T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Bulk Inserts In Batch?

Jun 16, 2015

I have a table with 370 million rows and 50+ columns. I need to change the data type of a column from character to numeric. Here's what it contains:

40 million with numbers I want to keep, the rest I just want to set to null:

4k with alpha characters
55 million other numbers
275 million empty strings

An alter column statement fails not just on the alpha characters but on the empty strings. So I tried a couple things on a test database to get an idea of the time it would take:

An update statement to clear out the non-numeric data is too slow (~1.5 days, batched 10000 at a time). I think I probably should create a new column anyway though, so I'm going to copy the data to a new table since it would be faster than adding a new column to the original table.

An insert ... select ... takes about 12 hours; adding WITH (TABLOCK) didn't seem to have any effect, and I'm not sure how to batch it. Recovery model is simple.

A select ... into ... only takes about 1 hour, but can't be batched.

Using a 3rd party ETL tool takes about 5 hours, batched.

I wanted to batch it to minimize impact on other queries but primarily the logs. Is there any way to do a fast batched bulk transfer within SSMS?

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Batch Inserts From DataTable

Jun 24, 2005

Please help guys,I have a DataTable filled from the parsing of a csv file by the OleDb text driver.This DataTable could on occassion contain in excess of 2000 rows.I want to be able to batch the inserts to my backend sql table and be able to recorver on errors during the insert.i.e, maybe send the first 500 rows to insert via an insert dynamic text.... really don't know the optimal insert technic to use.but, if I get an error on say the third batch, I want to be able to recorver, and not have to start all over again and continue the inserts from the batch that failed.....Please help... what is the best way to perform the inserts and how can I track these inserts and recorver on errors like power failures or sql server unavailable etc.Please help....

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Problems With Replicating Large Batch Inserts

Nov 14, 2006

I have transactional replication set up between 2 SQL Server 2005 databases on 2 different boxes. Both the log reader and distribution agent run in continuous mode. The distributor is residing on a third SQL Server box. We are having performance issues with replication when there are large batch deletes/inserts happening on the publisher. There is a batch job that runs for about 8-10 hours everyday on the publisher and deletes/inserts thousands of records as part of transactions. The amount of time to replicate all this data on the subscriber is around 13-15 hours which is not acceptable to our user community. While monitoring I found that the distribution database (MSRepl_commands table) at times has millions of records in it which would explain why the latency is so high. Add to it the fact that there are large transactions occuring on the publisher.

I was wondering if anyone has faced similar problem before. Are there any conifguration changes I can make to the replication infrastructure to reduce latency?

Would appreciate your help.


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Bulk Inserts

Mar 3, 2006

I'm trying to perform a bulk insert as shown below. It's problematic b/c it's not updating the identity fields correctly and we're getting dups. I think, but I'm not sure, that On Update Cascade would solve all this, b/c we wouldn't have to concern ourselves with even touching the identity fields, b/c they would be autogenerated. Can someone shed some light?? I'm pretty confused.



INSERT INTO [Undex_Production].[dbo].[USERS]([LastName], [UserName], [EmailAddress], [Address1], [WorkPhone], [Company], [CompanyWebsite], [pword], [IsAdmin], [IsRestricted],[AdvertiserAccountID])
SELECT dbo.fn_ReplaceTags (convert (varchar (8000),Advertisername)), [AdvertiserEmail], [AdvertiserEmail],[AdvertiserAddress], [AdvertiserPhone], [AdvertiserCompany], [AdvertiserURL], [AccountNumber],'3',0, [AccountNumber]
FROM Miami
WHERE not exists (select * from users Where users.Username = miami.AdvertiserEmail)
AND validAD=1

INSERT INTO [Undex_Production].[dbo].[Property]([ListDate],[CommunityName],[TowerName],[PhaseName],[Unit], [Address1], [City], [State], [Zip],[IsActive],[AdPrintId])
SELECT [FirstInsertDate],[PropertyBuilding],[PropertyStreetAddress],PropertyCity + ' ' + PropertyState + ' ' + PropertyZipCode as PhaseName,[PropertyUnitNumber],[PropertyStreetAddress],[PropertyCity], [PropertyState], [PropertyZipCode],'0',[AdPrintId]
FROM [Undex_Production].[dbo].[miami]
WHERE miami.AdvertiserEmail IS NOT NULL
AND validAD=1

INSERT INTO [Undex_Production].[dbo].[ITEM] ([SellerID],[Price],[StartDate],[EndDate], [HomePageFeatured],[Classified],[IsClosed])
SELECT USERS.UserID, miami.PropertyPrice, convert(datetime,miami.FirstInsertDate), dateadd(day, 30, miami.FirstInsertDate)as EndDate, 1, convert (int,AdNumber) as Classified, 0
miami ON USERS.UserName = miami.AdvertiserEmail
WHERE validAD=1

INSERT INTO [Undex_Production].[dbo].[propertyItem]( [propertyId], [ItemId])
SELECT Property.propertyId, ITEM.ItemID
miami ON ITEM.StartDate = miami.FirstInsertDate AND ITEM.Price = miami.PropertyPrice AND ITEM.Classified = convert(int,miami.AdNumber) LEFT OUTER JOIN
Property ON miami.PropertyUnitNumber = Property.Unit AND miami.PropertyZipCode = Property.Zip AND
miami.PropertyCity = Property.City AND miami.PropertyStreetAddress = Property.Address1
WHERE validAD=1

INSERT INTO [Undex_Production].[dbo].[CondoFeatures](PropertyId,[Bedrooms], [Area], [PropertyDescription], [Bathrooms], [NumOfFloors])
SELECT Property.propertyId, [PropertyBedrooms], [PropertySquareFeet], dbo.fn_ReplaceTags (convert (varchar (8000),PropertyDescription)),
[PropertyBathrooms], [PropertyTotalFloors]
Property ON miami.PropertyUnitNumber = Property.Unit AND miami.PropertyZipCode = Property.Zip AND
miami.PropertyCity = Property.City AND miami.PropertyStreetAddress = Property.Address1
WHERE validAD=1

INSERT INTO [Undex_Production].[dbo].[CommunityFeatures](PropertyId,[totalFloors],isComplete1)
SELECT Property.propertyId, miami.propertyTotalFloors,'0' as IsComplete
Property ON miami.PropertyUnitNumber = Property.Unit AND miami.PropertyZipCode = Property.Zip AND
miami.PropertyCity = Property.City AND miami.PropertyStreetAddress = Property.Address1
WHERE validAD=1

INSERT INTO [Undex_Production].[dbo].[UnitDisclosures]([propertyId],[monthcondoasso])
SELECT Property.propertyId, [propertyassocfee]
Property ON miami.PropertyUnitNumber = Property.Unit AND miami.PropertyZipCode = Property.Zip AND
miami.PropertyCity = Property.City AND miami.PropertyStreetAddress = Property.Address1
WHERE validAD=1

INSERT INTO [Undex_Production].[dbo].[BrokerDeveloper]([IsFSBO],[FSBOName],
CASE AdvertiserType when 'FSBO' THEN 1 else 0 end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'FSBO' THEN [AdvertiserName] else NULL end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'FSBO' THEN [AdvertiserEmail] else NULL end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'FSBO' THEN [AdvertiserURL] else NULL end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'Developer' THEN 1 else 0 end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'Developer' THEN [AdvertiserName] else NULL end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'Developer' THEN [AdvertiserURL] else NULL end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'Realtor' THEN 1 when 'Broker' THEN 1 else 0 end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'Realtor' THEN [AdvertiserName] when 'Broker' THEN [AdvertiserName] else NULL end,
CASE AdvertiserType when 'Realtor' THEN [AdvertiserURL] when 'Broker' THEN [AdvertiserName] else NULL end,
Property.propertyId,[PropertyCommBroker],'0' as IsComplete
Property ON miami.PropertyUnitNumber = Property.Unit AND miami.PropertyZipCode = Property.Zip AND
miami.PropertyCity = Property.City AND miami.PropertyStreetAddress = Property.Address1
WHERE validAD=1
IF @@ERROR <> 0

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Using Triggers With Bulk Inserts

May 4, 2005

Hello All.

I am attempting an

insert into <tablename> select * from...

This is inserting thousands of rows into a table that has a trigger on it. The trigger updates a seperate table.

Now my question is will the trigger fire for every record inserted because I need it to fire only once as the table the trigger is updating is becoming locked when the insert statement is executed. I am assuming it is because of the number of times the trigger is being fired that the table is becoming locked. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Bulk Inserts Between Two Different DBMS

Sep 21, 2004

Hi folks,
I have a table located in DB2 nd I need to have a mirror image of this table on a SQL2000 database to avoid some server downtime problems.
Right now I have a solution using ADO.NET with Windows Services.

This windows service invokes itself everyday morning and pulls all the records from this table in DB2 to a dataset. Then I loop through the dataset and insert every record into SQL 2000 Table. This method is working fine ( It take approximately 2 minutes to insert 5000 records). I am just wondering whether there is any way to acheive bulk insertion in this case. Considering future growth of table I am not thinking the existing solution is neither elegant nor efficient.

Please let me know if I can achive the same either using XML, BULK INSERTS or any other mechanism in ADO.NET and please remeber that we are talking about data migration between different DBMS ( DB2 to SQL 2000)


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SQL 2012 :: Blocking During Bulk Inserts?

Dec 9, 2014

We are noticing a lot of blocking when performing bulk inserts.

Sometimes the lead blocker(s) are blocking inserts into the same tables, but most of the time, it's insert to other tables. So, while bulk insert into table X is running, bulk insert into table Y is blocked from the insert into X.

- We turned off transactions from the application performing the bulk inserts - no change.

- We enabled table locking from the application - no change

- We enabled lock_on_bulk_load on the tables - this seems to have worked; however still see some blocking.

According to the lock_on_bulk article - When you specify table locking for a bulk import operation, a bulk update (BU) lock is taken on the table for the duration of the bulk-import operation, shouldn't we be seeing this BU lock? Instead, we see nothing but LCK_M_X (exclusive table locks).

Just found out that in order get a BU lock, no indexing can exist on the table ... sure be nice if that was in the article!

Also, we saw the exclusive locks happening before we made these changes, meaning it wasn't using the row locks that it should be by default. Assuming we're missing something here with lock escalation. I am profiling just for lock escalation, and it never happens ...

So I guess my pending question at this time is that why when inserting into table X do inserts into table Y get blocked?

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BULK INSERT Inserts 2 Rows

May 15, 2008


Got bulk insert thing going real nice thanks to your feedback! But now I notice that the BULK INSERT creates 2 identical rows while the flat file has the column headers and then corresponding row, just one row.
Why would it do that. Interestingly if the data file and format file are residing on a shared folder on SQL 2005, and I ran the BULK INSERT from studio it only inserts one row. But when I do BULK INSERT via user interface it creates 2 rows. What is going here.

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Bulk Inserts To Data Warehouse - Best Practices?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello all,I just started a new job this week and they complain about the length oftime it takes to load data into their data warehouse,which they do once a month.From what I can gather, they rebuild the indexes before the insert with an80% Fillfactor, then insert the data (with theindexes enabled), then rebuild the indexes with a 100% Fillfactor.Most of my RDBMS experience is with a different product. We would havedisabled the indexes and Foreign Keys, loaded the data, thenre-enabled them, moving any records that violated the constraints into anappropriate audit table to be checked after.Can someone share with me what the accepted "best practices" are for loadingdata efficiently into a data warehouse?Any thoughts would be deeply appreciated.Steve

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Client Workstation Initiated Bulk Inserts Fail

Sep 24, 2007

I'm setting up a new 2005 server and bulk insert from a client workstation (using windows authentication) is failing with:

Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot bulk load because the file "\FILESERVERNAMEsharedfolderfilename.txt" could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).

Here's my BULK INSERT statement (though I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with it):


If I run the same transact SQL when remote desktopped into the new server (under the same login as that used in the client workstation), it imports the file without errors.

If I use the sa client login from the client workstation (sql server authentication) the bulk insert succeeds.

My old SQL 2000 server lets me bulk insert the file without errors even from my client workstations using windows authentication.

I have followed the instructions on this site: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=928173&SiteID=1
, but still no luck and same error.

I'm pretty sure it is being caused by the increased constraints on bulk insert in 2005. Hoping someone can help. The more specific the better. If you need more info, let me know.

Oh and I've also made sure that the SQL service uses a domain logon account rather than the local system account.

Note that the file server (source file resides there) is a DIFFERENT machine than the 2005 SQL server. If I move the source file to the sql server machine the error goes away (not a preferred solution though).


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Row Level Security And Integration Services Bulk Inserts Don't Work

Jan 24, 2007

Hi i followed Microsofts "Implementing Row-and-Cell-Level Security in Classified Databases Using SQL Server 2005"

this works fine when i insert delete data on a normal script (mangement studio)

my project runs in a SSIS package, different users. i cannot do a bulk insert using OLEDB data Destination i get the following error

An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Conflicting locking hints are specified for table "dbo.tblUniqueLabelMarking". This may be caused by a conflicting hint specified for a view.".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Conflicting locking hints are specified for table "dbo.tblUniqueLabelMarking". This may be caused by a conflicting hint specified for a view.".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Conflicting locking hints are specified for table "dbo.tblUniqueLabel". This may be caused by a conflicting hint specified for a view.".
Error: 0xC0209029 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination 1 [1741]: The "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (1754)" failed because error code 0xC020907B occurred, and the error row disposition on "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (1754)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

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Bulk Insert And Batch Size

Mar 31, 2015

How do you prevent this:"If you import a very large number of rows, dividing the data into batches can offer advantages. After each batch complete, the transaction is logged. If, for any reason, a bulk-import operation terminates before completion, only the current transaction (batch) is rolled back." How can I let the whole batch rollback, instead only the current transaction (batch) rolling back?

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Deleting Records In Bulk/batch?

Nov 15, 2007

I've got a table with a unique column, "id". I've got the id values of about 300,000 records. These records need to be DELETEd from this table. Is there a way to do this in batch? I can't imagine the only way to do it is:

DELETE FROM Table WHERE id = 1 OR id = 2 OR id = 3... OR id = 300000

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Item Sales Batch Allocation

Oct 7, 2014

I found next script for batch item allocation based on FEFO/FIFO method (according to DateCol interpretation) :

RowID int identity Primary Key,
DOCTYPE varchar(40),
DateCol datetime,

[Code] ....

The result looks like :

1 Purchase2007-01-01 00:00:00.0000AA2007FW
2 Sale 2007-01-03 00:00:00.000-30AA2007FW!2007SS
3 Purchase2007-01-04 00:00:00.00020AA2007SS
4 Sale 2007-01-04 00:00:00.000-20AA2007SS
5 Purchase2007-01-09 00:00:00.00010AA2007FW

The issue is on the second line. What I need is to split that record in 2 or more lines, every line containing one single lot record.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Create Batch File To Selectively Run Files

Apr 24, 2014

I have about 1200 sql files in one of my folders. Almost all of these files do data inserts and updates, so they should be run only once. As and when required I have manually ran around 150 of them already. Whenever I ran any of these scripts, I log that file name into a log table in my sql server including the execution time. Since running 1000+ more files takes a lot of time, I want to automate running of these files through a batch file. But I also want to filter the files that are already run.My file list looks like follows.


My log table in the database looks like this.

select * from sqlfileexecutionlog
DeleteDuplicateOrders.sql03/12/2014 14:23:45:091Success
UpdateInventory.sql04/06/2014 08:44:17:176Success

Now I want to create a batch file to run the remaining files from my directory to my sql server. I also want to wrap each of these sql file executions in a transaction and log success/failure along with the runtime and filename into sqlfileexecutionlog table. As I add new sql files into this directory, I should be able to run the same batch file and execute only the sql files that have not bee run.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Using Bulk Insert With Text Qualifiers?

Aug 19, 2014

The files have pipe delimters and double quotes as text qualifiers. I can get the file to import with a bulk insert statement, but it brings in the double quotes in as well. What setting is it that can be set to indicate what the text qualifiers are?

Here is are a few sample lines of data:

"1"|"30101"|"H1"|"2013-05-16 09:33:19"|"1"
"2"|"30100"|"H1"|"2013-05-16 16:22:32"|"1"
"3"|"30103"|"H4"|"2013-05-16 16:22:32"|"1"
"4"|"30104"|"H3"|"2013-05-05 01:26:20"|"1"

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Ignore First Row In Data File In Bulk Insert?

Feb 17, 2015

I use bulk insert to fill a table

I use code bellow

bulk insert dbo.test
from 'c: est.txt'
with(FIRSTROW=2,FORMATFILE='c: est.xml'

but data inserted to table start from 3throw.

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Passing Parameters To Batch File And Executing Batch File Loop

Aug 7, 2007


I need to take a variable from a tabel in SQL Server pass to a Batch file and execute the batch file. Right now I can exec the batch file with XP_CMDSHELL but how can I pass the variable to the batch file and loop through all the variables.

Please help


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Bulk Insert - Bulk Load Data Conversion Error

Jan 17, 2008

Im having some issues with bulk insert.

This is the table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tmp_GA_status](

[GA_recno] [int] NOT NULL,

[GA_desc] [varchar](40) NULL


This is the file (unicode):

and this is the sql:

bulk insert tmp_GA_status from 'C: empTextDumpGA_status.dta'

', DATAFILETYPE='widechar')

so yeah, pretty simple. But whatever I do I get this;

Msg 4864, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 2 (GA_desc).

So what am I doing wrong ?

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I Don't Suppose BULK UPDATE Exists?... Like BULK INSERT?

Sep 27, 2007

I have to update a field within a table of 60 records or so. Each record has a different field value. it's type varchar. i was given an excel file with the field values and was thinking of a bulk update like bulk insert, but i don't recall that it's possible that way.

Is the only way to create a table, bulk insert, then merge the two tables together with UPDATE?

Just wanted to see if there was an easier way to do it, otherwise i'll take the latter route. Thanks!

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Cannot Fetch A Row From OLE DB Provider BULK With Bulk Insert Task

Nov 23, 2005

Hi, folks:

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SQLCMD Batch File With Script In Batch File

Dec 5, 2006

I am using the following batch file to execute a script that creates a db and all its objects in the local sql express:

sqlcmd -S (local)SQLExpress -i C:CreateDB.sql

This works fine, but I'm wondering if there's an easy way to put the script in the batch file, so users don't have to worry about putting the script in the C drive. I tried getting rid of the i parameter and pasting the script from the sql file into the batch file, but it didn't work.



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Pros: How To Bulk Delete And Bulk Insert?

Oct 11, 2000

I have a table containing 8 million records.
I need to replace 2 million of these records with
a scaled down query that goes something like:
SELECT 1, ShareholderID, Assets1
FROM MyTable (Yields appx. 200,000 recods)
SELECT 2, ShareholderID, Assets2
FROM MyTable (Yields appx. 200,000 recods)
SELECT 10, ShareholderID, Assets1 + Assest2 + Assets3 + ... + Assets9
FROM MyTable (Yields appx. 200,000 recods)

Updates and cursors just seem to be too slow.

So far I have done the following, but was wondering if anyone could think of a better way.
SELECT 6 million records that don't need to be deleted into a #TempTable
Use statements above to select into same #TempTable
DROP and recreate Original Table
SELECT 6 + 2 million records INTO original table.

This seems rather convoluted. Is there a better approach? Would it be worth while to dump data to a file and use bcp / Bulk Insert

Any comments are appreciated,


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BULK INSERT ERROR Using Format File - Bulk Load Data Conversion Error

Jun 29, 2015

I'm trying to use Bulk insert for the first time and getting the following error. I think it might have something to do with my Format File and from the error msg there's a conversion error for the first column. In my database the Field is nvarchar(6) so my best guess is to use SQLNChar for the first column. I've checked the end of each line is CR LF therefore the is correct for line 7 right?

Msg 4863, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Bulk load data conversion error (truncation) for row 1, column 1 (ASXCode).
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7330, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".



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Questions About Bulk Copy Insert Using 'Memory Based Bulk Copy Operations'

Feb 1, 2007


Before implementing memory based bulk copy insert with IRowsetFastLoad interface of SQL Server 2005 OLE DB provider, I want to know some considerations.

- performance : compared with T-SQL's "BULK INSERT ..." and bcp utility

- SQL Server's resource usage : when running memory based bulk copy, server resource's influence

- server side action(behavior) : when server is busy, delayed-update means IRowsetFastLoad::Commit(true) method can insert right after?

- row-count : The rowcount limitation can be inserted by IRowsetFastLoad::InsertRow() method before IRowsetFastLoad::Commit

- any other guide lines

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How Do You Use An Identity Column When Doing A Bulk Insert Using The Bulk Insert Task Editor

Apr 18, 2008


I'm just learning SSIS and I've hit my first bump. I am doing a bulk import from a tab delimited text file to an empty sql table that has a Idendity column defined. How do I tell the bulk insert task to skip that column when inserting from the text file. If I remove the identity column it imports the data fine, but I want to create the indentity column in the table too.


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Inserts Per Second

Mar 3, 2006

Just curios,

I have four 72 GB Drive on a RAID 5

Disk Specs
IO/Second = 130 per disk
Speed RPM = 15 K

When I did a load test of inserting data into a table
with four Columns

Col1 INT
Col2 VARCHAR(32)
Col3 VARCHAR(4000)

I could insert around 1044 Inserts per second where as
I thought I could do max of 520 Inserts ( 130 * 4 ) because
each disk can only take 130 Inserts multiplied by 4 Disks
gives me a theoritical limit of 520.

Also How does the Query Analyser Connects to the datbase
Server.. does it use ODBC


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No Of Inserts

Mar 21, 2006

I am doing a simple IO Test with the below script ...

Just wanted to keep things simple and to check how many Inserts I can do on a given SQL Server.
I am running the below script from QA for 1 minute and then divide the No or rows inserted by 60.

Will it give me approximate results by duing this?

Actually the datafiles .MDF files are sitting on a single drive where the manufacturer specs shows that it will handle 130 IO's per disk. With the below script I am getting around 147 Inserts per second.

But my boss says that he is getting 2000 inserts per second on his laptop from a ...Am I missing some thing?

SELECT @lnRowCnt = 100000

WHILE @lnRowCnt > 0
INSERT INTO CTMessages..Iotest
SELECT @lnRowCnt , 'VENU' , REPLICATE ( 'V' , 4000 ) , 1000000

SELECT @lnRowCnt = @lnRowCnt - 1


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Two Inserts In One InsertCommand

Apr 11, 2007

I'm using a SQLDataSource and trying to do two inserts into two different tables with one InsertCommand, but it's not working. Here's the code I'm trying to use. Do you see anything wrong with the syntax? I keep getting an error that says error near ','  but I can't figure out why. Thanks
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [OurProjects] ([Title], [Description], [Location], [Anchors], [Size], [Developer], [DesignBuilder], [Architect], [ImageName], [MapName], [ProjectTypeAbbrev], [Deleted]) VALUES (@Title, @Description, @Location, @Anchors, @Size, @Developer, @DesignBuilder, @Architect, @ImageName, @MapName, @ProjectTypeAbbrev, @Deleted),
INSERT INTO [OurProjectsImages] ([OurProjectsID], [ImageMonthName], [SwfName]) VALUES (@OurProjectsID, @ImageMonthName, @SwfName)"

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SQL TimeSpan And Inserts

May 27, 2008

I need to Add a Check in the database to ensure that user can only enter up to 20 entries to Database in a period of 10 minutes. Basically, to guard against people using scripts to add data to the database ( instead of using CAPTCHAE on the front end) what we want to do is restrict user to entering at most 20 transactions in 10 Minutes.How do I handle or do this in SQl Server 2005??
What I figure to do is right after I do an INSERT into the table, I Select the last 20 entries into that same table and then Calculate the Total time it took to add those 20 transactions and set the righ flag.
1) How do I select last 20 entries into a table??
2) How do I calculate the total time that elapsed between adding the first of those 20 records and the last??
Thanks in Advance

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Next Inserts ID Number, Someone Please Help

Sep 21, 2004

I have a table with a primary key being a bigint and its set to auto increment (or identity or whatever ms calls it). Is there anyway I can get the ID number that will be assigned to the next Insert before I insert it? I want to use that ID number within another field when inserted.

I hope that makes sense.

Thanks for any help.


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Multiple Inserts

Jul 14, 2005

Hi, I'm trying to create a form where new names can be added to a database. The webform looks like this:<body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout">        <form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">         Name:<asp:TextBox ID="newName" runat="server" />         <INPUT id="NewUserBtn" type="button" value="Create New User" name="NewUserBtn" runat="server"            onServerClick="NewBtn_Click">&nbsp;     </form>And the code behind looks like this:Public Sub NewBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NewUserBtn.ServerClick        Dim DS As DataSet        Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection        Dim MyCommand As SqlDataAdapter
        MyConnection = New SqlConnection("server=databaseserver;database=db;uid=uid;pwd=pwd")        MyCommand = New SqlDataAdapter("insert into certifications (name) values ('" & newName.Text & "'); select * from certifications", MyConnection)
        DS = New DataSet        MyCommand.Fill(DS, "Titles")
        Response.Redirect("WebForm1.aspx", True)    End SubWhen I try to insert one name it works. When I try to insert a second name, it overwrites the old one. Why is that?Thanks.James

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Identity Inserts

Apr 15, 2006

Hey All,
I was trying to use a typed dataset to create a very simple DAL. I found that the code generated for the INSERT statement includes an identity field the table has. That can obviously never work (unless identity_insert is set, which it is not). My question is whether it is possible to control this insert statement generation? Is there a property I am missing somewhere? My solution was to change the INSERT statement on the DataTableAdapter, but that seems awkward for me to have to do that..

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