Selecting Records Where Part-field Is Unique

Aug 10, 2015

I have a very large CSV file containing name-and-address information which I am reading in a Visual Basic project using the Microsoft.JetOLEDB.4.0 provider.

The key field on which the CSV file is to be filtered is the PostCode field.  This is a UK-format PostCode "XXnn Nxx" where "XX" is one or more letters denoting a geographical area within the UK and "nn" is one or more characters (starting with at least one numeric digit) which when combined with the area code denotes a specific district within the geographical area.  My aim is to identify all the unique UK postal districts held within my address CSV file.

Because I do not know how to use SQL to filter on the partial contents of a database field I am presently reduced to extracting unique full PostCodes using "SELECT DISTINCT PostCode,City,County FROM [ADDRESSES.csv]" into a DataTable object, then sequentially reading that DataTable using the operation of a dictionary object to identify unique PostCode areas, to finally construct the DataTable I need.

Is it possible in SQL to select records where the value of a varying number of characters before a space character in a given (PostCode) field is unique?

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Selecting Unique Records

Sep 17, 2007

Hello Everyone and thanks for your help in advance.  I have a SQL Server Table wtih approximately 100,000 records.  I need to determine if there are duplicate records in this table.  My probelm is that there is a unique ID column that was added for each row, so I'm not exactly sure how to filter the rows.  Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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Selecting Unique Records

Mar 21, 2014

I am trying to create a select query similar to the following but the problem I am having is that I want to only select one record where there may be several with the same dw_order_no. I have tried various ways using SQL developer but without success



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Need Help W/ SELECT From One Table, One Field, Multiple Unique Records

Apr 22, 2006

I'm new to MS SQL and VB. I have a table with one field JOB_NAME containing 20 records. Out of that field I want to retrieve 6 of the 20 records into a pulldown menu. They are all unique text names like so:

Anna Smith
John Doe

etc. I did not see IDs listed for any of the names in the table when I looked.

There is no common denominator to the names that can be filtered in the SELECT statement, and the 6 that I want will need to be pulled out individually.

Is there a way to do this with a SELECT statement? I have not found much information about how to extract unique records out of a single field. Here's the statement I'm using which pulls all of them:


This gives me the total list but I only want to bring back 6 of the 20 for the pulldown.

Is there a way to modify this statement to pull only the records that I want?

Thanks for any help you can give.


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Selecting A Record By Part Of The TIMESTAMP

Apr 20, 2007


Is it possible to select a record by just the date part of the data type TIMESTAMP?

2007-04-20 16:27:01

For example, a query to select all records added today.

Thanks very much,


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Selecting All Unique Combinations

Jul 31, 2004

I want to start with a table that has 4 records:

-Direct Rep

And I want to end with a table that has every unique combination of these records (the order being reversed would be considered 'unique' in this context)

-Self , Supervisor
-Supervisor , Self
-Self , Peer
-Peer , Self
-Self , Direct Rep
-Direct Rep , Self
-Peer , Direct Rep
-Direct Rep, Peer

How would I do this in an SQL Query? Thanks for your help!

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Selecting Unique Record

Jul 20, 2005

I have a stored procedure (below), that is supposeto get a Reg Number from a table, (Reg_Number), insuch a way that every time the stored procedure is called,it will get a different reg number, even if the storedprocedure is called simultaneously from two differentplaces,However it is not working that way.If two different users access a function in thereVB program at the same time, the two different userswill get the same reg number.I have looked at the stored procedure, it looks foolproof,yet it is not working that way.Thanks in Advance,Laurence NuttallProgrammer Analyst IIIUCLA - Division of Continuing Education'---------------------------------------------------------------------------Here it is:CREATE PROCEDURE sp_GetNextRegNum@newRegNum char(6) = NULL OUTPUTASLABEL_GET_ANOTHER_REG:Select @newRegNum =(select min(Reg) from reg_number)IF Exists (select Reg from reg_number where reg = @newRegNum )BeginDelete from reg_number where reg = @newRegNumIF @@Error <> 0BeginGoto LABEL_GET_ANOTHER_REGEnd--EndifEndELSEGoTo LABEL_GET_ANOTHER_REG--EndifGO

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Selecting Unique Rows In A Join

Mar 20, 2008

I got the following query:SELECT TOP (8) ext.extID, ext.Quote, ext.sourceTitle, ext.extRating, gf_game.gameID, gf_game.catID, gf_game.URL, gf_game.TitleFROM         gf_game_ext AS ext INNER JOIN                      gf_game ON gf_game.gameID = ext.gameIDWHERE     (ext.Approved = 1)ORDER BY ext.extID DESC which is e.g. producing this output: 6000 -some text- Title 90 1960 2 tom-cl tom cl5999 -some text- title 90 1960 2 tom-clcl asdf5998 -some text- title 90 1959 2 tom-cl-cl asdfWhat I'd like to do now is to filter out the duplicate GameIDs (= 1960) so that just one unique row with the gameid 1960 is remaining. If I put in a SELECT DINSTINCT TOP(8) it just counts for the table ext, but I need it to count for gf_game.gameID - is that possible?Thanks a lot! 

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Selecting & Then Inserting Unique Rows

Sep 18, 2007

As a beginner i am having trouble with this.
i have two different tables , both have a name column, nvarchar datatype.
I would like to select from table B all the rows which contain a name which is not in table A.
Then insert these rows, into table A

tried a few different ways & just keep getting strange errors that refer to courier font ??

SQL Team Your my Hero !

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SQL Server 2008 :: Selecting Field That Contains Data From Another Field

May 28, 2015

We have a stock code table with a description field and a brand field - when the data was entered, some of the records were entered with the brand field in the description field.

Code Description Brand

what I need to do is identify where the Brand is in the Description field ...

I have tried ;

select * from Table
where Description Like Brand

not very successful.

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Selecting The Rows Based Off Of Unique Columns

Mar 18, 2007

Hi there, im still learning SQL so thanks in advance.I have a table with columns of customer's information, [customerID], [customerFirst], [customerLast], , [program] ... other columns ...  There will be entries where there can be duplicate customerFirst and customerLast names.  I would like to just return a single entry of the duplicate names and all associated row information.  IE: [customerID], [customerFirst], [customerLast],            [ email],             [program]         01               Bill                 Smith       ymca        02               Bill                 Smith       Sports        03               jon                   doe           AAA        04               jon                   doe           Ebay          05               Paul                 Sprite       Rec Desired Returned result:        01               Bill                 Smith       ymca        03               jon                   doe           AAA
         05               Paul                 Sprite       Rec So in my code i have this:dAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Poc_" + suffix + "] WHERE (SELECT DISTINCT [CustomerLastName], [CustomerFirstName], [CustomerEmail] FROM [Poc_" + suffix + "])", cnStr);         dAdapter.Fill(pocDS, "Data Set");        However this is throwing up an error when i build the app:  An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near ')'.

Description: An
unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the
error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException:
An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a
condition is expected, near ')'.

Source Error:

Line 52: //dAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM [Poc_" + suffix + "] ORDER BY [CustomerLastName]", cnStr); Line 53: dAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Poc_" + suffix + "] WHERE (SELECT DISTINCT [CustomerLastName], [CustomerFirstName], [CustomerEmail] FROM [Poc_" + suffix + "])", cnStr); Line 54: dAdapter.Fill(pocDS, "Data Set");Line 55: Line 56: //Dataset for name comparison  1: Can someone explain to me why this error is happening?2: Can soemone confirm that my intentions are correct with my code?3: If I'm completely off, can someone steer me in the right direction?Thanks alot!-Terry  

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SQL Server 2012 :: Selecting Unique Record From A Table

Feb 10, 2014

I have a table (Billing Table) having multiple records for people having one record per person per each month.

How to get a list of the guys having record just for one month (say feb) and doesn't have any other months.

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Selecting Field And Sum Of Field Issues Error.

Feb 19, 2007

With this query:
SELECT Table1.1ID, Table1.Field1, Table2.2ID, Table2.Field1, Table3.3ID, Table3.Field1, sum(Table1.Field1), sum(Table2.Field1), sum(Table3.Field1)
Table2 ON Table1.1ID = Table2.2ID INNER JOIN
Table3 ON Table2.2ID = Table3.3ID

I get this error:
Column 'fieldname' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in an aggregate function and there is no GROUP BY clause.

Is it because you can't do what I'm trying above or am I missing something?

Thank you!


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How To Get Part Of The Field Value?

Mar 5, 2008

 hi friends.....             i want to get part of the database field value in stored procedure..             ex :     select reason from reasontable where rid=1 output : reason-------------------------------telephone is not working properly. but i want the output as : reason--------------------------------telephone is n.............  

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How Do I Add A Part To A Field?

Jan 30, 2007

I have a tabkle that I want to use for NT authnetication. It was a list of domain lan usernames. I want to use NT authentication in ASP but in order to do so I need to add the domain to each of the lan ds. So my username, kssensalo needs to be DOMAINkssensalo. I need to do this for 5,000+ plus records. What SQL fucntion would I use? I know I can use LTRIM to remove, but I need to add or append.

Any suggesttions?

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Part Of My Records Are Inaccessible...

Jan 8, 2008

Something strange just happened to my database.Windows Vista UltimateSQL Server 2005 SP2IIS 7.0I just did an insert into a few tables from my ASP.NET application that I'm building and I suddenly cannot query the database tables.  The query window just spins and finally times out.So I decided to try a SELECT TOP and tried 100, nothing, then 10, nothing, then 1 and it returned the first row.  Then I tried 2 and got that, and I remember this table had 8 rows prior to my last Insert, and once I tried to select TOP 9, it times out again.Does anyone knows why this happened and how to fix it?  It's like every row past 8 either doesn't exist or got corrupted somehow. I can't even drop the table and rebuild it.  SQL Server won't let me.  If someone doesn't have a solution, I'll have to rebuild the entire database and I'd rather not have to do that.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks,Kahanu 

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Need Help Updating Part Of A Field.

Aug 28, 1999

Trying to update part of a field. Currently using ColdFusion 4.0 and SQL Server 7.0.
My field looks something like this: ABC.DEF.GHI and I just want to update the last 3 characters, GHI. The length of the field may change so it's not going to be 11 characters long.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Any Part Of Field Match

Jun 10, 2004

How can I make my search button have the "Any part of field" match as a default? with a simple query...

I have a field in MS access with hundreds of words (cv)... I want to be able to find a word in "Any part of field"

my try:

WHERE ((([cv].[detail cv])=[detail]));

detail is nowhere to find... i am prompt to give a value. fine.but it
equals whole field; detail must be the sole value of the field detail cv...



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Time Part Of Field

Sep 24, 2004


I have a very beginer's question. I am trying to compare datetime field with time only. how can i just compare with time?

Select start_time,end_time from tblvouchers as sv,tblvoucherlines as svl
where sv.voucher_no = svl.voucher_no and
sv.equip_no = '01325' and svl.line_date ='03/14/2004'
and svl.start_time = '18:00' and svl.end_time = '00:00'

this query is not displaying any data.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

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Field Is Part Of An Index

May 25, 2006

Hello all,What does it mean when a field is part of an index? Thank you.

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Filtering On A Part Of The Field

Jan 26, 2007

Hey all,

I want to set a filter in my statement. Normally it is no problem, but this time I want to set a filter only on a part of the field.

For example:
In my table with ordernumbers, I have orders with are starting with 'FO', VO' (FO0001, FOO0002, VO0001, VO0002, ect etc)
I want to set a filter in my statement that I only wish to see the ordernumbers starting with 'FO'.

Any suggestions?

thx for helping me out again....

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Filtering On A Part Of A Field - 2

Feb 15, 2007


I got a problem which looks like the same with a futher topic of me (, but this one is a little bit more difficult.

I want to set a filter on a field, but the it must set a filter on a part of the field. I think it will be more clear with an example:

I have a list with ItemNumbers and ItemDescriptions.
ItemNo ItemDescription
1 Pineapple yellow
2 Cauliflower size 6
3 Orange sweet yellow
etc. etc.

Now I want that the user of this report can set a filter just by entering a part of the description. So, if he enters 'flower' he only see the cauliflower. If he enters 'yellow' he only see the pineapple and the orange, etc. etc. If a blank value is left, all the item must be shown.

Can some one help me out by solving this problem??

Thx a lot

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Filtering On A Part Of A Field - 3

Mar 20, 2007


new question about an old topic (

I want to set a filter on a field, but the it must set a filter on a part of the field. I think it will be more clear with an example:

I have a list with ItemNumbers and ItemDescriptions.
ItemNo ItemDescription
1 Pineapple yellow
2 Cauliflower size 6
3 Orange sweet yellow
etc. etc.

Now I want that the user of this report can set a filter just by entering a part of the description. So, if he enters 'flower' he only see the cauliflower. If he enters 'yellow' he only see the pineapple and the orange, etc. etc. If a blank value is left, all the items must be shown.

After this, Jarret, suggest to me to insert the next code into my query:

where ItemDescription like '%' + @ItemDescParam + '%'

This helped, but I want to have 2 options extra:
1) The part of the description which the user inserts must be independent of capitals
2) It also have to be possible that the user inserts more than one part. For example "pine" and "fellow"

Can some one help me out?

Thx again

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Modifying Only Part Of A Sql Field Via SPROC?

Nov 12, 2003

I have about 200 records with a field (fileName) that have an ampersand(&) somewhere in them. I need to update the fileNames and remove all occurances of "&" and replace it with "-"; without modifying any other part of the file name.

Is there a SQL command I can use to update only part of a field?

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Time Part Of Smalldatetime Field

Nov 14, 2001

I'm trying to extract the time part of a smalldatetime field in a usprocedure to return just the time. I've used Datepart() to get the hours or minutes but you can't get both without getting messy. Anyone know a way to keep it neat & simple?

Thanks, archie

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Best Way To Get Just Dd/mm/yyyy Part From Date Field?

Mar 27, 2008

I would like to know the best way of returning just the Date part (dd/mm/yyyy) of a DateTime field using T-SQL. I know that some methods mean that you lose the indexing if the field is indexed. Which is the best way to do this in T-SQL whilst preserving the indexing? I'm using SQL Server 2005.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Selecting Records From Table 2 While Counting Records In Table 1

Aug 11, 2015

Table1 contains fields Groupid, UserName,Category, Dimension

Table2 contains fields Group, Name,Category, Dimension (Group and Name are not in Table1)

So basically I need to read the records in Table1 using Groupid and each time there is a Groupid then select records from Table2 where Table2.Category in (Select Catergory from Table1)
and Table2.Dimension in (Select Dimension from Table1)

In Table1 There might be 10 Groupid records all of which are different.

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Selecting 5 Records

Jan 25, 2002

I have a database which has a field called fldTimes. basically this field records the number of hits a file gets. How can I choose the most 5 popular files with the greatest hits. Thanks

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Selecting Next 50 Records

Sep 11, 2007

Is it possible to use a SELECT to retrieve a Next 50 set of records?

Initial Query
Select top 50 email from table

What would the Query look like to retrieve the Next 50 records?

Thanks in advance.

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Selecting Like Records

Aug 31, 2006

This might be a simple question. I have a LIKE statement that is working fine, however I am not sure if something else is possible.

I can pull all records on a query for a person's name with a parameter value of "MARTIN". It will also pull records for "LYNN MARTIN". However, what if I would like to have that search also pull "LYNN M MARTIN"? Currently "LYNN MARTIN" is not finding "LYNN M MARTIN".

When the end user wants to search on LYNN MARTIN and that is what they input, I want SQL to find all records that match LYNN MARTIN and also find records that HAVE LYNN % MARTIN.

I hope this make sense? I guess I need to build my select statement using a WHERE LIKE statement, but I am not sure of the syntax.

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Extrach Part Of A Column String Into Another Field

Feb 6, 2001

hi, I have a field named city_state that contains city and state together (Warren, OH) in the same field. I need to create two seperate columns one city, another state. how can I extract the state out of the city_state column and have two different column.


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Query To Replace Part Of Field In PHPMyAdmin

Nov 27, 2011

I have a table called 'wp_postmeta' (Wordpress) which contains a column called 'meta_value'. A typical field in this column looks like this:



I've tried to run the following query but each time I run it, it wipes all data in the field:

UPDATE wp_postmeta set meta_value=replace(meta_value, 'URL...')

I've also tried this query, but it has the same effect:

UPDATE wp_postmeta
SET meta_value = replace(LTRIM(RTRIM(meta_value)), URL...

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How To Test The Time Part Of A DateTime Field

Apr 30, 2008

Dear all,

I have an application where I need to implement a Team Shift management.

The team shift table need to be defined as follow :

Shift table

Id DateTime IsCurrent
1 08:00:00 True
2 16:00:00 False
3 00:00:00 False

From the table above the current running shift is Id = 1

Based on that I have following question:

1 - Is there a way to specified for a DateTime field that it will recieved only Time part ?

2 - When a shift change occurs, I need to compare the Current time with the time shift in the table. Then according to that I set the IsCurrent flag to proper new Shift ID.. how to perform this ?

Thnaks for your help

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