Maintenance Jobs Failed

Jun 21, 2007

Recently I have moved sql 2005 from one box to another with bigger hdd space and more memory. Since then I am getting the attached error message when I Execute all the job.

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Maintenance Jobs Failing SSIS Subsystem Failed To Load

May 1, 2008

Environment: SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition x64, 3 server cluster. Two active servers with seperate instances and one passive server. SQL Server was installed on the two active servers.

Problem: When I fail over either of my instances to the passive server in the cluster my maintenance jobs fail to run and there are error messages in the application event viewer "SSIS Subsystem failed to load". I am guessing that all of the needed components are not installed on the passive server? Is this a close guess? If so, exactly what components are missing and do you have to have another license to install them?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Maintenance Plan And Jobs

Aug 10, 2007

I am migrating the SQL server 7 to SQl server 2005 (side by side upgrade).... I copied all the jobs including the maintenance jobs .is that the right way ?
do we need to copy the maintenance jobs as well ???
or do we have to create the maintenance plan which will create the new jobs itself ????? please Guide ....... its urgent ....

thanks in advance !!!!!

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All Maintenance Jobs On New Servers Failing

Sep 2, 2002

Hi all,

I've just set up 2 new SQL 7.0 servers, and my new maintenance jobs - backups, optimisations, consistency check jobs etc - are all mysteriously failing. I've created them both with the Maintenance Wizard, and again by hand. I've attempted manual and scheduled runs. All to no avail. Nor do they populate the sysmainthistory table, although they're configured to do so. The mystery is that we have successfully installed some user DTS processes, and THEIR jobs work. In order to resolve the problem, I've:

(1) ensured the Agent service is running;

(2) ensured adequate space on the drive etc;

(3) verified that sqlmaint.exe exists in Mssqlinn;

(4) unchecked the 'attempt to repair minor errors' box (I read this was a known cause of the problem);

I've got some clues to go on, but nothing conclusive;

'sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.'

Executed as user: NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM. sqlmaint.exe
failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step

Additionally, both servers hold databases that I imported from another server-INCLUDING the msdb, and BOTH have the same problems and same error messages. This cannot be a coincidence.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


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Jobs Generated By Maintenance Planner

Jul 25, 2000

Using the maintenance planner wizard can create four jobs:

1. Backup DB
2. Integrity checks
3. Optimizations
4. Log backup

depending on what choices you make.

It appears to me that when the scheduled date/time comes,
that the jobs run as scheduled.

My questions are:

a. If I manually start one of the four jobs, will that job and
only that job execute?


b. Will all four execute?


c. Will the manual execution of a specific job cause the other
jobs to be executed also?

Any insight into how this function works is much appreciated!!!

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How To Export Jobs And Maintenance Plans?

Mar 18, 2008


2 SQL2000 ent sp4 servers.
Try to 'one step' to export all jobs and related maintenance plans from serverA to serverB, via backup msdb from A and restore to B.

After restore msdb to serverB, I saw all jobs and related maintenance plans, but the jobs are not runable.

Do I have to save jobs scripts one by one from A, then rerun on B one by one?


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SQL 2012 :: Changing SA Account Name Causes Maintenance Jobs To Fail

Sep 23, 2014

SQL 2012 Standard on Windows Server 2012 Standard

After observing brute force attacks on our VPS myhosting instance against the SA login, I change the SA login name. Now my two new backup jobs are failing. The agent service logs in as NT ServiceSQLSERVERAGENT. Nothing changed there (so far as I know and I'm the only one who should be on the VPS). The job owner was SA and after changing the SA account that was reflected in the SSMS gui; job owner 'newsaname'. I'm sure I can just rebuild the maintenance plans but I'd like to know what happened.

Also, I would like to learn more about the brute force attacks and how to determine what port they are comming in on. I see an IP address associated with them. Does that mean they are coming in on 1433 or 1434?

SQL 2012 Standard VPS Windows 2012 Server Standard

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SQL 2000 Maintenance Plan And Multi-step Jobs

Mar 9, 2006


I'm working with SQL 2000 and am just learning about Maintenance Plans (MP). They seem convenient, but after some time, I'm wondering if they're the best approach long-term. Here are my experiences.

Using the MP Wizard, I created a plan with tasks from all the dialogs:

- Optimize database
- Check integrity
- Backup database
- Backup transaction log
- Write a report

I was puzzled to find 4 jobs were created, each with just 1 step, and staggered starting times. I expected to find 1 job with 4 steps. So, brimming with confidence, I did just that. I combined all 4 into 1 job, deleted the 3 other MP created jobs, and checked for any job-specific details in the code. However now when I open the MP, I get this pop-up:

"One or more of the jobs created for this plan has had additional steps added to it. It is not recommended that jobs created by the maintenance plan be modified in any way."

Okay, fair warning. Yet it appears the job and all steps run successfully, both on demand, and on a schedule. So now I'm wondering if jobs always need a MP. If I don't mind working with xp_sqlmaint syntax, it appears the only thing I'm giving up is the MP history. But I expect job history and '-WriteHistory' will minimize that loss.

I searched BOL, this Forum, and Google, and found a couple articles. One author preferred the ease of the Wizard, another preferred the control and added features of T-SQL, but both created a MP in their examples. So I'm hoping some experienced DBAs can advise.

If I create a job with multiple steps, and no MP, are there important things I give up or problems I create?
Is this approach a bad idea in SQL 2005?

At this stage, I don't need replication or other advanced features. Just simple database maintenance.

Thank you,
- Martin

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Maintenance Job Failed

Jun 11, 2007

I have a Integrity Checks Job for DB Maintenance Plan 'Reindexing and shrinking' that failed. I looked at the log. But i can't see any error. Anyone know how to troubleshoot it?
p.s. This job has been created by the wizard.

EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-PlanID 41A03C18-EA63-49FE-A29B-40EE0D681017 -Rpt "D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLLOGReindexing and shrinking2.txt" -DelTxtRpt 2WEEKS -WriteHistory -CkDB '


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Database Maintenance Plan Failed

Mar 4, 2002

Hi all-

I have a database maintenance plan set up to run for user databases. The integrity checks job for a user database failed today with the error 'error 7919 Repair cannot be processed, db must be in single user mode' . I have scheduled the job to run once every week. Is this a bug in sql server 2000? I thought that the db is placed into single user mode when the integrity job starts. Please advise.


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Rebuild Index Maintenance Is Failed?

May 11, 2015

Rebuild index maintenance plan is failed, since we don't have space in the C:Drive we have left the option as it is to sort the results in user databases respectively. These user databases are in E: with sufficient space to rebuild index.

Check the below details.

SQL Server 2005: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.5000.00 (X64)   Dec 10 2010 10:38:40   Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation  Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2) 

Online reindexing supports in SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition? Job is failing because these options (sort results in tempdb & keep index online while reindexing) is not checked (enabled)?

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SQL Server 2005 Maintenance Plan Failed To Run

Sep 19, 2007

I created a database maintenance plan on sql server 2005 (standard SP2, cluster environment). The plan created successfully on scheduled successfully. But when execute the plan, it fails. Here is the information in the log:

The last step to run was step 1 (TranLog backup).,00:00:01,0,0,,,,0
09/19/2007 12:06:38,Tranlog backups.TranLog backup,Error,1,LAIWWORKSITE1LA,Tranlog backups.TranLog backup,TranLog backup,,Executed as user: STROOCKSQLSRV. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 12:06:38 PM Warning: 2007-09-19 12:06:39.27 Code: 0x80012017 Source: Tranlog backups Description: The package path referenced an object that cannot be found: "PackageTranLog backup.Disable". This occurs when an attempt is made to resolve a package path to an object that cannot be found. End Warning DTExec: Could not set PackageTranLog backup.Disable value to false. Started: 12:06:38 PM Finished: 12:06:39 PM Elapsed: 0.688 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.,00:00:01,0,0,,,,0

Any ideas? Thanks.

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Alert SQL Failed Or Long Running Jobs?

May 17, 2004

I guys,

Does Anyone of the SQLServer Guru has a smart script to alert DBA by email for failed jobs or jobs running more then their normal time(long running jobs), so that I dont have to go and look at the jobs everyday manually...on different servers...

Help is greatly appericated...


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How To Disable/enable Jobs For Database That Has Failed Over

Nov 22, 2006


I currently have serverA importing data from an AS400 oledb connection and serverB on hot-standby as a mirror. The data import is being performed via an SSIS scheduled job.

I've yet to implement any solution in the following case:
If the database on serverA fails, it will failover to the mirror. But the jobs will still be on serverA. Ideally, I'm assuming the jobs should not run on serverB since it will be attempting to update the mirrored database. So, I am wondering if both servers can have identical copies of SSIS packages and jobs and simply (?) enable or disable them based on which server will be hosting the principal database.

Is there any solution where the jobs can automatically be disabled on the server with the mirrored database and enabled on the principal database depending on its status?

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Integration Services :: SSIS Jobs Failed

Aug 5, 2015

I have created simple package loading data from source to BIDS working fine, but when i created job through sql server agent job I am getting below error.

Error:- The Job was invoked by User . The last step to run was step SQL AGENT JOB.

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Newbie In Tsql - Finding Latest Failed Jobs

Mar 16, 2008

I am a newbie to tsql. I am trying to find if a job has failed, if so I only want to pickup the lastest job. I want to see name,message and run date. I know I need to find the max run_date and run_time for each job_id. I know that I need to join the sysjobhistory table and the sysjobs tables. I also know that I need status not equal to one. I have tried thousands of different things and nothing seems to work. If I ever get this to work then I only want to look at jobs in the last 24 hours. I am not going to include any of my job since I have tried so many things and I have been all over the map.

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Failed Maintenance Plan [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029)

Apr 9, 2001

We have a maintenance plan that runs every 15 minutes to backup a transaction log. It fails intermittantly with the message:
"sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed."
This is the only error message to be found in any of the logs. I've checked event viewer, the SQL error logs, exception log, maintenance plan log, sysdbmainplan_history table in msdb, but can't find any extra information. I checked the MSDN for info on this error and this did not add any extra light on the problem.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to de-bug this error?
Stuart Ainsley

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DTS Jobs Failed : Cannot Create COM Server To Load And Execute DTS Package

Sep 12, 2007


DTS job fails with the following error, A Server (Windows 2003 SE with SP1) has 4 SQL Server 2000 instances with mixed of SP3 & SP4. But few jobs are failing in all the 4 instances.

Executed as user: DCADB04SYSTEM. DTSRun: Cannot create COM Server to load and execute DTS Package. Error -2147221008 (800401F0): CoInitialize has not been called. Process Exit Code -2147221008. The step failed.

Appreciate you suggestion to fix this,

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How To Monitor Failed Sql Server 2005 Jobs When Database Mail Is Disabled

Sep 14, 2007

We have our SQL Server 2005 hosted at a datacenter and have only SS Management Studio access (no term serv, no event log, etc.). Also, our hosting company has disabled the Database Mail feature. We have over 60 jobs running on a minute/hourly/daily basis that are critical for our business. It is super important for us to know if and when a job failed.

Given this scenario, how do you suggest we implement monitoring/notification of failed jobs?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Failed Task In Maintenance Plan Not Being Reported By Database Mail

Apr 29, 2015

I have inherited a server on which is a maintenance plan with two subplans on different schedules. In each subplan there are Execute T-SQL tasks with scripts for index rebuilds. Each task is set up with a Completion arrow to the next task and a Failure arrow to a Notify Operator Task. I was asked to add a task for index rebuilds to a specific subplan for a specific database, which is what the other tasks also do. I discovered that my task was failing but the others were fine. No notification was sent about my task failing even though the job is marked in MSDB as a failed job. I have sent a test email using the "Send Test Email..." option when right clicking Database Mail in SSMSand I receive an email so I know Database Mail works.

I set up a test job to model the index job that I can't get notifications from. I have two T-SQL tasks that just select the top row from a small table. The first task has a syntax error that I did so it would fail. I have a failure arrow to a Notify Operator Task and a Completion arrow to another T-SQL task with no syntax error which has a Success arrow to a Notify Operator task. As expected, when I execute this job I receive one failure email and one success email.

The only other troubleshooting step I know to try is to add a Notify Operator task before my failing task. That Notify Operator task will hopefully fire to tell me that the previous step was successful. I am not having problems with the other steps so I was just thinking I would try to get the subplan to send me a success email about one of the steps that has been working fine.

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Maintenance Plan Failing With Login Failed For User 'sa'. [CLIENT: &&<local Machine&&>]

Nov 28, 2007

Maintenance plan for bakcup is failing with "Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]"

I went to the Maintenance Plan and opened the Subplan. I clicked the "Manage Connections"

It has three tabs:

Name: Local Server Connection
Server: prod
Authentication: SQL Server Authentication

I clicked the Edit and it shows the Connection Properties:

It says: Enter information to logon to the server. "Use a specific Username and Password" is checked. Username is set as "sa" while the password is empty. I typed in the correct password and pressed Ok. When I go back again, the password still shows empty. I tried to run the plan and it again fails. Do you know why it is not showing the password as blank even if I try to save the password.

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Bizzare Error - All Back-up Agent Jobs Failed With Unsual Error!

Jan 29, 2008

I have a really odd one here. We have a production server which is running SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition SP3. It has a number of databases which are backed up nightly. Last night all of the back-up jobs failed with the following error: -

Msg 913, Sev 16: Could not find database ID ##. Database may not be activated yet or may be in transition. [SQLSTATE 42000]

The databases are in good shape - no issues to report. When I run the Agent Job code within a Query Analyser session it works fine.

When I try and re-start the back-up from the Agent Job it continues to fail with the same error.

Any ideas?

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MS SQL Server Maintenance Plan Failed: Error Code 0x534. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 15404))

May 3, 2008


we have changed the name of MS SQL server 2005 from XYZ to ABC using

sp_dropserver <old_name>


sp_addserver <new_name>, local


Now our maitenance plan is getting failed we are not able to execute backup jobs we are getting following error

Date 03.05.2008 16:00:00
Log Job History (ADM_AdminDB_TP_Backup.Subplan_1)

Step ID 0
Server ABC
Job Name ADM_AdminDB_TP_Backup.Subplan_1
Step Name (Job outcome)
Duration 00:00:00
Sql Severity 0
Sql Message ID 0
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0

The job failed. Unable to determine if the owner (XYZSQLServer) of job ADM_AdminDB_TP_Backup.Subplan_1 has server access (reason: Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'XYZSQLServer', error code 0x534. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 15404)).

please help us in this issue

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Maintenance Plan Wizard Vs Tsql Maintenance

Aug 17, 2007


I have a question that I hope someone can clear up for me. I have come across a number of different suggestions on DB maintenance, for example reindexing with the following script:

USE DatabaseName --Enter the name of the database you want to reindex

DECLARE @TableName varchar(255)

SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_type = 'base table'

OPEN TableCursor

FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableName
DBCC DBREINDEX(@TableName,' ',90)
FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableName

CLOSE TableCursor


My question is, doesn't the maintenance plan have this functionality inherent in it when you create the maintenance jobs to reindex? Is there a benefit to scripting things out vs just using the maintenance plan wizard for this sort of thing and any of the items it covers? I came from an Oracle background where this was a no-brainer but I am a bit confused on the choices with SQL Server.


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Maintenance Commands Affect On Log File / Log File Maintenance Without Log File Backups?

Jun 18, 2015

I am testing some maintenance tasks sql commands such as index rebuild, index reorg, update statistics and db integrity check on a SQL Server 2014 Database. This is a new non-production vendor database (DB Size 500 GBs, Log Size 25 GBs) which eventually will be created in production. Currently, it is in full recovery model and without log backups. The database has a whole lot of indexes. I am just trying to rebuild and reorganize all the indexes (that need it), in addition to trying to get an idea of how long these maintenance task will take and the space needed in the log file to complete these tasks/commands. I would like to execute these tasks manually (the first time) to gather the duration and space required information. Eventually, I would probably schedule a weekly job to perform this maintenance.

I ran the index rebuild task on the database and noticed that the log file grew by over 50 GBs. I killed the process and truncated and shrunk the log file back down.

1. Does the index rebuild, index reorg, update statistics and db integrity check commands all use the log file?

2. Does Indexs Reorg have less impact on log file then Index Rebuild?

3. Should a truncate log and shrink log file be performed after these maintenance commands?

4. Should a full database backup be performed after these maintenance commands? Or before the maintenance commands?

I have read and understand that shrinking is not good for the database (could lead to more fragmentation and more data file growth when data is added) and I know about rebuilding indexes when fragmentation is GT 30% and reorganizing indexes when fragmentation is GT 5% and LE 30%.

Since this is a non-production database maybe I should set the recovery model to simple, run the maintenance commands and leave the database in simple recovery model unless the vendor needs it in full recovery model for some unknown reason.

5. With the simple recovery model the log file should be reused in a circular manner and not grow during these maintenance tasks. Is this correct?

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Sqlmaint.exe Failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The Step Failed.

Jan 3, 2001

I get the following error when I try to run my scheduled job.
sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.

Any ideas Thanks in advance

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Package Failed : Failed To Decrypt Protected XML Node DTS:Password With Error

Apr 21, 2008

Dear all,

I've built SSIS package and made a job to execute it automatically but it always returns an error. The job returns OK but when we looked at the Log File viewer, it conatins this error log :

Key not valid for use in specified state

Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTS Password" with error

What's wrong with the package ?
Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


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Fix For Transmission_status Message Connection Handshake Failed [...] The Logon Attempt Failed

Mar 30, 2007

Full message:

Connection handshake failed. An OS call failed: (8009030c) 0x8009030c(The logon attempt failed). State 66

Under these conditions, setting trustworthy on on the sending and receiving databases will solve this issue

1) Communicating between multiple instances

2) Using Kerberos security (NT Authentication, i.e. not certificates)

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Stuck Between Failed To Generate User Instance And An Attempt To Attach...failed

Sep 29, 2005

I wrote an application using Visual Studio 2005 beta 2 which uses a SQL Express .mdf file, included in the project, for the database.  After installing Visual Studio 2005 RC and the SQL Express that comes with it (I followed all of the uninstall instructions first) I can no longer add a SQL Express database to any of my projects, nor can I open the SQL Express database in my original project.  When I try either of these tasks, I get the "Failed to generate user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance.  The connection will be closed."  I read the thread which dealt with this error, and changed the connection string for the database file that had worked before to User Instance = false.  The moment I click Test Connection or OK, I get the error: "An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:<path to project>EngSQL.mdf failed.  A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share." (<path to project> is actually a full path, I didn't want to type the whole thing out. :) ).  A search for this error turns up a solution of setting User Instance = false, which puts me in a catch 22 position.

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Log Shipping Failure Sqlmaint.exe Failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The Step Failed.

Sep 13, 2001

I have log shipping set up between 2 SQL 2000 SP1 Servers on Win 2000. The db is small 10 meg, and when the restore job on the backup server fails I am getting "sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed." as the message, the maint paln on the primary server show no error. Anyone seen this before? The restore has worked 3 out of 5 times

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Login Failed For User - Token Based Server Access Validation Failed With Infrastructure Error

Sep 9, 2015

Many a times see the below error in SQL Error log.

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: ]

Is this something to do here?

Note: If I run the below statement I know that the SQL Error log entry will go off, but wanted to know the real significance of this error?


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Maitenace Plan Check Database Integrity Task Fails With Failed:(0) Alter Failed For Server 'xyz'

Feb 21, 2008


I am administering several SQL Servers running SQL Server 2005 SP2 Build 3042.
I have a common maintenance plan that runs on each of the servers. The maintenance plan runs
fine on all the servers except for one. On the one server the Database Integrity check fails with the following error:

Check Database integrity on Local server connection
Databases: <list of databases>
Include indexes
Task start: 2008-02-21T00:05:42.
Task end: 2008-02-21T00:05:46.
Failed0) Alter failed for Server €˜XYZ€™

I created a test maintenance plan to just do the integrity check and selected one database only and this also failed with the same error message. I ran this test maintenance plan and configured it for each of the databases in question and it failed each time.
If I run the DBCC manually against the databases they all report fine.

I read some of the post that talked about the €œAllow Updates€? being set incorrectly but that does not apply to my problem since my configured and run values are set to 0.

Does anyone know what the problem could be?

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Executed As User: CONNECTSRVmyadmin. Sqlmaint.exe Failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The Step Failed.

Feb 29, 2008

Hi all help needed from your End.

I have a re-indexing stored procedure,yester day night it got failed
"Executed as user: CONNECTSRVmyadmin. sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed."
what may be the reason..

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