Index Moving To A New File Group

May 7, 2008

I have a requirement for moving all the non-clustered indexes to a new file group. Does anyone have a script for this?


I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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Moving Table To New File Group

Oct 17, 2007

Hi all

I have a table called ACTIVATION_CONSUMPTION which is in PRIMARY file group, in order to move this table to new file group [FG_ACTV], I have done the following

1. ALTER DATABASE [MYDB] ADD FILEGROUP [FG_ACTV] (i have not attached a file to this file group)



The above command executed successfully and now the table is in new file group [FG_ACTV]

My question is how come the table was moved to new file group though it has no files attached to it?

Thanks in advance.

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Moving Table To A New File Group (SQL2K5)

May 19, 2008

How to move a table to a new file group when the table DOES NOT HAVE A CLUSTERED INDEX.

I also don't want to , create a new table, move the data, drop the old table.

Is there a easier way?

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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SQL Server 2008 :: Moving Tables To New File Group

Mar 16, 2015

I'm presented with an issue where by I need to reclaim a fair bit of unused space currently sat in the primary data file for my database. I don't want to run DBCC SHRINKDATABASE as we all know this could potentially have a some serious negative effects relating to index fragmentation.

So, how do I get the free space out of the data file? - I've decided to:

1. Add new new file group
2. Add a clustered index for all tables on the new file group
3. Shrink the primary file group as much as possible (hopefully giving me the free space back)
4. Drop the newly created clustered indexes for all tables

There are no clustered indexes currently for any of the tables!, so me temporarily creating/dropping one shouldn't be an issue. Are there any other ways I can get the free space back to the OS?

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SQL 2012 :: Free Space After Moving Tables From One File Group To Another

Aug 13, 2014

Recently maintenance was done removing some tables from the original filegroup in one drive of our SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition 64bits to another created on a separate physical drive. I was expecting the full amount of data moved to the secondary filegroup to show up as unused on the primary filegroup but that doesn't seem to be the case. Do I have to do anything after the move to release that space, not to disk, but to the database as unused?

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DB Design :: Partition With Single File Group Or Multiple File Group?

May 19, 2015

partition with single file group or multiple file group which one best.

we have some report running from partition table, few reports don't have any partition Key and after creating 400  partition  with 400 file group it is slow.what is best practices to crate  400 file group or single file group.

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Moving Logins To A Different Group?

Aug 30, 1999


On one of our development ,and production, databases, I have been, through Enterprise Manager for Mssql 6.5,
uisng the managerlogin facility to map each login toa specific group for a specfic database via right clickin on the
group for the login and changing it. This s being doe for moving a login for public to a read-only group.

I have done this for about 40 users. Users are being added quite often now. This is obviously a labor-intensive
and time-consuming manner of doing things.

!) Does any one have a script to change the associaed group for each login in a particular database?
If not, how could I built a script from the system tables?

2) Does any one have a script which would tell me, and generate output on, which users have which permissions
on the tables in a database and what group are they associated with?

Thanks. Any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

David Spaisman

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Moving Logins To A Different Group

Aug 31, 1999


On one of our development ,and production, databases, I have been,
through Enterprise Manager for Mssql 6.5, uisng the managerlogin
facility to map each login toa specific group for a specfic database via
right clickin on the group for the login and changing it. This s being
doe for moving a login for public to a read-only group.

I have done this for about 40 users. Users are being added quite often
now. This is obviously a labor-intensive and time-consuming manner of
doing things.

!) Does any one have a script to change the associaed group for each
login in a particular database?
If not, how could I built a script from the system tables?

2) Does any one have a script which would tell me, and generate output
on, which users have which permissions on the tables in a database and
what group are they associated with?

Thanks. Any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

David Spaisman

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Creating And Moving Clustered Index

Dec 20, 2006

have a 3rd party app (can't change) which has some bad sql. I have a table that is used in the sql which if I put a clustered (I had an index on the fields in the sql but it would ignore and table scan) will use and stop doing table scan. this is a million row table that is growing. the data going in is pretty mich insert only. I have a separate array and file group which I have moved indexes to last year. 2 questions

1. If I would make a clustered index on the separate RAID and file group, doesn't the table need to go with it. I thought the clustered index and table had to be on same File Group

2. If I do this anyone see any issues with moving this table and index on this file group

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Moving Clustered Index On Half Billion Rows?

Feb 29, 2012

So I just got an email from Production Support saying an hour and a half downtime is unacceptable to move a half billion rows between 2 partitions because I am moving a clustered index and space is a consideration.

I can not use partition switching because the clustered index is changing.

This is what I am doing...

1. I am creating a new table with the new cluster on a new partiton
2. I am moving the records in 5K set based batches by doing a range search on the existing clustered index on the existing table.
3. I then reapply all of the nonclustered index from the original table to the new one.
4. I do a sp_rename swap out.

The same way I have done this many times before. Is there some new secret special sauce (other than partition switching) I can use?

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Index On Group By

Feb 23, 2007


I have a table which is populated by a query. That query contains a group by clause

i.e. group by ColA, ColB, ColC.

On the table, there exists a unique index on the group by columns (ColA, ColB, ColC). Is this necessary?
Wouldn't the group by ensure that the values that are inserted into the table are unique?

Thanks in advance

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Jan 24, 2008


I am new to databases. I have question regarding index group.

Our DBA has created new db today and asked us to use some INDEX GROUP to create indexes.

Can somebody exlain me what is index group. Do we need do anything extra while creating indexes on these database?

Thanks in advance

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File System Task-Moving File

Jan 19, 2008

I have the following directories


I have a for each file loop and inside it a data flow that pulls from one of the flat files in the directory and then a file system task. If I choose the "Move File" option in the file system task to move the file to the archive directory, it fails with an access denied message. The access denied message occurs after a message saying file was successfully deleted. I am running this from BIDS right now and my local user can write delete etc in both the above directories. However, if I do a "copy file" in the file system task it seems to work. I think what is happening is it is deleting the file first and then trying to move it, but it no longer exists because it has been deleted--is this possible? Is this a bug of some sort?

For now I am going to workaround by putting in another file system task that deletes the files after they were copied and see how that goes, but would prefer just to do the "move" option.


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File System Task - Moving A File

Nov 7, 2006

I have a File System Task that uses variables to resolve the destination and source paths of a document. When I select the 'copyfile' operation...the document is copied from the source to the destination without error.

However when I change the property from 'copyfile' to 'movefile' I get an error and the document is not moved.

The source and destination variables contain a valid file path name since the copy commmand is working as expected. However when I alter the properties of the File System task to move the document. I get the following error:

Could not find a part of the path 'G:CommonInformation SystemsDropFilesrtNRT_ConfirmationOrder Confirmation Report_11062006.xlsOrder Confirmation Report_11062006.xls

It seems a little nonsensical since the document file paths are valid when performing a copy. For some reason the error log is showing that that the file path is the document name "Order Confirmation Report_11062006.xls" and adding it twice to the the directory path called "'G:CommonInformation SystemsDropFilesrtNRT_Confirmation" as you can see in the above error message.

To replicate the 'move' action...I added an extra File System Task that deletes the document once the copy has been performed. I would like some insight into why this doesn't seem to work.

Thank you.


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Creating Additional Data File For A Particular File Group?

Jul 6, 2015

For a database, we have 4 data files in a particular file group and the file sizes are almost 70 GB each.

Do I come across any performance issues if I create/pre-allocate an additional data file in the same file group so that the existing files don't grow too much?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Can Delete A Data-file Or File-group

Apr 27, 2015

In a server we had File Growth,And then We had to Add New Hard Drive And New File On It.And Now We have New server with a Huge Hard Drive.But all files remaind.Can I Reduce This files to One data file or not ?

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Split The Existing MDF File Into Mutliple Files As A File Group?

Jul 30, 2007

I have a huge MDF File - 120 GB File (Had setup as 1 MDF initially) -- Did not anticipate that the DB would grow to that size!!

Anyways.. I heard that the general performance woul grow if i had them as "File Groups"..

Is there anyway - to split the existing MDF file into Mutliple files as a File Group?

Where should i start? Can someone please direct me..

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Index File Grown Bigger Than Data File Day By Day

Dec 15, 2004

Hi all,

I have a serious problem:

I created 1 database with 2 file group : 1 primary and 1 index.
- Primary file group includes 1 data file (*.mdf): store all tables
- Index file group includes 1 index file (*.ndf): store all indexes

Most of indexes are non-cluster indexes

After a short time using, data file is 2GB but index file is 12 GB.
I do not know what problem happened in my database.
I have some questions:

1/ How so I reduce size of index file ?
2/ How to know what is stored in index file?
3/ How to trace all impact to index file?
4/ How to limit size growing of index file?

Thanks in advanced

Thi Nguyen

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SQL 2012 :: DBCC Shrinkfile Empty File Not Distributing Data Evenly In Primary File Group With Multiple Files

Apr 29, 2014

Why shrinkfile empty file does not redistribute data evenly in the primary file group with multiple files:

Please run the script attached to see what the end result is.

This is what I set up last night on my test machine.

1) Create database [FGTest] size 200MB
2) Create table called TEST on primary
3) Insert 40MB of data into test
4) Create another file group called temp in primary size 200MB
5) Shrinkfile('FGTest',emptyfile) so that all data is transfered from FGTest into temp file group.
6) Add another 2 files called DATA2 and DATA3. Both are 200MB.
7) We now have 3 empty files that I want data distributed evenly on. FGTest, DATA2 & DATA3
8) Shrinkfile('temp',emptyfile) to move all the data from temp over the 3 file groups evenly

I would expect at this stage to have the following:

FGTest = 13MB,
DATA2 = 13MB,
DATA3 = 13MB

(40MB of data over 3 files should be about 13 MBish in each file)

What I actually end up with is this:

FGTest = 20MB
DATA1 = 10MB
DATA2 = 10MB

It looks as though SQL Server is allocating 50% of all data to the original file and then 50% evenly over
the remaining files in PRIMARY.

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May 25, 2001

I am trying to move a data and log backup file from my C drive to another drive to free my C drive. Does anybody know the easiest way to do it? Thanks.

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Moving SQL7 Log File

Oct 25, 1999

To all,

How can I move the log file from drive C: to drive D:. I do not need to keep the log file contents and can start new.



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Moving A File Using Activex In DTS

Jun 17, 2004

I am attempting to export a records to an excel file using DTS and then use activex to rename the file to include the date it was run. To do this i just move the file.

However when the script is run, it fails saying that permission is denied on the "move" line. I have seen other reports saying that permission is denied when using the "CreateObject" however i have implemented the changes it says, ie/ adding the SQL Agent login using the DCOMcnfg utility and renaming the DefaultAccessPermission key in the registry, with no success. It also doesnt seem to fail on that line anyway.

I have also added all the groups and usernames with full control to the security of the folder the file is in to no avail either.

' Visual Basic ActiveX Script

Function Main()
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set bFile = fso.GetFile("c:DTS reportsoutput.XLS")
aYear = year(now)
aMonth = month(now)
aDay = day(now)
filename = "output" &aYear & aMonth & aDay & ".xls"
bFile.move ("c:DTS Reports"&filename)
'fso.MoveFile "c:DTS Reportsoutput.xls", "c:DTS Reports"&filename

Set fso = Nothing

End Function

Does anyone know what kind of permissions the folder the file is in must have in order for this script to work? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Moving A Log File Location

May 14, 2008

I've got some users that created a database with the log file on a drive that doesn't have a lot of space. I'd like to truncate the log and move it to a different drive. I can truncate it, but is moving it as easy as changing the files properties through SSMS?


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Moving The ASPNETDB.MDF File To Another Computer

Jul 22, 2006

Hi all!I have some problems with windows authentication.Asp made the file ASPNETDB.MDF. But I dont have SQL Server on the machine where the application will be deployed...So I have to move this file to another server, but I couldnt find any information about ASPNETDB.MDF connection string or somenthing like this.Is it possible to move this file or I have to make the authentication on my own, with my own database? I hope there is a solution to this problem!Many thanks! Regards!

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Moving Transaction Log File To Different Drive

Jan 19, 2001


I'm trying to move the transaction logs of my databases to a different drive (for fault tolerance). I can create a second transaction log file for each database via Enterprise Manager but I have 2 questions:

1) If two transaction log files exist for a database which one does it use ?

2) How do I force SQL to use the new transaction log file ? (so I can delete old)



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Moving Transaction Log File In SQL Server V7

Mar 2, 1999

I'm in the process of tuning a SQL Server v7 box and have decided that the transaction log would be better placed on its own disk. How do I move a transaction log ?

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Moving Transaction Log File To Another Disk

Apr 5, 2004

Hi all,
I have to give support to this new client of ours and the system out there was a real mess.The log files for all four databases were ranging from 5 to 9 GB's, no maintanance no nothing was done since the setup of the system. I have truncated the logs after taking proper backups since it all started after they compalined a DTS was not working, which was due to no disk space available ;).
Now I have to shift the log files to a seperate disk.
I know it can be done by detaching the database and attaching it back, I was wondering if we can do it without bringing the system offline?
Anycomments welcome.

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Moving The Data File To Another Location

May 17, 2007

Hi, I am working on a new installation which I did not set up and realized was using the wrong partition of the server to store the data and log files, I have already created several databases, I want to use another partition for these databases without having to drop them and create them all over again.
In BOLine i saw this command but want to make sure its safe, hope somebody can comment on this or if I am missing something.thank you

proposed command:
"MODIFY FILE ( NAME = logical_file_name, FILENAME = 'new_path/os_file_name ' )"

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File Task Moving With Variables...

Apr 25, 2007

I have a 'file system task' moving files from one server to another for processing. I have defined the path and filename as separate variables. When I attempt to pass them together into the task I receive an error.

Source Path & Filename:

@[User:: DataSourceFolder]+"\"+ @[User::CD_PaidClaimSource]



Destination Path Now: (Filename not specified per another thread.)


Original Destination Path: (Which did not work.)

@[User::WorkingFolder]+"\"+ @[User::CD_PaidClaimSource]

I receive validation errors:

Error 1 Validation error. CLAIMDAILY Move : Failed to lock variable "\umrdwh2FTPCLAIMDAILY.DATA" for read access with error 0xC0010001 "The variable cannot be found. This occurs when an attempt is made to retrieve a variable from the Variables collection on a container during execution of the package, and the variable is not there. The variable name may have changed or the variable is not being created.". ClaimLoading_MASTER.dtsx 0 0

How do I overcome this without hard coding the path in the task?

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Moving A Text File To Sql Server

Feb 17, 2008

I have a text file and moved the data to sql server using import and export data. These are step I am doing.

1. Open Microsoft Sql Server and select DTS Import Export Wizard
2. Using the wizard , I am selecting the Data Source as Text File and provided the file name.
3. In the next option, I am choosing Delimited , followed by Tab option.

4. Then, I am selecting the required Destination and the required Database also.
5. I am choosing the files specified and Run the file.

This method works perfectly.

However, I want a method, where I could avoid steps 1 thru 5 and provide the user a singe step. I mean just an execute of a stored procedure should do the steps 1 thru 5. Is that possible.


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SQL Conn. Problem After Moving .mdf File

Aug 11, 2007

Hello ,

I am using SQLSExpress 2005 and VS2005.

Yesterday, i changed my sql connection string and i added ;


And i moved mdf file to project's debug directory by using cut-paste. I deleted dbase from databases section in SQL Managament Studio. And i attached dbase according to new path(project debug path).

After these, problem started to occur. If i open a table in SQLMS i cant start debugging my application, it throws
exception " Cannot open user default database .login failed. "

And when i start my application , i cant use SQLMS to see my tables or to run query.It says ; ...cannot be opened due to inaccesible file....

It seems like only 1 application can use my db at a time. But before i moved my database, i could both open tables in SQLMS and i could start running my application at the same time

Do u have any idea?

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Moving Db Via Detach Then Copy And Paste 44 Gig Db File?

Aug 21, 2000


I have a 44 gig db that I moved to another server via the NT copy and paste method. The db has gotten a little larger, and now NT gets almost to the end, but can not complete -- either starts over completely and just does the last few minutes over and over.

Is there an NT copy and paste limit? Any ideas what the problem is? Is the db mixed up?

Thanks for any help.


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File Groups: Moving A Large Table

May 8, 2007

We have recently added a new file group and file on a new drive. We have tested it by moving a small table to the new file group. We would like to relocate a new table to this file group but the table is about (we estimate) 75GB. My question is this: How long can we expect the transfer of data from the current file group to the new one for this table? I understand that depending on our hardware the answer may vary but does anyone have a rough estimate?

The current current (primary) file is located on a DELL SAN and the new secondary group is on a EMC 4700 both are connected via fiber channel.

Also a bonus question would be: Does a "normal" database backup created as a maintenance plan backup the seconary data as well into the BAK file?

Like I said a rough estimate is fine.

Many thanks,


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