Joining Two Fields To Single Field

Jun 14, 2006

If I have a database table with the following columns:

And I want to join the two ID fields to one field in another table that contains the following fields:

How would i do that?

Here is some sample data and what I would like returned


ID Other_ID Description
row 1 1 2 Number1
row 2 3 1 Number2


ID Name
row 1 1 John
row 2 2 Bob
row 3 3 Bill

I want to query TABLE1, row 1 so that I pull back the Names for the values stored in the ID and Other_ID fields so that my results are like:
John Bob Number1

The only way around it now is that I store Other_Name in Table1.


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JOINing On CHAR Fields Of Different Field Lengths

Nov 30, 2007

Can someone comment on why joining two tables on CHAR fields of different lengths would generate unexpected results?

I had an issue where I ran an update that used an inner join on two tables. The field I used in the join was char(50) in one table and char(13) in another table. The result gave bad matches. After changing the field types both to varchar(30), the problem was eliminate.

Any comments on this would be appreciated.

Rye Guy

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Same Field From Several To Seperate Fields Of A Single Row

Nov 11, 2007


I'm struggling with this. I'd like to perform a joined query
from two or more tables and take the same field from several
rows of one table into seperate fields of a single row in a new table.

Like this:

table 1

2 youthere

table 2


result in table 3

uidunameuloc uparval1 uparval2 uparval3
1mehere a b c
1methere d e f
2youhere g h i
2 youthere j k l

uparam# field in table 2 always the same sequence

Any ideas????


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Joining On Datetime Fields

Jul 26, 2002

I am trying to join two tables and the datetime fields need to be part of the join. They contain times in the fields too. I just need them to join on the date part though. Is there maybe a way to just return the mm/dd/yyyy format and join on that? Any and all help is appreciated.


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Joining Two Fields In A Query

Apr 26, 2006

I am trying to join two fields in a query in SQL 2000. For example.

Update myTable SET field_1 = @field_1_value , field_2 = @field_2_value, field_3 = @field_1_value + ' x ' + field_2_value

Is this even possible.

I want the user to input values for fields 1 and 2, then in the background combine the two and insert that value in field 3.

Thanks in advance,


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Joining Four Tables In A Single Query

Mar 19, 2015

I have four tables:

a, b, c and d

table a is related to table b by a foreign key. table b is related to c and so on.

I used the sql statement below to join the tables:

$result = mysql_query("SELECT a.colum1, a.column2,
b.column, c.column, d.column FROM a

JOIN b ON a.pkey = b.foreign key
JOIN c ON b.pkey = c.fkey
JOIN d ON c.pkey = d.fkey ")
or die(mysql_error());

[Code] .....

I succeeded in printing out the first record where the four tables are joined, but not other print out is this:


But there are about ten instances where the joining conditions are met. How do I print out all the records that have met the condition?

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Newbie Needing Help With Joining 2 Fields

Feb 12, 2007

I have a sql 2005 dev ed running an application developed in 2005 C# I have several gridviews which have a field call first name and a field called lastname I need to put both the firstname and lastname in the same cell or colum row. I do not now how to join these. Can some one help me with a SQL query string that will do this for me.

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Q On Joining Tables With Nullable Fields

Sep 27, 2006

Question.I have a new table that I am adding to a script that I wrote. Thistable has 3 fields, the first 2 fields are used in the on statement asbeing = other fields in the script.The first field always has data in it, but the 2nd field is sometimesnull.So my problem is if both fields have data in them and they both matchto the data in the fields that I am linking them to, then it returnsthe 3rd field without a problem. However if the 2nd field is null thenit is returning a null for the 3rd field. I have checked and the fieldthat I am linking to is null also.So if I haveselect t1.field1, t1.field2, t2.field1, t2.field2, t2.field3from table1 t1join table2 t2on t1.field1=t2.field1 and t1.field2=t2.field2with 2 records in each tabletable1: record1: data, datarecord2: data, nulltable2: record1: data,data,datarecord2: data,null,datawhat I get from the script isrecord1: data, data,data,data,datarecord2: data,null,data,null,nullI would expectrecord2: data,null,data,null,dataI hope this makes sense, I didn't want to post the entire actual scriptas it is about 150 lines long.Thanks in advance.

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Joining / Concatenating Fields - Unique Reference?

Jun 13, 2014

I have a simple query which displays items from inventory with their latest annual test date. I want to create another unique reference in my results to use as a certificate number. The number should be a combination of the item+month+year from the test date. What is the easiest way to accomplish this?

My query and my desired results are below:

select item, test_date
from inventory
where cat = 'TELE' and itemised_status > 15

item test_datecert_no
-------------------- ----------------------------------------
05MC0002 2014-06-10 00:00:0005MC0002-06-2014
06MT0001 2014-05-13 09:02:0006MT0001-05-2014
06MT0002 2014-05-13 09:03:0006MT0002-05-2014
06MT0003 2014-05-13 09:03:0006MT0003-05-2014
06MT0004 2014-05-09 14:12:0006MT0004-05-2014

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Return Single Records By Joining Multiple Tables

Jun 4, 2008

I would like to know if it's possible to return a single record by joining the tables below. [Persons]
PersonID [int] | PageViewed [int]
=============== =================
1 10
2 5
3 2
4 12

[PersonNames] - PersonID JOINS Persons.PersonID
PersonID [int] | NameID [int] | PersonName [nvarchar] | PopularVotes [int]
=============== ============== ======================= ===================
1 1 Samantha Brown 5
1 2 Samantha Green 10
2 3 Richard T 10
3 4 Riko T 0
4 5 Sammie H 0

[AltNames] - backup for searches caused by common spelling mistakes
AltNameID [int] | AltNames [nvarchar]
================ =============================
1 Sam, Samantha, Sammie, Sammy
2 Riko, Rico

[PersonAllNames] - JOINS [PersonNames.NameID] ON [AltNames.AltNameID]
NameID [int] | AltNameID [int]
============= ================
1 1
4 1
3 2 
This is ideally what I'd like to have returned: PersonID | PageViewed | MostPopularName | NameSearch
========= ============ ================= =================
1 10 Samantha Green Samantha Brown, Samantha Green, Sam, Samantha, Sammie, Sammy
2 5 Richard T Richard T
3 2 Riko T Riko T, Riko, Rico
4 12 Sammie H Sammie H, Sam, Samantha, Sammie, Sammy
[MostPopularName] is [PersonNames.PopularVotes DESC].[NameSearch] combines all records from [PersonNames.PersonName] and [AltNames.AltNames].
The purpose for this is that I'd like to cache the results table so that all searches can just perform a lookup against the NameSearch field.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Pete.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Joining Table To Itself To Get Most Recent Date As Well As Additional Fields

Mar 11, 2014

I am querying a table log file in an attempt to get the most recent status of an item. The items can have a variety of different statuses:

(A = Active, R = Repeat, L = liquidation......)

Here is a sample of the data I am trying to report off of:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[item_status](
[item_number] [varchar](20) NULL,
[sku] [varchar](100) NULL,
[Field_Name] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Old_Value] [varchar](150) NULL,
[New_Value] [varchar](150) NULL,
[Change_Date] [smalldatetime] NULL


I have tried join to the same table - but I am still unable to get it to work.

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Separating One Field Into Two Fields Based On A Character In The Field

Jul 20, 2005

I know there has to be a way to do this, but I've gone brain dead. Thescenario..a varchar field in a table contains a date range (i.e. June 1,2004 - June 15, 2004 or September 1, 2004 - September 30, 2004 or...). Theusers have decided thats a bad way to do this (!) so they want to split thatfield into two new fields. Everything before the space/dash ( -) goes intoa 'FromDate' field, everything after the dash/space goes into the 'ToDate'field. I've played around with STRING commands, but haven't stumbled on ityet. Any help at all would be appreciated! DTS?

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How To Encrypt A Single Field Like A Password Field

May 25, 2006

without writing code in my application? Does SQL Server have stored procedure to do it?

Any help is appreciated.


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How To Encrypt A Single Field Like Password Field

May 25, 2006

without writing code in my application? Does SQL Server have stored procedure to do it?

Any help is appreciated.


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Is It Possible To Save Single Date To A Samlldatetime Fields ?

May 29, 2007

      I am using Sql 2000 db to storage my data,and I have a table including a column named  "ScanDate" (Type: SmallDateTime),Now
 I just want to save the current system date to this column when I save my system data.
     when I saved it and I found that column value include the time data,not  only date .
    So How can I just save date to my samlldatetime typed column ?
 thanks in advanced!

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DTS Transformation Of Multiple Data In Single Fields

Jun 3, 2000

I have a very complex (for me, anyway) data transformation problem.

I've been given a flat-file of physician data from another system which must be automated for entry into the SQL server on a regular basis.

This was no problem until we discovered that several fields (all of which we wanted to use) had multiple pieces of information in them, separated by semicolons.

Well, this didn't seem to be too big of a problem, so I wrote a DTS activeX script to handle it. This is what I originally wrote:

Function Transform()
'Declare variables
Dim strOffice
Dim strOfficeNew
Dim cChar
Dim x
Dim y
Dim z

'Scrub values into new rows
strOffice = DTSSource("Col050")
x = 1
y = len(strOffice)
z = 1

While x <= y
cChar = Mid(strOffice, x 1)
If cChar <> ";" Then
strOfficeNew = strOfficeNew & cChar
DTSDestination("Phys_No") = DTSSource("Col001") DTSDestination("Addr_No") = z
DTSDestination("Addr_Office") = strOfficeNew
strOfficeNew = ""
z = z + 1
End If
x = x + 1

'Insert final record after last semicolon
If strOffice <> "" Then
DTSDestination("Phys_No") = DTSSource("Col001") DTSDestination("Addr_No") = z
DTSDestination("Addr_Office") = strOfficeNew
End If

Transform = DTSTransformStat_OK
End Function

This, of course, didn't work. WHat I got was the last part of the parsed data, which for the first record, was the second Address in the field.

I searched around, and found the following script that is supposed to allow multiple rows off of a single row, but I can't seem to merge the two and still get the data out clean.

Dim nCounter
nCounter = 4

Function Main()

if nCounter > 0 then
Main = DTSTransformStat_SkipFetch
DTSDestination("PatientNumber") = DTSSource("PatientNumber") Select Case nCounter
Case 1
DTSDestination("PhysicianType") = "Admitting" DTSDestination("PhysicianId") = DTSSource
Case 2
DTSDestination("PhysicianType") = "Attending" DTSDestination("PhysicianId") = DTSSource
Case 3
DTSDestination("PhysicianType") = "Referring" DTSDestination("PhysicianId") = DTSSource
Case 4
DTSDestination("PhysicianType") = "Consulting" DTSDestination("PhysicianId") = DTSSource
End Select
nCounter = nCounter - 1
nCounter = 4
Main = DTSTransformStat_SkipInsert
end if
End Function

I'm not a VB Script expert, so there's probably something very simple that I'm missing here... if someone could point it out, I'd be greatly appreciative.


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How To Create DB For Single Attribute Having More Than 2 Text Fields

Dec 14, 2014

How can we create a DB for a single attribute such as ORDER DETAILS, CASH RECEIPT, TAX INVOICE having more than 2 text fields.

Also, in every form attribute such as order id is not present - in order identify the same as a primay key. So, which other attributes or fields can be considered as a primary key.

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CSV Export With Single Quotations For String Fields

Sep 20, 2007

I need to export data to CSV file from Sql Reporting Services.
I am including single quotations in my view to display in SRS for string fields.
After export if we open in Notepad, for string field it is adding multiple quotations.

How to add single quotations for string fields - CSV files,

Please let me know if anybody knows.


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Differentiate Between Fields Of TWO Datasets In A Single Report

Aug 22, 2006

Dear ppl,

I have got 2 datasets D1 & D2 in a Report. How can i differentiate between the fields of these two.

e.g. I got Name field in both the datasets. So when i do =Fields!Name.Value in a textbox the report gives me error

How can i tell the report from which dataset to pick up the field ??



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Help-insert One Table To Another From Tow Date Fields- Single Row For Each Day

Apr 20, 2008

need help on update from one table to another like this
this is my first table





























this is my second table to insert into !

i need to insert to another table like this
single row for each day from start_date TO END_DATE
check each employee add row for each day
insert all employee one after one

ID fname new_date val_holiday

111 aaaa 15/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 16/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 18/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 19/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 20/03/2008 1
111 aaaa 21/03/2008 1

222 bbb 02/05/2008 3
222 bbb 03/05/2008 3
222 bbb 04/05/2008 3
222 bbb 05/05/2008 3
222 bbb 06/05/2008 3
222 bbb 07/05/2008 3
222 bbb 08/05/2008 3
222 bbb 09/05/2008 3

333 ccc 03/04/2008 4
333 ccc 04/04/2008 4

......................................................add row for each day
333 ccc 15/05/2008 4

TNX for help

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SQL 2012 :: Dumping Fields In A Single Column Of Database?

Apr 3, 2014

While working with a vast variety of support projects, i find a sql design where all the fields in a single form (say about 100 fields which are dump data as they are not related to any reports and searching criteria) are dumped in a sql database column in a XML format. See below an example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><FormBuilder><ClientID>0</ClientID><SiteID>0</SiteID><IncidentType></IncidentType><IncidentCategory></IncidentCategory><IncidentSubCategory></IncidentSubCategory><CreatedBy>2</CreatedBy><CreatedOn>Wednesday, April 02, 2014</CreatedOn><ModifiedOn /><ModifiedBy /><Section SectionID="ASD" SectionDisplayName="ASD" ColumnType="1" IsDeleted="0" SectionPosition="1"><SectionField FieldName="Bro" Section="ASD" ModuleID="0" Length="" PickData="" ChkData="" RadioData="" ListData="" FieldType="Text" Checked="false" ColumnType="1" IsDeleted="0" CoulmnOrder="0" FieldID="1" IsPrimary="" IsMandatory="" SystemMandatory="" RowPosition="1" FullRow="" /></Section></FormBuilder>

Just want to know the comments how far is this design feasible.....

What are the pros and cons of such a design...

Where we should use such type of db design where are the fields are dumped in a single column...

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Stack / Transpose One Row With 3 Fields To A Single Column?

Apr 29, 2015

I have the following result set but I want to stack or transpose the 3 fields into a single column. I may add more fields later, but right now I want to know what's the best and simplest way.

Current result set:

TotalAllCustomersOnFile | TotalConsumersWithValidEmail | TotalConsumersWithValidEmailAndOptedIn
2,500 1,750 1,500

Desired result set:

Audience | Totals
TotalAllCustomersOnFile | 2,500
TotalConsumersWithValidEmail | 1,750
TotalConsumersWithValidEmailAndOptedIn | 1,500

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Converting Repeating Fields In Single Row To Multiple Rows

Sep 4, 2007

Hi there

I have loaded a csv file into a table. Some fields within the file contain a varying number (up to 10) of subfields seperated by line feed characters.

It looks sort of like this

Customer No. Payments Dates
111 pay1|pay2|pay3 dat1|dat2|dat3

I created an Unpivot transformation, and I got

Customer No. Description Detail
111 Payments pay1|pay2|pay3
111 Dates dat1|dat2|dat3

After a Derived Column transformation I got

Customer No. Description Line1 Line2 Line3
111 Payments pay1 pay2 pay3
111 Dates dat1 dat2 dat3

But what I really want is to end up with this:

Customer No. Payments Dates
111 pay1 dat1
111 pay2 dat2
111 pay3 dat3

Is there a transformation that will get me there, or do I just need some cunning SQL?

I tried to Pivot my way back to happiness but I couldn't get it to work

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Update If Exist-one Table To Another From Tow Date Fields- Single Row For Each Day

Apr 20, 2008

question need help
how can i use this code below not for insert
i need it for update another table but only if exist
the link to the code in this FORUM

Adam Haines wrote:


Since you have such a dependency on dates and date calculations, you should implement a calendar table. A calendar table will make calculation such as this much more simplistic.

Calendar table link

Note the calendar table I use is a little different than this one. The only thing you will need to change is isodate to dt.

Now the code to get the results you need:

Code Snippet
declare @t table(
id int,
fname char(4),
Start_Date datetime,
End_Date datetime,
val_holiday int
insert into @t values (111, 'aaaa', '3/15/2008', '03/21/2008', 1 )
insert into @t values (222, 'bbbb', '05/2/2008', '05/9/2008', 3)
insert into @t values (333, 'cccc', '04/3/2008', '05/15/2008', 4)
insert into @t values (333, 'cccc', '04/29/2008', '07/07/2008', 1 )

select id, fname, cal.ISODate, val_holiday
from @t t1

inner join Calendar cal
on cal.isodate >= t1.start_date and
cal.ISODate <= t1.end_date

is possible to do it

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Secure A Single SQL Server Database + Make Float Fields Encrypted

Mar 21, 2007

Hi all,

I am developing an application for a big office which uses SQL Server 2000.
Apart from my database, on that server, there are two databases by other companies.
The administrator also has access to server but the client only wants him to backup the database.

I have two questions:

1) First of all (if it is possible) I would like to protect my own database from the other companies.

I don't want them to:

see the data in the tables (around 20 tables)
make changes to the stored procedures (more than 100 stored procedures)
be able to backup the database

2) The client will save sensitive data to the database (mainly currency amounts, salaries etc) which he wants to keep hidden.
I am using float type for these fields and I would like to make the data encrypted. I could do it for nvarchar fields but changing these float to nvarchar would be time consuming.

Thanks for your patience reading this!

Would really appreciate some help on any of these


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Break One Field Into 3 Fields

Aug 27, 2003

Hello all,

I have a problem. I have the address like following:

204 east 40th street,brooklyn,ny 11229

I have to break this field into four fields:

address should be: 204 east 40th street
city should be: brooklyn
state should be: ny and
zip should be: 11229

How would I be able to do that?

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!

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How To Split A Field Into Two Fields

Apr 14, 2006

I have the following fields in table A:

GL_ID| Date |GL_Name_VC | Amount Period_TI|Year_SI
1000|31/12/2005 | Sales | -8,000.00 | 12 | 2005
1000|06/01/2006 | Sales | -6,000.00 | 01 | 2006
1000|20/01/2006 | Sales | 2,000.00 | 01 | 2006
1000|28/01/2006 | Sales | -4,000.00 | 01 | 2006

The above database is running on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and i would like to query
for a report that looks something as below:

Period | Date | GL_Name_VC | Debit | Credit| Net Change | Balance
01 |01/01/2006|Opening Bal | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8,000
01 |06/01/2006|Sales | 0 | 6,000 | 0 | 0
01 |20/01/2006|Sales | 2,000 | 0 | 0 | 0
01 |28/01/2006|Sales | 0 | 4,000 | 8,000 |6,000

The formula for the above calculated fields are as below:

Opening Balance = carried forward balance from Year 2005
Debit = All positive amount
Credit = All negative amount
Net Change = Total Credit - Total Debit in Period 01
Balance = Total of Net Change + Opening Bal

Guys, hope someone out there can help me with the sql command for the above report?

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How To Divide A Field Into More Fields?

Apr 7, 2008


I have a field like below which has blanks 'b';

000123'b'99999'b'RED RING

WHAT i want to do is like below?




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Header In Fields With Field Value

Jan 29, 2015

I have a table returning results like this

Row1 || Row2 || ERPID || ParentID || LevelID || Category || SubCategory || DDate || publish
1 || 1 || 10152159 || 1015 || 2159 || LOCTITE || LOCTITE1 || 29/01/2015 12:10 || 0
1 || 2 || 10152134 || 1015 || 2134 || LOCTITE || LOCTITE2 || 29/01/2015 12:10 || 0
1 || 3 || 10152157 || 1015 || 2157 || LOCTITE || LOCTITE3 || 29/01/2015 12:10 || 0
2 || 1 || 10062003 || 1006 || 2003 || COMPUTER || COMPUTER1 || 29/01/2015 12:10 || 1
2 || 2 || 10062148 || 1006 || 2148 || COMPUTER || COMPUTER2 || 29/01/2015 12:10 || 1

[Code] ....

How I can make the result return like this way?

Row1 || Row2 || ERPID || ParentID || LevelID || Category || SubCategory || DDate || publish
1 || 1 || 10151015 || 1015 || 1015 || LOCTITE || || 29/01/2015 12:10 || 0
1 || 1 || 10152159 || 1015 || 2159 || LOCTITE || LOCTITE1 || 29/01/2015 12:10 || 0
1 || 2 || 10152134 || 1015 || 2134 || LOCTITE || LOCTITE2 || 29/01/2015 12:10 || 0
1 || 3 || 10152157 || 1015 || 2157 || LOCTITE || LOCTITE3 || 29/01/2015 12:10 || 0
2 || 2 || 10061006 || 1006 || 1006 || COMPUTER || || 29/01/2015 12:10 || 1
2 || 1 || 10062003 || 1006 || 2003 || COMPUTER || COMPUTER1 || 29/01/2015 12:10 || 1

[Code] ....

Here is the code I use

DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY clroot.Ctgry1.Descr ASC) AS Row1, Row_Number() OVER (partition BY clroot.Ctgry1.Descr
ORDER BY clroot.Ctgry1.Descr, T1.Descr ASC) AS Row2, left(t1.ID,4)+right(t1.levelid,4) AS ERPID,T1.ID AS Ctgry1ID, clroot.Ctgry1.ID AS ParentID, T1.LevelID, clroot.Ctgry1.Descr AS Category, T1.Descr AS SubCategory,

[Code] .....

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How To Split A Field Into Two Fields

Apr 11, 2006

I have the following fields in table A:

GL_ID| Date |GL_Name_VC | Amount |Period_TI|Year_SI
1000|31/12/2005 | Sales | -8,000.00 | 12 | 2005
1000|06/01/2006 | Sales | -6,000.00 | 01 | 2006
1000|20/01/2006 | Sales | 2,000.00 | 01 | 2006
1000|28/01/2006 | Sales | -4,000.00 | 01 | 2006

The above database is running on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and i would like to query
for a report that looks something as below:

Period | Date | GL_Name_VC | Debit | Credit| Net Change | Balance
01 |01/01/2006|Opening Bal | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8,000
01 |06/01/2006|Sales | 0 | 6,000 | 0 | 0
01 |20/01/2006|Sales | 2,000 | 0 | 0 | 0
01 |28/01/2006|Sales | 0 | 4,000 | 8,000 |16,000

The formula for the above calculated fields are as below:

Opening Balance = carried forward balance from Year 2005
Debit = All positive amount
Credit = All negative amount
Net Change = Total Credit - Total Debit in Period 01
Balance = Total of Net Change + Opening Bal

Guys, hope someone out there can help me with the sql command for the above report?

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Two Int Fields Or One Varchar Field

Jul 20, 2005

I am setting up a database that will receive a lot of data from twoseparate telephone centers, the log table will in a short time haveover 1 million lines, and I was wondering if I should use 1 identifyfield or two:case 1:[Id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL[ServerId] [int] NOT NULLcase 2:[Id] [varchar(20)] IDENTITY NOT NULLWhere in case 1 I would just use a combination of Id and ServerId toidentify the line, where in case 2 I would have the Id field a varcharthat would look something like A-000001, A-000002 for server 1 andB-000001, B-000002 for server 2Which solution will be faster when searching for a record when thewill have over 1 million lines?

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Select Single Row With Duplicate Value In Particular Field

Aug 20, 2007


I have several row records in which

name email
--------- ---------

How should I write the query which can return records with unique email address with any name attached?

The expected record set will be

name email
--------- ---------

I was thinking to select the distinct of email and just stuck at here. I encountered this problem few times and still cannot solve it. Any help will great appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Single Field Duplication Problem

Apr 1, 2004

I have a table with many fields but there is a single field that I do not want duplicates. If I index this specific field preventing duplicates, the entire record does not append. (The field in question is not keyed).


Bill Howard

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