SSIS And Updating Information

Mar 8, 2007

I'm using sql 2005 and used SSIS to import two Access 97 databases into one sql database. I want to keep updating the info, but when I import again, it just appends everything to the sql database. How do I make it so that it only appends any new information or have it delete the tables and then re-add them again so I have all new, updated information? I was also wondering if I could then have a stored procedure or something that does this and runs like twice a day? If I can, how would I do that?

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Updating Daily Information In A History Table (was Help-Brainstorming)

Feb 25, 2005

Hi everyone,
I have a big table which contains approx. 31,524,044 rows. The structure of the table look like this:
date ID A B C D
1/1/65 X Null Null Null Null
1/4/65 X 1 2 3 4
2/25/05 X 2 3 4 5
1/1/65 Y Null Null Null Null
1/4/65 Y Null Null Null Null
2/25/05 Y 2 3 4 5

The number of distinct(ID) is approx 3200 and each one has daily historical A, B, C, and D back for 40 years. For going forward I need to update daily information for 3200 ids. Currently, I am runing query against to this table is ok. I am thinking by the time pass by the table will be hudge since "stored historical information". It probably takes "long long long" time to run the query against this table. Any suggestion or comments... what is the best/better solution? Or it is not problem at all?

Thank you everyone for the help.

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Insufficient Base Table Information For Updating Or Refreshing

Nov 16, 2006

I am using MADC 2.8 to connect to Sql Sever 2000.

The Connection string uses a File DSN.

I get few records into a Record set using Select Command. Then I update one Col in the Recordset and Updates the database table. I open the recordset in

I am getting "Insufficient base table information for updating or refreshing" Error some times. This Code executes in a Multi user Environment.

I tried to recreate this error condition on my local system by Deleteing/Updating the Reocrds from the table and even locking the table.

I get this error "Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have been changed since it was last read."

Are both of these errors connected? or is there any way i can get rid of this error

The Code is somethng like this

Set objRs = New ADODB.Recordset
objRs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
objRs.Open strSql, SQLCON, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
If (Not objRs.BOF) And (Not objRs.EOF) Then
objRs.Fields("FLAG") = 1
VAR1 = objRs.Fields("0")
MsgBox ("No Reocrds exist")
End If

Thanks in Advance for any help

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Access Control List (structure) Invalid - Updating Virtual Directory Information

Sep 26, 2005

Hi,I've just installed SQL server and then IIS and SQLCE tools.I created a virtual directory and was trying to update the NTFSpermissions from SQLServer Connectivity management when i got thefollowing error - Access Control List (structure) invalid.Has anyone come across this and if so, what did u do to fix it.ThanksLyn

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Extracting Package Information From SSIS

Jul 12, 2006

Hi all,

I am supposed to maintain a bunch of excels documenting all the mappings I'm doing in SSIS. The excels have the following format:

Target Field | Target Type | Source Table | Source Field | Source Type | Transformation Rule

Apart from being incredibly tedious, it is hard to keep every excel current, as there are other people adding and taking information from the database model.

I plan to extract this information from SSIS and create the excels dinamically, but, apart from parsing the .dtsx for each package, I see no other way of getting what I need.

Any suggestions on how I should do this? Is there an easier way?


David Leal

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Which System Tables Hold SSIS Pkg Information

Apr 4, 2006

Hello Everyone,

I need to know which system tables hold the pkg information when you import a pkg into SQL Server 2005.



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Oracle Connection Information In SSIS Package.

May 2, 2007


I want to make a SSIS package with Oracle and deploy it in no of oracle databases, for it every time I have to open package and change connection information.

How can I make oracle connection information as variable value so that when I deploy my package on Oracle database it will pick all oracle connection information(User Id, Pwd, Server Name) automatically.

Please let me know about this.


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How Do I Convey Information With SSIS SendMail Notification

May 24, 2007

How do I Convey Information using Notification - can someone please explain?

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Integration Services :: SSIS Unpivot Sales Information

Aug 14, 2015

Unpivoting of Sales table. My original table is as picture below and the result I must is at the bottom.

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Integration Services :: SSIS COM Error Object Information Is Available

Dec 2, 2015

When i use single object variable to pass it to two sequence container having 2 different  Foreach ADO Enumerator; seems like the scope of the variable is completed once sequence container 1 is done and second fails with below error

Foreach ADO Enumerator
Error: COM error object information is available.  Source: "ADODB.Recordset"  error code: 0x800A0BCD  Description: "Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.".

Does we have to set any property so that object variable scope persist until both loops are completed.

It works fine if i push the data to 2 different object variables.

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Running SSIS On Different Servers Without Changing Connection Information

Nov 14, 2007

What is the best way to run SSIS scripts on different servers without changing connection information. Our test server is ppntt140 and our production server is ppntd110. If I create a script on server ppntt140 what can I do so I can move it to server ppntd110 without changing any connection information? Database names are the same, it is just the server that changes. What is the best way to handle this? Thanks in advance.

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How To Display Status Information Of The Running SSIS Package In

Nov 22, 2007

hi all,
i have a package; thats executing another 4 packages, i can able to execute these packages in

I want to display the status notification of the executing packages in the webpage( while packages are being executed, i want to display which package is executing, and what is the status of the package! whether it is executing or not? or it is raising any errors?) every thing i want to give in the front end--> its not my requirement, my client ask me to do that!

so please help me! how to display these status information of the running package in (c#)

(i'll give you one good chocolate if you give me good solution!)

post your mails to Thanks you a lot!

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Visual Studio Output Information In Debug Mode While Running A SSIS Package

Aug 16, 2006


When running a package in VS you can see something like this in the output window:

SSIS package "logging.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x40043006 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x40043007 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Pre-Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x402090DC at Data Flow Task, Flat File Source [1]: The processing of file "C: est ssis loggingad_data1.txt" has started.
Information: 0x4004300C at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Execute phase is beginning.
Warning: 0x8020200F at Data Flow Task, Flat File Source [1]: There is a partial row at the end of the file.
Information: 0x402090DE at Data Flow Task, Flat File Source [1]: The total number of data rows processed for file "C: est ssis loggingad_data1.txt" is 477.
Information: 0x402090DF at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination [1011]: The final commit for the data insertion has started.
Information: 0x402090E0 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination [1011]: The final commit for the data insertion has ended.
Information: 0x40043008 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Post Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x402090DD at Data Flow Task, Flat File Source [1]: The processing of file "C: est ssis loggingad_data1.txt" has ended.
Information: 0x40043009 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Cleanup phase is beginning.
Information: 0x4004300B at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: "component "DataReaderDest" (87)" wrote 0 rows.
Information: 0x4004300B at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: "component "OLE DB Destination" (1011)" wrote 1 rows.
SSIS package "logging.dtsx" finished: Success.

This is exactly when I need when a package is running but I want to be able to see it without using Visual Studio.
I would do it in Reporting Services but I need to find out to get the information. The SSIS logging feature in a package does not provide that kind of info.

Did someone try this already?



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Updating Data In Ssis Job

Aug 8, 2007

Can anyone give me ideas on how I can update a table with new data while keeping the old data. Just append the new data - doing this in an ssis job? Ive been trying to use the ole db command transaction but i cant seem to get it working and I have about 10,000,000 rows this method would be slow.

any suggestions would be appriciated

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SSIS XML Configuration Updating At Runtime

Jun 26, 2006

How can I update a variable in the XML configuration file. Can I use the configuration object for it or do I need to use XML objects and do it just like any other XML file?

Another problem I have is, I know I can reference the same XML config file from 2 different packages. But every time I do that through the wizard, only the last package configurations are placed in the XML file.

Any help is appreciated!


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Integration Services :: Updating Database From SSIS?

Jun 23, 2015

Have Visual Studio 2008 R2 with SP 2 installed.  Due to a merger we now have a MySQL database that we need to update from SSIS.  Everything works except for the table insert or update. Would upgrading to SP 3 or SP 4 maybe useful with that? 

We have installed the latest driver from MySQL.  Have tried the ADO.Net and ODBC drivers with similar results when we try to update the database.

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS / Dynamic Updating Of A Recordset Variable?

Jul 8, 2015

updating a recordset contained in an System.Object variable during runtime.

I am trying to execute multiple file actions (plus parsing those files into a set of staging tables) at separate locations in parallel. I know I can do this in C# but I have a business requirement to use SSIS for all ETL operations.

Any one site can have 0 to many of 1 to 3 files. I would like to run multiple sites at the same time, so when all files of all types are completed at that site then go on to the next site in the list. I know I can do a single site at a time in a foreach loop but if I can run lets say 3-5 sites concurrently then I should be able to save execution time.

My thought is to have a recordset of the sites, when any 1 of the 3 (or more) "control flows" is open, update the recordset to let it know that site being actioned, when that site is complete, update the recordset that the site is completed, and so on.Or am I running in the wrong direction?

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SSIS Updating Package Variables From Stored Procedures

Jul 31, 2007

I have been looking at the project Real reference implementation for doing auditing of data uploads. The tables and store procedures are in place using identical field and variable names. However, when running the package it does not update the relevant log entry with the end time and status.

I have performed the process manually running the stored procedures, providing the values directly and everything works fine.

I can only assume that the LogID variable is not being updated during the run and therefore the onEnd procedure cannot update the relevant log entry.

One side effect is that it does update the record when it€™s the first record entered into the table but not on any other inserts. Clearing the table each time is not an option.

This has become rather frustrating and would appreciate any assistance.


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SQL 2012 :: SSIS - Updating Source And Target Data Structure

Feb 17, 2015

I have a SSIS package that simply moves data from a SQL database A to another SQL database B. I have update (increased) the size of a nvarchar column, on both A and B.I am wondering if there is a way to "refresh" somehow the SSIS package so I don't have to rebuild and redeploy it.The error I get now is a truncation error: "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page".

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Interview Question-How To Identity Existing Data For Updating In SSIS?

Feb 26, 2008

I have met the interview question, I provide answer like the following from my experience. I don't know it is correct or need to supplement. Thank you for help.

Question: How to identity existing data for updating in SSIS?

If you have the same key columns such as primary key or business key, you just use them to identify existing records from data source to destination.

If you use different key columns between data source and destination, you can create permanent link table which will store business key for data source and destination, and you can compare records from linking table when you update data.

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Integration Services :: Updating SSIS Task Standard Properties Window

May 25, 2015

If, in an SSIS package, you put an instance of an 'Execute SQL Task' task in the Control Flow, in the Properties window, you can see the properties of the task, for example CodePage.

If you double click on the task, the Execute SQL Task Editor appears, with several of the properties which are also in the Properties window, including CodePage.

If, in the Editor, you update the value of CodePage, then click OK, the value of CodePage in the Properties window is updated immediately.

I have written a custom SSIS task, which also has the same properties in the Properties window and in the Editor. The Editor also has an OK button. When OK is clicked, the values of the task properties are updated. An example property is FolderToArchive. If I open the Editor, change the value of FolderToArchive and click the OK button, the value of FolderToArchive in the Properties window is NOT immediately updated.

If, however, I select the FolderToArchive field in the Propertiesd window, it is then updated with the value I entered in the Editor.

How do I get my task to update the values in the Properties window, after changing a value in the Editor, when I click the OK button?

I would have thought I would need something like, in pseudo-code,

    where task is of type Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Task and Task.Parent is of type Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Package.

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SSIS Task Or Design Considerations For Copying/updating/replicating Tables From One Server To Another

Dec 13, 2007

I need to copy all the data from all the tables in a database to a copy of this database on another server.
What feature of SSIS should I take advantage of to accomplish this?

We have an SLA for 8am, most times the data warehousing jobs complete at 8:05am. Adding an additional process/set of tasks to this package would obviously make matters so I'm trying to update/copy/replicate the data in the fastest manner. Typically we're talking 2 marts (10-20GB) with 2 large tables (5-10 mill records) and 20 marts (0.5 - 5 GB) with many more smaller tables (~40 tables with record count ranging from 1 to a million)

Additionally please indicate if the design/feature you suggest can handle (pushing schema changes and additions to the target server) schema changes or new tablesviews added to the source database.

My only idea so using the import wizard (in Management Studio) to create an SSIS package (top copy all the tables from one server to another) and saving it to the server, Then executing this package after the job is complete. However this would not work if the schema of a table changed, or if a a table is added. Moreover I don't think I can edit this package in visual studio.

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SecurityException Class SQLServerDatabaseMetaData's Signer Information Does Not Match Signer Information Of Other

May 23, 2007


I have some troubles with IBM WebSphere Application Server using MS SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver. I always get the error e.g.
java.lang.SecurityException: class ""'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package

I found this Feedback but it seems to be closed.

A temporary solution for me was to delete the meta-inf directory of the JAR-File, but that can't be the solution.

Can anyone help me with this problem?


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Updating A Table By Both Inserting And Updating In The Data Flow

Sep 21, 2006

I am very new to SQL Server 2005. I have created a package to load data from a flat delimited file to a database table. The initial load has worked. However, in the future, I will have flat files used to update the table. Some of the records will need to be inserted and some will need to update existing rows. I am trying to do this from SSIS. However, I am very lost as to how to do this.

Any suggestions?

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Information About A Job After It Ran

Jul 2, 2001

I have a job that runs each night that deletes all records from a table that are older than two weeks old. Is there some way I can view how many records were deleted from the table each night. Is it written to a log somewhere? Thanks in advance!

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Getting Information

Aug 4, 2005

Hi all,
This is my first thread here.
I got an information about
in your forum.. The replier told that this is an undocumented option.
My question is how you guys find information on such undocumented things....

Thanks in advance.

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Information !

Mar 26, 2008


Can anyone clarify the nuances of How to deal with the change management environment in SQL Server.


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Get Job Information

Sep 6, 2007

I am trying to get job information and have a query set up. However, I would also like to get the owner information. However, the job only stores the sid of the owner. Does anybody know how I could change this query to get the owner name instead of sid? Don't want to use the sp_help_job command.

SELECT @@SERVERNAME AS Server, msdb.dbo.sysjobs.job_id,, msdb.dbo.sysjobs.enabled AS Job_Enabled,
msdb.dbo.sysjobs.description, msdb.dbo.sysjobs.notify_level_eventlog, msdb.dbo.sysjobs.notify_level_email,
msdb.dbo.sysjobs.notify_level_netsend, msdb.dbo.sysjobs.notify_level_page, msdb.dbo.sysjobs.notify_email_operator_id,
msdb.dbo.sysjobs.date_created, AS Category_Name, msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules.next_run_date,
msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules.next_run_time, msdb.dbo.sysjobservers.last_run_outcome, msdb.dbo.sysjobservers.last_outcome_message,
msdb.dbo.sysjobservers.last_run_date, msdb.dbo.sysjobservers.last_run_time, msdb.dbo.sysjobservers.last_run_duration, AS Notify_Operator, msdb.dbo.sysoperators.email_address, msdb.dbo.sysjobs.date_modified, GETDATE()
AS Package_run_date
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs INNER JOIN
msdb.dbo.syscategories ON msdb.dbo.sysjobs.category_id = msdb.dbo.syscategories.category_id LEFT OUTER JOIN
msdb.dbo.sysoperators ON msdb.dbo.sysjobs.notify_email_operator_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN
msdb.dbo.sysjobservers ON msdb.dbo.sysjobs.job_id = msdb.dbo.sysjobservers.job_id LEFT OUTER JOIN
msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules ON msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules.job_id = msdb.dbo.sysjobs.job_id

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Information Being Cut Off

Mar 17, 2008

I have a report where the information is getting cut off the report.

At the beginning of or at the ending of the page it is dropping the information.

My layout setting are set 8.5in wide by 11in height. .5in for either left or right margin. 1in for top and bottom.

I run the report and I'm missing a record.

I adjust the height to 10in to force diffferent page breaks and it's there.

I have the setting in one of the groups set for a page break at end. If I uncheck that it doesn't help.Still no records.

What is going on?

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Looking For Information

Mar 15, 2006

I'm looking for books or information on command line configuration of settings for things like activating Remote Connections under the Service Area Configuration and setting a port for that connection.

What books would be good to get or where can I download papers on this?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Locking Information

Dec 23, 2005

Hi!This is a very simple question and I'm sure you guys will help me a lot.I'm using Visual Basic 2005 for programming. I have one table on my MS SQL 2005 database that has an int column with a counter that needs to be incremented when a user registers.So when reading the value I use a simple SQL query like this:
SELECT counter FROM companies WHERE company=0
then I store the value in a local int variable and then I increment it. Then I update the incremented value.
UPDATE companies ...
I need every single customer to have an individual value. My question is how can I prevent an error, data corruption or whatever if two or more users want to register at the same time? I've been reading about lock update but I'm not sure how to implement it on Visual Basic 2005 and I don't want to store scripts on SQL Server.
I'll appreciate your comments and help on this situation.

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Trigger Information

Jul 26, 2001

I have a problem here in my SQL Server Database. I want to find which trigger is working backend affecting my table input. Since the original author of this trigger was somebody else, I am not able to find the trigger information
A simple line of syntax would be great.
Thanks in advance

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Last Login Information

Aug 30, 2001

I am doing an audit of user information in our database and was wondering if there is a way for me to see the last time a user logged into the database. I am using a SQL Server 7.0 box. Any Information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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