Maximum Size For Ntext Type In Sql Server

Mar 29, 2006

I couldn't insert more than 4000 charachters in "ntext" type in SQL server. Is there anyway, i can increase the size or any suggestions?

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Does The IDENTITY Field Type In SQL Have A Maximum Size To It?

Mar 11, 2007

Does the IDENTITY field type in SQL have a maximum size to it?
You know like int only goes so high up,

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Urgent Need For Problem Of Increase In Database Size For Ntext Type Fields

Jan 22, 2006

I had several databases under sqlserver ce 2.0 (in my Pocket PC) which contained ntext fields. The size of the databases varies from 50,000 to 700,000 records. The size of an ntext field is from 4 bytes to 2 megabytes.

When I recreated my databases under sql server 2005 mobile on my desktop using VS2005 (see my post just under this one), I saw a big difference between the old and new database sizes. This problem was mentioned in one of the posts in this forum and the reply was to replace ntext data with ncharvar type.

Since most of my data was longer than 4000 bytes (which is the limit for nvarchar type), I couldn't use this suggestion. Instead, I changed my ntext type to image type and used a GetByte conversion.

No change! The size of the new database is still 50 % larger than the original. Since the difference is around 300 MB, this is an unacceptable thing.

Now, I either wait from somebody to suggest a new solution (apart from keeping the ntext data in a separate binary file and keep index of the records of this file in the records of sql database) or, most preferably, have

Microsoft solve this problem as soon as possible.

Thanks for any help in advance


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Transact SQL :: Error - Maximum Row Size Exceeds Allowed Maximum Of 8060 Bytes

Sep 12, 2015

I have some code I build 2 weeks ago which I’ve been running daily but it’s suddenly stopped working with the following error.

“The table "tbl_Intraday_Tmp" has been created, but its maximum row size exceeds the allowed maximum of 8060 bytes. INSERT or UPDATE to this table will fail if the resulting row exceeds the size limit” When I google this there seems to be a related to tables with vast numbers of columns.

My table tbl_Intraday_tmp is relatively small. It has 7 columns. 1 of varchar(5), 3 of decimal(9,3) and 2 of decimal(18,0). The bit I’m puzzled with is it was working and stopped.

I don’t recall changing anything but I wouldn’t rule that out. I ‘ve inspected the source files and I don’t believe they have changed either.

@FileName varchar(50),
@Path varchar(50),
@SqlCmd varchar(1000)
= '',
@ASXCode varchar(5),
@Offset decimal(18,0),


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Error - Maximum Row Size Exceed Allowed Maximum Of 8060 Bytes

Apr 20, 2012

I am using MS SQL server 2008, and i have a table with 350 columns and when i m trying to create one more column its giving error with below message -

Warning: The table XXX has been created, but its maximum row size exceeds the allowed maximum of 8060 bytes.

INSERT or UPDATE to this table will fail if the resulting row exceeds the size limit.

how can i resolve this?

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Ntext Data Type In SQL Server

Jun 14, 2006

I 'm writing an ASP.NET Application(1.1) , but i 've problem. I used ntext data type to store my data as follows
"?ể sử dụng các dịch vụ của VUNGOIMORA.COM bạn phải đ?c kỹ các thông tin quy định v phải tuân thủ các đi?u quy định sau:

V? thông tin đăng ký th nh viên:

?ể có thể đăng ký l m th nh viên của, bạn phải trên 18 tuổi v có đủ năng lực để chịu m?i trách nhiệm đối với m?i h nh vi của mình.
Bạn phải cung cấp đầy đủ, đúng v trung thực các thông tin yêu cầu trong phần đăng ký th nh viên(H? tên, ?ịa chỉ, ?iện thoại, Email….)
Mỗi t i khoản chỉ được đăng ký một lần v được kiểm tra sự chính xác qua cơ chế chứng thực bằng cách chúng tôi sẽ gửi mail chứng thực tới địa chỉ Email m bạn đã đăng ký
Sẽ có 3 dạng th nh viên trên VUNGOIMORA.COM: th nh viên bình thư?ng(miễn phí), th nh viên VIP(th nh viên đóng phí), th nh viên l chủ sở hữu eStore.
V? Tin đăng của bạn:

Các tin đăng(mua, bán, cho thuê, cần thuê, giới thiệu) phải đúng danh mục như thế ngư?i khác sẽ dễ d ng tìm thấy tin đăng của bạn hơn.
Các tin đăng phải trung thực chính xác, không viết to n chữ HOA, không mang tính chất phá hoại l m ảnh hưởng tới ngư?i khác hoặc doanh nghiệp khác.
Nội dung thông tin không được mang tính chính trị, không mang tính tôn giáo, không được trái với phong tục tập quán của Việt Nam, không được dùng l?i lẽ thô tục, thông tin không được mang tính đe d?a, hay khiêu khích.
Không được đăng tin liên quan đến các thiết bị vũ khí, khiêu dâm, tin tặc...không được đăng tin quảng cáo hay rao bán những h ng hóa m Nh Nước Việt Nam cấm.
Những thông tin được đưa trên chỉ để giúp các bên mua - bán liên lạc với nhau, không can thiệp v o việc chuyển nhượng giữa các bên v không chịu trách nhiệm nếu xảy ra các vấn đ? pháp lý giữa các bên (VD: lừa đảo, cướp, trấn lột...). không có trách nhiệm bảo đảm tính chính xác, chất lượng, danh mục, tính thích hợp, hay tiêu chuẩn của h ng hoá. Bạn sử dụng dịch vụ miễn phí l đang tự nguyện chấp nhận rủi ro nếu có, chúng tôi không chịu bất cứ trách nhiệm n o v? việc các bên lợi dụng dịch vụ trên để tiến h nh các h nh vi xấu. Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi cố gắng hết sức để đảm bảo tính trung thực của các thông tin đưa lên để giảm thiểu rủi ro cho ngư?i dùng dịch vụ. Chúng tôi d nh quy?n khước từ hay chấm dứt những dịch vụ cung cấp v o bất cứ lúc n o cho ngư?i dùng n o đó m không cần báo trước.
Tin rao của bạn có thể bị xóa m không cần thông báo.
Tin đăng trên l miễn phí, trong trư?ng hợp bạn muốn tin đăng của bạn xuất hiện tại các vị trí đặc biệt của website hay có thêm một số chức năng đặc biệt, chúng tôi sẽ thu một khoản phí, bạn  có thể xem thông tin chi tiết tại đây.
Các đi?u cần lưu ý khác: không chịu trách nhiệm đối với m?i nội dung v thông tin m các th nh viên đăng trên web site, cũng như những liên kết từ ra bên ngo i có thể sẽ gửi email đến cho bạn theo một chu kỳ nhất định. Những email n y không thể xem l spam. không chịu bất cứ trách nhiệm n o trong trư?ng hợp máy chủ web bị hư, bị tấn công hoặc phá hoại  hoặc do bất cứ lý do n o l m tin đăng hay account của bạn bị mất nhưng Chúng tôi sẽ cố gắng khắc phục với khả năng tốt nhất của mình.
Không được cố ý thâm nhập t i kh?an h y sử dụng t i khoản của ngư?i khác khi chưa có sự đồng ý của h?. có to n quy?n thay đổi nội dung quy định n y v o bất lúc n o m không cần phải thông báo , cũng như không cần phải giải thích lý do thay đổi.
Chúng tôi cũng có quy?n thay đổi nội dung web site bất kỳ lúc n o m không cần báo trước. Chúng tôi d nh quy?n thay đổi hay cập nhật những đi?u khoản có trong bản thoả thuận sử dụng dịch vụ n y. Các bạn có trách nhiệm phải thư?ng xuyên xem xét v cập nhật những thay đổi n y.
Bạn có trách nhiệm bảo vệ t i kh?an của bạn trên, thư?ng xuyên thay đổi mật khẩu v chịu trách nhiệm v? các h?at động của t i kh?an do mình sở hữu.
Nếu th nh viên n o đó vi phạm 1 hay nhi?u quy định ở trên thì t i khoản của th nh viên đó sẽ bị xoá m không cần báo.
Nếu bạn đang đồng ý tất cả các đ?u khoản trên,  hãy ch?n "Tôi ?ồng ý" để tiến h nh đăng ký th nh viên.
Xin cảm ơn!"
but when display data, it displays as follows
" ?? s? d?ng các d?ch v? c?a VUNGOIMORA.COM b?n ph?i d?c k? các thông tin quy d?nh v ph?i tuân th? các di?u quy d?nh sau:

V? thông tin dang ký th nh viên :

?? có th? dang ký l m th nh viên c?a, b?n ph?i trên 18 tu?i v có d? nang l?c d? ch?u m?i trách nhi?m d?i v?i m?i h nh vi c?a mình.
B?n ph?i cung c?p d?y d?, dúng v trung th?c các thông tin yêu c?u trong ph?n dang ký th nh viên(H? tên, ??a ch?, ?i?n tho?i, Email….)
M?i t i kho?n ch? du?c dang ký m?t l?n v du?c ki?m tra s? chính xác qua co ch? ch?ng th?c b?ng cách chúng tôi s? g?i mail ch?ng th?c t?i d?a ch? Email m b?n dã dang ký
S? có 3 d?ng th nh viên trên VUNGOIMORA.COM: th nh viên bình thu?ng(mi?n phí), th nh viên VIP(th nh viên dóng phí), th nh viên l ch? s? h?u eStore.
V? Tin dang c?a b?n :

Các tin dang(mua, bán, cho thuê, c?n thuê, gi?i thi?u) ph?i dúng danh m?c nhu th? ngu?i khác s? d? d ng tìm th?y tin dang c?a b?n hon.
Các tin dang ph?i trung th?c chính xác, không vi?t to n ch? HOA, không mang tính ch?t phá ho?i l m ?nh hu?ng t?i ngu?i khác ho?c doanh nghi?p khác.
N?i dung thông tin không du?c mang tính chính tr?, không mang tính tôn giáo, không du?c trái v?i phong t?c t?p quán c?a Vi?t Nam, không du?c dùng l?i l? thô t?c, thông tin không du?c mang tính de d?a, hay khiêu khích.
Không du?c dang tin liên quan d?n các thi?t b? vu khí, khiêu dâm, tin t?c...không du?c dang tin qu?ng cáo hay rao bán nh?ng h ng hóa m Nh Nu?c Vi?t Nam c?m.
Nh?ng thông tin du?c dua trên ch? d? giúp các bên mua - bán liên l?c v?i nhau, không can thi?p v o vi?c chuy?n nhu?ng gi?a các bên v không ch?u trách nhi?m n?u x?y ra các v?n d? pháp lý gi?a các bên (VD: l?a d?o, cu?p, tr?n l?t...). không có trách nhi?m b?o d?m tính chính xác, ch?t lu?ng, danh m?c, tính thích h?p, hay tiêu chu?n c?a h ng hoá. B?n s? d?ng d?ch v? mi?n phí l dang t? nguy?n ch?p nh?n r?i ro n?u có, chúng tôi không ch?u b?t c? trách nhi?m n o v? vi?c các bên l?i d?ng d?ch v? trên d? ti?n h nh các h nh vi x?u. Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi c? g?ng h?t s?c d? d?m b?o tính trung th?c c?a các thông tin dua lên d? gi?m thi?u r?i ro cho ngu?i dùng d?ch v?. Chúng tôi d nh quy?n khu?c t? hay ch?m d?t nh?ng d?ch v? cung c?p v o b?t c? lúc n o cho ngu?i dùng n o dó m không c?n báo tru?c.
Tin rao c?a b?n có th? b? xóa m không c?n thông báo.
Tin dang trên l mi?n phí, trong tru?ng h?p b?n mu?n tin dang c?a b?n xu?t hi?n t?i các v? trí d?c bi?t c?a website hay có thêm m?t s? ch?c nang d?c bi?t, chúng tôi s? thu m?t kho?n phí, b?n  có th? xem thông tin chi ti?t t?i dây.
Các di?u c?n luu ý khác : không ch?u trách nhi?m d?i v?i m?i n?i dung v thông tin m các th nh viên dang trên web site, cung nhu nh?ng liên k?t t? ra bên ngo i có th? s? g?i email d?n cho b?n theo m?t chu k? nh?t d?nh. Nh?ng email n y không th? xem l spam. không ch?u b?t c? trách nhi?m n o trong tru?ng h?p máy ch? web b? hu, b? t?n công ho?c phá ho?i  ho?c do b?t c? lý do n o l m tin dang hay account c?a b?n b? m?t nhung Chúng tôi s? c? g?ng kh?c ph?c v?i kh? nang t?t nh?t c?a mình.
Không du?c c? ý thâm nh?p t i kh?an h y s? d?ng t i kho?n c?a ngu?i khác khi chua có s? d?ng ý c?a h?. có to n quy?n thay d?i n?i dung quy d?nh n y v o b?t lúc n o m không c?n ph?i thông báo , cung nhu không c?n ph?i gi?i thích lý do thay d?i.
Chúng tôi cung có quy?n thay d?i n?i dung web site b?t k? lúc n o m không c?n báo tru?c. Chúng tôi d nh quy?n thay d?i hay c?p nh?t nh?ng di?u kho?n có trong b?n tho? thu?n s? d?ng d?ch v? n y. Các b?n có trách nhi?m ph?i thu?ng xuyên xem xét v c?p nh?t nh?ng thay d?i n y.
B?n có trách nhi?m b?o v? t i kh?an c?a b?n trên, thu?ng xuyên thay d?i m?t kh?u v ch?u trách nhi?m v? các h?at d?ng c?a t i kh?an do mình s? h?u.
N?u th nh viên n o dó vi ph?m 1 hay nhi?u quy d?nh ? trên thì t i kho?n c?a th nh viên dó s? b? xoá m không c?n báo.
N?u b?n dang d?ng ý t?t c? các d?u kho?n trên,  hãy ch?n "Tôi ??ng ý" d? ti?n h nh dang ký th nh viên.
Xin c?m on! "
please, let me know the solution for this problem. Thanks,

View 7 Replies View Related

SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Maximum Size Of DB Hosted On Cloud Environment?

Feb 28, 2015

what is the maximum size of a DB hosted on SQL 2012 cloud environment?

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Convert Ntext Type To XML Type

Dec 6, 2007

 I have a ntext column which stores rows of xml data. Ive decided that the best way to query the xml data is to Convert the ntext data into xml data type and use Sql Server 2005 builtin Xml Query tools to perform FLWOR expressions. The problem Im having is getting the ntext data Converted to xml.When I try to convert the ntext text, I of course get an error that local variables of ntext type are invalid.Any suggestions on a way I might accomplish this?Thanks, -lance

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Column Size For Ntext

Aug 11, 2005


Please help me to find out the ntext column size in a table.

Thanks in advance



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Ntext Type !!

Jun 1, 2004

Hi ...

I want define a ntext type variable and set the result of select from ntext field of table in that variable and Execute the variable .

Forexample :
Declare @A ntext
select @A=Fildntext from Table
set @A=@A+'string'
sp_executesql @A

Therefore how can i use ntext type??


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Report Builder - Read Data From SQL Server With Ntext Data Type

Apr 16, 2008

Hi all,

I have a column in SQL server which is of type ntext. Selecting the specific column to view it in report builder, an error message appears with the following description:

- Cannot run this report. The grouping expression 'nameofcolumn' returns the datatype binary. The Grouping Expression cannot return binary data.

Report Builder recognises this as if it was an image...

Thanks in advance!

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NText Database Type

Feb 27, 2006

Can any one tell me what is the nText type in SQL 2005 mobile database please? How long is the text that I may put into this type?

Thanks in advance.

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Maximum Possible Database Size

Sep 20, 2007

I posted this in another area and didn't get an answer, so maybe I posted it in the wrong place. Forgive me if you've seen this twice.

I'm trying to figure out what the ultimate size limitation for a SQL 2005 Enterprise server is. This document is helpful but I'm a bit confused:

In the document, it says that the maximum database size is 524,258 terabytes; however, it also says that the maximum data file size--which I assume is the .MDF file--is 16 terabytes. My question is, how can you create a 524,258 TB database if the maximum file size 16 TB?

Dumb question, I'm sure...please enlighten me!


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Maximum Size Of OPENXML IN SP

May 17, 2006

How much data we can pass through as an XML Text into SP by the concept OPENXML

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NText Data Type Issue

Feb 15, 2002

Have a table storing nText data tied into a Cold Fusion front end. The Cold Fusion returns the values fine, but when querying in Query analyzer the messages are being truncated. In Enterprize Manager I get a <Long Text> message.

I ran OBJECTPROPERTY and found that TableTextInRowLimit was set to 0, but even after i set it to 1 on our test system with a value of 2000, it still truncated.

Also, the field is set to ntext with a length of 16. I havent worked much with nText, anyone with advise would be much appricated.


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Replace() On Data Type Ntext - How To?

May 29, 2006

Hello guys,

I would like to execute a t-sql query and replace a string by another in all records.

I did this :

UPDATE myTable
SET myColumn = replace(myColumn,'old string','new string')

The error I get is :
Argument data type ntext is invalid for argument 1 of replace function.

Thank you very much for any help!


my favorit hoster is ASPnix : !

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Maximum Datafile/log File Size

Dec 8, 2004

Is there any limit to the maximum size of a datafile or transaction log you can have with SQL Server 2000 on Windows 2000. Also is there a maximum size that should be adhered to for performance and admin reasons ?.

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Maximum Insert Commit Size

Oct 11, 2006

Hi, All,

if I set the "Maximum insert commit size" to 10 ( 0 is the default) in a OLE destination,

what does the 10 means? 10 records or 10 MB/KB of data?


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What Is Maximum Database Size In The SSCE?

Apr 24, 2007


I've found a two different answers for this question:

one - on the site where on the Performance improvements section there is a 128MB value in the Database size.

other is in the product datasheet there is a information that this version supports databases up to 4 GB.

Could you tell me what is the correct answer?



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Maximum SQL 2005 Database Size

Sep 19, 2007

Hello! I'm trying to figure out what the ultimate size limitation for a SQL 2005 Enterprise server is. This document is helpful but I'm a bit confused:

In the document, it says that the maximum database size is 524,258 terabytes; however, it also says that the maximum data file size--which I assume is the .MDF file--is 16 terabytes. My question is, how can you create a 524,258 TB database if the maximum file size 16 TB?

Dumb question, I'm sure...please enlighten me!


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Replication Maximum Buffer Size

Oct 19, 2007


I'd like to replicate an SQL Server Database to an SDF file. For Simplicity I want to use the SQL Server 2005 Management Console. The Console reports that the maximum buffer size were to small. In the comment (c# code) I can see it is set to 512. How can I increase the value in the replication assistant?


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Cannot Set Maximum Database Size By DBPROP_SSCE_MAX_DATABASE_SIZE;

Sep 27, 2007

I try to limit the database size to 2MB by the following code, but it doesn't work, Could somebody help me on it?
Thanks a lot!

Part of my code is:





// Create an instance of the OLE DB Provider


hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_SQLSERVERCE_3_0,







goto Exit;


// Initialize a property with name of database


dbprop[0].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE;

dbprop[0].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;

dbprop[0].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR;

dbprop[0].vValue.bstrVal = SysAllocString( DATABASE_LOG );

if(NULL == dbprop[0].vValue.bstrVal)



goto Exit;


// Initialize property with open mode for database

dbprop[1].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_INIT_MODE;

dbprop[1].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;

dbprop[1].vValue.vt = VT_I4;

dbprop[1].vValue.lVal = DB_MODE_READ | DB_MODE_WRITE;

// Set max database size


dbprop[2].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;

dbprop[2].vValue.vt = VT_I4;

dbprop[2].vValue.lVal = 2; // 2MB

// set max size of temp. database file to 2MB


dbprop[3].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;

dbprop[3].vValue.vt = VT_I4;

dbprop[3].vValue.lVal = 2; // 2MB

// Initialize the property set


dbpropset[0].guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_DBINIT;

dbpropset[0].rgProperties = dbprop;

dbpropset[0].cProperties = sizeof(dbprop)/sizeof(dbprop[0]);

// Get IDBDataSourceAdmin interface


hr = pIDBInitialize->QueryInterface(IID_IDBDataSourceAdmin, (void **) &pIDBDataSourceAdmin);



goto Exit;


// Create and initialize data store


hr = pIDBDataSourceAdmin->CreateDataSource( 1, dbpropset, NULL, IID_IUnknown, &pIUnknownSession);



goto Exit;


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Way To Retrieve Actual Size Of Ntext Column In Native Code?

Aug 3, 2007

Howdy folks! (I feel im creating too many topics...but all my questions are unrelated :-/)

Dev environment: SSCE, Native c++ OLE code, Win CE 5

I have a routine that calculates the size of a set of columns in order to create a byte buffer for retrieving data from an IRowset and inserting it into a custom class. This method works great for all data types except ntext. When I look at the column information from an ntext field, the DBCOLUMNINFO::ulColumnSize member holds 536,870,911 (the max length of an ntext type). Obviously I dont want to allocate 1GB of memory for each ntext column. Is there anyway (natively) to determine the actual number of characters in a field?

View 12 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2008 :: Data Type And Size Of Each Row

Feb 27, 2015

In my database there is a big table and format is something like this:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable](
[aaa] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
[bbb] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
[ccc] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[ddd] [nvarchar](100) NULL,.......etc.........

There are some more columns with more 'nvarchar' (max) and other INT data types. Anyway, I know a page is 8K size. How do I find out how much space does A ROW takes with above datatypes? If users add 5000 Rows per day, how do I figure out how much size the table will increase?

View 9 Replies View Related

Problem Accessing A Column Of Type Ntext

Jan 16, 2007

I am working on an application which accesses SQL database. I have a table complaint in which i have a coulmn 'history' of type "ntext". When i insert a value, the value gets stored in the db correctly, but I cannot access the complete data from that field using a simple select query. I had to export the table to a text file only then i could view the complete data of the field.
I wrote the query in query analyzer as:
"select history from complaint where pkey=142"
& the result i got is:
###### admin: Jan 8, 2007 3:53:57 PM GMT Type: Inactive (Key 10) Description: Activity yet to be started State: Planned "

This is only a part of the entire string that I had entered.

My requirement is that I need to access the data from the ntext field & save it in a variable & then display the entire data in my application. Can anyone tell me how should i use the select query so that i get the entire data without having to go thru the export data procedure.
Please help!!!

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Ntext Data Type Cannot Be Selected As DISTINCT

Mar 3, 2008

When I am using DISTINCT in the SELECT clause for a table having a column of datatype "ntext" in SQL 2000 as well SQL 2005, it fails giving the error as "ntext data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT". This is coz
"The text, ntext, or image data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT."

But I am able to insert into a temporary table having a column whose datatype is nvarchar) using this SELECT clause in SQL 2000. Please advice me how this happens. If I am not worng, implicit conversion has happened. But this insert fails raising the same error in SQL 2005. Please help me to find the difference
thanks in advance!

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Using Triggers With Ntext Type Datadype Columns

May 8, 2008

I am creating triggers on th efly from stored procedure.I have table 1in db1 and table2 in db2 and i want to capture inserts ,updates and deletes in table 1 to table 2 for which triggers are getting created from SP in SQL 2000.

If i create instead of triggers then its working fine but the row will not be inserted in the main table and i need rows to be inserted in the main table.The tables is having ntext columns.Any work around for this?


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Row Is Bigger Than Maximum Size (1962 Bytes)

Mar 11, 2000

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error ' 80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Updated or inserted row is bigger than maximum size (1962 bytes) allowed for this table.

database:microsoft 6.5 SQL

How can I solve this problem

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Maximum Size Of The SSIS String Variable?

Aug 30, 2007

In SSIS, what is the maximum size of the String variable (one that you would define in the Variables dialog box)?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Size Limitation For XML Data Type?

Oct 7, 2015

I've never worked with the XML data type in SQL Server, although I know its been there for a few iterations of SQL SErver. Now I've got a situation in which it might store some configuration data as XML, since that's the way it comes. (We had thought about storing the data in a VARCHAR(MAX) field.)

The first question is does the XML data type have a size limitation? For example do you do something like:

ConfigFile XML(1000) NULL

Or is it just something like this:

ConfigFile XML NULL

The second question is persisting the data to a file. As the name I choose for the variable suggests, we want to save the data from a configuration file into a SQL Server database. How do we go about doing that? We'll be developing a C# application, it will read and write the data both from the SQL table and the user's local HD.

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Recovery :: Instance Still Accessible If Transaction Log Reached Maximum Size?

Oct 12, 2015

One of our production databases was setup mirroring, log shipping and replication on it, the log file was setup unrestricted growth. This morning one index rebuilding process generated lots of logs, and the log file disk ran out of space, the database was in recovery mode. so we had to disable log shipping, pause mirroring and replication, expand log file disk, restarted SQL instance to fix the issue. Now we want to setup the log file to maximum size 80G, the whole log file disk is 120G.

So if the log file reached 80G next time, we can change the max size to 90G or 100G and it's easier to fix the space issue. My question is, if the database  log file reached max size,

1. is the database still available? 
2. Will the active session causing the issue be rollback to release space back?

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OLE DB Destination - Fast Load With Maximum Insert Commit Size

Sep 8, 2006

I'm seeing some strange behavior from the OLE DB Destination when using the "fast load" access mode and setting the "Maximum insert commit size".

When I do not set the "Rows per batch" or the "Maximum insert commit size", the package I'm working with inserts 123,070 rows using a single "insert bulk" statement. The data seems to flow through the pipeline until it gets to the OLE DB Destination and then I see a short pause. I'm assuming the pause is from the "insert bulk" statement handling all of the rows at once.

When I set the "Rows per batch" option but leave the "Maximum insert commit size" alone, I generally see the same behavior -- a single "insert bulk" statement that handles all 123,070. In this case, however, the "insert bulk" statement has a "ROWS_PER_BATCH" option appended to the statement that matches the "Rows per batch" setting. This makes sense. I'm assuming the "insert bulk" then "batches" the rows into multiple insert statements (although I'm unsure of how to confirm this). This version of the "insert bulk" statement appears to run in about the same time as the case above.

When I set the "Maximum insert commit size" option and leave the "Rows per batch" statement alone, I see multiple "insert bulk" statements being executed, each handling the lower of either the value I specify for the "Maximum insert commit size" or the number of rows in a single buffer flowing through the pipeline. In my testing, the number of rows in a buffer was 9,681. So, if I set the "Maximum insert commit size" to 5,000, I see two "insert bulk" statements for each buffer that flows into the OLE DB Destination (one handling 5,000 rows and one handling 4,681 rows). If I set the "Maximum insert commit size" to 10,000, I see a single "insert bulk" statement for each buffer that flows into the OLE DB Destination (handling 9,681 rows).

Now the problem. When I set the "Maximum insert commit size" as described in the last case above, I see LONG pauses between buffers being handled by the OLE DB Destination. For example, I might see one buffer of data flow through (and be handled by one or more "insert bulk" statements based on the "Maximum insert commit size" setting), then see a 2-3 minute pause before the next buffer of data is handled (with its one or more "insert bulk" statements being executed). Then I might see a 4-5 minute pause before the next buffer of data is handled. The pause between the buffers being passed through the OLE DB Destination (and handled via the "insert bulk" statements) is sometimes shorter, sometimes longer.

Using Profiler, I don't see any other activity going on within the database or within SQL Server itself that would explain the pauses between the buffers being handled by the OLE DB Destination and the resulting "insert bulk" statements...

Can anyone explain what is going on here? Is setting the "Maximum insert commit size" a bad idea? What are the differences between it and the "Rows per batch" setting and what are the recommended uses of these two options to try to improve the performance of the insert (particularly when handling millions of rows)?

TIA for any thoughts or information...

Dave Fackler

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Using Inserted / Deleted Tables With Text / NText / Image Data Type

Oct 6, 2004

Hi folks,


a int,
b int,
c int,
d text

I need to change my AFTER - Trigger from this (example!):

select * into #ins from inserted

to something like

select *(without Text / nText / image -columns) into #ins from inserted.

So I tried to build a string like this: (using INFORMATIONSCHEMES)

select @sql = 'select a,b,c into #ins from inserted'

a,b,c are not of Text, nText or Image datatype.

After executing the trigger, I get an error, that inserted is unknown.

Does anyone know how to solve this ?


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