Is It Possible Replicate Service Broker Object And Messages?

Oct 27, 2006

Could anybody suggest to me - is it possible replicate Service Broker Object and messages (in the queue) with usual Replication Process?

Thanks to all very much,


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XML Service Broker Messages

Jan 12, 2006


I have written a C# console application that adds a message to a SB queue and a C# stored procedure that reads the message from the queue.

I have had so many problems that I'm beginning to doubt the usefulness of this, but that is probably just my frustration speaking.

I am stuck on putting an XML message into the queue and reading the XML in the stored procedure.

The console app has a simple object called Message. This class has 2 fields, a guid and a string. I serialize the object into XML using XmlSerializer. This results in an XML string that looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Message xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="http:/

 I use a SqlCommand to SEND the message to the queue. I use the following code to SEND the message:

// Add dialog handle

SqlParameter paramDialogHandle = new SqlParameter("@dh", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);

paramDialogHandle.Value = this.DialogHandle;


// Add message

SqlParameter paramMsg = new SqlParameter("@msg", SqlDbType.VarChar,4000);

paramMsg.Value = msg.ToXml();


// Build the SEND command

cmd.CommandText = "SEND ON CONVERSATION @dh " +




For some reason, this message never gets to the stored procedure that is set up to be activated for this queue. Actually, it never even gets written to the queue.

However, If I change the type of parameter in the SEND above to SqlDbType.Xml, the message is written into the queue, but without the '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>' beginning it, so when my stored procedure tries to deserialize the xml, using XmlSerializer, it fails.

Obviously, I have overcome the backflips needed to do XmlSerialization within the SQLCLR, and I am getting the stored procedure activated, because I do get a message logged showing the XML that is received.

Since I have the queue set up to only allow valid XML messages, I'm assuming that inclusion of the <? xml version..../> line prevents the message from passing Service Broker's XML validation. (And by the way, I have never seen an error message placed into the queue, the event log, or thrown when non-xml is passed to a queue that has XML validation turned on. The message just does not show up in the queue. Is this a bug?) But the lack of the line prevents XmlSerializer from working.

How the heck do you serialize an object into XML using XmlSerializer, so that it can be deserialized with XmlSerializer?



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How Does Service Broker Reprocess Messages After A Restore?

May 25, 2006

I have an (as yet hypothetical) order entry system. Order data is entered into DB1 and processed in DB2. SSB is used to send the order (order header and detail) via a conversation group. DB1 goes down due to a HDD failure, and is restored from backup. What options do I have for re-processing order dialogs/conversations that were ended just before DB1 went down but do not exist in the restored version of the DB? Or lets say DB2 went down and was restored instead. Order dialogs that are not yet ended in DB2 may have already been ended before it went down, but now do not exist in DB2 after the restore.

Is there a way to restart the conversation from a certain point in time to recover order data that is out of sync due to the failure/restore? A similar scenario might be when restoring production dumps into a test environment; if the dumps are slightly out of sync I'd need to reprocess any messages that were not in sync then the dumps were created.


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SQL Server Logging Of Service Broker Messages

May 2, 2006

I am writting a huge Service Broker Application. I notice that each message that is processed appears in the SQL Server Logs. Currently I am just testing with a single queue and tons of messages are showing up in the log. Is there a way that I can turn these informational messages off? I think in the end I may have something like 15 or 20 queues. These messages are very useful for debugging but I may not desire this extensive logging to be running all the time on all of my queues.


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SQL Service Broker - How To Resend Messages In Sender Transmission Queue?

Nov 26, 2007

I have a question about SQL Service Broker.

Here are the steps I use to produce the issue.

1) I drop the Service Broker on the Receiver by running the following sql script:

if exists (select * from where name = N'//TyMetrix360Audit/DataWriter') drop service [//TyMetrix360Audit/DataWriter]

2) I send some messages using the SQL Service broker on the sender side

3) The messages I send stay in sender transmission queue. Here is an example of what my transmission queue looks like after running select * from sys.transmission_queue on the sender.

02C54400-309C-DC11-8EED-0002B3D9F7B5 //TyMetrix360Audit/DataWriter 386DDD04-7E55-466A-BE83-37EFC20910B9 tcp://SFT3DEVSQL01:4022/TyMetrix360Audit/DataSender //TyMetrix360Audit/Contract 2007-11-26 14:58:10.207 0 //TyMetrix360Audit/Message 0 0 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 Service Broker received an error message on this conversation. Service Broker will not transmit the message; it will be held until the application ends the conversation.
F620FA2D-309C-DC11-8EED-0002B3D9F7B5 //TyMetrix360Audit/DataWriter 386DDD04-7E55-466A-BE83-37EFC20910B9 tcp://SFT3DEVSQL01:4022/TyMetrix360Audit/DataSender //TyMetrix360Audit/Contract 2007-11-26 14:59:26.813 0 //TyMetrix360Audit/Message 0 0 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 Service Broker received an error message on this conversation. Service Broker will not transmit the message; it will be held until the application ends the conversation.

The main point is that the sys.transmission queue retains the messages with the error 'Service Broker will not transmit the message; it will be held until the application ends the conversation.'

4. I execute the following sql statment on the sender:

select * from sys.conversation_endpoints

and see that the conversation that sent the messages are in state 'ER'

5. I then recreate the receiver with the following script:

create service [//TyMetrix360Audit/DataWriter] authorization dbo on queue dbo.TyMetrix360AuditQueue([//TyMetrix360Audit/Contract])

6. I send some more messages and see that the new messages are being received and processed correctly.

7. But what of the messages stuck in the sender transmission queue. How are these messages to be resent? Since the conversations are in state 'ER' it seems they are not being resent. Do I need to write a custom SQL script to resend them? I do not want to end the conversation because the message will be lost and not resent.

So, in conclusion, the main question is:

When the receiver goes down, or the receiver service broker simply does not exist and messages pile up the sender transmission queue like in my example how do these messages get resent when the receiver is restored?

By the way when I run

select service_broker_guid from sys.databases where database_id = db_id()

I get the same GUID after the server is restored.


View 5 Replies View Related

SQL Service Broker - How To Resend Messages Stuck In Sender Transmission Queue

Nov 26, 2007

Here is a description:

1. drop receiver side service broker with sql command : drop service [//TyMetrix360Audit/DataWriter]

2. send a message from the sender.

3. now the sys.transmission_queue on the sender keeps the message.

The relevant tables on the sender and receiver no look like this:

the following summarizes the transmission queue on the SENDER:

conversation handle message_body transmission status
5A0F1D1F-449C-DC11-8EED-0002B3D9F7B5 my message in binary, ie 0x.F4E1.... <blank>

the following summarizes the sys.conversation_endpoints on the SENDER:

conversation handle conversation_id state
5A0F1D1F-449C-DC11-8EED-0002B3D9F7B5 461891C8-5D53-4D89-A7C6-097FE2EDB22A CO

the following summarizes the transmission queue on the RECEIVER:

conversation handle message_body transmission status
5A0F1D1F-449C-DC11-8EED-0002B3D9F7B5 message body of error message...... One or more messages could not be delivered to the local service targeted by this dialog.

the following summarizes the sys.conversation_endpoints on the RECEIVER:

conversation handle conversation_id state
5A0F1D1F-449C-DC11-8EED-0002B3D9F7B5 461891C8-5D53-4D89-A7C6-097FE2EDB22A DO

What do I do now?

There is a message stuck in the sender transmission queue. You responded in my last post that I need to do a RECIEVE on the sender and end the conversation myself? This is not helping me. I am still confused about the answer to this. Can you provide some sort of code outline or steps to resolve this issue. As of now I do not know how to resend my messages stuck in the sender transmission queue and they can not be lost when the conversation is ended.

Also, I thought SQL Service broker was supposed to hadle things like this. It is common for the receiver to not be there. In this case the messages should resend automatically once the receiver is back up. Please help as there is no documentation online about how to resolve this issue and your last response was not adequate.


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Considering Service Broker For Auditing Biz Object Data, The Right Choice?

Sep 6, 2007

We have several applications that work with product catalog data. Data is entered and maintained, searched, and reported on. We're using CSLA business objects to create our Biz Objects and our front end apps are ASP.NET pages and web services. SQL 2k5 is our database. Currently all data is done in Factory methods in our business objects using SQL Stored Procedures and UDF's.

We want to start storing auditing and statistics data on our product searches. In SQL 2k we were using SQL Profiler to capture data and storing the information in tables, but it really wasn't very flexible and was difficult to maintain. What we want to do is every time someone submits a search we store the critiera and the results. Every time someone edits a product we want to save the old record. This will allow us to provide historical reporting and statistical reporting to our users.

In our old system the search results table was at about 3 million records. And since we've moved to a web based application we're hoping to save this information asynchronously so our search results or postbacks are not held up by saving this audit data. We were talking about writing logic into our biz objects code but it all seemed a bit slow and difficult to do asynchronously. Then I read a couple posts suggesting Service Broker.

Now we're considering either writing triggers on our tables or adding code to our factory stored procedures to send messages to Service Broker that would save the data into our audit tables but not hold up our business processes. We would be saving to the same database on the same server, but different tables.

Does Service Broker seem like it could be the right tool for this job? There looks like a bit of a learning curve and before I jump in i'm looking for some advice or direction.

Thanks, larry

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How To Prevent The Hang On The Initator Service Broker If The Target Service Broker Is Not Started?

Sep 10, 2007

How to prevent the hang on the initator service broker if the target service broker is not started?

Our case has two service brokers (two databases), sometime, the target is need to turn off. But the sitation is the initator service broker (in fact, the message is sent from triggers) become hang, I want to prevent this case and continue to operation, and the messages should queue and will continue to send to target service broker when it startup. How should I do?

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The SQL Server Service Broker For The Current Database Is Not Enabled, And As A Result Query Notifications Are Not Supported. Please Enable The Service Broker For This Database If You Wish To Use Notifications.

Feb 16, 2008

Hello,          I receive this error  "The SQL Server Service Broker for the current database is not enabled, and as a result query notifications are not supported.  Please enable the Service Broker for this database if you wish to use notifications." I attach the database in Management Studio to query and enable the broker using the scrip below but to no avail. ALTER DATABASE DataName SET ENABLE_BROKER ‘''<<------successfulandSELECT is_broker_enabled FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'Database name' ‘'''<<-------value is 1 Global.asax ...    Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)        System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency.Start(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("dataConnectionString1").ConnectionString)    End Sub...Web.config ...    <connectionStrings>        <add name="dataConnectionString1" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|jbp_data.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"         providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />        <add name="ASPNETDBConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"         providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />    </connectionStrings>... Hope you could help.  cheers,imperialx 

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Architectural (broker) Place Of SQL Service Broker

Apr 5, 2007


I am struggling with the position SSB could take in an SOA. If I would want a broker in the general sense, meaning an intermediary sitting between applications which exchange information through messaging, would SSB be a good candidate? I know Biztalk is probably the primary candidate, but in my scenario I would end up with Biztalk apps with empty orchestrations. Also, I think Biztalk is more expensive to manage. So I am looking for a lightweight broker for a simple SOA targeted at application interoperability, no fancy business processes in sight.

I look forward to some responses.

Kind regards,


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Service Broker TO Service Could Not Be Found Message Origin: Transport

Mar 30, 2007

I am trying to send a message between to SQL Server 2005 instances on two different machines. I have checked all my routes and all my objects appear to be setup correctly. However, when running Profiler on the target machine, I receive the "This message has been dropped because the TO service could not be found. Service name: "[tcp://]". Message origin: "Transport". This is my activated stored procedure that is sending the message to the target service. I am using certificate security. Any help appreciated....

CREATE PROCEDURE [usp_ProcessMessage]




DECLARE @conversation_handle uniqueidentifier


WHILE (1=1)




@conversation_handle = conversation_handle,

@message_body = message_body

FROM [tcp://]

), TIMEOUT 1000;






END CONVERSATION @conversation_handle

IF @message_body IS NOT NULL


BEGIN DIALOG CONVERSATION @conversation_handle


TO SERVICE '[tcp://]'

ON CONTRACT [tcp://]


SEND ON CONVERSATION @conversation_handle








My endpoints are created like so:












And my routes like so:

GRANT SEND ON SERVICE::[tcp://] TO CertOwner



TO SERVICE '[tcp://]'

WITH USER = CertOwner,



WITH SERVICE_NAME = '[tcp://]',

BROKER_INSTANCE = N'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',

ADDRESS = N'TCP://xxx.xx.xx.xx:4022'


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Service Broker And .net Windows Service

Sep 26, 2007

I am doing some research to see if the Service Broker technology would help my company with our Enterprise application. Here is our scenario: We have a 3 tier system. The first tier needs to contact the second tier asynchronously. Hence, using queues is a good option. However, the process that needs to happen on the second tier is mostly process intensive with little database updates. Is it still worth our time to use Service Broker?

I like the concept of Activation that Service Broker provides. But, from what I am reading most of the documentation describes activation as a way to call another stored proc. I definitely dont' want to do any process intensive work on the SQL server. So here comes my question...

How would I use a windows service to listen to the activation event from the Service Broker. I could have multiple windows services watching the same queue (scalable). Would I have to handle collisions myself? If so, I think I would rather keep it simple, and just use a simple table as my queue.

Thanks for your comments in advance...

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SQL Service Broker

Apr 5, 2008

Hi to all,           I want to study Sql server Service broker, have some questions1. What is the use of service broker ?2. Where this will use ? (With example)3. How to enable Service broker? Because i have sql server 2005 version but no folder like service broker. 

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Service Broker Example.

Aug 29, 2006

Im having a hard time understanding everything required to create a simple Service Broker example. Can someone please assist? Source code would be ideal, but if not "do this, do that" would even be helpful.


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Service Broker

Sep 8, 2006

I am trying to implement service broker. I send a message from my application code to the database to execute a specific stored procedure. How do i return the result set obtained by the execution of the stored procedure to the application.

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Service Broker

May 16, 2006

My service broker seems to be broken... The database was restored from another crashed server but i have tried the


The error i'm getting is

Service Broker needs to access the master key in the database 'SpyderOnTheWeb'. Error code 25. The master key has to exist and th service master key encryption is required.

Error: 28054, Severity 11, State: 1.

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Service Broker And NAT

Sep 26, 2006


It will be great to have an update on MS plans to solve the problem of using
Service Broker for remote users who sit behind the NAT.
Any news will be appreciated.


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Service Broker

Sep 11, 2006

Hello , I am trying to Implement distribution of the Stock Quotes over the LAN(only within the Network) and showing the live changing stock Quotes on the front end (in datagrid) installed at each clients desktop.I am receiving the Stock prices over the TCP / IP from the Stock Exchange. I am recieving atleast 10-15 messages per second over the TCP / IP from the Stock Exchange. Now i need to distribute this feed to Each connected client.

I tried doing it from TCP / IP , but in vein. Can we install the SQL 2005 Database Client Version on every client and use Service broker instaed of Live TCP / IP connections programmatically?

Ideally Can i dump the meesages from Stock Exchange in to each connected client's database locally and each front end application will keep a record of all the incomming messages.i.e Front end have a notification event , it will referesh the Datagrid in Front end accordingly...

ALL my front end application are made in dot net

Pls suggest if this above workflow will help me


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Service Broker + .Net 1.1

Jan 8, 2008


Is it possible to develop Service Broker in .Net 1.1 (VS 2003)? Currently I have a project developed in .Net 1.1 and I want to add a new method utilize the message queue concept (instead of using MSMQ, using Service Broker SQL 2005), although my DB is SQL server 2005.


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How To Use Service Broker And When

Jul 3, 2007

Hi all

if any one have any white paper or artical cover this issue kindly i need it

thanks , regards

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Is SQl Service Broker What I Need??

May 16, 2007


I am looking at the Service Broker as a way to notify multiple clients that there has been data changed on a table in the shared database. These clients may or may not be online. When there is a change, the notification should fire off a query to refresh the clients local cache. Is this a situation where Service Broker would help me? Can multiple clients recieve the notification at different times ( some recieve while online, some recieve when they come back online)? Any help on this would be appreciated. It seems from what I read that the messages are pulled off the queue when a notification has taken place. Is this correct? If so, can I set it to behave differently?



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Service Broker From Behind The NAT

Sep 15, 2005

Let's assume the situation: we have Initiator and Target. Target is behind ISP's NAT and can't be published outside. So, when Initiator sends a message to Target, Target will not be able to establish a backward connection and will not send an acknowledge. Initiator will retry and retry...

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Service Broker

Apr 26, 2008

I have tried the following, each runs successfully with no error, but nothing is in the queues, what can be the issue?

(SentMsgType SENT BY ANY );


CREATE QUEUE ReceivedQueue


CREATE SERVICE ReceivedService ON QUEUE ReceivedQueue

CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[insertTrigger]
DECLARE @handle uniqueidentifier
DECLARE @msgBody nvarchar(500)

select @msgBody = someString from inserted


--Sends a message
('<message>' + @msgBody + '</message>')

SELECT * FROM ReceivedQueue;

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Service Broker

Oct 16, 2006

How to create service broker and whic version is supported to create serveice broker.

can you plz exlain to create servece broker from the scratch

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Service Sending Messages To Self

Jul 5, 2007

I was wondering if there are any potential issues/drawbacks of a service sending a message to itself. Basically I have a situation where I only require one queue to hold messages. So say for instance I had a service named S1 associated with a queue named Q1 then I can do this:

Code Snippet

Begin conversation dialog @dialog_handle

from S1

to 'S1'

on contract MyContract

with encryption = off;
Send on conversation @dialog_handle
message type MyMessage

This works as expected. Any thoughts?

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Sql Dependency And Service Broker.

Feb 16, 2007

Hi everyone,
                  Can anyone let meknow how do i enable a service broker. I am trying to enable a service broker for an issuetracker application to get change of events in my database. When ever i try enabling it using the ALTER DATABASE [ databse] set Enable_Broker. it takes abt more that 2 hrs or more but doesnt show as enabled.
 Thanks in Advance,
 Pawan Venugopal

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Communicate With Service Broker In C#?

Mar 22, 2007

So SQLDependencies failed to do what I wanted them to do for my Cache Invalidating, so i'm going to humor another possibility for a half day - Triggers on my database table that communicate messages to my C# inside my ASP.NET App. Any advice on how to tap into a message queue with C#? I'm thinking that my messages could be 1 of about 100 different strings as far as what occurred on the Database Tables

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Service Broker Tables

Apr 25, 2006


We have a customer whos database just grows and grows. Not the customers own tables, but the:


And these tables are linked to the Service Broker, and according to these tables exists in every database and are used by the Service Broker.

Now to my questions =)

HOW do I delete rows from these tables? How come these tables hust grows and grows, could it be any setting in the SQL 2005 Server or is it the customer who has programmed his application wrong?

Please respond as soon as possible.

Best regards


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SQL Service Broker Vs MSMQ

Aug 23, 2006

I'm in the process of doing the initial research for the architecture of a large scale, transactional messages routing platform.

My initial
design called for a series of MSMQ queues and Windows Services, written
in C#, to process the messages in these queues. There will be incoming
and outgoing queues, queues to store unroutable messages, etc.

application will be routing many hundreds of thousands (and eventually
millions) of messages per day. These message are very small (< 200
bytes each) and must be routed very quickly. (<1 second processing overhead per message for high priority messages.)

Using the term
"routing" may be a bit misleading. The messages arrive via TCP socket
connections. I will just need to take in a message, examine its
intended destination, and send it to one of several outgoing socket
connections, likely on different machines. Some messages require higher priority routing than others,
but I don't need multi-hop routing or anything like that.

great concern to me is that there are absolutely no single points of
failure in the system. Because of this I was considering using a combination of MSMQ and Windows Services in a Clustered environment.

Can the Service Broker provide me with this kind of functionality? If so, how well does it perform and scale? Is it a better choice for messaging applications that require high transactional throughput than MSMQ?

I'm just trying to get an idea of what products/services I should look into further.

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Have Problem With Service Broker Please Help Me

Feb 27, 2007

i'm new with service broker and need to develop mail site to send mass email and decide to use sevice broker i'm make aqueue ,sevice and all function for run service borker and creat databasie mail profile

then test it but it's don't work please help me to fine what's the problem ?

thanks very mcuh for every one read my request and response to me thanks very mcuh

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Service Broker End Conversation

Jan 17, 2007

Hello people

I am new to service broker and would like a little help please. I have a SP which gathers information from a collection of tables. Depending on the data gathered it may or may not begin a dialog conversation with a service broker queue. What i'm needing to know is should at the end of the SP once the required message has been sent should i end the conversation or not?

Many thanks in advance, Michael

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Service Broker Permissions

Jul 3, 2007

Hi, in the development env. I created the 2 dbs used by service brokers, the service brokers objects (messages, queues etc...).

The schema applied to tables and Activation SP is [dbo] and also the queues are executed as [dbo].

Everything works fine!Cool!

Now that we have to deploy evertything on production I would like that the service broker conversation runs using a specif user ( in this way when I log the Service Broker's errot in the event log I see this specific user and not my name)

Which kind of permission I have to give to this the user .. it is enought that I assign to it the schema DBO or I have to change the definition of my queues( execute as '[dbo]') or to create a new schema?

Thankx everybody fo any help!

Marina B.

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Don't Get Service Broker To Work

Mar 19, 2007


I'm not able to get Service Broker to work. I've created the following sample and would excpect to get some data from "PreisanfrageQueue" or "PreisanfrageRequestorQueue". But both they are emtpy.

What do I do wrong?



create message type Preisanfrage
validation = well_formed_xml;

create message type PreisanfrageAntwort
validation = well_formed_xml;

create contract PreisanfrageContract
Preisanfrage sent by initiator,
PreisanfrageAntwort sent by target

create queue PreisanfrageRequestorQueue with

create queue PreisanfrageQueue;

create service PreisanfrageRequestorService
on queue PreisanfrageRequestorQueue ( PreisanfrageContract );

create service PreisanfrageService
on queue PreisanfrageQueue (PreisanfrageContract );

create table debug_table;
create table debug_table (id int primary key identity(1,1), msg varchar(100));

create procedure PreisanfrageAction
declare @conversation uniqueidentifier
declare @msg nvarchar(max)
declare @msgType nvarchar(256)
declare @answer xml;

insert into debug_table(msg) values('1');

;receive top(1)
@conversation = conversation_handle,
@msg = message_body,
@msgType = message_type_name
from PreisanfrageQueue;

insert into debug_table(msg) values('2');

-- Preisanfrage bearbeiten

set @answer = '<preis>1</preis>';
;send on conversation @conversation
message type PreisanfrageAntwort (@answer);

end conversation @conversation;

insert into debug_table(msg) values('3');

alter queue PreisanfrageQueue
activation (
PROCEDURE_NAME = PreisanfrageAction,
max_queue_readers = 100,

-- Dialog starten

declare @conversation uniqueidentifier;

begin dialog conversation @conversation
from service [PreisanfrageRequestorService]
to service 'PreisanfrageService'
on contract [PreisanfrageContract];

declare @request xml;

set @request = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Preisanfrage xmlns="4711101'">"><KundenId>4711</KundenId><ProduktId>10</ProduktId><Anzahl>1</Anzahl></Preisanfrage>';

;send on conversation @conversation
message type Preisanfrage ( @request );

receive * from PreisanfrageQueue;

receive * from PreisanfrageRequestorQueue;

select * from debug_table

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