Index Of Encrypted Field

Jan 15, 2008

I created Encryption by passphrase . The data type of the encrypted field is varbinary(MAX). Now I want to make one Index on this filed. Name of the encrypted colum is ''Encrypted Account Number' " and the name of the table is "S3schema-Test". The value of ''Encrypted Account Number" is unique. I wrote the following T-sql code :-

CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [IDX_Encrypted Account Number1]

on [S3schema-Test] ([Encrypted Account Number])

But I am getting following errors:-
Column 'Encrypted Account Number' in table 'S3schema-Test' is of a type that is invalid for use as a key column in an index.

Any Idea, how to fix this error?

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MAC Used As Search Index For Encrypted Data: How Secure?

Aug 17, 2006

I have read recommendations about searching encrypted data. Typically, they involve creating a MAC (message authentication code) table. One of the elements of that table is a HASH of the encrypted data (plus a Mac key) that is used as an index for searching. Is that HASH as secure as the encrypted data itself, or is this approach less secure? If it is less secure, then may I assume that approach is the only feasible way to search data encrypted by nondeterministic algorithms?



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Filter By Encrypted Field Value

May 17, 2006

I have a table which includes an encrypted field. In the following statement...

select cast(decryptBykey(Column2)as varchar(max)) as column2new, column1 from testtable where cast(decryptBykey(Column2) as varchar(max))=@p1

I retrieve the (now decrypted) secure column as well as another column and then filter the results by a parameter on the (now decrypted) secure field.

Furthermore, if I wanted to sort on the encrypted field, I would once again have to call the cast(decryptbykey... function. It seems to me that this kind of statement would perform poorly since I have to call the same function numerous times. Is there a way to call this function once and then reference the resultant field value throughout the rest of the statement?

I assume that this situation is the same if I call any SQL function to alter a field value..not just the decryptbykey function



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Index In Calculated Field From A Ntext Field

Nov 8, 2005

For some reasons I have to use a ntext field for both small strings like "10" and large binalry files.

I need to sort the field to some extend to present the small strings on a sorted nice way - answers to " What country are you from" etc.

To trick the sorting I use a calculated field:

ORDER BY RSort - where Rsort is:

convert(varchar(4), RD.response) as RSort

It works but put a high load on the SQL server when the number of responses increases.

I though of making a non clustered index based on the calculated field, but is not sure that it will work as intended.

What do I do. The last thing would be to change the ntext to vchar(3800) or something like that. :confused:

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All-field Index

Apr 16, 2007

I have a table with 13 colunms and 200.000 + rows.

I need to be able to search for partial text inside these columns. How should I index this database for best performance?


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Use Of 'index' As A Field Name

Jul 23, 2005

Hello.I'm working on an application where the original developer used thefield name 'index'. This works ok when accessing the table from MSAccess through query, but when I try to reference it via SQL witheither a statement from Enterprise Manager or a stored procedure I'mgetting an error because 'index' is a keyword.Is there any way to reference this? Maybe some delimeters I can putaround it that I don't know about?Thanks,Stoney

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Index On Datetime Field

Jan 31, 2003

I've got a table with the following fields and data types


I want to put a unique index on the fields above, each ProjID can only have one ProjStatus on a given StatusDate (dd/mm/yyyy) , but because of the milliseconds in the date time it's not happening. Any suggestions on how I can get around this.

Thanks in advance.

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Any Need To Create An Index For A PK Field?

May 6, 2008

Are Primary Key fields automatically indexed, or do you have to create a seperate index for a PK in order for it to be indexed? I'm using SQL Server 2005.

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Field Is Part Of An Index

May 25, 2006

Hello all,What does it mean when a field is part of an index? Thank you.

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SQL 2012 :: Index On Calculated Field With UDF?

May 11, 2015

is it possible to have a field that is calculated using a User Defined Function, and index that field?

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Changing Field For Unique Key Index

Oct 18, 2007

SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager won’t let me drop a unique key index and move it to another field. I get an error regarding ‘drop index not allowed because of unique key constraint enforcement.

Is there anyway to change fields for unique keys in SQL Enterprise Manager?

Thanks, Al

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Script That Adds Index To Particular Table / Field

Jan 31, 2014

We are to write a script that adds an index to a particular table/field.This is different than a query, correct? How to I simply (manually) create a script? I you can right click on the database - Tasks - Generate Scripts, but that seems to generate a lot of fluff. I also seen the option to right click on the specific table and Script Table As, however Alter To is not available.

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Varchar Vs Char In 1st Field Of Composite Clustered Index

Jul 23, 2005

Would it be OK to use varchar(5) instead of char(5) as the first field of acomposite clustered index?My gut tells me that varchar would be a bad idea, but I am not finding muchinformation on this topic on this when I Google it.Currently the field is Char(4), and there is a need to increase it to hold 5characters.TIA

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Problem Restoring Database With Encrypted Columns To Different Database Or Server With Encrypted Columns.

Jan 23, 2006

I need to start encrypting several fields in a database and have been doing some testing with a test database first. I've run into problems when attempting to restore the database on either the same server (but different database) or to a separate server.

First, here's how i created the symmetric key and encrypted data in the original database:

create master key
encryption by password = 'testAppleA3';

create certificate test
with subject = 'test certificate',
EXPIRY_DATE = '1/1/2010';

create symmetric key sk_Test
with algorithm = triple_des
encryption by certificate test;

open symmetric key sk_Test decryption by certificate test;

insert into employees values (101,'Jane Doe',encryptbykey(key_guid('sk_Test'),'$200000'));
insert into employees values(102,'Bob Jones',encryptbykey(key_guid('sk_Test'),'$500000'));

select * from employees
--delete from employees
select id,name,cast(decryptbykey(salary) as varchar(10)) as salary from employees

close all symmetric keys

Next I backup up this test database and restore it to a new database on a different server (same issue if restore to different database but on same server).

Then if i attempt to open the key in the new database and decrypt:

open symmetric key sk_Test decryption by certificate test;

I get the error: An error occurred during decryption.

Ok, well not unexpected, so reading the forums, i try doing the below first in the new database:


Then I try opening the key again and get the error again:

An error occurred during decryption.

So then it occurs to me, maybe i need to drop and recreate it so i do

drop symmetric key sk_test


create symmetric key sk_Test
with algorithm = triple_des
encryption by certificate test;

and then try to open it.

Same error!

So then i decide, let's drop everything, the master key, the certificate and then symmetric key:

drop symmetric key sk_test
drop certificate test
drop master key

Then recreate the master key:

create master key
encryption by password = 'testAppleA3';

Restore the certificate from a backup i had made to a file:

FROM FILE = 'c:storedcertsencryptiontestcert'

Recreate the symmetric key again:

create symmetric key sk_Test
with algorithm = triple_des
encryption by certificate test;

And now open the key only to get the error:

Cannot decrypt or encrypt using the specified certificate, either because it has no private key or because the password provided for the private key is incorrect.

So what am I doing wrong here? In this scenario I would appear to have lost all access to decrypt the data in the database despite restoring from a backup which restored the symmetric key and certificate and i obviously know the password for the master key.

I also tried running the command


again but this does not resolve the issue.


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Difference Between Index Seek && Index Scan && Index Lookup Operations?

Oct 20, 2006

please explain the differences btween this logical & phisicall operations that we can see therir graphical icons in execution plan tab in Management Studio

thank you in advance

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Converting A Clustered Index On A PK Identity Field To Non-clustered

Sep 8, 2006

Hi there, I have a table that has an IDENTITY column and it is the PK of this table. By default SQL Server creates a unique clustered index on the PK, but this isn't what I wanted. I want to make a regular unique index on the column so I can make a clustered index on a different column.

If I try to uncheck the Clustered index option in EM I get a dialog that says "Cannot convert a clustered index to a nonclustered index using the DROP_EXISTING option.". If I simply try to delete the index I get the following "An explicit DROP INDEX is not allowed on index 'index name'. It is being used for PRIMARY KEY constraint enforcement.

So do I have to drop the PK constraint now? How does that affect all the tables that have FK relationships to this table?


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Encrypted Password

Apr 9, 2007

when we built the login control by built in login control of vs2005   the passwords are saved in the database which is  automatically can i get the unencrypted form of these passwords from database.

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Encrypted Tables

Apr 28, 2000

Hi there,
I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to encrypt a table?
I now you can encrypt Stored Procedures, triggers and view, but
can you encrypt a table??

Let me know

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Is Data Sent Via DTS Encrypted?

Jan 27, 2005

Hi all,

I may have a requirement to send data from a SQL Server at site A to an Oracle server at site B. These sites have no network connection between them, and the current suggestion is to use ftp, but the transfer (or username and password) will not be encrypted.

If I create a DTS package transferring data from site A, will that transfer be encrypted?

If not, is there an option with SQL Server DTS to ensure that the data is sent in an encrypted form?

Thanks in advance.

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Encrypted Data

Feb 23, 2004


How can I save encryped data in SQL2000? Also, how can I retrieve it?

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Encrypted Password

Jan 8, 2008


I wonder if it is possible to retrieve encrypted password somehow?
Like I have saved password (blueRays) in encrypted formate. How can I retrieve it "where password='blueRays' "?


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DTSRun Encrypted

Jul 20, 2005

In a Multi Server Job under SQL Server Agent (MSX), we have a series ofsteps like:DTSRun /~Z0x8E8635E6BBA...The ~Z means it's an encrypted hexidecimal string. The person who createdthis step is no longer accessible, and the string can't be triviallydecrypted, so I don't know what this runs.Someone once mentioned that I could go to Query Analyzer, run it, andwatch the execution plan. However, if I start the job, the executionplan simply walks through the steps required to find the job, and doesn'tgo into the details of the job. I don't know how to run the DTSRuncommand directly within Query Analyzer.Is there a way I can use the execution plan to determine what package thisDTSRun line is executing? Please give me the appropriate command orcommands.-Adam

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How To Test If A DB Is Encrypted?

May 9, 2007

Can anyone tell me how to find out if a .sdf file is encrypted? Im using C# and would like to know if the db that I am trying to open is encrypted. I would then like to attempt to open the db.

Any help would be appreciated!

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How Are Endpoints Encrypted?

Dec 13, 2007

Hi All,

I have mirroring set up in a test environment and it works great however I need to know/understand how the endpoints are encrypted. I have them set to use the AES algorithm; however I can not tell from BOL what keys they are using. I know the service master key is the root encryption key and endpoints sit at the server level (same level as service masterkey) but I am not sure if the endpoints use it to perform the encryption or not; do they and if not what do they use?

Thanks in advance,


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Unencrypt Encrypted Password In Sql?

Jul 2, 2007

How can I unencrypt an encrypted password in sql 2005?

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View Encrypted Object

Aug 21, 2004


How can I view content of an encrypted object in a database.

Thanks in advance,

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Store Encrypted Passwords In SQL

Jan 14, 2005


I have a simple .NET page that asks the user to create a new account. One of the fields on that page is 'Password'. I store the password in a SQL 2000 Database. However, it appears in the database as clear-text.

Is there a way to encrypt this so it doesn't appear as clear-text in the DB?


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Encrypted Stored Procedure

Mar 22, 2001


I have some encrypted stored procedure. I want to use the output of the encrypted stored procedure insert the output into temp table. is it possible to do. If so please let me know how can I proceed. Thanks in advance


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Save Encrypted Password

Feb 6, 2003

I have a USERS table on an SQL Server 2000 with two fields, USER_NAME AND PASSWORD, and I want to encrypt the passwords when I stored them on the table.
I used {Encrypt N ‘MyPassWord’} to encrypt the password and it looks that the passwords have been encrypted.

Went, however, I execute a SELECT statement for a specific password all passwords are returned.

This is a small sable code:
User_Name nvarchar (10) NOT NULL ,
PassWord nvarchar (50) NOT NULL


INSERT INTO USERS (User_Name, PassWord)
VALUES ('MyName', {Encrypt N 'MyPassWord'})


INSERT INTO USERS (User_Name, PassWord)
VALUES ('YourName', {Encrypt N 'YourPassWord'})


WHERE PassWord = {Encrypt N 'MyPassWord'}

(2 row(s) affected)
Unfortunately both (All) rows are return

Is it any way to encrypt password and be able to select them?
Is it any other way to encrypt data into the database?

Thank You


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How To Decrypt Encrypted UDF In SQL 2000

Aug 28, 2006

How to decrypt encrypted UDF in SQL 2000
can any body help me?

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How To Decrypt Encrypted Procedure

Dec 9, 2004

How to decrypt encrypted procedure?Any help is thankful.

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Encrypted Stored Procs

Sep 7, 2007

Hey yall

I ran into something interesting today and was wondering how one would do this. I have some 3rd party stored procs and one was kicking out a truncate error so I took it upon myself to investigate the stored proc that was kicking out this error. So when I tried viewing the sp, I received an error:*****Encrypted object is not transferable, and script could not be generated.***** and then it brings up a blank editing screen.

First I believe this was a custom error message as it just doesnt seem like the way SQL Server would have presented it.

So how would someone prohibit viewing of a stored proc like this?


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How To Know Encrypted Password From Database

Nov 20, 2014

I Forgot for my longtime used home expense update application password which has backend sql expressedition database.

i was used the application before 3 years, unfortunately i stopped updating my home expendature to the software.and now i require to login the application but i dont how reset the password in db, i have open database include tables of users profile. and password, but its encrypted.

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