnCall_Schedules table contains schedules that are saved by the user. If no one has ever saved a schedule at any time in May 2004 and the range of dates entered is January 2004 to June 2004, then May 2004 will not be returned. I need to get back all dates within that range regardless if it has something scheduled or not. How can this be done?

Note - I do not want to set up any dummy records or create a table with valid dates as the user will be allowed to choose any range of dates and we do not want to have to maintain anything.

Can some sort of function be used? What would the code look like?

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DateDiff - Return Months In Decimal?

Jun 24, 2004

I've been trying to create a function that returns the difference, in months, between two dates. The DateDiff function (m) returns an integer, but I really need a decimal. I could return the days instead, but it would be difficult to figure out how the number of months from this, especially when the dates span multiple years and I need to adjust for leap year. Does anyone know of a resource that might have a solution for this?


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Select Data From Table An Return All All Months

Jul 23, 2005

I have the following query:SELECT Month, Sum(Hits) AS Hits FROM tblHits GROUP BY Month ORDER BYMonthUnfortunately it only returns rows for months that have data assignedto them.How can I tweak this so that months 1-12 are returned, and Hits = 0 formonths with no data in the base table?Thanks.

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Very Hard Question On How To Query Data And Return By Months

Oct 18, 2007

I have a data set that returns the following











but I need this






Any Idea Help

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Show All Months In First Column Of Stored Procedure

Aug 26, 2005

Hi,I need what would be similar to a cross tab query in Access.First Column down needs to show all the months, column headings wouldbe the day of the month....1 2 3 4 etc...JanFebMaretchow do i set this up in a stored procedure?any help to get me in the right direction would be greatlyappreciated!!thanks,paul

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Use Previous Month Data In Column As Following Months Data Different Column

Aug 20, 2014

I have a table with Million plus records. Due to Running Totals article, I have been able to calculate the Trial_Balance for all months.

Now I am trying to provide a Beginning Balance for all months and the Logic is the Beginning Balance of July would be the Trial_Balance of June. I need to be able to do this for multiple account types. So the two datasets that need to be included in logic is actindx and Calendar_Month.

For actindx of 2 and Calendar_Month of 2014-01-01The Trial_Balance_Debit is 19585.46 This would make the Beginning_Balance of actindx 2 and Calendar_Month of 2014-02-01 19585.46

I am trying to do some type of self join, but not sure how to include each actindx number differently.

Table creation and data insert is below.




CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TrialBalance](
[Trial_Balance_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

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Reporting Services :: Adding A Quarter Column Every Three Months In A Report In SSRS?

Sep 15, 2015

I want to create a report of our customers displaying the monthly sales totals and display the Quarter totals at the end of  every third month, e.g.

Customer       Jan Feb Mar Quarter1  Apr May Jun
Quarter2 Jul  Aug...

I've created the report with the Quarter totals and the far right end, but I can place my finger on how to do it every three months.

My data exists in one table. Here is the query:

SELECT customer
, customercode
, city
, state
, salesperson
, invoiceYear
, invoiceMonth
, CAST(SUM(netSalesValue + discValue) / 1000 AS decimal(10, 1)) AS grossSales


My query results are as follows:

Customer Name | 0000305 | Orange | CA | SalesPerson Name | 2015 | 1 | 8.4 | Q1 | True

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Selecting Data Within 1 Month, 6 Months, 12 Months

Mar 27, 2008

I have the following table

FeedBack Type Date

test2 positive 03/15/08

tes3 negative 03/01/08

.. ....

in my page i need to select the number of negative/positive comments within the last

1 month, 6 months, 12 months

How can I accomplish that?

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Access Crosstab -&> SQL Crosstab

Jan 9, 2006

Hi all
I'm transferring some Access queries to SQL server and the crosstabs don't want to work, can anyone shed any light on the query below.


TRANSFORM Min(tCompany.cCompanyName) AS CompanyName
SELECT tProjContacts.ProjectID
FROM tCompany INNER JOIN (tProjContacts INNER JOIN tCompanyType ON tProjContacts.CoTypeId = tCompanyType.CoTypeId) ON tCompany.CompanyID = tProjContacts.CompanyID
WHERE (((tCompanyType.CoType) Like "*topo*" Or (tCompanyType.CoType) Like "*ground*"))
GROUP BY tProjContacts.ProjectID
PIVOT tCompanyType.CoType;

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Choosing Between Two Column Values To Return As Single Column Value

Sep 14, 2007

I'm working on a social network where I store my friend GUIDs in a table with the following structure:user1_guid       user2_guidI am trying to write a query to return a single list of all a users' friends in a single column.  Depending on who initiates the friendship, a users' guid value can be in either of the two columns.  Here is the crazy sql I have come up with to give what I want, but I'm sure there's a better way...  Any ideas?SELECT DISTINCT UserIdFROM espace_ProfilePropertyWHERE (UserId IN
(SELECT CAST(REPLACE(CAST(user1_guid AS VarChar(36)) + CAST(user2_guid AS VarChar(36)), @userGuid, '') AS uniqueidentifier) AS UserId FROM espace_UserConnection WHERE (user1_guid = @userGuid) OR
(user2_guid = @userGuid))) AND (UserId IN
(SELECT UserId FROM espace_ProfileProperty))  

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Return Column Name And Count

Nov 3, 2013

I'm starting to use SQL 2008 recently, and I'm just having trouble with the following problem:

The following query:

SELECT t_Category.Name as [Category]
FROM t_Assets, t_Category, t_Priority, t_Location, t_User_Assets
WHERE t_Assets.Asset_ID = t_User_Assets.Asset_ID
AND t_Category.Category_ID = t_User_Assets.Category_ID
AND t_Priority.Priority_ID = t_User_Assets.Priority_ID
AND t_Location.Location_ID = t_User_Assets.Location_ID

Returns this result:


And the following query:

SELECT COUNT(t_Category.Category_ID) AS AssetQty
FROM t_Assets, t_Category, t_Priority, t_Location, t_User_Assets
WHERE t_Assets.Asset_ID = t_User_Assets.Asset_ID
AND t_Category.Category_ID = t_User_Assets.Category_ID
AND t_Priority.Priority_ID = t_User_Assets.Priority_ID
AND t_Location.Location_ID = t_User_Assets.Location_ID
GROUP BY t_Category.Category_ID

Returns this result:


I need to have both of those results returned, as a single result. Such as:

Category AssetQty


However, I'm not able to, due to the fact, that if I add the "t_Category.Category.Name" in the SELECT clause, it gives me the following error:

Column 't_Category.Name' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

And if I try to use the "Name" as part of the count clause, it won't work, as text are not acceptable data types for aggregations.

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Return Dataset In One Column

Nov 7, 2006

Hi thereI have the following two tablesmainprofile (profile varchar(20), description)accprofile (profile varchar(20), acct_type int)Sample data could bemainprofile----------------prof1 | profile oneprof2 | profile twoprof3 | profile threeaccprofile--------------prof1 | 0prof1 | 1prof1 | 2prof2 | 0Now doing a join between these two tables would return multiple rows,but I would like to know whether it would be possible to returnacct_type horizontally in a column of the result set, e.g.prof1 | profile one | [0,1,2]prof2 | profile two | [0]I could probably manage this with cursors, but it would be veryresource intensive. Is there a better way?Regards,Louis

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I Want To Return The Value Of An Identity Column

Mar 3, 2008

I'm using C# to access sql server.
When I execute an insert command, I want to get the value of the column ID(ID is an identity column in my table defination) . Is there any method I can use?

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Return Record With MAX Column Value

Feb 26, 2008

The following query:

SELECT submitRep1 AS Rep, tc, COUNT(tc)AS TCCount
FROM tbl_CYProcessedSales
tc NOT LIKE 'T%'
tc NOT LIKE 'R%'
AND NOT submitrep1 = ''
AND Submitrep1 = 'along'
GROUP BY submitrep1, tc

Returns a result like this:


How can I return the one record that contains the MAX(TCCount)?

Thank you for your help!


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Return SP In A SELECT Statement Column

Jan 13, 2005

I have a stored procedure which contains a complex scripting that is not an option to rewrite as a single SELECT statement.

I want the following output:

CatID | CatTitle | CatTree
001 | News | exec sp_DisplayTree(@CatID)

My code I tried doesn't work:

C.CatID As CatID,
C.CatTitle As CatTitle,
CatTree = (exec sp_DisplayTree C.CatID)
Cats As C WITH (nolock)

I cannot find a solution to my solution, please help...

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Return Only Part Of The Data In A Column?

Nov 20, 2012

I have a table with 2 columns ItemID and ReturnDesc. A sample of the data is:

ItemId ReturnDesc
1244 Did not want
1244 Wrong color
3426 Return came with ticket 426
3571 Ticket 584 was not included

The only information I want to have returned is the number following the text 'ticket'. How do I do this?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Return Max From A Varchar Column

Jan 21, 2015

I need to return the max value from a fieldwhich contains a three part numeric, stored as a varchar. For example


These represent processes, and sub tasks. So I want to return the highest process and its highest task and sub task.

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To Return Distinct Column Using INNER JOIN

Apr 23, 2008

Hello all,

I am using INNER JOIN to connect 2 tables together but I wish it to return distinct columns instead of repeating itself !

Current output would be:
UserID Name UserID OrderID
1 John 1 5
2 Bob 2 6

I want it to be:
UserID Name OrderID
1 John 5
2 Bob 6

I need to use SELECT * as there are many many columns and wish to save time :)



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Return Name Of Column Holding Highest Value

Apr 25, 2008

I have this query that returns the largest value in a row, but i need to know the column name that this value is in as well. any help in advance is appreciated

select clientID,
(select max(incomeValue)
(select earnings as incomeValue
union all
select unemployment
union all
select pensionRetirement
union all
select alimony
union all
select childSupport
union all
select dividendInterest
union all
select SS
union all
select SSI
union all
select SSDI
union all
select veteranBenefits
union all
select FIP
union all
select workStudy
union all
select other
union all
select otherHHWS) as income) as MaxIncomeValue
from tbl_income

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Assign Return Of A Query As Column Name

Feb 4, 2014

Is there a way to achieve that? I have a query with a subquery and I want to assign the return from the query as a column name in the subquery.

something like that where WorkDay is the return from the main query

as Convert(Varchar(10),WorkDay,110)

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Return Multiple Values In 1 Row Sep Column

Mar 20, 2014

I'm working on a query that is asking to return data on dependents which a person can have 0-many, in a single row but sep columns. The dependent data I need to include are Dep First Name, Dep Last Name, Dep Relationship.

So my result should look something like this:

EEID| DepFirstName| DepLastName| DepRelationship| DepFirstName| DepLastName| DepRelationship
121 Billy Larson Spouse Alison Larson Child

How do I do this with SQL?

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How To Pull Words Out Of A Column And Return As A Row

Apr 14, 2014

How can I pull words out of a column and return as a row?

column1 column2

12345 the#quick#brown#fox
12346 mmm#turkey

-result set

column1 column2

12345 the
12345 quick
12345 brown
12345 fox
12346 mmm
12346 turkey

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Return Tables That Have Certain Column Names

Feb 28, 2008

Hi all,

From the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES view I want to return the TABLE_NAME of tables that have columns say, named Email and EmailStatusId. Is it possible to do this with a single select statement or would I have to use two selects for this?

Please advise.

Thanks in advance.

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Return Rows Where Column Is Less Than 10 Characters

Jul 23, 2005

I need a query to simply return rows where a column has less than 10characters (nvar).thanks.rjl

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Analysis :: How To Return Column Name Without Qualifier Within MDX

Jun 4, 2015

I have just run an MDX query which returns a result set within Excel 2013. The column names are in the following format; -

[Dimension Name].[Hierarchy Name].[Attribute Name].[MEMBER CAPTION].

Where I just simply want the attribute name on it's own and simply the measure name for the measures.

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Using BCP To Load A Column Value With Carriage Return

Jan 24, 2008

I am using BCP and one of the tables in my SQL contains a column of type nvarchar(500) - whose data are actually email messages such as:

Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 11:03 PM
To: Kathy Shouner
Cc: Brent Ford; William Dew
Subject: RE: Revision of presentation schedule

I support the recommended revisions.

When I open the datafile, it spans 6 separate lines - probably ending in carriage returns (not sure how to confirm this). Hence, I am having a problem importing it to my table. When I query the database, it appears as one line under that column - which is the way it should be.

My BCP command is something like this:

BCP "select email_msg, email_id from emails" QUERYOUT "c:email.txt" -c -T -S

I experimented with -w, -n, -N already but still am failing to get the proper output.
Please help... Thanks in advance.

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Return Max Value Of Specific Table Column

Aug 9, 2007

Hello Reporting specialists ... (GregSQL, Jarret, Lisa .....)

How can i get the max value of a single specific table column ??

Is this possible ? Or am i asking the impossible ??

Hopelessly, desperatelly remaining ...

see also

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Replace Carriage Return In Varchar Column

Jul 31, 2007


How do i remove Carriage return in a varchar column?


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Return Subquery Rows As One Delimited Column

Oct 26, 2006

I don't know if this is possible, but I haven't been able to find anyinformation.I have two tables, for example:Table 1 (two columns, id and foo)id foo--- -----1 foo_a2 foo_b3 foo_cTable 2 (two columns, t1_id, and bar)t1_id bar------ ----1 bar_a1 bar_b1 bar_c2 bar_d3 bar_e3 bar_fWhat I'm shooting for is returning the result of a subquery as atext-delimited column. In this example, using a comma as thedelimiter:Recordset Returned:foo bars----- -----foo_a bar_a,bar_b,bar_cfoo_b bar_dfoo_c bar_e,bar_fI know that it's usually pretty trivial within the code that isquerying the database, but I'm wondering if the database itself can dothis.Is this possible, and if so, can someone please point me to how it canbe done?

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