Query To Compare Table Data Between Test And Production?

Jul 23, 2005

I am debugging one of our programs and ran the fix in Test. I would like
to compare table 1 between Production and Test. I want the query to output
column 1 if Production <> Test output.

What is the best way to achieve this?


Message posted via http://www.sqlmonster.com

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Move A Subset Of Data From Production To Test

Nov 18, 2005

Here is my requirement.

There is a production database which has ever increasing data. For testing purposes though, I would like to build a test database with exactly the same schema but only a subset of data copied from the production database . I'll specify the criteria (something like a where clause in select query) for copying the data from the production database.

Is there a tool that anyone has come across to do this job ?

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Data Source Deployment Best Practises Supporting Development, Test, And Production Environments

Feb 4, 2008

We are setting up a new Reporting Services 2005 enterprise reporting tier that will support multiple developers, applications, and end users. We will have mirrored environments including development, test, and production each with their own database cluster, and reporting server.

We have multiple report developers who share a single Visual Studio solution which is saved in SourceSafe and is setup to have separate report projects for each business unit in the orgainzation. Each report project is mapped to a specific deployment folder matching the business unit. Using the Visual Studio Configuration Manager, we can simply flip to the envirnoment we want to deploy to and the reports are published to the correct environment and folder structure.

My problem lies with the common data sources. We are using a single master Common Data Sources folder to hold all of the data sources. The trick is that each and every reporting folder seems to have to have it's own copy of the data source in visual studio. There does not seem to be an easy way to change the data sources for the reports when you publish to various environment, i.e. development, test, production etc.

Ideally, we would have a single project for the common data sources that all reporting projects and associated folders would map to, and we would have a way to associate the appropriate data source for each environment when we deploy.

I'm looling for best practices on how to setup data sources for development and deployment in an enterprise environment that uses Visual Studio to develop and publish reports. We have 3 environments, and 6 data sources per environment and about 20 reporting folder / project in Visual Studio. That's 360 changes that have to be manged when deploying reports. Is there a best practices way to do this?

There has got to be a better way? Can anyone give me some insite into how to set this up?


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Moving Just Data Between A Production Server & Test Server

Feb 28, 2000

We have both a production SQL 7 server, QA, and Development. From time to time, I want to move just the data from the production server to the other 2 servers without modifing the objects that may have been changed such as stored procedures and rights. Is there a way using the SQL tools provided that we can just move the data. Becuase also what happens is that the rights to the objects change which means my developers no longer have access to the tables for selects in QA since the changes where overwritten by production where they do not have the rights.


Ricky Kelley

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How To Test Before Putting In Production

Jul 17, 2006

Hi all,
I have a asp .net 1.1 application running on the intranet which uses SQL Server 2000.
The application is in production and everytime I want to do some changes, i do the changes on my
development machine then I copy the application dll on the server.
The problem is that I'm using Stored Procedures for all my Select, Insert and Delete statements.
These stored procedures are live on the server so I can't do the modifications locally and test them then copy to the server.

How can I do modifications without affecting the production server and the users ???

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Production And Test Environment

Jun 25, 2004

Sould one has a seperated environment for production and test system? How do you do it on a same server? Install two instance? How do you seperate test DBs from the production DBs?
Please advise...Thank you

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Keeping A Production And Test Db Insync

May 14, 2004

I have just finished upsizing an Access database to SQL Server 2k. Now the SQL Server need to be run on a test basis to determine if i need to make more changes to the front-end (Access). The problem I am facing is how to keep the two databases in sync while I am testing. Any suggestions?

Also any suggestion or comments on how to run a test setup like this (in parrallel) are also welcome since this is my first time attempting a project like this.

Let me know if anyone needs more info.

Thanks in advance.

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Transfer Passwords From Production To Test Server

Aug 8, 2002

I would like to know what procedures are required to transfer passwords from my Production server to my Test server.

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Comparing Development, Test & Production Database

Aug 2, 2001


We're using SQL Server 2000 as back end in our web project. The problem is we've 3 different copies of same database - one each for Development, Test and Production sitting in 2 different machines.

My question is - is there any tool for comparing the objects (tables, stored procedures, etc) ?


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SQL Server Test To Production Database Migration

Feb 25, 2006


Is there any tool available to migrate the data from the SQL Server
test database to SQL Server production database. Data Migration should
be based on a condition which can be given as an input for a table by
the user. The dependant tables also should be migrated based on the
condition. i.e data subsetting based on the matching conditions.

Ex : Salary > 2000

The rows of the table which matches the condition alone need to be
migrated for the corresponding table. Also its dependant table's
rows should be migrated based on the given condition. Please help me
with a tool which can automate this.



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Is It Necessary To Have A Clustered Test Environment To Support A Production Cluster?

Nov 27, 2007

We will be implementing our first SQL cluster in December. Our current plan calls for a shared development/test database server with one physical server, but two SQL Server instances. Our production environment will be a SQL cluster. Is it necessary to create a clustered test environment for testing patches, hot-fixes, etc...?

Thanks, Dave

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How To Change Application To Work With Test DB Opposed To Production DB

May 26, 2015

How do I change application code to easily switch between the application working against a test database versus working with a production database?

My thought is to change the connection string to work with a test DB, and when ready to Publish, change the connection string back to the production DB.  After Publish is successful, change the connection string back to the test DB.

At first, it appears it will work.  Will it?  Whether it will or won't?

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User Tables/Views Transfer Between Production And Test Servers

Feb 22, 2005

I have a production database that i need to refresh to our test environment daily. The database size is 700 MB.
I do not need to transfer the stored procedures and triggers , users and logins.
Would a DTS package that runs every night be the best and the easiest solution to implement or should i look into log shipping and snapshot replication.


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SQL 2012 :: Creating Test DB From A Full Backup Of Production Database

Jul 23, 2014

I am attempting to create a Test db from a full backup of the production db. With 2012, I cannot do it the the way i had done it in previous versions (and now i understand why because of Logical names).

The Test db runs in the same instance as Prod db.

I attempted to run this but come up with errors. This is what i executed:


The errors are all cannot execute due to PROD is in use.

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SQL 2012 :: Setting Up Transaction Replication In Test Environment From Production

Mar 3, 2015

Setting up Transaction Replication in test environment. I am willing to bet that most of you take a production backup (if so, how, and using what?), restoring the database to your test environment, then running a snapshot to your subscriber and away you go.

But perhaps you take a backup of your publisher and subscriber, if so, how do you know there are no inconsistences because there were transactions sitting on the distributor?

What do you do if you have additional indexes on the subscriber for reporting, that are not on the publisher?

Here at work we are having issues with getting consistent databases set up with T Rep, missing rows, duplicate keys at subscriber etc. How to avoid these issues.

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SQL Server Test Database To SQL Server Production Database -- Data Migration

Feb 25, 2006


Is there any tool available to migrate the data from the SQL Server test database to SQL Server production database. Data Migration should be based on a condition which can be given as an input for a table by the user. The dependant tables also should be migrated based on the given condition. i.e data subsetting based on the matching conditions.

Ex : Salary > 2000

The rows of the table which matches the condition alone need to be migrated for the corresponding table. Also its dependant table's rows should be migrated based on the given condition. Please help me with a tool which can automate this.


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Copy Data From Staging Table To Production?

Apr 12, 2015

I am trying to insert data from staging table to production table. In the staging table I only have period or date but no primary key.

This is my staging table

Create stagingtable(
[Period] [char](7) NOT NULL,
[CompanyCode] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,
[total] [int] NULL,
[status] [varchar](50) NULL

Create Production(
[Period] [char](7) NOT NULL,
[CompanyCode] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,
[total] [int] NULL,
[status] [varchar](50) NULL

I get this every month. What can I do to make sure only unique record are loaded into production table with no duplicate from previous month.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Compare Two Table Data And Insert Changed Field To Third Table

Aug 12, 2014

I want Compare two Table data and insert changed field to the third table ...

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Recovery :: Retrieving Deleted Data In Production Table?

Jul 8, 2015

I am in problem that I have delete data in my production table.

Now how to retrieve it?

I have only Yesterdays Full and Transaction Backup files.

I used the following query for deleting all data.

delete from t1;

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Compare Data In Two Tables With SQL Query?

Jun 9, 2004

I am trying to QA data being put into a SQL database by an outside source (from Excel) and therefore need to compare two (for the sake of simplicity) tables within a database to one another.

The two tables should contain the same data, and the QA process is meant to find and report any discrepancies. The column names are slightly different.

My question then is, is it possible to write a simple SQL query which will compare the data from the two tables and select only those rows where the data in any given column does not match? My data is mostly text, not numerical.

I'm very new at using SQL and my knowledge of the query syntax is very basic.

Thanks for any help in advance!

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Data Transform And Compare With In A Query

Jul 23, 2005

Okay all I have a problem. I have two list of adresses and phonenumbers. I do not have control over the contents of the lists The onlyunique field between the two is the phone number. I need to be able toinner join the two lists on phone number.This would normally be straigt forward but the problem is that they areformated different and one of them does't even have a control on theformating.*Phone numbers are US phone numbers only.The one list (table) that does have a control uses this formatAAA3334444where AAA is the area code333 is the 3 digit prefix4444 is the four digit suffixthe second list (table) does not have any standardized formating andcan be filled with extraneous spaces, parentheses and dashes not tomention the leading 1 in some instances.I thought that I could do some kind of regular expression to do acomparison but I havn't as yet found a good resource to tell me how todo it or if it is even possible. Or maybe break up the one I know hasa standardized format into something like this:'%AAA%333%4444%' and doing my comparison that way. however It is veryimportant that only those list items in both list that are truly thesame place be listed.suggestions and solutions are apreciated

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Compare Data And Add To Table

Mar 4, 2004

Hi all,

Newbie here. I was wondering if any of you gurus could answer a question for me. Here is what I need to do (and I stress need):

I have 2 tables.

Table A has 3 columns, column 1 is unique customer numbers, column 2 is ticket numbers, column 3 is empty records.

Table B has 2 columns, column 1 is unique customer numbers (same numbers, although not the same order as Table A) , column 2 is invoice numbers.

I need to compare Table A where records in column 1 match records in column 1 in Table B. Where the records do match, I need to copy the records from Table B, column 2 to Table A column 3.

Can anyone here help me with this, please? It would really get me out of a jam with this, since it is the last step I have to take to finally get this new app rolled out.

Thanks a lot.


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Compare Data In Two Table

Jun 13, 2006

Hi all,
i have a question regarding data comparison in two tables in same database with same table structure.

my table structure is like this

CREATE TABLE xxgfs_gen_text_lookups_new (
lookup_type VARCHAR2(200) NOT NULL,
region_code VARCHAR2(30),
nongfs_value1 VARCHAR2(200),
nongfs_value2 VARCHAR2(50),
nongfs_value3 VARCHAR2(50),
gfs_value1 VARCHAR2(200),
gfs_value2 VARCHAR2(50),
gfs_value3 VARCHAR2(50),
retain_nongfs_for_dflts VARCHAR2(1),
retain_gfs_for_dflts VARCHAR2(1),
comments VARCHAR2(500),
created_by NUMBER(15),
creation_date DATE,
last_updated_by NUMBER(15),
last_update_date DATE,
last_update_login NUMBER(15),
Source_description varchar2(300),
Oracle_description varchar2(300),
defaults varchar2(300)

ALTER TABLE xxgfs_gen_text_lookups ADD CONSTRAINT xxgfs_gen_text_lookups_uq_1
UNIQUE (lookup_type,region_code,nongfs_value1,nongfs_value2,nongfs_value3);

i have some data in excel which i have uploaded using sql*loader using control card.Now i want to compare the data in both tables having same table structure only

do any body having idea how to compare the data using storeprocedure.
thanks in advance

Rajnish kumar

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Query To Compare Data In 2 Tables

Sep 17, 2015

Table 1 has "Gender" field with "Male" and "Female" in it, table 2 has "Gender" field with "M" and "F" in it. a query to compare data and list the differences.

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When Have 4 Tables How To Compare Table With 4nd Table? ( Need To Join And Compare With Datatime)

Jul 22, 2007

Table MediaImportLog
column ↘ImportIndex     ImportFileTime            ImportSource
value    ↘80507             20060506001100          815
              80511             20061109120011           CRD                       ã€? P.S the values type of ImportFileTime 20060506001100 → 2006 -year 05-month 06-day 00-HH 11-minute 00-second】
Table  BillerChain
column↘BillerInfoCode       ChainCode
value   ↘750                      815
value   ↘81162                  CRD
Table   Biller
column↘CompanyCode         BillerCode
value   ↘999                     750
value   ↘81162                  516
TAble DataBackup
column↘CompanyCode         Keepmonth
value   ↘999                     6
value   ↘81162                 12
when I'm in MediaImportLog , I want use column ImportSource to compare with column ChainCode in table BillerChain ( so I get BillerInfoCode) and then use the BillerInfoCode I got to compare with column BillerCode in Table Bill ( I get CompanyCode) finally I use CompanyCode to compare with column CompanyCode in table DataBackup so I can get the company's keepmonth
How can I get the keepmonth? can I use parameters ? 
thank you very much 

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Compare Data And Populate In Same Table

Feb 10, 2015

I have the data as below,in which owner is assigning some task to another user.



user1 11user2
user1 13user4




OWNER has one set of privilege details in privilege table. I need to check privilege for user2,user3 and user4 in privilege table, if privilege not matches with the user1 then i want to populate the data output as below



user1 11user2
user1 13user4

I am populating this data in the view.

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Auto Restore .bak From Production To Same Server's TEST Db With Other Dbs &&amp; .baks In Same Server.

Aug 10, 2007

I've tried this in the 'tools' area, but that didn't work too well. I suspect, I will have to generate a T-SQL code then schedule it as a job. Why I can't just drag and drop with basic desires, is beyond me, but THAT probably does exist.

anyway here is the problem
[this server has many databases, on SQL 2000 sp2]
1. User only wants me to use Monday morning's full backup, which is good in that it doesn't include transaction logs.
2. Restore that data overtop/into Developement db. = good, no data to worry about damaging.
3. User does NOT want me to do this by hand, but schedule it.

a. must do a RESTORE WITH FILELISTONLY from [?] what ?, master? and if I user the *.bak of the production, it has
a coded date field in the name entry SO, I would, I guess, have to generate all sorts of wonderful code to find the date and build a file name. Why, because using the FROM DISK = 'F:MSSQLBACKUPDBPRODUCTION_yyyyddmm.BAK' is not going to work with a wild card.
Can I do a file lookup using a 'PRODUCTION' prefix into a variable, then use that or should I look for latest file date [remember there are several database backups here], or ????

then. How does one schedule such a T-SQL. Do I save it to some text file, and invoke it using a job scheduler.

any help appreciated.

IS there an easier way.

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Package Executes On Test Database But Not In Production Database

Aug 24, 2006


I am able to run the package successfuly in test database. but not in production database. It throughs up error saying

Description: Unable to load the package as XML because of package does not have a valid XML format. A specific XML parser error will be posted.
Description: Failed to open package file "D:\TAHOE\APPS\SSISPackages\Integration Services Packages\ArchiveMain.dtsx" due to error 0x80070015 "The device is not ready.". This happens when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded c
orrectly into the XML document. This can be the result of either providing an incorrect file name was specified when calling LoadPackage or the XML file was specified and has an incorrect format.
End Error
Could not load package "D:\TAHOE\APPS\SSISPackages\Integration Services Packages\ArchiveMain.dtsx" because of error 0xC0011002.
Description: Failed to open package file "D:\TAHOE\APPS\SSISPackages\Integration Services Packages\ArchiveMain.dtsx" due to error 0x80070015 "The device is not ready.". This happens when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded corr
ectly into the XML document. This can be the result of either providing an incorrect file name was specified when calling LoadPackage or the XML file was specified and has an incorrect format.

what is the problem here....


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Compare Data In A Single Table By Month Period?

May 28, 2014

i would like to see the 2014-06 matched results (3rd query), if the same ssn and acctno is exist in 2012-06 and 2013-06 and 2014-06 then eliminate from results, otherwise show it

select ssn, acctno From jnj.drgSamples where Channel ='KM' and TrailMonth ='2012-06'
select ssn, acctno From jnj.drgSamples where Channel ='KM' and TrailMonth ='2013-06'
select ssn, acctno From jnj.drgSamples where Channel ='KM' and TrailMonth ='2014-06'

i have written the below query but it shows only matched across three queries, but i want to display / delete from 2014-06 records if the ssn and acctno is exist in 2012-06 and 2013-06

select c.* from (
(select * From jnj.drgSamples where Channel ='KM' and TrailMonth ='2012-06' ) a join
(select * From jnj.drgSamples where Channel ='KM' and TrailMonth ='2013-06' ) b on a.SSN = b.SSN and a.acctno = b.acctno join
(select * From jnj.drgSamples where Channel ='KM' and TrailMonth ='2014-06' ) C on a.SSN = c.SSN and a.acctno = c.acctno join

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SQL Server 2008 :: Compare Data Between Identical Table Structure?

Jun 18, 2015

I have two identical table structure with at least 60 or more columns!!

Table A
ID numeric(18, 0) Primary Key,
RefID numeric(18, 0),
CoNum Varchar(15),
PrevCode Varchar(15),
DispCode VArchar(15),
EffDate Date,
Sal numeric(18, 0),
SDeposit numeric(18, 0) Etc....

I need to compare Data between two table and provide result like this!

RefId ID, CoNum, PrevCode, DispCode, EffDate, Sal, SDeposit
1, ,No Match, ,20,5200,0

So condition like. If table A Column Data does not Equal Table B Column data then

If datatype is Date then display Difference of Days.

if Datatype is Numeric then display Difference between value.( it display 0 if doesn't have difference)

if Datatype is Varchar then display No Match word.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Compare Data / Loop Through Dates And Insert Into Table

Sep 21, 2015

I have three tables:


As per below

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PaymentsLog](

[Code] ....

Is there a way to look at the DatePeriod table and use the StartDtae and EndDate as the periods to be used in the select statement and then cursor through each date between these two dates and then insert the data in to the PaymentsLog table?

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Compare Data-type Xml In A Temp/variable/physical Table In MSSQL 2000

May 22, 2008

Does abyone know how to compare data-type xml in a temp/variable/physical table in MSSQL 2000?

I tried this works in MSSQL 2005,

Code Snippet
create Table #t1 ([c1] int identity(1,1) not null, [c2] text)
create Table #t2 ([c1] int identity(1,1) not null, [c2] text)
Insert into #t1
Values('This is a test')
Insert into #t2
Values('This is a test')
Select * from #t1
Select * from #t2
Select * from #t1 where [c2] LIKE (Select [c2] from #t2)
drop table #t1
drop table #t2

but not MSSQL 2000.

Server: Msg 279, Level 16, State 3, Line 12
The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression.

Is this true (from BOL)?

Code SnippetIn comparing these column values, if any of the columns to be compared are of type text, ntext, or image, FOR XML assumes that values are different (although they may be the same because Microsoft® SQL Server„¢ 2000 does not support comparing large objects); and elements are added to the result for each row selected.

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Sampling Data Set Via Integration Services Data Flow For Data Mining Models Without Saving Training And Test Data Set?

Nov 24, 2006

Hi, all here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am wondering if it is possible to use SSIS to sample data set to training set and test set directly to my data mining models without saving them somewhere as occupying too much space? Really need guidance for that.

Thank you very much in advance for any help.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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