Searching/Estracting Numerical Data

Feb 6, 2006

Feb 6, 1:48 pm show options

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From: "KR" <> - Find messages by this author
Date: 6 Feb 2006 13:48:00 -0800
Subject: Extract Number from Fields - SQL
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I am new to the SQL world, and I am trying to come up with a script
that will extract only the numerical data from a column of varchar
data type . There is not a pattern to the data entered, except that
the data that
I am looking to extract is a three digit number. If someone could
point me in the right direction that would be great.

Thanks in advance

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Calculations On Fields Containing Non-Numerical Data?

Feb 29, 2012

I am developing a database of soccer transfers. The transfer fee field contains numerical values but also 'u/d' to signify a transfer in which the fee has not been disclosed and 'loan' to signify a loan move. Is it possible to perform calculations on fields containing non numerical data? e.g. could I run a query that replaced u/d and loan with 0 for the purposes of performing calculations or should I remove all non numerical values from the fee field?

I am preparing the data prior to importing it into SQL but you can view the data structure here :

Premier League Transfers Winter 2012

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How To Just Get Max Numerical ID For This Case?

Jan 18, 2006

I have one of fileds Field1 one table Table1 which contains either numerical ID or alphabetic ID or both, how to write query to get max numerical ID?
The simpler the query, the better.

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Check String Or Numerical

Feb 7, 2008

When I load data from excel file, how I can check is data string or numerical ?

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Grouping Sorting String And Numerical Fields

Feb 6, 2007

I've got a report built and I'm trying to figure out how sorting and grouping works. I can group the report by Patient, Albumin and it groups as I would expect.

Patient Date Albumin
Adams, John 01/28/2007 4.1
Adams, John 12/30/2007 3.9
Adams, John 01/15/2007 3.2
Barker, Mark 01/18/2007 4.3
Barker, Mark 01/22/2007 4.1
Barker, Mark 01/05/2007 3.9

However, when I try to group by Albumin, Patient, it just sorts by Albumin.
Patient Date Albumin
Barker, Mark 01/18/2007 4.3
Adams, John 01/28/2007 4.1
Barker, Mark 01/22/2007 4.1
Adams, John 12/30/2007 3.9
Barker, Mark 01/05/2007 3.9
Adams, John 01/15/2007 3.2

What I'm looking for is this:
Patient Date Albumin
Barker, Mark 01/18/2007 4.3
Barker, Mark 01/22/2007 4.1
Barker, Mark 01/05/2007 3.9
Adams, John 01/28/2007 4.1
Adams, John 12/30/2007 3.9
Adams, John 01/15/2007 3.2

Is this something that can be done with grouping and sorting?


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Searching Encrypted Data; Using MAC Secret Data

Aug 10, 2006

I just finished reading an article on how to search encrypted data efficiently and they suggested creating a new column with a Message Auhtentication Code. To be honest, reading the aritcle makes my head hurt. I can hardly understand what they were doing myself and I can't begin to explain it to a developer.

Are there any easier ways to search encrypted columns for a speciifc match? If not, does any have some stored procs that implement this messy MAC stuff?



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Searching HTML Data

Mar 29, 2004


I have question, sorry if it is very basic, as SQL is not my thing!

Iam allowing visitors on my IBS site to (lets say) create HTML post. This is enabled by allowing the user to use WYISWG text editor component. This means that users can create all sorts of HTML tags.

Before storing this HTML in the SQL Server, I encode it.

I also need to provide users with searching ability. So what is the best way in achieving this? Can I write search SQL normally, as in, with LIKE operators or do I need to something special?


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Searching Character Data Using Like

Jul 20, 2005

Hello All,SQL 2000, case insensitive databaseI have a situation where I need to find abbreviations in the rows in atable. The rule i came up is, get all the rows from the table wherethere is more than one character is capitalized consequtively eg."USA", "TIMS", "AIR"Here is the sample data:create table test (mystring varchar(100))goinsert into test (mystring) values ('I live in USA')insert into test (mystring) values ('this is a test row. usa(abbreviated wrongly).')go--expected result setmystring----------------------I live in USAHere is the query which I * from test where mystring collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_ASlike '%[A-Z][A-Z]%'But the above query returns both the records. Any help?Thanks

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Searching For Any Data String In Database

Jul 23, 2005

hihere is a problem:i have a databes with many, many tablesthe problem is that i dont know where 'abcd' string is (but it is for surein one of that table)is there any SELECT that could help me with finding this string in database?--greets

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Searching Historical Data For Patterns

Feb 17, 2008

I have a database which contains time series data (historical stock prices) which I have to search for patterns on a day to day basis. But searching this historical data for patterns is very time consuming not only in writing the complex t-sql scripts but also executing them.

Table structure for one min data:
[Date] [Time] [Open] [High], [Low], [Close], [Adjusted_Close], [MA], [DI].....
Tick Data:
[Date] [Time] [Trade]
Most time consuming queries are with lots of inner joins. So for example if I have to compare first few mins data then I have to do inner join like:
With IntervalData AS
SELECT [Date], Sum(CASE WHEN 1430 = [Time] THEN [PriceRange] END) AS '1430',
Sum(CASE WHEN 1431 = [Time] THEN [PriceRange] END) AS '1431',
Sum(CASE WHEN 1432 = [Time] THEN [PriceRange] END) AS '1432'
SELECT [Date] ,[1430], [1431], [1432], [1431] - [1430] As 'Range' from IntervalData
WHERE ([1430] > 0 AND [1431] < 0 AND [1432] < 0) OR ([1430] < 0 AND [1431] > 0 AND [1430] > 0)
select ind1.[Time], ind1.PriceRange,ind2.[Time], ind2.PriceRange from INDU_1 ind1
INNER JOIN INDU_1 ind2 ON ind1.[Time] = ind2.[Time] - 1 AND ind1.[Date] = ind2.[Date]
where (ind1.[Time] = 2058) AND ((ind1.PriceRange > 0 AND ind2.PriceRange >0) OR (ind2.PriceRange < 0 AND ind1.PriceRange < 0))
ORDER BY ind1.[Date] DESC;
Is there anyway I can use Sql 2005 Data mining models to make this searching faster?

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Strategy For Data Storage/searching

Dec 16, 2007

Hello there,

Don't know if this is the right forum to be asking this, but I'll give it a try...

I'm relativelly a beginner in SQL Server and T-SQL in general. The problem I'm trying to solve is the following:

The big picture is that I have data coming from different data sources which I need to store on a database for later reference. Each data source might have a different set of measurements. For example, data source 1 might log Pressure and Humidity while data source 2 logs Pressure and Temperature. Once the data is present on the DB, the users can go ahead and retrieve data for a given [datasource/measurement/time interval] to generate reports or charts.

My implementation so far consists of two tables: series_info and series_data. series_info holds general information for a given series of measurements for a given data source (Pressure for data source 1, Pressure for data source 2, Humidity for data source 1 and Temperature for data source 2, in our example). Each series has a bigint index as primary key.

The table series_data contains all data relative to the series from series_info. Each piece of data has a bigint as a primary key, an associate time (which is always crescent) and a foreign key to the series it represents (in series_info).

Alright, everything is cool so far. However, whenever a user wants to retrieve data for given [data source/measurement/time interval], this takes very long, since all data is interposed in series_data and for every search it's necessary to find where the desired data actually lies.

One obvious solution for this would be to dynamically create a new table to hold the data for each series, but that would just make my database disorganized, since there would be thousands and thousands of tables.

Another thing that comes to my mind is to create a table with information of where lies the data for a given [data source / measurement] for given dates. So when the user requested data for a given [data source/measurement] between, say, january and february, we would first look at this intermediate table and find out that the data lies between indexes 1000 and 2000 on the series_data table, so the next SELECT command to series_data would already contain a restriction like WHERE index>=1000 and index<=2000. This should probably improve the speed of retrieval.

What do you guys (or girls) think? Maybe there's simply a classical solution for such a case.

Thanks in advance!

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Searching For Encrypted Fields In Data Columns

Jul 20, 2005

I am new to database programming and was curious how others solve theproblem of storing encrypted in data in db table columns and thensubsequently searching for these records.The particular problem that I am facing is in dealing with (privacy)critical information like credit-card #s and SSNs or business criticalinformation like sales opportunity size or revenue in the database. Therequirement is that this data be stored encrypted (and not in theclear). Just limiting access to tables with this data isn't sufficient.Does any database provide native facilities to store specific columns asencrypted data ? The other option I have is to use something like RC4 toencrypt the data before storing them in the database.However, the subsequent problem is how do I search/sort on these columns? Its not a big deal if I have a few hundred records; I couldpotentially retrieve all the records, decrypt the specific fields andthen do in process searches/sorts. But what happens when I have (say) amillion records - I really don't want to suck in all that data and workon it but instead use the native db search/sort capabilities.Any suggestions and past experiences would be greatly appreciated.much thanks,~s

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Searching For ._

Apr 24, 2008

I am trying to find all the email addresses with a " ._"    I use '%._%' but it returns all records.  What is the correct syntax? Also, is there a way to search for a field where the underscore is followed by a single alpha letter and then another underscore? like bla_A_bla or bla_Z_bla.thanksMilton
SELECT DISTINCT fname, lname, inet
FROM ocadbo.notes
where inet like '%._%'

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Need Some Help In Searching

May 8, 2004


How can I find records that contain a STRING from some (more than one) other fields ?

for example, I have:

Name_First = "aaa"
Name_Middle = "bbb"
Name_Last = "ccc"

Key_Words = "aaa,bbb,ccc"
(includes all values - comma separated)

How can I do the SELECT so that when I search for "bbb" on Key_Words I will get my record ?

Should I use "LIKE %aaa%" or something like this ?
(should I keep the comma separators ?)

Thanks in advance, Yovav.

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Searching With LIKE

Feb 13, 2006

Let say a user wants to search for the name Joe Soap

I have two column's in my table, firstname and lastname

So if I do:


SELECT firstname, lastname FROM table WHERE firstname LIKE '%Joe Soap%' OR lastname LIKE '%Joe Soap%'

it returns nothing! So do I have to split the string Joe Soap or something ?

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Nov 28, 2004

my app use a registration table

stName varchar(30),
stDOB smalldatetime,
stGuardianName varchar(30),
stRegDt smalldatetime,
stRegNo bigint,
courseId smallint

the application registers the student details to a course.
each student gets a new registration no during registration.

the app should identify repeaters to a particular course by checking another
table RegHistory, which stores the details of student registrations for the previous 5 years.

stName varchar(30),
stDOB smalldatetime,
stGuardianName varchar(30),
stPrevRegDt smalldatetime,
stPrevRegNo bigint,
courseId smallint

the application must search the RegHistory table and list out those students who are the repeaters.

the sample entries in the two tables are as follows

stName stDOB stGuardianName stRegDt stRegNo courseid
abc 01/01/1979 def 20/11/2004 12345 1
def 01/01/1976 xyz 20/11/2004 12346 1
... ..... ... ...... .... ...

mno 24/18/1976 pqr 20/11/2004 12400 1


stName stDOB stGuardianName stPrevRegDt stPrevRegNo courseId
abc 01/01/1979 def 20/11/2001 2345 1
ghi 01/01/1976 xyz 20/11/2001 2346 1
... ..... ... ...... .... ...

dfg 24/18/1976 pqr 20/11/2001 2400 1

to determine whether a student is a repeater or not, we have to search for an exact match in RegHistory table (where the student name, guardian name and date of birth in both tables match with the corresponding entries in Registration table).

here is my question,

if there are 100,000 students registering in each academic year, we will have
500,000 records in RegHistory Table and 100,000 records in studReg table

if i start searching for a repeater, i guess i will have to loop through all records in studReg, for an exact match in RegHistory, which wil be a time consuming process.

is there any other options to search for repeaters ?

pl discuss

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Mar 16, 2004

hi all,
I need help in selecting records from a table based on the given search criteria.
select * from table where col1='x' and col2='y'... and col6='q'
i may give any combination of column values.
I mean I can't provide 6 values in 'where' condition all the time i submit query.
help me with a stored proc which has 6 input parameters for the 6 columns.

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Dec 11, 2006

Maybe a dumb question.. but is there a way to search all tables in a database for a particular word or phrase?

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Searching For Add-In

Feb 18, 2008

I am searching for an add-in to ssms which lets me choose which server to deploy my code.

For example, I have a complete statement with CREATE PROCEDURE and all code in my query window.

Now I want to run/deploy this code to many servers at once.
Instead of having to reconnect to all server (5), I want an add-in which have checkboxes for me to select.

Anyone heard of this?

E 12°55'05.25"
N 56°04'39.16"

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XML And Searching

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I have come to point in my db design where I'm trying to figure whichis the best approach in making it generic (does this really matter?!?)Senario - I have a table called JOBS and this table contains fieldsuch as JobTitle, JobDescription, Salary etcI want to add to this table other attributes which are specific to acertain Job Industries.Solution - Add a join table for each type of industry containingattributes (db is now not generic) OR add a new table with a IndustryType field and a XML field containing the industry specificattributes.If I go the XML way will this just make it complex and slow to query?If not, what is the best way to query an XML field?Thanks,Jack

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Jul 23, 2005

I am having a problem with seaching my tables. On my page ihave 3 text boxes. One for an ID and NAME and ADDRESS. I want to beable to search a table by using all or any combination of the 3 tosearch. But i cant get it right. i am using c# and sql server.any help ideas would be a great helpthanks in advanceructions

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Searching With '

May 26, 2008

How do we make a search in dbase where in the data you are searching has a " ' " for example Int'l Airport or other wildcards


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Searching A Databse

Aug 31, 2006

i'm making a web page for a needs to be able to search for patients by first name, surname, date of birth and patient number.i'm using visual web developer and i have my database, my data source and GridView grid.i want  4 text boxes for my first name, surname etc. when u click enter on any of them i want to retrieve all their data and display it in the the moment i have  one text box on the web page and through the "Configure data source" option on the grid view i can retrieve the specified data but for only this one item, e.g. SELECT * FROM [Patients] WHERE ([DOB] = @DOB). if i add another text box to my web page, and don't do anything to it, the query wont run. if i add and "AND" statement to the query, e.g. SELECT * FROM [Patients] WHERE (([DOB] = @DOB) AND ([FirstName] = @FirstName)), again it won'r run or return and data. any ideas on what i can do or where i'm going wrong. thanks 

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Best Searching Criteria

Sep 30, 2007

I have a table
 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Speech] (  [SpeechId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PkSpeech_SpeechId PRIMARY KEY,  [UniqueName] [varchar](52) NOT NULL,  [NativeName] [nvarchar](52) NOT NULL,  [Place] [nvarchar](52) NOT NULL,  [Type] [smallint] NOT NULL,  [LanguageId] [char](2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT FkSpeech_LanguageId FOREIGN KEY (LanguageId) REFERENCES Language(LanguageId) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,  [SpeakerId] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT FkSpeech_SpeakerId FOREIGN KEY (SpeakerId) REFERENCES Speaker(SpeakerId) ON DELETE CASCADE,  [IsFavorite] [bit] NOT NULL,  [IsVisible] [bit] NOT NULL,  [CreatedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL DEFAULT GETDATE(),  [ModifiedDate] [datetime] NULL )
Now I want to search the Table Speech
Sometimes by : SpeechIdSometimes by : SpeakerIdSometimes by : LanguageIdSometimes by : SpeechId And LanguageIdSometimes by : SpeakerId And LanguageId
All can have conditions with IsVisible, IsFavorite and Type columns.
for example
I need all Speeches withany particular SpeakerId and LanguageIdwith IsVisible equals to trueand IsFvaorite No Matterand Type equals to Audio
For these type of queries I think the solution is
 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sprocGetSpeech]
  @speechId int = NULL,  @uniqueName varchar(52) = NULL,  @nativeName nvarchar(52) = NULL,  @place nvarchar(52) = NULL,  @type smallint = NULL,  @languageId char(2) = NULL,  @speakerId int = NULL,  @isFavorite bit = NULL,  @isVisible bit = NULL
  SELECT   SpeechId,   UniqueName,   NativeName,   Place,   Type,   LanguageId,   SpeakerId,   IsFavorite,   IsVisible,   CreatedDate,   ModifiedDate  FROM   Speech  WHERE   SpeechId = @speechId   AND UniqueName = CASE WHEN @uniqueName IS NULL THEN [UniqueName] ELSE @uniqueName END   AND NativeName = CASE WHEN @nativeName IS NULL THEN [NativeName] ELSE @NativeName END   AND Place = CASE WHEN @place IS NULL THEN [Place] ELSE @place END   AND Type = CASE WHEN @type IS NULL THEN [Type] ELSE @type END   AND LanguageId = CASE WHEN @languageId IS NULL THEN [LanguageId] ELSE @languageId END   AND SpeakerId = CASE WHEN @speakerId IS NULL THEN [SpeakerId] ELSE @speakerId END   AND IsFavorite = CASE WHEN @isFavorite IS NULL THEN [IsFavorite] ELSE @isFavorite END   AND IsVisible = CASE WHEN @isVisible IS NULL THEN [IsVisible] ELSE @isVisible END
Can anyone tell me?
Is it right way to do?Do you have any better solution?If my solution is better then Is there any performance loss with that query?

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Good Searching

Jan 7, 2008

 hello all..i have make a searching, but is not good. my code like that:Public Class getall Public Function getitem(ByVal id As String) As DataSet        Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=BOYsqlexpress;Initial Catalog=GAMES;User ID=ha;Password=a")        Dim ds As New DataSet()          Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter("select * from [item] where name like '%" & id & "%'", con)        Try            con.Open()            adapter.Fill(ds, "user")            Return ds        Catch ex As Exception            Console.Write(ex.Message)        Finally            con.Close()            con = Nothing        End Try        ' Next        Return ds    End Functionand class  my item in database is containning  dragon ball 3, counter strikeif i insert dragon, it can display dragon ball 3.but if i insert dragon 3, it not display dragon ball should display dragon ball 3 .how should i change my code?thx... 

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Problem Searching Value

Apr 18, 2008

hello everyone
 i need  C# code in wh we sent "UserID" to table named "Users"
and if such "UserID" exists in "User" table we get his name from the table else we got message that no such record exists.
i have tried to write that code ,it works only if the value exists . in case of no value an exception is thrown.
please do sent me that c# code.
thanks for your consideration.

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Searching In Tables

Dec 8, 2004

Hi All,

Just wanted to run this idea past u all before I have a go at it.

I have two tables A & B that are similar to the below

Table A
Name1 Name2 Name3
Tom Bill John
Gary Harry Eric

Name1 Name2 Name3
John Bill Tom
Tom Eric john
Leslie Philip Colin

What I wanted to do is see if the the records from tableA row 1 exist in tableB

As you can see they can appear in any order, partially or not at all.

What I propose to do is take tableA Name1 and see if it matches tableb row1 name 1 OR name 2 OR name 3 and if I find a match use a variable to assign the the value 1 (so I can then see if the match is full (score three) partial socre 1 and two or not at all (0)

Then I will need do the same for tableA row 2

Then goto row 2 of table a and start again.

Does this make sense? Are there beter ways of doing this.

I am using SQL server to do the searching....?

All comments appreciated and welcome.



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Searching Words

May 25, 2005

hi i  am working on sql server200.I m using  "LIKE" to search the records.There is freetexttable and containstable table also.just like to know the difference between them.Could anyone provide me a good link regarding this??Thanks

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Text Searching

Jun 29, 2005

Hi again!

I have a products table with product attributes in a second table,
together they describe a full product.  I have a product title, a
list of providers, description text, and keywords.  I would like
to do a search across these fields, and so far my research has shown
that the Full Text Search component of SQL Server is the way to
go.  However, I am not sure this will be possible based on what is
installed on the hosted server, so I am wondering if there is a unique,
cool way of doing this without Full Text Search?



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Searching Database

Oct 11, 2005

i currently have a function and a storedpro in my sql database they are:CREATE PROCEDURE SearchCatalog (@PageNumber tinyint,@ProductsOnPage tinyint,@HowManyResults smallint OUTPUT,@AllWords bit,@Word1 varchar(15) = NULL,@Word2 varchar(15) = NULL,@Word3 varchar(15) = NULL,@Word4 varchar(15) = NULL,@Word5 varchar(15) = NULL)AS
/* Create the temporary table that will contain the search results */CREATE TABLE #SearchedProducts(RowNumber SMALLINT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1), ProductID INT, Name VARCHAR(50), Description VARCHAR(1000), Price MONEY, ImagePath VARCHAR(50), Rank INT, ImageALT VARCHAR(100), Artist VARCHAR(50))
/* Populate #SearchedProducts for an any-words search */IF @AllWords = 0    INSERT INTO #SearchedProducts           (ProductID, Name, Description, Price, ImagePath, ImageALT, Artist, Rank)   SELECT Product.ProductID, Product.Name, Product.Description,           Product.Price, Product.ImagePath, Product.ImageALT, Artist.ArtistName,          3*dbo.WordCount(@Word1, Name)+dbo.WordCount(@Word1, Description)+          3*dbo.WordCount(@Word2, Name)+dbo.WordCount(@Word2, Description)+          3*dbo.WordCount(@Word3, Name)+dbo.WordCount(@Word3, Description)+          3*dbo.WordCount(@Word4, Name)+dbo.WordCount(@Word4, Description)+          3*dbo.WordCount(@Word5, Name)+dbo.WordCount(@Word5, Description)           AS TotalRank   FROM Product INNER JOIN (Artist INNER JOIN AlbumSingleDetails ON Artist.ArtistID = AlbumSingleDetails.ArtistID) ON Product.ProductID = AlbumSingleDetails.ProductID   ORDER BY TotalRank DESC  
/* Populate #SearchedProducts for an all-words search */IF @AllWords = 1    INSERT INTO #SearchedProducts           (ProductID, Name, Description, Price, ImagePath, ImageALT, Artist, Rank)   SELECT Product.ProductID, Product.Name, Product.Description, Product.Price, Product.ImagePath,   Product.ImageALT, Artist.ArtistName,          (3*dbo.WordCount(@Word1, Name)+dbo.WordCount(@Word1, Description)) *          CASE              WHEN @Word2 IS NULL THEN 1              ELSE 3*dbo.WordCount(@Word2, Name)+dbo.WordCount(@Word2, Description)          END *          CASE              WHEN @Word3 IS NULL THEN 1              ELSE 3*dbo.WordCount(@Word3, Name)+dbo.WordCount(@Word3, Description)          END *          CASE              WHEN @Word4 IS NULL THEN 1              ELSE 3*dbo.WordCount(@Word4, Name)+dbo.WordCount(@Word4, Description)          END *          CASE              WHEN @Word5 IS NULL THEN 1              ELSE 3*dbo.WordCount(@Word5, Name)+dbo.WordCount(@Word5, Description)          END          AS TotalRank   FROM Product INNER JOIN (Artist INNER JOIN AlbumSingleDetails ON Artist.ArtistID = AlbumSingleDetails.ArtistID) ON Product.ProductID = AlbumSingleDetails.ProductID   ORDER BY TotalRank DESC
/* Save the number of searched products in an output variable */SELECT @HowManyResults=COUNT(*) FROM #SearchedProducts WHERE Rank>0
/* Send back the requested products */SELECT ProductID, Name, Description, Price, ImagePath, ImageALT, Artist, RankFROM #SearchedProductsWHERE Rank > 0  AND RowNumber BETWEEN (@PageNumber-1) * @ProductsOnPage + 1                     AND @PageNumber * @ProductsOnPageORDER BY Rank DESCand:CREATE FUNCTION dbo.WordCount(@Word VARCHAR(20),@Phrase VARCHAR(1000))RETURNS SMALLINTASBEGIN
/* If @Word or @Phrase is NULL the function returns 0 */IF @Word IS NULL OR @Phrase IS NULL RETURN 0
/* Calculate and store the SOUNDEX value of the word */DECLARE @SoundexWord CHAR(4)SELECT @SoundexWord = SOUNDEX(@Word)
/* Eliminate bogus characters from phrase */SELECT @Phrase = REPLACE(@Phrase, ',', ' ')SELECT @Phrase = REPLACE(@Phrase, '.', ' ')SELECT @Phrase = REPLACE(@Phrase, '!', ' ')SELECT @Phrase = REPLACE(@Phrase, '?', ' ')SELECT @Phrase = REPLACE(@Phrase, ';', ' ')SELECT @Phrase = REPLACE(@Phrase, '-', ' ')
/* Necesdbory because LEN doesn't calculate trailing spaces */SELECT @Phrase = RTRIM(@Phrase)
/* Check every word in the phrase */DECLARE @NextSpacePos SMALLINTDECLARE @ExtractedWord VARCHAR(20)DECLARE @Matches SMALLINT
SELECT @Matches = 0
WHILE LEN(@Phrase)>0  BEGIN     SELECT @NextSpacePos = CHARINDEX(' ', @Phrase)     IF @NextSpacePos = 0       BEGIN         SELECT @ExtractedWord = @Phrase         SELECT @Phrase=''       END     ELSE       BEGIN         SELECT @ExtractedWord = LEFT(@Phrase, @NextSpacePos-1)         SELECT @Phrase = RIGHT(@Phrase, LEN(@Phrase)-@NextSpacePos)       END
     IF @SoundexWord = SOUNDEX(@ExtractedWord)       SELECT @Matches = @Matches + 1  END
/* Return the number of occurences of @Word in @Phrase */RETURN @MatchesENDmy database has many table but product is linkinked to albumsingledetails with productid in the albumsingledetails table, the the albumsingledetails table has the artistid in it which links to the artist table. I have tried searching for an artist but it does not find them!! can anyone see where i have gone wrong?

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Searching In Results In Sql

Nov 8, 2005

I want to search all of the employeeid #'s in the employee table for any mis-typed information.  so if they put a . in the string i want to return that employee's info.  as well as any letter a - z.  I need to do this in sql and return it to a dataset for my crystal report.  any ideas?

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Searching A Gridview In ASP.NET 2.0

Dec 15, 2005

Hello,How do I search through the gridview?  Would I do this at the sqldatasourcelevel?I figured that I sould search with the but how do I accessthe datatable of the sqldatasource?I am using ASP.NET 2.0 with VB.Thanks for your helpJ

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Text Searching In SPs

Dec 28, 1998


I need to search all user written SPs which have particular text in them. One way to do it is to open each SP in some notepad or word processor and search for the particular text.Is there any efficient way to do it ??


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