SQL 2005 Express Edition SP2 - Query Takes A Long Time To Run(sometimes)

Nov 16, 2007


I have problem with JDBC 2005 (1.1) running against SQL 2005 Express edition (SP2). Sometimes, the statement takes long time (more than 10 seconds). Sometimes, the same statement takes just a few seconds. It is very unpredictable.
The query that we have problem is most of the time is join sql statement.

Does anyone see this problem?


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Simple Select Query Takes A Very Long Time

Oct 11, 2006

I have a table tblCustTrans which contains
custid int
transid int
startdate datetime
value int

the custid, transid and startid are composite primary key.

the table contains more than 10 million records. Now i want to fetch record for
select * from tblcusttrans where startdate > = 10/10/2006 10:00:000 and startdate <= 10/10/2006 11:00:000

This statement is taking more than 2 hours to fetch the data. is there a way to fetch the record with less time


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Why Closing A Fastforward Readonly Cursor Takes Long Time In SQL 2005

Oct 19, 2006


I was just wondering if anybody came across this behaviour where closing a Fast Forward Read only cursor takes abnormally long time to close. I am running SQL Server 2005 standard edition.



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It Takes A Long Time To Insert The First Record Each Time When The Program Start

Dec 15, 2006

I am using VS2005 (VB) to develop a PPC WM5.0 Program. And I am using SQLCE 3.0. My PPC Hardware is in 400MHz.

The question is when the program try to insert the first record into sdf database after each time the program started. It takes a long time. Does anyone know why and how can I fix it?

I will load the whole database into a dataset when the program start and do all the "Insert", "Update", "Delete" in this dataset and fill it into database after each action.

        sda = New SqlCeDataAdapter(SQL, cn) 'SQL = Select * From Table
        scb = New SqlCeCommandBuilder(sda) 

I check the sda.update(), it takes about 0.08s for filling one record into database normally. But:

1. Start the PPC Program

2. Load DB into dataset

3. Create a ONE new record in dataset

4. Fill back to DB

When I take this four steps everytime, the filling time is almost 1s or even more!

Actually, 0.08s is just a normal case. Sometimes, it still takes over 1s to filling back a dataset which only inserted one record when the program is running. (Even all inserted records are exactly the same in data jsut different in the integer key)

 However, when I give up the dataset and using the following code:

            Dim cmd As New SqlCeCommand(SQL, cn) ' I have build the insert SQL before (Insert Into Table values(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All field)

           cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
            StartTime = Environment.TickCount

 I found that it is still the same that the first inserted record takes more time, but just about 0.2s. And the normal insert time is around 0.02s. It is 4 times faster!!!

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SQL SP Takes Long Time To Run From VB.NET App

Nov 22, 2007

Hi all,

I have a stored procedure that is called from a VB.NET application that takes an enormously long time to execute. In the QA it only takes 10sec but in the application it takes ages. The stored procedure is as follows:



The code that runs it is as follows:

Using cnn As New SqlConnection(GetPath)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sSQLString, cnn)
Dim dr As SqlDataReader

With cmd
.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
.CommandTimeout = 0
.Parameters.Add("@BEGINDATE", SqlDbType.DateTime)
.Parameters.Add("@ENDDATE", SqlDbType.DateTime)
.Parameters("@BEGINDATE").Value = dtpStartDate.Value
.Parameters("@ENDDATE").Value = dtpEndDate.Value
End With
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader

Any help on why this happens would be much appreciated.


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Inserting Nothing Takes A Long Time

Mar 21, 2008

Hi,I've a strange problem with a INSERT query. It's taking a long time toexecute. The format is like this :INSERT INTO table1SELECT ..FROM table2Executing the SELECT .. FROM table2 is taking 30 seconds. The resultis nothing: no records are selected.When i include the INSERT part it will take 12 hours to completeINSERT INTO table1SELECT ..FROM table2There's is an index on the table and when i delete it, it gives stillthe problem.Keh?Greetz,Hennie

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Why Insert Takes A Long Time?

Apr 7, 2008


It seems inserting records takes a relatively long time. My guess is it needs time to allocate disk space for the extra space needed. Assuming this is true, are there any DB settings that allow auto space allocation in bigger chunk? I am looking for something like "DB growth factor" or " Table growth factor"

Thanks for any info.

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Package Run Takes A Long.......... Time!

Nov 9, 2007

Dear friends,
Our package which at the time of normal execution takes 2-2:30 mins for fetching data on VPN with some select queries. But some times its job runs for hours and hours. What could be the exact reason behind it? I guess its queries are stuch somewhere, but not when we run from the BIDS or run the job manually.
Please help. Thanks.

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Update Takes Long Time To Complete!?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi There,I have an update statement to update a field of a table (~15,000,000records). It took me around 3 hours to finish 2 weeks ago. After thatno one touched the server and no configuration changed. Untilyesterday, I re-ran it again and it took me more than 18hrs and stillnot yet finished!!!What's wrong with it? I can ran it successfully before. I have triedtwo times but the result was still the same.My SQL statement is:update [all_sales] aset a.accounting_month = b.accounting_monthfrom date_map bwhere a.sales_date >= b.start_date and a.sales_date < b.end_date;An index on [all_sales].sales_date is built successfully.A composite index on ([date_map].start_date, [date_map].end_date) isbuilt successfully.My server config is:SQL Server 2000 with Service Pack 3Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4DELL PowerEdge 6650 ServerDUAL XEON 1900MHz Processors2G RAM2G Page File on Drive C2G Page File on Drive DDELL Diagnostics on all SCSI harddisks were all PASSED.Any experts could simly give me a help????Thanks x 1,000,000,000

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Excel Export Takes Long Time

Nov 14, 2007

Its a common issue with reporting services, exporting a report with huge data to excel takes long time to render. Im facing the same issue. Trying to export a SSRS 2005 report to Excel 2003 takes very long time.
Problem 1:
The time taken to generate the excel report is pretty long (about 10 minutes) as the report runs to hundreds of pages. (The excel has about 30,000 rows and is ~15 MB)
Problem 2:
Once I open the excel and close it the size reduces to half of it. This is understood because of lot of characters values in the report that can be represented as single byte string, that€™s probably where Excel is making a difference. In Reporting Services it always write strings as 2-byte Unicode, but Excel will always try to compress to single byte when possible.

Am majorly concerned about the Problem 1. Any solutions would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Report Takes Long Time Loading

Jan 19, 2007

I have a report which is fairly simple but takes a very long time..

It involves the incidents being counted by categories hence it has several Union All.

Also the report numbers are generetd through 2 tables hence within every Union All tehre is a left or an Inner join.

sample code:

1 Sort_Order,
COUNT(*) AS Call_Count,
'Incident Resolved at Level 1' AS Count_Type
FROM HOUAPPS237.CallsAndIncidents.dbo.PROBSUMMARYM1 T1

AND T1.OTI_ORIGINATOR IN (SELECT Userid FROM HOUAPPS286.HALServiceDesk.dbo.ServiceCenterAgents)


2 Sort_Order,
COUNT(*) AS Call_Count,
'Incidents Resolved at Level 2 or 3' AS Count_Type
FROM HOUAPPS237.CallsAndIncidents.dbo.PROBSUMMARYM1 T1
AND T1.OTI_ORIGINATOR IN (SELECT Userid FROM HOUAPPS286.HALServiceDesk.dbo.ServiceCenterAgents)


could you suggest what might be the reason why teh report churns for so long.



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Vb.net And Reportingservices Setparameters Takes A Long Time

Jul 25, 2006

I have a vb.net application using report services that has a big delay when I set the parameters with which to call the report.

I create a new reporting.reportviewer.

I set the ReportServerCredentials.NetworkCredentials, ReportServerUrl, ProcessingModem, ReportPath and everything is fine.

When I call SetParameters with a very simple parameter set, I get a delay of between 0.5 and 2.5 seconds. That delay is very noticible to the users. Below is an extract of a sql profiler trace to a database showing the start time, end time, event class and data text of the sql. I've marked the area with the delay in red.

I have no idea what is happening at that time, but Is there anything I can do to get rid of that delay?

It seems that it could be the first time the my application has had to interface with reporting services.

21/07/2006 13:29:48 363 21/07/2006 13:29:48 363 10 exec ReadChunkPortion @ChunkPointer=0xFDFF126D000000006804000001000400,@IsPermanentSnapshot=1,@DataIndex=4148,@Length=8
21/07/2006 13:29:48 363 21/07/2006 13:29:48 363 10 exec ReadChunkPortion @ChunkPointer=0xFDFF126D000000006804000001000400,@IsPermanentSnapshot=1,@DataIndex=8,@Length=4100
21/07/2006 13:29:48 363 21/07/2006 13:29:48 363 10 exec sp_reset_connection
21/07/2006 13:29:48 363 21/07/2006 13:29:48 363 10 exec CreateSession @SessionID='5zz5gh2wgwfs2hf0qb0gh155',@ReportPath=N'/Symphony Reporting/report3',@Timeout=600,@AutoRefreshSeconds=0,@OwnerSid=0x010500000000000515000000F13F1E839A1DDABDC36D00302B060000,@OwnerName=N'MCR-SYSTEMS
<Prompt />
<Prompt />
<Prompt />
<Prompt>Select Required Site(s)</Prompt>
<Prompt>Select Required Date(s)</Prompt>
21/07/2006 13:29:48 377 21/07/2006 13:29:48 377 10 exec sp_reset_connection
21/07/2006 13:29:48 377 21/07/2006 13:29:48 377 10 exec ObjectExists @Path=N'/Symphony Reporting/report3',@AuthType=1
21/07/2006 13:29:48 847 21/07/2006 13:29:48 847 10 exec sp_reset_connection
21/07/2006 13:29:48 847 21/07/2006 13:29:48 847 10 exec GetSessionData @SessionID='5zz5gh2wgwfs2hf0qb0gh155',@OwnerSid=0x010500000000000515000000F13F1E839A1DDABDC36D00302B060000,@OwnerName=N'MCR-SYSTEMS
21/07/2006 13:29:48 847 21/07/2006 13:29:48 847 10 exec sp_reset_connection

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Master Database Rebuild Takes Long Time

Dec 17, 2007

Hi All,

I'm trying to rebuild my master database for sql server 2000. The process of rebuilding stared fine. But it is almost 4 hours since it got started. Performing it on a test system. Got doubtful and started the same on another test system. Issue is same and it is almost 2 hours. The Db size is less than 100 MB in both cases. IS IT NORMAL? I've tried the same for SQL SERVER 2005 and it got finished in couple of minutes. Please advise.

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Open Cube To Browse Takes Very Long Time

Dec 28, 2006

I broke up my cube into 24 partitions. There are about 630M total fact rows in that cube.

When I open the cube to browse in BIDS or SQL Management Studio it takes very long time to open (I think 30 minutes).

Profiler does not show that it's running a query, but messages like this keep appearing throughout the time it's opening to browse:

Progress Report Begin, 14- Query, Started reading data from the 'p0' partition.
Progress Report End, 14- Query, Finished reading data from the 'p0' partition.
Progress Report Begin, 14- Query, Started reading data from the 'p10' partition.
Progress Report End, 14- Query, Finished reading data from the 'p10' partition.

and goes on like that....

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Population Of Dimension Table Takes Long Time

May 26, 2008


The scenario is the data comes from various sources and its staged into staging database. From this staging database it goes into data warehouse database. Everyday this staging database is truncated and repopulated from various sources.
I've a dimension table called DimCustomers which consists of around 300,000 rows and has lots of different types of SCD columns. It takes around 4-5 hours to load data from staging to this dimension table. Currently I'm using a For Loop container which uses a store proc to extract 15000 rows each time and populate my dimension tables. First couple of loops it goes off quickly but as and when the number reaches half of the count it slows down and hence it takes around 4-5 hours to load data.

What would be the best approach to populate this kind of dimension table.


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MS Time Series - Quick To Process The Model But Takes Very Long Time To Open Mining Model Viewer

Oct 27, 2007

Hi all,

I have MS Time Seeries model using a database of over a thousand products each of which has hundreds of cases. It amazingly takes only a few minutes to finish processing the model, but when I click Mining Model Viewer to view the models, it takes many hours to show up. Once the window is open, I can choose model for different products almost instantly. Is this normal?

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Long Query Takes Hours...

Jan 29, 2007

Recently my system encounter some problem when retrieving certain record from MSSQL.
For an example i have a database which contains 1.5 million of members. so i have a perl scripts that will execute to query based on certain range.

the schedule like below:
1 script - 1-250k (Query finish less than 5 mins)
<interval 5 mins>
1 script - 250k-500k (Query finish less than 5 mins)
<interval 5 mins>
1 script - 500k-750k (Query finish less than 5 mins)
<interval 5 mins>
1 script - 750k-1M (Query finish in 1++ hours)
<interval 5 mins>
1 script - 1M-1.25M (Query finish in 1++ hours)
<interval 5 mins>
1 script - 1.25M-1.50M (Query finish in 1++ hours)

After the 4th query, the query seems to work very slow, and this problem only raise on windows 2003 with mssql 2005, current server that run smoothly is win2k with mssql2000.

anyone have any idea on this problem either cause by operating system and database or related to something else?

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SQL Server Takes Too Long To Run A Query

Jul 20, 2005

Hi there,I've a table with 18 millions of recordes shaped like this :Code nvarchar(80) , State int , school int , class int , Term nvarchar(80)The following query takes too long to run ( more than 2 hours )select State , school , class , term , count (term) as freqGroup by state , school , class , termHow may I speed up the query?My Pc is PIV (3.6 GHz) Intell , Win2003 Server , 512 MB of RAM, 80 GB of HDRegards,M.Mansoorizadeh

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DELETE Query Takes Long

Nov 15, 2007


i've got a table where a single DELETE query takes about 6 seconds.

The table has about 25 cols and 5 constraints (1PK, 4 FK). No triggers no cascade.

What can be the reason and what can i do to accelerate?


- MS SQL Server 2000
- Running on LOCAL, 2.99 GHz Pentium

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SQL Query From OLE DB Takes In SSIS Very Long While SQL Querfy Itself Is Very Easy

Oct 29, 2007


we've created a ata Flow task to execute several aggregations. Our Task access database using OLE DB source and selects data out of our staging tables (we've analyzed the query using MS SQL Management Studio which didn't showed any issues). But when we try to run our dataflow task using SSIS (debug mode and DTEXEC from command line) we experince that tasks seem to stop during processing.

Unfortunately we didn't found a way to see long logfile entries which explain the issue to us.
We do use several aggregation tasks divided in 4 sequences. Unfortunately we just see one logical processor out of 4 logical processors working. It is a Windows 2003 SP2 machine with SQL 2005 SP2 on top of it.

Is there any solution to use all processors to one package for parallel execution?

So basically we experience two issues:
- SSIS seems to stop somewhere in thre middle
- SSIS just uses one processor instaed of all four

your advice is appreciated

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Query Takes Too Much Time At The Time Of Execuion

May 15, 2008

Hello All,

Below carry takes too much time while execution


Select PITID PIT_ID, CustomerId Bid_Customer, Size Bid_Size, Price Bid_Price, orderid Bid_Order_Id, Version Bid_Order_Version,
ProductId Bid_ProductId, TraderId Bid_TraderId, BrokerId Bid_BrokerId,
Reference Bid_Reference, Indicative Bid_Indicative, Park Bid_Park
From OrderTable C
version = (select max(version) from OrderTable where orderid = c.orderid)
and BuySell = 'B'
and Status <> 'D'
and Park <> 1
and PitId in (select distinct pitid from MarketViewDef Where MktViewId = 4)
and Price =
( Select max(Price) From OrderTable cc
where version = (select max(version) from OrderTable where orderid = cc.orderid)
and PitId = c.PitId
and BuySell = 'B'
and Status <> 'D'
and Park <> 1
and Orderdate =
( Select min(Orderdate) From OrderTable dd
where version = (select max(version) from OrderTable where orderid = dd.orderid)
and PitId = c.PitId
and BuySell = 'B'
and Status <> 'D'
and Price = c.Price
and Park <> 1
and OrderId = (select top 1 OrderId from OrderTable ff
Where version = (select max(version) from OrderTable where orderid = ff.orderid)
and orderid = ff.orderid
and PitId = c.PitId
and BuySell = 'B'
and Status <> 'D'
and Price = c.Price
and Orderdate = c.Orderdate
and Park <> 1

) Best_Bid_Data

full outer join
Select PITID PIT_ID, CustomerId Offer_Customer, Size Offer_Size, Price Offer_Price, orderid Offer_Order_Id, Version Offer_Order_Version,
ProductId Offer_ProductId, TraderId Offer_TraderId, BrokerId Offer_BrokerId,
Reference Offer_Reference, Indicative Offer_Indicative, Park Offer_Park
From OrderTable C
version = (select max(version) from OrderTable where orderid = c.orderid)
and BuySell = 'S'
and Status <> 'D'
and Park <> 1
and PitId in (select distinct pitid from MarketViewDef Where MktViewId = 4)
and Price =
( Select min(Price) From OrderTable cc
where version = (select max(version) from OrderTable where orderid = cc.orderid)
and PitId = c.PitId
and BuySell = 'S'
and Status <> 'D'
and Park <> 1
and Orderdate =
( Select min(Orderdate) From OrderTable dd
where version = (select max(version) from OrderTable where orderid = dd.orderid)
and PitId = c.PitId
and BuySell = 'S'
and Status <> 'D'
and Price = c.Price
and Park <> 1
and OrderId = (select top 1 OrderId from OrderTable ff
Where version = (select max(version) from OrderTable where orderid = ff.orderid)
and orderid = ff.orderid
and PitId = c.PitId
and BuySell = 'S'
and Status <> 'D'
and Price = c.Price
and Orderdate = c.Orderdate
and Park <> 1

) Best_Offer_Data
ON Best_Bid_Data.Pit_Id = Best_Offer_Data.Pit_Id

Can any one please help me?


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Express Edition SP2 - How Long To Wait For Complete Installation?

Mar 19, 2007

Just curious if there's a reason why everytime I try to apply the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Service Pack 2 from Windows Update that it will sit at "Installing" and appear to do nothing (no hard drive activity, but the MSI and setup processes are chewing a little bit of CPU time). How long should I give this update to complete? I am running a 2-CPU dual-core Xeon 3.0GHz w/ 2GB of RAM setup, so I would have thought it would be completed very quickly. :(


Disregard; I had to wait for a full 15 minutes! :O

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Insert Query Takes Lot Of Time

Jul 23, 2005

HelloI have these tables:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[COREAttribute] ([oid] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,[CLSID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [COREAttributeOidIndex] ON[dbo].[COREAttribute]([oid], [CLSID]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON[PRIMARY]CREATE TABLE [dbo].[COREBstrAttribute] ([oid] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,[iid] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,[dispid] [int] NOT NULL ,[value] [nvarchar] (1024) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY]CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [COREBstrAttributeOidIndex] ON[dbo].[COREBstrAttribute]([oid]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY]Now when I try this query, it's taking 8-10mins.Declare @t TABLE (oid uniqueidentifier primary key,[Description] nvarchar(1024) NULL,[Name] nvarchar(1024) NULL,[UID] nvarchar(1024) NULL)DECLARE @COREBSTRAttribute TABLE (oid uniqueidentifier, dispid intNULL, value nvarchar(1024) NULL)INSERT INTO @COREBSTRAttribute select oid, dispid, valueFROM dbo.COREBSTRAttributeWHERE iid ='{1449DB20-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}'INSERT @tSELECT distinctc0.oid,c1.Value,c2.Value,c3.ValueFROM(SELECT oid FROM dbo.COREAttributeWHERE CLSID IN ('{1449DB2B-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB2D-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB2F-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB31-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB33-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB35-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB37-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB39-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB3B-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB3D-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB3F-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB43-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB45-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB47-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB49-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB4B-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB4D-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{1449DB51-DB97-11D6-A551-00B0D021E10A}','{DAA598D9-E7B5-4155-ABB7-0C2C24466740}','{6921DAC3-5F91-4188-95B9-0FCE04D3A04D}','{128F17D4-2014-480A-96C6-370599F32F67}','{9F3A64C9-28F3-440B-B694-3E341471ED8E}','{2E3AB438-7652-4656-9A18-4F9C1DC27E8C}','{B69E74A7-0E48-4BA2-B4B7-5D9FFEDC2D97}','{2BB836D3-2DC1-4899-9406-6A495ED395C3}','{9CFFDC3A-5DF5-4AD8-B067-6EF5A9736681}','{E18E470B-B297-43D2-B9CD-71AF65654970}','{9BDCDA97-1171-409D-B3AB-71DA08B1E6D3}','{0E91AC62-7929-4B42-B771-7A6399A9E3B0}','{C8BAE335-CCB7-4F1D-8E9D-85C301188BE2}','{97E6E186-8F32-42E6-B81C-8E2E0D7C5ABA}','{BE5B6233-D4E7-4EF6-B5FC-91EA52128723}','{4ECDAAE1-828A-4C43-8A66-A7AB6966F368}','{19082B90-EF02-45CC-B037-AFD0CF91D69E}','{6F76CEF7-EBC0-48C6-8B78-C5330324C019}','{18492042-B22A-4370-BFA3-D0481800BBC7}','{A71343AD-CC09-4033-A224-D2D8C300904A}','{EC10BD0A-FDE3-4484-BEA6-D5A2E456256C}','{F7F8A4E1-651A-4A48-B55A-E8DA59D401B2}','{A923226F-B920-4CFA-9B0D-F422D1C36902}','{A95ACA6A-16AC-47E4-A9A6-F530D50A475A}','{C31DB61A-5221-42CF-9A73-FE76D5158647}')) AS c0LEFT JOIN @COREBSTRAttribute AS c1ON (c0.oid = c1.oid)AND c1.dispid = 28LEFT JOIN @COREBSTRAttribute AS c2ON (c0.oid = c2.oid)AND c2.dispid = 112LEFT JOIN @COREBSTRAttribute AS c3ON (c0.oid = c3.oid)AND c3.dispid = 192Any help is greatly appreciated.thanksSunit

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Query Takes Longer To Execute The Second Time

Feb 13, 2001

Has anybody come across situations where queries take longer to execute the second time? The server is a dedicated sql server box with 1gb memory.

Thanks in advance.

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Sql Server 2005 Express Edition VS Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition

Dec 1, 2006


I've installed Visual Basic 2005 express edition & tried to connect to SQL Server 2005 express edition. I noticed that VB2005 Express Edition doesn't have any OLEDB provider for SQL Server. The only OLEDB Provider is for M.Access. Is this correct? if so, what should i do if i want to connect SQL Server 2005 express edition with VB2005 express edition by using OLEDB connection type?

I really appreciate any respond from you guys.. Thank's and waiting for the good news..

Best regards,

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Query Takes More Time From User Interface Or In A Network

May 26, 2007

I execute a pretty big sql query which joins multiple tables and I reviewed indexes on all these tables. I am happy with the result when I run the query using SSMS in the server locally i.e., where my SQL Server database is installed. It takes 4 seconds to get around 17000 records. If I run the same query in a network or from my desktop using SSMS i.e., i connect to the above mentioned SQL Server using SSMS, it takes more than 60 seconds. Not sure how to solve this. If someone could help me, it will be of great help.


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Query Runs In Sub Second Time Until I Put It In A Stored Procedure Then It Takes 2 Minutes.

Jun 25, 2007

The query below runs in sub second time if I don't call it as a stored procedure. I have looked at the execution plan for both the query and the query as a stored procedure and they are the same.
When I put the query into a stored procedure it takes over 2 minutes to run.
All feedback (even the ugly stuff) is more than welcome. I want to master this issue and forever put it behind me.
This is the sql when I just execute it outright:1 DECLARE
2 @WebUserID nvarchar(20)
3 ,@DocumentTypeID int
4 ,@RouteID nvarchar(10)
5 ,@CustomerID nvarchar(15)
6 ,@DocumentIDPrefix nvarchar(20)
7 ,@StartDate datetime
8 ,@EndDate datetime
9 ,@OversoldOnly bit
10 ,@DexCustomersOnly bit
11 ,@DeviationsOnly bit
12 ,@CashNoPaymentOnly bit
13 ,@SignatureName nvarchar(45)
14 ,@SortExpression varchar(200)
15 ,@StartRowIndex int
16 ,@MaximumRows int
18 SET @WebUserID = 'manager'
19 SET @DocumentTypeID = 0
20 SET @DocumentIDPrefix = '%'
21 SET @StartDate = '04/17/2007'
22 SET @EndDate = '04/19/2007'
23 SET @OversoldOnly = 0
24 SET @DexCustomersOnly = 0
25 SET @DeviationsOnly = 0
26 SET @CashNoPaymentOnly = 0
27 SET @SortExpression = ''
28 SET @StartRowIndex = 0
29 SET @MaximumRows = 20;
31 WITH OrderedDocumentHistory AS
32 (
34 dh.DocumentHistoryID
35 ,dh.DocumentID
36 ,dh.DocumentTypeID
37 ,dh.DocumentTypeDesc
38 ,dh.RouteID
39 ,dh.RouteDesc
40 ,dh.CustomerID
41 ,dh.CustomerName
42 ,dh.DocDate
43 ,ISNULL(dc.HasReceipt, 0) AS 'HasReceipt'
44 ,ddt.Description AS 'SignatureReason'
45 ,a.Amount
46 ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.DocDate DESC) AS 'RowNumber'
48 DocumentHistory dh
49 INNER JOIN Customers c ON dh.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
50 INNER JOIN DeviationTypes ddt ON dh.DriverDeviationTypeID = ddt.DeviationTypeID
52 (
54 DocumentHistoryID
55 ,(COALESCE(SUM((CONVERT(INT, Units + DeviationUnits)) * (UnitPrice - UnitDiscount)) + SUM((CONVERT(INT, Cases + DeviationCases)) * (CasePrice - CaseDiscount)), 0.0)) AS Amount
57 DocumentHistoryItems dhia
59 dhia.DocumentHistoryID
60 ) AS a ON a.DocumentHistoryID = dh.DocumentHistoryID
62 (
64 dca.DocumentID
65 ,1 AS 'HasReceipt'
67 DocumentCollections dca
68 ) AS dc ON dh.DocumentID = dc.DocumentID
70 dh.DocDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
71 AND (dh.DocumentTypeID = @DocumentTypeID OR @DocumentTypeID IS NULL)
72 AND (dh.RouteID = @RouteID OR @RouteID IS NULL)
73 AND (dh.CustomerID = @CustomerID OR @CustomerID IS NULL)
74 AND dh.DocumentID LIKE @DocumentIDPrefix
75 AND CASE WHEN @OversoldOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL( (SELECT TOP 1 (dhio.DeviationUnits + dhio.DeviationCases) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dh.DocumentHistoryID = dhio.DocumentHistoryID AND (dhio.DeviationUnits > 0 OR dhio.DeviationCases > 0)), 0) ELSE 1 END > 0
76 AND CASE WHEN @DexCustomersOnly = 1 THEN c.DEXEnable ELSE 'Y' END = 'Y'
77 AND CASE WHEN @DeviationsOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL( (SELECT TOP 1 (dhio.DeviationUnits + dhio.DeviationCases) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dh.DocumentHistoryID = dhio.DocumentHistoryID AND (dhio.DeviationUnits != 0 OR dhio.DeviationCases != 0)), 0) ELSE 1 END != 0
78 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN dh.Terms ELSE 'CHECK/CASH' END = 'CHECK/CASH'
79 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN (SELECT MAX(dhio.AlcoholPct) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dhio.DocumentHistoryID = dh.DocumentHistoryID) ELSE 1 END > 0
80 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL(dc.HasReceipt, 0) ELSE 0 END = 0
81 AND (dh.SigName = @SignatureName OR @SignatureName IS NULL)
82 AND (c.WarehouseID IN (SELECT WarehouseID FROM WebUserWarehouses WHERE WebUserID = @WebUserID)
83 OR @WebUserID IS NULL)
84 )
87 DocumentHistoryID
88 ,DocumentID
89 ,DocumentTypeDesc
90 ,RouteID
91 ,RouteDesc
92 ,CustomerID
93 ,CustomerName
94 ,DocDate
95 ,Amount
96 ,HasReceipt
97 ,SignatureReason
99 OrderedDocumentHistory
101 RowNumber BETWEEN (@StartRowIndex + 1) AND (@StartRowIndex + @MaximumRows) Here is the sql for creating the stored procedure.  1 CREATE Procedure w_DocumentHistory_Select
2 (
3 @WebUserID nvarchar(20)
4 ,@DocumentTypeID int
5 ,@RouteID nvarchar(10)
6 ,@CustomerID nvarchar(15)
7 ,@DocumentIDPrefix nvarchar(20)
8 ,@StartDate datetime
9 ,@EndDate datetime
10 ,@OversoldOnly bit
11 ,@DexCustomersOnly bit
12 ,@DeviationsOnly bit
13 ,@CashNoPaymentOnly bit
14 ,@SignatureName nvarchar(45)
15 ,@SortExpression varchar(200)
16 ,@StartRowIndex int
17 ,@MaximumRows int
18 )
19 AS
22 IF LEN(@SortExpression) = 0 OR @SortExpression IS NULL
23 SET @SortExpression = 'Number DESC'
25 IF @StartRowIndex IS NULL
26 SET @StartRowIndex = 0
28 IF @MaximumRows IS NULL
30 @MaximumRows = COUNT(dh.DocumentHistoryID)
32 DocumentHistory dh;
34 WITH OrderedDocumentHistory AS
35 (
37 dh.DocumentHistoryID
38 ,dh.DocumentID
39 ,dh.DocumentTypeID
40 ,dh.DocumentTypeDesc
41 ,dh.RouteID
42 ,dh.RouteDesc
43 ,dh.CustomerID
44 ,dh.CustomerName
45 ,dh.DocDate
46 ,ISNULL(dc.HasReceipt, 0) AS 'HasReceipt'
47 ,ddt.Description AS 'SignatureReason'
48 ,a.Amount
49 ,CASE
50 WHEN @SortExpression = 'Number DESC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.DocumentID DESC))
51 WHEN @SortExpression = 'Number ASC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.DocumentID ASC))
52 WHEN @SortExpression = 'CustomerName DESC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.CustomerName DESC))
53 WHEN @SortExpression = 'CustomerName ASC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.CustomerName ASC))
54 WHEN @SortExpression = 'CompletedDate DESC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.DocDate DESC))
55 WHEN @SortExpression = 'CompletedDate ASC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.DocDate ASC))
56 WHEN @SortExpression = 'RouteDescription DESC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.RouteDesc DESC))
57 WHEN @SortExpression = 'RouteDescription ASC' THEN (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY dh.RouteDesc ASC))
58 END AS 'RowNumber'
60 DocumentHistory dh
61 INNER JOIN Customers c ON dh.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
62 INNER JOIN DeviationTypes ddt ON dh.DriverDeviationTypeID = ddt.DeviationTypeID
64 (
66 DocumentHistoryID
67 ,(COALESCE(SUM((CONVERT(INT, Units + DeviationUnits)) * (UnitPrice - UnitDiscount)) + SUM((CONVERT(INT, Cases + DeviationCases)) * (CasePrice - CaseDiscount)), 0.0)) AS Amount
69 DocumentHistoryItems dhia
71 dhia.DocumentHistoryID
72 ) AS a ON a.DocumentHistoryID = dh.DocumentHistoryID
74 (
76 dca.DocumentID
77 ,1 AS 'HasReceipt'
79 DocumentCollections dca
80 ) AS dc ON dh.DocumentID = dc.DocumentID
82 dh.DocDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
83 AND (dh.DocumentTypeID = @DocumentTypeID OR @DocumentTypeID IS NULL)
84 AND (dh.RouteID = @RouteID OR @RouteID IS NULL)
85 AND (dh.CustomerID = @CustomerID OR @CustomerID IS NULL)
86 AND dh.DocumentID LIKE @DocumentIDPrefix
87 AND CASE WHEN @OversoldOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL( (SELECT TOP 1 (dhio.DeviationUnits + dhio.DeviationCases) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dh.DocumentHistoryID = dhio.DocumentHistoryID AND (dhio.DeviationUnits > 0 OR dhio.DeviationCases > 0)), 0) ELSE 1 END > 0
88 AND CASE WHEN @DexCustomersOnly = 1 THEN c.DEXEnable ELSE 'Y' END = 'Y'
89 AND CASE WHEN @DeviationsOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL((SELECT TOP 1 (dhio.DeviationUnits + dhio.DeviationCases) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dh.DocumentHistoryID = dhio.DocumentHistoryID AND (dhio.DeviationUnits != 0 OR dhio.DeviationCases != 0)), 0) ELSE 1 END != 0
90 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN dh.Terms ELSE 'CHECK/CASH' END = 'CHECK/CASH'
91 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN (SELECT MAX(dhio.AlcoholPct) FROM DocumentHistoryItems dhio WHERE dhio.DocumentHistoryID = dh.DocumentHistoryID) ELSE 1 END > 0
92 AND CASE WHEN @CashNoPaymentOnly = 1 THEN ISNULL(dc.HasReceipt, 0) ELSE 0 END = 0
93 AND (dh.SigName = @SignatureName OR @SignatureName IS NULL)
94 AND (c.WarehouseID IN (SELECT WarehouseID FROM WebUserWarehouses WHERE WebUserID = @WebUserID)
95 OR @WebUserID IS NULL)
96 )
98 DocumentHistoryID
99 ,DocumentID
100 ,DocumentTypeDesc
101 ,RouteID
102 ,RouteDesc
103 ,CustomerID
104 ,CustomerName
105 ,DocDate
106 ,Amount
107 ,HasReceipt
108 ,SignatureReason
109 FROM
110 OrderedDocumentHistory
112 RowNumber BETWEEN (@StartRowIndex + 1) AND (@StartRowIndex + @MaximumRows)

 Here is the code for calling the stored procedure:1 DECLARE @RC int
2 DECLARE @WebUserID nvarchar(20)
3 DECLARE @DocumentTypeID int
4 DECLARE @RouteID nvarchar(10)
5 DECLARE @CustomerID nvarchar(15)
6 DECLARE @DocumentIDPrefix nvarchar(20)
7 DECLARE @StartDate datetime
8 DECLARE @EndDate datetime
9 DECLARE @OversoldOnly bit
10 DECLARE @DexCustomersOnly bit
11 DECLARE @DeviationsOnly bit
12 DECLARE @CashNoPaymentOnly bit
13 DECLARE @SignatureName nvarchar(45)
14 DECLARE @SortExpression varchar(200)
15 DECLARE @StartRowIndex int
16 DECLARE @MaximumRows int
18 SET @WebUserID = 'manager'
19 SET @DocumentTypeID = 0
20 SET @DocumentIDPrefix = '%'
21 SET @StartDate = '04/17/2007'
22 SET @EndDate = '04/19/2007'
23 SET @OversoldOnly = 0
24 SET @DexCustomersOnly = 0
25 SET @DeviationsOnly = 0
26 SET @CashNoPaymentOnly = 0
27 SET @SortExpression = ''
28 SET @StartRowIndex = 0
29 SET @MaximumRows = 20;
31 EXECUTE @RC = [Odom].[dbo].[w_DocumentHistory_Select]
32 @WebUserID
33 ,@DocumentTypeID
34 ,@RouteID
35 ,@CustomerID
36 ,@DocumentIDPrefix
37 ,@StartDate
38 ,@EndDate
39 ,@OversoldOnly
40 ,@DexCustomersOnly
41 ,@DeviationsOnly
42 ,@CashNoPaymentOnly
43 ,@SignatureName
44 ,@SortExpression
45 ,@StartRowIndex
46 ,@MaximumRows

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CTE Query - Long Load Time

Dec 5, 2014

I have a CTE query that is used to fill in nulls on a history table. The With statement executes just fine. sub 2 seconds on 974 records, however the main query is what's turning the whole query into a turtle. I know that it's the looping that it's doing there that is causing the slow down, but I'm just not sure how to fix it. I've tried inserting it into a temp table, refactored the code a hundred times, but nothing seems to be working.

Code is below and the execution plan is attached.
Server Version: 12.0.2342.0
Enterprise: 64bit

;WITH BuildTable
, [GEGTH].[Changed By]
, CAST( [dbo].[GetWeekStarting] ([GEGTH].[Changed Date] , 2 ) AS DATE) AS WeekOf
, [GEGT].[Title]


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Dm Query Taking Long Time

May 16, 2007

I'm running a query (see below) on my development server and its taking around 45 seconds. It hosts 18 user databases ranging from 3 MB to 400 MB. The production server, which is very similar but with only 1 25 MB user database, runs the query in less than 1 second. Both servers have been running on VMWare for almost 1 year with no problems. However last week I applied SP 2 to the development server, and yesterday I applied Critical Update KB934458. The production server is still running SQL Server 2005 Standard SP 1. Other than that, both servers are identical and running Windows 2003 Server Standard SP 1. I'm not seeing this discrepancy with other queries running against user databases.

use MyDatabase


select db_name(database_id) as 'Database', o.name as 'Table',

s.index_id, index_type_desc, alloc_unit_type_desc, index_level, i.name as 'Index Name',

avg_fragmentation_in_percent, fragment_count, avg_fragment_size_in_pages,

page_count, avg_page_space_used_in_percent, record_count,

ghost_record_count, min_record_size_in_bytes, avg_record_size_in_bytes, forwarded_record_count,

schema_id, create_date, modify_date from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (null, null, null, null, 'DETAILED') s

join sys.objects o on s.object_id = o.object_id

join sys.indexes i on i.object_id = s.object_id and i.index_id = s.index_id

where db_name(database_id) = 'MyDatabase'

order by avg_fragmentation_in_percent desc

--order by avg_fragment_size_in_pages desc

--order by page_count desc

--order by record_count desc

--order by avg_record_size_in_bytes desc

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BACKUP Job Takes Too Long...

Dec 16, 2004

The database is about 5 Gb and the transaction log is about 13 M
and it takes 11 hours to do a full back up.

I am not sure why it takes that long? Is there any thing I can check?

IT is SQL v7.

Thank you

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How Long It Takes To Restore DB

Dec 7, 2006


How much time will it take to restore a DB 300MB long in SQL Server 2005 Express?

Full Restore with recovery option?

The thing is that I made a restore process and its been running for about an hour now.

When I open the Management Studio on the database folder it shows "Restoring..."

Is this normal?


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EXtremely Long Time In Execution Query

Mar 21, 2007

Hi all,

I have a query, rather complex one to deal with more than 1 million rows, used to run 40 minutes in SQL Server 2000 in query analyzer. Now, it has been 10 hours in SQL Server 2005 in management studio. And still has not finished yet! Anything can go wrong here. Basically nothing changes, except for I have my server upgrade from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005. Seems something is wrong crazy in SQL Server 2005. Any suggestions?



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Wots The Difference B/w SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition And Express Edition

Sep 23, 2006

Hello!M a newbie.. I just want to know, that wots the difference b/w SQL Server Standard Edition and Express Edition.?And can I use Visual Studio 2005 (Professional Edition) with SQL Server Express Edition.?

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