Searching All Columns Without Using Column Name

Dec 30, 2003


I am developing a search engine for my application and I need to grab the entire row from the table if I found the search field in any of the columns and the search is not defined to one table. Please let me know how to search all columns in table without using column names indivdually.

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Syntax? - Searching Combined Columns

Aug 31, 2005

Dear GroupThe scaenario is as follows:FirstName and LastName are separate columns in the contact table and Iwant to be able to search e.g. for the FirstName and part of theLastName at the same time e.g. 'John A' should return 'John Adams'.Would be grateful if you can give me some hint as I don't seem to getit work.SELECT FirstName, Lastname FROM i2b_contact WHERE (SELECT Firstname +Lastname AS CName) LIKE 'John A%'Thanks very much for your help and efforts!Martin

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Searching In Columns Dynamically Without Dynamic SQL

May 8, 2007

Hi everyone

Is it possible to search dynamically in table columns without using dynamic SQL (i.e. EXEC or sp_executesql)?

I wanna exec FREETEXT(<column_name>, @searchPhrase) by giving columns' names as paramater to stored proc. Is it possible to avoid using dynamic SQL?

Thanks in advance

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Searching For Encrypted Fields In Data Columns

Jul 20, 2005

I am new to database programming and was curious how others solve theproblem of storing encrypted in data in db table columns and thensubsequently searching for these records.The particular problem that I am facing is in dealing with (privacy)critical information like credit-card #s and SSNs or business criticalinformation like sales opportunity size or revenue in the database. Therequirement is that this data be stored encrypted (and not in theclear). Just limiting access to tables with this data isn't sufficient.Does any database provide native facilities to store specific columns asencrypted data ? The other option I have is to use something like RC4 toencrypt the data before storing them in the database.However, the subsequent problem is how do I search/sort on these columns? Its not a big deal if I have a few hundred records; I couldpotentially retrieve all the records, decrypt the specific fields andthen do in process searches/sorts. But what happens when I have (say) amillion records - I really don't want to suck in all that data and workon it but instead use the native db search/sort capabilities.Any suggestions and past experiences would be greatly appreciated.much thanks,~s

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Getting Results With Stored Procedure From Single Textbox Searching Table With Multi Columns

Feb 12, 2007

I admit I am a novice to queries and stored procedures but understand stored procedures are more secure, so I am choosing to challenge myself with a stored procedure and have not been successful at all.

What I am looking for is a stored procedure which would query the single table named Hospital, which would search from a single textbox the end user would enter the text they are searching for on a Windows VB application but is dependant on a few end user selected items.

1. The end user can select a radio button either "Starts with" or "Contains"
2. The end user can select from 6 checkboxes (Hospitals, Address, City, State, Zip, Type) to limit or expand their search from the columns in the table.

The table has 17columns (CO, PARENTCO, ADDR, POBox, CITY, State, ZIP, TEL, FAX, WEBSITE, HOSP_TYPE, OWNERSHIP, BEDS, CONTACT, TITLE, Email) but I am only allowing the end user to search by the above 6 columns and need to display the above 6 columns plus the phone, fax and website columns.

After the user clicks the search button it displays the results in a listbox and the user will then select the one they want and it displays the information in another set of textboxes.

Hopefully someone can get me pointed in the right direction! Thanks for your help!

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Searching A Column With Like Term

Feb 1, 2006

Can you search a column of a database table to find all the rows that have a wor in it?
example:  I have a row that contains 'adventure st north', there are other columns in that table that are suppose to be the same but read 'adventure street N.'  or 'adventure st. N.' or 'North Adventure st.'
could I search for rows that contain 'adventure' in the column searched (lets call it columnA).  I tried:
select * from tbl_test where columnA LIKE 'adventure'    and got no results.
what is the way to do this?

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Searching Date Column

May 11, 2004

i have a table date column with smalldatetime format. data looks like
2004-05-10 00:00:00

i can search specify date but i want to retrieve all records for a month for e.g
how can i do this?
i tried

select * from mytable
where datecolumn like '%05%'
doesn't seem to work

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Searching A Column Value Of One Table By Another Then Deleting Row

Nov 9, 2007

Hello... I'm real new with SQL Server Express and I need to do the following.

I have two tables...

Table 1: Column EmailAddress

Table 2: Column Cust_ID, EmailAddress, FirstName, LastName

I want to search Table 2 EmailAddress, with Table 1 EmailAddress, and if any of the Email Addresses in Table 1 are found in Table 2, delete the rows in Table 2.


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Searching A Column For A Value To Avoid Inserting A Duplicate Value

Jul 17, 2007

Hi there, newbie here.
I'm building a web application that allows for tagging of items, using ASP.NET 2.0, C# and SQL Server.
I have my USERS, ITEMS and TAGS separated out into three tables, with an intersection table to connect them.
Imagine a user has found an item they are interested in and is about to tag it. They type their tag into a textbox and hit Enter.
Here's what I want to do:
I want to search the TagText column in my TAGS table, to see if the chosen tag is already in the table. If it is, the existing entry will be used in the new relationship the user is creating. Thus I avoid inserting a duplicate value in this column and save space. If the value is not already in the column, a new entry will be created.
Here's where I'm up to:
I can type a tag into a textbox and then feed it to a query, which returns any matches to a GridView control.
Now I'm stuck... I imagine I have to use "if else" scenario, but I'm unsure of the code I'll have to use. I also think that maybe ADO.NET could help me here, but I have not yet delved into this. Can anyone give me a few pointers to help me along?

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ContainsTable Function Searching Only One Column Per Record

Oct 25, 2007

Hello all,

I am using the ContainsTable function to search a database from my (c#) app. This works relatively well and all fields of the table are indexed and searched. That is, any column, but per record only one column.
What I mean is this: when searching for "chris 2007", I want to retrieve all items where author contains chris and year contains 2007. Currently, a search for chris brings up all items where author (or any other field) contains chris, a search for 2007 works as well, but chris 2007 fails as there is no -one- field where chris and 2007 are located.
Can anybody help me achieve this? My code is:

Code Block
SELECT FT_TBL.ID, FT_TBL.Type, FT_TBL.Author, IsNull(FT_TBL.Author, FT_TBL.Editor + ' (Ed.)') AS CorrectedAuthor, FT_TBL.Editor, FT_TBL.Title, FT_TBL.Abstract, FT_TBL.Comments, FT_TBL.Year, FT_TBL.City, FT_TBL.Publisher, FT_TBL.ISBN, FT_TBL.Pages, FT_TBL.Journal, FT_TBL.Issue, FT_TBL.Hyperlink, FT_TBL.Tags, KEY_TBL.RANK

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,


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Searching For Dates In A Column Of Type Varchar

Feb 22, 2008

I have a DB named zCIFRecord with a column named CIFUpdateDate which is of datatype varchar. The data is a date MM/DD/YYYY 01/30/2008, this is al that is in this column. I can search this colum for individual dates and for a range of dates. My problem is with a range of dates that is not within the same year, such as;





FROM [FutureSoft].[dbo].[zCIFRecord]

WHERE [CIFUpdateDate] between '12/01/2007' and '01/30/2008'

will return nothing because it seems to only search on the 12 then the 01 then the 2008. this search can be performed properly on dates within the same year such as;





FROM [FutureSoft].[dbo].[zCIFRecord]

WHERE [CIFUpdateDate] between '01/01/2008' and '01/30/2008'

will return the proper values because now all the numbers are in correct order. How can i create a search that lets me perform the first query as well as the second query. I tried to convert to a float but you cant convert a varchar to a float.

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How Can I Set Constant Padding Between The Columns Of The Column Chart(stacked Column Sub-type)?

Aug 2, 2006

Hi All,

I am working on a column chart type (stacked column sub-type) report.

Our customer requires us that the space(padding) between the columns should be a constant(including the space between the Y-axis and the first column). I know how to set the width of the columns, but I really don't know how to set the width of the space between them. The columns just varies the space between them automatically according to the number of the columns (the number of the columns is not certain).

Thanks a lot in advance!


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SUM Of One Column To Multiple Columns Based On Another Column Value

Oct 14, 2015

LeaveEntitlementID PeriodID LeaveType EmployeeID NumberOfDays

1 1 Annual 1 10
2 1 Annual 1 10
3 1 Sick 2 10
4 2 Sick 2 10
5 2 Sick 2 10

I have the above table (LeaveEntitlement) which has the above columns.

What I want to sum the column NumberOfDays based on EmployeeID, LeaveType and PeriodID columns as of LeaveTypeNumberOfDays.

For example sum(NumberOfDays) where PeriodID=1 and EmployeeID=1 and LeaveType=Annual

The result should be shown in new column name AnnualLeave (20)

sum(NumberOfDays) where PeriodID=1 and EmployeeID=1 and LeaveType=Sick

The result should be shown in new column name SickLeave (10)

Same all leave Types

The table should be shown as the below after executing the query

LeaveEntitlementID PeriodID EmployeeID AnnualLeave SickLeave

1 1 1 20 0
2 1 2 0 10
3 2 2 0 20

is it possible in sql server

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[*-)]how To Delete All Columns Except One Column For The Corresponding Column Name......?

Jul 15, 2007

hi friends,          i've a table with (columns) username, content,data,........... i need to delete all column names(i.e.,content,data,........) except username for the specified username. eg: consider username=mahendran. i've to delete the values in the content,data,...............for the username=mahendran. but username should to do that?pls help me...... 

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Add New Column In Between Other Columns (was Is It Possible)

Sep 20, 2005

Hi all

can we add a new column in a table inbetween other columns.


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Instead Of Three Columns I Get Only One Column

Oct 25, 2007

I have a problem with my coding. Here is my code.

Code Block
WITH AwaitingApprovalCTE AS
SELECT type = 'Members Awaiting Approval Yesterday'
, borrowers = (select count(*)
from LoanApplication
where SubmittedOn >= GETDATE()-1)
, depositors = (select count(*)
from CDOrder
where SubmittedOn >= GETDATE()-1)
, MemberStatus = CuStatus
from Member
where Custatus = 'Pending'


AcceptedCTE AS
SELECT type = 'Members Accepted Yesterday'
, borrowers = (select count(*)
from LoanApplication
where SubmittedOn >= GETDATE()-1)
,depositors = (select count(*)
from CDOrder
where SubmittedOn >= GETDATE()-1)
, MemberStatus = CuStatus
from Member
where Custatus = 'Accepted'
RejectedCTE AS
SELECT type = 'Members Rejected Yesterday'
, borrowers = (select count(*)
from LoanApplication
where SubmittedOn >= GETDATE()-1)
, depositors = (select count(*)
from CDOrder
where SubmittedOn >= GETDATE()-1)
, MemberStatus = CuStatus
from Member
where Custatus = 'Denied'

combinedCTE AS
SELECT * FROM AwaitingApprovalCTE

SELECT type,
NoOfMembersJoined = borrowers + depositors
FROM combinedCTE

Problem is I get only one field. I get only the first one.i.e. "Members Awaiting Apporval Yesterday"
I dont get other two types.."Members Accepted Yesterday" and "Members Rejected Yesterday".
Final report should look like this:

Type NoOfMembersJoined

Members Awaiting Approval yesterday 69
Members Accepted Yesterday 15
Members Rejected Yesterday 31

But I get only the "Members Awaiting Approval yesterday" for all the rows.

Type NoOfMembersJoined

Members Awaiting Approval yesterday 0
Members Awaiting Approval yesterday 0
Members Awaiting Approval yesterday 0
Members Awaiting Approval yesterday 0
Members Awaiting Approval yesterday 0

NoOfMembersJoined = 0 is ok because there may not be any data yet.

I can not figure it out why it is. Pease can anyone tell me where I went wrong?

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Combine Two Different Columns Into One Column

May 30, 2008

Hi Guys,
I have twotables(Employee and Borrower). In Employee table have EMPID and Borrower table have BorrowerID. I want to comebine these two columns into one column as EMPID  in Employee table. Can  any one help?

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Inserting Several Columns Into One Column

Mar 15, 2000

I would like to insert several columns into one column.
eg. Coloumn1, Column2 & Coloum3 insert into Column00

thanks, Vic

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Returning 2 Columns As 1 Column

Oct 30, 2006

In this query

FROM productHeadings AS B1, productHeadings AS E1,
productHeadings AS E2
WHERE = E1.parent_id
AND = E2.parent_id
and = 1

the result is 2 id columns... is there a way to return all id in 1 column?!

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Select Max Int Column And Other Columns

Feb 27, 2015

I have three records, with one column that is an identity/PK. I want the last record inserted and the whole record's information from the query, using a where clause to limit the record returned from the table.

I get an error if I do not have the group by added. However, with this query, I still get three records returned.

SELECT max([tablePK])

[Code] ....

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Data From Different Columns For One Column

Mar 7, 2008


I have a tabel called "Daily" which has 5 columns, "TesterID", "Activity", "Hours Given", "Hours Used", "Delta".
The data for "TesterID" and "Hours Given" columns are taken from a table called "Tester".
Data for columns "Activity" and "Hours Used" taken from table called ALD.
"Delta" column is the difference between Hours Given and Hours Used.
For "Hours Given" in table "Daily", the data source should change every 12 hours.
For Monday-Friday Mornings, "Hours Given" should read data from "Tester.Weekdays_day" and for Monday-Friday Nights it should read data from "Tester.Weekdays_Night" and for Saturday-Sunday Mornings it should read from "Tester.Weekend_Day" and for Saturday-Sunday Nights it should read from "Tester.Weekdays_Night" .

How to do that? Please Help. Thank you.

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Add A New Column Between Columns In A Table

Mar 11, 2008

Can anyone help me how to add a new column between a column in sql server 2005

i have did this one in SQL Server 2000 like below.

1. Add a new column using ALTER statement

2. EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options',1


EXEC sp_configure 'allow updates',1


3.Change the colid in syscolumns table using UPDATE Statement

- But its not working in SQL Server throws an adhoc error for system catalog table

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Split A Column Into 2 Columns

Jul 23, 2005

Hi everyoneI guess this should be a simple question for the gurusI have a Data in a column which is to be places in 2 columns instead ofone. How do i go about doing it in MS SQL server? Could someone pleasehelp me. I could do it in access with an update query but things are alittle different in SQL server so I am a little lost.Eg.NameJohn?Doeto be split intoName LastNameJohn DoeThanks in advance.Prit

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How To Spit 1 Column Into 4 Columns

Apr 29, 2008

I have the data as below


How can I create a query to return

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4
1 3 5 7
2 4 6 8

Many thanks,


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UPDATE Column In Table1 From 2 Columns...

Jan 22, 2007

Hey ya'll...
I need to create a query that I can run that will allow me to essentially take the first initial and last name and combine them from two columns in one table and update one column with that new data in another table. Example of need:
UPDATE tblLogin.UserName with (first character(tblEmployee.FName)+(tblEmployee.LName)) WHERE tblLogin.EmployeeID = tblEmployee.EmployeeID.
That was TOTALLY pseudo code and I know I'll need a join statement in there somewhere. Both tables reside on the same database, such as this:
dbEMPLOYEE (Database)--> tblLogin (Table)----> UserName (Column)--> tblEmployee (Table)----> FName (Column)----> LName (Column)
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Hopefully something soon - this was handed to me a few minutes ago and I have a few minutes to get it done.iSheahan

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Query Split Column In 2 Columns In SQL

Jan 22, 2008

I like to push 1 column into 2 different columns just to show it on the screen. So no import in another table ore something like that.
I have a table like this:
Select Name from Cars;
But i like to make a query so it is displayed like this:
Col1                Col2
BMW               FordMercedes         Audi
So i can bound a table directly to that column!Is this possible with SQL, and how can i build it.Thanks.

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Split One Column Into Multiple Columns

Jan 28, 2008

Hi all,
I have a requirement like this  ,
I have Address Column.It is containing data like Mr. K KK Tank Guntur Jal Bhavan, Univercity Road, Rajkot 9843563469
I have to split this into 3 more columns like(Address1,name,phoneno)--
Means i have 4 columns including Address Column.(Address,Address1,name,phoneno)
Address1:Univercity Road
Name:Mr. K KK Tank Guntur Jal Bhavan
How can i acheive this one with out data lose in Address Column.
Thanks in advance.

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Display Multiple Columns Into One Column

Feb 5, 2008

My first ASP.NET/SQL project. I'm creating an Asset Management DB. I wish to view the Asset number, the full name of the user it's assigned to and the Make and Model of each record in the DB. However assets are split into different categories e.g. monitors, PCs, Preinters etc. and they are all in different tables. The SQL below displays the asset number, Name of person assigned and the model of the asset.
SELECT Hardware.AssetNo, [User].FullName, MonitorModel.Model, PCModel.Model AS Expr1, PrinterModel.Model AS Expr2
[User] ON Hardware.UserID = [User].UserID INNER JOIN
Model ON Hardware.ModelID = Model.ModelID LEFT OUTER JOIN
MonitorModel ON Model.MonitorModelID = MonitorModel.MonitorModelID LEFT OUTER JOIN
PrinterModel ON Model.PrinterModelID = PrinterModel.PrinterModelID
This outputs:-
Asset number     FullName     Model     Expr1     Expr2
00000                User Name   Model     NULL      NULL
00001                User Name   NULL      Model     NULL
00002                User Name   NULL      NULL      Model
However what i hope to acheive is output Model, Expr1, Expr2 into one column like so:-
Asset number     FullName     Model
00000                User Name   Model
Can i do this in the SQL or do i have to do it in my ASP.NET (VB) Page?
Using VSWD 2005 Ex Edition and SQL Server 2005 Ex Edition
Thank you for your replies

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SQL Query To One Column Od Database Into Two Columns

Mar 27, 2008

Hi,I have a empskill Table which has 3 Columns (1) EmpID (2) SkillTypeID and (3) CourseID.Now  SkillTypeID column has data 1 or 2 here 1 means Primary Skill and 2 means Secondary Skill. CourseID will reflect the ID's of subjects like c#,SQL,etc I need a Query which will count the number of primary skilled and number of secondary skilled persons based on subject and will display as followsCOURSE ID      SKILL TYPE  21                        222                        123                        424                        1IN SHORT:  I want to count the number of particular skill types and display them against their respective course id. You need to display one column data of database into two columns as output. Hope you people will help me in this regard.Thanks in advanceRameshRaj 

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Compare Two Columns And Update The Third Column

May 21, 2008

 Hi,I have three columns and want to update the third column based on the comparison of first two columns in the same table.For instance:Col1 - val1, val2, val3, val4, val5......Col2 - NULL, NULL, val1, NULL, val2....Col3 - TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE....Thanks for any help.

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Splitting A Column Into Multiple Columns?

Jun 10, 2014

I have to split a column using comma a delimiter into multiple columns. I am able to do it if i know how many column will be present in the final output. But in daily run, the columns may vary randomly.

how to split columns without hardcoding how many columns it ll come.

This is the code am using

WITH Split_Names (Fil_id,Name, xmlname)


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Computed Columns - Max From Other Column For The Same ID?

Jul 25, 2012

Suppose a table being

Create table myTable (ID int, col1 int, col2 int)

I know how to make a computed column being the sum of other column for the same ID e.g. "computed_column = col1 + col2".

Getting the average would be "computed_column = (col1 + col2)/2" But how to get the Max, Min?

Even "Sum(col1,col2)" or AVG(col1, col2) does not work as the formula for a computed column...

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: CTE Has More Columns Than Were Specified In Column List

Mar 22, 2014

I get the following error , when I execute my CTE on SQL Server 2008 R2.CTE1 has more columns than were specified in the column list


WITH CTE1 (AUCTIONID,[Open Time], [Response SLA Broken], [Response SLA Deadline], [Response SLA Actual], [Responsetime SLA Broken Before Transfer], [Resolution SLA Broken], [Resolution SLADeadline], [Resolutiontime SLA Broken


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