Insert Child Record

Mar 22, 2006

George writes "SQL server 2005 Express, Windows XP Pro SP2

I want to create a stored procedure that will insert a record in a child table (tblcontproj)propulating two columns with columns from the parent (InterestListoriginal)and two columns with user selected values. I created an insert select statement that looks like ..

" INSERT INTO tblcontproj(proj_rpt_id, proj_name) SELECT proj_rpt_id, project_name FROM InterestListoriginal WHERE (proj_rpt_id = @proj_rpt_id)"

This works great! Now can I add two columns to the INTO clause for projcontshortname and projconttye and use a VALUE clause that sets tblcontproj.projcontshortname and tblcontproj.projconttype to @projcontshortname and @projconttype which are user selected values from a downdownlist.

Or add an UPDATE query?

Thanks "

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Trying To Return A Single Record For Each Client From Child Table Based Upon A Field Of Date Type In Child Table

Nov 1, 2007

I have table "Clients" who have associated records in table "Mailings"
I want to populate a gridview using a single query that grabs all the info I need so that I may utilize the gridview's built in sorting.
I'm trying to return records containing the next upcoming mailing for each client.
The closest I can get is below:
I'm using GROUP BY because it allows me to return a single record for each client and the MIN part allows me to return the associated record in the mailings table for each client that contains the next upcoming 'send_date' 
SELECT MIN(dbo.tbl_clients.client_last_name) AS exp_last_name, MIN(dbo.tbl_mailings.send_date) AS exp_send_date, MIN(dbo.tbl_mailings.user_id) AS exp_user_id, dbo.tbl_clients.client_id, MIN(dbo.tbl_mailings.mailing_id) AS exp_mailing_idFROM dbo.tbl_clients INNER JOIN
dbo.tbl_mailings ON dbo.tbl_clients.client_id = dbo.tbl_mailings.client_idWHERE (dbo.tbl_mailings.user_id = 1000)GROUP BY dbo.tbl_clients.client_id
The user_id set at 1000 part is what makes it rightly pull in all clients for a particular user. Problem is, by using the GROUP BY statement I'm just getting the lowest 'mailing_id' number and NOT the actual entry associated with mailing item I want to return.  Same goes for the last_name field.   Perhaps I need to have a subquery within my WHERE clause?Or am I barking up the wrong tree entirely..

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How To Return First Record Child Record And Count

Jan 31, 2006

I've been looking for examples online to write a SPROC to get some data. Here are the tables.

AlbumCategoryID (PK, int, not null)
Caption (nvarchar(max), not null)
IsPublic (bit, not null)

AlbumID (PK, int, not null)
AlbumCategoryID (int, null)
Caption (nvarchar(max), not null)
IsPublic (bit, not null)

I need to return:
-[Albums].[Single AlubmID for each AlbumCategoryID]
-[Count of Albums in each AlbumCategory]

I hope I was fairly clear in what I'm trying to do. Any tips or help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Help Selecting The Proper Child Record

Mar 23, 2006

Good Morning,I have a person table with personID. I have a personRate table withpersonID, rateID, and effectiveDate.I need to select fields from personRate, but I want the fields from theproper record.I need the one child record that has the most current date of the largestrateID.For example a person may have many rate records. I need the record that hasthe most current date of the largest rateID they have. Does that makesense?I am making a view that has data from both tables. I need to display themost current rate info.Any ideas? TIA ~ CK

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Selecting TOP X Child Records For A Parent Record

Oct 29, 2006

Hi,I have a stored procedure that has to extract the child records forparticular parent records.The issue is that in some cases I do not want to extract all the childrecords only a certain number of them.Firstly I identify all the parent records that have the requird numberof child records and insert them into the result table.insert into t_AuditQualifiedNumberExtractDetails(BatchNumber,EntryRecordID,LN,AdditionalQualCritPassed)(select t1.BatchNumber,t1.EntryRecordID,t1.LN,t1.AdditionalQualCritPassedfrom(select BatchNumber,RecordType,EntryRecordID,LN,AdditionalQualCritPassedfrom t_AuditQualifiedNumberExtractDetails_Temp) as t1inner join(select BatchNumber,RecordType,EntryRecordID,Count(*) as AssignedNumbers,max(TotalNumbers) as TotalNumbersfrom t_AuditQualifiedNumberExtractDetails_Tempgroup by BatchNumber, RecordType, EntryRecordIDhaving count(*) = max(TotalNumbers)) as t2on t1.BatchNumber = t2.BatchNumberand t1.RecordType = t2.RecordTypeand t1.EntryRecordID = t2.EntryRecordID)then insert the remaining records into a temp table where the number ofrecords required does not equal the total number of child records, andthenloop through each record manipulating the ROWNUMBER to only selectthe number of child records needed.insert into @t_QualificationMismatchedAllocs([BatchNumber],[RecordType],[EntryRecordID],[AssignedNumbers],[TotalNumbers])(select BatchNumber,RecordType,EntryRecordID,Count(*) as AssignedNumbers,max(TotalNumbers) as TotalNumbersfrom t_AuditQualifiedNumberExtractDetails_Tempgroup by BatchNumber, RecordType, EntryRecordIDhaving count(*) <max(TotalNumbers))SELECT @QualificationMismatched_RowCnt = 1SELECT @MaxQualificationMismatched = (select count(*) from@t_QualificationMismatchedAllocs)while @QualificationMismatched_RowCnt <= @MaxQualificationMismatchedbegin--## Get Prize Draw to extract numbers forselect @RecordType = RecordType,@EntryRecordID = EntryRecordID,@AssignedNumbers = AssignedNumbers,@TotalNumbers = TotalNumbersfrom @t_QualificationMismatchedAllocswhere QualMismatchedAllocsRowNum = @QualificationMismatched_RowCntSET ROWCOUNT @TotalNumbersinsert into t_AuditQualifiedNumberExtractDetails(BatchNumber,EntryRecordID,LN,AdditionalQualCritPassed)(select BatchNumber,EntryRecordID,LN,AdditionalQualCritPassedfrom t_AuditQualifiedNumberExtractDetails_Tempwhere RecordType = @RecordTypeand EntryRecordID = @EntryRecordID)SET @QualificationMismatched_RowCnt =QualificationMismatched_RowCnt + 1SET ROWCOUNT 0endIs there a better methodology for doing this .....Is the use of a table variable here incorrect ?Should I be using a temporary table or indexed table if there are alarge number of parent records where the child records required doesnot match the total number of child records ?

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Transact SQL :: Use FOR XML To Return Multiple Child Records Within Each Parent Record

Aug 7, 2015

I have a single complex query.

Col1, -- Header, 
Col2, -- Header, 
Col3, -- Detail
Col4, -- Detail 
Col5, -- Detail

The query repeats the Header row value for all children associated with the header.I need the output of the query in XML format such that..For every Header element in the XML, all its children should come under that header element//I am using - 

Table Names 
FOR XML PATH ('Header'), root('root') , ELEMENTS XSINIL 

This still repeats the header for each detail (in the XML) , but I need all children for a header under it.I basically want my output in this format - 

<Header >
  <detail 1>
   </detail 1>
  <Detail 2>
  </Detail 2>
  <detail 3>
  </detail 3>

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Transact SQL :: Set Child Records To Inactive When Parent Record Deleted From Table

Oct 16, 2015

I need to create a trigger to meet following conditions.

When parent record is deleted from UI record becomes inactive in table. i need to create a trigger when this happens.

When parent record is deleted child records needs to be inactivated in table.

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TOUGH INSERT: Copy Sale Record/Line Items For Duplicate Record

Jul 20, 2005

I have a client who needs to copy an existing sale. The problem isthe Sale is made up of three tables: Sale, SaleEquipment, SaleParts.Each sale can have multiple pieces of equipment with correspondingparts, or parts without equipment. My problem in copying is when I goto copy the parts, how do I get the NEW sale equipment ids updatedcorrectly on their corresponding parts?I can provide more information if necessary.Thank you!!Maria

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How To Create An Copy Of A Certain Record Except One Specific Column That Must Be Different &&amp; Insert The New Record In The Table

Sep 1, 2006

I have a table with a user column and other columns. User column id the primary key.

I want to create a copy of the record where the user="user1" and insert that copy in the same table in a new created record. But I want the new record to have a value of "user2" in the user column instead of "user1" since it's a primary key


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Lookup &&amp; Update Record &&amp; Insert Record

Mar 26, 2008

Hi All,

I am trying to create package something like that..

1- New Customer table as OleDB source component
2- Lookup component - checks customer id with Dimension_Customer table
3- And if same customer exist : I have to update couple fields on Dimension_Customer table
4- if it does not exist then I have insert those records to Dimension_Customer table

I am able to move error output from lookup to Dimension_Customer table using oledb destination
but How can I update the existing ones?
I have tried to use oledb command but somehow it didnt work
my sql was like this : update Dimension_Customer set per_X='Y', per_Y= &Opt(it should come from lookup)

I will be appreciated if you can help me...

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Insert Into Parent/child

Feb 25, 2008

i have two tables i want the identity value of the parent table to be inserted into the chile table
here is my code,but i don't know why it isn't working !
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;        string pcontent = TextBox1.Text;        string data = TextBox2.Text;        addtopic(pcontent,connectionString);        addfile(data, connectionString);                    }    public void addtopic(string subject,string connstring)    {         using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connstring))        {                        SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO parent" + "(content)" +              "Values(@content)", connection);            command.Parameters.Add("@content", SqlDbType.Text).Value = subject;            connection.Open();            command.ExecuteNonQuery();                    }    }    public void addchild(string name, string connstring)    {                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connstring))        {Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();           SqlCommand commandd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO child" + "(parentid,data,uniqueid)" +              "Values(@@IDENTITY,@data,@uid)", connection);            commandd.Parameters.Add("@data", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = name;            commandd.Parameters.Add("@uid", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = id;           
thanks in advance :)
            connection.Open();            commandd.ExecuteNonQuery();        }

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Insert Trigger For Parent/Child

May 9, 2006

I am having problems creating a trigger in SQL Server? I have 2 tables (parent and child) with one to many relationship. When I save a record, one row gets inserted in the parent and one to many gets inserted in the child. The trigger is on the parent table and it is trying to select the number of new records just inserted in the child table that meets a certain criteria. Since the transaction hasn't been committed I can not select the number of records from the child. Does anyone know how to handle this? My manager insists this be done in a trigger.
Thanks, James

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Parent To Multi Child Insert SP

Aug 14, 2007


I am wondering if there is a way to insert one parent record with multi child records in one transaction? I am using dataset to update my database. I want to use transaction so if one record insert fails all the transctions rollback.


Your Input would be greatly appricated.

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Insert Parent Child Records...

Apr 28, 2006


We have a complex functionality of migrating data from a single record into multiple parent child tables.

To give you an example, lets us assume that we have a single table src_orders in the source database. We have a parent Order table and a child OrderDetails table in the target database. We need to pick one row from src_orders and insert this row in the Order table, pick up its PK (which is an identity column) and then use this to insert rows (say 5) in the OrderDetails table.

Again, we go back to the source, take a row, insert it into Orders, pick up the Orders PK and insert n rows in OrderDetails.

As of now, we are using the following approach for achieving this functionality.

1. Get the identity generated from the target table and store both the source table id and the target table id in a recordset.

2. Use the recordset as the source to a foreachloop , using foreachADO enumerator

3. Use data flow tasks to get the fields from the parent table for the source id, that needs to be inserted into the target child table

In case I have not ended up confusing everyone, can anyone validate this or suggest a better approach? :)



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Dynamic Sql Statement To Insert Child Records

May 17, 2006 can I write a dynamic sql statement to insert x number of child records? Thx in advance

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Need To Insert Parent/child Relationship Rows Into DB

Oct 18, 2006


I need to read a file and write parent/child relationship rows. I cannot seem to fugure out how I can generate keys that I an use for the relationship.

I looked at using a variable, but have no joy - I cannot instantiate the variable and it errors - notsure wy.

I also looked to see if I can write to a DB table that maintains key id, but not sure how to do that.

I alo thought of setting up the parent table key to be auto-increment,but canot see how I can read this so that I can us it in the child row inserts.

Help will be really appriciated

Thanks in advance.

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Insert Data Into Parent And Then Child Tables

Nov 16, 2006

hello -

i am trying to figure out how i can create an SSIS package to insert into multiple tables. After the first insert, I want to take the ID created (an Identity column) and then use that to insert into other associated (foreign key) tables.

For example, I have a table Users. The primary key is an Identity column. Once the SSIS insert is complete, the bulk load of new users has an identity ID value for each row. What I want to do, during the same SSIS package, is to take each row as it is inserted and add rows to other tables. Like, UserDepartment - it has a foreign key for the user id and a foreign key to the department being added. And, as part of this I will need to get the latest ID value and possibly some other values and store them in variables.

I looked at multi-cast, but I don't know/think that this will work for me.

does anyone know of a good example or article like this?

- will

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Automatically Adding Records To Child Table When Record Added To Parent Table

Aug 19, 2006

In SQL Server 2000, I have a parent table with a cascade update to a child table. I want to add a record to the child table whenever I add a table to the parent table. Thanks

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HOW TO: Delete All Records From A Table Where A Child Record From Another Table Does Not Exist.

Mar 17, 2008

I need to delete all records in the TBL_PCL_LENS_DATA table that do not have a corresponding record in the TBL_VERIFICATION table.

Primary Table: TBL_PCL_LENS_DATA
PK: Serial Number
PK: ProcessedDateTime

PK: Serial Number


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Writing Trigger To Insert Records Into Master And Child Table At A Time ?

Oct 17, 2007

I am developing an application in 2005 using SQL Server 2000.
In this I have two tables SessionMaster and SessionChild.
Fields of session master - SessionMastId, Start_Date, End_Date, Session_Type,
Fields of session child - SessionChildId, SessionMastId, UserName, Comment.
SessionMastId and SessionChildId are primary keys of respective tables and also they are auto increment fields.
Please how to write trigger to insert record into both tables at a time.

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SQL 2012 :: Group By Parent With One Child And Multiple Child Information?

Jul 25, 2014

Basically i have three Tables

Request ID Parent ID Account Name Addresss
1452 1254789 Wendy's Atlanta Georgia
1453 1254789 Wendy's Norcross Georgia
1456 1254789 Waffle House Atlanta Georgia

Bid_ID Bid_Type Bid_Volume Bid_V Bid_D Bid_E Request_ID Parent ID
45897 Incentive 10 N/A N/A N/A 1452 1254789
45898 Incentive 10 N/A N/A N/A 1453 1254789
45899 Incentive 10 N/A N/A N/A 1456 1254789

Bid_Number Bid_Name Request_ID Parent ID
Q789456 Wendy'Off 1452 1254789
Q789457 Wendy'Reba 1452 1254789
Q789456 Wendy'Off 1453 1254789
Q789457 Wendy'Reba 1453 1254789
Q789456 Wendy'Off 1456 1254789

I want the Result

Parent ID Bid_Type Bid_Volume Bid_V Bid_D Bid_E AutoGeneratedCol
1254789 Incentive 10 N/A N/A N/A 1
1254789 Incentive 10 N/A N/A N/A 2
Bid Number AutoGeneratedCol_Link
Q789456 1
Q789457 1
Q789456 2
Request ID AutoGeneratedCol_Link
1452 1
1453 1
1456 2

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Child,chid Of Child ,child Of Child Of Child

Oct 22, 2007

............child  |parent|.............a1     |a     | .............a2     |a     |.............a11   |a1    |.............b1     |b     |.............b11   |b1    |.............b111 |b1    |.............
Here is my table I want to get all childs of "a" ie {a1,a11,a2}I mean recursivelyie child,chid of child ,child of child of child ........etc up to any extentet the table containHow can i for mulate the select   querry?

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Transact SQL :: To Get Parent / Child / Grand Child Row On Various Order?

Jun 26, 2015

I have a table with below kind of data,

DECLARE @TBL TABLE (ItemId INT IDENTITY(1,1), ItemName NVARCHAR(20), ItemDate DATE, ParentItemName NVARCHAR(20), ItemOrder INT, ReportId INT)
INSERT INTO @TBL (ItemName, ItemDate, ParentItemName, ItemOrder, ReportId)
VALUES ('Plan', '2015-06-01', NULL, 1, 20),('Design', '2015-06-01', NULL, 2, 20),('Test', '2015-06-20', NULL, 3, 20),('Complete', '2015-06-30', NULL, 4, 20),
('Design child A', '2015-06-02', 'Design', 1, 20), ('Design child B', '2015-06-01', 'Design', 2, 20),
('Test child A', '2015-06-10', 'Test', 1, 20), ('Test child B', '2015-06-09', 'Test', 2, 20), ('Test child C', '2015-06-08', 'Test', 3, 20),
('Test grand child A', '2015-06-08', 'Test child B', 1, 20), ('Test grand child B', '2015-06-08', 'Test child B', 2, 20)
select * from @TBL

Here I want,

1. to display all parent with ORDER BY ItemOrder (no need to sort by ItemDate)
2. display all child row right after their parent (ORDER BY ItemOrder if ItemDate are same, else ORDER BY ItemDate)
3. display all grand child row right after their parent (ORDER BY ItemOrder if ItemDate are same, else ORDER BY ItemDate)

Looking for below output ...

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INSERT New Record Help

Feb 24, 2006

Ok this is a simple question but i cant seem to find out how since i had the access of a query builder for web matrix.I have the following:A Table called Customer, with Cust_Name, Cust_phoneI have modified my CreateUserWizard to accomodate mroe text boxes which would finally store to vales for  Cust_Name, Cust_phone.Question is how can i perform an INSERT query? or rather i noticed that the query builder doesnt allow me to, instead the query  builder is towards inserting new records thur GridView and FormView.I've designed a query to handle wildcards i.e  @Cust_Nameso i'm thinking if i can have a working insert statment i can do something liketbCust_name.txt = @Cust_Namethen finally perform the insert queryAny ideas? thanks

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Insert A New Record

Dec 29, 2006


I would like to know is it possible to combine these 2 statements into 1, as I want to insert a single record set in tblRefLockers.

statement 1:

INSERT INTO tblRefLockers (Locker_No)

SELECT Locker_No from tblLockersInfo

WHERE MemberNo = 1234

statment 2:

UPDATE tblRefLockers

SET Locker_Condition = 'BAD'

WHERE MemberNo = 1234

Can I do that?



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Exception - Insert Record Into DB

Aug 4, 2007

 Hello I’m using express edition to create my trail test
application. Below is the code that I have and I’m trying to insert data to the
database table named “Coin�.

Protected Sub
btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnview.Click

Dim s As
String = txtCname.Text

'Dim myConnection As New

Dim desc As
String = txtCDesc.Text

Dim ConStr As
New SqlClient.SqlConnection

ConStr.ConnectionString = "server=testsqlinstance;
Integrated Security=True"

Response.Write("Connection string:  " & ConStr.ConnectionString)


Dim SelectQuery As
String = "SELECT
max(coinid) from coin"

Dim idval As
Integer = 0

Dim command As
New SqlCommand(SelectQuery, ConStr)


idval = command.ExecuteScalar()


idval = idval + 1

Dim InsertQuery As
String = "INSERT
INTO COIN(coinname, coinid, ebayid, ebaymember, ebaymemid , amount , coindesc)
VALUES('1992-Proof'," & idval & ",'eewerwer','sp6937','serwryana',67.70,'Matt
Proff of 1992- Mint Set')"

Dim command1 As
New SqlCommand(InsertQuery, ConStr)


Dim S1 As
String = "Record
insert - Successful!"



Catch ex As

            Label2.Text = ex.ToString



End Try

End Sub

 This program is
throwing an exception (mentioned below) 

Exception --->  System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException:
Invalid object name 'coin'. at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean
breakConnection) at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception,
Boolean breakConnection) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject
stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior,
SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet
bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ConsumeMetaData() at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds,
RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior
cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async) at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior,
RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult
result) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior
cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method) at
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar() at _Default.btnview_Click(Object
sender, EventArgs e) in C:Documents and SettingsarshaMy DocumentsVisual
Studio 2005WebSitesWebSite1Default.aspx.vb:line 92

“Coin� is the table name – which is in SQL server. Kindly
help me to handle and overcome this exception.




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Insert New Record - Primary Key

Jan 12, 2008

I have a table in sql server with a numeric field as Primary Key. When i insert a new record i need that primary key increments automatic (like access  auto increment) because i want avoid the possibility of duplicate Primary Keys.
Is that possible?
Thank you

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How To ID When I Have Insert The New Record Immediately

Jan 29, 2006

hi all,i have a question that how to get id afer insert  a new record.i just read from the following article, but still can't get the meaning:
and my code             Dim sql_3 As String            sql_3 = "insert into paper_type (name, enable,creation_date,lastupdate,user_id) values "            sql_3 += "('" & name & "','" & enable & "', getdate() ,getdate ," & user_id & ")"            Call OpenRs(sql_3)            ' I want to get the id immediately, but how?? (i am using sql server)   can somebody help me to solve the problem??thanks a lot

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Help! Insert A Record Into SQL Database With And C#

May 29, 2006

I'm trying to make a website that people can upload file to the server, then the webpage will automatically insert the username and the file name into the database. I have thought about this for couple days but still got nothing. can some one help me?
can some one post a very simple aspx file that can insert a record to the sql database with C#? Not the code that generated by 2.0!
I want to see how to access the database manually.
Thank you.

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Multiple Record Insert

Dec 9, 2002

I am trying to do an update to a database with the code below, the code will work in generating a single record (if i exclude the IF statement) but i need it to create multiple new records based on the IF statement (or something similar) i have in the code. It needs to create updates for every record that has a parentguid that matches the one specified in the code.
the idea is, the hierachy structure in the tables are:

--> Part1
--> part2 etc
--> part1 etc

i want it so that when i input a new part it updates to all the locations. The locations all have the same parentguid (the one specified in the code)
With regards to the stored procedure it executes, this stored procedure creates the entry. I don't really want to change the stored procedure because other functions reference and use it.

My code:

select @parentguid2 = parentguid from dsdba.itemgroups

if @PARENTGUID2 = '8CF850AD-2026-411B-AABE-BF1584624EB3'



SET @CODE = @PREFIX + '02'

EXEC DSDBA.usp_ItemsDB_InsertGroup @GUID, @CODE, 'JMB', @PARENTGUID, 1



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Why Won't This Record Insert At End Of Table?

Oct 3, 2003

Given the following code, why won't the information that I have at the end of my WHILE loop insert at the end of the table?

For some reason (there are over 7000) records being written to this table, the row that I am trying to insert is always included at row 73.

Any ideas? All I want to do is have it insert at the end of this script at the end of the table.


ALTER procedure sp_Cigna_build_export

Declare CignaExport Cursor

From cigna_employee_sort

@RecordType char(2),
@SSN char(11),
@Filler char(20),
@Body char(867),
@Counter int,
@CountLength int,
@RecordCount char(9)

select @counter = 0

Open CignaExport
Fetch Next from CignaExport


While @@fetch_status = 0

select @counter = @counter + 1
insert into cigna_export_table
@recordtype + @SSN + @Filler + @Body

Fetch next from CignaExport

-- Adding two here accounts for the header/trailer records
select @recordtype = '99'
select @counter = @counter + 2
select @RecordCount = '000000000'
select @CountLength = len(@counter)
print @counter
insert into cigna_export_table
@recordtype + stuff(@recordcount,10-@countlength,@countlength,@counter)

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Insert Multiple Record

Mar 3, 2004

can anyone help to explain how to insert multiple record into one/two table?

ex:lets say when user specify start date and end date, then we need to created and insert the record on that duration.

and how to do with insert the record weekly or monthly?until the end of the date!

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Insert Record If None Exists

Oct 6, 2003

Hello folks,

I am new to msSQL and ASP, I need some help writing an SQL statement that will first check to see if a combination or record exists, if none found thant it will add it. I am working a section of a site that adds favorites to the database. Each user can have more that one favorite hence it has to check for that unique combination of the fields, UserID and FavID

My Code:
Dim objConnection, objRecordset, strSQL
Dim strFavID, strUserID
strFavID = request.Form("favid")
strUserID = request.Form("userid")

Set objConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRecordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objConnection.Open Application("ConnectionString")

strSQL = "INSERT INTO FAV (UserID,FavID) (SELECT DISTINCT " & strUserID & " AS UserID " & _
strFavID & " AS FavID" & " FROM FAV)" & _
" WHERE " & strUserID & " & " & strFavID & " NOT IN (SELECT UserID, FavID FROM FAV)"

If strFavID <> "" Then
On Error Resume Next

Set objConnection = Nothing
End If

This code is giving me a syntax error, how do I write the correct statement. I am using MS Access 2k

Thanks for your help

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