RSClientPrint In FireFox

Jun 26, 2007


We are using the RSClientPrint component to print reports from our web application. When we use it from IE all works fine. But on using the FireFox the print method fails. I am using following code to print

Code Snippet

var oRSClientPrint = window.document.getElementById("RSClientPrint");
if (typeof oRSClientPrint.Print == "undefined")
alert("Unable to load client print control.");

In FireFox above code fails by raising error message "Unable to load client print control.". As per me FireFox is not able to use the Print method of object, Can you help me on how we can make it to work with FireFox.

Thanks and Regards,

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RSClientPrint Problem

Mar 27, 2006

I'm trying to get client side printing to work in with reporting services 2005. I've got an aspx page to do printing as described here but when I try to render a report I get the following:

1. Print dialog box appears as expected

2. Press print

3. Dialog box appears saying "Print in progress"

4. After a few seconds another dialog box appears saying there was an error printing the report. Error code is 80004005.

I get the same error if I try to preview instad of print.

The (relevent) code is:

<object id="RSClientPrint" classid="CLSID:FA91DF8D-53AB-455D-AB20-F2F023E498D3" codebase="Bin/,90,1399,0"></object>

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function printIt() {
'/LMI Reports/GoodsIn&OrderID=1000'),

<body onload="printIt()">

Does anybody know what this error is and how I can get the control to work? Its not clear to me what the version on the object statement should be. This example uses the version string from the control but I've also tried 1.0 with the same result. Its also not clear if I should be using RSClientPrint.Authenticate or not. I've tried both true and false with the same result.

Many thanks


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Problems Using RSClientPrint

Sep 29, 2006

We are using VB.NET 2005 to develop a WinForms application that uses SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services to produce reports.
We want to print a large report programmatically without preview. RSClientPrint looked like a good solution but it produces an error when we try to use it.

I added Interop.RSClientPrintLib.dll Version to my application and used the code sample I found at:

The call to print looks like:
RSClientPrint.Print("http://ourServer/reportserver", strReportPathParameters, "Report_name")

This call generates an error message:
"An error occured during printing. (0x80004002)"

and throws an exception:
"Specified cast is not valid"

Any ideas appreciated.

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RSClientPrint Download

May 19, 2006

I have an application which is launched from our B2B site. The primary purpose of the application is to allow our external clients access to reports, along with the ability to export and print. The RS2005 report viewer component was used within the application to render the reports. The problem is when the our client users click on the print button on the report viewer's tool bar, many of them are receiving a window asking them if they want to install "SQL Server". In reality, the ActiveX viewer, RSClientPrint, is what is trying to install. Our technical support staff is being flooded with calls due to this pop up. The users are very confused and concerned about installing "SQL Server." In addition, some users do not have the ability to install the ActiveX viewer, so they are not going to be able to print. We've experienced this in the past with ActiveX for Crystal. Finally, some users receive no message or feedback when they click on the print button for several minutes. We've determined the ActiveX is being installed during this time. We've had users wait as long as 7 minutes for the Print Dialog to come up.

1. We would like to place a message along with the link on the page where the report is rendered. Is there a way for us to provide a link to a self extracting file containing RSClientPrint?

2. Also is there any way to get around the issue where the client user does not have the ability to install the ActiveX? I've seen references on the forum to using SMS, but this is not possible since the users are external?

3. Is there any setting we can turn on so the users don't think the application has gone "out to lunch" while the ActiveX viewer is installed?


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Problem When I Am Using RSClientPrint Active X

Jun 26, 2006

Hi ,

I m using rsclientscript in my application..i m using the following code in <script>

function Print()
RSClientPrint.MarginLeft = 12.7;
RSClientPrint.MarginTop = 12.7;
RSClientPrint.MarginRight = 12.7;
RSClientPrint.MarginBottom = 12.7;
RSClientPrint.Culture = 1033;
RSClientPrint.UICulture = 9;
RSClientPrint.Print('http://localhost/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath', '=%2fTestMonday%2fSrCorpLogo&CorporationId=2', 'Employee_Sales_Summary')

I m calling this script when user clicks the button in the webpage..

I m getting the dialog box properly..In that if i click preview button i m getting the following error

"An error occured trying to render the report. (0x80004005)"

Please help me out ..Very Urgent Issue..

Thanks in Advance..


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RSClientPrint Parameter Issues

Mar 13, 2007

Hi All
We're having a technical issue integrating the print reports into the portal. I'm hoping maybe some of your guys can help. We're using the RSClientPrint component to print the reports. The problem appears to be a conflict between the & in the URL and the & in the parameter value's cube reference. Below is an HTML code snippet. The 1st button works fine for us, it prints everything and has no & in the parameter's cube references. The second button references specific User and Employee values and therefore has & in the cube reference and generates an error. We tried encoding the & as &amp; but it did not help. Thanks.


<OBJECT ID="RSClientPrint" CLASSID="CLSID:FA91DF8D-53AB-455D-AB20-F2F023E498D3"></OBJECT>

<script type="text/javascript">
function Print(ReportServer, ReportParameters, ReportTitle ) {
RSClientPrint.MarginLeft = .5 * 25.4;
RSClientPrint.MarginTop = .5 * 25.4;
RSClientPrint.MarginRight = .5 * 25.4;
RSClientPrint.MarginBottom = .5 * 25.4;
RSClientPrint.Culture = 1033;
RSClientPrint.UICulture = 1033;
RSClientPrint.PageWidth = 11 * 25.4;
RSClientPrint.PageHeight = 8.5 * 25.4;
RSClientPrint.Authenticate = false;
RSClientPrint.Print(ReportServer, ReportParameters, ReportTitle);


<button onclick="Print('http://localhost/reportserver', '/SA/SA.Report.6.Print&SessionSession=[Session].[Session].[All]&UserUser=[User].[User].[All]&TerritoryIdentifier=[Territory].[Identifier].[All]&EmployeeActiveFlag=[Employee].[Active Flag].[All]&EmployeeIdentifier=[Employee].[Identifier].[All]', 'SA.Report.6');"/>

<button onclick="Print('http://localhost/reportserver', '/SA/SA.Report.6.Print&SessionSession=[Session].[Session].&[1]&UserUser=[User].[User].&[1]&[1]&TerritoryIdentifier=[Territory].[Identifier].[All]&EmployeeActiveFlag=[Employee].[Active Flag].[All]&EmployeeIdentifier=[Employee].[Identifier].&[3356953]', 'SA.Report.6');"/>



Nanda kumar R

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GP Fault When Using SSRS Print Icon RSClientPrint

Apr 8, 2008

I am getting a general protection fault when pressing the print icon in Reporting Services website.

Hi I found this article:

but I can't figure ou how to "remove" the RSClientPrint Class add-on in IE 6.

Why does something as simple as printing need to be an ActiveX control? There are all kinds of issues revolving around pushing this out using SMS for users without local admin permission.

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Rsclientprint Is Locking Up Systems Causing Reboot HELP

May 14, 2007

I am using SQL 2005 with reporting services, I have very basic reports, most users can print fine with the print icon in the toolbar, some users get the Blue screen and have to reboot. They have the rsclientprint.dll loaded in the browser, we have deleted it and reloaded, what do I do ?

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Report Toolbar Inactive - Suspect RsClientPrint ActiveX Problem

Mar 15, 2007


I€™m hoping someone might be able to help me.

I have a Development Machine running Windows XP Professional SP2, with SQL Server 2005 including Reporting Services. I am developing an ASP.NET application using VS 2005, and am including Server Side Reports from SQL Server. Everything is working well, except when viewing the Reports.

The Reports when viewed from Reporting Services€™ Report Manager or from within the ASP.NET application only display the first page of the report, displaying the total number of pages as 0. As well, most of the functions on the report toolbar appear to be disabled. This occurs for any report viewed, even sample reports such as the Adventure Works Samples.

The problem only occurs when viewed from within Internet Explorer on the Development Machine. To overcome the problem, I have upgraded SQLServer to SP2, and removed and reinstalled Internet Explorer, but it made no difference. It appears to be related to the rsClientPrint ActiveX addon which should have been installed when the print icon was first selected. It appears not to have installed properly, but up to that point everything worked OK. Selecting the Print icon (or any other icon) since nothing happens. I€™m guessing here, but I suspect that the rsClientPrint addon needs to be reinstalled, but I don€™t know how to go about it. It is not listed within IE addon (where it is on other machines connecting to the Development Machine), nor is it listed within the €œC:WindowsDownloaded Program Files€?. But it is not being downloaded when the Print Icon is selected. I have checked all the Security settings for the environment to ensure that ActiveX programs are downloaded, and everything appears to be in order.

Would anyone be familiar with this problem or have any suggestions on how to go about resolving it? Any help would be appreciated as it is causing significant problems. Strange though, the reports appear fine when viewed from within the Server Manager.

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Netscape And Firefox

Jun 26, 2007

When I open a .NET report viewer in Netscape or Firefox, the report is compressed to a small sliver on the left hand side of the screen. However, the report displays properly in Internet Explorer.

Is there special code that I have to put in place to get a report viewer to display properly in netscape or firefox?

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Firefox And Other Non-IE Browsers(again)

Mar 11, 2007

I've seen many posts about lack of non-IE browser compatibility, but still no solution (MyIEtab ISN'T a solution). The CSS fix solves it partially, but not completely, and the fix of putting a rectangle in the top is just a joke.

Currently my reports can't be browsed by Firefox and other Mac browsers, and that's going to be a stopper for further using of SSRS in the future in my company. I was expecting SP2 to do something about this, but it hasn't solved anything. I'm sure it's a very easy patch for MS, but by maintaining this (artificial?) limitation they're going to make us move from SSRS and even the full SQL Server stack for future projects.

Any other *real* solution, other than CSS and big rectangle in the top of the report?

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SSRS &&amp; FIREFOX - Pagination

Mar 6, 2008

I would like to know how to show all the records returned (upto 1000) in one single page on a web browser. I am able to get the required report in IE but in case of Firefox it hangs.

Did some test and found that Firefox is able to render a report of upto max 300 records in a single page without getting hanged but report is coming very slow. While you scroll the scroll bar it€™s moving with Jerks. with 200 records in a single page is not getting hanged but report is faster than 300 records display. But by 500 records Firefox hangs. I understand it might be depending on the hardware also but am not sure.

Can anybody give me a good solution to display upto 1000 records in a single page or if its a limitation, where can i get the documentation of it.

Thanks and regards
Niaz Khan

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Reports Rendered Bad In Firefox...

Jun 30, 2006

Because of some peculiar way of using CSS, the reports aren't rendered correctly in Firefox. I've tryed specifying different rendering options (html 4 for instance) but it didn't help. What are my options on this? I could use Webservices (SOAP) and wrap SSRS in a proxy, but I'd have to parse reports and extract the data and build my own presentation layer. This way I'd be missing half of the SSRS functionality. Any ideas?

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SSRS - Firefox Issues

Feb 20, 2007

Dear Friends,

I am facing the following issue in SSRS:

When SSRS report is viewed in Reportviewer control in FIREFOX browser, then Print,Zoom and Search tool bar icons are not displayed.

The same problem is also seen, when SSRS report is viewed using URL in Firefox browser.

When SSRS report is viewed using reportviewer control in IE browser, then All tool bar icons are displayed.
Following are the Toolbar icons displayed:
1. Search.
2. Next Prev Button
3. Print
4. Zoom
5. Export

But, when the same SSRS report is viewed using Reportviewer control in Firefox browser, then following toolbar icons are not displayed:
1. Print
2. Zoom
3. Search

I would appreciate any pointers to resolve this issue.

S Suresh

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Multi-Value Parameter And FireFox

Jul 6, 2007

I am experiencing a problem with the multi-value parameter dropdown in the ReportViewer when using FireFox, but in IE it seems to work fine. The symptom is when I click on the dropdown the list of options appears and then quickly disappears before I can select anything and I only experience the problem with multi-value parameters. I also have noticed that the dropdown is grayed out but I can still click it. Also, the position of the dropdown options are different in FireFox (pushed all the way to the left). I have created a very basic example at to demonstrate the problem. There is no report, only the single "Orgs" parameter to keep things as simple as possible.

I suspect that I am missing something obvious because I haven't been able to find anyone else reporting this issue so any help would be appreciated. My ReportView control is configured as follows:

Code Snippet

<rsweb:ReportViewer ID="ReportViewer1" runat="server" AsyncRendering="False" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" Height="400px" ProcessingMode="Remote" Width="400px">

<ServerReport ReportPath="/REG_Report/testreport" ReportServerUrl="" />

</< FONT>rsweb:ReportViewer>

The report code is as follows:

Code Snippet

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Report xmlns="" xmlns:rd="">


<DataSource Name="Members">








<ReportParameter Name="Organizations2">






















<DataSet Name="Organizations">





<QueryParameter Name="@orgID">







<Field Name="orgID">




<Field Name="orgName">












Any help wpuld be greatly appreciated.

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Reporting Services And Firefox

Sep 11, 2007


I am using calendar control to get a date range in a report which is viewed in a aspx page (inside a master page) using reportviewer.

works fine in IE. but the calendar vanishes within 2 secs in firefox and opera browsers.

thanks in advance

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Text Overlapping In Firefox Preview

Aug 20, 2007


The firefox preview comes totally messed up.One line overlapping over the other

In my report i have a table in which a row has 5 text boxes.
the 3rd and 5th text box has can grow property set to true.
i have tried placing the text boxes into rectangles but no help there.
the text in that row still over laps .
does anyone have any other fix for this?


View 1 Replies View Related Configurater Wants FIREFOX ! How Do I Delfult Back IE

Apr 25, 2008

Im on WHS 2003 using Visual Wev b Devloper 2005 express edition. I was using Firefox in RDC because IE is so cut back for WHS2003 anyway. Reconfigured IE security settings and uninstalled Firefox. I'm using a step by step tutatorial to build a web page. WHen I click on Website from WWD and go to configuration it want FIrefox. I spent hours looking for file assocation, tool box's and am just plain lost. Can anyone tell me how to get IE back. OH ya XP Pro 4 months new and the error message is :Could not Launch C:programfilesmozillafirefox Path not found. SO the whole program stops at this point Ive unistalled all prorams and used differant file names second time around and luck it want FIrefox

Thanks Rick.

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Bad Alignment Issue In Firefox Browser

Sep 22, 2007

Hi ,

Report when displayed in firefox browser the alignment is disturbed alot.
But when same report is viewed in IE browser its working fine.

Thanx in advance.

Thanks & Regards,

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FireFox, Squished Columns, New Info

Nov 27, 2007

Sorry, but I am returning to Firefox browser and the squished fields. While running under VS-TFS and developing a web application, I view my report with Cassini back-end server (debug/F5). I cut and paste the URL line into Firefox. The report views just fine. I deploy the report to the web site and now the same report viewing with Firefox exhibits the famous squished columns (wow). If I understand this correctly, this would indicate that the problem is not Firefox but IIS rendering. What are your feelings?

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More Browser Support For Safari And Firefox???

Jan 31, 2007

When I try to run a simple table report using Safari or Firefox the experience is less than stellar.

Using Safari the report never returns, basically the pag body is blank.

Using Firefox the table layout is very compressed.

Anything changes in the works to allow the reporting server to be used by non IE browser.

We run in a multi-platform environment and need the multiple browser support.



SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

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SSRS Report In Firefox Browser Is A Mess --- Please Help

Mar 2, 2007


i have a SSRS report where matrix is embedded into table.

when i view the deployed report in IE, it works fine

But when i view the report in FIREFOX browser.. the report for toss..

the alignment of the report is completely screwed up :-(

My client badly requires Firefox support for all their reports

Any suggestion and help would be appreciated


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Reporting Services :: Page Navigation In FireFox

Jul 31, 2015

I am facing this issue  In Fire Fox browser .When I click the Page Navigation Button , The Page Refreshes , but it not  Navigating to the next or previous page .How ever It is working fine all other browsers . 
<rsweb:ReportViewer ID="ReportViewer1" runat="server" ProcessingMode="Remote" Width="100%" Heigh="100%"  SizeToReportContent="true"  AsyncRendering="false" >
                <ServerReport ReportServerUrl="" />

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Deployed Report Only Showing 2 Inches On Web Page With FireFox

Feb 4, 2008

When I deploy a report, and then browse to it with FireFox, I only see 2 inces of the report. I can scroll through the entire report, but only see the 2 inch window's worth at any time.

Its like the html element the report gets put into has a hard coded height, and doesnt auto size to show the eintire report.

It works fine with IE, but we are a FireFox shop.

Anyone know how to fix this?

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Please Help Me Soon Its Orgent(issue Related To Rendering Problem In Matrix In Firefox)

Nov 21, 2007

Hii Everybody
i have a report which has two matrix placed in the table group header rows.
so when the matrix gives lots of data ,its coming proper in IE but its not rendering properly in firefox.
anyone can help me please.

Thanks in advance

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Print Search Button Not Visible In Reportviewer Control In Firefox

Sep 27, 2007

Dear Friends,

I am facing the following issue in SSRS:

When SSRS report is viewed in Reportviewer control in FIREFOX browser, then Print,Zoom and Search tool bar icons are not displayed.

The same problem is also seen, when SSRS report is viewed using URL in Firefox browser.

When SSRS report is viewed using reportviewer control in IE browser, then All tool bar icons are displayed.
Following are the Toolbar icons displayed:
1. Search.
2. Next Prev Button
3. Print
4. Zoom
5. Export

But, when the same SSRS report is viewed using Reportviewer control in Firefox browser, then following toolbar icons are not displayed:
1. Print
2. Zoom
3. Search

I would appreciate any pointers to resolve this issue.

S Suresh

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Print Search Button Not Visible In Reportviewer Control In Firefox

Sep 27, 2007

Dear Friends,

I am facing the following issue in SSRS:

When SSRS report is viewed in Reportviewer control in FIREFOX browser, then Print,Zoom and Search tool bar icons are not displayed.

The same problem is also seen, when SSRS report is viewed using URL in Firefox browser.

When SSRS report is viewed using reportviewer control in IE browser, then All tool bar icons are displayed.
Following are the Toolbar icons displayed:
1. Search.
2. Next Prev Button
3. Print
4. Zoom
5. Export

But, when the same SSRS report is viewed using Reportviewer control in Firefox browser, then following toolbar icons are not displayed:
1. Print
2. Zoom
3. Search

I would appreciate any pointers to resolve this issue.


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Reporting Services :: SSRS - Zoom And Print Control Not Visible In IE11 / Firefox And Chrome

Jan 22, 2015

It seems the features are disabled when using any of the above because of compatibility issues with scripting/ActiveX not being properly supported by the FireFox and Chrome.

I believe the control determines the browser you are using is not IE and will not render the controls to prevent unexpected behavior because if the lack of ActiveX support. This can be seen when you compare the HTML of a page using IE8 and that of either IE11, FF, Chrome you'll see that the HTML for a zoom drop down control will show up in the IE8 browser and not in the others.

As for IE11 it presents itself as a Mozilla browser. eg: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" so when the control see's this it wont generate any of the controls believing the browser can't support it, even though IE11 should certainly be capable of doing so. I wanted to know if this is correct and if this is a bug?

Browser Support for ReportViewer "The ReportViewer Web server control is used to embed report functionality in an ASP.NET Web application. The type of browser used to view the application determines the kind of functionality that you can provide in a report. Use the table provided in this topic to find out which of the supported browsers are subject to report functionality restrictions."

The page mentions that the following wont be supported by other browsers The following features are not supported in third-party browsers:

Document mapSearching within the reportZoomFixed table headersThe progress indicator for report processing (a green spinning wheel) is not available for server reports, or for locally processed reports that are configured for asynchronous processing.

<rsweb:ReportViewer ID="ReportViewer1" runat="server" Visible="true" Height="100%" ShowZoomControl="True" ShowPrintButton="True"
Width="100%" ProcessingMode="Remote" ShowCredentialPrompts="False" ShowParameterPrompts="False"
DocumentMapCollapsed="False" ShowBackButton="True" ShowRefreshButton="False" InteractivityPostBackMode="AlwaysSynchronous"
ShowExportControls="False" BackColor="#c4dcfb" AsyncRendering="false" WaitMessageFont-Names="Verdana" WaitMessageFont-Size="14pt"SplitterBackColor="#C4DCFB" ShowDocumentMapButton="True" DocumentMapWidth="20%">

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Firefox In Mac Fails To Render Scrollbar In The Multi-value Parameter Dropdown List Generated By ReportViewer.

Mar 10, 2008

Our clients working with the Firefox browser on a Mac are unable to use the Multi-Value parameter drop down lists that the Report Viewer control generates. Of course I realize that the multi-select dropdown lists are not really dropdown option lists using the standard HTML select tag, but are rather tables within div tags with cells that contain spans, inputs, and labels.

Originally the report viewer displayed these lists in the wrong position within Firefox on any platform (Mac or PC). Furthermore, there were other visibility problems with those lists that made it virtually impossible to select a checkbox within the list. Fortunately, Microsoft fixed this problem with the latest version of Report Viewer, which we downloaded from the following link:

So currently we have SQL Reporting Services Report Viewer 9.0.21022.8 installed on our web server. And the dropdown lists do appear as expected, and they work properly in Firefox on a PC.

But, when the control is rendered in Firefox on a Mac, the list is not scrollable. The scroll bar that should appear on the right-hand side of the dropdown list, which would enable users to select values toward the bottom of the list, does not appear. That scrollbar is missing in Firefox.

This is likely related to a Firefox rendering issue with the overflow:auto style. There are numerous entries on the web that indicate Firefox for Mac has a problem with overflow:auto. For example:

That being the case, it seems that there should be some workaround to address this, either via a style or through some alternate control. Or perhaps there is a property that we can apply to the ReportViewer control that I'm unaware of which addresses this.

If you know of a workaround, or can suggest an alternate approach that we could implement quickly, please respond. Thanks.

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