SQL Server 2008 :: Select Statements To Output Files With Proper Datestamp

Jun 11, 2015

I have few complex queries and I want to extract the output of results to all different dateformatted output files.

How to write the queries?

I know BCP is a solution but any other effective way to implement it?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Merge 2 Select Statements

Aug 25, 2015

part.num, woitem.qtytarget AS woitemqty,

(SELECT LIST(wo.num, ',')

FROM wo INNER JOIN moitem ON wo.moitemid = moitem.id
WHERE moitem.moid = mo.id) AS wonums, mo."USERID" AS mo_USERID

[Code] ...

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Output Parameters And Select Statements

Mar 17, 2004


thanks for reading!

Here is my problem: I have a strored procedure that inserts some records

into one table and then selects some records from another table at the end.

The stored procedure takes several parameters, first one of them is marked as

OUTPUT. I'm using it to return an id of the inserted record. The procedure is called from asp.net code with first parameter set as ParameterDirection.InputOutput (tried with just Output as well). Now for the problem: if the the select statement at the end returns 0 records everything works and i my first parameter contains the @@IDENTITY value from the insert statement like it is supposed to.

If the select statement at the end returns 1 or more records my output parameter is not updated at all and contains the same value as before the procedure was run. All the records are inserted correctly.

if i try to return the @@identity as a plain select statement instead of through the parameter
i get System.DBNull.

I hope you can shed some light on this for me. Here is my stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE cwSaveProductInquiry
@inquiryId int OUTPUT,
@libraryName nvarchar(500),
@contactName nvarchar(200),
@address nvarchar(100),
@city nvarchar(50),
@state nvarchar(3),
@zip nvarchar(10),
@phone nvarchar(50),
@email nvarchar(100),
@comment nvarchar(3000),
@productIds nvarchar(2000)


INSERT INTO INQUIRY (LibraryName, ContactName, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Email, Comment) VALUES(@libraryName, @contactName, @address, @city, @state, @zip, @phone, @email,@comment)

--i tried including this statement at the end as well but that did not do the

--trick either

select @inquiryId=@@IDENTITY FROM INQUIRY

set nocount on
declare @separator_position int -- This is used to locate each separator character
declare @objectId varchar(200) -- this holds each array value as it is returned

if(@productIds is not null)
while patindex('%,%' , @productIds) <> 0
select @separator_position = patindex('%,%' , @productIds)
select @objectId= left(@productIds, @separator_position - 1)
INSERT INTO PRODUCT_INQUIRY_LOOKUP (ProductId,InquiryId) VALUES(@objectId, @inquiryId)
select @productIds = stuff(@productIds, 1, @separator_position, '')
set nocount off

Select Distinct Email from vPRODUCT_CONTACT WHERE ProductId in
(Select ProductId From Product_Inquiry_Lookup Where InquiryId=@inquiryId)


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SQL Server 2008 :: Unable To Use Proper Quotes In The Statement?

May 22, 2015

I'm automating some of the TDE stuff and while doing so stuck somewhere. I'm unable to use section [ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = ''"' + @db_pswd + '"'' ] properly as in if the user (DBA) wants to pass a single quote(') in the password, then it will fail.

I used quoted_identifier OFF/ON outside my proc, no luck still.

--Create a backup of the certificate with a private key and store in a secure location

select @cmd = 'BACKUP CERTIFICATE ' + @cert_nm + ' TO FILE = ''' + @cert_file + '''' +
' WITH PRIVATE KEY ( FILE = ''' + @key_file + ''', ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = ''"' + @db_pswd + '"'' );'
select @cmd
--EXEC sp_executesql @cmd

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SQL Server 2008 :: Date Manipulation And CASE Statements

Mar 1, 2015

I have a question on date manipulation functions and CASE statements

My sql is passed the following parameter's and performs a select using a manipulation on these date param's to get a start and end date range depending on the conditions;-

monthColHeader = eg 'Feb 2015'
defaultStartDate and defaultEndDate
filterStartDate and filterEndDate.

These are my conditions;-

if defaultStart and End = filterStart and End use monthColHeader for the date range
if defaultStart and End != filetrStart and End AND the month/year of filterStart and filterEnd match then use the filterStart & End month/Year with the monthColHeader to get the date range
if defaultStart and End != filetrStart and End AND the month/year of filterStart and filterEnd DON't match use filterStart Day and monthColHeader for our start date and monthColHeader for our end date.

When I say use monthColHeader I mean like this;-

(r.dbAddDate >= (CAST('@Request.monthColHeader ~' AS DATETIME)) AND r.dbAddDate < DATEADD(mm,1,'@Request.monthColHeader ~'))

This sql works for converting say 'Feb 2015' to '2015-02-01' & '2015-02-28'....

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Which NetCF CAB Files Proper For Sumsung I600 Mobile ?

Aug 29, 2007

Hi everybody there ..

I tried to install compact framework on Sumsung I600 mobile but the installation failed

so can you help me to define which installation files I should select, the same problem with SQL Server Mobile !


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SQL Server 2008 :: Track All DML Statements Executed From SSMS Into A Table

Apr 1, 2015

I have a specific requirement. I need to insert the DML statements executed from Management Studio into a SQL table. We have SQL Server 2008 R2 and 2012 instances.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Find Statements That Cause Large Memory Paging

Apr 22, 2015

I am monitoring our production server, and noticed that periodically we have spikes of Memory Paging Rate (pages/sec).

How to find particular queries/stored procedures that causing this?

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Proper Place For Sub Select?

Feb 14, 2013

I have a very simple query that gets a field to use as constraints in another query.


FROM apcType T
INNER JOIN apcAttribute a on A.T = T.RIN
WHERE T.Name like '%Sales'

The results of the first query are used in the following query where it is bolded and marked with and <<<<========

SELECT AP.Arg2, AP.Arg3, M.Parcel,
M.Serial, M.Name, M.Acres, M.District,
V.YearBuilt, V.Code, V.Size,
WHERE V1.Year = V.Year and V1.Parcel = V.Parcel and
SUBSTRING(V1.Code, 1, 1) = 'L'


My question is How can I fold the first query into the second?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Data Output In XML

Feb 22, 2015

I have below two table and i want ot generate the xml out put as mentioned below.

create table Candidates(eno int,ResumeText varchar(30), Email varchar(30),Active varchar(30),postalcode varchar(30),country int)
insert into Candidates
select 1,'Test','ee@ee.com','Active yes','888888',2
union all
select 2,'Test','ee@ee.com','Active yes','888888',6


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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Remove Spaces From Output

Jun 23, 2015

When I save my output (from a query I ran) to a text file, there seems to be rows of spaces. Is there a way i can just kill off any spaces at the end of my query? Like rtrim or something?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Batch Archiving With OUTPUT

Oct 13, 2015

I have to set up archiving of some pretty large tables (125M+ rows) and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do it.

I've been using OUTPUT into, something like this:

delete top (100000) a
output deleted.RecordID
into dbo.RecordsArchive (RecordID)
from dbo.Records

It's difficult to tell if it sub-optimal code or just sheer volume, but any performance penalty using OUTPUT into in this way? or is it advantageous to insert the records to the archive first, and then delete them in two separate operations?

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Transact SQL :: Deadlocks On Server From Select Statements?

Feb 13, 2014

I am not sure if i am looking correctly at the deadlocks but i see deadlocks between two select statements.These statements are being run through an application. Below is the table schema from where the select is being performed

[PARENTID] [int] NOT NU,  --we have a non clustered index on this column
[CHILDID] [int] NOT NULL, --we have a non clustered index on this column
[ISMEMBER] [int] NOT NULL, -- we have a non clustered index on this column
[ORDINAL] [int] NULL,-- we have a non clustered index on this column

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Get Output Based On Sequential Number

Feb 13, 2015

The below data come from table table1. Instead of below result Ex1: I need output similar to the ex2.


CaseNumberStart CaseNumberEndExported


CaseNumberStart CaseNumberEndExported

How to get the result similar to Ex2, instead of Ex1. (ie., case-number is in sequential order then no need to break), And it should suit large dataset, I will finetune, if any performance issue.

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSMS Truncating PowerShell Output?

Jun 3, 2015

When I execute the following command, I get the output truncated to 79 characters, including three dots (as an ellipsis, I suppose).

EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'powershell.exe "Get-ChildItem D:Databazepaleontologieprilohyverejneg -filter g417*.* -recurse | select Fullname | out-string -width 255"'When I execute the core command directly in Powershell, whether the text or ISE version, it works correctly, with or without the out-string -width command.

Get-ChildItem D:Databazepaleontologieprilohyverejneg -filter g417*.* -recurse | select Fullname | out-string -width 255What does it take to get SSMS to not truncate my output strings?

View 6 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2008 :: Display Output Of Table In Given Format?

Aug 19, 2015

I have a table Test123 having three column EmpID,AttribName,AttribValue.

run the below query to generate table structure and data.

Create Table Test123(EmpID int,AttribName varchar(50),AttribValue varchar(50))

insert into Test123 values(1,'Name','X')
insert into Test123 values(1,'Age',50)
insert into Test123 values(1,'Salary',1000)
insert into Test123 values(2,'Name','Y')
insert into Test123 values(2,'Age',30)
insert into Test123 values(2,'Salary',2000)
insert into Test123 values(3,'Name','Z')
insert into Test123 values(3,'Age',35)
insert into Test123 values(3,'Salary','One Hundred')

And I want output in below format.


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SQL Server 2008 :: Unable To Open Step Output File

Aug 27, 2013

I am running sql script inside job.But sql is not saving the results in the file which i specified('Unable to open Step output file'). I tried same thing on different server, it works fine.Both are are 2008 R2.Is there any server level setting that i have to look at.On both servers i logged in as sal. Why is it working on server1 ,but not on server2?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Query To Show XML Output For Hierarchical Data?

Mar 10, 2015

selecting table data in hierarchical XML .

Here is the sample table DDL and data

Declare @continents Table
id int identity (1,1)
,continent_id int
,continent_Name varchar(100)
,continent_surface_area varchar(100)
,country_id int


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SQL Server 2008 :: Cleanup History Has Extra Output Message

Apr 16, 2015

Oldest Day till I want to Purge[30 days of Old Data] : 03-17-2015

Running Cleanuphistory Procedure On Server:

NO of records are qualifying for deletion:0

Deleted Sysmail MAil Items, Old history: 1
Deleted Sysmail Log Old history: 1
0 history entries purged. <<<<<<< ----------------------- [HOW IT IS COMING ?? ??]
Deleted SQL JOB Old HISTORY: 1


[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Query Plan Output List (IsBaseRow)

May 6, 2015

Looking at an execution plan today I noticed something I've not seen before. The plan includes a non clustered index seek, followed by a RID lookup on the heap. The output list for the index seek contains the expected "Bmk" column (in this case "Bmk1473"), but also includes "IsBaseRow1475". This isn't a column from the table.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Query Results Output Into CSV File To Use In VBA Macro

Jul 31, 2015

I have the following code below where I need to have all of the query results output into a .csv file to use in a VBA macro. The issue I am running into is that the data is not deliminating correctly and my rows are being shifted incorrectly. Any better way of out putting the results into a .csv file with a common delimiter.

-- Declare the variables
@DelCMD VARCHAR(4000),
@Combine VARCHAR(4000),
@Path VARCHAR(4000),

[Code] ...

Output from query (please post in a text editor. The line starting with (only ) should be on line 1 after 20 pks and is shifted to a new line.):

557898^1^9885E25^80082^9.0 CM GLASS FIBER PADS 20PKS
(only 12 pks in stock that will ship today)

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Storing Dynamic Query Output In Temp Table

Apr 6, 2015

I have a dynamic sql which uses Pivot and returns "technically" variable no. of columns.

Is there a way to store the dynamic sql's output in to a temp table? I don't want to create a temp table with the structure of the output and limit no. of columns hence changing the SP every time I get new Pivot column!!

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SQL Server 2008 :: Export Output Into CSV File As A Report With Column Headers?

Aug 20, 2015

I have a table which has few columns as Numeric value. I need to export the output into a csv file as a report with column headers. I have used bcp command. Here column name and Column Header name is the same. The BCP query which i have used is Below

bcp "SelectCompanyCode,MonthId,ActualityCode,CompanyCounterpartCode,LocalProductCode,LocalCustomerBillTo,
TXAmountYTD,LocalCurrencyCode,LocalAmountYTD,SourceSystemFromTable(nolock)" queryout D: est.csv -c -t ";" -r -S -T

Is there any way to export bcp with header or any other command to generate the csv file.

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SQL Server 2008 :: DBMail Output Query Results As CSV With Headers But No Separator

Aug 25, 2015

If I use msdb..sp_send_dbmail or save query results as text (using sqlcmd) and include the column headers I get the dashed separator line.


custID, name
------, ------
2,jamesI would like this
custID, name
1, bob
2 ,james

I found this method [URL] ....

sqlcmd -E -S (local) -d myDB -W -w 1024 -s "," -i "SELECT * FROM tblCust" | findstr /V /C:- /B > C: emp.csv

Can the same result be achieved sending as attachment with dbmail?

EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail @attach_query_result_as_file = 1I don't want to have to add column names as part of the query

Change the query to return column headers in resultset
SELECT 'CustID' as f1, 'name' as f2
SELECT CAST(CustID as Varchar(10)), name FROM tblCustand set

msdb..sp_send_dbmail @query_result_header = 0

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SQL Server 2008 :: Stored Procedure Script Output To Text File

Apr 29, 2009

I am having a Stored Procedure Or SQL Script to be attached to Job Scheduler. When this Stored procedure executes it generates some output text. I need to store this output to text file when ever this store Procedure (or) SQL Script executed by job Scheduler.

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The Dynamic SQL Statements With Output Parameters

Nov 15, 2005

The dynamic SQL statements with output parameters, unfortunately, in the documentation are not described.
À) Simple example of the dynamic SQL statement with output parameters

-- dynamic SQL statements expects parameter of type 'ntext/nchar/nvarchar'.
declare @SQLString nvarchar(4000), @ParmDefinition nvarchar(4000)
-- the third parameter passed in the dynamic statement as by output, returns the length of
-- the hypotenuses of a right triangle, two first parameters are lengths of legs of a triangle
declare @nHypotenuse float
select @SQLString = 'select @nHypotenuse = sqrt(square(@nLeg1_of_a_triangle)+square(@nLeg2_of_a_triangle))',
@ParmDefinition = '@nLeg1_of_a_triangle float, @nLeg2_of_a_triangle float, @nHypotenuse float out'
-- we call the dynamic statement in such a way
exec sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @nLeg1_of_a_triangle = 3.0, @nLeg2_of_a_triangle = 4.0, @nHypotenuse = @nHypotenuse out
-- or in such a way
exec sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, 3.0, 4.0, @nHypotenuse out
select @nHypotenuse -- Displays 5.0

B) Example of usage of the dynamic statement with output parameter and the function GETALLWORDS.
The following stored procedure get all words from a field of the type text or ntext, the word length should not exceed 4000 characters.

@TableName sysname, @FieldIdName sysname, @FieldIdValue sql_variant, @FieldTextName sysname, @cDelimiters nvarchar(256) = NULL
-- this Stored procedure inserts the words from a text field into the table.
-- WORDNUM int – Sequence number of a word
-- WORD nvarchar(4000) – the word
-- STARTOFWORD int – position in the text field, with which the word starts
-- LENGTHOFWORD smallint – length of the word
-- Parameters
-- @TableName name of the table with the text or ntext field
-- @FieldIdName name of Id field
-- @FieldIdValue value of Id field
-- @FieldTextName name of field text or ntext
-- @cDelimiters Specifies one or more optional characters used to separate words in the text field
set nocount on

declare @k int, @wordcount int, @nBegSubString int, @nEndSubString int, @nEndString int, @divisor tinyint, @flag bit, @RetTable bit,
@cString nvarchar(4000), @TypeField varchar(13), @SQLString nvarchar(4000), @ParmDefinition nvarchar(500), @nBegSubString1 smallint, @nEndSubString1 smallint
select @TableName = object_name(object_id(lower(ltrim(rtrim(@TableName))))), @FieldIdName = lower(ltrim(rtrim(@FieldIdName))), @FieldTextName = lower(ltrim(rtrim(@FieldTextName))),
@cDelimiters = isnull(@cDelimiters, nchar(32)+nchar(9)+nchar(10)+nchar(13)), -- if no break string is specified, the function uses spaces, tabs, carriage return and line feed to delimit words.
@nBegSubString = 1, @nEndSubString = 4000, @flag = 0, @RetTable = 0, @wordcount = 0

-- If the temporary table is not created in the calling procedure, we create the temporary table
if object_id( 'tempdb..#GETALLWORDSFROMTEXT') is null
create table #GETALLWORDSFROMTEXT (WORDNUM int, WORD nvarchar(4000), STARTOFWORD int, LENGTHOFWORD smallint)
select @RetTable = 1
-- we use the dynamic SQL statement to receive the exact name of text field
-- as we can write names of fields by a call of the given stored procedure in the arbitrary register
-- in the string of parameters definition @ParmDefinition we use a keyword output
-- and by a call of the dynamic SQL statement exec sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @FieldTextName = @FieldTextName output
-- Also we use a keyword output for definite before parameter
select @SQLString = 'select @FieldTextName = name from syscolumns where id = OBJECT_ID('''+ @TableName+''') and lower(name) = '''+@FieldTextName+''''
select @ParmDefinition = '@FieldTextName sysname output'
exec sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @FieldTextName = @FieldTextName output

-- we use the dynamic SQL statement to receive the exact name of Id field
select @SQLString = 'select @FieldIdName = name from syscolumns where id = OBJECT_ID('''+ @TableName+''') and lower(name) = '''+@FieldIdName+''''
select @ParmDefinition = '@FieldIdName sysname output'
exec sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @FieldIdName = @FieldIdName output

-- we use the dynamic SQL statement to receive the type of field (text or ntext)
select @SQLString = 'select @TypeField = name from systypes where xtype = any ( select xtype from syscolumns where id = OBJECT_ID('''+ @TableName+''') and lower(name) = '''+@FieldTextName+''')'
select @ParmDefinition = '@TypeField varchar(13) output'
exec sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @TypeField = @TypeField output

select @divisor = case @TypeField when 'ntext' then 2 else 1 end -- 2 for unicode

-- we use the dynamic SQL statement to receive a length of the text field
select @SQLString = 'select @nEndString = 1 + datalength('+ @FieldTextName+')/'+cast( @divisor as nchar(1)) +' from '+@TableName +' where '+ @FieldIdName+' = ' +cast(@FieldIdValue as nchar(50))
select @ParmDefinition = '@nEndString int output'
exec sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @nEndString = @nEndString output

-- We cut the text field into substrings of length no more than 4000 characters and we work with substrings in cycle
while 1 > 0
-- we use the dynamic SQL statement to receive a substring of a type nvarchar(4000) from text field
select @SQLString = 'select @cString = substring('+ @FieldTextName+','+cast( @nBegSubString as nvarchar(20)) +',' +
cast( @nEndSubString - @nBegSubString + 1 as nvarchar(20))+') from '+@TableName +' where '+ @FieldIdName+' = ' +cast(@FieldIdValue as nchar(50))
select @ParmDefinition = '@cString nvarchar(4000) output'
exec sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @cString = @cString output

select @nBegSubString1 = 1, @nEndSubString1 = @nEndSubString - @nBegSubString +1

while charindex(substring(@cString, @nBegSubString1, 1) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, @cDelimiters COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN) > 0 and @nEndSubString >=@nBegSubString -- skip the character not in word, if any
select @nBegSubString = @nBegSubString + 1 , @nBegSubString1 = @nBegSubString1 + 1

while charindex(substring(@cString, @nEndSubString1, 1) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, @cDelimiters COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN) = 0 and @nEndSubString >=@nBegSubString -- skip the character in word, if any
select @nEndSubString = @nEndSubString - 1, @nEndSubString1 = @nEndSubString1 - 1

if @nEndSubString >=@nBegSubString
select top 1 @wordcount = WORDNUM from #GETALLWORDSFROMTEXT order by WORDNUM desc
select @cString = substring(@cString, @nBegSubString1, @nEndSubString1-@nBegSubString1+1)
-- we use a function GETALLWORDS which one works with strings of a type nvarchar(4000)
-- we add outcome result in the temporary table
select (@wordcount+WORDNUM), WORD, (@nBegSubString+STARTOFWORD-1), LENGTHOFWORD from dbo.GETALLWORDS(@cString, @cDelimiters)

select @nBegSubString = @nEndSubString + 1, @nEndSubString = @nEndSubString + 4000
select @nEndSubString = @nEndSubString + 4000 -- In a case if the substring consists of one delimiter

if @flag = 1
if @nEndString <= @nEndSubString
select @flag = 1, @nEndSubString = @nEndString

-- If in a calling procedure the table was not created, we show the result
if @RetTable = 1


Example of the call Stored procedure SP_GETALLWORDSFROMTEXT

declare @cDelimiters nvarchar(256)
select @cDelimiters = '"-,.:!?«»()'+SPACE(1)+CHAR(9)+CHAR(10)+CHAR(13)+CHAR(12)

if object_id( 'tempdb..#GETALLWORDSFROMTEXT') is not null
create table #GETALLWORDSFROMTEXT (WORDNUM int, WORD nvarchar(4000), STARTOFWORD int, LENGTHOFWORD smallint)
exec dbo.SP_GETALLWORDSFROMTEXT 'Your Table name', 'Your Id field name', Value of Id field, ' text or ntext field name', @cDelimiters

if object_id( 'tempdb..#GETALLWORDSFROMTEXT') is not null

-- GETALLWORDS() User-Defined Function Inserts the words from a string into the table.
-- GETALLWORDS(@cString[, @cDelimiters])
-- Parameters
-- @cString nvarchar(4000) - Specifies the string whose words will be inserted into the table @GETALLWORDS.
-- @cDelimiters nvarchar(256) - Optional. Specifies one or more optional characters used to separate words in @cString.
-- The default delimiters are space, tab, carriage return, and line feed. Note that GETALLWORDS( ) uses each of the characters in @cDelimiters as individual delimiters, not the entire string as a single delimiter.
-- Return Value table
-- Remarks GETALLWORDS() by default assumes that words are delimited by spaces or tabs. If you specify another character as delimiter, this function ignores spaces and tabs and uses only the specified character.
-- Example
-- declare @cString nvarchar(4000)
-- set @cString = 'The default delimiters are space, tab, carriage return, and line feed. If you specify another character as delimiter, this function ignores spaces and tabs and uses only the specified character.'
-- select * from dbo.GETALLWORDS(@cString, default)
-- select * from dbo.GETALLWORDS(@cString, ' ,.')
-- See Also GETWORDNUM() , GETWORDCOUNT() User-Defined Functions
CREATE function GETALLWORDS (@cString nvarchar(4000), @cDelimiters nvarchar(256))
returns @GETALLWORDS table (WORDNUM smallint, WORD nvarchar(4000), STARTOFWORD smallint, LENGTHOFWORD smallint)
declare @k smallint, @wordcount smallint, @nEndString smallint, @BegOfWord smallint, @flag bit

select @k = 1, @wordcount = 1, @BegOfWord = 1, @flag = 0, @cString = isnull(@cString, ''),
@cDelimiters = isnull(@cDelimiters, nchar(32)+nchar(9)+nchar(10)+nchar(13)), -- if no break string is specified, the function uses spaces, tabs, carriage return and line feed to delimit words.
@nEndString = 1 + datalength(@cString) /(case SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@cString,'BaseType') when 'nvarchar' then 2 else 1 end) -- for unicode

while 1 > 0
if @k - @BegOfWord > 0
insert into @GETALLWORDS (WORDNUM, WORD, STARTOFWORD, LENGTHOFWORD) values( @wordcount, substring(@cString, @BegOfWord, @k-@BegOfWord), @BegOfWord, @k-@BegOfWord ) -- previous word
select @wordcount = @wordcount + 1, @BegOfWord = @k
if @flag = 1

while charindex(substring(@cString, @k, 1) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, @cDelimiters COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN) > 0 and @nEndString > @k -- skip break characters, if any
select @k = @k + 1, @BegOfWord = @BegOfWord + 1
while charindex(substring(@cString, @k, 1) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, @cDelimiters COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN) = 0 and @nEndString > @k -- skip the character in the word
select @k = @k + 1
if @k >= @nEndString
select @flag = 1

For more information about string UDFs Transact-SQL please visit the


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SQL Server 2008 :: Query A Column Of XML Files?

Feb 12, 2015

I have a table with lots of xml files in one column(more than 1000), like this

1. <content xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema...
2. <content xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema...
3. <content xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema...each is big

I want to query some values for all to see the duration but now I can only query one of them

declare @bp xml
select @bp=xml
from bloodpressureohneschema
;WITH XMLNAMESPACES('http://schemas.openehr.org/v1' as bp,'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' as xsi,'OBSERVATION' as type)
select * from(
m.c.value('(./bp:time/bp:value)[1]','date') as time,
m.c.value('(./bp:data/bp:items[1]/bp:value[1]/bp:magnitude)[1]','int') as value
from @bp.nodes('/bp:content/bp:data/bp:events') as m(c)

is there somewhere I can make better?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Locate Archived Log Files

Jun 18, 2015


The number of files to retain for SQL Server Logs is set to 99. When I expand the SQL Server Logs node in SQL Server Mgt Studio it shows the current log file through Archive#49. The oldest archive file is dated 2015/05/26. If I select that archive in SQL Server Mgt Studio it shows me the details and entries of that archive file. Yet when I go to the directory on SQL Server for the log files there are only the 5 most recent files. I have searched for '.trc' files on the entire drive and have found no other files.

How can SQL Server Mgt Studio show archive files that have no corresponding archive file in the directory that is supposed to contain the log files?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Locating MDF / Log And Backup Files?

Aug 21, 2015

I am trying to locate the mdf,log and bak files but I am not seeing folder (MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER) the only folder I see there are 90,100,110 and Report builder.

I located the properties of one of the databases below right clicking the properties on SSMS, but when I physically go there, I don't find that folder.

C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLDATA

I gave myself all the permissions under the security tab fro the folder Microsoft SQL Server but still nothing.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Create All Procedures Located In A Folder One By One And Saving Output File

May 15, 2015

I am asked to create 100 procedures to a database. Any best way to create them in a database one by one by calling the files and saving the execution output files in a folder?

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In Code Behind, What Is Proper Select Statement Syntax To Retrieve The @BName Field From A Table?

Apr 8, 2006

In Code Behind, What is proper select statement syntax to retrieve the @BName field from a table?Using Visual Studio 2003SQL Server DB
I created the following parameter:Dim strName As String        Dim parameterBName As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@BName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)        parameterBName.Value = strName        myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterBName)
I tried the following but get error:Dim strSql As String = "select @BName from Borrower where BName= DOROTHY V FOWLER "
error is:Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'V'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'V'.
Source Error:
Line 59: Line 60: Line 61:         myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()   'Execute the query

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SQL Server 2008 :: Load Latest CSV Files From File Server Automatically

Feb 4, 2015

I need to load the latest csv files from file server , The files are placed in a folder called -

Posted 02022015- --> csv files .

I am able to copy the csv files from filserver using bulk insert (manually) , giving the file location

I am having difficulty picking up the latest folder which is posted on the server and import it into database using a stored proc .

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS - Download Files From FTP Using Filter

Feb 8, 2015

I need to use SSIS to connect to an FTP server. From there I need to download files to a local folder. I need to download only today's files and also on those files starting with Training or Recruitment. I have managed to set up tasks that copy all but I am having such a hard time writing a script using C# that will download using the filters.

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