The External Metadata Column Collection Is Out Of Synchronization...

Mar 12, 2008


I have an Excel file source. I keep getting this error when running the package:

"The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization with the data source columns. The column "x" needs to be updated in the external metadata column collection."

When I get this error with regular flat files, it's because I've changed the data type of a given column in the flat file connection manager. And I resolve it simply by double-clicking on the flat file source task, and viola - it corrects it for me.

How do I correct this with an Excel file? Help.


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Error: The External Metadata Column Collection Is Out Of Synchronization With The Data Source Columns

Apr 17, 2007


I have a SSIS package with a Data Flow task. This task transfers the data from SQL Server 2000 to a table in SQL Server 2005.

I deployed and tested this package on the Test Server. Then put this package in a job and executed it - Works fine.

On the production server- If I execute the package through DTEXECUI, it works fine. But when I try executing it through a job- the job fails and it gives me following error:

Description: The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization with the data source columns. The "external metadata column "T_FieldName" (82)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection....

What I don't understand is, why are there no errors displayed when I execute the package through DTEXECUI.

Can anyone help me to resolve this issue.


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External Metadata Column Error

Oct 25, 2007

I keep getting the following error in SSIS. Also, I don't get the error on every server the package is run on, but less than 5 (the package is run on over 100).

"The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization with the data source columns. The column "Timestamp" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection"

Please tell me where I need to remove Timestamp from. Thanks


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External Metadata Column Error

Oct 24, 2007

I keep getting the following error in SSIS. Also, I don't get the error on every server the package is run on, but less than 5 (the package is run on over 100).

"The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization with the data source columns. The column "Timestamp" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection"

Please tell me where I need to remove Timestamp from. Thanks

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Manual Validation Of External Metadata

Jan 31, 2007


is there a way to start validation of external metadata manual?

My problem is this:

The package uses a variable as connectionstring for flatfile source, and another variable for the destination table. Running the package gives a warning about external metadata that needs to be updated. Normally I update this data by just opening the data flow, and answering the question for updating with yes. This time that deosnt work, I think because the variable is not set, so there can not be any conflicts with external metadata.

I dont want do disable validation, but just validate one time and then save the package.

Any ideas?



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Lookup Transformation External MetaData Change

Feb 22, 2008


I am using the lookup transformation. I made a change on reference view, but I can't seem to get the transformation to recognize the fact that the underlying table has changed.

Is this possible? Surely you don't have to redo the entire lookup task in order to caputre a new column that is added onto a table / view.


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Connection Manager Keeps External Metadata Information

Mar 2, 2007

We have a Main package and which is calling 2 more other packages.
The first package contains a connection and we are using a Dataflow task. The data flow task has OleDB Data source which is taking getting columns using a Stored Procedure. And the output we need to write in a Flat File.

The second Package also contains the same(The same Tasks, Database and Stored Procedure Calling)
The difference is in the stored procedure Parameters. Based on the different parameters Stored procedures returns the different Columns and Rows output.
When we are trying to Get the second package output in OleDb Data source it shows all the columns which is the output of the First Package because it stores External Meta Data.

So My understanding is the Connection to the same database keeps the External metadata information with the connection and because of that it is always getting the same output columns in Ole DB Data source task in the second Package also.

How to Get my correct output from the second package in this case?
Or If we dont want to store external Meta data with the Connection then is that possible? If yes then How?

Thanks in advance.

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XML Source Doesn't Validate External Metadata Properly

Sep 26, 2007

I have an XML file that my XML Source component is accessing. I have noticed that is possible to set a column in the external metadata collection to a certain datatype and the matching output column to a different datatype and this doesn't not generate a warning like it does with other source components (e.g. Flat File Source Adapter).

Try it. Set a column in your external metadata to have a datatype of DT_WSTR. Set the matching output column to DT_UI8. You will NOT get a validation error. I think you should.

This behaviour was noticed on RTM (i.e. no service pack installed) by the way.

I think this is a bug. Anyone agree?


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Custom Properties In External Metadata Not Writeable Using The Advanced Editor

Jun 30, 2006


I'm working on a custom dataflow destination component. It makes use of the External Metadata Collection. I also use Custom Properties with the external metadata collection.

When I open the destination component using the Advanced Editor, and select an External Metadata Collection and change the Custom Property it always changes back to the original value.

Additionally the method SetExternalMetadataColumnProperty never gets called.

Here is a little Test Component that surfaces the problem:

[DtsPipelineComponent(ComponentType=ComponentType.DestinationAdapter, DisplayName="Test Destination")]
public class Class1 : PipelineComponent
public override void ProvideComponentProperties()

IDTSInput90 input = ComponentMetaData.InputCollection.New();
input.Name = "Name";
input.ExternalMetadataColumnCollection.IsUsed = true;

IDTSExternalMetadataColumn90 ext = input.ExternalMetadataColumnCollection.New();
ext.Name = "ExtName";
IDTSCustomProperty90 customProp = ext.CustomPropertyCollection.New();
customProp.Name = "Custom Property";
customProp.Value = "Hallo";

public override IDTSCustomProperty90 SetExternalMetadataColumnProperty(int iID, int iExternalMetadataColumnID, string strPropertyName, object oValue)
return base.SetExternalMetadataColumnProperty(iID, iExternalMetadataColumnID, strPropertyName, oValue);

Any ideas how to make that work?


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Com Exception When Removing ErrorOutPut Column From The Collection.

May 16, 2006

OutCollection[1] holds the erroroutput columncollection.


some times 1 Or 2 columns gets deleted, after that the exception is raised.

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How To Run A Loop For All Columns In Script Component Input Column Collection For Each Row

Jan 22, 2008

Hi All,

I want to run a loop for all the input columns in the script component. My requirement is, I have nearly 50 columns in the input columns list. For each row and for each column I need to do some operation. How Can I run a loop for each column. Please note in the script component I need to get the column names in the middle for some operations. Please see below.

Process Each Input Row

For each column in Input column list
If column.Name Starts with "Test" then set NULL to the column value
End Loop

End Loop for each input row

Can anybody tell me how can I do that.


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How To Get Column Description From MetaData?

Mar 25, 2008

I've tried looking in sys.syscolums and sys.syscomments, but I can't seem to find where the Description information is retain for a Field in the system tables -- any hints?

Thanks, Rob.

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SQL Table And Column Metadata

Jun 21, 2006

SQL table and column metadata

Is there a way to add or update the column or table (using the extended properties) description metadata via T-SQL (from within a stored procedure) or via a program (such as VB.NET using ADO)?

These metadata properties are available via the SSMS interface:
Columns via the Column Properties/Table Designer/Description
Tables via the Table Properties/Extended Properties/[Extended Property Name]

Thanks in advance,

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Column Metadata From Connection Manager Programmatically

May 9, 2006

Hi all!

My problem I've been struggling with is the following. I have a set of text files (around 70), each with different column numbers and types. I define Flat File Connection Managers for each of them where I can nicely rename, set data types and omit certain columns. I do this once and this will be the basis for the rest of the data process (would be nice programmatically too actually).
I would like to pump each of these text files into SQL Server tables using CREATE TABLE and BULK INSERT (because do it one-by-one is really a pain). The question is:

is there a way to obtain column information (Script Task) from a Connection Manager so I can run CREATE TABLE-s? I just need the names, data type for each nothing fancy...

(I bumped into interfaces like IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumns90, which I cannot handle from the Script Task.)

Any help appreciated!

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Integration Services :: Column Metadata In Table

Apr 10, 2015

I am having one store procedure which use to load data from flat file to staging table dynamically.everything is working fine. staging_temp table have single column.all the data stored in that single column below is the sample row.


after the staging_temp data gets inserted into main probelm is to handle such a file where number of columns are more than the actual table.if you see the sample rows there are 4 column separated by "¯".but actual I am having only 3 columns in my main how can I get only first 3 column from the satging_temp table.output should be like below.


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Fetch Metadata From A Column With An Alias In A View

Aug 2, 2007


I have created a view and one of the columns in the view has an alias assigned to it.

I'm able to read the metadata from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE and also lookup
from which table each column in the view orginated from except for the column that has an alias assigned to it.

Is there any other way to lookup a column that has an alias assigned to it?

Thanks alot!


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View / Underlying Column Definition Metadata

Mar 18, 2008

Have many views based on legacy tables that have different table and column names. Want to create a table that shows view table / column and underlying table column, e.g.

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[Branch]

divbra_id BranchID,
cmpny_id CompanyID,
divbra_cde BranchCode,
divbra_nme BranchName

FROM MyDatabase.dbo.divbranc


is an existing view. I want to pull out the following metadata:

divbranc divbra_id Branch BranchID
divbranc cmpny_id Branch CompanyID
divbranc divbra_cde Branch BranchCode
divbranc divbra_nme Branch BranchName

Is there anyway to get this from SQL metadata without actually parsing the view SELECT statement in code?

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OLE DB DataSource W Stored Procedure Not Populating Column Metadata

Mar 28, 2006

I'm having some issues getting OLE DB Data Sources to work w stored procs in SSIS. Here's the situation.

I have an OLE DB Data Source set up to call a stored proc w no parameters. The stored procedure loops through a set of databases and inserts data from each database into a results table. I'm attempting to return the results table to SSIS, but the Available External Columns are not populating. However, previewing the query in SSIS does show results. The insert in to the results table is done by a call to sp_executesql.

I've tried setting the results table up as a temp table, table variable, and static table. I have NOCOUNT set ON and am only returning one recordset. I've seen the other threads in here about similar problems, but none of their solutions seem to work for me.

Any help would be much appreciated....

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SSIS- The Element Cannot Be Found In A Collection. This Error Happens When You Try To Retrieve An Element From A Collection On A

May 19, 2008


this is sanjeev,
i have SSIS package, using my c# program i want to add one execute package task to this package's sequence container.

it is creating the new package with out any probelm. but when i opened the package and try to move the newly created exeute package task it is giving the following error.

the element cannot be found in a collection. this error happens when you try to retrieve an element from a collection on a container during the execution of the package

this is my code

Package pkg = new Package();
string str = (string)entry.Key;
pkg.Name = str;
alEntity = (ArrayList)entry.Value;

ConnectionManager conMgr;
Executable chPackage;
TaskHost executePackageTask;

Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application app = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application();

//string PackagePath = @"c:Genesis.dtsx";

//p = app.LoadPackage(PackagePath, null);
p = new Package();
p.LoadFromXML(parentPackageBody, null);

p.Name = str;

//Sequence seqContainer;

IDTSSequence seqContainer;
//seqContainer = (Sequence)p.Executables["Extract Genesis Data"];
seqContainer = ((Sequence)p.Executables[0]);

string packageLocation = @"Geneva Packages";
conMgr = p.Connections["SQLChildPackagesConnectionString"];

foreach (string val in alEntity)
if (seqContainer.Executables.Contains("Load_" + val) == false)
chPackage = seqContainer.Executables.Add("STOCK:ExecutePackageTask");

executePackageTask = (TaskHost)chPackage;
executePackageTask.Name = "Load_" + val;
executePackageTask.Description = "Execute Package Task";

executePackageTask.Properties["Connection"].SetValue(executePackageTask, conMgr.Name);
executePackageTask.Properties["PackageName"].SetValue(executePackageTask, packageLocation + ddlApplication.SelectedItem.Text + @"" + executePackageTask.Name);


app.SaveToXml(Server.MapPath("../SynchronizeScript/Packages/" + ddlApplication.SelectedItem.Text + @"") + str + ".dtsx", p, null);

please let me know what is the wrong in my code.

thanks in advance.

sanjeev bolllina

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[Excel Destination [91]] Error: Cannot Create An OLE DB Accessor. Verify That The Column Metadata Is Valid.

Apr 19, 2008

I was trying to get my data from olb table to excel. but i got this error
my dataflow is as follows:
oledb source-> excel destination

i have got a excel file template at the destination all ready.
with the column names+ the sheet all ready.
but somehow it got stuck...
anybody can help?

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Windows Synchronization Manager And Subscriber Web Synchronization

Dec 7, 2005


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Store Procedure To Load Data From Flat File To Staging Table Dynamically - Column Metadata

Apr 9, 2015

I am having one store procedure which use to load data from flat file to staging table dynamically.

Everything is working fine.staging_temp table have single column. All the data stored in that single column. below is the sample row.


After the staging_temp data gets inserted into main probelm is to handle such a file where number of columns are more than the actual table.

If you see the sample rows there are 4 column separated by "¯".but actual I am having only 3 columns in my main how can I get only first 3 column from the satging_temp table.

Output should be like below.


How to achieve above scenario...

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Integration Services :: Dealing With External Column Updates In Excel Sources

Oct 12, 2015

In SSIS 2008R2, I have a dataflow with an xlsx source and the destination is a SQL Server 2008R2 table. The files are delivered from a location where staff members 'work with' the source files. The files are produced monthly.

The dataflow that contains the file breaks upon the attempt to process subsequent monthly xlsx files with a message similar to the following:

[TNUQQ [16]] Warning: The external columns for component "TNUQQ" (16) are out of synchronization with the data source columns. The column "F12" needs to be added to the external columns.
The external column "county_taxable_sale_amount" needs to be updated.
The external column "city_taxable_sale_amount" needs to be updated.
The external column "district_taxable_sale_amount" needs to be updated.
The external column "QTY" (62) needs to be removed from the external columns.

I've noticed that some columns in the file ship with no data. A column with no data can be typed as datetime one month, and then float another month. I've tried to load xlsx to raw to table, but that does not work around this issue.

I've tried to set 'ValidateExternalMetadata' to 'False' on the  Excel source, but that does not work either. Aside from going back to the folks who ship the file to us, is there anything that can be done in SSIS to work around this issue, and still wind up with valid data?

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Web Synchronization - Completed Synchronization Starts Again

Sep 6, 2006

Hello everybody,

There is some strange behaviour i've recently noticed while watching synchronization progress in Replication Monitor on SQL 2005 Server Standard with merge replication configured. The merge process seems to repeat several times.

This is the initial synchronizaion (reinitalization at the subsciber). Client is using Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication objects from .net framework assemblies.

The synchronization starts normally (status is "Running"). The last message of selected session box shows (among other messages): "Beginning evaluating partial replication filters" then "Finished evaluating partial replication filters" and finally "Merge completed after processing xxx changes... etc." after a few seconds. Status changes to "Completed" and then... the merge process starts again!! "Beginning evaluating partial replication filters" etc. And this repeats about 15-20 times.

And so whole process takes about 15 minutes instead about 45 seconds to complete initial synchronization. The number of changes is "Merge completed after processing ..." never change since the first such message.

Is this some bug in web synchronization or some invalid configuration setting? Why does merge process repeat itself so many times??

Please help, thanks in advance.


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Which Collection

Jan 28, 2008

i want to use datebase wich suport all latin languages but i cant find the collection
france and Turksh

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Database Collection

Feb 27, 2004

I recently migrated a database from server A to server B. The backup jobs I am trying to build on server B are failing because of the following error:
[Microsoft SQL-DMO] Error 21776: [SQL-DMO]The name 'WinDat' was not found in the Databases collection. If the name is a qualified name, use [] to separate various parts of the name, and try again.

How do I add this database to the databases collection so it will be recognized?

Thanks in advance for your time and help.

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ReportItems Collection

Aug 16, 2007

I can add two reportitem controls, ie reportitems!begbal.value + reportitems!deposits.value, without a problem. However, when I add the 3rd reportitem control to the expression, ie + reportitems!withdrawals.value, some really funky arithmetic occurs. All of these controls I am referring to are in the same group footer.

Any help out there would be greatly appreciated.

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NameValueCollection How To Add In Collection Using Loop

Feb 9, 2007

actuallu  the earlier obviously worked but now i am fetching values from 2 colums and in collection we can pass 2 strings i did that.but then how to increment the collection c.will just post the code .
query fetching 2 records
can add only 1
NameValueCollection c = new NameValueCollection();
cmd2.CommandText="select  Pname ,HoursWorked   from TimeSheet1 ts , ProjResource pr,ProjectDetails pd where ts.rid = pr.rid and ts.pcode=pr.pcode and pd.Pcode = ts.Pcode and pr.Rid = '" + Ridtxt.Text + " '";
cmd2 .Connection = con1;
SqlDataReader dr = cmd2.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
c.Add(dr["pname"].ToString(), dr["hoursworked"].ToString());
as earliar 
supose c#  12
asp 11
only c# getting added
even though loop is while
actually how to increment key as in c  both strings are occupied

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Some Problems With Garbage Collection

Jul 3, 2004

hi evryone
I have a question!
in my ASP.NET page I use a SqlDataAdapter object for working on my database
first I declare it as a global vaiable(SqlDataAdapter objDataAdapter;)
then I construct it in my Page_Load procedure like this
(objDataAdapter=new SqlDataAdapter(strSql,objConnention))
then when I want to use it in my other procedures an error tells me that your object does not exist
for solving this error I should construct my objDataAdapter in evry procedure using it.
but I think such variables should not be erased from Heap automatically(with Garbage Collection)
because it has a reference to Stack. I mean the global variable...
any opinion ?

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Pass A Collection To A SPROC

Feb 12, 2005

I am collecting companyID's form a data grid, I want to pass the selected values to a sproc via a variable. Any idea on the syntax?

this works using a query string within my code

WHERE (dbo.Promotions.ExpirationDate > GETDATE()) AND (dbo.Promotions.CompanyID IN (" + selectedCompanies + "))

this doesn't within my sproc

WHERE (dbo.Promotions_ByLink.ExpirationDate > GETDATE()) AND (dbo.Promotions_ByLink.CompanyID IN (@SelectedCompanies))

I also tried

WHERE (dbo.Promotions_ByLink.ExpirationDate > GETDATE()) AND (dbo.Promotions_ByLink.CompanyID IN (SELECT @SelectedCompanies))


WHERE (dbo.Promotions_ByLink.ExpirationDate > GETDATE()) AND (dbo.Promotions_ByLink.CompanyID IN (' + @SelectedCompanies + '))


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Changing The Unicode Collection

Oct 26, 2000

hi , what is the script to change the unicode collection in sql server 7.0

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ADO Does Not Add To Errors Collection After The Second FETCH NEXT In A SP

Feb 6, 2006

I'm having trouble obtaining errors raised in a stored
procedure via the ADO Errors collection after the second
FETCH NEXT statement from within that stored procedure.

Consider the following table created in a SQL Server

TestInt int

INSERT TestTable(TestInt) values(1)
INSERT TestTable(TestInt) values(2)
INSERT TestTable(TestInt) values(3)

This is a very simple table with one column, and three
rows containing the values 1, 2 and 3.

Consider this stored procedure:
set rowcount 0
Set NoCount ON

declare @TestInt int
declare @ErrMsg char(7)
declare TestCursor cursor forward_only for
select * from TestTable

open TestCursor
Fetch next from TestCursor into @TestInt

While @@fetch_status<>-1
select @ErrMsg = 'Error ' + convert(char, @testint)
raiserror(@ErrMsg, 16, 1)
raiserror(@ErrMsg, 16, 1)
Fetch next from TestCursor into @TestInt

Close TestCursor
DeAllocate TestCursor

This stored procedure simply defines a cursor on all rows
in TestTable. For each row fetched from the cursor, the
error message 'Error n' is raised twice, where n is the
integer that had just been fetched from the cursor.

Finally, consider this VB code using ADO to execute the
above stored procedure. After the stored procedure is
executed, the code loops through the errors collection,
and creates a message box for each error in the collection:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim cn As Connection
Dim cm As Command
Dim oErr As Error

On Error Resume Next

Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open "Data Source=<Some SQL Server>; Initial
Catalog=<Some Database Name>; Provider=SQLOLEDB; Persist
Security Info=False; Integrated Security=SSPI"

Set cm = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set cm.ActiveConnection = cn
cm.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
cm.CommandText = "TestStoredProc"

For Each oErr In cn.Errors
MsgBox oErr.Description

End Sub

When this code is executed, only two message boxes appear
with the message "Error 1".

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated :)

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XML Schema Collection Question

Nov 13, 2007

If I have N different xml document formats and I want to store those xml data files as typed xml in one table (one column), can I do it using xml schema collection (by adding schema file to schema collection for each document type and assigning xml schema collection to this column)?

Is this possible using xml schema collection? Or did I miss something about xml schema collection usage scenario?

Thank you!

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