SQL Server 2008 :: Iterate Query Using A Loop As Many As 5 Times Max?

Mar 20, 2015

If exists (select fieldID from #tmploginfo where status <> 0
group by fieldID
having count(*) > 0)
backup log rdb to disk = N'C:

I want to iterate this query using a loop as many as 5 times max.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Left Joins And Query Plan Compile Times

Mar 8, 2015

We have a view with many left joins. The original creators of this view might have been lazy or sloppy, I don't know. I have rewritten the query to proper inner joins where required and also nested left joins.

So rather then the following exemplary fragment

select <many items>
from A
left join B on B.id_A = A.id
left join C on C.id_B = B.idthis now looks like
select <many items>
from A
left join (B
join C on C.id_B = B.id
) on B.id_A = A.id

Compilation time of the original view was 18s, of the new rewritten view 4s. The performance of execution is also better (not counting the compile of course). The results of the query are identical. There are about 30 left joins in the original view.

I can imagine that the optimizer has difficulty with all these left joins. But 14s is quite a big difference. I haven't looked into detail in the execution plans yet. I noticed that in both cases the Reason for Early Termination of Statement Optimization was Time Out.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Iterate Through Database Tables?

Mar 18, 2015

MS SQL 2008.I want to execute a delete query on certain tables in my database to delete some rows in the tables.The tables selected has a certain name pattern (the name ends with "Temp").

So I can do this to get a list of the table names

FROM sys.Tables where
name like '%Temp'

Now I want to check each table to see if it has a column with the name "DateStamp" and then execute a delete query as follows:

delete form TableName where
DateStamp is < '2010-01-01'

In other words I need to iterate through the tables names, How to do this?

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Foreach Loop Container Does Not Iterate Automatically

Sep 19, 2007


Another classic example of something silly I must be doing

I have a "Foreach Loop Container" which uses a "Foreach ADO Enumerator".
The object source is a recordset variable.

Inside the "Foreach Loop Container", a lot of things are happening - some Execute SQL Tasks, Send Mail Tasks, Script Tasks and also a couple of Sequence Containers.

Now, I am getting 2 records in the recordset, but, the "Foreach Loop Container" executes just once.

Any Ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Difference Between FOR LOOP And FOREACH LOOP?

May 28, 2010

difference between FOR LOOP and FOREACH LOOP with example(if possible) in SSIS.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Same Database With Two Different Machines At Different Times

Jun 19, 2015

For security reasons customer wants to put a SQL database on an encrypted thumb drive (IronKey). Here's the rub though. He wants to be able to work with the data on a workstation. Then, if he takes his laptop out of the office he wants to be able to simply plug that thumb drive into the laptop and fire up SQL on the laptop and use that same database. Procedurally this would work in that the database can be created so that the location is the same from both machine viewpoints, however will the two different SQL instances allow moving the database back and forth like this?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Putting Rows Together To Get Total Times

Jan 30, 2015

I am building a query. I have a table with 4 columns and need to try and put the times together. There are some inconsistencies with this, and i'm hoping to exclude them.. Here is a sample table:

Function | Employee | DateTime
1 | 1 | 1/30/2015 1:47 PM
2 | 1 | 1/30/2015 1:49 PM
2 | 1 | 1/30/2015 1:50 PM
3 | 2 | 1/30/2015 1:37 PM
3 | 2 | 1/30/2015 1:39 PM
3 | 1 | 1/30/2015 1:40 PM
4 | 1 | 1/30/2015 1:42 PM
4 | 1 | 1/30/2015 1:45 PM

Function 1 = Clock In Type 1
Function 2 = Clock Out Type 1
Function 3 = Clock In Type 2
Function 4 = Clock Out Type 2

Basically what I need to do is take the time from rows with Function 1 and match it with Function 2 so I can get a total time of the clock in. Function 3 rows need to match up with Function 4 rows so I can get another set of total times. There may be more clock in rows then clock out rows or more clock out rows then clock in rows, and there may be multiple clock ins & outs per day per employee. I'm basically trying to get totals for each Clock In/Out type.

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For Loop - Iterate From Older Files To Newer Files Based On File's Timestamp

Mar 13, 2008

In the For Loop, How to Iterate from Older flat files to Newer flat files based on File's Timestamp. If there are some older files in that folder, it should be processed first and then continue with the newer one.

Any Suggestions?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Tell Number Of Times People Use SSMS To Change Client Data?

Mar 21, 2015

I'm trying to quantify the number of times folks use SQL Server Management Studio to change client data in one of our production databases. Does SQL Server keep this statistic? How do I get to this data?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Merge Statement Takes Several Times Longer To Execute Than Equivalent Update

Jun 20, 2013

Problem Summary: Merge Statement takes several times longer to execute than equivalent Update, Insert and Delete as separate statements. Why?

I have a relatively large table (about 35,000,000 records, approximately 13 GB uncompressed and 4 GB with page compression - including indexes). A MERGE statement pretty consistently takes two or three minutes to perform an update, insert and delete. At one extreme, updating 82 (yes 82) records took 1 minute, 45 seconds. At the other extreme, updating 100,000 records took about five minutes.When I changed the MERGE to the equivalent separate UPDATE, INSERT & DELETE statements (embedded in an explicit transaction) the entire update took only 17 seconds. The query plans for the separate UPDATE, INSERT & DELETE statements look very similar to the query plan for the combined MERGE. However, all the row count estimates for the MERGE statement are way off.

Obviously, I am going to use the separate UPDATE, INSERT & DELETE statements. The actual query plans for the four statements ( combined MERGE and the separate UPDATE, INSERT & DELETE ) are attached. SQL Code to create the source and target tables and the actual queries themselves are below. I've also included the statistics created by my test run. Nothing else was running on the server when I ran the test.

Server Configuration:

SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1, Enterprise Edition
3 x Quad-Core Xeon Processor
Max Degree of Parallelism = 8
148 GB RAM

SQL Code:

Target Table:
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.ParticipantResponse') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE dbo.ParticipantResponse;


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SQL Server 2008 :: Use Top N For Select / Delete In A While Loop?

Jul 27, 2015

Can I safely use top n select/delete in a while loop? For example:

declare @FieldVal int
while (select count(*) from @MyTempTable) > 0
select top 1 @FieldVal = FieldVal from @MyTempTable
-- process @FieldVal then delete the row
delete top 1 from @MyTempTable

I like the simplicity of the above approach as long as it's reliable and there aren't any gotchas that I may not be aware of.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Loop To Insert 0s Into Table

Oct 22, 2015

I have a problem where I want to create a loop in my script to insert 0's into my table.

I have a temp table with a list of company codes.


This produces the following;

00X (there are 110 of these codes)

I want to insert data into a different table in the following format.

| CODE | Month | Value | Measure |
| 00C | 01/09/2015 | 0 | HAR-01 |
| 00D | 01/09/2015 | 0 | HAR-01 |
| 00K | 01/09/2015 | 0 | HAR-01 |
| 00M | 01/09/2015 | 0 | HAR-01 |
| 00Q | 01/09/2015 | 0 | HAR-01 |
| 00T | 01/09/2015 | 0 | HAR-01 |
| 00V | 01/09/2015 | 0 | HAR-01 |
| 00X | 01/09/2015 | 0 | HAR-01 |

The month will be set from a declared variable and the others will just be hard coded.

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS - For Each Loop Through Multiple Servers

Jan 30, 2015

I have an SSIS job that dynamically loops through each server, grabbing data for typical DBA reporting, like diskspace, and errorlogs. If the server is down for whatever reason the SSIS package fails. Is there any way I can prevent the SSIS package from failing if one of the servers is down?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Increase Performance Of Insertion SP In While Loop

Aug 13, 2015

WHILE (@MyLoop3 > 0)
SELECT Top 1 @UploadId = UploadId,@FirstName = (CASE WHEN FirstName = '' THEN @Update ELSE FirstName END),
@LastName = (CASE WHEN LastName = '' THEN @Update ELSE LastName END),
@Claim = (CASE WHEN Claim = '' THEN @Update ELSE Claim END),
@Insurer = (CASE WHEN Insurer = '' THEN @Update ELSE Insurer END),
@InsurerBranch = (CASE WHEN InsurerBranch = '' THEN @Update ELSE InsurerBranch END),

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Compare Data / Loop Through Dates And Insert Into Table

Sep 21, 2015

I have three tables:


As per below

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PaymentsLog](

[Code] ....

Is there a way to look at the DatePeriod table and use the StartDtae and EndDate as the periods to be used in the select statement and then cursor through each date between these two dates and then insert the data in to the PaymentsLog table?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Log File Space Is 5 Times The Data File

Mar 16, 2015

one of my database data file is 100 GB and the log file is 500 GB.DB is in full recovery model and the transaction logs happen once in 6 hours.Even then, the Database log file isn't reducing in size.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Loop And Query CSV Files In Folder Using Union All Query To Form Resultant Table On Server?

Jun 27, 2014

I am trying to run a UNION ALL query in SQL SERVER 2014 on multiple large CSV files - the result of which i want to get into a table in SQL Server. below is the query which works in MSAccess but not on SQL Server 2014:

'Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0' , 'Text;Database=D:DownloadsCSV;HDR=YES',
'SELECT t.*, (substring(t.[week],3,4))*1 as iYEAR,
''SPAIN'' as [sCOUNTRY], ''EURO'' as [sCHAR],

[Code] ....

What i need is:

1] to create the resultant tbl_ALLCOMBINED table

2] transform this table using PIVOT command with following transformation as shown below:

PAGEFIELD: set on Level = 'Item'
COLUMNFIELD: Sale_Week (showing 1 to 52 numbers for columns)
DATAFIELD: 'Sale Value with Innovation'

3] Can the transformed form show columnfields >255 columns i.e. if i want to show all KPI values in datafield?

P.S: the CSV's contain the same number of columns and datatype but the columns are >100, so i dont think it will be feasible to use a stored proc to create a table specifying that number of columns.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Write A Loop On Result Of First Query Inside A Stored Procedure

Jan 23, 2015

I have to write a Stired Procedure with the following functionality.

Write a simple select query say (Select * from tableA) result is

ProdName ProdID
ProdA 1
ProdB 2
ProdC 3
ProdD 4

Now with the above result, On every record I have to fire a query Select SUM(sale), SUM(scrap), SUM(Production) from tableB where ProdID= ["ProdID from above query"].How to write this query in a Stored Procedure so that I can get the required SUM columns for all the ProdID's from first query?

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SQL Query Load Times

Feb 10, 2006

I have an VB.NET web app which performs a fairly complicated SQL query. It seems in the morning, the 1st time the page is loaded (and query executed) it takes up to 10-15 seconds to complete loading. Sometimes it even times out. However anytime after that, the page loads up (even from another computer) in about 4-5 seconds. Can someone explain the reason for this and how I might fix the load times in the morning?


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Query - Between To Dates And Between To Times

Jul 24, 2001

Hi there, I'm a little bit stumped on this one.

I have a column in a table that records when the date and time of an event took place.

Table Name: Chronicle
Column Name: Created (of type DateTime)

I would like to select the Chronicle records that are between two dates.
(e.g. 1 May 2001 and 20 May 2001)
And I would like to select those records that are between two times.
(e.g. 6:00am and 1:00pm)

Does anyone know how to do this or have any pointers for me?
I can see it would be easier if I had the date in one column and the time in the other.
Can it be done without doing that?


Hamish Norton

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Excessive Query Execution Times

Mar 16, 1999

We recently upgraded from SQL 6.5 to SQL 7. I have a few .sql files that were each running around 5 - 8 minutes under 6.5. These same files now each take over 30 minutes to run. Has anybody had problems with their queries taking longer to run under 7.0? These files are quite large and are comprised of 3 - 4 batches with several queries in each batch. If anybody has any thoughts on the cause please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

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Sql Query Fails At Specific Times

Dec 11, 2003


I'm in an unfortunate situation. We are posting information using a stored procedure to an outside SQL server connected to through a System DSN on our server (win 2003 server) using php's ODBC functions (we never had any luck connecting directly to the SQL server using php's mssql functions).

Everything is working fine, we can connect, send querys, etc ... but between 1am and 10am we recieve errors when trying to execute queries (though we can connect fine).

Whoops ... forgot to get the error returned before it turned 10am ... I can post it tomorrow

I think the database is being locked, but unfortunately I know very little about MS SQL server

The people who's database we are connecting to are not being helpful ... I was hoping I could get some suggestions on what would be the cause.

Anything you can suggest would be a huge help! Thanks!
- Joe

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Query Analyzer Cannot Connect, Times Out

Nov 19, 2004

We are having a problem with Query Analyzer not connecting to SQL Server anymore. Sometimes it will, sometimes it won't. Sometimes when it does, then you click on the databases drop-down, it may take a long time to return. Likewise, it may take a long time to open the object browser, or it may open without the database info but with just the "Common Objects" info.

All of this used to work just fine.


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Baffling Query Return Times

Feb 11, 2008

Simple version first:

The basic question is:

what would cause? this query takes minutes or times out:

select xx,xx,xx,xx
from view_xxx
where field in

select distinct xxx from table inner join table.....

the inner query
select distinct xxx from table inner join table..... takes less than a second

then if I take the results of that query and do this:

select xx,xx,xx,xx
from view_xxx
where field in

52193,23523,25233... and so on

this later query takes 2 seconds... What is the difference? For more details see the detailed version.


now a more details version:

On a SQL2000 machine...

What would cause this query to take forever, or even timeout:

Select distinct VTR.Control_ID from View_ToolResults VTR

Where VTR.Control_ID in










SELECT GR_ID from UserHPGroups Where User_ID= 7


AND ORD.RELEASED_DATE between '01/01/2001' and '02/11/2008'

and ORD.RECEIVED_DATE between '07/01/2007' and

'12/31/2007' and ORD.MARKET_ID= 2699431


as mentioned above the inner query takes less than 1 second. So if I take the results from that query and do a select like this:

Select distinct VTR.Control_ID from View_ToolResults VTR

Where VTR.Control_ID in

It takes 2 seconds.....

WHAT!!!!!>???!?!?! i don't understand... what is the difference?

The field in all cases is declared as Numeric(10,0)... I've tried to convert to int. I've tried to do temp tables... it doesn't help.

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SQL Datasource Running The Same Query Mutliple Times

Jan 22, 2008

I have multiple SQLDatasources on multiple pages. When I call the Select command for the datasource the query is run multiple times. I was wondering if anyone had any problems like this. The data is being read into listboxes. If you need any more info or have any specific questions, feel free to ask.

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Employee Attendance With In/out Times (was Query Help Needed...)

Apr 8, 2006

Dear Friends,
I am in problem & have to solve one query.
I have a one table with the employee time in & time out data, employee can go out & come in fequently in a day.

I want to know that how much time every emp have attend in the company per day.

Kindly, do reply as soon as possible.

I am enclosing data defination in txt file along with the data in the MS Excel file.

Thanx ....

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How To Run Insert Query For Required No.of Times With Different Parameters...?

Apr 22, 2008

Hi All,

I have two tables in my database.
I want to insert date and no.of hours worked on that day for a particular project.
So in a week if end user enters 7 dates and hrs for each day......
i have to insert those values into the table against one project only.
Can any one please help me out how to run insert query for 7 times (in a week) with different parameters


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Transact SQL :: Running Query For Multiple Times Through The Day?

Jun 12, 2015

I want  the below query to run 24 hours ..once the insert is complete, run again , so on for 24 hours .

there is a way to run every second in as job but i want to run only after run complete ..is there a way to run the query after every complete run ? and keep in job 
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Audit_Active]

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Display One Row For The Query?

Jan 29, 2015

For the following query, I am trying to fetch only one row (no duplicates) for each BL_ID based on the logic that if I have multiple rows for one BL_ID, then only the one which has the largest LEG_SEQ_NBR should be displayed and the other rows should be ignored.

I am using the below code get to the above logic:




where rownum in (1,2)

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SQL Server 2008 :: XML Query Parsing

Mar 9, 2015

I want to take this XML and put it into a table with CustomerId and MatchingSetId. With this SQL, each MatchingSetId gets assigned to each CustomerId instead of retaining the relationships in the XML.

declare @myXML XML = '<CustomerMatchings>
<CustomerRecord CustomerId="10600">


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SQL Server 2008 :: Query The Same Field Name

Oct 20, 2015

3 table join query

Problem : city name the same

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Query Plan SQL Server 2008

Apr 30, 2008

I have a person table with 1 billion rows on it, partitioned equally at 10 million rows per partition. The primary key constraint is a composite of an identity column and ssn( char(11) ) with the partitioning column built on the SSN.

This is built on my home grown workstation:

Microsoft 2008 Server 64 bit, Microsoft SQL server 2008 64 bit, Intel 2.66 quad core, 8 gb ram, Os/ raid 1, data on 6 drives hardware/software raid 50, transaction logs on 4 drive raid 10, all drives sata II/ 3gb burst.

I have updated statistics on the table and I have 2 queries that give clustered index seek , one never comes back before I get impatient, the other comes back instantly, and the showplan looks the same for both queries.


FROM Person

WHERE PersonKey > -1 and SSN = '219-09-3987'



FROM Person

WHERE PersonKey > -1 and SSN = '219-09-3987'

Incidentally the query with the top 100 percent is the one that returns instantly.

I am puzzled

1) Why the estimated plan looks the same

2) Why a top 100 Percent query is faster than one without it

Timothy A. Vanover

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SQL Server 2008 :: Query Within A Query?

Mar 5, 2015

I have a query:

SELECT CONVERT(char(3), dbo.tblCourses.CourseDate, 0) AS Month, YEAR(dbo.tblCourses.CourseDate) AS Year, SUM(CASE WHEN a.AttendanceStatus IN (9)
THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [City CCG Attended], SUM(CASE WHEN a.AttendanceStatus IN (3) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [City CCG DNA],
SUM(CASE WHEN a.AttendanceStatus IN (7) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Cancelled, gp.CCGRegion
FROM dbo.tblGP_Practices AS gp INNER JOIN

[Code] ....

I wanted to add anohter column where it counts the results of the followign query:

SELECT dbo.tblPatient.NHSnumber, dbo.tblPatient.DateOfBirth, dbo.tblPatient.DateReferralReceived, dbo.tblGP_Practices.OrganisationCode
FROM dbo.tblPatient INNER JOIN
dbo.tblGP_PatientLink ON dbo.tblPatient.PatientID = dbo.tblGP_PatientLink.PatientID INNER JOIN
dbo.tblGP_Practices ON dbo.tblGP_PatientLink.GPPracticeID = dbo.tblGP_Practices.GPPracticeID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tblAppointments ON dbo.tblPatient.PatientID = dbo.tblAppointments.PatientID
WHERE (dbo.tblAppointments.PatientID IS NULL)

is this possible?

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