Money Field Decimal Places

Nov 16, 2007

I have a field in a database which is a datatype Money. When I run a select query the data is coming back with 4 decimal places like 100.0000 but I only want 2 decimal places like 100.00.

Anyone know how to get this?

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Only 2 Decimal Places In Field Of Type Money

Mar 29, 2007

I have a table in SQL 2005 with a field that has a value of type 'money'. When values are added, the field has 4 decimal places. Is there a way that I can make it only have 2 decimal places right away? Thanks!!!

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Help Withrounding Money To 2 Decimal Places?

Oct 26, 2004

I have a table with a money field that had previously been running calculation and storing the data into the database's money field. Since this field supports 4 decimal places, it was storing 4 decimal places worth of data. I have since cleaned up my insert routine to round everything up to two decimal places and it only inserts the rounded values. I now have to go back and update the old data with the two decimal place rule. How would I go about doing this?

15.1456 ================ 15.15
4.1328 ================== 4.13
5.16 =================== 5.16

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Decimal Places On Money Values

Sep 6, 2007


I have an SQL search that is converting two values to type money. I want it to show two digits after the decimal point but am getting inconsistent results. The first value is as follows:

tblInventoryItem.itemcost as originalcost (the column is datatype money)

This displays correctly i.e. 2000.00 or 150.70 etc

The second value is this:

tblInventoryItem.itemcost + tblUpgrades.ItemCost as totalcostincupgr (both columns are datatype money)

But this displays as 2000 or 150.7

How can I get the second value to show two decimal places even when the digits are zeros?


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Format Money Or Float 2 Decimal Places

Mar 24, 2008

How do I format the money or float field types to 2 decimal places during a SELECT statement?

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Format Field With Decimal Places

Apr 11, 2007

Hi all,

I need to format a field to a set number of decimal places which is held as a field within the DB, and also format it as a standard number.

I have been able to set the format of the field to the decimal places field and it all works (the quantity in the row has the right number of decimal places), but i cant now format it as a number...

Heres an example:

The quantity is 1500 with 3 decimal places so it becomes 1500.000

I need to format it as a number with comma's etc such as 1,500.000

How would i go about doing this? Ive already used the format option for the decimal places and dont know how to add another format type (which in this case will be N)



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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Counting Decimal Places In A Float Field

Jul 3, 2014

I have a table with three columns: UniqID, Latitude, and Longitude.

I need to write a query to identify when the latitude has more than 6 decimal places past the decimal. Same with Longitude. Values in these attributes can be a negative number. These fields are FLOAT.

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How To Set Money Datatype Decimal Field.

Dec 27, 2007

Please Help me ...

How to set Money datatype decimal field with example .

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2 Decimal Places On Sql AVG ()

May 31, 2007

I am trying to get my string to 2 decimal places...
Here is the code:string sumSQL = "SELECT CONVERT (float,sum(callTime)/count(callTime)) as CAVG FROM leads where agent = '" + agent + "' and " + dates.Text;
 SqlCommand sumCMD = new SqlCommand(sumSQL, conn2);
object null1 = sumCMD.ExecuteScalar();if (null1 != null)
{string avgS = sumCMD.ExecuteScalar().ToString();Response.Write(avgS + "<br>" + "</td></tr><tr>");
Any Help appreciated...

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Decimal Places

Nov 30, 2006

is there a way with a float datatype to choose the number of deicmal places to use

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Decimal Places

Mar 5, 2008

How do i get these decimal working?

cast(2/5 as decimal(5,2))
,cast(5/2 as decimal (4,2))

thank you

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Decimal Places

Jul 20, 2005

I have many columns of data. They are all using the money datatype. When Ienter a value into a column such as 32.00, it only shows up as 32. Whenoutputted to an ASP page using a query it also only displays 32. If thedata is 32.33, then the display is 32.33. How do I get it to display 32.00?Thanks!DarrenMCP

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Decimal Places

Apr 30, 2008

I am running the following query and getting result 150.76000 but I am desired 150.76. How can i get it.

SELECT ROUND(150.75600,2)

But I need the following result

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Moving Decimal 2 Places To The Right.

Apr 3, 2007

Hello, I have a datatable with a column of decimal numbers 0 - 1.  I want to move the decimal 2 places to the right to make the column a percent column.  I don't know how to do that.

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Help! SMALLMONEY:Too Many Decimal Places

Aug 12, 2000

Hello all...

I am new to SQL 7, and am having trouble with the money and smallmoney data-types. When I pull data from these columns, it has four decimal places, and I need only two (four is screwing the perl code up). What do I do now?

All help much appreciated!

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How Can I Always Display 2 Decimal Places?

Aug 24, 2005

In MS SQL Server 2000 T-SQL, how can I always display 2 decimal places?


I wish to display

25 as 25.00

43.6789 as 43.68.

Any help would be greatly appeciated.

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Want To Get Results Without Decimal Places

Jun 28, 2004


The underlying table for my fact contains a Sale field whose data type is decimal.

In the cube editor, I have tried a few options (both for Data Type and Display format) but in my front-end I am still getting the results with 2 decimal places.

Can someone kindly help me how I can get the results in a rounded form so that the decimal places are not shown e.g. instead of seeing 12,345,678.98 I want the results rounded as 12,345,679.

If (and i really hope not) it boils down to using MDX in the front end then can u kindly guide me since I can only spell MDX at the moment :(

Many thanks in advance for your help.

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Decimal Places Displayed

Mar 21, 2007


I'm running the following query against a SQL Server 2003 database to receive the results below:

SELECT PayPeriod AS [Pay Period], SUM(PayHours) AS [Pay Hours]
FROM EmployeePayHours
GROUP BY PayPeriod

Pay Period Pay Hours713 80

714 120

717 59.5

718 80

719 80

A colleague of mine, however, is running the same query against the same database (using a different machine) and gets the following results.

Pay Period Pay Hours

713 80

714 120

717 59.500000000000021

718 79.999999999999972

719 79.999999999999972

Is there a setting somewhere that needs to be changed? Thanks.

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Trying To Calculate To 2 Decimal Places

Nov 28, 2015

I am trying work out if certain columns in a database table have the "correct" data in them and work out the "percentage completeness" of the data...

So, I have been allocating a 1 if the data is complete and a 0 if it's not. Then adding up the results and dividing them by the number of results and multiplying them by 100 to get a percentage.

BUT - the answer always comes back as a whole number and I cannot work our why!

This is my sql:

SELECT Clients.ClientNumber_Legacy,
CASE WHEN Client_Details_Enhanced.ClientType_Code = 'NK' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,
CASE WHEN Client_Details_Enhanced.Title_Code = 'NK' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,
(CASE WHEN Client_Details_Enhanced.ClientType_Code = 'NK' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) + (CASE WHEN Client_Details_Enhanced.Title_Code = 'NK' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) as total,

[Code] ....

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Decimal Places In Node_Description??

Feb 26, 2007

There's been several good posts on using the node description of a model as the end user description for a specific cluster. My model uses a number of continuous input columns defined as currency from a fact table in the source cube. After processing, the node description has elements that look like this:

-0.5799759795 <=Interest Expense <=0.8397462488 ,

Since the source data is currency, this makes the node description look a little strange. The data type in the model is set as double. The precision implied by the description is not what I want the model to consider. In the case above, the difference between the numbers listed is not significant.

It would be great to have a better node desciption that doesn't imply so much precision, but the bigger question is why does the cluster model turn currency types into doubles. Should I set the data type to long in the model so that cents are ignored? I know I should probably use discrete inputs, but I don't want to have to discretize the currency values in the cube since this would require me to set up fact dimensions for each currency column in the fact table.

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Convert Value To 2 Decimal Places?

Sep 6, 2007

Hello, is there a way to convert the value to just 2 decimal places, I created the report in Reporting Services and it has quite a few digits to each value. I looked at the table and found that the data type is {Float}. Is there a way to convert the values to just 2 decimal places?..Thank You.

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Format To 2 Decimal Places?

May 25, 2007

Hi, i need to display my data in 2 decimal places but now i'm getting results after some calculation (for eg. 2.336224). How can i round it off to 2.34?

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How Can I Cast A Money Field In A View To Look Like Money

Oct 16, 2007

I have a special need in a view for a money column to look like money and still be a money datatype. So I need it to look like $100.00 (prefered) or 100.00(can make work).
If I convert like this '$' + CONVERT (NVARCHAR(12), dbo.tblpayments.Amount, 1) it is now a nvarchar and will not work for me.
How can I cast so it is still money? by default the entries look like 100.0000.
They must remain a money datatype.

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Convert Variable To Only Two Decimal Places

May 28, 2008

Dim subtot As Double
Dim tax As Double
Dim tot As Double
subtot = "0.00"
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT items.qty, products.descrip, products.price FROM items INNER JOIN products ON items.productid = WHERE (items.orderid = " & Request.QueryString("oid") & ")"Dim objConn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|AllStar.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")
Dim cmdCustomers As New SqlCommand(sql, objConn)Dim dataReader As SqlDataReader
dataReader = cmdCustomers.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)While dataReader.Read
subtot = subtot + (dataReader.GetValue(0) * dataReader.GetValue(2))
End While
tax = (subtot * 0.07)
tot = (subtot + tax)
Label1.Text = subtot
Label2.Text = tax
Label3.Text = tot
How to a convert the variable tax to just two decimals?
I tried label2.text = CType(tax, Double)
but that didn't work either
Thanks in advance

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Fixed Decimal Places Without Rounding

Mar 1, 2001

What is the best way to force a 2 digit decimal place without rounding?
For example select price*UOM returns

What i want to be returned is



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Set Up Query To Return Only 2 Decimal Places?

Mar 3, 2005

Hi. I have a query that returns several averages and percentages. Is there some way to set up the query so the results only go to 2 decimal places? Here is a sample of the query I am using:

$query = "SELECT COUNT(deal_id), SUM(vs), SUM(vs)/COUNT(deal_id)*100, AVG(fin) FROM sales GROUP BY salesperson";

It works great,except the results are several decimal places long, and I need it to be only 2.

Any help appreciated.

Never mind, I found it muhself....

FORMAT(AVG(fin),2) works perfectly!!

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Formatting Decimal Places In A Query In MS SQL

Jan 14, 2004

Hey - I have a quick question and know that it is probably pretty simple, but I am stumped. I have a query where I need to make a colum a number that looks like a percent with 2 significant digits:

SELECT tblNumericCovert.number1, tblNumericCovert.number2, [number1]/[number2] AS testDiv
FROM tblNumericCovert

where testDiv needs to spit out results like this ###.##

I am totally lost, if anyone can help, I would appreciate it.

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Decimal Places For Integer Divisions

Apr 1, 2004

SELECT 1/2 returns 0 in transact sql instead of 0.500000

How do I get it to return 0.5000 ?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Showing Decimal Places

Apr 2, 2015

I need to find the ones ending in a decimal. So if you look at the list below, I need a script that will return the value 001. ,002., 004. ..


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Round And Show To 2 Decimal Places?

May 16, 2008

Hi All,

I have a small question to ask. How to round a numeric field upto 2 decimal places, and also show it with 2 decimal places only

For example the following would return 255.88000000000
select round(255.87908765444,2)

How to get 255.88 only?

Pleas help.



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Missing Decimal Places After Cast()-ing

Mar 13, 2008

Hello, The issue is to convert a number like 114270 to 114 + (270/320) = 114.84375. The decimal version is the desired result. In other words the last 3 digits of 114270 are in base 320.

Question: I cast my number as char() then use substring() to get the digits. Then I cast back to float and divide by 320. I get 0 when I do this and I'm not sure why.

Code follows:
declare @p float
set @p = (select top 1 P from [tablename] where Product = 'Z')

declare @pchar as char(6)
set @pchar = cast(@price as char(6))
declare @first3 as char(3)
declare @second3 as char(3)
set @first3 = cast(substring(@pchar, 1,3) as float(25))
set @second3 = cast(substring(@pchar, 4,6) as float(25))
select @pchar -- 114270
select @first3 -- 114
select @second3/320 -- 0

I have tried changing cast(substring(@pchar, 4,6) as float(25)) to
cast(substring(@pchar, 4,6) as decimal)
and I get the same result. Any suggestions or is there a better way altogether?

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How Do I Round And Truncate A Float To 2 Decimal Places?

Jun 29, 2004

I have a float of 70.83333333343

If I do this

SET @Output=ROUND(@Output, 2, 1) -- @Output is DECLARED as FLOAT

I get this:

I want:

How do I do that?
Thanks in advance...

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Reduce Scale Of Floats To 4 Decimal Places From 16

Oct 17, 2001

I am working with an off the shelf app that controls decimal places through the application. All columns underlying the apps 'numeric' fields are floats. We are writing some scripts that need to compare numbers and some of them look like the second row

KELLYJ 2.1233
DONOVM 1.6000000000000001
OLSSON 15.3750

I have tried using round and cast. My examples work like the following:

SELECT 27.719999999

SELECT CAST(ROUND(27.719999999,4) AS DECIMAL(50,4))

When I try the same against a column to update the entire table it leaves the rows like above as longer to the right of the decimal point.

Any pointers on how to get these numbers back to 4 decimals places would be much appreciated

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