Passing Multiple String Values Separted By A Comma As One Parameter

Oct 16, 2007


I have a stored procedure that accepts one parameter called @SemesterParam. I can pass one string value such as €˜Fall2007€™ but what if I have multiple values separated by a comma such as 'Fall2007','Fall2006','Fall2005'. I still would like to include those multiple values in the @SemesterParam parameter. I would be curious to hear from some more experienced developers how to deal with this since I am sure someone had to that before.

Thanks a lot for any feedback!

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Transact SQL :: Passing Multiple String Param Values To Stored Proc

Jul 21, 2015

EDate Datetime,
Code varchar(255),
Cdate int,
Price int

[Code] ....

Now I have to pass multiple param values to it. I was trying this but didnt get any success


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Passing Comma Delimited Parameter To SP

Apr 14, 2005

Is this possible? I find it hard to believe that this could be sooo difficult. I have a simple select stored procedure that has one parameter. My application is passing a comma delimited string of values to be used in the IN clause.
Ex: Where x In(@parametername)
the x column is an integer. How can one work around this???

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Passing Comma Seperated Parameter To SP

Jan 21, 2008


My SP is,

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.InventorySalesSummaryForReport(@ItemNumber nvarchar(30),@StoreId nvarchar(500),@Year int)


DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(1000)

-- Searching ItemNumber in Inventory_SKU

DECLARE @Count int

DECLARE @ItemNumSKU varchar(50)

SET @SQL = N'SELECT @Count12 =COUNT(*) FROM Inventory WHERE Store_Id in (@StoreId1) AND ItemNum = @ItemNumber1'

EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL,N'@Count12 int OUTPUT,@StoreId1 nvarchar(500),@ItemNumber1 nvarchar(30)',@Count12=@Count OUTPUT,@StoreId1 = @StoreId,@ItemNumber1 = @ItemNumber

IF (@Count = 0)


SET @SQL = N'SELECT @ItemNumSKU1 = ItemNum FROM Inventory_SKUS WHERE Store_Id in (@StoreId1) AND AltSKU = @ItemNumber1'

EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL,N'@ItemNumSKU1 nvarchar(30) OUTPUT,@StoreId1 nvarchar(500),@ItemNumber1 nvarchar(30)',@StoreId1 = @StoreId,@ItemNumber1 = @ItemNumber,@ItemNumSKU1=@ItemNumSKU OUTPUT

SET @ItemNumber = @ItemNumSKU


-- Creating table variable to have values from 1 to 12

CREATE TABLE #MonthSales (MonthNumber int, MonthCost money,MonthPrice money,MonthQuan bigint)


SET @Cnt = 1

WHILE(@Cnt <= 12)


INSERT INTO #MonthSales VALUES(@Cnt,0,0,0)

SET @Cnt = @Cnt + 1


--Joining query result with the table variable to get required result

DECLARE @Status1 Char(1)

SET @Status1 = 'C'

-- putting ' for comma seperated storeid


SET @SQL = @SQL + N' MS.MonthNumber,'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' ISNULL(Temp.MonthCost,0) MonthCost,'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' ISNULL(Temp.MonthPrice,0) MonthPrice,'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' ISNULL(Temp.MonthQuan,0) MonthQuan'



SET @SQL = @SQL + N' DATEPART(mm, DateTime) Month#'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' ,SUM(CostPer*Quantity) As MonthCost'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' ,SUM(PricePer*Quantity) AS MonthPrice'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' ,SUM(Quantity) AS MonthQuan '


SET @SQL = @SQL + N' Invoice_Totals '

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' INNER JOIN Invoice_Itemized ON Invoice_Totals.Invoice_Number = Invoice_Itemized.Invoice_Number '


SET @SQL = @SQL + N' Status = @Status AND Invoice_Totals.Store_ID in (@StoreId1) '

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' AND ItemNum = @ItemNumber1'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' AND DATEPART(yy,datetime)=@Year1'


SET @SQL = @SQL + N' DATEPART(mm, DateTime)'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' ) Temp '

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' RIGHT OUTER JOIN #MonthSales MS ON MS.MonthNumber = Temp.Month#'

SET @SQL = @SQL + N' ORDER BY MS.MonthNumber'

EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL,N'@Status char(1),@StoreId1 nvarchar(500),@ItemNumber1 nvarchar(30),@Year1 int',@Status = @Status1,@StoreId1 = @StoreId,@ItemNumber1 = @ItemNumber,@Year1=@Year

It is working If I am passing sigle storeId to the above SP. If I am selecting multiple StoreIDs from the report. It is not returning correct value. Can you please give me a suggestion?


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Transact SQL :: Convert Comma Separated String Values Into Integer Values

Jul 28, 2015

I have a string variable

string str1="1,2,3,4,5";

I have to use the above comma separated values into a SQL Search query whose datatype is integer. How would i do this Search query in the IN Operator of SQL Server. My query is :

declare @id varchar(50)
set @id= '3,4,6,7'
set @id=(select replace(@id,'''',''))-- in below select query Id is of Integer datatype
select *from ehsservice where id in(@id)

But this query throws following error message:

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '3,4,6,7' to data type int.

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Transact SQL :: Passing (comma Delimited) Parameter To Stored Procedure?

Aug 4, 2015

I am simplifying things here.  Basically I have:

SELECT ......... (my selection criteria)
    where Id in (@Haulers);

@Haulers is supposed to be a comma delimited list.   What do I need to do to make it filter correctly?  

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Passing A Comma Delimited String Of Parameters To A Stored Proc

Jul 30, 2007

I have a number of multi-select parameters which I would like to send to a stored procedure within the dataset for use in the stored procedure's IN() statement which in turn is used to filter on or out particular rowsets.

I considered using a hidden string parameter set = " ' " + join(parameter.value, ',') + " ' " so that the hidden parameter would then contain a comma delimiated string of the values selected, which would then be sent on to the stored proc and used in the WHERE clause of one of the queries internal to the stored proc.
But before I start dedicating time to do this I wanted to inquire if anyone here with far more expertise could think of a faster or less system heavy method of creating a single string of comma delimited parameter selections?


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Reporting Services :: Selecting Multiple Parameters Values For Comma Separated Values In SSRS?

Jun 17, 2012

I am SSRS user, We have a .net UI from where we want to pass multi select values, but these values are comma separated in the database. how can I write a sql query such that when I select multi values on my UI, the comma separated values are take care of.

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String Parameter With Comma To Where Clause

Mar 20, 2014

I want to bring a string parameter to where clause like this:

select .. from ...
Where Code IN (@Code)

When @Code is 'ABC' it works but when @code is 'ABC, XYZ' it won't work. I know for IN statement we should use IN ('ABC', 'XYZ') and I tried make @code = '''ABC'', ''XYZ''' still not working. I tried

Print '''ABC'', ''XYZ'''

I got 'ABC', 'XYZ' but why it does not work in @Code?

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Concatenated String Of Comma Separated Values (was Help With Query)

Nov 21, 2006

I have following 2 queries which return different results.

declare @accountIdListTemp varchar(max)
SELECT COALESCE(@accountIdListTemp + ',','') + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),acct_id)
FROM (SELECT Distinct acct_id
FROM SomeTable) Result
print @accountIdListTemp

The above query return the values without concatenating it.

declare @pot_commaSeperatedList varchar(max)

into #accountIdListTemp
FROM SomeTable

SELECT @pot_commaSeperatedList = COALESCE(@pot_commaSeperatedList + ',','') + CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),acct_id)
FROM #accountIdListTemp
print @pot_commaSeperatedList
drop table #accountIdListTemp

This query returns result as concatenated string of comma separated values.

If i want to get similar result in a single query how can i get it?

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Multiple Rows Into A Comma Delimited String

May 22, 2007

I have the following table:id name1 yes2 no3 what4 is5 this6 niceThe amount of rows can vary from 1 to 50. I only need the name column.What SQL statement do I have to execute to get the following:yes,no,what,is,this,nice,  (trailing , is acceptable)Thanks!

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Field Contains Multiple Values Seperated By Comma

May 3, 2006

Hi All

I'm really new to SQL and would appreciate a solution to the following problem.

I have a table that contains 1 record. in that record there is a column called CODES which contains multiple values that are seperated by a comma.


I need a solution to select all values from CODES that are distinct so I end up with the following.


Any help would be really appreciated. Please bear in mind I'm a complet novice.

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Extracting Multiple Values As Comma Seperated

Jul 17, 2007

Hi all,

This is my table :

WorkstationNo UserID

101 a1

102 a2

103 a3

101 a2

and there are many other fields too. The output I need is something like this

WorsktationNo OccupiedBy

101 a1,a2

102 a2

103 a3

In the similar fashion I would also require to retrieve the values based on the UserID something like this

UserID Workstations

a1 101

a2 101,102

a3 103

Could someone tell me how to write the query for this.

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Normalizing Comma Separated String To Multiple Records

Oct 17, 2012

I need to normalise comma separated strings of tags (SQL Server 2008 R2).

E.g. (1, 'abc, DEF, xyzrpt') should become
(1, 'abc')
(1, 'DEF')
(1, 'xyzrpt')

I have written a procedure in T-SQL that can handle this. But it is slow and it would be better if the solution was available as a view, even a slow view would be better.

Most solutions I found go the way round: from (1, 'abc'), (1, 'DEF') and (1, 'xyzrpt'), generate (1, 'abc, DEF, xyzrpt').

If memory serves, it used "FOR XML PATH". But it's been a while and I may be totally wrong.

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Passing IN() Values As Parameter

Feb 17, 2005


I'm creating a procedure to fetch rows from table. One field will come come as IN(). Its the condition. That field is numeric field (note down), i would like to pass the In values as parameter.

eg: procedurename @fieldvalue varchar(100)

WHERE fieldname IN(@fieldvalue)

while executing the procedure how to pass the value... or procedure itself has problem...?
Help me...

Tx in Advance...

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Extracting Data From Columns That Contain Multiple Values Spearated By A Comma

Nov 11, 2004

Hi all,

If I have a column in one table (contracts) that contains a set of values (codes that identify the fields contract code) like as follows...


Contracts table
Concode - description
KIDD - Kidderminster General
UNIV - University Hospitals

and then another table (controls) which has a column called contracts where the data within the 'Contracts' field is set out like the following (yes that is right, each of the data in this column are the Foreign Keys which are separated by '/' in which I need to query against the contracts table ) ...


controls table
Code - Contracts

With the those tables and the columns like they are, how can I get my query to display the following information...

PHP Code:

Con(Controls table) - Description(contracts table)
             BA          - Kidderminster General
             BA          - University Hospitals

I'm guessing my first job is to somehow extract those Foreign Keys from the 'Contracts' column in the 'Control' table


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Show Multiple Values In Single Textbox Comma Separated

Jan 2, 2008

I have a field called "Owners", and it's a child to an "Activities" table.

An Activity can have on or more owners, and what I'd like to do is some how comma separate the values that come back if there are more than one owners.

I've tried a subreport, but because the row is colored and if another field, title, expands to a second row (b/c of the length) and the subreport has just one name, then the sub-report has some different color underneath due to it being smaller in height.

I'm kinda stuck on how to do this.


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Transact SQL :: Passing Several Values In One Parameter

Nov 12, 2015

In t-sql 2012, I want to run a query where the value is normally an int value. I want to supply a large volume of custID values that are normally int values. I have tried to use a cast  and convert values and that does not work. The query that I am trying to use is the following:

DECLARE  @custID varchar(200)
set @custID = '72793,60546,91069'
select * from table
where in (@custID)

Thus can you show me the t-sql 2012 that I can use to accomplish my goal?

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How Do I Assign A String To A Parameter I'm Passing To A Select Statement?

Oct 30, 2006

Hello, I'm needing to pass a variable length number of values to a select statement so I can populate a result list with items related to all the checkboxlist items that were selected by the user.  for example, the user checks products x, y and z, then hits submit, and then they see a list of all the tests they need to run for each product. I found a UDF that parses a comma delimited string and puts the values into a table.  I learned how to do this here: I have a checkboxlist that I'm generating the string from, so the string could look like this: "1,3,4,5,7" etc.I added the function mentioned in the URL above to my database, and if I understand right, I should be able to pass the table it creates into the select statement like so:
WHERE (OrderStatus IN ((select value from dbo.fn_Split(@StatusList,','))) OR @StatusList IS NULL) but now I don't know how to assign the string value to the parameter, say to '@solution_id'.my current select statement which was generated by Visual Studio 2005 looks like this: SELECT [test], [owner], [date] FROM [test_table] WHERE ([solution_ID] = @solution_ID) ...but this only pulls results for the first item checked in the checkboxlist.Does anyone know how this is done?  I'm sure it's simple, but I'm new to ASP .NET so any help would be greatly appreciated.    

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SQL Reporting Services String Parameter Passing To SQL IN Clause

Sep 21, 2004

Is it possible to pass a report parameter that is defined as a string to the following SQL statement that is using an "IN" clause ?

WHERE (ANALYST.User_Bemsid IN (@Report_Parameter_Bemsid))

If I pass a single value (I.E. A) it works okay, but once I try to pass multiple values (I.E. A,B or 'A','B') it returns no data.

Using Crystal reports I can pass multiple values via a report prompt into the SQL "IN" clause and seems that SQL Reporting Services should also have this feature. What do I need to do to get it working ?

Thanks for any help...

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Passing Multiple Value In Single Parameter

Mar 9, 2014

How do I pass the multiple value in the single parameter? Here is the select simple select statement with two fields (ID and Map_Area):

FROM TestParamOne

Here is the output:

ID Map_Are

Here is my simple stored proc. Right know I only can execute with one value at the time but I am trying to run the stored proc with more than one value.

@Map varchar(4)

FROM TestParamOne
WHERE Map_Area=@Map

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Passing Multiple Values Into A Subreport

May 7, 2008

I am doing report development against OLAP (Cube). I have a parameter which is a multi-value parameter, and I need to pass this as a parameter into a sub-report (pass all the values selected in this multi-value from the main report to sub report parameter).

Is this even possible? If yes how do I achieve this.

Currenty I sent like Fields!Region.Value(0), but I want to send actually Fields!Region.Value() (meaning all selected).

Any help ASAP is appreciated.

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Passing Multiple Values To A Paramter

Apr 20, 2007


I'm trying to pass multiple values to a single parameter from a report to a second report. For instance I want to pass the values a user selected in the original report, such as the countries a user select under a Country filter, and once the second report is called, I want that report to filter on those same countries, right now I can only pass one of the values selected to the second report. If someone can let me know if this is possible it'd be much appreciated, thanks in advance.

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Passing Multiple Values To A Single Parameters

Dec 28, 2007

I have a SQL query that goes like this
"select * from Product where ProductID in (1,2,3)"
How can i create a stored procedure where a single input parameter can take multiple values?
Can anyone help me with this?

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Passing Parameter Values To Full Text Search Stored Procedure

Oct 24, 2006

I thought this would be quite simple but can't find the correct syntax:ALTER Procedure usp_Product_Search_Artist_ProductTitle

(@ProductTitle varchar(255))


SELECT ProductTitle

FROM tbl_Product

WHERE CONTAINS(dbo.tbl_Product.ProductTitle, @ProductTitle)
   My problem is that if I pass "LCD Flat Screen" as teh @ProductTitle parameter the query falls over as it contains spaces. Guess i'm looking for something like: WHERE CONTAINS(dbo.tbl_Product.ProductTitle, '"' + @ProductTitle + "'")Thanks in advance.R  

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Passing Multiple Selections To A Stored Proc Parameter

Jan 11, 2005


I am currently in the process of building a stored procedure that needs the ability to be passed one, multiple or all fields selected from a list box to each of the parameters of the stored procedure. I am currently using code similar to this below to accomplish this for each parameter:

@OrderList varchar(500)
@ParsedList table
OrderID int
DECLARE @OrderID varchar(10), @Pos int

SET @OrderList = LTRIM(RTRIM(@OrderList))+ ','
SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @OrderList, 1)

IF REPLACE(@OrderList, ',', '') <> ''
WHILE @Pos > 0
SET @OrderID = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@OrderList, @Pos - 1)))
IF @OrderID <> ''
INSERT INTO @ParsedList (OrderID)
VALUES (CAST(@OrderID AS int)) --Use Appropriate conversion
SET @OrderList = RIGHT(@OrderList, LEN(@OrderList) - @Pos)
SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @OrderList, 1)


I have it working fine for the single or multiple selection, the trouble is that an 'All' selection needs to be in the list box as well, but I can't seem to get it working for this.

Any suggestions?


My plan is to have the same ability as under the 'Optional' section of this page:

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Question On Passing Multi-value Parameter For Multiple Branches

Apr 6, 2007

Hello. We are using asp .net and reporting services, and trying to pass a multi-value parameter into reporting services that will show data for multiple branches.

Dim paramList As New Generic.List(Of Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter)

paramList.Add(New Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter("BranchNumber", 1))


pInfo = ReportViewer1.ServerReport.GetParameters()

Let me know if you have any suggestions!


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Passing Multiple Values From A Listbox Into A Stored Procedure

Dec 9, 2007

hi i have a listbox with selectedmode = multiple, i am currently using this code in my code behind (c#) to call the storedprocedure within the datasource but its not working: Do i have to write specific code in c# to send the mulitple values through?protected void confButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{foreach (ListItem item in authorsListBox4.Items)
{if (item.Selected)
}saveStatusLabel.Text = "Save Successfull: The above publication has been saved";
}catch (Exception ex)
{saveStatusLabel.Text = "Save Failed: The above publication failed to save" + ex.Message;

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Passing Multiple Values From Parent To Child Package

Dec 20, 2006

Starting with "How to: Use Values of Parent Variables in Child Packages" in the SQL Server 2005 Books Online (, it seems I need to create a separate package configuration in the child package (of type parent package variable) for each variable I want to pass from the parent to the child. Is that really so? The XML configuration file type allows me to specify any number of variables; how do I do that with the parent package variable?

For that matther, why doesn't the Execute Package Task simply allow me to specify the values of child variables (or other properties) directly? It seems SSIS has made something as trivial as a series of function calls completely opaque:

MyChildPackage(var1=1, var2="foo");

MyChildPackage(var1=2, var2="bar");

MyChildPackage(var1=3, var2="baz");

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Reporting Services :: Using Exists Condition In WHERE Clause While Passing Values From SSRS Parameter

Sep 10, 2015

Table : incident
incident_id usr_id item_id Inc_Date
10059926 191 61006 8-22-2015
10054444 222 3232 6-7-2015

Table: act_reg
act_reg_id act_type_id incident_id usr_id act_type_sc
454244 1 10059926 191 ASSIGN
471938 115 10059926 191 TRAVEL TIME
473379 40 10059926 191 FOLLOW UP
477652 115 10059926 191 TRAVEL TIME
489091 504 10059926 191 ADD_ATTCHMNTS
477653 504 10054444 222 ADD_ATTCHMNTSParameter: @attach (value=1, Label=Yes & Value=0, Label=No)

Result (While I am selecting 'Yes' in dropdown)
incident_id usr_id item_id
10059926 191 61006
10054444 222 3232

SELECT incident.incident_id,incident.usr_id,incident.item_id
FROM incident
where exists (How i can write query here to check the act_type_sc=ADD_ATTCHMNTS is exists)

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DB Engine :: How To Pass Values With Comma To Comma Separated Param In SP

Apr 27, 2015

I have one sp which has param name as cordinatorname varchar(max)

In where condition of my sp i passed as

coordinator=(coordinatorname in (select ltrim(rtrim(value)) from dbo.fnSPLIT(@coordinatorname,',')))

But now my promblm is for @coordinatorname i have values as 'coorcinator1', 'coordinato2,inc'

So when my ssrs report taking these values as multiselect, comma seperated coordinator2,inc also has comma already.

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Adding Values To A Parameter That Can Take Multiple Values

Jun 6, 2007

If I have a Select statement like this in my C# code:
Select * From foods Where foodgroup In (@foodgroup)
And I want @foodgroup to have these values ... "meat", "dairy", fruit", what is the correct way to add the parameter?
I tried
meat, dairy, fruit
'meat', 'dairy', 'fruit'
but neither worked. Is this possible?

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Reporting Services :: Multiple Valued Parameter Passing In SSRS For Getting Performance

Aug 13, 2015

we are using SSRS 2012.Oracle 9i as back end database. Select A,B,C from view where A in (Param1) in above query when I am passing 1 value getting output in 30 sec. when I passed two values getting time out error in SSRS. how to pass multiple values in Oracle 9i in SSRS report.

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