Only Update Changed Columns

Aug 15, 2006

I have a stored procedure that inserts values into five columns of a
table. I need another stored procedure that will allow the user to pass
one or more of those parameters and update only the column for the data
that was passed. In other words, the update may only have one or two of
the parameters that was originally provided in the insert. Therefore, I
do not want to update the columns that did not change. What is the
proper way to handle this situation?

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Update Only Changed Columns

Sep 25, 2007

i there,

I've got a problem With updates on a Table.

I want to update only the Columns which are different to the values of my update-Statement.

One of the problems is an update trigger , which is fired on all update statements.
I want the trigger to be fired only when there are real changes.
Of course i can retrospectively check if there was a real, but i can't devide the real updatet colums from the non changed values. I know there is a statement like RowsUpdated but it doesn't work that way. It indicates also the non changed columns. To lock the row pessimistic read and compare the contents before update is also no option for me.

Is there any command to perform this in a smart way? Or should it be suggested for the next version of SQL-Server like "UPDATE CHANGES MY_TABLENAME SET MY_COLUMN= ... "

thanks in advance

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SQL Trigger For Changed Columns?

Jul 20, 2005

I have never written a trigger before and now am seeing the light. Isthere a way to write a trigger so that if a user changes any column ina single row on one table then the trigger will write the value ofthis (these) rows to a second table. I don't want the unchangedcolumns, just the changed columns (with column names...)Thanks,lq

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How To Reclaim Space In Columns Changed From Nvarchar To Varchar

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,This is probably an easy question for someone so any help would beappreciated.I have changed the columns in a table that where nvarchar to the samesize of type varchar so halve the space needed for them.I have done this a) becuase this is never going to be an internationalapplication, b) we are running out of space and c) there are 100million rows.I have done this with the alter table statement which seems to work butthe space used in the database hasn't altered.I'm presuming that the way the records are structured within the tablethere is just now more space free inbetween each page???Is there a way or re-shrinking just an individual table and free upsome of the space in there or am i missing the point somewhere?Thanks in advance,Ian

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Update Group By Changed Records?

Nov 5, 2014

I'm bulk loading employees into an etl table, each employee has a unique ID number, but they have multiple records in the data. Sometimes their name or birthdate will change and I want to identify those records and only insert the newest version into production. I can do this with a series of temp tables, but I'm sure there's a better way. The SQL below updates the etl table with the flag I want to mark the inserts, but it seems convoluted. (Jon's birthday changes, Jane's birthday changes, Bill's gender changes, Amy nothing changes(I handle those inserts later))

firstname varchar(50), lastname varchar(50), birthdate date, sex char(1), IDNum varchar(15), moddate date, opflag char(1))


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FormView - Update Process Completes With No Error But Records Is Not Changed

Jul 24, 2006

I have setup a FormView which functions as it should but after the user input is updated, the table record stays unchanged, and when I trap the FormView1_ItemUpdated and look at the SqlDataSource1.UpdateCommand, it shows this:
UPDATE [aspnet_test] SET first_name = '', last_name = '', email = '' WHERE id = @original_ID
Here is most of the code I am using:<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server"   DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DataKeyNames="id, first_name, last_name"   OnItemUpdating="FormView1_ItemUpdating" OnItemUpdated="FormView1_ItemUpdated" > .. // my ItemEditTempate is here.</asp:FormView>
<EditItemTemplate>First Name: <asp:TextBox Text='<%# Bind("first_name") %>' runat="server" ID="author_name" Columns="20"></asp:TextBox><br />Last Name: <asp:TextBox Text='<%# Bind("last_name") %>' runat="server" ID="TextBox1" Columns="20"></asp:TextBox><br />E-mail: <asp:TextBox Text='<%# Bind("email") %>' runat="server" ID="TextBox2" Columns="20"></asp:TextBox><br /><br /><asp:Button ID="UpdateButton" runat="server" Text="Update" CommandName="Update" /><asp:Button ID="CancelButton" runat="server" Text="Cancel" CommandName="Cancel" /> </EditItemTemplate>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ASPNETDBConnectionString1 %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT id, first_name, last_name, email FROM aspnet_test where id = 1"UpdateCommand="UPDATE [aspnet_test] SET first_name = '<%# first_name %>',   last_name = '<%# last_name %>',   email = '<%# email %>'   WHERE id = @original_ID ">
<UpdateParameters><asp:Parameter Name="original_ID" Type="Int32" /></UpdateParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>
Any idea where the @original_ID is supposed to get its value from, or why does the SQL command shows blank fields?Thanks

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SQL Parameter Update Not Updating Changed Null/blank Values

Oct 24, 2006

I am attempting to update a sql db using the update and parameter code in 2003 through MSDE for a web application. It updates changed data OK, but if the textbox value is deleted, the code does not update the sql db. I am new to this, and I'm sure it is something simple. Here is some sample code.


strSQLu = "UPDATE table1 " _
& "SET Field1Tag = @Field1Tag, Field2Tag = @Field2Tag " _
& "WHERE (Field1Tag = @Field1Tag) "

cmdCategoriesUpdate.CommandText = strSQLu

With cmdCategoriesUpdate
.Parameters("@Field1Tag").Value = txtFld1.Text
.Parameters("@Field2Tag").Value = txtFld2.Text
End With

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Insert / Update In Master Table And Also Save A History Of Changed Records : Using Data Flow/simple Sql Queries

Feb 9, 2007


My scenario:

I have a master securities table which has 7 fields. As a part of the daily process I am uploading flat files into database tables. The flat files contains the master(static) security data as well as the analytics(transaction) data. I need to

1) separate the master (static) data from the flat files,

2) check whether that data is present in the master table, if not then insert that data into the master table

3) If data present then move that existing record to an history table and then update the main master table.

All the 7 fields need to be checked to uniquely identify a single record in the master table.

How can this be done? Whether we can us a combination of data flow items or write a sql procedure to do all this.

Thanks in advance for your help.



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Transact SQL :: Update Table From Linked Table If Something Has Changed?

May 20, 2015

Is it possible to check/notify if something (record) has changed in the linked table (from linked server) and automatically update table in local one?

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Update More Than 2 Columns..

Nov 10, 2007

Hi,I have made the code to update more than 2 columns..It is a bad syntax, could someone help me improve my syntax?Code:   command.CommandText = "UPDATE Items SET (Quantityavailable,numtaken) = (Quantityavailable - @qty,numtaken + @qty) WHERE productID=@productID";  command.Parameters.Add("@qty", TextBox1.Text);  command.Parameters.Add("@productID", labid.Text); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); The idea is to update Quantityavailable column by taking away the @qty value, and update numtaken column by adding the @qty column.It says there is a syntax error near '('. Thanks if someone can help,Jon 

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Update Many Columns To The Same Value?

Nov 19, 2007

How do I update all of the columns I want to update in one swipe?I can do them 1 at a time like this, but how do I update them ALL to = 0? Update Booth_Visitors_Data Set Hygienic_Actuators = 0 Where Trade_Show_Id = 34NFPA_ActuatorsCG5_CJ5Conveyor_Rail_AdjusterEX510FEP_TubingKQG_fittingsControlNetEtherNet_IPISE_ZSESVVQCWashdown_ProductsInstrumentationFittingsGTAPOEM_GTAPEmailed

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How To Update Columns From Row To Another Row? (thank You)

Jan 31, 2008

 assume my Table's Columns looks like below1  ,   Annie,   History, pass, null 2  ,   Colin,   Math   , Pass, null7  ,   Annie,   History, Fail, 111 ,   Colin,   Math   , Fail, 2When Delete 7  ,   Annie,   History, Fail, 111 ,   Colin,   Math   , Fail, 2using the last column to check which row is reference with itso when delete Row 7 which reference with 1  ,   Annie,   History, pass, null when delete Row 11 which reference with2  ,   Colin,   Math   , Pass, nullif I gooing to delete the row of No7 the result would be1  ,   Annie,   History, Fail, null   2  ,   Colin,   Math   , Pass, 0 11 ,   Colin,   Math   , Pass, 0if I going to delete the row of No11 the result would be1  ,   Annie,   History, pass, null2  ,   Colin,   Math   , Pass, null7  ,   Annie,   History, Fail, 1I think the simply way to explan iswhen you delete a row of data , first find out which row is reference with it and then update the row which reference with it can you teach me how to do it ? wirte this request in Code or useing SQL Script?thank you

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Update Columns

Oct 10, 2005

Can i use a multiple set in the update clause?

set total_Billed_Q1
=ISNULL ( dbo.property2.total_Billed_Q1 , 0 ),
set total_Billed_Q2
=ISNULL ( dbo.property2.total_Billed_Q2 , 0 )
FROM property
property2 on
property.financial_year = property2.financial_year
property.property_ref = property2.property_ref

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Update 2 Corresponding Columns

Jul 2, 2007

I have to update the incidents table.
The initiator and initdept are two corresponding columns whoes value I have to get from another table Employee where (initiator means Empname and initdept means title)
if i just do

select Empname,title from employee
it gives me correct output while
select initiator,initdept from incidents

It gives the initiator correct but instead of giving the initdept
it gives output as initaiator the out put is given below

initiator initdept
Jeff C. Taylor Jeff C. Taylor
Randy S. Jonas Randy S. Jonas
Mike lewis Mike lewis

it should give the out put like

initiator initdept
Jeff C. Taylor Software Engg
Randy S. Jonas Tester

I hope you got my question!
now I hav to update incidents table such that it should give initiator as well as its corrosponding initdept


sambhav jain

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Update Existing Columns

May 15, 2006

I need to create an SSIS package that updates columns in a table from columns in another database where the keys match. What's the best way to do this?

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UPDATE Column In Table1 From 2 Columns...

Jan 22, 2007

Hey ya'll...
I need to create a query that I can run that will allow me to essentially take the first initial and last name and combine them from two columns in one table and update one column with that new data in another table. Example of need:
UPDATE tblLogin.UserName with (first character(tblEmployee.FName)+(tblEmployee.LName)) WHERE tblLogin.EmployeeID = tblEmployee.EmployeeID.
That was TOTALLY pseudo code and I know I'll need a join statement in there somewhere. Both tables reside on the same database, such as this:
dbEMPLOYEE (Database)--> tblLogin (Table)----> UserName (Column)--> tblEmployee (Table)----> FName (Column)----> LName (Column)
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Hopefully something soon - this was handed to me a few minutes ago and I have a few minutes to get it done.iSheahan

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Convert Money Columns To Update?

Apr 13, 2007

 Hi Guys
I need your help again, I am try to update several columns and the data type is 'money'.
Below is the code I have used:
UnitCost ='10.00',UnitCost2 = '10.00',UnitCost3 = '10.00',UnitCost4 = '10.00',UnitCost5 = '10.00',UnitCost6 =  '10.00'
WHERE ProductCode = '0008'
But it will not update, instead I get this error:
>[Error] Script lines: 1-9 -------------------------- Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table 'dbo.CAT_Products', column 'UnitCost'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query. 
 More exceptions ... Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table '.dbo.CAT_Products', column 'UnitCost2'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
The error message indicates that I need to use the convert function.  But the columns data type is set at 'money' not 'varcher' .  So do I need to convert data type to 'varcher' in order to update and convert back to data type 'money' when update complete?  Or do I need to indicate in the update statement that data type is already 'money'? I am not sure how I would either. 

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Compare Two Columns And Update The Third Column

May 21, 2008

 Hi,I have three columns and want to update the third column based on the comparison of first two columns in the same table.For instance:Col1 - val1, val2, val3, val4, val5......Col2 - NULL, NULL, val1, NULL, val2....Col3 - TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE....Thanks for any help.

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Update Multiple Columns In One Sql Statements

Nov 2, 2004

I am almost sure I can update variables columns in one select/case type
statement, but having problems working out the syntax.

I have a table with transactions - with tran types as the key.

in this example, types = A,B,C ,D.

in this first example I am updating the sum of QTY to value t_A based on
tran types =A.

can I perform sub query/case to update with the same where clause
but for types B,C and D?? I also have to insert for specific lot numbers each sum values.

Create table #t_reconcile(
t_lot_number int not null,
t_A float,
t_B float,
t_C float,
t_D float)

insert #t_reconcile

select t.lot_number, sum(t.qty)
from i , t
where i._id = t.event_id
i.transaction_type = 'A'
group by t.lot_number
order by t.lot_number

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How Can I Update 2 Columns At A Time In 2 Tables

Mar 11, 2002

I have a 2 Tables EMP, STU
In EMP Table there is a Column "Country"
In STU Table there is a Column "City"
Where the EMPID = STUID
on this conditon how can i update those 2 columns

This is for one Table one column update how can i do 2 at a time
I don't want to do in 2 seperate UPDATE statements

SET EMP.Country = 'USA'

Can some one can help me to fix this issue..


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How To Do Update Of Select Columns Based On...

Jun 21, 2007

the following criteria.
i have the selection all done but am trying to figure out how to do the following:
if column4 < 0 then add column4 to column3, move 0 to column4;
if column3 < 0 then add column3 to column2, move 0 to column3;
if column2 < 0 then add column2 to column1, move 0 to column2;
add column3 to column4;
move column2 to column3;
move column1 to column2;
if column0 > 0 move column0 to column1, move 0 to column0 else move 0 to column1;

these are all numeric data types.

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Update Query For Isnull Columns

Oct 27, 2014

I have multiple columns around 10...i am writing an update statement which doesn't update any of the rows

update table
set column11=isnull(columnA,0)+isnull(columnb,0)+...
where quarter='Q3'

also tried...

update table
set column11=SUM(COALESCE(column1,0) + COALESCE(column2,0))
where quarter='Q3'

both doesn't update column11.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Update 2 Columns From 2 Different Tables

May 15, 2015

I have task where i need to update the 2 columns from 2 different tables. I need to get one column from one table and update to the other table.If the column name do not match....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Update Multiple Columns In A CTE?

Sep 29, 2015

Can you update data from multiple tables in the same UPDATE statement, by joining those tables in a CTE ?

For example, this fails:

FROM dbo.Table1 AS U
INNER JOIN dbo.Table2 AS T


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Simple SQL To Update Specific Columns

Aug 31, 2005

Kairn writes "I have created a table and imported data from another table to it. I need to update the existing data with values from another import but only need specific columns and am assuming a stored procedure is the way to go...IF I create a source table as well as destination(?). I have to compare the value in 6 columns to find the matching record in the destination, then update 5 of the other columns where source=dest. Finally, I need to sum, by row, the value in 3 of the columns and update another column to reflect it. All rows are unique in the destination. The source is a duplicate of them. Basically, the rows are identical aside from the values in the columns I want transferred. The rows must remain unique. I am a newbie and have no idea how to do this. Would you please submit a basic outline and I can fill in the rest?

Thank-you very much for your time and expertise,

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Stored Procedure To Update Columns

Sep 2, 2006

Hello,I've written an insert trigger to fill in data on 5 columns based on the keyfield column after a record is added to a table. The trigger works fine.But what I also want to do is to write a stored procedure that will updatethe 5 columns for the entire table based on the table key field column. I'mnew to both triggers and stored procedures and I can't figure out how tomake a stored procedure do what I want.Can someone help me to get me started? Here is the trigger code that I amtrying to get to work as a stored procedure. All I'm trying to do is tobreak up an entry that contains dashes into separate fields that aredelimited by the dashes. As an example if field CABLENO is equal toI-IJB-200-45, then I want to break that up into 4 separate fields containingI, IJB, 200, 45 respectively.Thanks,Al Willis--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IF EXISTS (SELECT NAME FROM SYSOBJECTS WHERE NAME='CABLE_SEGMENTS' AND TYPE='TR')DROP TRIGGER IM.CABLE_SEGMENTSGOCREATE TRIGGER CABLE_SEGMENTSON IM.CAB_MFOR INSERTASDECLARE @CABLENO_REMAIN VARCHAR(40),@DASH_POS SMALLINT,@SEG1 VARCHAR(40),@SEG2 VARCHAR(40),@SEG3 VARCHAR(40),@SEG4 VARCHAR(40),@SEG5 VARCHAR(40)SELECT @CABLENO_REMAIN = CABLENO FROM INSERTEDSELECT @SEG1 = NULLSELECT @SEG2 = NULLSELECT @SEG3 = NULLSELECT @SEG4 = NULLSELECT @SEG5 = NULLSELECT @DASH_POS = CHARINDEX('-',@CABLENO_REMAIN)IF @DASH_POS 0BEGINSELECT @SEG1 = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,1,@DASH_POS-1)SELECT @CABLENO_REMAIN = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,@DASH_POS+1,40)SELECT @DASH_POS = CHARINDEX('-',@CABLENO_REMAIN)IF @DASH_POS 0BEGINSELECT @SEG2 = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,1,@DASH_POS-1)SELECT @CABLENO_REMAIN = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,@DASH_POS+1,40)SELECT @DASH_POS = CHARINDEX('-',@CABLENO_REMAIN)IF @DASH_POS 0BEGINSELECT @SEG3 = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,1,@DASH_POS-1)SELECT @CABLENO_REMAIN =SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,@DASH_POS+1,40)SELECT @DASH_POS = CHARINDEX('-',@CABLENO_REMAIN)IF @DASH_POS 0BEGINSELECT @SEG4 = SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,1,@DASH_POS-1)SELECT @CABLENO_REMAIN =SUBSTRING(@CABLENO_REMAIN,@DASH_POS+1,40)SELECT @SEG5 = @CABLENO_REMAINENDELSESELECT @SEG4 = @CABLENO_REMAINENDELSESELECT @SEG3 = @CABLENO_REMAINENDELSESELECT @SEG2 = @CABLENO_REMAINENDELSESELECT @SEG1 = @CABLENO_REMAINUPDATE IM.CAB_M SET CABLESEG1 = @SEG1,CABLESEG2 = @SEG2,CABLESEG3 =@SEG3,CABLESEG4 = @SEG4,CABLESEG5 = @SEG5FROM INSERTED INSWHERE IM.CAB_M.CABLENO = INS.CABLENOGO--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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How To Create Rule Which Update Other Columns

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have a table with the following columns:ID INTEGEDR,Name VARCHAR(32),Surname VARCHAR(32),GroupID INTEGER,SubGroupOneID INTEGER,SubGroupTwoID INTEGERHow can I create a rule/default/check which update SubGroupOneID &SubGroupTwoID columns when GroupID for example is equal 15 onMSSQL2000.It is imposible to make changes on client, so I need to checkinserted/updated value of GroupID column and automaticly updateSubGroupOneID & SubGroupTwoID columns.Sincerely,Rustam Bogubaev

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How To UPDATE A Variable Number Of Columns

Feb 6, 2008

Hi, I need to update a number of columns in a number of tables - I just don't know how many. In this case, I am updating all varchar fields and nvarchar fields to be converted to lower case. The problem is that the table structure is amended over time as columns are added programmatically, so I do not know which tables have which columns and if so which of them are varchars.

I can get a table of which fields I need to update using:

INTO tblTempLCase
FROM information_schema.columns

and I can do the update with UPDATE tblxxx SET column = LOWER(column)

But what I don't know is how to step through my temporary table and do the updates. I can do it in ASP.NET, but that involves pushing commands and data between ASP and SQL, and will be too slow. How do I do it in SQL?


Dave Stephens

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How To UPDATE A Variable Number Of Columns

Feb 6, 2008


I need to update a number of columns within a number of tables - I just don't know how many. In this case, I want to convert all varchar and nvarchar columns to lower-case versions of themselves. The problem is that the table structure is changed programatically, and so at any point in time I cannot be certain what fields are in which table, and what data type they are.

I know that I can get a lit of columns using:

INTO tblTempLCase
FROM information_schema.columns

and do the update using:

UPDATE tblABCDE SET column = LOWER(column).

In ASP.NET I can pull in this temporary table using a SQL Data Adapter, and then step through the records to formulate the UPDATE statements and execute them all. However, I hope that this is possible in SQL too, so that I do not have to keep firing data/commands between ASP and SQL, as it should be quicker, and is also neater.

If so, how do you do it?


Dave Stephens

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How To UPDATE A Variable Number Of Columns

Feb 6, 2008


I need to update a number of columns within a number of tables - I just don't know how many. In this case, I want to convert all varchar and nvarchar columns to lower-case versions of themselves. The problem is that the table structure is changed programatically, and so at any point in time I cannot be certain what fields are in which table, and what data type they are.

I know that I can get a lit of columns using:

INTO tblTempLCase
FROM information_schema.columns

and do the update using:

UPDATE tblABCDE SET column = LOWER(column).

In ASP.NET I can pull in this temporary table using a SQL Data Adapter, and then step through the records to formulate the UPDATE statements and execute them all. However, I hope that this is possible in SQL too, so that I do not have to keep firing data/commands between ASP and SQL, as it should be quicker, and is also neater.

If so, how do you do it?


Dave Stephens

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Can I Update Several Columns By CASE Expressions?

Apr 28, 2006

Hi, all here,

I am having a question-is it possible to update several columns using CASE expression in SQL language? like if I wanna set each CASE for each column.

Thanks a lot in advance for any help and guidance.

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Update Columns With Rows Result

May 26, 2008


for example i need to update table with top 5callers who called the most to one number:

With subselect i get results:

Number Caller Times

555-11111 555-11112 10
555-11111 555-11113 9
555-11111 555-11114 8
555-11111 555-11115 7
555-11111 555-11116 6

And now i need update table and get this results:

Number Top1Caller Top1Caller Top1Caller Top1Caller Top1Caller
555-11111 555-11112 555-11113 555-11114 555-11115 555-11116

And i need to do this with every number in database

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How To Update A Column With The Sum Of Two Columns In A Table

May 9, 2008

I have a simple question that is more about performance on my code for updating a column with the sum of two columns:


Table = dbo.adding

c1 c2 c3Sum
1 2
3 5
4 6

Now if I just simple write

Update dbo.adding
set c3SUM = c1 + c2

This works, but there is a null in c1 or c2 then I know I can write this:

if exists (select * from dbo.adding where c1 is NULL)

Update dbo.adding

set c1 = '0', c3SUM = '0' + c2 where c1 is NULL

if exists (select * from dbo.adding where c2 is NULL)

Update dbo.adding

set c2 = '0', equals = c1 + '0' where c2 is NULL

Update dbo.adding

set c3SUM = c1 + c2

This works as well, but I am not sure how perficient it is being that from my understanding the code will evaluate the table three times and update it based on the criteria. If the table consists of 100,000 rows then this might not be a good solution

Is there a more proficient way to do this... I personally try to as little coding as possible to help increase performance. I know I can make this very complex and declare variables and put everything in a loop, but I personally think that would be less profient..

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