Seek Table Column In Stored Procedure

Dec 13, 2007

Hi All,

The script below may be use to find out what stored procedure uses a specified column from any of the table. This could be helpful in cases you have change a field name of a table and want to find out what stored procedure uses that column.

create procedure seek_sp_for_columns
@colname_para varchar(500)


create table #temp_t
textcol varchar(1000)

create table #temp_t2
procname varchar(500)

declare @procname as varchar(500)
declare @found as int
declare @colname as varchar(500)
declare @valid_colname as int

select @valid_colname = count(id)
from syscolumns
where name = @colname_para

if (@valid_colname > 1)
set @colname = '%' + @colname_para + '%'

declare sp_cursor cursor
for select name
from sysobjects
where xtype = 'P'

open sp_cursor

fetch next from sp_cursor
into @procname

while @@fetch_status = 0
insert into #temp_t
exec sp_helptext @procname

set @found = 0
select @found = count(textcol)
from #temp_t
where textcol like @colname

if (@found > 0)
insert #temp_t2 values(@procname)

delete #temp_t

fetch next from sp_cursor
into @procname

close sp_cursor
deallocate sp_cursor

select *
from #temp_t2

drop table #temp_t
drop table #temp_t2
select 'Please verify column name'


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Transact SQL :: Can Invoke Stored Procedure Stored Inside From User Defined Table Column?

Nov 5, 2015

Can I invoke stored procedure stored inside from a user defined table column?

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Variables As Table Or Column Names In A Stored Procedure

Apr 16, 2008

I would like to use variables to set the table name and some column names of a SQL Query in a stored procedure (the variable values will come from a webpage)... something like this:ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.usp_SelectWorkHours
@DayName varchar,@DayIDName varchar
BEGINSELECT @DayName.InTime1, @DayName.OutTime1, @DayName.InTime2, @DayName.OutTime2 FROM @DayName
INNER JOINWorkHours ON @DayName.@DayIDName = @DayName.@DayIDName
INNER JOINEmployees ON WorkHours.WorkHoursID = Employees.WorkHoursID
RETURN this possible?? if so how?

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Seek To Find A Table

May 18, 2006

Hello I want to seek and find the table named NewCustomer from the database so what would be the query ?


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Seek In A SQL Table From Access

Dec 20, 2006

I have an MS Access 2003 database from which I want to seek a specific record in a SQL Server Express 2005 database. I can connect to the table and get a recordcount but the recordset.supports (adseek) and recordset.Supports(adIndex) both return false. Any suggestions? Specific code I'm using is as follows:

Dim cnxn As ADODB.Connection
Dim strCnxn As String
Set cnxn = New ADODB.Connection
cnxn.Provider = "sqloledb"
strCnxn = "Data Source=SERVERSQLEXPRESS2005;Initial Catalog=RAMPSQL;Integrated Security='SSPI';"

cnxn.Open strCnxn

Set rsWSC = New ADODB.Recordset
rsWSC.CursorLocation = adUseServer
strSQL = "DailyData"
rsWSC.Open strSQL, cnxn, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly, adCmdTableDirect

Thank you!

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Seek Method, Table-direct, And Sql Server2005

Jul 23, 2005

From what I've read in the docs, currently supports opening sqlserver ce tables in table-direct mode and performing Seek operations on them(using SqlCeDataReader), but not on the full-blown sql server. Is this(will this be) still true with 2.0 & sql server 2005?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Memory-optimized Queries Using Table Scan Instead Of Seek?

Sep 19, 2015

I've been having some trouble getting a single-column "varchar(5)" field to reliably use a table seek instead of a table scan. The production table in this case contains 25 million rows. As impressive as it is to scan 25 million rows in 35 seconds, the query should run much faster.

Here's a partial table description:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Summaries_MO]
[SummaryId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[zipcode] [char](5) COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN2 NOT NULL,
[Golf] [bit] NULL,
[Homeowner] [bit] NULL,

[Code] .....

Typically, this table is accessed with a query that includes:

FROM SummaryTable

This query insists on using a table scan. I've tried WITH (FORCESEEK) for example, but that just makes the query fail.

As I've investigated this issue I also tried:

SELECT * FROM Summaries WHERE ZipCode IN ('xxxxx', 'xxxxx', 'xxxxx')

When I run this query with 64 or fewer (actual, valid) ZIP codes, the query uses a table seek.But when I give it 65 or more ZIP codes it uses a table scan.

To summarize, the production query always uses a table scan, and when I specify 65 or more ZIP codes the query also uses a table scan. I'm wondering if the data type of the indexed column (Latin1_General_100_BIN2) is somehow the problem. I'll likely try converting the ZIP codes to an integer to see what happens.

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What Is The Difference Between: A Table Create Using Table Variable And Using # Temporary Table In Stored Procedure

Aug 29, 2007

which is more efficient...which takes less is the memory allocation done for both the types.

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Stored Procedure To Copy Table 1 To Table 2 Appending The Data To Table 2.

Jan 26, 2006

Just wondering if there is an easy transact statement to copy table 1 to table 2, appending the data in table 2.with SQL2000, thanks.

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Using Table Name Stored In A Scalar Variable In Stored Procedure Problem

Mar 27, 2006

Hello to all!

I have a table name stored in a scalar variable (input parameter of my stored procedure). I need to run SQL statement: SELECT COUNT (*) FROM MyTable and store the result of my query in a scalar variable:

For example:

declare @countRows int

set @countRows = (select count(*) from MyTable)

The problem is that the name of MyTable is stored in the input variable of my stored procedure and of corse this does not work:

declare @countRows int

set @countRows = (select count(*) from @myTableName)

I also tried this:

declare @sqlQuery varchar(100)

set @sqlQuery = 'select count(*) from ' + @myTableName

set @countRows = exec(@sqlQuery)

But it looks like function exec() does not return any value...

Any idea how to solve this problem?



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Passing Column Name To Stored Procedure

Jan 25, 2008

HII m trying to use the following Store Procedure to search Suppliers... user provides a Column Name (Search By) and an Expression... but i m not getting it work properly... plz review it and tell me wots wrong with this stored procedure is... CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SearchSupplier    (    @Column  nvarchar(50),    @Expression nvarchar(50)        )    AS            SELECT SupplierID,Name,Address,Country,City,Phone,Fax    FROM Supplier        WHERE @Column LIKE '%'+@Expression +'%' OR @Column = @Expression       RETURN   Thanks

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Column Count From Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to determine the number of columns that are returned froma stored procedure using TSQL. I have a situation where users will becreating their own procedures of which I need to call and place thoseresults in a temp table. I will not be able to modify those usersprocedures. I figure if I have the number of columns I can dynamicallycreate a temp table with the same number of columns, at which point Ican then perform an INSERT INTO #TempTableCreatedDynamically EXEC@UserProcCalled. With that said, does anyone have any idea how todetermine the number of rows that an SP will return in TSQL?Thanks!

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Stored Procedure For Updating Bit Datatype Column

Mar 25, 2008

Hi guys,
I have a table with following columns and records.
Empid       Empname        Phone     Flag
14             Rajan                 2143          116             Balan                 4321          122             Nalini                 3456          023             Ganesh              9543          0
Now i need to create a stored procedure which will convert the flag values to vice versa since it is a bit datatype. That is if execute the stored procedure it should convert all the flag values to 1 if it zero and zero's to 1. How? Pls provide me the full coding for the stored procedure.

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Passing A Selected Row Column Value To The Stored Procedure

Feb 17, 2006

I have a simple Gridview control that has a delete command link on it.If I use the delete SQL code in line it works fine.  If I use a stored procedure to perform the SQL work, I can't determine how to pass the identity value to the SP.   Snippets are below...The grid<asp:GridView ID="GridView2" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True"                    AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource2">                    <Columns>                        <asp:BoundField DataField="member_id" HeaderText="member_id" InsertVisible="False"                            ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="member_id" />                        <asp:BoundField DataField="member_username" HeaderText="member_username" SortExpression="member_username" />                        <asp:BoundField DataField="member_firstname" HeaderText="member_firstname" SortExpression="member_firstname" />                        <asp:BoundField DataField="member_lastname" HeaderText="member_lastname" SortExpression="member_lastname" />                        <asp:BoundField DataField="member_state" HeaderText="State" SortExpression="member_state" />                        <asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="True" />                        <asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="True" />                    </Columns>                </asp:GridView>                <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:rentalConnectionString1 %>"                    SelectCommand="renMemberSelect" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure"                    DeleteCommand="renMemberDelete"  DeleteCommandType="StoredProcedure"                      OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}"                     >                                         <DeleteParameters>                                             <asp:Parameter  Name="member_id" Type="Int32"  />                                              </DeleteParameters>                                            </asp:SqlDataSource>the SPCREATE PROCEDURE renMemberDelete@member_id  as intAs UPDATE [renMembers] SET member_status=1 WHERE [member_id] = @member_idGO

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Dynamic Column Selection In Stored Procedure

Feb 10, 2005

Hey Guys,

Here is the issue I'm having. I am writing a stored procedure that takes a couple of parameters. Each one is the value within a specific column in one table (i.e., @part = 'o-ring' or @sub_assembly = 'hydraulic ram'). Needless to say, the columns form a hierarchy. What I am trying to achieve is to allow the user to specify one of the parameters and get a count for all records where the specified value is in the corresponding column. So, if the user puts in the parameter @part = 'o-ring', I want it to know that the where clause for the select statement should look for o-ring in the part column and not the sub_assembly column. Here is what I am trying to do, which isn't working.

DECLARE @querycolumn varchar(20),
@queryvalue varchar(35)

SET @querycolumn = ''
SET @queryvalue = ''

IF(@sub_assembly = NULL)
IF(@part = NULL)
PRINT 'This is an error. You must have at least a part'
SET @querycolumn = 'Part'
SET @queryvalue = @part
SET @querycolumn = 'SubAssembly'
SET @queryvalue = @sub_assembly

SELECT SubAssembly, Part, COUNT(RecordID)
FROM Table
WHERE @querycolumn = @queryvalue
GROUP BY SubAssembly, Part
ORDER BY SubAssembly, Part

The problem is that I'm getting an error when I try to use @querycolumn to supply the column name to the WHERE clause. Any ideas or suggestions?

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Invalid Column Name Error In Stored Procedure

Sep 19, 2012

I have a stored procedure that I am using to convert tables to a new format for a project. The project requires new tables, new fields in existing tables, dropping fields in existing tables and dropping an existing table. The SP takes care of doing all this and copying the data from the tables that are going to be dropped to the correct places. Everything is working fine except for one table and I can't figure out why.

For this particular table, it already exists in the database and has new fields added to it. Then I try and update those fields with values from another table. This is where I am getting the Invalid column name error (line is highlighted in red). If I comment out the code where the error is occurring and run the update alone everything works fine so I know the Update statement works.

Here is the specific error message I am getting in SQL Server 2005:

Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 85
Invalid column name 'AssignedAgent'.
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 85
Invalid column name 'DateTimeAssigned'.

Here is the SP: -

IF OBJECT_ID('ConvertProofTables','P') IS NOT NULL
DROP PROCEDURE ConvertProofTables;

[Code] ....

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Using A Stored Procedure Parameter To Access A Column

Mar 27, 2004

I trying to create a general stored procedure which updates 1 out of 140 columns depending on the column name provided as a parameter.
I'm not having much luck, just wondering if anyone else had tried to do this and whether it is actually possible?
Any help would be much appreciated


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Identity Column Set Not For Replication And A Stored Procedure

Feb 2, 2015

I have a table, which is being replicated with the identity column set "not for replication" and a stored procedure, which is also replicated (execution) which inserts into this table. When the execution of the stored procedure happens, the replication monitor complains about identity value not being provided.other than removing the stored procedure from replication?

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Show All Months In First Column Of Stored Procedure

Aug 26, 2005

Hi,I need what would be similar to a cross tab query in Access.First Column down needs to show all the months, column headings wouldbe the day of the month....1 2 3 4 etc...JanFebMaretchow do i set this up in a stored procedure?any help to get me in the right direction would be greatlyappreciated!!thanks,paul

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Aliased Column In Stored Procedure Not Seen By Datagrid

Sep 17, 2005

i have an aliased column in an sql statement that works fine whendisplaying its output in a datagrid, but when I transfer the sqlstatement into a stored procedure , the datagrid can't see it. I get anerror "{"DataBinder.Eval: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain aproperty with the name myaliasedcolumn." }

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Altering Column Fields With A Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

I have some columns of data in SQL server that are of NVARCHAR(420)format but they are dates. The dates are in DD/MM/YY format. I want tobe able to convert them to our accounting system format which isYYYYMMDD. I know the format is strange but it will make things easierin the long run if all of the dates are the same when working betweenthe 2 different databases. Basically, I need to take a look at theyear portion (with a SUBSTRING function maybe) to see if it is greaterthan 50 (there will not be any dates that are less than 1950) and ifit is concatenate 19 with it (ex. 65 = 1965). Then, concatenate themonth and day from the rest to form the date we need in NUMERIC(8).So, a date of January 17, 2003 (currently in the format of 17/01/03)would become 20030117. In VB, the function I would write is somethinglike the following:/*Dim sCurrentDate as StringDim sMon as stringDim sDay as StringDim sYear as StringDim sNewDate as StringsCurrentDate = "17/01/03"sMon = Mid(sCurrentDate, 4, 2)sDay = Mid(sCurrentDate, 1, 2)sYear = Mid(sCurrentDate, 7, 2)If sYear < 50 ThensYear = "20" & sYearElseIf sYear > 50 ThensYear = "19" & sYearEnd ifsNewDate = sYear & sMon & sDay*/I was thinking of doing this in a Stored Procedure but am really rustywith SQL (it's been since college).The datatype would end up being NUMERIC(8). How I would write it if Inew how to write it would be: grab the column name prior to theprocedure, create a temp column, format the values, place them intothe temp column, delete the old column, and then rename the tempcolumn to the name of the column that I grabbed in the beginning ofthe procedure. Most likely this is the only way to do it but I have noidea how to go about it.

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Passing Column Name As Parameter To A Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

Hi!I want to pass a column name, sometimes a table name, to a storedprocedure, but it didn't work. I tried to define the data type aschar, vachar, nchar, text, but the result were same. Any one know howto get it work?Thanks a lot!!Saiyou

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Stored Procedure That Returns The Next Value In Sequence For A Column

Mar 9, 2008

I have a Column called SaleID in some tables in a Database.The SaleID column has the int datatype. I need a stored procedure that returns the next value in sequence for the SaleID column.

For Example,
If the last value inserted into the SaleID column was 1022 the stored procedure should return 1023
If the last value inserted into the SaleID column was 1023 the stored procedure should return 1024.
If the last value inserted into the SaleID column was 1024 the stored procedure should return 1025.

Also an exclusive lock should be maintained while the the stored procedure is running.

I am using SQL Server 2005.

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Jan 3, 2008

I have a table that has a number of columns and rows and I need to run a stored procedure to extract data based on the column name and row name. Can anyone help me?

Many thanks

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Passing A Column Of Values To The Stored Procedure

Apr 18, 2006

how can i send a column of values to the stored procedure for filtering that stored procedure values...?

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Power Pivot :: Temp Table Or Table Variable In Query (not Stored Procedure)?

Jul 19, 2012

I don't know if it's a local issue but I can't use temp table or table variable in a PP query (so not in a stored procedure).

Environment: W7 enterprise desktop 32 + Office 2012 32 + PowerPivot 2012 32

Simple example:
    declare @tTable(col1 int)
    insert into @tTable(col1) values (1)
    select * from @tTable

Works perfectly in SQL Server Management Studio and the database connection is OK to as I may generate PP table using complex (or simple) queries without difficulty.

But when trying to get this same result in a PP table I get an error, idem when replacing table variable by a temporary table.

Message: OLE DB or ODBC error. .... The current operation was cancelled because another operation the the transaction failed.

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How Can I Assign Data Returned From A Stored Procedure Into The Return Table Of A Table Valued Function

Apr 18, 2007

Here is the scenario,
I have 2 stored procedures, SP1 and SP2

SP1 has the following code:

declare @tmp as varchar(300)
set @tmp = 'SELECT * FROM
OPENROWSET ( ''SQLOLEDB'', ''SERVER=.;Trusted_Connection=yes'',
''SET FMTONLY OFF EXEC ' + db_name() + '..StoredProcedure'' )'

EXEC (@tmp)

SP2 has the following code:

FROM SP1 (which won't work because SP1 is a stored procedure. A view, a table valued function, or a temporary table must be used for this)

Views - can't use a view because they don't allow dynamic sql and the db_name() in the OPENROWSET function must be used.
Temp Tables - can't use these because it would cause a large hit on system performance due to the frequency SP2 and others like it will be used.
Functions - My last resort is to use a table valued function as shown:

( )
RETURNS @retTable
@Field1 int,
@Field2 varchar(50)
-- the problem here is that I need to call SP1 and assign it's resulting data into the
-- @retTable variable

-- this statement is incorrect, but it's meaning is my goal


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Error Inserting Image Into SQL Server2000 Table From Pocket PC Application Only When Using Stored Procedure In Table Adapter Wiz

Apr 24, 2008

My Pocket PC application exports signature as an image. Everything is fine when choose Use SQL statements in TableAdapter Configuration Wizard.



string[] signFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Settings.signDirectory);

foreach (string signFile in signFiles)


mailsSignatureRow = main.ds.MailsSignature.NewMailsSignatureRow();

mailsSignatureRow.Singnature = GetImageBytes(signFile); //return byte[] array of the image.




But now I am getting error "General Network Error. Check your network documentation" after specifying Use existing stored procedure in TableAdpater Configuration Wizard.

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Insert_MailSignature( @Singnature image )



INSERT INTO MailsSignature (Singnature) VALUES (@Singnature);

SELECT Id, Singnature FROM MailsSignature WHERE (Id = SCOPE_IDENTITY())

For testing I created a desktop application and found that the same Code, same(Use existing stored procedure in TableAdpater Configuration Wizard) and same stored procedure is working fine in inserting image into the table.

Is there any limitation in CF?

Professor Corrie.

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Stored Procedure That Fetch Each Row Of A Table And Update Rows In Another Table

Jan 31, 2006

I am working with the following two tables:


All fields are of Integer Type.

I need to write a stored procedure in sql 2000 which works as follows:

Select all the NewID and OldID from the Category Table
(SELECT NewID,OldID FROM Category)

Then for each rows fetched from last query, execute a update query in the Link table.

For Example,

Let @NID be the NewID for each rows and @OID be the OldID for each rows.
Then the query for each row should be..


Please help me with the code.


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Update Temp Table With Stored Procedure Joined With Table

Sep 8, 2006


Is it possible to insert data into a temp table with data returned from a stored procedure joined with data from another table?

insert #MyTempTable

exec [dbo].[MyStoredProcedure] @Par1, @Par2, @Par3

JOIN dbo.OtherTable...

I'm missing something before the JOIN command. The temp table needs to know which fields need be updated.

I just can't figure it out

Many Thanks!


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DataRead Of Stored Procedure Returns Column Name Instead Of Null

Jan 6, 2006

I have a stored procedure like "select * from ThisTable"
I'm doing a dataread like:
Dim val as String = dateRead("column_from_ThisTable")
If the value in the column is not null everything works great, but if the value is null, instead of getting a value of "" which I expect, I get the column name??? In this case "column_from_ThisTable"
How do I make sure I get "" returned when the value in the column is db.null?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Update Column In Stored Procedure

Mar 30, 2015

In a t-sql 2012 stored procedure, I would like to know how I can complete the task I am listing below:

In an existing t-sql 2012 stored procedure, there is a table called 'Atrn' that is truncated every night. The Table 'Atrn' has a column called 'ABS' that is populated with incorrect data.

The goal is to place the correct value into 'ABS' column that is located in the Atrn table while the t-sql 2012 stored procedure is excuting.

**Note: The goal is to fix the problem now since it is a production problem. The entire stored procedure that updates the 'dbo.Atrn' table will be rewritten in the near future.

My plan is to:

1. create a temp table called '#Atrnwork' that will contain the columns called,
Atrnworkid int, and ABSvalue with a double value.

2. The value in the column called Atrnworkid in the '#Atrnwork' table, will obtain its value from the key of the 'Atrn' called atrnid by doing a select into. At the same time, the value for ABSvalue will be obtained by running some sql when the select into occurs?

3. The main table called 'Atrn' will be changed with a update statement that looks something like:

Update Atrn
set ABS = ABSvalue
join Atrn.atrnid = #Atrnwork.Atrnworkid

In all can you tell me what a good solutiion is to solve this problem and/or display some sql on how to solve the problem listed above?

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How To Write One Stored Procedure For A (same Column )present In 20 Tables

Mar 8, 2006

hi,i am a learner of ms -sql server 2000, i had a doubt in storedproceduressuppose i have a data base having 20 tables, all the tables have acolumn named--DATEcan we write a store procdure to find out the data ---i mean i wantthe data enteredbetween two days ---- if i call the stored procedure in any one of thetable i need to get the answerpls help me how to write the stored proceduresatishkumar.g

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