Move Instance From Cluster To Stand Alone?

Aug 14, 2015

I have a SQL 2008 R2 2 node cluster.  For DR testing, I need to restore an instance on a new server (completely isolated).  The existing instance runs on what I would call an alias.  The actual cluster host name is SQLPROD (cluster nodes are SQL01 and SQL02).  The instance runs on server SQLPROD-APPLE.  The instance is called APPLE.  In production, I use SQL Management Studio and I connect to SQLPROD-APPLEAPPLE.

I've setup a new VM to run SQL.  Not a cluster.  Host name is SQLREC.  The new Vm has all the IP addresses that were on the cluster and the DNS for all the aliases are correct.  I've installed instance APPLE.  I created an alias called SQLPROD-APPLE.  When I try to open SQL Management Studio and connect, I can't connect to SQLPROD-APPLEAPPLE.  I can connect to localhostAPPLE, SQLRECAPPLE,

When I attempt to connect to the alias I get error 18452.  Pinging the alias resolves correctly.  I haven't gotten to the database restore yet, so that's not a concern.  I'm just trying to validate the connection first with the correct server and instance names.

I'm using Windows Authentication.

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SQL 2005 Stand Alone To Cluster

Feb 11, 2007

Our production server is currently running SQL 2005 on a stand alone machine. SQL Server is installed as a default instance. 

 Can we upgrade to a cluster without having to change the instance name i.e currently applications connect to this server with hostname of the server i.e SERVERA, can we install a cluster such that sql server can still be called SERVERA.



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Migrating Everything From Stand Alone Box To A Cluster Server.

Mar 3, 2004

Can anyone tell me how to migrate everything from a stand alone sql server to a new clusterd environment?

1. Master
2. Msdb
3. Model
4. Jobs
5. DTS packages
6. Logins etc.

P.S. I need to move everything from stand alone to cluster.

Can any one tell best way for each of these?


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DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW - Migrating From Stand Alone To Cluster

Dec 27, 2007

I am having the following problems and scenarios.

I am moving all of our SSIS packages from a stand alone server to a clustered environment. The old server ran Enterprise Edition, the new server runs Enterprise Edition 64 bit.

One package on the new server is giving me the error messaage DTS_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW when run from a job. The package is stored in MSDB

I went back to the server and ran the following with the following results.

- Connected to SSIS from Management Studio on my desktop and ran the package and got the same error message.

- Did the same as above but was connected to the server through Remote Desktop and it ran fine

- Ran the job, which just runs the package and it ran fine

On the new server it won't run in any scenario.

Any ideas on what to do?


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Migrating Cluster Instances To Stand Alone Install

Sep 21, 2007

Hello all: looking for some general advice on proper approach. looking to move databases off of a clustered instance to a new (non-clustered) server.
Got several issues i'd like some advice on.

1. This is an OLTP instance that's been around for a while & it's pretty well encrusted with apps & processes that attach to it. Therefore it would be a very good thing if we didn't need to change the connection information in several hundred places after the move.
I've tested one approach to this that seems to work: moved the instance to a server which has the same name as the cluster resource associated with the clustered instance and an instance that has the same name as the clustered instance.
For example: cluster install is aiproddbproduction, moved it to a box called aiproddb with a named instance called "production". There's a bunch of tedious network stuff that has to be done to make this work (binding an IP address to the MAC address of the new box and some murky DHCP reservation fiddling), but after the network crew got done cursing me it did finally work.
Does this seem like a reasonable approach?

2. What's the best way to transfer security info to the new instance? I used the transfer Logins DTS widget but had some problems with it not being able to find some groups in AD.

3. what's the best way to transfer DTS packages?

4. is it necessary for the new instance to be at the same patch level as the old instance? the old clustered instance is still at SP3 and i threw the latest SP4 on the new location. good/bad/indifferent?

5. i was planning on taking a full backup & restoring it to the new machine. Is there a better way? Is the wizard for copying databases a good thing?

Those are these issues i'm aware of and have given some thought to. There are probably things about this i haven't considered and would appreciate some word on.


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How To Move A Single Database From SQL Server Instance To New SQL Instance

Jan 13, 2007


I want to move one database from the source SQL Server 2000 instance to a new SQL 2000 instance in another machine. I have five user databases in this source SQL instance. How should be my approach to move this single database out of this ? My understanding is restoring this database in the new instance, copying all logins to the new instance and then copying the jobs, DTS packages, alerts, operators only specific to this database will do it. Please let me know if this is exactly what I should do ..

Thanks in advance..


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How To Move A Single Database From SQL Server Instance To New SQL Instance

Jan 13, 2007


I want to move one database from the source SQL Server 2000 instance to a new SQL 2000 instance in another machine. I have five user databases in this source SQL instance. How should be my approach to move this single database out of this ? My understanding is restoring this database in the new instance, copying all logins to the new instance and then copying the jobs, DTS packages, alerts, operators only specific to this database will do it. Please let me know if this is exactly what I should do ..

Thanks in advance..


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Move SQL2005 From Default Instance To Named Instance

Mar 2, 2007

I have a server with sql server 2005 installed as the default instance -- I have a piece of software that needs SQL2000 to be the default instance. Is there a way other than install new sql2005 named instance and move databases to rename my SQL2005 instance from <machinename> to <machinename>sql05 for example?


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SQL 2012 :: Advanced Cluster Preparation For New Instance On Existing Cluster

Apr 10, 2014

I ran the Advanced cluster preparation for a new sql instance on an existing cluster.

Slq Server 2012.

After is completed, it was successful, I realized I specified the wrong Instance Root directory.

Is it possible to remove what the preparation installed? Or is it possible to change the root directory?

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MSDTC Cannot Move On A Cluster

Aug 9, 2006

Today we installed on MS Cluster (W2k3) and SQL Server 2000 a MSDTC Service. The installation was succesfull, but wenn we try to move the group, then it failed. Because we have only 2 Disks on the cluster one for the Quorum, the other for the Sql Server. We installed the MSDTC as a Resource on the Quorum Disk. The other Thing, wenn we start the firts node all is running on the first node, but we cannot move. Wenn we start the second node all is running on the second node, but we cannot move the Group which contain the Msdtc resource.

Who has a solution to this problem??

Thanks to all

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Move Cluster Server From Different Network

Jun 22, 2000

Hi Everybody:

I need some instuctions about how to move a Microsoft cluster server from one network to the other.

I spent a few hours in Microsoft website and trie to find any document regarding reconfiguration of MSCS in different network, change IP address and any helpful procedures. I did not get anything. Would you please to give me any help document link, your experience or any workable procedures to move a MSCS from different network.

Thank you in advance for your assistants.


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How To Move Masterdb On A 2005 Cluster?

Nov 14, 2006

I found instructions on msdn for moving the system databases. However I am worried that in a cluster which is active/passive, when I shut down the instance the other instance will take over. Is there a way to take the other server off line to do the move and then bring it back online after we've moved everything? Has anyone done this before?

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SQL Cluster Domain Move Issues

Nov 10, 2006

We have:

A Microsoft cluster, (SQL Failover cluster) with one node as the domain controller. The cluster was built off site and the domain name used is the same as our existing domain where we eventually need to install this cluster.

We need: (At least I think we need:)

To remove node 2 from the "cluster domain", DCPROMO node 1 and eliminate the "cluster domain". We then need to join the cluster (nodes) to the existing domain. We also need to recreate the accounts/groups used during installation.


1) What adverse impact will the removal of the "cluster domain" have on the security groups/accounts used in the installation?

2) Will I have to re-install SQL 2005?

3) Is my paranoia real or imagined? (Will Elvis live?) Am I on the right track or totally off base?

Any prior experience with this would be greatly appreciated. In fact, a WAG is appreciated too.



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Move Entire SQL Server Instance

Jan 29, 2007

I have tried searching all over and have not been able to find what I need, but this is what I have pieced together.

I need to move an entire instance of SQL Server 2000 SP3 running on Windows Server 2000 to a new physical server running SQL Server 2000 SP4 running on Windows Server 2003. I guess my biggest question is how do I move system databases (master,msdb,tempdb,model), I don't particularly like the idea of using sp_detach/sp_attach on system databases?

This is what I had in mind.
-Install SP4 on the source server
-Backup source to tape
-Restore from tape to destination server (restore system dbs as re_master,re_msdb)
-Shut SQL services down on destination server.
-Replace the system dbs .mdf and .ldf with the re_master & re_msdb .mdf and .ldf
-Restart SQL services
-Restore User databases from tape.

Ultimately, I'm asking can you change the undlying .mdf & .ldf files for system databases?

Also, are there any issues going from Windows Server 2000 to Windows Server 2003?

Thanks in advance.

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How Do You Move A Report And Its Subscriptions To A Different RS2005 Instance?

Oct 26, 2007

I am new to RS. The Report developers want a way to move a report and its subscriptions to a different RS2005 instance. They tell me they can move the report but have to manually add the subscriptions back. Is that true? Is there no friendly way to move the subscriptions?



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Move SQL Server 2005 Instance To Another Computer

Apr 14, 2008

I have SQL server 2005 on a Windows 2003 machine. The machine is old and I need to move the entire SQL server to a new machine. There are many databases and users that need to move across to the new server. Detaching and attaching the databases would be tedious due to the large number of databases. Is there a way of moving the DB's and SQL users to the new machine without having to do each db one at a time?

Additional info that might be helpful:
The new server's IP address and name must also change to that of the old server.
The old server initially had SQL 2000 on it and was upgraded to SQL 2005.
The new server was installed with SQL 2005 only. Hence the Database and log paths differ between the old and new server.

Any help would be appreciated.

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SPN In Cluster Instance

Jun 13, 2015

I have installed a SQL Server cluster recently.Noticed below errors logged in the error log. I understand that SPN is not getting registered, hence this error.What permissions SQL Server service account? Service account is admin in local nodes anyway.

"SQL Server is attempting to register a Service Principal Name (SPN) for the SQL Server service. Kerberos authentication will not be possible until a SPN is registered for the SQL Server service.

This is an informational message. No user action is required.SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c, state 14 while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. Reason: AcceptSecurityContext failed. The Windows error code indicates the cause of failure. The logon atte

2015-06-12 18:11:06.970 Logon Error: 18452, Severity: 14, State: 1.
2015-06-12 18:11:06.970 Logon Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication "

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Cluster: Instance Naming

Sep 3, 2007

Hi all

SQL Server 2005 cluster. Active-Active. We want to create two instances. The two nodes are named:


I read somewhere that there can only be ONE default instance in a 2005 cluster. So I interpret that as meaning that I can only have one instance named after a virtual server (example: mike-940-03) and the other instance has to be a slashed instance (example: mike-940-03/instance1). But what if I create another virtual server (example: mike-940-04). Can I install a default instance in that server? Can someone help me clarify this?

Also, if I'm using all slashed instance names, then what does it choose as the base name before the slash? In other words, what decides which virtual server name is used? Is it the management node? Is it one of the nodes?

My objective is to keep consistency in the naming on the cluster. If I have to use slashed instances, then I want all sql server instances to have a slash.

Sorry about the confusing explanation, but that's probably a symptom of MY confusion.


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Multiple Instance Cluster

Mar 6, 2008

Hi There

If i have a 2 node cluster running a single instance (default) and i want to add another instance to the cluster , can i install the second instance as a defualt instance ?

Since the cluster instances are referred to their virtual names/ip's and if i choose to intall the binaries of the second instance to a different location is this possible?

Since in theory you never have 2 default instances running on a single server but each within a virtual server?

Normally i install a named instance but do i have to ?


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SQL 2012 :: Adding Instance To Cluster?

Oct 8, 2014

We have an active/active two-node QA cluster with four instances of sql. I need to add a fifth. In the past I always moved existing instances to the other node while installing a new instance.

Other than impacts to users from install reboots, is that a hard requirement?

QA is reluctant to have me put the four existing instances on one node for most of a day, fearing big performance slowdowns. Each node has 250GB of memory and each instance is allowed 50GB. Netapp disk backend.

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New Instance Of A Active/Passive Cluster

Jun 20, 2008

Hi all,
Newbi to sql clustering.

I have a sql server 2005 standard edition with Active/Passive Cluster in production.

I have a new requirement where i need to create a new instance on this active/passive cluster that can be used by our sharepoint servers. Can somebody please let me know what are the steps that i need to follow like

1.What i need to ask my network admin?
2.How i need to proceed installing?
I am planing to do this over the weekend where i have the liberty of some down time.
Any help greatly appreciated

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Install Additional Instance In A Cluster

Nov 27, 2006

I am looking for a best practice or any suugestion on the best way to install an additional Sql 2005 instance in a cluster environment. We have a production environment that is active/active/passive and need to install an additional instance with a little impact to the current production instances as possible. Ant suggestions or articles I can review?

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SQL 2005 Multi-Instance Cluster Question

Mar 19, 2008

I understand most of the concepts for the Active/active setup. I am setting up a 2 node cluster. My question is can I use the default instance name (one default instance name per group) when setting up each instance or do I have to use named instances . I am assuming that since each group is a virtual machine that I can get away with using the default instance, but I cant find any documentation to confirm my frequently wrong perceptions.

I want to set it up like this

Instance1 Group

Group resources
Default SQL Instance Name Installation
Preferred Owner Node1

Instance2 Group

Group resources
Default SQL Instance Name Installation
Preferred Owner Node2


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Cannot Remotely Connect To SQL2005 Instance On A Cluster

Jan 18, 2008


I am trying to remotely connect to a SQL 2005 Instance on a cluster. I see the following error:

No retry on exception System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

I have enabled TCP/IP , Named Pipes on the node. I have turned off IPSec on the clients as well. I am using the following connection string : "Integrated Security=SSPI;server=servernameinstancename;Pooling=false;database=TrialDB"

Is there something I am missing?

Any pointers will be appreiciated.


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Putting Current SQL 2000 Instance/dabase To Cluster

Jul 30, 2002

I have a system running a sql 2000 instance w/ multiple databases located in a SAN. I would like to cluster my SQL 2000 environment on the same system. Can I do this without reinstalling another database instance? Can I put my current default instance and put it to my virtual server instance? Help is really appreciated. Any tips and links can be helpful to me.

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Cannot Connect By Naming Instance In Mssql 2005 Cluster

May 9, 2007


I install Cluster naming instance of MSSQL 2005 Enterprise edition with SP2 and latest patch.

When I try connecting this instance from outside of the server by "server nameinstance name" I got connection error.

But when I connecting by "server name,port number" it's connecting with no problem.

Can someone help me resolve connection outside of the server with "server nameinstance name"?


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Transact SQL :: BPA On A Cluster Using Default Instance And Static Port

Aug 25, 2015

Having problems running the BPA for 2012. We setup using a clustered environment, SQL Server installed using default instance, and a static port not 1433. When I try to run the BPA using the instance name it says it doesn't exist, and won't let me add a port number. However, if I use MSSQLSERVER as the instance name it runs with no port specified and returns results. I assume that it doesn't require a port because the default instance would pull from the Browser Service and the using MSSQLSERVER is the same as running the default on a standalone server. Are those assumptions correct?

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Install Analysis Services On An Instance On A Cluster With SQL Server

Dec 3, 2007


I have a 3 node cluster running 6 instances of SQL Server, I want to install Analysis Services along side of one of the SQL 2005 instances. Thus one of the cluster instances would host SQL Server DB, Analysis Services and SQL Agent. Is this possible or does Analysis Services need it's own Cluster Instance.


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DB Engine :: Failover Cluster Instance With Mount Point

Jun 25, 2014

I've a fresh installation of SQL Server 2014 Enterprise on Windows Server 2012R2. I've setup de Windows Server Failover Cluster and the validation test has been successfully passed. I use mountpoint so I've disk M: that is the host drive for mounted volume m:Isql2014A that is the base folder for mounted volume

On that folder I've 5 mountpoint:

1) m:isql2014a empdbdata
2) m:isql2014a empdblog
3) m:isql2014auserdata
4) m:isql2014auserlog
5) m:isql2014auserlog

into these 5 mountpoint I've placed the SQL Server files.

After the installation of the first FCI I've re-run the cluster validation wizard and again it has passed successfully. When I try to failover the instance from one node to the other I have 2 problem:

1) every time I do failover, some disks fail to come online for a while and then succeed :

Cluster resource 'CLD - IstA - TempDB Data' of type 'Physical Disk' in clustered role 'SQL Server (ISQL2014A)' failed. The error code was '0xaa' ('The requested resource is in use.').

2) sometimes the SQL Server service fails to start, in the error log I see that the master database is not accessible. The master database in into the m:isql2014abinbackup.

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How To Uninstall A Specific Instance Of SQL Server 2000 From A Cluster

May 8, 2007

I have a SQL 2000 clustered environment with 4 SQL instances and i need to remove a specific instance from the cluster the resources(physical drive,virtual IP,instance name) being used by it

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Can Multiple Instance In A Cluster Share Disk Resources?

Dec 8, 2006

Is there a way for multiple SQL 2005 instances in a cluster to share drives for user databases.

Once we install our instances in the cluster using seperate disk resources. Can we then have multiple instances share the same physical disk for user databases only. This is for a test environment.


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DB Engine :: Server 2012 Failover Cluster New Instance

Aug 6, 2015

I am new to SQL Server 2012 clustering.I added a new instance to one of the two nodes.when I try to move it to the other node it fails.Do I need to install it on both?If so, what options do you install on the second node?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Remove Named Instance From Failover Cluster

Oct 13, 2014

In QA we have a two-node cluster with four instances of sql. In trying to add a fifth, I was given an IP address already in use so the install hung.

I removed it from the cluster but it is still there in the registry etc on the node I was working on.

I read about using the maintenance tab of the sql server install to "remove a node" but the terminology is confusing. To me a node is a physical server and an instance is an instance of sql server -- not the same at all but they are often referred to as the same thing.

I definitely don't want to remove one of the servers from the cluster.

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