Retrieving Mutiple Rows

Sep 21, 2007

I have a table like this.

Depositors Table

Value(int) StartDate(Date) AccountID(int)

I want to create a report from this table. the report should look like this.

Value No of Accounts Average Value

For Yesterday
For Last 7days
For Last 30 days

Please Can anyone write a simple query for this?


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Mutiple Random Source To Mutiple Respective Destination - Update And Insert

Sep 5, 2007

Hello All

Firstly thanks a lot Phil and Jamie on such a helpful article on "Checking to see if a record exists and if so update else insert"

Here is my question

I have about 10 tables and there respective working tables
For examples: A, B, C, D, E.... and WorkA, WorkB, WorkC....

1) When I execute a package these work table (Work A, WorkB ...) get populated with certain rows say about 5
2) Its not that all the work table are populated on every execution.
3) Tables A, B, C... have thousands of records in it.
4) Work table is of same structure as there parent table..Like WorkA same structure as A.....
5) The table A and WorkA and as on... are linked with a KeyID

Now I want to build a SSIS package that can
1) Get the the data from these multiple tables(WorkA, WorkB...)
2) Process each row of these tables WorkA, WorkB..
3) Depending upon the KEYID of WorkA., WorkB.. etc Update a Flag colunm of table A, B...where the KeyID is equal to KeyID of Work Table
4) After updating insert that processed row of Work A, WorkB ...into Table A, B..

I can do this if I have one source table and one destination table. Here i have some say 10 randomly source tables to respective random destination .
All I could think of creating 10 different packages as adviced in Jamie's article. But I am sure there might some other alternative.

Can somebody advice me the best practice of doing this. Thanks a lot in advance

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Stored Procedures Return Ing Mutiple Rows

Jul 29, 2006

hello. I am trying to speed up my caledar.

I need a Stored Procedure that takes a Parameter.
the Parameter will be a Date.

then I want sql server to return all the classes that will happen on that date in formated string so i can display in the caledar.

the table looks like this
(there are more than one class happening on the same day)

I need the retuen value to look like this

"Yoga 9:00am" & "<p>" & "Jazz 11:00am" & <p>

can someone help me or point me to a sample. this is really hard. thank you

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Deleting Mutiple Rows Based On Info

Apr 12, 2007

Is it possible to delete multiple rows from multiple tables based on information specified. Can you write a query that would pull the information if you knew what tables it would need to look in? If anyone know I would greatly appreciate any help I am not sure of this.


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Retrieving Unique Rows

Jun 3, 2008

I have the following sql:

SELECT DISTINCT patient.patientID, patientFirstName, patientLastName, patientDOB, patientGender, completed_date
FROM patient
LEFT JOIN patient_record ON patient_record.patientID = patient.patientID
WHERE (sub_categoryID = 4 OR patient_record.allocated = 4)
AND (patient_status = 1 OR patient_status = 2 OR patient_status = 5)
GROUP BY patient.patientID, patientFirstName, patientLastName, patientDOB, patientGender, completed_date

This brings up duplicate records, my aim is to bring distinct records, now if I take out the other returned fields after patientID
and using the following sql:

SELECT DISTINCT patient.patientID
FROM patient
LEFT JOIN patient_record ON patient_record.patientID = patient.patientID
WHERE (sub_categoryID = 4 OR patient_record.allocated = 4)
AND (patient_status = 1 OR patient_status = 2 OR patient_status = 5)
GROUP BY patient.patientID

This bring up distinct results, but I need to retrieve the other fields from the database i.e. patientFirstName and patientLastName

Please can you help.

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Retrieving And Sorting Millions Of Rows

Oct 11, 2007

Hello,Currently we are in the process of implementing a sql server database where couple tables will have millions of rows ( about 98 millions and will grow) and a web site that will retrieve and sort the data ( read only). How gridview and sqldatareader act situation like that? Will it be a very slow response? Is there any alternative? Is there any example on the net?
Assuming tables are well tuned and well indexed.
Thank you in advance.

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SQL Help - Retrieving Rows Not In A Joining Table

Dec 4, 2007

I wonder if you can help...

I have a simple setup: 2 tables and a joining table, and want to retrieve a data set showing every possible combination of table A and table B together with whether that combination actually exists in the joining table or not.

My tables:



channels_items (joining table)

An example of the dataset I want (assuming 2 items and 2 channels, with itemA not being in channelB):

item_id item_name channel_id channel_name exists
======= ========= ========== ============ ======
1 ItemA 1 ChannelA True
2 ItemB 1 ChannelA True
1 ItemA 2 ChannelB False
2 ItemB 2 ChannelB True

I'm completely stuck on how to achieve this. Any guidance would be very much appreciated.

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Retrieving Same Set Of Rows Selected Randomly

Nov 9, 2004

Hi All

by using this query

"select * from sample order by newid()" im getting a set of rows. On refreshing this query i need the same set of rows to validate.(provided sufficient data in the table).

Please provide me the query to use for this

Adv. Thanks

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Retrieving First N Rows From A Large Query

Feb 15, 2007

Sriram writes "Hi,

I want to retrieve only the first n rows from a query which returns a large number of rows.


select empno, name from emp where deptno=100

returns 1000 rows.

I want to improve the query so that it returns only the first 10 rows and not 1000 rows.

Thanks in Advance,

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Retrieving Multiple Rows For A Cursor Item

Sep 28, 2000

Hi, can someone plz give me an idea of how to proceed with this...
I've got a server side cursor that retrieves a list of customers from a sql server table which match a specific criteria (those who have had orders in the yr 2000)
For each customer, I need to retrieve a list of 5 top items purchased along with dollars spent on each item by that customer.
I've tried to do this in a loop that uses a counter but probably my syntax was off and I'm not sure that this is better than a correlated join? Can someone show me a temlate of the appropriate syntax to use for this operation
I appreciate suggestions, thanks again.


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Retrieving Multiple Rows From Data Base.

Sep 15, 2006

OK here's my question. I want to retrieve from my database employee table all those employees with the name eg. Smith and display them in a list. Can anyone give me any pointers please. I'm using VB 2005 Express Edition. So far this is what I have but it only seems to return 1 row when I know there are more than one entries with the name I am inputting

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim searchString As String

searchString = Me.SearchStringBox.Text


Dim filter As String

filter = "LastName LIKE '" & searchString & "'"

Dim search() As System.Data.DataRow

search = myCDDataSEt.ClientData.Select(filter)

If search.Length > 0 Then

'no code as yet


MessageBox.Show("The client " & searchString & "is not in the database")

End If

Catch ex As Exception


End Try

End Sub

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Paging (retrieving Only N Rows From A Select Query) Like LIMIT

Jun 28, 2002



Suppose i execute a query,

Select * from emp,

I get 100 rows of result, i want to write a sql query similar to the one available in MySql database where in i can specify the starting row and number of rows of records i want,

something like,

select * from emp LIMIT 10,20

I want all the records from the 10th row to the 20th row.

This would be helpful for me to do paging in the front end , where is i can navigate to the next previous buttons and fetch the corresponding records.

I want to do something like in google, previous next screens.

So I am trying to limit the number of rows fetched from a query.

somethin like,

select * from emp where startRowNum=10 and NoOfRecords = 20

so that i can get rows from 10 to 30.

Has any1 done this, plz let me know.


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Retrieving Specific Page(number Of Rows) Form Table

Sep 27, 2005


i need SP that receive 2 integers ,@NUM_ROWS and @PAGE_NUMBER,
and return the rows in that page.
for example:

SP(4,2) will return 4 rows in page number 2 .

So if i have table with 9 rows i will get rows 5-8,
the first page is rows 1-4 the second page is 5-8 and the 3 page is row 9.

i have to assume that rows can be deleted form that table.

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Retrieving Rows Of Database Values That Have Numbers Cloest To Our Input

Jan 11, 2008

Mean_A Std_Dev_A Mean_B Std_Dev_B Mean_C Std_Dev_C X_Co Y_Co Posn




The Above is my database, I need help in retrieving the X_Co and the Y_Co using values of rcv_A, rcv_B and rcv_C to compare with the Mean_A, Mean_B, Mean_C. The values of rcv_A, rcv_B and rcv_C are instances of values that are not exact of the mean columns , and we want is to compare it against our database and retrieve the row that is the closest to the rcv_A, rcv_B and rcv_C.

Here is an example of what i need. Let's say my rcv_A = 71, rcv_B = 73 and rcv_C = 70.8, so the row with mean value closest would be row 1, followed by row 2, then row 3.

So the result i hope to retrieve is in order of the closest value and i only need the X_Co and Y_Co.
This is what i want

X_Co Y_Co
12 14
13 15
14 16

So anyone please can help me in querying for the above results? Thanks

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Mutiple Insert

Jan 3, 2006

Hi there,
I have been at this problem for a few hours now using Net 2.0, and can't seem to find an answer.
I am using a asp:calendar that allows the user to pick multiple dates.
When the user is finished and hits the command button, I would like for those dates to be inserted into a table in my SQL DB called Dates.
The mutildate calendar works fine--, and I have placed all of the sates into an Array.  And now have a loop for the array to print them out.
What I want to do, instead of printing, is insert them.
C anyone post some 2.0 code behind for insertion? I have found other "batch insert" code, but when I place in the VB, I get errors telling me it is no longer supported.
For example:
Dim sqlCon As New SqlConnection (no longer works in 2.0) since it doesn't recognize Sqlconnection.
Should I use a SqlDataSource? And if so, how do I prepare the Insert command for it?
Any and all help appreciated!

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Mutiple Dataset In RDL?

Feb 22, 2008

Hi Friends,

Is it Possible to combine two different dataset in a single rdl file ?

for example:

emp dept

eno enmae deptno deptno depatname
--------------------------- ----------------------------
1 x 10 10 computer
2 y 20 20 Testing

In RDL File out put will be

Eno Ename Deptname

1 x computer
2 y Testing

PS : I am not used the join condition.

Thanks & Regards,
+91 9894017253.

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Delete Mutiple Records

Feb 9, 2007


I have two tables one called students and location.

I want to delete the location and all records in student corrosponding to that location, can any help or point me in the right direction.

Many Thanks

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How To Create Mutiple 4G Database

May 21, 2007

I understand SQL Express has a database size limit of 4G, but I read some forum correspondence here saying the 4G is a per database limitation, and within the Express instance, it can have multiple database of 4G in size.

I create multiple database and got an error saying size limit reached for the primary filegroup. Does that mean the 4G limits apply to the total database size ?


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Mutiple Processes/connections Problem

Dec 27, 2004

Hi All,

I'm relatively new to ASP.NET coming from ASP. I've created a new, relatively simple ASP.NET application using WebMatrix with various controls and pages accessing an SQL Server database.

3 people are trying to use this app. After a short amount of time, the server starts kicking back an error message that it can not open a connection. I go in with Enterprise Manager to the SQL Server and I can see a long list of processes there almost as if each page is opening a connection and not closing. I'm explicitly closing all connections in my code where I open them for use by a data reader. What about data grid controls. Do they leave connections open? How about the drag and drop insert/update/delete functions. Unless I'm mistaken, this should close the connection when the function completes, shouldn't it:

rowsAffected = dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery
End Try

I originally did this app connecting to an Access database but had the same problem. I figured it was due to the known connection issues with Access via ADO so I upsized to SQL Server and over time, get this same problem.

Any help would be appreciated!

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Multiple Reference To Mutiple Tables

Aug 23, 2007

Not sure if the title describes my situation or not.

Simplified example is:
I have an [Employee] table with EmpCode, EmpName

I have a second table [NewHires] that has: HireDate, EmpCode, Addedby

Both EmpCode and Addedby contain EmpCode referring to the Employee table.

I wish an output similar to:

New Employee (from EmpCode in NewHire), Hired on (From HireDate), Hired By (from Addedby)

My problem is with an Employee.EmpCode=NewHires.Empcode or Employee.EmpCode=NewHires.Addedby in the Where clause or Join part of the SQL I don't know how to get EmpName from the Employee table twice but using two different EmpCode as the reference.

Thanks in advance - Shawn

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Referential Integrity In Mutiple Tables. Need Help.

Oct 12, 2004

I have a lookup table called States, I have multiple other tables that use this lookup table, but I can only relate to one other table. My question is if I change a state name how do I enforce that change to the other tables that CANT be related? I know it is a design flaw and need some kind of joining table. I am having difficulty understanding and incorporating first normal form in my database. Here is what i have so far.


Table 1
CustomerID BillingAddressID ShippingAddressID OtherFields

Table 2
BillingAddressID StateID OtherFields

Table 3
ShippingAddressID StateID OtherFields

Table 4
StateID Name

How do I relate table 4 with table 2 & 3 for referential integrity? Or create a joiner table?

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Server Crashing With Mutiple Database

May 20, 2004

I got a server that Crashed. My network group was able to get it up and running but it's vary fragile. One of the disk is done. What's the best way to get the my database:tables,views,stored procedured,dts packages, jobs off the bad server without crashing it again? I used the databae copy utility but found out that some of the database are replicated and it wont allow it to copy.


Just another day in the life of a dba

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Newb - Mutiple-column Join

Mar 23, 2007

Hi,very new to SQL queries, and strugling with join conceptI had to do a join based on a single field:select*fromtableA, tableBwheretableA.value = tableB.value(+);this works finebut how can i do the same thing while comparing multiple columns ... iwas thinking something like this: (obviously doesn't work)select*fromtableA, tableBwhere[tableA.value1, tableA.value2] = [tableB.value1,tableB.value2](+);Is there some sort of "tuple" comparison I can do?Thank you.

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Using Osql To Apply SPs In Mutiple Threads

Jul 20, 2005

using osql to apply SPs in mutiple threadsHello,I got a weird problem when I was using osql to apply scripts for msdedatabase in multiple threads mode. Sometime 2 sps were missing duringthe whole apply process, sometime not, and seems like only those twoSPs met the problem. No error was appeared. Did anyone meet sameproblem before? Or any possible solutions?Thank you very much!

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Mutiple Table Single Task

Sep 21, 2007

I have about 100 different tables that I would like to bring on nightly basis via integration services. SSIS will process the data and send on to its warehouse destination.

Is it possible to use a single task to bring in all these tables from within SSIS? and can write failed records to flat files at the sametime? instead of defining a data flow for each table and dealing with hundreds of dataflows just have one task that loop through the list of tables.

Wonder how warehouses fed by 100s of tables deal with this kind of scenario?

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Mutiple Backup Is Good Choice?

Feb 9, 2008


I am using a stored procedure to take backup of my database from the Visual Basic Programming.

Before i posted one of my thread with the same thing, so i was recommended to go through with DMOSQL do deal with SQL server with Visual Basic Programming. For me, this takes some time to understand the complete concept.

Because of urgent i am using stored procedure to take backup with the following:


@RP nvarchar(200)


declare @backupfilename nvarchar(200)
set @backupfilename=@RP
Example @RP="D:ackupBackup-1 09-02-2008 11-24"

Every time i am passing a parameter with somename and dateandtime(System).

Backup-1 09-02-2008 11-24 2900KB
Backup-1 09-02-2008 12-30 2900KB
Backup-1 09-02-2008 18-10 5400KB
Backup-1 09-02-2008 22-00 2900KB
Backup-1 09-02-2008 22-00 2900KB

I would like to clear my doubt, is it a good practice to take backup with different names. The above one i store four backups . If the system crashes and i created the new database with the same schema without any data present in the tables, can i restore previous backup database to the newly created database.

Moreover, The first two backups contains "2900KB", the third one is "5400KB" after the data is being modified. Look at the fourth one it is "2900KB". Why the size is being reduced to "2900KB" after taking backup eventhough i didn't delete or added data into the database.

Hope you will solve my problem.


Best Regards,
Kashif Chotu

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Using One Alias For Mutiple Columns In A SELECT Statement

Feb 8, 2006

Hi all,Is this at all possible? In the following query I have mutiple columns in my SELECT statement that each have their own alias. Is it possible that I can use just one Alias for all these columns (such as Address), and if so how is it done?SELECT    RTRIM(ISNULL(ta.house_no_flat, '')) as [Target - Flat No.],         LOWER(RTRIM(ISNULL(ta.building, ''))) as [Target - Building],        LOWER(RTRIM(ISNULL(ta.road_street, ''))) as [Target - Street],        LOWER(RTRIM(ISNULL(ta.district, ''))) as [Target - District],        LOWER(RTRIM(ISNULL(, ''))) as [Target - Town],         LOWER(RTRIM(ISNULL(ta.county, ''))) as [Target - County],        RTRIM(ISNULL(ta.postcode, '')) as [Target - PostCode]ThanksTryst

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Count Same Field Mutiple Times With Different Criteria

May 12, 2006

Is it possible to count the same field with different criteria. It would be something like this.


So you would execute a statement which would count(car_brand) with two different criteria.

I am not sure if this is possible or if there is another way to approach it.

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Using One Alias For Mutiple Columns In A SELECT Statement

Feb 8, 2006

Hi all,

Is this at all possible? In the following query I have mutiple columns in my SELECT statement that each have their own alias. Is it possible that I can use just one Alias for all these columns (such as Address), and if so how is it done?


SELECTRTRIM(ISNULL(ta.house_no_flat, '')) as [Target - Flat No.],
LOWER(RTRIM(ISNULL(ta.building, ''))) as [Target - Building],
LOWER(RTRIM(ISNULL(ta.road_street, ''))) as [Target - Street],
LOWER(RTRIM(ISNULL(ta.district, ''))) as [Target - District],
LOWER(RTRIM(ISNULL(, ''))) as [Target - Town],
LOWER(RTRIM(ISNULL(ta.county, ''))) as [Target - County],
RTRIM(ISNULL(ta.postcode, '')) as [Target - PostCode]



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Returning Row Counts On Mutiple Search Values

Sep 13, 2007

I need to return row counts for a list of all our users. The problem with the first query is that it doesn’t search for names within the column, it considers a list of email addresses a unique entry. I need to be able to see how many times each email address appears in the database. The second query obviously does that but I don’t want to have to copy and paste 500 usernames. the to_addr_head is a text column if that matters. Thanks!!

FROM Table1
group by Table1.to_addr_head

select count(*)
where Table1.to_addr_head like '%username%'

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Change Data Source For Mutiple Datasets At Once

Jun 4, 2007

Hi All,

In the BI development studio when I have to change the data source for data sets within a report, I have to go to each of the datasets individually to do this. Is there a quicker way to do this. Say I want to change data source for the entire report in BI dev studio.



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Execute Mutiple Tasks In Debug Mode

Apr 7, 2006

Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't find how to run multiple tasks in sequence while in Visual Studio debug mode. In DTS design mode I grew accustomed to right-clicking tasks one-at-a time, but in SSIS I find the additional step of having to exit Debugging mode after every task gets old after a while.

There must be a way to start execution at a certain task and have the package continue all the way to some other specified task. It would also be nice to have every task in a Group execute in sequence and stop (even if connections continue beyond the group). I could even settle for repeatedly clicking the Continue button in Debug mode, but it's always grayed out when the current task is finished!

Can this be achieved by setting breakpoints?

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One Package, Two Configurations, Mutiple Databases On Same Machine

Jun 14, 2007


I have package on a single server. This packages extracts Data from System A and loads System B, database C. What I'd like to do is use configurations to have this one package loads System B, database C and D.

When a I create two configurations (one pointing at database C and one pointing at database D) and run the package only the last configuration pointing at database D gets loaded.

Anyone know how to get around this and use configurations to load both database C and D?



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