Minimum/Maximum Of Two Values

Dec 6, 2004

Hallo Cracks,

what I try is a little bit heavy, maybe, but I only miss the minimum/maximum fuction - or I didn´t found it; not here in the Forum and also not in the onlinehelp of the SQL Server.

What I try to do:

I have 2 columns in my table; a start- and an end-date. For this period of time between end and start i have to calculate the days for the years. Here my thoughts (for the current year):

Is the startdate <= 31.12.2004 and the enddate >= 1.1.2004 i have to calculate die datediff between max(1.1.2004/startdate) and min(31.12.2004/enddate)

like this sqlstatement:


varchar) + '-31-12' AS smalldatetime) AND dbo.Phases.phasenabschlussist >=

CAST(CAST(YEAR(GETDATE()) AS varchar) + '-01-01' AS smalldatetime)

THEN 365 ELSE 0 END AS Expr2,

FROM dbo.Phases

WHERE (phasenstart IS NOT NULL) AND (phasenabschlussist IS NOT NULL)

instead of 365 there must be the above calculation. Is start=3.1.2003 and end=30.1.2004 I expect as result only the 30 days in 2004.

thanks in advance and kind regards :-)


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Get Minimum And Maximum Values From Field?

Sep 16, 2012

I am trying to get the minimum and maximum values from a field in SQL Server 2008 Express, but I cannot even get started because I keep getting this error that I cannot figure out.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Getting Minimum And Maximum Values In A Large Table

May 23, 2014

Table definition:

Create table code (
id identity(1,1)

There are other columns but I have omitted them for clarity.

The clustered index is on the ID.

There are indexes on the code, parentcode and internalreference columns.

The problem is the table stores a parentcode with an internalreference and around 2000 codes which are children of the parentcode. I realise the table is very badly designed, but the company love orms!!

ID| Code| ParentCode| InternalReference|
1 | M111| NULL | 1|
2 | AAA | M111 | 2|
3 | .... | .... | ....|
4 | AAB | M111 | 2000|
5 | M222 | NULL | 2001|
6 | ZZZ | M222 | 2002|
7 | .... | .... | .... |
8 | ZZA | M222 | 4000|

The table currently holds around 300 millions rows.

The application does the following two queries to find the first internalreference of a code and the last internal refernce of a code:

--Find first internalrefernce
SELECT TOP 1 ID, InternalReference
FROM code
WHERE ParentCode = 'M222'
Order By InternalReference

-- Find last ineternalreference
SELECT TOP 1 ID, InternalReference
FROM code
WHERE ParentCode = 'M222'
Order By InternalReference DESC

These queries are running for a very long time, only because of the sort. If I run the query without the sort, then they return the results instantly, but obviously this doesn't find the first and last internalreference for a parentCode.

I realize the best way to fix this is to redesign the table, but I cannot do that at this time.

Is there a better way to do this so that two queries which individually run very slowly, can be combined into one that is more efficient?

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Mean, Minimum, Maximum, Standard Deviation Of Time

May 7, 2007

I have a report that calculates mean, min, max, stddev of somer exercises for a class (pushups, situps, trunk lifts, etc). I also have to calculate those for the 1-mile run time (ex: data -- 7:56, 6:35, 9:45 ( in minuteseconds). Obviously the standard Avg(), Min(), Max(), StdDev() functions won't work for time. So I put in some custom code to convert the time to seconds so I can use the standard functions on the seconds and also code to convert that answer back to minuteseconds. Max() works, but for example when I try to calculate the min(), it includes nulls from the dataset as zeros (not every student has to do the mile run). So the min is always 0. How can I exclude nulls from being calculated. The min() function excludes nulls so it returns the correct min() on integer data. What else can I do?

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Intensively Used Function In View Needs A Minimum And Maximum From A Table

Jul 23, 2005

I have a problem (who not?) with a function which i'm using in a view.This function is a function which calculates a integer value of adate. For example: '12/31/2004 00:00:00" becomes 20041231. This isvery handy in a datawarehouse and performes superfast. But here is myproblem.My calendar table is limited by a couple of years. What happens isthat sometimes a value is loaded which is not in the range of theCalendardate. What we want to do is when a date is loaded is that thisfunction insert a minimum date when date < minimum date and a maximumdate when date > maximum date.Yes i know you're thinking : This is datamanipulation and yes this istrue. But now we loose information in our cubes and reports by innerjoining. So if we can use a minimum and a maximum than a user wouldsay: "This is strange, a lot of values on 1980/1/1!" instead of "Ithink that i have not all the data!"GreetzHennie

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Intensively Used Function In View Needs A Minimum And Maximum From A Table PartII

Jul 23, 2005

Because of an error in google or underlying site i can reply on my ownissue. Therefore i copied the former entered message in this message.-------------------------------------REPY----------------------------------Hi Maybe i wasn't clear. I want to dynamically check whether what thelowest date and the highest date is in the calendar table. Thepresented solutions has fixed dates and i don't want that.If i could store a global variable in SQL server (dynamic properties?)then it would be great. Fill this once and call it multiple times inmy intensively used function. Is this possible?GreetzHennie----------------------------Previously enteredissue-----------------------I have a problem (who not?) with a function which i'm using in a view.This function is a function which calculates a integer value of adate. For example: '12/31/2004 00:00:00" becomes 20041231. This isvery handy in a datawarehouse and performes superfast. But here is myproblem.My calendar table is limited by a couple of years. What happens isthat sometimes a value is loaded which is not in the range of theCalendardate. What we want to do is when a date is loaded is that thisfunction insert a minimum date when date < minimum date and a maximumdate when date > maximum date.Yes i know you're thinking : This is datamanipulation and yes this istrue. But now we loose information in our cubes and reports by innerjoining. So if we can use a minimum and a maximum than a user wouldsay: "This is strange, a lot of values on 1980/1/1!" instead of "Ithink that i have not all the data!"GreetzHenniePlaats een reactie op dit berichtBericht 2 van deze discussieVan:John Bell ( Intensively used function in view needs a minimum andmaximum from a tableView this article 03:56:25 PSTHiIf you LEFT or RIGHT JOIN to the calendar table you will get a NULLvaluefor the column, you can then is CASE to determine the valueCREATE FUNCTION ConvertDate (@datevalue datetime)RETURNS INTASBEGINDECLARE @dateint INTSELECT @dateint = CAST( CASE WHEN A.Date < '20030101' THEN '19800101'WHEN A.Date > '20051231' THEN '99991231'ELSE CONVERT(CHAR(4),C.[Year]) + RIGHT('0'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),C.[Month]),2) + RIGHT('0'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),C.[Day]),2)END AS INT )FROM ( SELECT @datevalue AS [Date] ) ALEFT JOIN CALENDAR C ON C.[Date] = A.[Date]RETURN @dateintENDGOJohn"Hennie de Nooijer" <> wrote in om...[color=blue]>I have a problem (who not?) with a function which i'm using in a[/color]view.[color=blue]> This function is a function which calculates a integer value of a> date. For example: '12/31/2004 00:00:00" becomes 20041231. This is> very handy in a datawarehouse and performes superfast. But here is my> problem.>> My calendar table is limited by a couple of years. What happens is> that sometimes a value is loaded which is not in the range of the> Calendardate. What we want to do is when a date is loaded is that this> function insert a minimum date when date < minimum date and a maximum> date when date > maximum date.>> Yes i know you're thinking : This is datamanipulation and yes this is> true. But now we loose information in our cubes and reports by inner> joining. So if we can use a minimum and a maximum than a user would> say: "This is strange, a lot of values on 1980/1/1!" instead of "I> think that i have not all the data!">> Greetz>> Hennie[/color]Plaats een reactie op dit berichtBericht 3 van deze discussieVan:Hugo Kornelis (hugo@pe_NO_rFact.in_SPAM_fo)Onderwerp:Re: Intensively used function in view needs a minimum andmaximum from a tableView this article 15:32:06 PSTOn 30 Dec 2004 02:38:51 -0800, Hennie de Nooijer wrote:[color=blue]>I have a problem (who not?) with a function which i'm using in a[/color]view.[color=blue]>This function is a function which calculates a integer value of a>date. For example: '12/31/2004 00:00:00" becomes 20041231. This is>very handy in a datawarehouse and performes superfast. But here is my>problem.[/color](snip)Hi Hennie,Is this conversion all that your function does? If so, you might wanttotry the following alternative (using CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as example;replaceit with your date column / parameter):SELECT CAST(CONVERT(varchar, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 112) AS int)You could put this in the UDF (probably at least as fast as yourcurrentCalenmdar-table based function), or use it inline as a replacement tothefunction call (probably even faster).It should work for all dates from Jan 1st 1753 through Dec 31st 9999.Best, Hugo--(Remove _NO_ and _SPAM_ to get my e-mail address)

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Display Minimum Of Two Values

Apr 13, 2015

I want the minimum of two values to be display like below without using the case




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Select Minimum Between Two Values

Jul 27, 2006

Hello,I need to select the minimum between the result of a function and anumber, but i can't find a smart way. By now I'm doing like thefollowing, but I think is very expensive because it evaluates thefunction twice:select case when (myfunction())<100 then (myfunction()) else 100 endAny idea is appreciated.Thank youRegards--elimina carraro per rispondere via email

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Transact SQL :: Include Minimum Item Values Only

Aug 3, 2015

My sql gives me the results as shown in #TEMTAB Table.some times Mitem_id is repeated for the same Group_id,SGroup_id  with different item_id

ex: SQ322,SQ323,SQ324,SQ325 are repeated here.
(Group_id int, SGroup_id int, item_id int, Mitem_id varchar(10)
,YN varchar(2),value varchar(8),reason varchar(20))


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Get Maximum From Each Datetime Values

Mar 5, 2008

hello all,

i have table - compmail in that i have compmailid, compmaildetail and compmaildate - columns

compmailid compmaildetail compmaildate
94341 comp mailing list 2008-1-23 16:41:17.037
94445 comp mailing vital 2008-1-23 23:05:18.152
94592 comp mailing items 2008-1-24 10:48:08.077
108229 comp mailing sales 2008-1-27 15:13:37.207
108740 comp mailing usages 2008-1-27 16:44:17.517
108261 comp mailing stats 2008-1-27 14:42:55.780

so i want maxcompmailid for each date
so output will be like:

compmailid compmaildetail compmaildate
94445 comp mailing vital 2008-1-23 23:05:18.152
94592 comp mailing items 2008-1-24 10:48:08.077
108740 comp mailing usages 2008-1-27 16:44:17.517

if i m doing:

select max(compmailid),compmaildetail,max(compmaildate) from compmail
group by compmaildetail

not giving me correct results which i want

can anyone have idea?

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Sum And Select Maximum Values From Table

Feb 13, 2014

I am using this below query to sum and select maximum values from table. I have converted the cost column here and how can I possibly sum the cost column?

select ID, MAX(Dates) Dates,'$ ' + replace(convert(varchar(100),
convert(money, Cost), 1), '.00', '') Cost, MAX(Funded) Funded from Application group by ID, Dates, Cost, Funded

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Retrieving Maximum Of Two Column Values

Oct 8, 2007


I have a table with 3 colums and col1 and col2 are datetime columns as follows

ID Col1 Col2
2 D2 D3

I want to retrive the ID along with the latest date from either of remaining columns.

Can any one let me know the query please??

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Transact SQL :: Error - Maximum Row Size Exceeds Allowed Maximum Of 8060 Bytes

Sep 12, 2015

I have some code I build 2 weeks ago which I’ve been running daily but it’s suddenly stopped working with the following error.

“The table "tbl_Intraday_Tmp" has been created, but its maximum row size exceeds the allowed maximum of 8060 bytes. INSERT or UPDATE to this table will fail if the resulting row exceeds the size limit” When I google this there seems to be a related to tables with vast numbers of columns.

My table tbl_Intraday_tmp is relatively small. It has 7 columns. 1 of varchar(5), 3 of decimal(9,3) and 2 of decimal(18,0). The bit I’m puzzled with is it was working and stopped.

I don’t recall changing anything but I wouldn’t rule that out. I ‘ve inspected the source files and I don’t believe they have changed either.

@FileName varchar(50),
@Path varchar(50),
@SqlCmd varchar(1000)
= '',
@ASXCode varchar(5),
@Offset decimal(18,0),


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Error - Maximum Row Size Exceed Allowed Maximum Of 8060 Bytes

Apr 20, 2012

I am using MS SQL server 2008, and i have a table with 350 columns and when i m trying to create one more column its giving error with below message -

Warning: The table XXX has been created, but its maximum row size exceeds the allowed maximum of 8060 bytes.

INSERT or UPDATE to this table will fail if the resulting row exceeds the size limit.

how can i resolve this?

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...Contains More Than The Maximum Number Of Prefixes. The Maximum Is 3.

Oct 10, 2005

SQL Server 2000 8.00.760 (SP3)I've been working on a test system and the following UDF worked fine.It runs in the "current" database, and references another database onthe same server called 127-SuperQuote.CREATE FUNCTION fnGetFormattedAddress(@WorkID int)RETURNS varchar(130)ASBEGINDECLARE@Address1 As varchar(50)@ReturnAddress As varchar(130)SELECT@Address1 = [127-SuperQuote].dbo.tblCompany.Address1FROM[Work] INNER JOIN[127-SuperQuote].dbo.tblCompany ON [Work].ClientID =[127-SuperQuote].dbo.tblCompany.CompanyIDWHERE[Work].WorkID = @WorkIDIF @Address1 IS NOT NULLSET @ReturnAddress = @ReturnAddress + @Address1 + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10)RETURN @ReturnAddressENDSo now the system has gone live and it turns out that the live"SuperQuote" database is on a different server.I've linked the server and changed the function as below, but I get anerror both in QA and when checking Syntax in the UDF builder:The number name 'Zen.SuperQuote.dbo.tblCompany' contains more than themaximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 3.CREATE FUNCTION fnGetFormattedAddress(@WorkID int)RETURNS varchar(130)ASBEGINDECLARE@Address1 As varchar(50)@ReturnAddress As varchar(130)SELECT@Address1 = Zen.SuperQuote.dbo.tblCompany.Address1FROM[Work] INNER JOINZen.SuperQuote.dbo.tblCompany ON [Work].ClientID =Zen.SuperQuote.dbo.tblCompany.CompanyIDWHERE[Work].WorkID = @WorkIDIF @Address1 IS NOT NULLSET @ReturnAddress = @ReturnAddress + @Address1 + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10)RETURN @ReturnAddressENDHow can I get round this? By the way, I've rather simplified thefunction to ease readability. Also, I haven't posted any DDL because Idon't think that's the problem!ThanksEdward

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Get The Minimum Value

Sep 17, 2007

In my table I have values like (2,3). I want to get the minimum value from the column

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Set The Minimum Permissions

Apr 26, 2007

Hi All,How do I set just enough permissions on a database so that a developer cancreate new objects and modify them without giving him administratorprivilege. At the moment the db objects are dbo and execute permissions aregranted to indevidual through a schema.GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[My_Prcsedure] TO [MySchema]Thanks

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Minimum Value Of 2 Fields

Dec 20, 2004

i need to create a dynamic field, which returns the minimum value of 2 fields.

A B C(i need)
500 600 500
350 250 250
825 950 825

select A,B,min(A,B) as C from MyTable

i know this query is wrong,
pls help me to solve this problem


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Find The Minimum Value

Mar 15, 2007

How can I find the minimum value of column?

Select salonuid, avg(LPPA),[Find the minimum](LPPA) from kpi.dbo.employee_data group by salonuid

The Yak Village Idiot

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Finding Minimum Value

May 5, 2006

How to find the minimum value from time Timestamp column ?

I want get the eralier timestamp vlaues from the avaliable list

when iam using Aggregate transformation ..its again giving all the list of vlaues


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Get Minimum Start Date

Nov 12, 2014

I'm looking at the following Records:

cust_no item_no start_dt end_dt price
1060 2931 2011-02-06 9999-12-31 1.23
1060 2931 2011-04-18 9999-12-31 2.00

I want to be able to pull the records with the earliest date 2011-02-06 ...

There were other records with this same customer and item number. I used this script to return the two above.

select *
from price
where end_dt > getdate()

Now I need to add something so it only returns the record with the earliest date. I'm going to run this on a table that has many customer and item combinations.

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SQL - How To - Minimum Number Of Steps

Jun 20, 2007

Hi. I have an 'Attendance' table like this:PIN Year Category Days1 2006 Authorized 11 2006 Available 21 2006 Personal 32 2006 Authorized 42 2006 Available 52 2006 Personal 63 2006 Authorized 73 2006 Available 83 2006 Personal 94 2006 Authorized 104 2006 Available 114 2006 Personal 121 2007 Authorized 131 2007 Available 141 2007 Personal 152 2007 Authorized 162 2007 Available 172 2007 Personal 183 2007 Authorized 193 2007 Available 203 2007 Personal 214 2007 Authorized 224 2007 Available 234 2007 Personal 24I need to sum the days by PIN, Year and Category (that's easy...) ANDobtain a layout like this:PIN Auth 2006 Avail 2006 Pers 2006 Auth2007 Avail 2007 Pers 20071 1 23 13 14 152 4 56 16 17 183 7 89 19 20 214 10 1112 22 23 24How can I do this by queries without writing too many intermediatesteps ?What I have done is this (5 queries, 2, 3, and 4 building on top of1,and 5 building on 2, 3, 4).1 = Table1_Crosstab:TRANSFORM Sum(Table1.Days) AS SumOfDaysSELECT Table1.PIN, Table1.YearFROM Table1GROUP BY Table1.PIN, Table1.YearPIVOT Table1.Category;Then, based on that,2 = Authorized:TRANSFORM First([1 = Table1_Crosstab].Authorized) ASFirstOfAuthorizedSELECT [1 = Table1_Crosstab].PINFROM [1 = Table1_Crosstab]GROUP BY [1 = Table1_Crosstab].PINPIVOT [1 = Table1_Crosstab].Year;3 = Available:TRANSFORM First([1 = Table1_Crosstab].Available) AS FirstOfAvailableSELECT [1 = Table1_Crosstab].PINFROM [1 = Table1_Crosstab]GROUP BY [1 = Table1_Crosstab].PINPIVOT [1 = Table1_Crosstab].Year;and4 = Personal:TRANSFORM First([1 = Table1_Crosstab].Personal) AS FirstOfPersonalSELECT [1 = Table1_Crosstab].PINFROM [1 = Table1_Crosstab]GROUP BY [1 = Table1_Crosstab].PINPIVOT [1 = Table1_Crosstab].Year;and finally5 = AllSELECT [2 = Authorized].PIN, [2 = Authorized].[2006] AS [Auth 2006],[3 = Available].[2006] AS [Avail 2006], [4 = Personal].[2006] AS[Pers2006], [2 = Authorized].[2007] AS [Auth 2007], [3 = Available].[2007]AS [Avail 2007], [4 = Personal].[2007] AS [Pers 2007]FROM ([2 = Authorized] INNER JOIN [3 = Available] ON [2 =Authorized].PIN = [3 = Available].PIN) INNER JOIN [4 = Personal] ON[3= Available].PIN = [4 = Personal].PIN;It works, but... I am sure that this is an awkward way of doing it.Isthere any other, more elegant, way, please ? Besides, what if I hadnot 3, but 15 categories, for example ????Thanks a lot for your time reading this, Alex

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Get Minimum Day In A Continuous Series

Jun 6, 2006


l've a series of day which record the date of an event. l would like to count the # of continuous days for the event. In this case, it would be 14/5, 15/5, 16/5, 17/5, 18/5, 19/5 and 20/5. Any idea to do this in SQL?


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How To Find Out Minimum Size

Aug 21, 2006


i have one doubt.can anybody clarigy it.

every time i am doing my database shrinking manually.

what i am asking i find out every time when i shrink my database that sql is showing minimum size of database to can its getting minimum size

but i need to find out how to get minimum size of particular database programatically.


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Minimum Install To Run DTSRUN.EXE Utility

Oct 27, 2000

What is the minimum installation on a user's PC to enable them to run a DTS package using the DTSRUN utility in a DOS bat file. The user currently does not have the mssql7inn directory on their PC. I don't want to install all of the components of SQL Server 7.0 on their PC, i.e., Query Analyzer, Enterprise Manager, etc. Does the server referenced in the DTSRUN command line need to be registered on their PC?

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Capture Records With Minimum Claim ID

Jan 19, 2014

I need to capture records with the minimum claim ID when the prov, diag, and the billed are the same, but the claim id and check id are different.

2001 02/05/11 500 252.5 30.00 35
2015 02/05/11 500 252.5 30.00 56

On this example, I would need to capture the record with Claims ID 2001 and exclude the other.

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Minimum Time Difference Between Tables

Sep 3, 2013

I receive the following result set from TableA (In Time)

7/9/2013 9:27:00.000 AM
7/9/2013 10:24:00.000 AM
7/9/2013 11:25:00.000 AM
7/9/2013 1:23:00.000 PM
7/10/2013 7:27:00.000 AM

Then we receive the following result from TableB (Out Time)

7/9/2013 9:30:00.000 AM
7/9/2013 10:29:00.000 AM
7/9/2013 1:37:00.000 PM

We may not always get Out Times in TableB so I want to merge these into one table to have the In Time and Out Time in separate columns in that one table. In this example with the red type those should be In Time and Out Time for mapped unique identifiers from each table and yet the purple color coded example would have an In Time of 11:25 AM and the Out Time would remain as NULL.

I am using this block of code but is not working the way I want it to because the 11:25am In Time is getting mapped to the 1:37pm Out Time.

and out_time = (select min (out_time)
tableB.record# = tableA.record#
and tableB.loc_id = tableA.loc_id

GROUP BY tableB.record#, tableB.loc_id )

It seems I need to focus on the minimum datediff for each record line but can't figure that part out.

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Minimum Install MSI For SQL Server 2005

Jun 6, 2007

Off of the MSDN SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, what is the MSI I should use to install SQL Server 2005.

I have to Upload all files to a server, and this is going to be painfully slow. Can anyone tell me what the minimum is to upload and install SQL Server Enterprise (not Express)?

(For 32 and 64 bit non-Itanium machines)

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Instaling Sql2005 With Minimum Parameters

Dec 10, 2007

I have went thru template.ini . it seems very complicated. i only want to innstall sql express edition
with instancename, security mode and sapwd. ihave givem it in template.ini
with cmd line parameter d:sql2k5setup.exe /qb / settings c: emplates.ini
it made an error message invalid ini file make sure the file exists , have access and has the correct entries.

i tries to input all details in command line.
it also failed to work.

we cant input more details like user account etc..
kindly help us in this rgards

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Varchar Minimum Length Check

Oct 7, 2007


I have a column set to varchar(12) so I can ensure that the length of the string entered will never be more than 12 characters but I want to limit the string to a minimum of 8 characters, so I end up with a string that is from 8-12 characters long. How do I ensure the minimum length of 8 characters? I'm using SQL Server 2005 if that helps. I tried adding a check constraint like so:

DATALENGTH(UserName) >= 8

But I keep getting an error when I save the table, so any help would be very much appreciated.


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Master Db - Minimum Permissions For Guest

Jan 7, 2008

Hi All:

I hope I'm in the correct forum for this question. If I'm not, forgive me and point me in the proper direction.

I have SQL Server 2000 databases that I am trying to secure. To that end I've deleted the guest account from all but the master and tempdb databases.

Within the master db I've denied access of any "flavor" to all objects but spt_values, syscharsets, sp_MSSQLDMO80_version, and sp_MSdbuserpriv (only because I've discovered they are necessary).

Can anyone tell me where I might find the absolute minimum permissions configuration for the guest account in master?
I have no third party vendor software accessing my SQL Server 2000 databases. The thought of

SQL Server 2000 sp4 running on Windows 2003 Server with the current service packs.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Enforcing Minimum Cardinality In SQL Server

May 8, 2007

I am trying to understand constraints and minimum cardinality.

In a relationship between 2 tables, t1 and t2, with a parent to child relationship of

1 to 1 or more
how is the minimum cardinality enforced?

If both sides of the relationship require at least one occurrence, how would the insert be done? How can you insert into table t1 when it has a constraint that there must be an occurrence in table t2, or vice versa?

Any help in understanding this is greatly appreciated!

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How To Create A User With Minimum Privileges

Jul 19, 2015

I have a database for which I need the permissions to execute stored procedures, perform CRUD operations on tables, execute functions and SQL jobs. What should be the SQL command if I am to create a user for this database who will have the most minimum privileges to carry out these activities?

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