Repost : Using Forms With Sql Server

Jul 23, 2005


Does anyone know of any packages that you can create a form and via a
ODBC connection save the data to a table ?

If it is possible to compile the form as I don't want clients to change
the forms ?

Any idea/thoughts would be most welcome ?


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REPOST: New SQL Server Registration Failure

Feb 23, 2004


I have 3 SQL Servers running here. Here are their configurations:

OS: Windows 2000 SP 4
SQL: SQL Server 2000 SP 4

OS: Windows 2000 SP 4
SQL: SQL Server 2000 SP 4

OS: Windows XP Professionnal
SQL: SQL Server 2000 SP 3

Now, as you can see, SERVER 1 and SERVER 2 have identical configurations. Plus, both will accept Windows Authentication and SQL Authentication.

If I try to add a new Registration from SERVER 3 to SERVER 1, it works fine but from SERVER 3 to SERVER 2 it doesn't. I always get an error (SQL Server does not exist or access denied). But, using the exact same user name and password, a connection can be established from SERVER 1 to SERVER 2 and vice-versa. Only when trying to connect froms SERVER 3 to SERVER 2 fails.

Any ideas?



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Autogrow Of File 'FORMS' In Database 'FORMS' Cancelled Or Timed Out After 30547 Ms.

Jun 26, 2007


I'm getting the below error message:

Autogrow of file 'FORMS' in database 'FORMS' cancelled or timed out after 30547 ms. Use ALTER DATABASE to set a smaller FILEGROWTH or to set a new size.

FORMS.LDF file is 7613952 KBand the growth is 512MB .

By how much should I set the filegrowth? The users are complaining that the application is freezing on them.

This is sqlserver 2000.

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CD -- RePost

Aug 4, 2006

I posted the following back in May and received the reply below.

I asked again in July, but got no response so I assume that wasn't the way to handle it ...

So -- here is the RePost & Reply.

Question is still open: Is the CD ready yet ?/



Can I get: SQL Express with Advanced Services on a CD (or DVD)

I'm on DialUp so a download would take 24hr+.

I was able to get the MS .NET Framework 2.0 on DVD because an MVP took pity on me and was kind enough to give me the "Secret" URL to the correct Order Desk.

I'm hoping one of you knows the URL for this CD/DVD



Hi Roger,

We're working on CD images for SQL Server Express with Advanced Services in all the languages that SQL Server usually ships in. The English version is in final testing and should be available in a couple of weeks.


Lead Program Manager, Microsoft SQL Server Storage Engine

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T-SQL XML Experience??? (repost)

Nov 14, 2007

Hi all,
I have posted a thread on the XML forum but its not getting much traction there so I'm posting a link to it from here hoping that more people will pick it up. Hope that's OK.

I have a problem with a T-SQL query involving XML that is taking FAR too long to run.


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Repost Along With DDL's And Sample Data.

Mar 6, 2007

Here’s a more in depth breakdown of my problem:

We have 4 regions, currently we only have 3 servers in the field, and therefore only 3 regional id’s are being used to store the actual data of the pbx. The central server (RegionalID = 0) is holding the data for itself and the 4th region until the new server is deployed.
It now has to be deployed and therefore the data migration for this region has to take place.
I am trying to extract all the data for this 4th region (RegionalID= 1) from the central server database from all the relevant tables.
When doing this I will firstly, have to check that the CallerID is valid, if it is, send that entry along with the result set, if it is not valid, Check that the dongle area code is valid, if dongle area is valid select with the result set, and if it is not valid, then check that RegionalDialup = ‘0800003554’ which is the dialup number for this 4th region (RegionalID = 1).

I have a table named lnkPBXUser which contains the following:

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[lnkPBXUser]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[lnkPBXUser]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[lnkPBXUser] (
[RegionalID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[pbxID] [decimal](18, 0) NOT NULL ,
[userID] [decimal](18, 0) NOT NULL

Sample data:
INSERT INTO lnkPBXUser(RegionalID, pbxID, userID)
SELECT 0, 10961, 6 UNION ALL
SELECT 0, 1012, 17 UNION ALL
SELECT 0, 16499, 26 UNION ALL
SELECT 0, 14061, 36 UNION ALL
SELECT 0, 16499, 2

I have a table named tblDialupLog which has 20 columns, I have selected only the columns I am interested in (below):

PBXID DailupDT DongleAccessNum CLI RegionalID RegionalDialup
83 8/8/2006 8:58:11 AM T2 UQ 28924 0132493700 0 0800003554
543 8/8/2006 8:55:44 AM T0 UA 33902 0123623500 0 0800003554
1219 8/8/2006 8:59:03 AM T3 ZD 02031 0152958095 0 0800003554
1012 8/8/2006 9:02:54 AM T0 UA 41261 0173011050 0 0800003554
1331 8/8/2006 8:59:57 AM T0 UA 01938 0124604627 0 0800003554
1979 8/8/2006 9:02:52 AM T0 UA 09836 0163751210 0 0800003554
1903 8/8/2006 8:58:41 AM T0 UA 26009 0147175356 0 0800003554
1522 8/8/2006 8:58:54 AM T3 MB 94595 0573912871 0 0800004249
319 8/8/2006 8:51:28 AM T2 ZD 32892 0543375100 0 0800004249
3270 8/8/2006 9:04:26 AM T2 MB 87331 0 0800004249

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tblDialupLog]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[tblDialupLog]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblDialupLog] (
[RegionalID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[PBXID] [int] NULL ,
[DialupDT] [datetime] NULL ,
[DongleAccessNum] [varchar] (64) NULL ,
[CLI] [varchar] (64) NULL ,
[RegionalDialup] [varchar] (50) NULL

Sample data:
INSERT INTO tblDialupLog(PBXID,DailupDT ,DongleAccessNum,CLI,RegionalID,RegionalDialup )
SELECT 83,'8/8/2006 8:58:11 AM' ,'T2 UQ 28924','0132493700',0 , '0800003554' UNION ALL
SELECT 543,'8/8/2006 8:55:44 AM','T0 UA 33902','0123623500',0,'0800003554' UNION ALL
SELECT 1012, '8/8/2006 9:02:54 AM', 'T0 UA 41261', '0173011050', 0 ,'0800003554' UNION ALL
SELECT 1219, '8/8/2006 8:59:03 AM' ,'T3 ZD 02031', '0152958095', 0,'0800003554' UNION ALL
SELECT 16499, '8/8/2006 8:51:28 AM', 'T2 ZD 32892', '0543375100', 0, '0800004249'

You see that the DongleAccessNumber is actually made up of three parts, and it is the middle part (ie.UQ) which i will use to check that the tbldongleArea.DongleAreaCode is valid for that region

I have a table named tblCodes, it contains all regions but I only need to select the codes for RegionalID 1 :

CodeID RegionalID ExtName SubsNDCD LocCD UpdateStatus RegionDesc

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tblCodes]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[tblCodes]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblCodes] (
[CodeID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[RegionalID] [int] NULL ,
[ExtName] [varchar] (64) NULL ,
[SubsNDCD] [varchar] (10) NULL ,
[LocCD] [varchar] (64) NULL ,
[UpdateStatus] [int] NULL ,
[RegionDesc] [varchar] (255) NULL

Sample Data:

INSERT INTO tblCodes(CodeID ,RegionalID ,ExtName , SubsNDCD ,LocCD ,UpdateStatus,RegionDesc)
SELECT 7977,1, 'PRETORIA', '017', '3015', 0,'NORTH EASTERN REGION'

I have a table named tblDongleArea which contains the following (below only shows dongle area codes for the fourth region( RegionalID = 1):

AreaID RegionalID DongleAreaCode AreaDesc UpdateStatus
12 1 UA Oumashoop 0
13 1 UB Pietersburg 0
14 1 UC Warmbad 0 1
15 1 UD Nylstroom 0
16 1 UE Potgietersrus 0
27 1 UF Louis Trichardt 0
28 1 UG Messina 0

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tblDongleArea]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[tblDongleArea]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblDongleArea] (
[AreaID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[RegionalID] [int] NULL ,
[DongleAreaCode] [varchar] (5) NULL ,
[AreaDesc] [varchar] (64) NULL ,
[UpdateStatus] [int] NULL

Sample Data:
INSERT INTO tblDongleArea(AreaID,RegionalID,DongleAreaCode,AreaDesc,UpdateStatus)
SELECT 12,1, 'UA', Oumashoop, 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 13, 1, 'UB', 'Pietersburg', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 14, 1 ,'UC' ,'Warmbad', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 15, 1, 'UD', 'Nylstroom', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 16, 1, 'UE', 'Potgietersrus', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 27, 1, 'UF', 'Louis Trichardt', 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 28, 1, 'UG', 'Messina', 0

I have a table named tblRegionalNumbers which contains the following, as you can see the RegionalDialup for the fourth region = 0800003554:

RegionalID RegionalDialup Region UpdateStatus RegionCode LocalRegion
1 0800003554 North Eastern 0 1 0
2 0800005027 Gauteng 0 2 0
3 0800006194 Eastern 0 3 0
4 0800004249 Central 0 4 0
5 0800201859 Southern 0 5 0
6 0800201989 Western 0 6 0
7 0800113515 HO 1 0 1
8 0800222204 Tellumat 0 7 0

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tblRegionNumbers]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[tblRegionNumbers]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblRegionNumbers] (
[RegionalID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[RegionalDialup] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
[Region] [varchar] (64) NULL ,
[UpdateStatus] [int] NULL ,
[RegionCode] [int] NULL ,
[LocalRegion] [int] NULL ,

INSERT INTO tblRegionNumbers(RegionalID ,RegionalDialup,Region,UpdateStatus,RegionCode,LocalRegion)
SELECT 1,'0800003554', 'North Eastern', 0, 1, 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 2, '0800005027' ,'Gauteng', 0 ,2, 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 3, '0800006194','Eastern', 0, 3, 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 4, '0800004249' ,'Central', 0, 4, 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 5, '0800201859','Southern', 0 ,5, 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 6, '0800201989' ,'Western' 0, 6, 0 UNION ALL
SELECT 0, '0800113515', 'HO', 1, 0, 1 UNION ALL
SELECT 8, '0800222204', 'Tellumat', 0, 7, 0

Ok, I am dealing with the lnkPBXUser table at the moment,

I need to be able to join lnkPBXUser and tblDialupLog, then compare tblDialupLog.CLI to tblCodes.SubsNDCD + tblCodes.LocCD (when these two columns are concatenated the result will only be a substring of tblDialupLog.CLI. (this is to make sure that the CLI exists in tblCodes.)

If it does exist, then it is part of the fourth region and should be returned in the result set.

If it does not exist, I then need to check that tblDongle.DongleAreaCode is a substring of tblDialupLog.DongleAccessNumber.

If it is a valid DongleAreaCode for that region, then it is part of the fourth region and should be returned in the result set.

If it does not exist, I then need to check that tblDialupLog.RegionalNumber = ‘080003554’.

So from the above tables an expected result would be:

RegionalID pbxID userID
0 1012 17
0 543 2

Please assist, it would be greatly appreciated.

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Repost: DTS -- Insert Into Oracle Is SLOW. Any Tips?

Dec 16, 2001

Originally posted by Jeremy at 12/10/2001 11:39:38 AM

Hello all,

I've written a simple dts job that uses oracle (8.x) as a source and oracle (8.x) as a destination. I'm using SQL 2000 and Microsoft's oledb provider for oracle as the two connections. I've chosen "Transform Data Task" with the following SQL "SELECT * FROM REPORTER_STATUS
WHERE LASTOCCURRENCE > TRUNC(SYSDATE)". As you can see, it's very simple, however it's very very very slow. (averages about 1000 rows per minute). In my column transformations, I've selected many to many versus the one to one. There are no activex scripts or anything along those lines. Just a simple push of the data from one oracle box to the other. The table schemas are identical etc... I've had this problem before with writing to Oracle and I can't imagine that it's really supposed to be this slow. If you need more details, please just let me know.

Thank you,


-----------------------------More -------------------------------

The official response from microsoft is that dts only allows for single inserts... not bulk or bcp for oracle. There must be someone out there who has figured out how to configure / modify / call (something) from a dts pacakage to insert millions of records into Oracle in a decent time frame...

thnx again..

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Repost: 00000 Display On Upgrade To Windows XP

Jul 20, 2005

I posted this under 'microsoft.public.sqlserver.client' but got no reply.Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated---------------------I developed a database under SQL Server 2000, with Access 2000 on Windows2000 as client. This had been running fine for several years. The client isnow upgrading to Windows XP, and has come across a display problem on thereports. The figures are correct but are now displayed with lots of trailingzeros e.g365.00000I have built a test system but cannot duplicate the problem :-( . Also theproblem varies between computers, and even between different users on thesame computer. One solution that seems to work is to explicitly cast alloutput from the server e.g.CAST ( TonsLoaded AS INT) TonsLoadedbut this is a pita since there are 141 stored procedures.Has anyone seen this problem? I haven't found anything in the newsgroups orany Knowlege Base article. It looks like it is to do with Windows XP as theclient ...David

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Truncate All Raw Files In A Given Folder (Repost As Requested)

Mar 30, 2007

I am looking for a way to truncate raw files without losing the metadata. The metadata of the raw file should be automatically detected at run-time. The result will be a raw file with the same metadata as the original file, but no data in it.

There are two reasons I would like such a tool. First, I want to erase the potentially sensitive data stored in the raw files. Second, I want to keep Validation enabled so that development is simpler.

Is anyone aware of such a tool?


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Repost!: Extract Data Meeting Specific Criteria.

Mar 5, 2007

Here’s a more in depth breakdown of my problem:

We have 4 regions, currently we only have 3 servers in the field, and therefore only 3 regional id’s are being used to store the actual data of the pbx. The central server (RegionalID = 0) is holding the data for itself and the 4th region until the new server is deployed.
It now has to be deployed and therefore the data migration for this region has to take place.
I am trying to extract all the data for this 4th region (RegionalID= 1) from the central server database from all the relevant tables.
When doing this I will firstly, have to check that the CallerID is valid, if it is not valid, then check that RegionalDialup = ‘0800003554’ which is the dialup number for this 4th region (RegionalID = 1).

I have a table named lnkPBXUser which contains the following:

RegionalID pbxID userID
0 1012 17
0 543 2
0 10961 6
0 16499 26
0 14061 36
0 15882 2
4 15101 6
4 15101 26
6 16499 2
6 16012 26

I have a table named tblDialupLog which has 20 columns, I have selected only the columns I am interested in (below):

PBXIDDailupDT DongleAccessNum CLI RegionalID RegionalDialup
838/8/2006 8:58:11 AM T2 UQ 28924 013249370000800003554
5438/8/2006 8:55:44 AM T0 UA 33902 012362350000800003554
12198/8/2006 8:59:03 AM T3 ZD 02031 015295809500800003554
10128/8/2006 9:02:54 AM T0 UA 41261 017301105000800003554
13318/8/2006 8:59:57 AM T0 UA 01938 012460462700800003554
19798/8/2006 9:02:52 AM T0 UA 09836 016375121000800003554
19038/8/2006 8:58:41 AM T0 UA 26009 014717535600800003554
15228/8/2006 8:58:54 AM T3 MB 94595 057391287100800004249
3198/8/2006 8:51:28 AM T2 ZD 32892 054337510000800004249
32708/8/2006 9:04:26 AM T2 MB 8733100800004249

I have a table named tblCodes, it contains all regions but I only need to select the codes for RegionalID 1 :

CodeIDRegionalID ExtName SubsNDCDLocCDUpdateStatusRegionDesc
I have a table named tblDongleArea which contains the following (below only shows dongle area codes for the fourth region( RegionalID = 1):

271UFLouis Trichardt0

I have a table named tblRegionalNumbers which contains the following, as you can see the RegionalDialup for the fourth region = 0800003554:

RegionalID RegionalDialupRegionUpdateStatusRegionCodeLocalRegion
10800003554North Eastern010

Ok, I am dealing with the lnkPBXUser table at the moment,

I need to be able to join lnkPBXUser and tblDialupLog, then compare tblDialupLog.CLI to tblCodes.SubsNDCD + tblCodes.LocCD (when these two columns are concatenated the result will only be a substring of tblDialupLog.CLI. (this is to make sure that the CLI exists in tblCodes.)

If it does exist, then it is part of the fourth region and should be returned in the result set.

If it does not exist, I then need to check that tblDongle.DongleAreaCode is a substring of tblDialupLog.DongleAccessNumber.

If it is a valid DongleAreaCode for that region, then it is part of the fourth region and should be returned in the result set.

If it does not exist, I then need to check that tblDialupLog.RegionalNumber = ‘080003554’.

So from the above tables an expected result would be:

RegionalID pbxID userID
0 1012 17
0 543 2

Please assist, it would be greatly appreciated.

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Connecting SQL Server With Oracle Forms 9i/10g

Dec 7, 2007

Could anyone please guide me in detail to connect Oracle Forms 9i/10g with MS SQL Server database?

To connect with Oracle Database, we need to copy and paste the tnsnames.ora file from the Oracle Database folder to the Oracle Forms folder.

But how do i connect with other databases like SQL Server, MS Access, and so on?

Thanks in advance.

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Connecting SQL Server With Oracle Forms 9i/10g

Dec 7, 2007

Could anyone please guide me in detail to connect Oracle Forms 9i/10g with MS SQL Server database?
To connect with Oracle Database, we need to copy and paste the tnsnames.ora file from the Oracle Database folder to the Oracle Forms folder.
But how do i connect with other databases like SQL Server, MS Access, and so on?
Thanks in advance.

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HELP! New Guy Trying To Use SQL Server Express With ADP For Reports And Forms

Nov 11, 2007

Please forgive my ignorance here. I'm reading as many of the For Dummy and IDIOT's guides as I can. So far, I must brag and say, I've done fairly well. (For a beginner)

Hopefully, this is an easy problem to fix, or at least to explain where I'm going wrong. This is as stripped out as I can make it:

- Using Access Database Project files to provide forms and reports for Customer Service Reps over a Windows network while using SQL Server 2005 Express as my engine.
- I am using a simple combo box in the Access form to allow CSRs to type in a job number and therefore find and fill in related info to the visible fields.
- This used to work when Jet was my database engine. Now, I receive an error, stating "The expression After Update you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost.
In asterks it says, The expresion may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [Event Procedure]. There may have been an error evaluationg the function, event, or macro.

I don't care how I get it done, I just want this simple feature to work again, so my CSRs will quit hounding me.
PLEASE HELP! Keep in mind, I don't know Visual Basic or T-SQL very well.



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SQL Server Insert And All Other Through Windows Forms

Apr 30, 2008

I have a form where user input the data and onclick it has to be saved in to the database and dnt want to write on button click inser into table ................ i Want to write a function where i can take table name and columns data how can this be done please its urgent .........Same i want for update,delete etc? please

Avinash desai

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Forms To View / Edit / Submit To Server

Nov 5, 2013

Currently, I have a set of data that is available on a SQL Server. I want to be able to display the information in the front-end (ie. Access form, excel, webpage?), and if the user wants to edit any information they may do so and with a click of a button, submits to the sql server.

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SQL SERVER User Interface Through ACCESS Forms

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I would like to know if it is possible to create a form in Access2000,which would function like a calendar for 8 operating rooms inhospital, showing which hours are those closed for a specific date.For this intersection I would like to be appeared the name of thedoctor, the name of the patient and the kind of operation.Furthemore I would like this intersection to be marked in the calendarwith a colour, showing that this room is closed for that time.The data for this form are going to be extracted from a table storedin SQL Server 2000.Generally the whole application is stored in SQL Server( storedprocedures, tables, diagrams etc.)1)How this can be done? Is this going to be through VB or not? Can Imake a template in Excel spreadsheet put it in a formand apply code on it?I would like also to make forms(in Access) for user-entry data thatwill use stored procedures of SQL Server with pushing the OK button.The stored procedures would take as arguments the user-entry data fromtheforms.I thought to make a pass-through query which would use a VB functionand would take as arguments the user's valuesand after would pass these values in the stored procedures.2)Can this be done through the pass-through query, that is SqlServer "understands" VB or better Access pass-through query processthe VB commands before be connected with the Sql Server?What do you think of this as an idea?My problem is that I really don't know how to combine VB code withTransact Sql code.Can you give an example or any ideas where I can find the relativeinformation?Thanks you in advance.

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Windows Forms - How To Use SQL Server Express Database In Production

Feb 11, 2008

I have a windows forms application that I would like to put in production on several machines. Each machine will contain it's own data and does not need to be networked.

I can use my local connection right now to access the data, but I would like to change my connection so that it will work when installed on a client's machine.

My Current connection string looks like this:

Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="C:Documents and SettingsMYNAMEMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsInterimApplicationInterimApplicationInterim.mdf";Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True

I believe I could use something like this:

Dim connectionString as string = "Data Source=" & Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) & "/InterimApplication/data/Interim.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"

However, I am not sure. Also, if the client does not install to the default directory, then this may cause the application to not work properly.

Lastly, I am not sure if the client machine needs any additional software on their computer in order for the application to be capable of connecting to the data source.

Any recommendations, ideas, comments, or general help is greatly appreciated.

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Unable To Connect To Remote Report Server From Windows Forms App

Jan 14, 2008

Hello Everyone,

I have a Report Server setup on my laptop (XP Pro SP2). I have developed a report which I would like to view from a Windows Forms Application (VB.NET) using a ReportViewer. When I try it from the local machine it works correctly, but if I try to connect and preview the same report from my other PC (Vista Home Premium) I am getting the "Unable to connect to the remote server. A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because the connected host failed to respond." error.

I have setup the Processing mode to Remote and correctly setup the ReportPath and ReportServerUrl using:

With rptRetEmp
.ProcessingMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ProcessingMode.Remote
.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = New Uri("")
.ServerReport.ReportPath = "/CPM_Reports/Test"
End With

Where CPMReports is the Report Server virtual directory and CPM_Reports is the folder where the report Test resides.

I do not know if this has anything to do with the fact that Vista Home does not have Report Services enabled or it is just a permissions problem. I have red several posts that describe similiar problems, but I could not find a solution.

Thank you for your help.

Daniel D.

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RS2005: ReportManager And Forms Authentication : The Report Server Is Not Responding

Nov 10, 2006


Sorry for the long post but I'll try to give a maximum of information.

I've tried to implement Form Authentication for Reporting Services. Right now, just about everything works as I would hope for, i.e.:

When I try to access http://<server>/ReportServer$SQLSERVER_2005, I am redirected to the authentication form.
When successfully authenticated, I can access the report
I can display reports throught the ReportViewer Web control by passing the authentication cookie.

(Note: My implementation of Form Authentication was inspired by which seems similar to Microsoft Sample)

(The $SQLSERVER_2005 suffix is because SQL Server 2000 is also installed on the server, but I don't think Reporting Services 2000 is installed)

There is one thing which does not work however and it is the Report Manager.

When I try to access http://<server>/Reports$SQLSERVER_2005, I would expect to be redirected to the /Pages/UILogon.aspx page. Instead, I get an error page with the following message:

"The report server is not responding. Verify that the report server is running and can be accessed from this computer."

Both ReportServer and Reports are on the same server, both have the same security on the folder and in IIS (6.0), both have Anonymous security access "checked".

If I revert to the old .config files (prior to my modifications for Form Authentication) and remove Anonymous from IIS for both sites, everything works fine (like it did after the installation).

Here are excerpts from the config files I've modified in ReportManager:




Description="This code group grants MyComputer code Execution permission. ">
Zone="MyComputer" />


<identity impersonate="false" />

Here is the content of the log ReportServerWebApp_*.log (see error in bold):

<Product>Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 9.00.1399.00</Product>
<TimeZone>Eastern Standard Time</TimeZone>
<Path>C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting ServicesLogFilesReportServerWebApp__11_10_2006_08_32_34.log</Path>
<OSName>Microsoft Windows NT 5.2.3790 Service Pack 1</OSName>
w3wp!library!5!11/10/2006-08:32:35:: i INFO: Initializing MaxActiveReqForOneUser to '20' requests(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!5!11/10/2006-08:32:35:: i INFO: Initializing MaxScheduleWait to default value of '1' second(s) because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!5!11/10/2006-08:32:35:: i INFO: Initializing DatabaseQueryTimeout to default value of '30' second(s) because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!5!11/10/2006-08:32:35:: i INFO: Initializing ProcessRecycleOptions to default value of '0' because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!5!11/10/2006-08:32:35:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsScavengerCycle to default value of '30' second(s) because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!5!11/10/2006-08:32:35:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsDbCycle to default value of '30' second(s) because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!5!11/10/2006-08:32:35:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsAge to default value of '30' second(s) because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!5!11/10/2006-08:32:35:: i INFO: Initializing CleanupCycleMinutes to default value of '10' minute(s) because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!5!11/10/2006-08:32:35:: i INFO: Initializing DailyCleanupMinuteOfDay to default value of '120' minutes since midnight because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!5!11/10/2006-08:32:35:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonFlags to default value of '1064' because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!5!11/10/2006-08:32:35:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonDumpOnExceptions to default value of 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException,Microsoft.ReportingServices.Modeling.InternalModelingException' because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!5!11/10/2006-08:32:35:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonDumpExcludeIfContainsExceptions to default value of 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!5!11/10/2006-08:32:35:: i INFO: Initializing SecureConnectionLevel to default value of '1' because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!5!11/10/2006-08:32:35:: i INFO: Initializing DisplayErrorLink to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!5!11/10/2006-08:32:35:: i INFO: Initializing WebServiceUseFileShareStorage to default value of 'False' because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!ui!5!11/10/2006-08:32:39:: e ERROR: The report server is not responding. Verify that the report server is running and can be accessed from this computer.
w3wp!ui!5!11/10/2006-08:32:39:: e ERROR: HTTP status code --> 500
Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.Global+RSWebServiceWrapper+CantCommunicateWithReportServerException: The report server is not responding. Verify that the report server is running and can be accessed from this computer.

at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.Global.RSWebServiceWrapper.GetSecureMethods()

at Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005.RSConnection.IsSecureMethod(String methodname)

at Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005.RSConnection.ValidateConnection()

at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.ReportingPage.EnsureHttpsLevel(HttpsLevel level)

at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.ReportingPage.ReportingPage_Init(Object sender, EventArgs args)

at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)

at System.Web.UI.Control.OnInit(EventArgs e)

at System.Web.UI.Page.OnInit(EventArgs e)

at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer)

at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
w3wp!ui!5!11/10/2006-08:32:40:: e ERROR: Exception in ShowErrorPage: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)
at System.Web.HttpResponse.End()
at System.Web.HttpServerUtility.Transfer(String path, Boolean preserveForm)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.ReportingPage.ShowErrorPage(String errMsg) at at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)
at System.Web.HttpResponse.End()
at System.Web.HttpServerUtility.Transfer(String path, Boolean preserveForm)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.ReportingPage.ShowErrorPage(String errMsg)

So that's it. Thanks for any help you can provide.


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Steps To Follow SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Forms Authentication

Oct 12, 2007

I need to know the steps on how to configure the SSRS Forms Authentication and its IIS Configuration. What specific Config Files should be modified?

i am using IIS 6.0, Windows Server 2003, SQL Server 2005.

Please help....

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Longhorn Server, WSSv3, SQL Express 2005 And Forms Auth Setup Issue

Jun 6, 2007

I seem to be having a strange problem with accessing the SQL Express database under the following configuration.

Install Longhorn Server Beta 2
Add WSS role, setup default site, everything seems to be working fine (using NTLM auth for the site). Content database clearly working fine to the embedded SQL Server Express.
Want to switch to Forms Based Authentication with SQL Membership Provider. Follow insructions for it and discover the following issues accessing the database:

aspnet_regsql (running locally on same box) fails and says it can't connect to the database
try using the surface area configuration tools to enable remote access/ protocols etc.
aspnet_regsql still fails and says it can't connect to the database
Install the SQL Management Studio Express - try connecting it to the databse to explore the tables etc.
SQL Management Studio Express fails to connect to the database
Try switching client config to connect via shared memory rather than over TCP/IP etc.
Still fails to connect to database
Try install a third party tool called MSSQL Maestro (does some similar things to SQL Management Express)
Lo and behold - MSSQL Maestro connects to the database just fine, can explore the tables etc. No problems.
Try aspnet_regsql again, try SQL management express again after doing lots of things (try restarts etc. restarts of services). No luck.

So I'm confused. WSS seems to connect to the SQL Express config database fine. MSSQL Maestro connects to the database fine and will allow me to explore it. Using the exact same host and database name (the WSS configured default) aspnet_regsql and SQL Management Studio express both fail with the exact same error.

EDIT: Some significant additional details:

- I have two databases .MICROSOFT#SSEE (which is the WSS default internal database) and .SQLEXPRESS (installed when I installed the rest of SQL Express to get the management tools etc.)

- I can connect to them both by command line with sqlcmd -S.MICROSOFT#SSEE and sqlcmd -S.SQLEXPRESS just fine. They're both running.

- I CAN connect to.SQLEXPRESS from SQL Management Express Studio, but I cannot connect to .MICROSOFT#SSEE

- A look at the error log, shows a line like the following about listening on the named pipe for SQLEXPRESS database, but I don't see a similar entry for the MICROSOFT#SSEE (even thought it's configured to do so in configuration manager...)

"Server local connection provider is ready to accept connection on [ \.pipeSQLLocalSQLEXPRESS ]."

- I've run SQL Management Express as administrator - no change

- The error I get is either error 26, or error 40 when using Shared Memory protocol

- I get the same error and error code from aspnet_regsql

Any suggestions? I'm stumped...

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Using Forms Authentication With The Report Viewer Control And SQL Server Reporting Services 2005

Jan 12, 2007

here is my error

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Logon failed. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.LogonFailedException: Logon failed. at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.RSCustomAuthentication.LogonUser(String userName, String password, String authority) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService.LogonUser(String userName, String password, String authority) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at .................

Please help me

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SSRS Forms Authentication Error:An Error Occurred While Attempting To Get The ReportServer Url. The RPC Server Is Unavailable. (

Apr 3, 2008

I have managed to get the Forms Authentication sample to work bu there is a hitch. I am running Report Server and Report Manager on the same(test) PC. I can logon to the Report Server without a problem but when I try logon from the UILogon.aspx page for Report Manager I receive the following error:

An error occurred while attempting to get the ReportServer Url. The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)
An error occurred while attempting to get the ReportServer Url. The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)An error occured while attempting to get the ReportServer Url. The RPC server is unavailable.(Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA).

I can register users which suggests that the page can connect to the database.

Any help???

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SQL Server Roles &&amp; ASP.NET 2.0 Forms Authentication Roles

Jun 16, 2006

Apologies if my post does not fit into this forum. I initially tried the SQL Server Data Access forum but I now think my question is more security related.

Is it possible for a web user who has been successfully authenticated with forms authentication to be authorised to use a SQL Server 2000 role depending on a particular ASP.NET 2.0 role that they have been authorised to use? I understand that that I can assign a SQL Server 2000 role to the ASPNET or NETWORK SERVICE account but this will grant access to anonymous web users to the database role. I can ensure that I only call stored procedures which access sensitive data in web pages that are in restricted by ASP.NET roles. However, it would be nice to also restrict stored procedures via the ASP.NET 2.0 Forms Authentication roles.

If this is not possible have you got any bright ideas how I could restrict access to stored procedures who are anonymous web users.

Many thanks,


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SQL Forms?

Dec 6, 2001

I have what I hope is a simple question for you all.

I have been volunteered to be our SQL admin. We've never used SQL here before. I've been studying it for a month or so now, but have unexpectedly been given a project for SQL 2000 with a deadline of next week. I have no problem with creating the database, the table, the view, and setting permissions. My problem is how best to have clients enter information. We don't want them to see previous days' information, or to see other users' information. They should enter their data only. We have a few managers who will look all at the data and perform queries. Can I give the users' a form for this? I'd rather not have them open enterprise manager and navigate through those screens; this will create a whole slew of training issues.

If someone could point me in the right direction on this, and maybe suggest a good reference manual, I'd appreciate it.


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SQL Forms?

Nov 21, 2005


as a previous user of Access, i was wondering if SQL Server provided any means of creating a Form through which I can enter in data to be stored in a table?


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GUI Forms In SQL

Feb 8, 2008

Is there any program out there that will let me create a form in SQL (simiar to a form in access)

Just so all at once i can display certain information with minimal input from myself. Kind of like a SQL GUI.


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Help Forms

Jul 20, 2005

The below stored procedure works. However, I am trying to use a text boxfrom a temp form for the where clause.WHERE Transactions.TransactionID = [forms]![form1]![text0]I even tried changing first line:Alter PROCEDURE S3 @TID varchar (255) = [forms]![form1]![text0]And changed last line to:WHERE Transactions.TransactionID = @TIDSo far, I haven't been able to have this parameter work from a temp formwith the parameter typed into the text0 box.any help here? I get ado error near "!" or something to that affect.this below is what does work fine:Alter PROCEDURE S3 @TID varchar (255)ASSELECT Transactions.TransactionID, Transactions.AccountID,Transactions.TransactionNumber, Transactions.TransactionDate,Transactions.TransactionDescription, Transactions.WithdrawalAmount,Transactions.DepositAmountFROM TransactionsWHERE Transactions.TransactionID = @TID

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Help! C# - Forms - Datasource

Mar 14, 2007

My god.All I want to do is post the contents of a web form to a database sql express 2005 or access using C#.  Why can I find nothing for this very simple process online?Can you tell I am totally frustrated? So lets say i have a few text fields and I want to click submit and have that entered into a table.  I use C# for code behind.  So I can do basic C# programming and I can to webforms with visual web developer 2005 dragging and dropping for textboxs and a button to the aspx page. But then the mystery begins for me.  How the hell do I simple post that form data to the table.  I understand connection string basics.  I aslo can design and create tables. But tying this all together is becoming a problem.  I don't want to use gridview formview detailview or any of that canned UI stuff.  I also don't understand VB and when I see VB examples they only cloud my already cloud ASP.NET world. Please help by posting examples, and maybe some links or books to add to my newbish collection. Thanks,Frank 

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SQL Insert + Web Forms

Jul 2, 2007

Greetings, I am in need of assistance, I have a number of SQL databases that will be used by multiple users, this database will handle all their profile data (first name, last name, ect)Could someone post an example how to apply data from a web form textbox and insert the data into SQL?
Any links or tutorials would help a ton!
Please feel free to contact me via e-mail


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Importing Forms

Aug 13, 2001

I have a project at work that requires me to transfer all the data, including the queries, forms, macros, and modules from Access 97 to SQL Server 7. I was able to import the tables only using DTS wizard. Is there a way to copy the queries, forms, macros, and modules?

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Linking Php Forms To SQL

Nov 28, 2001

How would you link an online application form done in php to an SQL 7 server?

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Normal Forms

Feb 1, 2008

Hi guys, I've been thinking about this problem now for some time but somehow I don't know if my "solution" for it is right. I'd like to read your opinion.

There is a Capital table with Capital_Nr, Capital_Name, Capital_Population, Country_Nr and Country_Name as attributes.

I know the table is chaotic so I brought it to 3NF :

Capital table : Capital_Nr, Capital_Name, Capital_Population, Country_Nr(foreign key)

Country table : Country_Nr and Country_Name

Ok so I guess the table should be now in 3NF, but what intrigues me is in what NF the table originally was. I tried then to use Codd's definition of 2NF : "a 1NF table is in 2NF if and only if none of its non-prime attributes are functionally dependent on a part (proper subset) of a candidate key". In my opinion the original candidate keys could only be {Capital_Nr},{Country_Nr} and {Country_Name}, each one of them single, i.e. separate from each other. So, as there is no composite candidate key, I can affirm that the original table was in 2NF. Am I right ?

Thanks !

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