Not Able To Retrieve Rows From Small Table-So Many Time For So Long

Mar 8, 2005

Dear Participants,

We are using merge replication for multi locational database but we are facing one problem in only one table which is not included in replication-

Table name is xxxxmast has only 39 row static information, but it used by every users for all task as select only information from this table like-

Select fin_year into mem_variable from xxxxmast where co_name = :global_variable

Code validation from here only.

Right validation from here only.

Report retrival validation from here only.

It means its usage for select from every user frequentely for so many times but we have to only fetch information from this table.

It was working prior fine but rightnow get problem for while-

Today Dated 08-March this table not accessible fro three times in eight hours-

1st time for 10 minute.

2nd time 10 minutes

3rd time 52 minutes.

Users want to login but at the login time years and other validation from this table, so users awaited for above mention time.

We had have do following by yesterday-

Drop table xxxxmast.

Create table xxxxmast.

Insert required data.

This is realy trouble for our application.

Any help realy great for us.



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Insert Small Time Into SQL Server 2000 Table

Nov 14, 2003

Im having a lot of trouble inserting a small time value into a table cell. I gave the cell column the data type 'DateTime', i found i couldnt manually insert a time only value such as '12:30 PM' into a column with 'SmallDateTime'. Something about a "SmallDateTime Overflow Error". However if i enter a similar time value into a table column with the data type 'DateTime' it will happily accept it and leave it as entered.

The real problem seems to be when i try to send a time value to that column with my ASP.NET application. Because it inserts the time value and todays date. So that if i send:

12:30 PM

It will be stored as:

15/11/2003 12:30:00 PM

I only want to store the short time, not the date especially not the date that row was created on because thats useless for the purposes of what my application is trying to achieve and just creates problems down the track when selecting rows.

How can i correct this?

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SP: Execute Long-running Queries In Small Chunks

May 7, 2002

Here's a little SP to break up those long-running, massively-locking, bring-app-to-a-halt queries. By default it does 500 rows at a time and allows for a maximum SQL query size of 4000 characters; it should be trivial to adjust those.


CREATE PROCEDURE p_BatchExecute (@vcSQL varchar(4000)) AS
set nocount on
DECLARE @iRows int
select @iRows=1
WHILE @iRows>0
print 'Executing batch of 500...'
exec (@vcSQL)
set @iRows=@@ROWCOUNT

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Population Of Dimension Table Takes Long Time

May 26, 2008


The scenario is the data comes from various sources and its staged into staging database. From this staging database it goes into data warehouse database. Everyday this staging database is truncated and repopulated from various sources.
I've a dimension table called DimCustomers which consists of around 300,000 rows and has lots of different types of SCD columns. It takes around 4-5 hours to load data from staging to this dimension table. Currently I'm using a For Loop container which uses a store proc to extract 15000 rows each time and populate my dimension tables. First couple of loops it goes off quickly but as and when the number reaches half of the count it slows down and hence it takes around 4-5 hours to load data.

What would be the best approach to populate this kind of dimension table.


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Taking Time For Retrieve Data From Temperary Table

Feb 11, 2008

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Estimate On How Long It Might Take To Full-text Index A Table With 21,000 Rows?

Jan 31, 2005

i need to full-text index a table so that i can easily search the text fields of that table.. the table has about 21,000 rows, and i was wondering how long it might take to full-text index it?


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What Is The Maximum Number Of Rows Retrieve From A Table To Reports

Apr 5, 2007

hi friends,

i got a error while retrieving more than 100000 rows (records) from a table .. can any one tell me what is the maximum number of rows retrieve from a database to reports... and how can i overcome this issue...

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It Takes A Long Time To Insert The First Record Each Time When The Program Start

Dec 15, 2006

I am using VS2005 (VB) to develop a PPC WM5.0 Program. And I am using SQLCE 3.0. My PPC Hardware is in 400MHz.

The question is when the program try to insert the first record into sdf database after each time the program started. It takes a long time. Does anyone know why and how can I fix it?

I will load the whole database into a dataset when the program start and do all the "Insert", "Update", "Delete" in this dataset and fill it into database after each action.

        sda = New SqlCeDataAdapter(SQL, cn) 'SQL = Select * From Table
        scb = New SqlCeCommandBuilder(sda) 

I check the sda.update(), it takes about 0.08s for filling one record into database normally. But:

1. Start the PPC Program

2. Load DB into dataset

3. Create a ONE new record in dataset

4. Fill back to DB

When I take this four steps everytime, the filling time is almost 1s or even more!

Actually, 0.08s is just a normal case. Sometimes, it still takes over 1s to filling back a dataset which only inserted one record when the program is running. (Even all inserted records are exactly the same in data jsut different in the integer key)

 However, when I give up the dataset and using the following code:

            Dim cmd As New SqlCeCommand(SQL, cn) ' I have build the insert SQL before (Insert Into Table values(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All field)

           cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
            StartTime = Environment.TickCount

 I found that it is still the same that the first inserted record takes more time, but just about 0.2s. And the normal insert time is around 0.02s. It is 4 times faster!!!

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DTS Wizard Fails To Retrieve Long Data

May 13, 2007

We are trying to import data into SQL Server 2005 from MySQL 5.0.x using DTS Wizard via MySQLOLE DB Provider developed by Cherry City Software .

We can read BLOB data from MySQL via ADO 2.7 and ADO.NET 2.0. We can also use DTS Wizard to read the data on Preview. For the test, we defined a table as tBlob (lText VARCHAR(9000)) and inserted one record with a few characters. However, DTS Wizard always fails at the executing step with the following error messages:

Error 0xc0202009: Data Flow Task: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc0208265: Data Flow Task: Failed to retrieve long data for column "lText".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc020901c: Data Flow Task: There was an error with output column "lText" (17) on output "OLE DB Source Output" (11). The column status returned was: "DBSTATUS_UNAVAILABLE".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc0209029: Data Flow Task: The "output column "lText" (17)" failed because error code 0xC0209071 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "lText" (17)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc0047038: Data Flow Task: The PrimeOutput method on component "Source - tblob" (1) returned error code 0xC0209029. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc0047021: Data Flow Task: Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc0047039: Data Flow Task: Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc0047021: Data Flow Task: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

This could be a defect in the DTS Wizard. How do we workaround this problem? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Failed To Retrieve Long Data For Column

Mar 23, 2007


We have a SSIS project where we load lot of image files using an OLE DB Source component and put it across the database as varbinary into OLEDB Destination component.

Things were fine until now where am getting an error like this. alongside the log also reads like,

There is not enough space on the disk. Long data was retrieved and can't be added to the data flow task buffer.

SSIS Error Code: DTS_E_InducedTransformFailureOnError.

Is this method of loading the files using an OleDb Souce not the efficient one ? If not is there a way I can get this done. Comments are highly appreciated!!

Thanks in Advance

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Sql Small Date Time

Dec 27, 2001

when i insert an empty date from an asp page, sql 7.0 generates a default value 1/1/1900. This is normal. However, I need to know how do I turn that feature off so I would not generate the default value.

Currently, my front in application uses asp--vb scripts. Please help.

I tried assigning a null value to my variant, but sql still generate that default date/time

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Small Date/time Column

Apr 24, 2001

I have a smalldatetime column. When I did
WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), DATE_ENTERED, 101) > '01/01/2001' rows from 1998, 1999 came over.

Ideas !


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Filtering On Small Datetime Field But Not On Time

Jan 23, 2015

I have a field that is stored as a smalldatetime but I want to filter on that field only for the date. How do I ignore the time stamp and only go by the date?

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Is It Ever Possible That 2 Different Rows Are Inserted At Same Time Into A Table?

Jul 27, 2007

There is a stored procedure that inserts a row into 'Vendors' table. Is it possible that two different calls to this sp happen at the same time and as a result, each sp inserts into the table its row at exactly the same time?

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How Can I Delete All Rows In A Table At Same Time

Oct 6, 2006

here i am with a table containing 5columns and 100 rows.i want to delete all rows at the same time. pls suggest me a way on this

One can never consent to creep,when one feels an impulse to soar

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Only Small Subset Of Rows Replicates To MySQL

May 1, 2007

I have been messing around with trying to replicate sql server 2000 tables to postgres as well as mySQL. I'm starting with just one table and trying to get that working, it has around 9000 rows, all of which copy to postgres (with some datatype issues).

However, when I try to replicate to a mySQL database however, only the same 152 rows get copied every time.

I compared rows that were copied to ones that were not to see if there was any obvious differences between the two and couldn't find any.

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MS Time Series - Quick To Process The Model But Takes Very Long Time To Open Mining Model Viewer

Oct 27, 2007

Hi all,

I have MS Time Seeries model using a database of over a thousand products each of which has hundreds of cases. It amazingly takes only a few minutes to finish processing the model, but when I click Mining Model Viewer to view the models, it takes many hours to show up. Once the window is open, I can choose model for different products almost instantly. Is this normal?

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First Time SSIS Long Time DTS

May 21, 2008

A few pointers would be appreciated.

I am looking at building multiple SSIS packages. There will be some similarities. Flexibility is of highest importance. The main packages will need to connect to SQL Server1 as a source and SQL Server2 as a destination to transfer over dimenion data from multiple databases. (other SSIS packages may need to use SQL Server2 as a source and SQL Server1 as a destination)

For a single dimension table containing column dim_id on the target server (SQLServer2). I need to pass the results of the following SQL and insert into SQLServer2.database.dim_table

from SQLServer1.database08.dim_table
from SQLServer1.database07.dim_table
from SQLServer1.database06.dim_table

Now next year the names of the databases on SQLServer1 will be database09,database08,database07!

Now so far my best thought is creating views in my destination SQL Server. So I need some way of dropping and recreating the views. Previously in DTS I would expect to see SQL Server connection that I could use as source and destination. Now I can see SQL Server destination but not source? Also How do I just use SSIS to run some SQL. i.e execute a stored procedure, drop and creat views?

Many thanks,
p.s Flexibility is the key, in the last three months all the ip and server names have changed more than once so need to be as flexible as possible.

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How Rows Get Deleted Auomatically In Sql Table After Specific Interval Of Time

May 17, 2008

hi there
i am using .net framework 1.1 with SQL 2000 .
i want the data in table to get deleted automatically after 30 days of inserting data.
so how do i achieve this?

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Transact SQL :: Select 1000 Rows At A Time From / Into A Large Temp Table?

May 12, 2015

I am using SQL SERVER 2008R2, not Denali, so I cannot use OFFSET FETCH Clause.

In my stored procedure, I am doing a SELECT INTO #tblTemp FROM... Working fine. This resultset is going to be used in an SSIS package which will generate a pipe-delimited .txt file... Working fine.

For recoverability sake, I am trying to throttle back on the commit chunks to 1000 rows per commit until there are no more rows. I am trying to avoid large rollbacks.

Q: Am I supposed to handle the transactions (begin/commit/rollback/end trans) when the records are being inserted into the temp table? Or when they are being selected form the temp table?

Q: Or can I handle this in my SSIS package for a flat file destination? I don't see option for a flat file destination like I do for an OLE DB Destination (like Rows per batch, Maximum insert commit size).

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Conversion Failed When Converting Character String To Small Date-time Data Type

Jul 15, 2014

All source and target date fields are defined as data type "smalldatetime". The "select" executes without error though when used with "insert into" it fails with the error:

Msg 295, Level 16, State 3, Line 25: Conversion failed when converting character string to small date-time data type..I am converting from a character string to smalldatetime since the source and target date columns are "smalldatetime". All other columns for the source and target are nvarchar(255). I assume there is an implicit conversion that I don't understand. In a test, I validated that all dates selected evaluate ISDATE() to 1.

USE [SCIR_DataMart_FromProd_06_20_2014]
IF OBJECT_ID ('[SCIR_DataMart_FromProd_06_20_2014].[dbo].[IdentifierLookup]', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [SCIR_DataMart_FromProd_06_20_2014].[dbo].[IdentifierLookup]


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How To I Enter A Small Square Or A Small Circle In A NVARCHAR Field?

Dec 25, 2006

I want to store a small cirle in a text field. Can anyone tell me how I can enter it in ascii code.


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SQL SP Takes Long Time To Run From VB.NET App

Nov 22, 2007

Hi all,

I have a stored procedure that is called from a VB.NET application that takes an enormously long time to execute. In the QA it only takes 10sec but in the application it takes ages. The stored procedure is as follows:



The code that runs it is as follows:

Using cnn As New SqlConnection(GetPath)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sSQLString, cnn)
Dim dr As SqlDataReader

With cmd
.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
.CommandTimeout = 0
.Parameters.Add("@BEGINDATE", SqlDbType.DateTime)
.Parameters.Add("@ENDDATE", SqlDbType.DateTime)
.Parameters("@BEGINDATE").Value = dtpStartDate.Value
.Parameters("@ENDDATE").Value = dtpEndDate.Value
End With
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader

Any help on why this happens would be much appreciated.


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Join Small Table To Big Table Or Vice Versa, Does It Matter?

Jul 23, 2005

If I join Table1 to Table2 with a WHERE condition, isit the same if I would join Table2 to Table1 consideringthat the size of the tables are different.Let's assume Table2 is much bigger than Table1.I've never used MERGE, HASH JOINs etc, do any ofthese help in this scenario?Thank you

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Long Time Database Processing In ASP.NET ?

Aug 2, 2007

 I made a website in and using sql server 2005 as database. There is sometime processing data that need long time processing ( about 20 minutes ) and big data. It works fine in dev box, but when I place on shared hosting, and some people access it  crashed. The website can not be accessed. Hosting support told me maybe I need to reprogram my code. So anybody has solution for this problem ? Should I create new thread ?  

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Long Time To Run A Stored Procedure

Feb 18, 2000

Hi There,
We have developed a application in VB and connected to SQL Server 6.5, we have some stored procedures where it brings the data from SQL Server 6.5, this application is running since some months, when we run this application it usually take only one minute to generate the report but since couple of days it is taking 25 Minutes to generate the report, even when I run that stored procedure at backend in Query analyzer at Server it is taking 15-20 Minutes to give the result.
please can any one help in identifying the problem, What all the things I need to check to identify it.
Give me the solution.

Thanks in Advance,


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Help: Scheduled Job Running For Long Time

Jun 5, 2001

Hi there!,

Problem: I schedule a job that calls a stored procedure which loads around 1.5 million records. The Job takes 19 hrs to complete. However, if i run that stored procedure manually in Query Analyser it takes only 45 minutes..

Did anyone faced this problem? Is this known problem..Any suggestions/recommendations?

thank you.

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CTE Query - Long Load Time

Dec 5, 2014

I have a CTE query that is used to fill in nulls on a history table. The With statement executes just fine. sub 2 seconds on 974 records, however the main query is what's turning the whole query into a turtle. I know that it's the looping that it's doing there that is causing the slow down, but I'm just not sure how to fix it. I've tried inserting it into a temp table, refactored the code a hundred times, but nothing seems to be working.

Code is below and the execution plan is attached.
Server Version: 12.0.2342.0
Enterprise: 64bit

;WITH BuildTable
, [GEGTH].[Changed By]
, CAST( [dbo].[GetWeekStarting] ([GEGTH].[Changed Date] , 2 ) AS DATE) AS WeekOf
, [GEGT].[Title]


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Database Search Time -too Long

Jun 2, 2008

I had a database of electronic resources which had 28000 records earlies and was working fine. Now we have added a whole bunch to make it 800K records which has increased the search time to 14-22 seconds which is not acceptable. I have all the tables indexed.

Please help me how to solve this problem. Let me know what other information I should put up here to make my problem undestandable.
Thanks in advance,

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Long Time To Establish A Connection

Jul 23, 2005

When I login using QA to my SQL Server database, it takes 15-20 secondsto establish a connection and open a query window. Drilling into adatabase via Enterprise Manager is similar. Once the connection isestablished, the server runs plenty fast however.Can someone tell me why it could take a long time for a connection tobe established?This behavior occurs when I am local on the box.Thanks,John

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Inserting Nothing Takes A Long Time

Mar 21, 2008

Hi,I've a strange problem with a INSERT query. It's taking a long time toexecute. The format is like this :INSERT INTO table1SELECT ..FROM table2Executing the SELECT .. FROM table2 is taking 30 seconds. The resultis nothing: no records are selected.When i include the INSERT part it will take 12 hours to completeINSERT INTO table1SELECT ..FROM table2There's is an index on the table and when i delete it, it gives stillthe problem.Keh?Greetz,Hennie

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ExecuteQuery Taking A Long Time

Sep 4, 2007


I have a query which returns approximately 50000 records, I am using a linked server to connect to two databases and retrieve data. For some reason it is taking a liitle more than hour to execute the query, but on MS Sql Server query window it comes after few minutes but the query runs for a long time.

How can expediate my query execution process.

Environment details

Database: MS Sql Server 64bit 2005
MS Sql jar file: sqljdbc_1.2.jar
OS: Windows both server and client.

Connect String in java code:


and use PreparedStatement and ResultSet.


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Dm Query Taking Long Time

May 16, 2007

I'm running a query (see below) on my development server and its taking around 45 seconds. It hosts 18 user databases ranging from 3 MB to 400 MB. The production server, which is very similar but with only 1 25 MB user database, runs the query in less than 1 second. Both servers have been running on VMWare for almost 1 year with no problems. However last week I applied SP 2 to the development server, and yesterday I applied Critical Update KB934458. The production server is still running SQL Server 2005 Standard SP 1. Other than that, both servers are identical and running Windows 2003 Server Standard SP 1. I'm not seeing this discrepancy with other queries running against user databases.

use MyDatabase


select db_name(database_id) as 'Database', as 'Table',

s.index_id, index_type_desc, alloc_unit_type_desc, index_level, as 'Index Name',

avg_fragmentation_in_percent, fragment_count, avg_fragment_size_in_pages,

page_count, avg_page_space_used_in_percent, record_count,

ghost_record_count, min_record_size_in_bytes, avg_record_size_in_bytes, forwarded_record_count,

schema_id, create_date, modify_date from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (null, null, null, null, 'DETAILED') s

join sys.objects o on s.object_id = o.object_id

join sys.indexes i on i.object_id = s.object_id and i.index_id = s.index_id

where db_name(database_id) = 'MyDatabase'

order by avg_fragmentation_in_percent desc

--order by avg_fragment_size_in_pages desc

--order by page_count desc

--order by record_count desc

--order by avg_record_size_in_bytes desc

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