The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' Requires A Database Schema Compatible With Schema Version '1'.

Sep 27, 2007

Locally I develop in SQL server 2005 enterprise. Recently I recreated my db on the server of my hosting company (in sql server 2005 express).
I basically recreated the tables and copied the data in it.

I now receive the following error when I hit the DB:

The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a
database schema compatible with schema version '1'.  However, the
current database schema is not compatible with this version.  You may
need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe
(available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the
provider to a newer version.

I heard something about running aspnet_regsql.exe, but I dont have that access to the DB. Also I dont know if this command does anything more than creating the membership tables and filling it with some default data...
Any other solutions/thought on what this can be?


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Database Schema Compatible With Schema Version '1'

Apr 12, 2008

Hello everybody!I'm using ASP.NET  3.5,  MSSQL 2005I  bought virtual web hosting .On new user registrations i have an error =(The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a database schema compatible with schema version '1'.  However, the current database schema is not compatible with this version.  You may need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe (available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the provider to a newer version. On my virtual machine it work fine but on web hosting i have an error =(What can you propose to me?

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Schema-level Security For Multiple Users In One Database

Apr 17, 2007

My developers would like a 'sandbox' database with full ddl and dml permissions, however, they do not want others to read/change/drop their objects. With SQL 2005, can DDL permissions be granted to a user at the schema level? I'd rather not set up a database for each developer.

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Digram Showing Schema Of System Database Table

Dec 1, 2000

Does anyone know where I can get a digram showing the database schemas for all of the system database. I need to know the realtionship between tables in the system databases. Would like to download something from the internet preferably, or if someone has something they can e-mail?

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Transferring Objects Form Schema A To Schema B In One Shot....!

May 27, 2008

I have 35+ tables and 15+ stored procedures with SchemaA, now I want to transfer them to SchemaB.

I know how to do one by one...!

alter schema SchemaB transfer

but it will take long time...!


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SQL Security :: Schema Name Same As User Name

Jun 28, 2015

In some our dotabases I can see Schemas created with the same name as Domain User name (domainusername). Schema owner for those schemas is not dbo but the same user as in schema name. How this happens? Is any way to prevent or prohibit this?

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Schema Security Question...

Sep 17, 2007

If I understand how the schema security works, then if I grant a group CONTROL on the Sandbox schema and then give them CREATE TABLE on the database permissions. Then they will only have the ability to create tables under the Sandbox Schema.

So, the problem I am having is if I grant the group CONTROL on the schema and DELETE on the database, it changes the permission on all the schemas. The only way I see to fix this, is you have to go in and manually DENY DELETE on each the schemas that you don't want them to be able to perform deletes on.

Is this the inly way to do this? Or is there another way that I just haven't figured out?



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HELP - Schema And Security Principals ?

Jan 18, 2008

Having a great deal of difficulty finding a good description or exposition on the use of SCHEMAS as it pertains to security principals. I've been working with DBs such as AD and Exchange for several years, and am familiar with the concept and use of SCHEMAS in these contexts.

Specifically ... what and why the necessity to map a (user?) schema to a login/user in SS2k5? Someone please provide a clear (simple ... not too techno-nerd) answer or provide a link to an article/faq/blog/thread where this concept is clearly and FULLY explained.

Thanks ...

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System Schema && Documentation

Jul 20, 2005

Anyone know how to query sysobjects & syproperties showing the table,field name, and field properties (specifically the description)? Ihave so far:SELECT *FROM sysproperties spINNER JOIN sysobjects soON = so.idSELECT *FROM syscolumns scINNER JOIN sysobjects soON = so.idWHERE so.type = 'U'....not sure how to join the two. The 'ID' column refers to the tableID and not the field ID.

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Moving Data From One DB Schema To Another DB Schema Using SSIS

May 8, 2007


I would like to use SSIS tool to move the data from one database schema to another database schema.

For example:

Source table has

1. UserName (varchar 20) (no null)

2. Email (varchar 50) (can be null)

Destination table has

1. UserID (uniqueidentifier - GUID)

2. UserName (varchar 50) (no null)

3. EmailAddress (nvarchar 50) (can be null)

4. DateTime


1. What controls do I use in my Data Flow to make data move between databases with different data types and include new value in UserID as a new GUID and DateTime as a date (GETDATE)?

OLE DB Source, OLE DB Destination, Data Converson and .....

How do I insert Guid and Date at the same time?

2. I have many tables to do data moving. Any sugestions? How do I architect my project? If I create many data flows for each table - it will look complicated.

Please give me some advices here.


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SQL Security :: Restrict A User Only To Particular Schema

Sep 23, 2015

I have created a user Finance and I want to grant him access only to see views which are created under Schema called "FinanceQuery".

Note: View may use tables from multiple schemas example: dbo. Staging. ect 

By doing this, I want to achieve that this user Finance can see only Views created under Schema FinanceQuery and should not see any other objects (tables, Stored Procedures, Functions etc.)

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SQL Security :: How To Set Permissions For A User On X And Y Schema

Oct 22, 2015

I need to provide a User with below permissions:

1. Ability to read and write records in tables in both the X schema and Y schema
2. Ability to read metadata about objects in the X and Y schema
3. Ability to execute stored procedures in the X and Y schema
4. Ability to create and update the necessary schema objects used by X, including but not limited to tables, views, and indexes
5. CREATE FUNCTION permission
6. ALTER and EXECUTE permissions on the X schema
7. VIEW DEFINITION permission on the X and Y schemas to enable view export. 

For the point 1, I will assign db_datareader,db_datawriter database roles to the user

For the point 2, when I have searched web, I found out ReadDefinition permission should be granted. I could find only viewDefinition but not ReadDefinition.

For the point 3, 'USE DataBaseName GRANT EXECUTE TO User; Go' - does this sql suffice?

For the point 4, I am not sure what should be done.

For the point 5, 'USE DataBaseName GRANT CREATE FUNCTION TO User; Go' - I guess this will work

For the point 6, Can I use same SQL as point 3 including ALTER ?

For the point 7, 'USE DataBaseName GRANT VIEW DEFINITION TO User; Go'

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SQL Server 2005 Schema And Security

Aug 7, 2006

Hi everyone,

I'm currently investigating the security improvements of SQL Server 2005. I've got some problems with the schemas introduced in SQL 2005 and security settings.

For my test I've created two schemas: UserManagement and Sales. A user "test" is attached to the UserManagement schema. There's a table Sales.Users containing a list of users (varchar) and a stored procedure named UserManagement.AddUser that can be executed by the UserManagement schema (GRANT EXECUTE, so "test" can execute the SP). UserManagement.AddUser simply inserts a new row into Sales.Users.

Because the Sales schema doesn't contain any user, nobody (except the sysadmin, of course) can do a INSERT/SELECT/DELETE in the Sales.Users table. As expected, the following SQL statement fails:

EXECUTE AS LOGIN='machine est';
INSERT INTO Sales.Users VALUES('Test User');

INSERT was not allowed: object 'Users', database 'test', schema 'Sales'.
The second way of inserting rows into Sales.Users is to execute the stored proc UserManagement.AddUser:
CREATE PROCEDURE [UserManagement].[AddUser]
INSERT INTO Sales.Users VALUES('Test User');
The user "test" can execute this sproc without problems:
EXECUTE AS LOGIN='machine est';
EXECUTE UserManagement.AddUser;

(1 row(s) affected)To my astonishment the INSERT statement inside the stored proc does execute - although UserManagement.AddUser and Sales.Users are two different schemas. Why is that, is there a chaining happening? To my understanding SQL Server should test INSERT rights on Sales.Users for the UserManagement schema and deny the INSERT statement because UserManagement isn't allowed to INSERT in the Sales schema.

Any ideas? Help regarding the issue is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,


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SQL 2005 Security - Schema && Username... Very Annoying

Jun 8, 2007

So on my local server I have a username CWI. I have my main DB: CW.

CWI is the owner of 5 schemas on CW, and everything works great.
I now go and create a new DataBase called CWTest. I want to now add the user CWI to the security section of CWTest (The same way I did it in 2000).
However, now I get the error message:
"The login already has an account under a different user name."

When I created my DataBase, IT had the default user, but now I want to add another user so I can create my schemas.
On our live servers, we will have 100-300 Databases all using the same useraccount as the "God Mode" user.

Any advice?

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SQL Security :: Unable To Change Guest Schema Owner

Jul 22, 2015

One of our databases has at some point in its dark past had the owner of the guest schema changed to be a named user, rather than the default guest user. Correcting this feels like it would be easy enough by running the following...

but that results in..
   Msg 15150, Level 16, State 2, Line 3
   Cannot alter the schema 'guest'.

I realise the guest schema is a special one, and cannot be dropped, but I'm not trying to do that. End goal is to export the database to a SQL Azure DB, and this guest schema assignment is blocking that process from completing.

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Adding A XML Schema To XML Schema Collection

Apr 19, 2006

I used SSEUtil to add a schema to my database but I am having problems.  Used these steps:SSEUtil -c> USE "c:Rich.mdf"> GO>!RUN Resume.SQL//indicates success>SELECT * FROM SYS.XML_SCHEMA_COLLECTIONS>GO//schema not shown in list> USE master>GO>SELECT * FROM SYS.XML_SCHEMA_COLLECTIONS>GO//schema is shown in the queryIt appears that the schema is not added to the desired database, so when I try to use the schema in Visual Studio, the schema does not appear when I connect to the Rich.mdf database.  Any ideas on what I am doing wrong or why this might be happening?ThanksKevin

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Copy Objects From One Schema To Another Schema?

Nov 21, 2011

I am using sql server 2008 R2.I want to copy all the objects of one schema and put it in another schema. I want to do that from command prompt.

In oracle we can export the objects of one user and import to another user using exp and imp. I want similar type.

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The Version Of Component **** (11773) Is Not Compatible With This Version Of The DataFlow.

Dec 12, 2007

I started this thread as the last attempt to sort the issue out.

I have an SSIS package that loads data from a .csv file into my database. It works fine on my developer machine. I start it programmatically or from Management Studio or from Visual Studio, and it works. Then I deploy it to the MSDB database on the computer on which it will have its final place. There again I can start it from Management Studio or from Visual Studio (using the source file), and it works. But when I start it programmatically, it just fails telling me:

Package Warnings:
Package Errors:
The version of component "****" (11773) is not compatible with this version of the DataFlow.
Component "component "Derived Column" (13627)" could not be created and returned error code 0x80070005. Make sure that the component is registered correctly.
The component is missing, not registered, not upgradeable, or missing required interfaces. The contact information for this component is "Flat File Source;Microsoft Corporation;Microsoft SqlServer v9; (C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation; All Rights Reserved;;1".
component "Agreement File" (11773) failed validation and returned error code 0xC0048021.
One or more component failed validation.
There were errors during task validation.

Maybe the source of the problem is that this machine is a 64-bit one, while the developer machine is 32-bit one. But why does the package run fine when I start it from Management Studio?

Any help would be appreciated.


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System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, Mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' Fai

Oct 29, 2007

I am currently working on SQL server reporting. I have created custom assemblies. I am loading the custom assebly in the rdl file.
I am getting following exception

An error occurred while executing OnInit: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed. (rsErrorInOnInit)

Please let me know if anyone knows the reason.
Thanks in Advance.

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Database Schema

Apr 28, 2005

What would be the best way to get the Schema from a complete database.


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How To Get All Database Schema?

Sep 9, 2005


here is my problem.
I have to rebuild database after crash. there is no backup. So
I did a bcp to get data from. But I do not have the original database so my question is how to get the full schema off the data base, tables,colomns,stored procedures etc...

thanks lot for any help.

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Help For Database Schema

Mar 16, 2007

Hello All,

My project uses MS SQL server database and is not too big database (have aound 200 table).

Now I have to create Database schema for my database as my project needs to be integrated with some other product.

I don't know much about database schema and how to start with it.

Can someone please give me some inputs on following:

1) What exactly database schema should include?

2) How should I start creating the schema for my database?

3) Are there any tools for doing this?

Thanks in advance

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Sql Database Schema

Oct 24, 2005

Hi. I would like to retrieve the table names of a database, the column names nad its contraints of each table in a database.. How can this be achieved???

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Database Vs Schema

May 24, 2007

We currently have a product in which each client has their own Database. We adjust the connection when a user for that client logs into the system. This system has continued to grow and a good pace, but we have come to a point where failover is taking too long.

Refactoring the Database to handle multiple sites in a single database is not an option because of the time it would take to make the change. So, we are looking for another way in which this could be handle. One idea is to take multiple clients and place them in a single database using a schema to seperate them. (ex. Client A = server1.db1.schema1, Client B = server1.db1.schema2, etc).

Is there another option that would be better, or what kind of performance can we expect if we follow this path? Or, is there a way to decrease the failover time (it appears the problem is the startup of the database on the failover server)?


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RS Database Schema?

Oct 26, 2007

We have a RS 2000 server with a over a hundred reports, and about half as many weekly and monthly subscriptions.
In reply to my request to upgrade to RS2005, the boss asked me today for a compete list of the reports, who subscribes to them, and their delivery frequency.

He was not interested in paying for a VB or C# development effort with the SOAP API that it would require to obtain a simple list from a SQL server database, since he already has SQL programmers on staff.

So how can I get this list? Anyone know of any demo code out there?

Forgive my sarcasm and Thanks in advance.


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Changes To Database Schema

Oct 23, 2007

Does anyone know which database table/view one can query to get a list of all objects that have been changed by users accessing a database?

Is there any? or is there some other way of doing this?

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Exporting Database Schema

Sep 26, 2006

Is there a way for VS2005 to export the database schema of a .mdf into a .sql file? Preferably from a Web PRoject, not a Database Project, but right now I am anything but picky, so whatever works. Thanks. 

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SQL Database Schema Sync

Oct 15, 2007

SQL Database Schema Sync
We have development and production databases, when we change database schema in development database how can I synchronize it to production without creating data problems in production, is this possible in SQL2005? Or any external tool I can use?

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Replication Of The Schema Of A SQL Database

Nov 12, 2007

Hi all,
I am doing a replication of a SQL Server 2005 database from one server to another server, everything worked fine. Now, when I added some fields to this database, the replication stopped. can I do replication of a schema of a SQL database? how? Should the replication work even if I add some fields.

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Copy The Database Schema

Feb 4, 2002


Can anyone help me to figure out how to generate the SQL Script that can produce the same database schema with the existing database?

I have tried the "Generate SQL Script" tool. However, it only creates the object such as tables, stored procedures, triggers and etc. I still have to create the database first in order to run that script. I have an existing database that has a 2.7 GB size (let's called this ABC Database). In a different server, I would like to create the same database with the ABC DB without having to restore the ABC DB. Bottom line, I would like to see the script creates the database along with all stored procedures, triggers and the size of the database will be 2.7 GB. Is it possible?

Thank you very much!

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Database Schema Exported......

Jul 10, 2002

MS SQL 6.5

I have been asked to export the database schema (containing table names, field names, data types, field lengths, field defaults, nulls, etc) to an MS Excel spread sheet. "sp_help filename" provides some data but the format is difficult to manage.

All help with this matter would be greatly appreciated....

Thanks in advance.

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Database Schema Designing

Feb 26, 2004

Case 1:
A company is involved into multiple websites for different products.

CAse 2:
The above scenario could also be implemented with a single site having multiple products for sale.

For Case 2 one would go for a single database for all the products.
While for CAse 1 ,a separate Database is developed for each Site.

What I fill is CAse2 is a more appropriate choice even if we have multiple sites for different products.

This would help us in rapid development of any ecommerce site...
ANd better ERP management for the Company.

I would appreciate some expert guidelines for the above scenario

Thanx in Advance
Warm Regards

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Obfuscate Database Schema

Jun 6, 2007

I can't believe I am asking this but I have been "requested" to.


Database based app installed on client site


Protection of database schema.


Obfuscate? - Any tools available?
Host db in secure location - Not going to happen!

Any thoughts?


Production is just another testing cycle

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