SQL Server 2008 :: Using EXEC Functions And Temp Tables?

Jul 14, 2015

here's an example of what I am trying to do.

--Exec Database.Employees
--Use Database
--Create PROCEDURE AEM.TempTable
--Select * into #emptemp From Database.Employees
--Select * From #emptemp

Is something like this possible? I can get the EXEC to run the "Select * into #emptemp From Database.Employees" statement, but when I try to use the temp table it doesnt see it.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Service Broker And Temp Tables

Feb 12, 2015

Let's say that I have a stored proc that is assigned to a service broker queue and is constantly running while it waits for messages in said queue. When a message comes in on the queue, the stored proc creates a table variable based off of the contents of the message and performs various operations with the data. Since the stored proc is constantly running, do the contents of this table variable ever truly get emptied? Should I be deleting the contents of the table variable at the end of the operation to ensure that stale data doesn't persist?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Temp Tables Persisting In TembDB

Apr 30, 2015

I've recently started a new position and our production box. Contains a procedure that uses 30 + temp tables. I'm currently not in a position to change this as it's production and I would have to be granted a window to re-design.

However the tempDb is showing some strange activity.

If a table is created #CarrierService (CarrierServiceID,DeliveryZoneID,CollectionZoneID) for example

Once the procedure is called It will appear in the tempDB with the session info appended as expected


However once the session has ended the above table will get dropped and a new one created

#2C78E45A, I now have 7000 of these different Tables in the TempDB

When I Interrogate this using

SELECT o.name, o.create_date,o.modify_date , c.Name,C.Column_Id
FROM tempdb.sys.Objects o
Inner join tempdb.Sys.Columns c
ON o.object_id =c.Object_ID
WHERE o.type ='U'

I get the Following results

name create_date modify_date object_id name
#2C78E45A26/04/2015 18:0930/04/2015 14:55746120282CarrierServiceId
#2C78E45A26/04/2015 18:0930/04/2015 14:55746120282CollectionZoneId
#2C78E45A26/04/2015 18:0930/04/2015 14:55746120282DeliveryZoneId

Notice How It's getting Modified today.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Temp DB Size Values From Different Tables

May 25, 2015

For finding size values of temp database:

select * from sys.master_files -
size column value here is 1024 for .mdf,size here for .ldf is 64
select * from tempdb.sys.database_files -
size column value here is 3576 for .mdf,size here for .ldf is 224

Why is there a difference and not the same. size columns in the above 2 tables for temp db's do they represent different values ?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How Temp Tables Associated To Deferred Recompilation

May 25, 2015

1) "Deferred compile" recompile event occurs because of deferred name resolution. In other words, an object referred to in the statement does not exist at compile time. Later, when the object does exist, it requires a recompile of the statement so that it can create an optimal execution plan. One example of when a deferred compile will occur is if a temporary table is used in a batch and does not exist when the first statements in the batch are compiled.

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Working With Temp Tables In Functions

Dec 26, 2002

I am trying to take a table of Customer locations and making a single string out of them. Any help would be appreciated.
CustomerLocation = "Web"
CustomerLocation = "North Carolina"

function call..


Web,North Carolina


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SQL Server 2008 :: Turning Complex Query Into Temp Tables

Mar 5, 2015

do you have a general rule of thumb for breaking a complex query into temp tables? For someone who is not a sql specialist, a query with more than a few table joins can be complex. So a query with 10+ table joins can be overwhelming for someone who is not a sql specialist.

One strategy is to break a problem into pieces so to speak by grouping together closely related tables into temp tables and then joining those temp tables together. This simplifies complex SQL and although not as performant as one big query it's much easier to understand. So do you have a general rule of thumb as far as a threshold for the number of joins you include in a query before you break the query into temp tables?

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EXEC In SQL Functions

Sep 1, 2006


I need to pass a table name and id to a function and return a row count
I need to use EXEC or SP_EXECUTESQL to run dynamic SQL
It wont work in functions. Following is my function

alter FUNCTION [dbo].[GetRowCount] (@TblName NVARCHAR(25) , @Itemid INT)
set @RowCnt = 0
DECLARE @Sqlstring nvarchar(2000)

set @Sqlstring = 'SELECT @RowCnt = COUNT(*) FROM ['+ @TblName +'] WHERE Itemid = '+ convert(varchar(10),@Itemid)
EXEC @Sqlstring


while executing this I get the following error ....
"Only functions and extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function." and "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'EXEC' "

does anyone have any ideas of this ?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Using String Functions On Text

May 26, 2015

I've below value in a column with data type - TEXT

QU 221025U2V/AN G-DT DL A 5 1A- 11,5,SF,230,30162,LZ,2,118,0,0,10170,25,06

This text value has some special characters in it. and I could not paste the exact value as this text box is not allowing me to do so. So, for reference I've attached a screenshot (Capture.png) of the value.

I want to fetch last two values from this text i.e. 25 and 06. (It can be anything like 56R,06T but will be the last two values separated by comma)...

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Calling Functions Within An Exec() Block

Feb 27, 2007

I have an exec() statement in a stored procedure:


exec('insert into foo
select a, b, c, dbo.bar(d, e)
from baz')

dbo.bar() is a function defined elsewhere. It works OK
by itself.

Getting this error when running the stored procedure:


Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'bar'. No entry found with that name.

How do I force SQL Server to recognize the function's name?


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User Defined Functions And EXEC

Mar 5, 2008

I'm using MS SQL Server 2005.

I want to simulate a table, using a Multi-statement Table-Value User-Defined Function, but I need the function build the SQL statement from scratch each time so I can dynamically define values like the table it references. The only way I know how to run the query after it has been defined in this manner is to run an EXEC command. However I'm getting an error basically saying that the EXEC command is off limits in a User Defined Function.

The Exsact Error is:
>[Error] Script lines: 1-108 ------------------------
Invalid use of side-effecting or time-dependent operator in 'EXECUTE STRING' within a function.

Is there some way to get around this limitation of User Defined Functions. Or perhaps a way to simulate the functionality of Multi-statement Table-Value User-Defined Functions in a Store Procedure, specifically the ability to run where statements, or transform the data on the fly without re-writing the Stored Procedure every time.

The code I’m trying to run is below.

(Note: The code works as a stored procedure, so I'm sure that the core of the statment is correct)

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[TrendLine]
@Summary as smallint,
@Start as datetime,
@End as datetime,
@Table as varchar(100),
@X as varchar(100),
@Count as varchar(100),
@Duration as varchar(100)
@TrendLineTable table (
DATE_DAY datetime
, EQ_REGION varchar(25)
, EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER varchar(30)
, Y float
, X int
, DURATION float
, FORMULA varchar(100)
, a float
, b float
, EX int
, EY float
, EX2 int
, EXY float
, N int

DECLARE @SQL as varchar(3000)
, @CountText as varchar(150)
, @StartText as varchar(50)
, @EndText as varchar(50)

SET @StartText = 'cast( ' + char(39) + cast( @Start as varchar(20) ) + char(39) + ' as datetime ) '
SET @EndText ='cast( ' + char(39) + cast( @End as varchar(20) ) + char(39) + ' as datetime ) '
IF @Summary = 1
SET @CountText = 'sum'
SET @CountText = 'count'

SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO @TrendLineTable
DECLARE TrendlineC cursor for
, ( ( EY - ( b * EX ) ) / N ) + ( b * X ) AS Y
, X
, cast( b as varchar(100) ) + ' + char(39) + 'x + ' + char(39) + ' + cast( ( EY - ( b * EX ) ) / N as varchar(100) ) AS FORMULA
, ( EY - ( b * EX ) ) / N AS a
, b
, EX
, EY
, EX2
, N
, sum( X ) AS EX
, sum( Y ) AS EY
, sum( X2 ) AS EX2
, sum( XY ) AS EXY
, count( X ) AS N
, ( ( count( X ) * sum( XY ) ) - ( sum( X ) * sum( Y ) ) ) / ( ( count( X ) * sum( X2 ) ) - POWER( sum( X ), 2 ) ) AS b
, row_number() over (partition by EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER order by ' + @X + ' ) AS X
, cast( sum( ' + @Duration + ' ) as float ) / ' + @CountText + '( ' + @Count + ' ) AS Y
, POWER( row_number() over (partition by EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER order by ' + @X + ' ), 2) X2
, row_number() over (partition by EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER order by ' + @X + ' ) * cast( sum( ' + @Duration + ' ) as float ) / ' + @CountText + ' ( ' + @Count + ' ) AS XY
FROM ' + @Table + '
WHERE ' + @X + ' >= ' + @StartText + '
AND ' + @X + ' < ' + @EndText + '
GROUP BY ' + @X + '
) s1
) s2
, row_number() over (partition by EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER order by ' + @X + ' ) AS X
, cast( sum( ' + @Duration + ' ) as float ) / ' + @CountText + '( ' + @Count + ' ) AS Y
FROM ' + @Table + '
WHERE ' + @X + ' >= ' + @StartText + '
AND ' + @X + ' < ' + @EndText + '
GROUP BY ' + @X + '



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CREATE A Temp Table Via EXEC (@SQL)

Jan 23, 2006

I need to create a dynamic temporary table in a SP. Basically, I am using the temp table to mimic a crosstab query result. So, in my SP, I have this:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get all SubquestionIDs for this concept-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE curStudySubquestions CURSOR LOCAL STATIC READ_ONLY FOR SELECT QGDM.SubquestionID, QGDM.ShortName, QGDM.PosRespValuesFROM RotationMaster AS RM INNER JOIN RotationDetailMaster AS RDM ON RM.Rotation = RDM.Rotation INNER JOIN QuestionGroupMaster AS QGM ON RDM.QuestionGroupNumber = QGM.QuestionGroupNumber INNER JOIN QuestionGroupDetailMaster AS QGDM ON QGM.QuestionGroupNumber = QGDM.QuestionGroupNumberWHERE RM.Study = @StudyGROUP BY QGDM.SubquestionID, QGDM.ShortName, QGDM.PosRespValuesHAVING QGDM.SubquestionID <> 0--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dynamically create a Temp Table to store the data, simulating a pivot table-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SET @Count = 2SET @SQL = 'CREATE TABLE #AllSubquestions (Col1 VARCHAR(100)'OPEN curStudySubquestionsFETCH NEXT FROM curStudySubquestions INTO @SubquestionID, @ShortName, @PosRespValuesWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGIN SET @SQL = @SQL + ', Col' + CAST(@Count AS VARCHAR(5)) + ' VARCHAR(10)' SET @Count = @Count + 1 FETCH NEXT FROM curStudySubquestions INTO @SubquestionID, @ShortName, @PosRespValues ENDSET @SQL = @SQL + ', ShowOrder SMALLINT)'CLOSE curStudySubquestionsPRINT 'Create Table SQL:'PRINT @SQLEXEC (@SQL)SET @ErrNum = @@ERROR IF (@ErrNum <> 0) BEGIN PRINT 'ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!' RETURN ENDPRINT '*** Table Created ***'-- Test that the table was createdSELECT *, 'TEST' AS AnyField FROM #AllSubquestions The line PRINT @SQL produces this output in Query Analyzer (I added the line breaks for forum formatting):CREATE TABLE #AllSubquestions (Col1 VARCHAR(100), Col2 VARCHAR(10), Col3 VARCHAR(10), Col4 VARCHAR(10), Col5 VARCHAR(10), Col6 VARCHAR(10), Col7 VARCHAR(10), ShowOrder SMALLINT) However, the SELECT statement to test the creation of the table produces this error:*** Table Created ***Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_SLIDE_CONCEPT_AllSubquestions, Line 73Invalid object name '#AllSubquestions'. It appears that the statement to create the table works, but once I try to access it, it doesn't recognize its existance. Any ideas?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Find Not Existing Calls In Stored Procedures Or Functions

Mar 17, 2015

How can I find calls which do not exist in stored procedures and functions?We have many stored procedures, sometimes a stored procedure or function which is called does not exist. Is there a query/script or something that I can identify which stored procedures do not 'work' and which procedure/ function they are calling?I am searching for stored procedures and functions which are still called, but do not exist in the current database.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Create Indexed Views On User Defined Functions?

Jul 14, 2015

I am creating mateialized view but it is failing with error that it can't be schema bound.

The query I am working to create materialized view are having joins with different tables and function.

Is it possible to create Indexed views on user defined functions?

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Insert Into #temp Exec Sproc Not Working

Aug 15, 2005

Hi,I have a sproc with 5 params that takes about 40 seconds to return.But when I Create a Temp table and do aInsert Into #tempExec sproc param1, param2, param3, param4, param5it never returns...any ideas?Thanks,Bill

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A Curious Error Message, Local Temp Vs. Global Temp Tables?!?!?

Nov 17, 2004

Hi all,

Looking at BOL for temp tables help, I discover that a local temp table (I want to only have life within my stored proc) SHOULD be visible to all (child) stored procs called by the papa stored proc.

However, the following code works just peachy when I use a GLOBAL temp table (i.e., ##MyTempTbl) but fails when I use a local temp table (i.e., #MyTempTable). Through trial and error, and careful weeding efforts, I know that the error I get on the local version is coming from the xp_sendmail call. The error I get is: ODBC error 208 (42S02) Invalid object name '#MyTempTbl'.

Here is the code that works:SET NOCOUNT ON

CREATE TABLE ##MyTempTbl (SeqNo int identity, MyWords varchar(1000))
INSERT ##MyTempTbl values ('Put your long message here.')
INSERT ##MyTempTbl values ('Put your second long message here.')
INSERT ##MyTempTbl values ('put your really, really LONG message (yeah, every guy says his message is the longest...whatever!')
DECLARE @cmd varchar(256)
DECLARE @LargestEventSize int
DECLARE @Width int, @Msg varchar(128)
SELECT @LargestEventSize = Max(Len(MyWords))
FROM ##MyTempTbl

SET @cmd = 'SELECT Cast(MyWords AS varchar(' +
CONVERT(varchar(5), @LargestEventSize) +
')) FROM ##MyTempTbl order by SeqNo'
SET @Width = @LargestEventSize + 1
SET @Msg = 'Here is the junk you asked about' + CHAR(13) + '----------------------------'
EXECUTE Master.dbo.xp_sendmail
@query = @cmd,
@no_header= 'TRUE',
@width = @Width,
@dbuse = 'MyDB',
@subject='none of your darn business',
@message= @Msg

The only thing I change to make it fail is the table name, change it from ##MyTempTbl to #MyTempTbl, and it dashes the email hopes of the stored procedure upon the jagged rocks of electronic despair.

Any insight anyone? Or is BOL just full of...well..."stuff"?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Temp Table - Must Declare The Scalar Variable

Mar 25, 2015

I can create a temp table like this, and immediately read the data:

declare @NAICSGroups table (NAICS2DigitCode int, NAICSShortTitle varchar(35));
insert into @NAICSGroups (NAICS2DigitCode, NAICSShortTitle)

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Usage Of Built-in Functions On Columns Ignores / Excludes Indexes On That Column?

May 25, 2015

Somewhere i read..that in SQL Server...usage of Built-in Functions on Columns, makes query optimizer to ignore indexes on that column...!

So lets say we have table EMP with Emp_id and Emp_Name....

Also we have Non-Clustered index on Emp_Name.

So following query would NOT use Non-Clustered index on Emp_Name column.

SELECTLEFT(emp_name, 3) as emp3

Is this true? i am using SQL Server 2008.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Storing Dynamic Query Output In Temp Table

Apr 6, 2015

I have a dynamic sql which uses Pivot and returns "technically" variable no. of columns.

Is there a way to store the dynamic sql's output in to a temp table? I don't want to create a temp table with the structure of the output and limit no. of columns hence changing the SP every time I get new Pivot column!!

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SQL Server 2008 :: Techniques For Ensuring Isolated Temp Table Scope?

Jul 28, 2015

what are some common techniques for ensuring an isolated temp table scope? For example, if 2 different sprocs happen to crud a temp table with the same name? I'm guessing that big SQL shops establish a standard for this early on to avoid conflicts between sprocs.

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Transact SQL :: How To Store Result Of Exec Command Into Temp Table

Apr 7, 2013

I wanted to insert the result-set of a Exec(@sqlcommand) into a temp table. I can do that by using:

Insert into #temp

For this to accomplish we need to define the table structure in advance. But am preparing a dynamic-sql command and storing that in variable @sqlcommand and the output changes for each query execution. So my question is how to insert/capture the result-set of Exec(@sqlcommand) into a temp table when we don't know the table structure.

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Temp Tables In SQL Server 2005

Mar 3, 2007

Could anyone describe the pitfalls and best practices with temp tables in SQL Server 2005 for me?Locking, concurrency issues etc

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Global Temp Tables In SQL Server

Oct 5, 2006


I have a stored proc that creates a global temp table. How can I have multiple users select records from and insert records in that table without overwriting and/or deleting data?

Thanks so much for your help!


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Temp Tables Vs Temp Variables

Jul 20, 2005

I have an application that I am working on that uses some small temptables. I am considering moving them to Table Variables - Would thisbe a performance enhancement?Some background information: The system I am working on has numeroustables but for this exercise there are only three that really matter.Claim, Transaction and Parties.A Claim can have 0 or more transactions.A Claim can have 1 or more parties.A Transaction can have 1 or more parties.A party can have 1 or more claim.A party can have 1 or more transactions. Parties are really many tomany back to Claim and transaction tables.I have three stored procsinsertClaiminsertTransactioninsertPartiesFrom an xml point of view the data looks like this<claim><parties><info />insertClaim takes 3 sets of paramters - All the claim levelinformation (as individual parameters), All the parties on a claim (asone xml parameter), All the transactions on a claim(As one xmlparameter with Parties as part of the xml)insertClaim calls insertParties and passes in the parties xml -insertParties returns a recordset of the newly inserted records.insertClaim then uses that table to join the claim to the parties. Itthen calls insertTransaction and passes the transaction xml into thatsproc.insertTransaciton then inserts the transactions in the xml, and alsocalls insertParties, passing in the XML snippet

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Working With SQL Server Temp Tables In Stored Procs

Nov 18, 2005

I am trying to create a SQL data adapter via the wizard, however, I get
the error "Invalid object name #ords" because the stored procedure uses
a temp table. Anyway around this? Thanks.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Clearing Contents Of Temp Tables

Jun 6, 2015

I am just learning about temp temps using Iteration, how do I clear the contents of the #temp table because when I re-run the query I get the following error:

Msg 2714, Level 16, State 6, Line 6

There is already an object named '#mytemp2' in the database.

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Temp. Tables / Variables / Process Keyed Tables ?

Feb 22, 2008

I have 3 Checkbox list panels that query the DB for the items. Panel nº 2 and 3 need to know selection on panel nº 1. Panels have multiple item selection. Multiple users may use this at the same time and I wanted to have a full separation between the application and the DB. The ASP.net application always uses Stored Procedures to access the DB. Whats the best course of action? Using a permanent 'temp' table on the SQL server? Accomplish everything on the client side?

[Web application being built on ASP.net 3.5 (IIS7) connected to SQL Server 2005)

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SQL Server 2008 :: Linking Two Tables To One

Feb 6, 2015

I have table1(Client widgets) and Table2(Client Toys) I want to link both Table1 and table2 up to Table3(ClientNames)

All tables have a clientid field

I want to right join them so I get all the client widgets and Client toys for each client...

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SQL Server 2008 :: Creating Tables From ERD

Mar 3, 2015

I need to write create table statements for the er diagram that I attached. I am new to sql and I have trouble integrating foreign keys with these bigger er diagrams.

These are the tables I need to create:
Create Table Author(...)
Create Table Writes(...)
Create Table Book(...)
Create Table Copy(...)
Create Table Loan(...)
Create Table Customer(...)

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SQL Server 2008 :: Join And SUM Values From 2 Tables

Jan 29, 2015

I am new in SQL and i need do a query where I need sum values from 2 tables, when i do it the Sum values are not correct. this is my query

SELECT D.Line AS Line, D.ProductionLine AS ProductionLine, D.Shift AS Shift, SUM(CAST(D.DownTime AS INT)) AS DownTime,
R.Category, SUM(Cast(R.Downtime AS INT)) AS AssignedDowntime,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), D.DatePacked,101) AS DatePacked
FROM Production.DownTimeReason R
left JOIN Production.DownTimeHistory D

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Iterate Through Database Tables?

Mar 18, 2015

MS SQL 2008.I want to execute a delete query on certain tables in my database to delete some rows in the tables.The tables selected has a certain name pattern (the name ends with "Temp").

So I can do this to get a list of the table names

FROM sys.Tables where
name like '%Temp'

Now I want to check each table to see if it has a column with the name "DateStamp" and then execute a delete query as follows:

delete form TableName where
DateStamp is < '2010-01-01'

In other words I need to iterate through the tables names, How to do this?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Update Certain Column From All Tables Within DB

Mar 19, 2015

I have a query, I am trying to update a certain column in my query you can see that is hard coded. The column that I am trying to update is "O_Test" I used a select statement trying to figure out how many records that accounts for with the entire database of all the tables. I got 643 records. So I am wondering if there is a way I can update all the columns without looking up each table and updating each one. This Update statement wont work because I am accounting for all records in the DB of all tables associated of what I hard coded

SELECT t.name AS table_name,
SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name,
c.name AS column_name
FROM sys.tables AS t
WHERE c.name LIKE '%O_Test%'
ORDER BY schema_name, table_name;

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SQL Server 2008 :: Finding Column Within All Tables In DB

May 1, 2015

I am trying to find a way where I can search for a column that is associated in all tables of the database. I have created a query but is not executing correctly.

SELECT t.name AS table_name,
SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name,
c.name AS column_name
FROM sys.tables AS t8
WHERE c.name LIKE '%Status%'
ORDER BY schema_name, table_name;

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