Need Help Calculating A Summary Report

Mar 16, 2008

Hello everyone,
I'm trying to build a report that calculates a summary of all my applicants based on the center they're enrolled in.

I have built a table that displays all applicants and sorts them by the center and I can use the count function to get a count of ALL applicants for all centers, but not a count of each center in one report:

Applicant1 Field1 Field2 Field3 Center 1
Applicant2 Field1 Field2 Field3 Center 1
Applicant3 Field1 Field2 Field3 Center 1
Applicant4 Field1 Field2 Field3 Center 1
Applicant5 Field1 Field2 Field3 Center 2
Applicant6 Field1 Field2 Field3 Center 2
Applicant7 Field1 Field2 Field3 Center 2

I need the count of all applicants from center 1, center 2, etc..
In this example I need 4 for center 1, 3 for center 2 etc..

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Summary Report Using Nested Sqlcommand

May 1, 2006

Let me try to be as clear as possible. I am using VWD c# code behind 2.0
A company has to track the types of calls multiple extensions receive.
Each extension receives hundreds of calls each day stored in a table.
I need to generate a Report that produces one row for each extension and it counts the types of calls that extension receives.
(I would like to use some type of Data control to do this)
I can display the extensions:
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDB"].ConnectionString);
string sql = "Select extension from View1 where DATEADD(d,0,DATEDIFF(d,0,insertDate))='5/01/06' group by extension";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection);
SqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
string ext= (dr["extension"].ToString());
Response.Write ( ext + "<br>");
This is where I need do my counts.. I tried to create and run a count(*) queary while in the readerbut it craps out..........
int total;
string countcmd = "select count(id) as total from leads where ext='" + ext + "' and dateadd(d,0,datediff(d,0,insertdate))='5/01/06'";
sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(countcmd, connection);
total = (int)cmd.executescalar();
Response.Write(total + "<br>");
gives me Error 
3 The type or namespace name 'sqlcommand' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) 
Any help would be greatly appreciated,

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Summary Only Report With Report Builder

Nov 27, 2006


I have been trying to figure out how to develop a summary only report with no luck. I have tried several groupings but still cannot suppress the detail. Has anyone been successful in creating this type of report?

Thanks in advance.


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Exports To Excel The Details Of The Report But I Need Summary

Sep 25, 2007

The trouble I am having is that I have a drilldown report that exports the detail to Excel, but I want the summary exported to Excel.

I perform the following steps but get wrong results. Please help me identify the correct steps for the correct results. Thanks you.

1) Select Matrix.
2) Right click, select Properties.
3) Select tab Groups.
4) Select item in Columns list, click Edit.
5) Select tab Visibility.
6) Select Initial visibility: Hidden, and click okay to the Grouping and Sorting dialog box.

Now I can export summary to Excel okay, but now I can not expand the summary in the report itself, so I do the following:

7) Do one through six above (but do not close dialog box), then click visibility can be toggled by another report item.
8) Select the report item in the Report Item drop down list.

Now the report functions normally in the Reporting Services report web page, but when I export on the summary level, again it exports the detail to Excel, but what I want it to export is the summary.


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Reporting Services Configuration Killed Several Summary Report Functions

Nov 22, 2006

I installed 2K5 developer on my box. I was impressed with the Summary tab report functions and the reports available there. Then I ran the "Reporting services configuration" tool to get RS running, but now several of the summary reports are broken. There are several different error messages given in the summary window, depending on the report selected.

For example, the "server dashboard" now displays

Summary Unavailable

The information needed to display a summary page for the selected object is not available.


"sql_handle" is not a recognized table hints option. If it is intended as a parameter to a table-valued function, ensure that your database compatibility mode is set to 90.

The next two reports work, but the "Scheduler Health" report displays

Summary Unavailable

The information needed to display a summary page for the selected object is not available.


Incorrect syntax near '.'.

"Memory Consumption" works GREAT, but "Activity - All blocking transaction" shows:

Summary Unavailable

The information needed to display a summary page for the selected object is not available.


Incorrect syntax near '.'.
Incorrect syntax near '.'.
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'.
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'.

What could be the cause of such errors? Is there an "easy fix"? I wouldn't know how to "unconfigure" reporting services and have a feeling that wouldn't help anyway...

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Power Pivot :: Creating A Summary Report Using Relationship Between Date Table And Two Fact Tables

Oct 19, 2015

I have below tables in my power pivot.Fact 1 & Fact 2 - connected directly to Mainframes - Data is from the same table broken up due to size of the data.Date Table - Relation ship between both the fact tables.How do i create a summary pivot to get the number of tasks that have been completed in each month.

Month   Count

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Calculating Between 2 Tables In One Report

Jan 19, 2007


In one report I have 2 tables. Both tables are related to a different data set. Now I want to create a calculating between a field of the table 1 and a field of table 2.

Does anyone know how to?

Thx anyway!

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Calculating Date In Report Services

Feb 18, 2008

I want to create a report (report Services) that shows information from start date to end date.

Which function I use to calculate the start date considering that:

end date= today
number of days = -31 days
start day = today - 31 days.

Thank you so much.

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Quarterly Report - Calculating For Each Of The Next Four Months?

Apr 30, 2008

RE: Quarterly report - calculating for each of the next four months?

As I play with joins and functions to help mold my data.. I'm
about options.

I have a status table with termination status entries that will
dictate participation spans for members.. a member can have multiple
stop and start status entries in that status table. I've built an
sql function that given a member's ID and a month/year will return the
number of days the member particpated in the month.

I need to produce an SSRS report that given a starting month/year
will report days of activity for every member for the next four months.

So my report will look like this:
memberid 2007/06 2007/07 2007/08 2007/09
001 10 0 20 5
002 0 2 55 1

Should I build a view that given the starting yearmonth returns
month1 - 4's data in a row?

or is there a smarter design? Possibly a row for each month? or SSRS
formulas? Maybe the formula is gonna be a performance killer.

Thanks for any help or information!!!

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Not Calculating The Correct Number Of Pages In Report

Mar 5, 2008

When viewing a report our users see that it is x number of pages, however when they print the report is actually y number of pages. For example once a report is ran, it says that it is 43 pages, however in actuality it is 62 pages. If they only want to print the last page, they choose to print 43 from the print dialog box, but that gives them a page in the middle of the report not the last page. Is there a way to remedy this?

Thank you,


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Calculating Percenatges On Matrix Report Form A Single Column

May 15, 2008


I am sure there is a simple answer to this, but I cannot find it at the moment???

I have a simple data table in SQL which gives me Division, PL Measure and Value...

SQL Table


Total Labour Costs

Total Sales (inc Machine Income)

Total Labour Costs

Total Sales (inc Machine Income)

Total Labour Costs

Total Sales (inc Machine Income)

I need to report on this and calculate a ratio, so I have pushed this into a Matrix Report but cannot work out how to get the ratio column to work???...

Matrix Report


Total Labour Costs
Total Sales (inc Machine Income)
New Column = Labour / Sales




Grand Total


If anyone can help save me from my own stupidity!

Cheers, Matt

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Apr 10, 2007

Trying to create a summary table of current product table, so that they is only 1 line for each product (even if the product is in both warehouses - in this case take table for warehouse 1) Therefore standard case statement becomes:

CASE WHEN exists (select product from stock where warehouse = '02' and product = stock.product and product in (select product from stock where warehouse = '01'))
ProductDescription = (select distinct long_description from stock where warehouse = '01' and product = stock.product)
ProductDescription = (select distinct long_description from stock where product = stock.product and (warehouse = '01' or warehouse = '02'))

Is there another way of writting this, instead of repeating the above code for each column in the table?


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Summary Data

Jun 18, 2008


Once again some doubt!

I have a query as below -
Select TeamName ,
SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/07/2007' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Jul 07] ,
SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/08/2007' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Aug 07] ,
SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/09/2007' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Sep 07] ,
SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/10/2007' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Oct 07] ,
SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/11/2007' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Nov 07] ,
SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/12/2007' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Dec 07] ,
SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/01/2008' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Jan 08] ,
SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/02/2008' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Feb 08] ,
SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/03/2008' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Mar 08] ,
SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/04/2008' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Apr 08] ,
SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/05/2008' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [May 08] ,
SUM(CASE WHEN Team_Date = '01/06/2008' THEN Team_Total ELSE 0 END) AS [Jun 08]
FROM dbo.uView_DimHC_Team_Details_View1 where TeamParentID < '3' GROUP BY TeamName ORDER BYTeamName

This basically creates a table where I have team names as rows, month names as columns and team strength as each value.
Now I want to add one row at the bottom which gives a summary which basically calculates all the values in that column. I am displaying this on web where I can do this using gridview but the problem is I am using the same gridview for 2-3 different queries which have different columns so the rowdatabound method can not be used.
How can I get aggregate row at the end of table from this table?


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Summary Query

Jan 18, 2007

I have a table which contains a sports schedule:

result1 is for team1_id
result2 is for team2_id

I want to run a query to get summarize the two id fields with their assoiciated results:
For Example the dataset might look like this:
row 1 - id1=20,id2=30,result1=1,result2=3
row 2 - id1=30,id2=20,result1=2,result2=2
row 3 - id1=20,id2=40,result1=3,result2=1
row 4 - id1=40,id2=20,result1=1,result2=3

how do I build the query to merge the ids and thier respective results into one countable dataset

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Sql Statement For Records Summary

Aug 8, 2004

suppose the recordset like this, that shows the cell phone models of nokia, siemens,...

IDModel Mark ModelCaption
1 nokia 6100
2 nokia 6220
3 nokia 6600
4 siemens mc65
5 siemens sx1

now, i want to organize these records to somethin like this:

Mark Models
nokia 6100,6220,6600
siemens mc65,sx1

how can i do it?

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Summary Query In Access

Dec 9, 2004

I am trying to sum up sales for employees and get the employee with the highest sales in one query. The query I have below works but it doesnt get me the EmployeeID. Assume all the fields are in the same table. If I try to do something like this it bombs on me: "MAX(SUM(OrderAmount)"

SELECT Max(OrdersSum) AS MaxOrders FROM (SELECT SUM(OrderAmount) as OrdersSum
FROM Orders
GROUP BY EmployeeID);

Thanks in advance!

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Resultset With Summary Rows

Feb 26, 2004


I have problem with query/sp which need to return one resultset with strucure like:

summary row1
detail row1
detail row2
detail row3
summary row2
detail row4
detail row5

T_HW (HW_ID INT, CatID INT, other cols (NVARCHARs, INTs, DATETIMEs, NTEXTs etc.)
T_Category (CatID INT, Manufact NVARCHAR (100), other cols)

The output I need is ( '|' means cols separator) :
Manufact1 | No of recs from HW for this Manufact | nulls ...
null | null | HW1 from Manufact1 details ...
null | null | HW2 from Manufact1 details ...
Manufact2 | No of recs from HW for this Manufact | nulls ...
null | null | HW3 from Manufact2 details ...

it needs to be one result recordset

Thx in advance,

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Detail And Summary Sub Reports

Jan 10, 2008


I am trying to create two subreports in the main report. One sub report should give detail data and other sub report shuold give sumamry data. Is detail and summary reports are possible in sub reports? Iappreciate your help on this.


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Group Total Summary Help

Apr 12, 2007

I hope someone can help me with this one. I can't seem to find a way to solve my problem. I am converting a report from Crystal to RS. In Crystal I am using global variables to keep track of group totals for a final summary. I need a similar result from RS. Data example

Group A

PK Field
Summary Data Field



Group A Total

Group B



Group B Total

Grand Total

The underlying query contains detail data and I am using a table with two group levels. All details are hidden.

To calculate the totals at the detail level I need to know what the total value for the entire group is. This leads me to my problem, it is not possible (as far as I can tell) to summarize a summary (I get an error). I have tried using the code window to store variables but the value returns a 0. I found a suggestion here under Distinct Sum, but I can't call the function using the Sum command given that the formula to calculate the value is already using the sum command. I hope this makes sense.



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Database Summary Reports

Mar 7, 2006

I'm not sure this is the correct forum for this, but it seemed to be the best place to start.

I have been trying to manage my SQL 2000 Databases using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. It works well for most everything. The problem is, however, that there is no equivalent to the SQL 2000 Taskpad View in SQL Server Management Sudio.

In the Summary screen when connected to a 2000 Database the Reports button is disabled. If I restore a 2000 Database into a 2005 DBE then I get the message that the compatibilty Mode is 80 and I must set it to 90 to get this report.

I could switch this to a 90 compatibility mode, but I don't think I should need to do this. Additionally, I don't want to have 2000 and 2005 both installed to quicly examine the used to free space ratio on a Database.

How do I get around this? Is there a switch that I missed somewhere? Is it possible to get the Disk Usage report to work from the Database Summary Page for a 2000 Database or a Database running in 80 Compatibilty mode?

Thank you,
Jeffrey Irish

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Calc A % Of A Summary Total

Jun 29, 2007

I have a report that requires 2 "tables". The first table summarizes total
lbs by a category and then provides a company total at the end:

cat 1 75
cat 2 100
cat 3 200
total 375

The second table needs to display the % of the total for each category:

cat 1 20%
cat 2 27%
cat 3 53%
total 100%

How can I reference the company total for doing the calculations for the
second table? I am working with Visual Studio 2003. My dataset pulls a
file from the AS400 using an sql statement.

Thank you, PB

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Summary Of Metrix Column

Jan 8, 2008

I have a Metrix include CheckNbr, InvoiceNbr, InvoiceAmount, ItemNo, ItemQty and Group by
CheckNbr & InvoiceNbr. InvoiceNbr parent group is CheckNbr.
Does anybody knows how to make a summary of InvoiceAmount when CheckNbr changed?
I tried to use sum(InvoiceAmount, Group) but I got wrong amount, because the amount will duplicate count according to ItemNo record count.


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Summary Of Replicated Records

Apr 14, 2007

Hi all

Our company is considering using replication to synchronize data between handheld devices and SQL Server 2005. One of our requirements is the ability to retrieve a summary of all updated records in the Tags table (only on the server) each time data is retrieved from one of the handhelds.

Is this easily accomplished? How can it be done?


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Need Help With Conditional Group Summary

Sep 13, 2007

I have a report that groups on company name, then has a sub group that lists all the invoice details for that company. I want to have the layout put a sum line for those companies that have more than one invoice shown for them, and nothing if only one invoice. I dont want to clutter the report with redundant individual sum totals when there is only one row in the first place.
My first attempt was to play with the visibility of the group footer (entire row) with this expression:

=Iif(RowNumber(Fields!Invno.value)>1, False, True)
I get this error:

The Hidden expression for the table €˜datadetail€™ has a scope parameter that is not valid for an aggregate function. The scope parameter must be set to a string constant that is equal to either the name of a containing group, the name of a containing data region, or the name of a data set.

I can't think of another way to do this in the report layout. I could go back to the sql code and do a lot of sql gymnastics to create a row number for each company and base my visibility off of that, but I am really hoping there is a simpler way to do this in the report layout. Any help would be most appreciated!!

Carl Henthorn

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How To Produce A Summary Row For Select With No Results

May 28, 2013

way to insert a summary row where there are no query results - in effect a row to say there were no results for today. I am using SQL Server 2008.

I have created a report which uses 2 tables to store all daily transactions & a one row summary of those daily transactions for upto 4 countries - both tables are updated nightly by 2 SP and the unique identifier is a field called ID which contains the country code and date;

store all daily transactions for 4 countries and the unique identifier is an ID which stores the country code and date (XX_ddmmyy) eg GB_280513. There may be transactions for upto 4 countries(GB/FR/IE/DE) per day or there may be none.


GB_280513 280513 101 10.50 YES
GB_280513 280513 102 90.00 NO
FR_280513 280513 201 25.00 NO
IE_280513 280513 301 60.00 NO
FR_280513 280513 202 10.50 YES
FR_280513 280513 203 10.50 NO
GB_280513 280513 103 20.00 YES
GB_280513 280513 104 5.00 YES

summary of daily transactions per unique identifier (XX_ddmmyy) in table1_detail. When there are transactions per unique identifier in table1 the SP inserts a row summarising quantity, value, error count etc.


GB_280513 280513 4 125.50 3
FR_280513 280513 3 46.00 1
IE_280513 280513 1 60.00 0

I need the insert into table2_summary to be able to insert a row everyday for each country showing zeros where there were no transactions for that day (ID) in table1;

Table2 expected results:

GB_280513 280513 4 125.50 3
FR_280513 280513 3 46.00 1
IE_280513 280513 1 60.00 0
DE_280513 280513 0 0.00 0

When there are no transactions in table1 for a day (ID) then the summary needs 4 zero rows inserted.

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Creating Ratio From Summary Data

Dec 1, 2014

I am doing some work in microstrategy reports and using SQL data cube. I am creating a summary report (Counting on Unique ID) in MS where when I put in a particular attribute/column from cube it splits the data count down into 2 separate values that I have defined in the select case statement of the SQL query.

I want to work out a ratio of the count unique ID between these two values but can't do this in MS report as it is not a physical column but summary split of data.Is there a way I can do this in SQL? My summary looks something like this:

====================== =========================
**Y** N **Y** N
========= ========== ========= =========
570 140 89 56

Where the Y/N field is the one I have split down against the N/E column. I want to work out ratio between the 2 "Y" fields but in SQL. Here is a SQL example snapshot of my data:

Unique_ID New/Existing Application Attend_Interview
========= ======================== ================
12554445 E Y
65766879 N N
53375654 N Y
44323224 E N
93656786 E Y

wondering if I might be able to do a procedure or similar or something more dynamic in SQL query?

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SQL Server 2005 Summary Window

Nov 15, 2007

Probably simple but I cannot find the property setting that allows me to change the default date format of the column "Created" in the Summary window. Default it is 2007-11-15. As some tables are changed more than one time in a day, I would like to see also the time as was the standard in SQL SERVER 2000.
This is a minor problem but an irritating one!


Janne H.

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Transact SQL :: Select Summary Query

Aug 2, 2015

I'm trying to make a summary daily production report on the data below:Want to summarize the data with the sum of the Correct Weight between start and end date.

eg. of summary.
Recipe Name Total Weight
Hedge Shears - Lasher/kudu 
Grass Slasher 

But it needs to summarize when selected between start and end date.



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Summary Of Data By Business Week

Sep 6, 2006

I have a large query that returns a list of records that are marked by day of the business week (Monday, Tuesday, Wed, etc).

I am running into a challenge where I need to provide summaries of data from those days. For example, it needs to look like this:

Date | Day of Week | Total Widgets |

09/01/06 | M | 4
09/02/06 | Tu | 5
09/03/06 | We | 6
09/04/06 | Th | 7
09/05/06 | Fri | 8

Total Widgets: 30

09/08/06 | M | 1
09/09/06 | Tu | 2
09/10/06 | We | 3
09/11/06 | Th | 4
09/12/06 | Fri | 5

Total Widgets: 15

I'm using Reporting Services to format and display the report.

I've got the group by working for the entire data set, but I need to separate it by these sections. Any assisntance is appreciated.

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Simple (for Some) 2 Table Summary Query

Jul 10, 2006

...but apparently not me, I'm very new with this T-SQL stuff and am seeking the advice of the seasoned pros at this forum.

Description on my SQL-5 Environment:

Table I Sales:       Prod_ID, Prod_DT, Sales_DT, Buyer_Name, Buyer_State

Table II Repairs:   Prod_ID, Prod_DT, Sales_DT, Repair_DT

These 2 tables are joined by the common key Prod_ID & also and share the product's production & sales dates. What I would like to do is produce a rate summary similar to description below.

Production_YYYY, Production_MM,  Sales_Cnt, Repairs_Cnt, Repair_Rate((Repairs_CNT/Sales_CNT)*100)

Important to remember that not all products experience repairs, so the basis for Sales_CNT needs to be the Sales Table, even thou Prod_DT also appears in Repairs Table.

It's simple enough for novice like me to produce 2 tables independently and then merge back those resulting tables into the single table output described above. But my question is how do I write a single SQL "SELECT" request that will produce the results into just a single table.

Thanks in advance for your help!


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Data Retrieval For Reports From Summary Table.

Feb 22, 2007

I have a summary table like this









Columns are obviously fixed, but not rows.
I want to show this data using lables and SqlDataReader for report purpose like;
Label1.text=dr("value16").toString( )
Label2.text=dr("value28").toString( )
Label3.text=dr("value31").toString( )  etc
 Do you have any idea how i can do it or am I approaching it in the wrong way????

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ID Who Didn't Visited A Summary Page Per Day (was Help With Query)

Mar 9, 2006

I have 1 table:
ID pagename datevisited

I need to run query for ID who didn't visited a summary page(per day)
How do I do this?

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Create Summary Data From Multiple Tables

Aug 13, 2013

I've been struggling with this for about 2 weeks now and can't seem to get any further.I have two tables: orders and orders_extended. They can be joined by the common orderid field (example SELECT * FROM orders JOIN orders_extended ON orders.order = orders_extended.orderid WHERE 1=1)I need to create a report that sums the following fields:


CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), orderdate, 101) As orderdate
CASE WHEN orders_extended.productprice < 0 THEN 'DISCOUNT' ELSE orders_extended.productnumber END
, CASE WHEN orders_extended.productnumber LIKE '%AB%' THEN 'PRODUCTGROUPAB' ELSE orders_extended.productnumber END
, CASE WHEN orders_extended.productnumber LIKE '%CD%' THEN 'PRODUCTGROUPCD' ELSE NULL END


What I'm trying to accomplish is to get the total dolloar amount of sales for each day for each payment type on one line per productgroup.

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