SQL Server 2005 Express Very Slow

Apr 26, 2007


I have got an application running which connects 2 databases and performs an action that copies data from one database to the other database.

When using SQL Server 2000 MSDE, it takes about 5 seconds.

When using SQL Server 2005 Express Edition it takes about 30 seconds.

For testing 2005, I use 'upgraded' databases, so same indexes and data. I tried reindexing the databases, but always get the same result.

My setup string for installing SQL Server 2005 Express is :


The code (ADO) is something like :

SELECT FROM original database

-- do something with data

INSERT INTO other database

Until EOF

Any idea how to solve this ???

P.S. When perfoming a simple Query on the databases (with 1.000.000 rows result) with SQL Server Management Studio Express, I see 37 seconds for SQL Server 2000 and 33 Second for SQL Server 2005. That is more the result I expect.


XPPro SP2 3Ghz 1Gb

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CPU To Slow For SQL Server 2005 Express???

May 1, 2006

i want to install the SQL 2005 express Server on a HP-Netserver LH4 with 1 Xeon 500 CPU. I know, that i must have a 600MHz CPU, but i cant change the CPU. Is there one way to start the SQL server?

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Slow Connection To SQL 2005 Express

Jan 22, 2008

I've just moved a website/database application from windows server 2000 and sql server 2000 to windows server 2003 sp2 and SQL 2005 Express SP2. Database intensive pages now take about 40 seconds where before they took 2-3 seconds.

Things I've tried that haven't helped...

- I changed the ADODB connection string

from: sCnString = "dsn=mydsn;Database=mydatabase;uid=myuid;pwd=mypassword"

to: sCnString = "driver={SQL Native Client};server=myserverSQLEXPRESS;Database=mydatabase;uid=myuid;pwd=mypassword"

- Checked that autoclose is false.

What else can I look at?

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Sql 2005 Express Stalling / Running Very Slow

Mar 8, 2007

Sql 2005 Express with XPP SP2 and the latest MS updates sometimes runs very slow.

A SELECT which should take a fraction of a second can take several 10s of seconds.

I have checked autoclose is OFF for database using

use master
exec sp_dboption 'your_db_name','autoclose'

And it is definitely showing as OFF

I've looked at the Activity Monitor and when stalled it shows one or two processes for my database which are sleeping with 1 or 2 open transactions. When I look at their details they are simple select statements.

Often when my computer should be idle SqlServer.exe can be consuming 20 - 30% of cpu

I've noticed that I have TWO sqlservr.exe showing in my Task Manager, Processes display

One sqlservr.exe is 27K using about 17% even tho computer is idle has username NETWORK SERVICE

Other sqlservr.exe is 343K using 0% has user name SYSTEM

I don't know why.


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How To Apply SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 To The Version Of SQL Server 2005 Express Which Installs With Visual Studio 2005?

Aug 8, 2006

When I installed VS 2005, it installed the default version of SQL Server 2005 Express that ships with Visual Studio 2005 installer media.

How can apply SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 to update this existing instance?

Currently, if I run this query:

SELECT @@version

I get the following:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86) Oct 14 2005 00:33:37 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Express Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)

After applying SP1, I should get 9.00.2047.00.

Should I just go to this link and download & install the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP1:


Thank you,


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Sql Server Express Slow Initial Connection

Apr 22, 2008

I use a Remote Sql Server Express instance, and I have a strange behavior.. The first connection is really slow and I don't know how to fix that.I read some posts about this topic but I didn't find the right solution.Is there a way to "keep alive" the connection between my IIS server and the SQL one ?I check the auto-close property and it sets to false.
Any help ?

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SQL Server Management Studio Express Very Slow

Oct 30, 2007


I've recently installed SQL Server 2005 Express on my PC (winXP).

I'm finding that SQL Server Management Studio Express runs very slow. Every simple task takes 10-60seconds (open table, creating a table, saving anything etc). I can't find an answer to this anywhere. I've read neumerous articles that people wern't online therefore it was running slow because a certificate was trying to verify in the background... but I'm online and I've disabled the certificate so it can't be that.

This is a fresh install so I can't understand why it runs so slowly! When I used to use enterprise manager with SQL Server 2000 it worked at lighting speed.

What's going on?


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SQL Server Express Excruciatingly Slow With Simple Quries

Mar 10, 2008

I am running simple queries against test SQL Express installation and they take a very long time to return data. I have two SQL Express instances installed on colleagues' machines to which I connect for my testing and both exhibit the same problem. The setup is Windows XP SP 2 with 2 GB RAM and 3.6 GHz CPU. I am querying a table with around 7000 records and my query is simply SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM MyTable. It takes over 10 seconds to return the recordset!

I have done the research and found posts, which talk about AUTO_CLOSE option, indexes, query execution plan, etc. I have done everything those posts recommend, but performance is still terrible. All the instances have SQL 2005 SP2 applied.

I also found that the query runs fast locally on each SQL Express instance, the problem seem to happen when I am trying to pull the data over the network.

I am really not sure what else to look for.

Thank you,


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SQL Express Running Slow On Small Business Server

Jan 5, 2007


We have SQL Express running very slowly on Small Business Server. Does
anyone know if there is a conflict between the two? Or any ideas on how
to solve our problem?

(Autoclose is set to


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Upgrading From Sql Server 2005 Express Edition To Sql Server 2005 Express With Advanced Services

Oct 4, 2006

If i have been using sql server 2005 express for developing my application and i decide to upgrade to sql server 2005 express with advanced services while still working on the same application, what will happen to my  application's database. Can i be able to continue with my work with out any major regrets.

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Edited Data Won't Propagate Back To The Database (VB 2005 Express && SQL Server 2005 Express)

Dec 11, 2006


I'm trying to learn some VB programming with the VB 2005 Express Absolute Beginner Series video tutorials (which I think is great) and have come across a problem that I can't solve.

When I follow the instructions in Lesson 9 (Databinding Data to User Interface Controls) my application will display the data from the database correctly and I can edit it (and as long as the debugger is running the data remains changed). However, the changes won't propagate back to the database. I don't get any error messages but after I edit the data, save (with the save button on the BindingNavigator toolbar), and end debugging the data in my database remains unchanged. When I use a MessageBox to show how many rows where edited/updated in the


I get the correct number back. I'm sure the problem is not due to coding errors since I've also tried running the accompanying Lesson 9 project file that can be downloaded from MSDN and the problem persists.

I'm using Windows XP SP2, SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and VB 2005 Express Edition. I've tried installing SQL Server 2005 Express with a number of different settings, including default settings, but it doesn't make any difference.

Would greatly appreciate any feedback on this as I'm keen to resolve this problem so I can get on with the next tutorial lesson.


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Long Memory Grant Queue Waits In SQL Server Express SP2 Causes Slow Queries

Sep 10, 2007

I have a 2GHZ cpu with 1GB of RAM. I occassionally see very slow (long) queries against a local SQL Server 2005 Express (SP2) database. The issue occurs against different SQL Queries, but all queries are rather basic select statements Perfmon shows that the SQL Server counter for the "MEMORY GRANT QUEUE WAIT Avg MS" gets extremely high (25000+ ms). Perfmon also also shows that PAGING is not occuring, and the system is not under unsual stress. The problem is not reproducible with MSDE.

Has anyone seen this issue, or have any recommendations for a next course of action?

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How Can I Onnect Visual Basic Express 2005 To A Remote SQL Server Express 2005?

Sep 13, 2006

HiIm trying to connect Visual Basic Express 2005 to a remote SQL Server Express 2005. I cant find how i can do that in VB.net Express.In Web developer there are no problem to connect to a remote SQL server but i cant find it in VB.net Express. The XP with the SQL server that i want to connect to is on the local network. Greatful for help!

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Visual Basic 2005 Express And SQL Server 2005 Express - Display Image

Jun 13, 2007

Hi Guys,
I created a Product database table using Visual Basic 2005 Express and SQL Server 2005 Express. I have just added a new column [Picture] to the database table, which of course, should store an image or picture of a product. I am writing to kindly ask you guys for help .

i) How do I include image files into this column [Picture]?
ii) How do I get this image to display on Visual Basic 2005 Express form, so that when a product is selected the product image is displayed accordingly?

Your help much appreciated. Thanks.


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Visual Basic .NET 2005 Express && Sql Server 2005 Express Remote Server

Mar 12, 2007

 I want to make a component library in Visual Basic.NET and connect to a remote Sql Server. When I create a new DataSet with the wizard, I can only connect to a .mdf file, but not to a Sql Server. With Visual Web Developer I can connect to a Sql server. What is the difference between these enviroments ? How can I do the same with Visual Basic.NET ?
 Thanks in advance.

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Upgrading From 'SQL Server Express 2005' To 'SQL Server Express 2005 With Advance Services'

Apr 20, 2006

Currently I have following things installed on my Computer

1. SQL Server Express 2005

2. SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005 CTP

I need to install following things

A. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services

B. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit

Do I need to uninstall any any of 1 or 2?

What should be my path to upgrade these software.

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SQL Server 2005 Running Slow

May 3, 2007

Hi all,

I am having a problem ,SQL server is running very slow.This is happening some days only.For example my stored procedure ususally runs less than 2 minutes, some days will take 13minutes.I dont understand the problem.All the stored procedure having the same problem.Sorry, I am not a DBA,basically a devloper.Daily morning we are taking the DB backup and indexes already applied.DB size 10461.06 MB,RAM 4GB,CPU usage is less than 50%,This is a Cinema Database,so lot of users are accessing at same time(Web,IVR,cinema ticket counters etc).We are using SQL reports.Because of the stored procedure running slow,can not view the reports.pls advice..

please help me..If you need some more information please ask ..

Thanks in advance.

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Slow Connection To SQL Server 2005

Mar 4, 2008

I have a SQLServer 2005 running om a 64bit cluster. It is used to run a SharePoint 2007 portal. My problem is that the access to the database from the other servers in the farm is very slow.

I made a test program in C# that creates a standard .Net sqlConnection and runs a simple query 100 times. When run on the database server it takes less than a second, but when I run it from the web frontend server it takes 30 seconds. It never fails, it's just slow. The network connection is fast when copying files etc.

I see nothing out of the ordinary in the event log.

Do any of you have an idea what might be the problem or know how I could try to find the problem?


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SQL Server 2005 Run SSIS Job Is Slow.

Dec 14, 2007

our system to run the the job with SSIS package is slower than DTS package.
The SSIS package action is the same as DTS package.
What do I take care??


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Slow Connection To Sql Server 2005

Dec 9, 2006

I have a linked tables from access 2003 to sql server 2005 connected using odbc.

the connection is very slow.

when i use the same linked tables to sql server 2000 the connection is fine.

what seems to be the problem???

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Very Slow Data Access On SQL Server 2005?

Jul 5, 2006


Here is the brief to my problemWe had our database on SQL Server 2000 and Windows 2000.This machine
had 2gb of RAM and dual Penitum 3 processors and about 25-30 users were
connected all the time. The size of database is around 2 gb. Even on this setup
rate of data retrival was good, never had any issues. We moved to SQL Server 2005 and Windows 2003. This machines has
2 Pentium Xeon 3.4 processors and 2 stick of KINGSTON 1024 MB 333
retrival is awful and its very slow. It using about 1.7 to 1.9 gb of RAM all the
time. Page File usage is about 2.07 gb and Virtual Usage is about 1.7gb.I dont quiet understand why is it so slow to get data. We use bespoke software,
so nothing has changed there. Hardware specification of our server is far more better then the recommended
system requirement for SQL Server 2005.Am i missing something out or i havent set up the SQL Server properly? Any help would really be appreciated.Mits

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SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedure Is Very Slow Vs. SQL Server 2000

Apr 18, 2008

Hi there,

I was wondering if someone can point out the error or the thing I shouldn't be doing in a stored procedure on SQL Server 2005. I want to switch from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 which all seems to work just fine, but one stored procedure is causing me headache.

I could pin the problem down to this query:

DECLARE @Package_ID bigint

DECLARE @Email varchar(80)

DECLARE @Customer_ID bigint

DECLARE @Payment_Type tinyint

DECLARE @Payment_Status tinyint

DECLARE @Booking_Type tinyint



SELECT @Customer_ID = NULL

SELECT @Payment_Type = NULL

SELECT @Payment_Status = NULL

SELECT @Booking_Type = NULL


PACKAGE_ID bigint,

















-- If this line below is included the request will take about 90 seconds whereas it takes 1 second if it is outcommented





The request is performing quite well on the SQL Server 2000 but on the SQL Server 2005 it takes much longer. I already installed the SP2 x64, I'm running the SQL Server 2005 on a x64 environment.
As I stated in the comment in the query it takes 90 seconds to finish with the line included, but if I exclude the line it takes 1 second.
I think there must be something wrong with the join's or something else which has maybe changed in SQL Server 2005. All the tables joined have a primary key.
Maybe you folks can spot the error / mistake / wrong type of doing things easily.
I would appreciate any help you can offer me to solve this problem.

On the web I saw that there is a Cumulative Update 4 for the SP2 which fixes the following:

942659 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942659/)
FIX: The query performance is slower when you run the query in SQL Server 2005 than when you run the query in SQL Server 2000

Anyhow I think the problem is something else, I haven't tried out the cumulative update yet, as I think it is something different, more general why this query takes ages to process.

Thanks again for any help

Best regards,

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Copying Table Data From SQL Server 2005 To SQL Server 2000 - Very Slow When Using OLEDB Source And Destination Sources?

May 8, 2006

An SSIS package to transfer data from a DB instance on SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000 is extremely slow. The package uses an OLEDB Source to OLEDB Destination for data transfer which is basically one table from sql server 2005 to sql server 2000. The job takes 5 minutes to transfer about 400 rows at night when there is very little activity on the server. During the day the job almost always times out.

On SQL Server 200 instances the job ran in minutes in the old 2000 package.

Is there an alternative to this. Tranfer Objects task does not work as there is apparently a defect according to Microsoft. Please let me know if there is any other option other than using a Execute 2000 package task or using an ActiveX Script to read records from one source and to insert them into the destination source, which I am not certain how long it might take and how viable will that be?

Any inputs will be much appreciated.



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SQL Server 2005 Connection Unusually Slow Even Errors.

Sep 9, 2006

Hello,I have a Win2K3 Server with SS2005 developers edition. I am working on aWindows XP Pro workstation which has SQL Server 2000 installed as well asthe SQL Native Client. I'm using an MS Access ADP to connect to the serverand for some reason it's extremely slow, even to the point of throwing timeout errors and "can't generate SSPI context" messages. I've hit the MSwebsite and found info on the SSPI error, but none of the items thatgenerate the error apply to my situation. I've tried using the surface areamanager to change the connection to name pipes, name pipes and tcpip etc,but no luck.Is there anything I should be looking at or any known issues that wouldaffect this kind of performance?Thanks!Rick

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Very Slow GROUP BY With SQL 2005 On 64bit Multiprocessor Server

Apr 5, 2006


I have the following configuration:
- Server with 8 AMD Opteron Processors
- 24 GB Memory
- Windows Server 2003 64 bit
- SQL 2005 64 bit
- EMC Storage

The main instance is defined to use 7 Processors and
has about 10 databases.

The problem is:
When I run a "simple" Query (DISTINCT or GROUP BY) on a Table
with something like 1 million rows, SQL 2005 is very very slow !!!
The same query is on a SQL 2000 about 1000times faster ...

Does anybody has some ideas how to configure the system
to make it more useful ... ??

Thanks for any comment.

Best regards
Frank Uray

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Does SQL Server 2005 Express Support Web/Internet Replication To Other SQL Server Express Clients?

Jan 22, 2007


Q1: Does Sql Server 2005 Express support Web/Internet to other SQL Server 2005 Express Clients or does it have to Synch across the internet to a fully installed setup SQL Server 2005 with IIS?

Q2: Does SQL Server 2005 Express support Direct Replication between other SQL Server 2005 Express clients?


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SQL Server 2005 Express Edition With SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE)

Jun 7, 2007

Hi all,

I have installed SQL server 2005 express edition with SQL server Management studio express (SSMSE).

I have installed also SQLce and I would know how I can manage sql compact edition databases (.ldf) with sql SSMSE, if it is possible!

I would be grateful if you could explain it trought a detailed guide (I am a beginner user of sql server tools) or trought a link to useful sites.

I'm Looking forward for your reply and still trying...


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Extreme Slow SQL Server 2005 And High CPU Usage - Casting Of Values

Feb 20, 2006

Hello sql and .net gurus :-)I have a problem with my website www.eventguide.it. It's completly developed under .NET 2 and SQL Server 2005 Express. My problem is the folowing:The server is a Intel 3Ghz HT processor with 1GB Ram. No other page on the running system is a CPU consuming site. We optimized the SQL statements, the code, the caching and many other parts of the website (pooling on SQL access), but the SQL Server uses about 50% to100% of the CPU and about 400MB RAM all the time. The whole site seems to be very, very slow. In fact there are many of SQL operations on every page request, but we cache a lot of them in different ways (page output caching, application caching). So I don't understand we have so much performance problems. Any suggestions for optimised code in general? I read nearly all of the MS .NET performance papers - but real world experience is the missing part :-) It is better to cast the values of a SQL reader like thisDim String1 as String = Ctype(DataReader.item(0), String)Dim Integer1 as Intger = Ctype(DataReader.item(1), Integer)or like thisDim String1 as String = DataReader.item(0)
Dim Integer1 as Intger = DataReader.item(1)Thanks a lot for your help!FOX

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Slow SQL 2005 X64 Standard Edition Performance On Windows Server 2003 X64

Apr 5, 2008

I am having major performance issues with Microsoft SQL 2005 x64 Standard Editions performance on Windows Server 2003 x64. The PC has two quad core cpu's with 8gb of ram and running a 500gb mirrored SCSI (Raid 1) drive system. The database running on the server is about 11gb. I've run a defrag several times which helps a little but I was hoping I could do something else to increase the performance.

I have also found that the bottle neck in the SSIS package is the backup and restore process of an 11gb database which takes about 1 hour (backup takes 1 hour and restore takes 1 hour) when it should take about 11 minutes. Is there anything I can do to make these processes run faster or to find out why they are taking so long? Any ideas would be a great help.



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Slow Connection. ASP Page Querying A Linked Server On MSSQL 2005

Dec 28, 2006

Creating a web application.  Running a simple query "SELECT username FROM vwCustomer"

vwCustomer is a view built on top of an Access DB which is set up as a linked server.  Within SQL Server that view responds immediately.  But when I try to access it from an ASP page it takes over 20 seconds to respond.

Used the following to create the linked server:

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'DBName', 'Jet 4.0', 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'c:databasesdatabase.mdb'


EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'DBName', FALSE, NULL, 'Admin', ''


The view is simply(this works fine in SQL Server):

SELECT * FROM DBName.db.dbo.customer

The ASP page:

SELECT * FROM vwCustomer

Can anyone give me a hint as to where the bottleneck is?  Or how I can figure that out using SQL Profiler or something?

Please help!

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Slow Performance When Rendering Pages In SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

Jul 3, 2007

I have designed a fairly simple report in report designer that uses an analysis services cube as its input, and a basic matrix object as the primary design component. Cube performance either via object browser in Analysis Services or via connection from Excel is great. It does exactly what you build a cube for, i.e. it builds aggregations you can get to quickly. However rendering from a report designer report within Report Manager is a different story.

Even though this report is being rendered from an execution snapshot, it is painfully slow at opening and closing different levels of drill down. The report does have six levels of drill down, which I am sure is a factor. If I use a smaller dataset, performance does become more acceptable. However, I don't consider the requirements of my report to be all that extraordinary.

My conclusion thus far is that larger data sets with many possible page renderings are not the best candidates for HTML rendered reports. In this case Microsoft's cube analysis add-in to Excel might be a better choice. Thoughts and feedback on either how to improve the rendering speed or other presentation alternatives that would perform better would all be welcome.

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Slow SQL 2005 64bit Standard Edition Performance On Windows Server 2003

Apr 2, 2008


We are having major performance issues with Microsoft SQL 2005 64bit Standard Editions performance on Windows Server 2003. We have an SSIS package running very slowly (and other sql tasks) on our two quad core cpu system with 8gb of ram and running a 500gb mirrored SCSI (Raid 1) drive system. The database running on the server is about 11gb.

Does anybody have any suggestion we could try to increase the performance of the server? I've run a defrag several times which helps a little but I was hoping I could do something else to increase the performance.

Thank you.

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How To Enable CLR Integration In SQL Server Express And Create SQLCLR Project In VB 2005 Express?

Aug 31, 2007

Hi all,

In my SQL Server Express (that is installed in my Windows XP Pro PC), SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration has Protocols for SQLEXPRESS. I tried to do "Enabling CLR Integration" in my SQL Server Express: (1) If I clicked on "Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections", I got an error "An exception occurred in SMO while trying to manage a service, (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo) Additional information: Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum) The operation could not be completed. (WinMgmt). (2) If I clicked on "Surface Area Configuration for Features, I got a different error "Computer localhost does not exist on the network, or the computer cannot be configured remotely. Verify that the remote computer has the required computer has the required Windows Management Instrumentation components and then try again. (SQLSAC) Additional Information: An exception occurred in SMO while trying to manage a service. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo). Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum) The operation could not be completed. (WinMgmt). Please help and tell me how I should do to get "Enabling CLR Integration" in my SQL Server Express done and how I can create SQLCLR Project in VB 2005 Express.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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