Parent Package Variable Visibility When Designing Packages

Apr 27, 2006

I've created an SSIS package that uses parent package variables at several steps in the data flow. However, those parent package variables are only visible during runtime, making debugging the package practically impossible. Let me give you a simplified example:

In the parent package, I have a string variable named "sqlLookup" that looks like this:

"SELECT * from tblTest WHERE city = " + @city

Also in the parent package is a variable named "city" which I can set to the name of the city that I want to query on. This dynamically updates the sqlLookup variable, which is being evaluated as an expression.

In the child package, I have an OLE DB Source control which is using the "sqlLookup" variable for its query. I have set up my parent package variable configuration, and it works when I run the package.

The problem is this...when I open the child package, I get an error on the OLE DB Source control using the parent package variable, "Command text was not set for the command object". Presumably, this is because the parent package variable is only available during run-time, and not at design time. And, if metadata changes (which it has), I can't get into the OLE DB Source control to edit it, because it throws the error.

So, my question is this: are there any workarounds for this problem? Is there a better way to do this? This seems like such an obvious problem that I'm wondering if I either missed a step somewhere, or if I'm just doing it the wrong way.


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Using Variable/Expression To Log With Parent/Child Packages

Aug 17, 2006

I have one package that executes 4 child packages (5 total). All 5 packages are set to log information using a connection string with a variable set at runtime for the location. The child packages use a parent variable to get the log connection string from the parent package.

The parent package logs fine, but a strange behavior occurs with the child packages.

The child packages all log data to the location used in the configuration file variable during runtime (like it's supposed to). However, I would get an error right before the first child package finishes execution saying path not found. Just for giggles, I created the folder I use in my development environment on the production environment. The error goes away, but the log file is created in that folder with no data in it. Subsequently, the log file with the data is created in the location set in the configuration file. Now I have two log files!!!!

Anybody know how to fix this?!

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Problems With Parent Variable Configuration After Moving Packages To New Machine...

Oct 3, 2007

Hi everybody,
I moved my packages to the new machine, and have problem with parent variables.
When child package tries to get parent variable value I get an error:

Information: 0x40016042 at LoopPackage: The package is attempting to configure from the parent variable "MAIN_SesId".

Warning: 0x80012028 at LoopPackage: Process configuration failed to set the destination at the package path of "Package.Variables[User::MAIN_SesId].Properties[Value]". This occurs when attempting to set the destination property or variable fails. Check the destination property or variable.

Thanks, for any information.

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Parent Package Variable Assignment Issue In Child Package.

Dec 26, 2006

have one main package from which 7 other child packages are called. We are using
ParentPackage variables to assign values for variables and database connections.

While the values from ParentPackage variable get assigned to some of the
packages properly, to others it doesn€™t assign the value.

For example:
Except for one of the packages the database connection string gets assigned
properly to all other packages.

Similarly, in another package one of the
variables doesn€™t get assigned. In other packages it is assigned properly.

have checked all the other property values and they are exactly the same.

We cannot make any head or tail of this erratic behavior.

Please Help.

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Package Configuration, Parent-child Packages And Job Scheduling

May 3, 2007


I've found this problem that when I change settings in my configuration file it does not automatically apply to all child packages which uses the same configuration file if run from a job in SQL Server Agent. I need to open the package and save it again from BIDS. I use one "load group" package to execute all other packages.

Is there a way from the job configuration to set a setting so the package allways will have the newest configuration?


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Parent Package Variable Issue?

Feb 5, 2007

I have noticed an issue with parent package variables. I have a package with multiple parent package variables defined, call them X, Y, and Z. I also have a parent package that calls this other package. The parent package has variable definitions for X and Z. It seems that the value for X will be passed along, and Y will give a warning since there is no variable of that name in the parent. The issue is that Z will not be passed along. It seems like the parent package configuration process stops after it encounters one missing variable.

Is this a know issue? Is it by design?

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How To Call A Variable Declared In Parent Package

Nov 16, 2007

I have declared a variable XYZ in Parent package
Similarly I have declared ABC in Child package and have done the configuration.
I have assigned some value to XYZ
How to get the value in Child Package.

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Programmatically Add Package Configuration - Parent Variable

Oct 1, 2007

How can I specify the target object when trying to set a parent variable package configuration programatically?

I am trying to set the Target Object to be "ParentLogID" and the Target Property to be it's "Value". I think this is how I'd add the configuration and set the source.

'Add a Configuration

Dim config1 As Configuration

config1 = package.Configurations.Add()

config1.Description = "Set ParentLogID"

config1.ConfigurationType = DTSConfigurationType.ParentVariable

config1.ConfigurationString = "User::LogID"

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Checking For Existence Of Parent Variable In Child Package

Oct 16, 2007

I have a parent package that calls a child package, when I run the parent package the child package picks up a variable value from the parent in a script task and runs fine, the problem I'm facing is when I run just the child package, the script task fails because it doesn't know about the parent variable. The dilemma I'm facing is in my child script task, if I add the parent variable to the ReadOnlyVariables list then the task fails because the parent variable doesn't exist when I just run the child. If I don't add the parent variable to the ReadOnlyVariabls list then if I try to use it then the task fails saying that the variable doesn't exist in the variables collection.

Is there a way to check for the existence of the parent variable, so when I just run the child package I don't get an error and I don't have to change my task every time I choose to run the child package only vs running the parent/child?


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SSIS Parent/Child Package Variable Passing

Feb 7, 2006


I have having trouble getting my hands around how to retrieve variables from a parent package. I read about the Environment variables and Configuration File at the parent package level and the Parent Package variable at the child level.

Here are my questions:

1. Can you only store/retrieve 1 variable in a config file at a time?

2. Does the child package have to define the variables and if so, do they have to be the same names as the parent package?

This seems so more more complex then the DTS2000 way of passing variables to and from packages.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Gordon Radley

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Passing A Variable Between A Parent And Child Package Doesn't Work

Apr 7, 2006

Has someone managed to pass successfully a variable from a parent package to a child package? I€™ve tried a zillion permutations and I can€™t get it to work. The strange thing was that I was able to successfully do this with pre-RTM builds. Basically, what I am trying to do is:

The parent package has a variable, e.g. ExecutionID which I set using a script to System::ExecutionInstanceGUID. I verified that the variable is set correctly by dumping it to a SQL Server table.
I created a child package variable with the same name.
In the child package, I€™ve created a parent package configuration that points to the ExecutionID variable.
I am trying to read the variable in a Derived Column Task in which I have a column linked to @ExecutionID.
This doesn€™t work. Step-by-step instructions from someone who managed to concur this will be greatly appreciated.

Oh, I didn€™t have any luck hitting a breakpoint in a script task inside a child package with both in and out of process execution also.

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SSIS Parent/Child Package Variable Handshake Issue

Jun 23, 2006


I having a problem getting the child package variable values into a parent package. Here is the scenario;

I have parent package(Master) calling two child packages using execute package task. I have no problem to pass variable values from the parent to child using the parent configuration but not able to get the variable values from the child to parent. I am setting the package status in each child package based on certain conditions and determine the final status in a parent based on child package variable statuses. Does any body have any idea? I will appreciate your thoughts.Thanks..Mako

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Error Running Child Packages From Parent Package - Error 0xC0011008

Mar 31, 2008


I am running a parent SSIS package (running sp2, 9.0.3042) that calls several child packages.

On our development server, we now cannot run this because we get 1 or more of these errors:

"Error 0x80004003 while preparing to load the package. Invalid pointer . "
"Error 0xC0011008 while preparing to load the package. Error loading from XML. No further detailed error information can be specified for this problem because no Events object was passed where detailed error information can be stored. . "

It is not occuring on the same packages. It varies every time it is run.

I can run every one of the child packages individually, using the same login ID that the parent is executed under.

The parent package works fine on my local machine and other servers running the same version of SSIS. Just not on this server.

Does anyone have any ideas???



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Designing SSIS Packages

Nov 7, 2007


I am asking something very basic and theoretical, here.

Are there any design tools available in the market for designing SSIS packages?
By "design tools" I mean tools which enable us to "plan" or "design" the architecture of a SSIS Solution that will be implemented later, using SSIS, of course.

We have several design tools available for designing a Web Application solution, for example. Similarly do we have something for SSIS?

Are there any design approaches, best practices and/or design techniques published for designing a SSIS solution?

Please note that I am not talking about the SSIS Designer or the BIDS. I am talking about a tool/approach for designing the SSIS solution which can be delivered as a project artifact before the actual coding phase starts?

Well, I have tried to express myself as best as I could.
If someone can help me with this, it will be really great!

Thanks in advance.


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Variable Visibility Within An Integration Services Project

Apr 3, 2006

im creating an sql2005 integration services project ( DTS). i am creating a user variable. i want to be able to use that variable inside a script task. how do i reference the variable so that it can be seen within the script task??

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Nested Parent-Child Packages

May 17, 2007

I have a fairly simple SSIS project that has nested parent-child packages.
I am trying to find the best way to manage the connections strings so as to make the package portable across machines and environments. Currently there is one "master" package which calls 6 child packages. 1 of these child package calls 3 child packages of its own.

For the database connections, I've settled on creating a standardized .dtsConfig file for each server/login. This is a relatively small number (intially 8) that I don't expect to grow much.

I've taken a different approach for the file-system connections used by Execute Package components that call the child packages. For each package that has child packages, I store all the connection strings (paths) to the child packages in a single .dtsConfig file. This works well for the top-level "master" package where I can pass in the .dtsConfig file (that has the paths to the child packages) as a run-time option in the Execute Package Utility.

However, this approach seems to fall apart for the 2nd generation package that in turn call 3rd generation packages because I don't know how to get the .dtsConfig file (with the 3rd generation .dtsx package paths) path to this downstream dtsx package.

Though I'm sure there are others, the only two solutionsI can think of now are
(a)don't nest packages beyond 1 parent/child relationship -- not really an option or
(b)Store the path of .dtsConfig files for each .dtsx package as an environment variable on each machine. This option is unappealing because it would require adding an environment variable for every .dtsx package that has child packages. I don't think it would take long for this to grow into a large number, that would make managing environment variables cumbersome.

So far my experience with SSIS has been that there was a simple solution for each scenario I had. So this hoop jumping I'm going through seems to indicate I am just missing something.

Is there a better way I am just not getting?

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Executing Parent Packages Fails

Jan 21, 2008

My SSIS packages which has parent packages and childpackages. the parent package is configured to pull environment specific information from an xml configuration file, to execute child pakages. i have connection string as well. and every child package has its variables mapped. when i build the solution in VS studion it builds and then i deployed to different machine as file deployment and manually copy .dtsconfig file to same folder. but whenever i run that parent package it gives me error saying can't load child packages.
i am tired to look at configuration ( connection string) ..preety new to SSIS , so expecting somehelp guys.

Derek Patterson.

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Debugging Parent / Child Packages

Mar 2, 2007

Hi there,

I have a Business Intelligence project containing 4 packages. One of the packages is a parent package that just runs the other 3 packages sequentially (passing in variables via Package Configurations).

When I set the properties of the Execute Package tasks in the parent package, it seems that I can only select SQL Server or File System locations for the child packages.

What I want to do is for the parent to run the packages in the Visual Studio Project so that I can debug the whole process. I don't want to be bothered deploying the child packages so that I can run them from the parent, at least not while I am debugging the whole process.

How do I get the children to run within Visual Studio as well as the parent? I can't for the life of me find anything on the MSDN about this.

Many thanks in advance.

Richard F

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Help Needed Badly For Designing SSIS Package??

Apr 4, 2008

Hi guys

I have got a set of queries to run on a table stored in my SQL Database and this query creates a new table which I export to excel for final results.
NOw I need to design an SSIS package for this query to run and to export the result in excel sheet.
I started with the control flow by adding the TSQL statements to it and then in the data flow I connected it with my database.
But when I execute it, it always gives me an error.
I have just started learning SSIS but have not been able to figure it our properly.

Could you please help me out??


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SSIS Package Designing And Execution In BIDS Is Very Slow

Feb 9, 2007


I have created a package that has

2 SQL Execute Task, One Loop container, 2 Data Flow tasks, 1 Foreach loop container, 1 ftp task. The data flow tasks has 1 oledb source, 1 flat file source, 1 row count transformation, 1 recordset destination and 1 oledb destination.

When I load the package into BIDS it takes 125 MB of memory and then everything is slow, the properties panel slides in slowly and exists slowly. The object is the packages are not painted properly. to make changes and run takes lot of time.

Am I doing anything wrong here? Why is it consuming so much of memory?

Thanks in advance for your help.



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Execution Of Child Package From Parent Package In Sql Server 2005 Integration Services

May 21, 2007


I created a package which passes some infornmations( through parameters) to its child package.

I need to do some processing in parent package based on execution status of child package.i.e.

if child fails then some operation and if child succeeds then other operation.

To determine the status of execution of child package I am using two differnt constraint constraint is having value "Success" and other having value "Failure".

My problem is that when child packge is executed successfully the constraint with value = "Success" works properly but when child fails the constraint with value "Failure" does not work.


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How To Pass Parent Package Parameters To A Package Executed By SQL Server Job Agent

Jan 11, 2007


I'd like to know if there's a way to pass parent package parameters to a package executed by SQL Server Job Agent? It appears that sp_start_job doesn't have any variable that could accomodate this.

Hope to hear your ideas.

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Passing Value From A Child Package To The Parent Package That Calls It In Ssis

May 21, 2007


I am interested in Passing value from a child Package variable to the Parent package that calls it in ssis.

I am able to call the Child package using the execute package task and use Configurations to pass values from the parent variable to the child, but I am not able to pass the value from the child to the parent.

I have a variable called datasetId in both the parent and child. it gets computed in the child and needs to be passed to the parent...

Any suggestions?

Thanks for any help in advance..


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Configure A Child Package To Use The Configuration File Of A Parent Package?

Sep 14, 2006

Hi guys,

Here's the deal. I have a child package, (say, pack01.dtsx), which uses a dtsconfig file for its connection string, which can be called from other packages, but which also can be called by itself.

However I also have another package (say, pack02.dtsx) which uses the same dtsconfig file for its connection string. It calls on pack01.dtsx.

When I use DTEXECUI and run pack01.dtsx, specifying the proper .dtsconfig file, it goes well. But when I try and run pack02.dtsx, an error occurs saying pack01.dtsx connection cannot be established.

How do I pass the connectionstring being used by pack02 to pack01, without having to remove the configuration file setting of pack01? Can a Parent Package configuration and a configuration file try and map to the same property?

Hope someone could help. Thanks.

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Child Package ConnectionManager Visibility

Jul 20, 2006

Hopefully a simple question about parent-child package relationship. For this example, let's say I have a simple setup - one parent package: parent.dtsx, and one child package: child.dtsx. The parent package calls the child package via the ExecutePackage Task.

If I add an OleDB ConnectionManager to the parent package called MySqlConnectionManager, should I be able to reference this connection via a script task (or custom component) from my child package? I realize that I will have a problem doing this at design time, but I thought I could get around it with the script task or custom component. That said, when I look in the Connections collection at run-time from within my child package, I do not see the parent package's MySqlConnectionManager. Am I missing something, or is this the way it was intended to work?



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Resume Parent Package After Child Package Failure...

Apr 23, 2007

Hello All,

I have a SSIS Package with a "Execute Package Task" to call a child package. I am trying to have the master/parent package complete its execution regardless the outcome (failure or success) of the child package. The overall structure of the master package is:

1. Perform Pre-load tasks (stored procedure).

2. Execute Package Task (call child package)

3. Perform Post-load Tasks (stored procedure)

I have try everything and cannot get the results that I want... I have tried the combination of "failparentonfailure", "forceexecutionvalue", etc. The master package stops at childs failure. I would like to resume to completion

Any ideas out there?


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SSIS Parent Package Can Not Find The Child Package

Oct 13, 2007

I have two SSIS packages in a project, one calling the other. The parent package works fine in my local mechine. After they are deployed to the production, I schedeul jobs to run the packages in the SqlServer. The child package works fine if I run it alone, but the parent package could not find its child package if I run the parent package . As I checked, all xml config files and the connection string pointing to the child package were set correctly. It seems the parent package did not use the xml config file. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance.

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Parent/Child Packages And Transaction Option Not Working As Expected

Dec 18, 2007

Has anyone had experience of using Parent/Child packages while enlisting them in Transactions.
I tested this on a small sample and thought that I had got it to work, but in my real-world package it does not.

The parent package essentially calls three child packages.
In each child package there are multiple DFT's that import and transform data into SQL Server.
All data must be imported or not at all.
Therefore I created a FELC container into which three Exec child package tasks were placed.
The FELC is set to Trans Option 'Required' and the Exec child package tasks to supported.
Unfortunately upon failure of one of the DFT's in the child the data was not rolled back.

So initially we had in terms of container hierarchy for the Trans Option property:
Parent package Supported
FELC for calling child packages Required
Task execute child package Supported
Child package Suppored
Tasks Suppored

Looking at this more closely we thought that we would need
Parent package Supported
FELC for calling child packages Required
Task execute child package Required
Child package Required
Tasks Suppored

for it to work.
However, the latter now gives us failures with error messages on the tasks on the child packages.
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Failed to acquire connection "Conn ECARS1CEDImport". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.

Even more strange the first couple of tasks in the child pkg complete successfully even though they use the same connection listed in the error.
These tasks also have Event handlers.

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Designing SSIS Package To Cater To SQL Queries Invloving Multiple Joins

Oct 11, 2006

I have  a query that works fine in SQL Server,


FROM [db_db].[dbo].[TEST] TC
[New_DB]..[Method_Master] Mstr
[New_DB]..[TestSource] TS
TS.Name = TC.TestName

basically there is a join between three tables to repalce all the varchars to the corresponding ID.

Please guide me in how should I go about in designing my SSIS package to achieve this requirement.


thanks in Advance


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How To Run Encrypted Child Package From Parent Package

Aug 7, 2007

I am trying to figure out how to run an SSIS package that is encrypted but also has a child package which is encrypted. I am trying to run from the cmd line using dtexec and specifying DECRYPT <pwd> for the parent package but how do you specify for the child package.

Please help if you have seen such an issue before or you have a work around.


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Parent Package Is Losing A Child Package

Dec 4, 2006

I have a parent package which calls a number of child packages. Occasionally, I have one child package which starts up and appears to finish but the parent package never gets notification that the child has finished. If I view this in Management Studio's in Integration Services, I can view the packages that are running and only the parent package is running. Because it never gets control back, the next child package will never get started and the parent package will continue to run and never finish.

Any idea what could be happening??

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Parent Package Variables And SQL Package Store

Aug 23, 2007

Hello All,
I have a Master Package which calls a group of other packages out on the SSIS Package Store using parent / child and a number of variables. These seem to work when passing various audit information (audit key, record counts, etc) but when I try to pass a variable for the connection string and assign it via an expression to the connection manager, I get the Master Package writing to the correct database and the children package writing to their "default" database which is supplied as the default value in the variables which should be populated by the parent task.

i.e., I end up with my master package audit information in database a and child package audit and transactions in database b, even though the packages associated with these transactions are supposed to be reading the connection string from a parent variable. Any clues or suggestions?

Edit: It is still passing along the correct parent audit information and record counts, it's just not connecting to the correct database by the variables holding the connect string

Thanks for your time.

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Parent Package Call To Child Package

Apr 30, 2007

I run into some issues and really need some expert help here.

Here is the problem. I have two packages (parent.dtsx and child.dtsx). Both package have its own configuration file (parent.dtsConfig and child.dtsConfig). The file Child.dtsConfig contains a variable (i.e. "X") that is to be used by Child.dtsx.

Inside parent.dtsx. there is a package-task that calls into Child.dtsx. It worked perfectly well if I run parent.dtsx using Dtexec or from inside SSIS's IDE.

Now I want to programmably call "parent.dtsx" from my C# code. I loaded package using "app.LoadPackage"... Inside C# code, I want to reconfigure Child-package's variable ("X"). I then loaded in "Child.dtsx". However when I run "parent.dtsx" and child.dtsx still loads the original value for "X". The reconfigured value for "X" is not updated.

Please help on how to get around this issue.


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