Transact SQL :: CASE With Subselect And DATEADD Function Returning NULL Values

Jun 15, 2015

I'm running the following test query on a single table:

SELECT sph.datestamp, sph.stocksymbol, sph.closing, DATENAME(dw, sph.datestamp),
CASE DATENAME(dw, sph.datestamp)    
WHEN 'Monday' then 'Monday'  
ELSE (SELECT CAST(sph2.datestamp AS nvarchar) FROM BI_Test.dbo.StockDB AS sph2 WHERE sph2.DateStamp = DATEADD(d, -1, sph.datestamp) AND sph2.StockSymbol = 'NYA') 
END AS TestCase,

[Code] ....

And here's an example of the output I'm getting:

Why the exact same subquery in the THEN of the second CASE statement is returning NULL when the first one completes as expected?

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Transact SQL :: Preserve And Return NULL For Non Matching Values From A Table Valued Function

Jun 29, 2015

I have tables and a function as representated by the code below. The names  for objects here are just for representation and not the actual names of objects. Table RDTEST may have one or multiple values for RD for each PID. So the function GIVERD will return one or multiple values of RD for each value of PID passed to it.

When I run the following query, I get the required result except the rows for CID 500 for which PID is NULL in table T1. I want the rows for CID 500 as well with PID values as NULL.



[Code] ....

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Transact SQL :: DateAdd Expressions And IIF Null?

May 22, 2015

I have got this in my query, 

WHERE (((tblVehicles.Veh_Parts_Date)>=DateAdd("m",-12,Date()))

How do I say IIF Null return values anyway? 

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Transact SQL :: Return A Query Based On Dateadd Function

Aug 3, 2015

I'm trying to return a query based on the dateadd function.  I have a column in the database called date_added which is am successfully using the the DATEADD function above as date1.  The Var1 variable I need to populate from the database too from a column called life_span which is an int data type.  The error I get is An expression of non-boolean type specified in context where a condition is expected near select

My query is as follows: select guid, dateadd(day,life_span,date_added) as datepayday. From User_table

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Returning CASE As Null Problem

May 6, 2008

Hello again! I'm having yet another problem with my code.

CASE Kit WHEN 'Y' THEN '(Kit)' WHEN 'N' THEN '' END + ' ' +
CASE cream WHEN 'Y' THEN '(cream)' WHEN ' N' THEN '' END + ' ' +
CASE Phone WHEN 'Y' THEN '(Phone)' WHEN 'N' THEN '' END

The problem that I am running into is that if one of the values comes up as NULL the whole field is NULL. am i doing something wrong?

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EncryptByKey Function Always Returning Null

Aug 8, 2006

When I use EncryptByKey function to encrypt text using AES 128 bit key, I get always null result. this is how I do the encryption:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ProcMyProc](@ClearText nvarchar(50))


Declare @Temp varbinary(8000);

Set @Temp =EncryptByKey(Key_GUID('MyKey'),@ClearText);

close symmetric key MyKey;

select @Temp as temp;

The result I get for this procedure is null. Is there something wrong with this code?

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Returning Null Values

Jun 4, 2007

I have a simple table on my webpage which shows data from my database.
It all worked fine apart from one part. I wanted the select statement to select only NULL values from a column, as these are classed as open queries. Once I have closed the query a 0 or 1 will automatically be posted and will no longer have a NULL value.
I have a simple select statement (which I will post on here when I log in with my work computer) and at the end I have a WHERE Column = NULL. I have also tried WHERE column <> 0.0 AND column <>1.0 and that did not work.
If I only did WHERE column <> 1.0, i only get the 0.0 results and none of the NULL results, but if I have no WHERE statement I get all the results including the NULL values.

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Returning Values When Null Parameter Selected

Apr 3, 2008

i have a stored procedure that has parameters. this dataset is used in a crystal report. the parameters are in the sp and will return records if a value is selected. i would like to return records if one parameter or all parameters are selected.
there are 3 parameters, date range, receipt, po #
if i select a distinct value and leave the others null, or 2 values 1 null etc, i would like to return the records, i am having trouble with the syntax. thank you

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Function Returning Middle Values

Mar 7, 2007

I have this assignment where i have a table full of two digit exam scores and I have to write a function that eliminate x number of top values and x number of bottom values and return all the middle values. When the function is called, obviously a number is entered such as 3 and the top 3 and bottom 3 scores are not returned.
i.e. SELECT * FROM GetMiddleValues (3);

If anyone has any ideas on how to accomplish this, that would be great.


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Function Returning Multiple Values?

Mar 1, 2012

I have a table called tableA and i am fetching 10 rows from table.

select dept_id from tableA where branch = 'Chennai';

I got 10 records.

so n.....

Now i want to pass these dept_ids dynamically to a function parameter.

ie. exec function_name (@dept_id).

How do i write a function?

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Transact SQL :: GetDate Function Not Returning Any Results?

May 27, 2015

I am having a problem with the GETDATE().

WHERE TableName.ColumnNamne = Getdate()

The above SQL function does not return any results whereas the below SQL code returns results. Am I doing anything wrong?

WHERE SalesOrder.New_ActualShipmentDate >= GETDATE()

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Transact SQL :: CASE Expression - NULL

Jun 19, 2015

WITH cte
'val1' AS j UNION ALL


Why @i1 is null but not @i2 ? I'm trying to assign values after grouping by the column.

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CASE Statement And NULL Values

Oct 22, 2013

Code below:


If I am switching the NULL values to hyphens (-), why am I not getting any records when I look for hyphens in the WHERE clause? The script is not as simple as this or else I would just check for NULL values. I really need to switch NULL values to something I can pass on to a variable and query on it from Reporting Services.

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Transact SQL :: Check For NULL In CASE / WHEN Statements?

Aug 5, 2015

I have a table that keeps track of all changes that were performed in an application. There is a column called "old value" and column called "new value". There are some values in the application that don't require data therefore the "old value" or "new value" values can be empty. These columns are an nvarchar data type because the value can be text or numbers or dates. An example is "ReceivedDate". There is a report that is generated based on this table.

What is happening is the query in the report dataset is adding dates when it should be displaying empty. They query is using "CASE/WHEN/THEN". What I need is "When the column is "RecievedDate" and it is not null then convert it to a date". This is for formatting purposes.

This is an example of the table:

Old Value
New Value
 7/8/2015 5:00:00 AM
7/8/2015 12:00:00 AM
7/9/2015 5:00:00 AM
7/9/2015 12:00:00 AM

So, the first time it was updated there was no value but it was replaced with July 8, 2015 and so on.This is what the report is displaying

This is the query:

CASE UpdateColumn
... WHEN 'ReceivedDate' THEN (replace(convert(varchar(11),CONVERT ( date, oldvalue ), 106), ' ', '-') )
I tried adding
CASE UpdateColumn
WHEN 'ReceivedDate' IS NOT NULL
THEN (replace(convert(varchar(11),CONVERT ( date, oldvalue ), 106), ' ', '-') )

But it did not like the "IS NOT NULL".

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Subselect Within A Case Statement In Sqldatasource

May 31, 2007

I have a sqldatasource, and on the selectcommand I'm trying to use a case statement with a subselect. The case statement works fine without the subselect, but I'm trouble getting it to work with the case statement. Could you help me with the syntax? ThanksSelectCommand="
FROM [Recipes]
(CASE WHEN @Type='Appetizer' THEN Appetizer
WHEN @Type='Pies' THEN
(Select Distinct RecipeID, Title From Recipes
WHERE Title like '%Pie%')
WHEN @Type='Beverages' THEN Beverage
WHEN @Type='Dessert' THEN Dessert
WHEN @Type='Kids' THEN Kids
WHEN @Type='Side' THEN Side
WHEN @Type='Soup' THEN Salad
WHEN @Type='Main' THEN Main
WHEN @Type='Breakfast' THEN Breakfast
END) = 1"

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Transact SQL :: Returning Multiple Values From Column In Select Statement?

Nov 26, 2015

I am writing a query and have the bulk of it already written. 

I am looking at a table that contains customer orders. There is a column named Customer_Order.Status Available values for this column is R, F, H, and C.

I'd like for my query to return all lines that have the value R, F, H.

My where clause is written like this 


I know I'm missing something....

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Check For Null Values In Transact Sql

Aug 20, 2006

I am using Visual Web Developer Express 2005 and SQL Server Express 2005.
I have set up a trigger that fires when an update has been performed on a specific table.  The trigger checks to see if specific columns have been updated.  If they have, then the trigger code is executed.  This part works fine.
I am now trying to find a way to check if null values exist in either one of two field from the same table.  If either field contains a null value, then I don't want the trigger code to be executed.
How can I check for null values and skip a block of code within my Transact Sql trigger.

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Transact SQL :: Update Null Values

Jun 23, 2015

i want to display the max Date in place of NULL when Indicator is "1"


Emp  Num


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.NET Framework :: CLR Table Function With Null Values

Jun 23, 2015

I'm trying to do a Clr function wiht null values but I have an error. My Clr is like this:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;


A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "function":

System.InvalidCastException: La conversión especificada no es válida.
   en Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.ValueUtilsSmi.GetSqlInt16(SmiEventSink_Default sink, ITypedGettersV3 getters, Int32 ordinal, SmiMetaData metaData)
   en UserDefinedFunctions.function()

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SqlDecimal Function Parameters With NULL Values

Oct 4, 2007


I have a CLR function that throws an error if one of the parameters is NULL. Am I using the IsNullable tag correctly or am I supposed to do this another way? The function simply formats decimal values using .NET culture information and returns a string. Thanks very much for any help. -- Erik

[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(IsDeterministic=true, DataAccess=DataAccessKind.None)]

[return: SqlFacet(MaxSize = 30, IsNullable=true)]

public static string FormatGeneralDecimal([SqlFacet(Precision = 28, Scale = 8, IsNullable = true)] SqlDecimal sqlDc,

[SqlFacet(MaxSize = 10)] string cultureName)


string result = null;

if (!sqlDc.IsNull)


CultureInfo ci = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(cultureName);

result = sqlDc.Value.ToString("G", ci);


return result;


It works great unless I call it with a NULL value for sqlDc, in which case I get this:

select [dbo].[FormatGeneralDecimal](NULL, 'de-DE')

Msg 6522, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "FormatGeneralDecimal":

System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlNullValueException: Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values.


at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.ToDecimal()

at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.get_Value()

at MyFunctions.FormatGeneralDecimal(SqlDecimal sqlDc, String cultureName)

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Transact SQL :: Null Values After Converting To Right Outer Joins

Sep 25, 2015

I have tried all possible combinations of changing this. But was not able to make the results tally.I am giving you a part of the query, there are others queries involving 4 tables which are based on this same temporary table query.

SELECT c.juris_id, b.jrnl_mo_yr 
FROM a_trueup a,
#t_mths b, r_rj c   
WHERE a.rlzd_mo_yr
=* b.jrnl_mo_yr
=* c.juris_id


I tried using left outer join as mentioned in blogs but got a different result (14 rows).I also used set null off/on options but no luck ..

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Microsoft SQL Reporting Services - Which Function To Use To Evaluete Null Values?

Apr 14, 2008

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How To Ignore Null Value With Dateadd

Oct 4, 2007

Salamo alikom,

when i write this sentence in textbox in reporting service 2005 :
= iif(DateAdd( "h",Parameters! t.Value,Fields! completionTime. Value),"" ,Fields!completi onTime.Value)

Because this column contain null value.

So how to ignore null value with dateadd

AnyBody Can Help me.

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DATEADD Function?

Feb 21, 2008

 Hi ALL!anyone can help me resolve this problem.I create SQL sentence and using DATEADD to Update DATETIME FIELDand i need Increase 1 Year and Month is 04 and day is 01.example: origin datetime field : 2007/06/26result after update  is : 2008/04/01so by DATEADD(yy,1, datefield)?Have any expression for datefield  to set month and day like what i need?Thanks  .

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DateAdd Function

Jul 23, 2007


Can someone please tell me why the following won't work:


SELECT * FROM Validation where CourseDate > DateAdd(wk, -3, GetDate())

I want to select all records where the coursedate is more than 3 weeks old.


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Using DATEADD Function

Jan 3, 2005

:eek: Hi,
I'm getting problem while using DATEADD Function.

When I use DATEADD(MONTH, 1 '01/31/2005'), it returns 02/28/2005 and when I use DATEADD(MONTH, 1 '02/28/2005'), it returns 03/28/2005 but I want the result as 03/31/2005 ie last day of the month.

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Function Dateadd

Nov 9, 2006

can something tell me what function do i need if i want to know what happen the last three hours?
for example: dateadd (hh, -3, getdate())
it seems not working?!!

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DATEADD Function

May 23, 2008

I'm using a query that is not retrieving all of the data it should because of the datetime stamp. If I use the following in the where clause:

{} between '4/1/2008' and dateadd(day, 1 '4/30/2008')

that works fine for April but not for other months, where I might get more data from the following month than I should.

Is there a way to add hours, minutes, and seconds (23:59:59), all at the same time, without moving ahead an entire day?

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Jul 23, 2005

I need help in T-SQL.I am using DATEADD function and I want to add 6 months to a date. Butit does not return me the rusults, which I wante.g. SELECT DATEADD(m,'20040630') returns 20041230which is logical correct? But I want it to return end of month (i.e.20041231)Any help in this context will be highly appreciatedAbdul N. Khan

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DATEADD Function

Sep 7, 2007

I have two nearly identical querys that are running. One of the query's is using the SQL DATEADD function. These query's are running on a SLQ2005 MSDE. There is now service pack four applied to this server.
The question is:
Are there any known issues with the DATEADD function in SQL 2005? This query is used in a report that has been in use for about two years. There were some changes made to the server (BIOS upgrade) including adding this service pack. These changes did not cause any other SQL issues. This query now takes almost five minutes to run. The nearly identical query (the difference is the date is passed in as a parameter rather than using the DATEADD function) takes from one to two seconds. These reports have a history of nearly identical running time.

What is a good way to try and correct the issue or at least to try and isolate the problem? Have there been any known issues with this function?

Thanks for any help!

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Transact SQL :: Best Way To Make A Function For Summing Arbitrary Number Of Times Values

Jun 22, 2015

How is the best way to make a function for summing an arbitrary number of times values (table parm?)- I 've read it's necessary to convert to seconds, sum then convert back, but Im' wondering if there's an alternative.

Here's the example I want to sum:

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Transact SQL :: Function To Return Comma Delimited Values From Table Columns

May 12, 2015

I've to write a function to return a comma delimited values from a table columns

If a table has Tab1 ( Col1,Col2,Col3).

E.g. as below ( the columnName content I want to use as columns for my pivot table

@vCat NVARCHAR(4000)
SELECT @PList += N', [' + [ColumnName] +']'
FROM [ETL].[TableDef]
WHERE [IsActive] = 1
AND [Category] = @vCat

I want out put to be as below, I am getting this output from the select query independently by declaring @Plist variable and passing @vcat value, now I want it to be returned from a function when called from a select query output ,Colum1,column2,....

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Compressing Multiple Rows With Null Values To One Row With Out Null Values After A Pivot Transform

Jan 25, 2008

I have a pivot transform that pivots a batch type. After the pivot, each batch type has its own row with null values for the other batch types that were pivoted. I want to group two fields and max() the remaining batch types so that the multiple rows are displayed on one row. I tried using the aggregate transform, but since the batch type field is a string, the max() function fails in the package. Is there another transform or can I use the aggragate transform another way so that the max() will work on a string?

-- Ryan

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