Transact SQL :: Output A File With A File Header

Aug 27, 2015

In my SSIS Package, I have to write my [FileHeaderRecord] row, then my [BatchHeaderRecord] row, then my details. How can I do this in a SQL Server Query? When I try my SSIS, my file looks like so..

FHTEST 00000208262015             BH000208262015  

I want my BH, Batch Header data, to appear on a new row in the file.Do I have to build a dynamic query to do this?Is there any trick in SSIS to do something like this?I did try creating separate Data Flow Tasks to Query the [FileHeaderRecord] and then use a Flat File Destination and then another Data Flow Task to Query the [BatchHeaderRecord] and use a Flat File Destination again NOT overwriting the file.

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Output File With Header

May 16, 2002

Is there a way to save the column heading name in query analyzer when you save as a csv.file

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SQL Agent Jobstep Output File Contains Automatically Generated Header

Mar 28, 2007


I've created a stored procedure that creates a script to create a number of objects within the database (based on what existing objects are in the database). From Management Studio, this works fine, and the output is exactly as I want it.

I'm now trying to create a job that will execute this stored procedure, and deposit the results into a file somewhere on the server. When the job runs, the script is created in the correct place and is essentially ok.

However, there are a couple of questions I'd like to ask.

Why does SQL Server Agent put a header at the top of the output file? I was hoping to be able to use that output file 'as is' and execute it automatically to recreate my objects when required. (Obviously, I can manually remove the header, but this is an inconvenience in this situation). How do I stop it?

Also, when executed from SSMS, the output is correctly line-spaced. But, the output from the scheduled job adds an extra line between each line of text, which is, again, inconvenient. Why does it do this, and how can I prevent this (again, without manually editting the output)?

Any thoughts and help greatly appreciated.



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Transact SQL :: FOR XML Output To A File

Feb 19, 2013

I am using SELECT FOR XML which is working great.My problem is writing the results out to the filesystem.I am using spWriteStringToFile procedure that uses Scripting.FileSystemObject to write the file.The file gets written and all of the "xml" is there, but there are no CR/LFs and parsers, browsers and validators don't like it.What can I do to get a more usable output file?

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Transact SQL :: Query Output To JS File

Oct 5, 2015

I have 4 different queries in one SSMS New query window that are returning expected results in 4 resultsets. However I want to output these results to a single .js file one after the other in the order of queries. Is that possible?

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Transact SQL :: MERGE Function And OUTPUT To A File

Sep 14, 2015

I used the MERGE function for the first time. Now I have to create a pipe-delimited delta file for a 3rd party client of any deltas that may exist in our database.

What is the best way to do this? I have OUTPUT to a result set of the deltas...but I have to send over the entire table to the 3rd party via a pipe-delimited file.

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Is It Possible To Write A Format File That Skips A Few Bytes Of Header In Data File?

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I am trying to use BULK INSERT with format file. All of our data hasfew bytes of header in the data file which I would like to skip beforedoing BULK INSERT.Is it possible to write format file to skip these few bytes ofheader before doing BULK INSERT? For example, I have a 1 GB data filewith 1000 byte header. Except for first 1000 bytes, rest of the data isgood for BULK INSERT.Thanks in advance. Sorry if it is really a dumb question as I am newto BULK INSERT and practicing still.Bob

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TSQL Help; Need A Header File In The Top Of A Flat File

Aug 16, 2007

I have a tsql script that gets the data I need, into the format I need, and  saves it in a format (.output) I needI also have a script that creates a header for the report, basically its just a name and rowcount() that also works fine.PROBLEM: If I combine them using UNION, I have to pad out the header report with NULL columns, and it messes up the layout of the report.Anyone have  a simple way to do this?here's my code:SELECT 'A71310000'+ltrim(Str(count(UserName))) + 'HRBATCH' AS header, NULL as col2, NULL as col3, NULL as col4, NULL as col5, NULL as col6, NULL as col7, NULL as col8FROM db_owner.PS_HR_HrsWHERE Reported is NULLUNION ALLSELECT EmplID, Convert(VarChar,DateWorked,111),'STSSH', CAST(REPLACE(STR(HoursWorked,9, 5), SPACE(1), '0') AS nchar(9)), HRAccountCode, CAST(REPLACE(STR(EmployeePayRate,18, 6), SPACE(1), '0') AS nchar(18)), 'A_STUDSUM', HRAccountCodeOverrideFROM db_owner.PS_HR_HrsWHERE reported is NULL  What I need it to look like is: A713100007HRBATCH                                                                                       

2007/06/04STSSH012.00000 A108145                  00000000007.500000 A_STUDSUM

2007/06/05STSSH002.00000 A108145                  00000000007.500000 A_STUDSUM  ...(this is a ragid right with spaces padding out fixed width columns) THANKS for ANY light ANYONE can shed on this.   

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Generate A Separate Txt File For Each Account In A Table, Need To Join Tables To Get Details, And Specify Output File Name?

May 16, 2008


I'm looking for a good way to rewrite my T-SQL code with 'bcp' to SSIS package, any help would be greatly appreciated?

I have table1 contain account numbers and output-filename for each account,

I need to join table2 and table3 to get data for each account in table1, and then export as a txt file.

Here is my code using bcp (bulk copy)

DECLARE @RowCnt int,
@TotalRows int,
@AccountNumber char(11),
@sql varchar(8000),
@date char(10),
@ArchPath varchar(500)

SET @RowCnt = 1
SET @date = CONVERT(CHAR(10),GETDATE(),110)
SET @ArchPath = '\D$EDATAWorkFoldersSendSendData'
SELECT @TotalRows = count(*) FROM table1
--select @ArchPath

WHILE (@RowCnt <= @TotalRows)
SELECT @AccountNumber = AccountNumber, @output_filename FROM table1 WHERE Identity_Number = @RowCnt
--PRINT @AccountNumber --test
SELECT @sql = N'bcp "SELECT h.HeaderText, d.RECORD FROM table2 d INNER JOIN table3 h ON d.HeaderID = h.HeaderID WHERE d.ccountNumber = '''
+ @AccountNumber+'''" queryout "'+@ArchPath+ @output_filename + '.txt" -T -c'
--PRINT @sql
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @sql
SELECT @RowCnt = @RowCnt + 1

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File System Task - Output File Variable Syntax????

Feb 7, 2007


This should be incredibly simple and easy, but I can't find any examples of how to do this.

I just want to make a File System Task move a file, and have the destination be filename + date and time. For example \serversharefilename02072007.txt

What syntax do I use in a variable to make this work?


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Transact SQL :: Why Does File Seem Displaced When Send Server Results To A File

Aug 24, 2015

I have the following SQL

IFOBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempTable_Lockbox_File_Header_Record')IS NOTNULLDROP TABLE#TempTable_Lockbox_File_Header_Record
IFOBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempTable_Lockbox_Batch_Header_Record')IS NOTNULLDROP TABLE#TempTable_Lockbox_Batch_Header_Record


When I send my query results to a file in SQL Server Management Studio, how come I'm seeing the following in Notepad++? FH   TEST "FH" which I thought should be in a CHAR(2) data column is there but "TEST" seems to start in Column 6...not column 3 as I would have expected. I was expecting... FHTEST.

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Output Column Width Not Refected In The Flat File That Is Created Using A Flat File Destination?

May 11, 2006

I am transferring data from an OLEDB source to a Flat File Destination and I want the column width for all of the output columns to 30 (max width amongst the columns selected), but that is not refected in the Fixed Width Flat File that got created. The outputcolumnwidth seems to be the same as the inputcolumnwidth. Is there any other setting that I am possibly missing or is this a possible defect?

Any inputs will be appreciated.


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SQL 2012 :: Creating Dynamic SSIS File Format - Dynamic CSV File As Output

Mar 2, 2014

I am trying to create an ssis package with dynamic csv file as output. and out format contains query output.

sample file name:

Unique identifier + query output + systemdate();

The expression is looking like this.

@[User::FilePath] + @[User::FileName] + ".CSV"

-- user filepath is a variable from ssis package. File name is the output from SQL query. using script task i have assigned the values to @[User::FileName] .

When I debugged the script task the value getting properly but same variable am using for Flafile destination. but its not working.

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Log File With Header Row Only.

Aug 16, 2007

I have a parent a package which contains a bunch of Execute Package tasks. The parent package sets a variable which contains the directory for writing logs to. Each child is configured to write logs to a text file, and uses a connection manager for doing so. The connection manager uses an expression for setting the connection string, and in this expression the log directory varaible is used (e.g. @[User::LogDir] + "\FileName.log").

Now the problem is this, when I run the ETL, I'm getting 2 set of log files for each package: one log file is created in C: and the other in the correct dirctory. Each log in C: just contains a single header row, and the corresponding log file in the logging dir contains the log data (including the header row). Even though the filename is specified in an expression, a value for the connection string appears in the properties for the connection manager ("Filename" which probably where the C: log files are coming from). I can't seem to remove this value, and I don't want to hard-code it to a fixed path. I've also set DelayValidation to True, with no luck. I feel I must be missing something obvious, any suggestions? Thanks!

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Tab-delimited Header File

Feb 19, 2008

used bcp utility to send data to output file in tab-delimited format (-t ), but headerfile is separate entity in this query.

when I set FILEheader = firstname,lastname...what must I use to change the comma to tab in the header string. I have tried various ways , {t}, [-t], and others. what am I missing?

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Accessing The Header In The CSV File

Mar 20, 2008


I am trying to load data from a csv file into a sql table. The csv file has 30 columns and 40-50 rows.

Here is an example of the csv file
Header: Painting, DryWall, Flooring
Row1: 100, 200, 300

Here is an example of the Department lookup table
DeptNo, DeptName
11, Painting
22, DryWall
33, Flooring

I have to load the sql table like this
DepNo, Cost
11, 100
22, 200
33, 300

I tried to read the csv with/without headers, couldn't find a way to get the header as I was reading through the rows to get to the DeptNo.

Any ideas. Any help is appreciated.


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Get Header Data Of Flat File

Jul 4, 2007

hi everyone!

i am currently creating a package which involves getting data from CSV files. i can successfully get the data from the files, my problem is, i need to get data from the header of the CSV files. i am currently skipping the header rows. the format of the CSV files is as follows:

Date, 20070704
Store Code, storeCode1

data row.....
data row.....
data row.....

technically, i also need the date from the header row, but since it is also indicated in the data rows, i have no problem with that. what i need is the Store Code, which is not indicated on the data rows. i need to store the data in a database in the following format:

StoreCode Date column1 column2 column3 ......
storeCode1 20070704 ...
storeCode2 20070704 ...
storeCode3 20070704 ...


any idea how SSIS can handle this? thanks a lot!

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Header And Transaction In A Flat File

Mar 12, 2008

Hi All,
Any one could help me like how to port the data into the SQL Server Database if i have the below sample data in flat file.

2 300 1 3 5058045 09999XX999999999 01/10/200801/18/200840477
3 300 5058045 66 20080118232724
4 300 5058045 03000000235 20080118232724
4 300 5058045 03000000322 20080118232724
4 300 5058045 03000000335 20080118232724

Basically, Marked Red record stands for Transaction Header, Marked Green records are Transaction Detail 1 and Marked Blue records stands for another Transaction Detail 2.

Now I need to move the data, based on the Record Type ( First Column 2,3,4) If its RecTyp 2 then move into Tran Header table, when RecType 3 then move into Tran Det1 table and finally, when RecType 4 then move into Tran Det2 table.

Anyone could guide how to start this migration.

Note: The given sample is the one set of data in that flat file. Similarly in the same flatfile we have multiple set of data.

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SSIS Header And Detail To A File

Feb 19, 2008

Hi Anyone

How to export a header and details data from two different table and export it in the below format ?

RecordCount = 129 ------------> Header
001|Manager|2399.00|12 ------------> Detail Lines
Total Amount = 180000.00 ------------> Footer Line

I want to use the SSIS to do this job can anyone explain step by step.


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File Header Expression Issue

May 15, 2008


I created a header using the following expression

Code Snippet(DT_WSTR, 2 )DAY( GETDATE() )+ RIGHT("0"+(DT_WSTR, 2) MONTH( GETDATE() ),2 ) + (DT_WSTR, 4) YEAR( GETDATE() )+ RIGHT("0"+ (DT_WSTR, 2)@[Usuario::mes],2)+ (DT_WSTR, 4)@[Usuario::ano] + "Column1;Column2"

As you can see it's a 2 line header, but it adds two tab spaces at the begining of the following line.

Any clues?

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How Can I Take This Example Flat File And Parse Out Each Section To A New Flat File? Each Section Starts With HD (header Row)

Mar 13, 2006

How can I take this example Flat file and parse out each section to a new flat file?  Each section starts with HD (header row)

e.g. an example output file based on above (cutting out the first section) would be:

Also, I'll need to grab a certain value in each header row (certain position in the 100 byte header row) to use that as part of the filename that's outputed.  I assume it would be better to insert these rows into a temp table then somehow do a search on a specific position in the row...but that's impossible?  The other route is to insert each row into a temp table separated out by fields but that is going to be too combursome because we have several formats to determine separation of fields based on the row type so I'd have to create many temp tables and many components in SSIS when all we want to do is again:

1) output each group (broken by each header row) into it's own txt file

2) use a field in  the  header row as part of the name of the output txt file (e.g. look at the first row, whcih is a header row in flat_file_example. txt.  I want to grab the text 'AR10' and use that as part of the filename that I create

Any suggestions on how to approach this whole process in SSIS...the simplest approach that will work ?

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Checking Header Row From CSV File

Mar 5, 2015

I need to be able to see if the incoming csv file had a head row different than the previous files header row. That will tell me that I have new columns.

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How To Create A File With Header, Details & Footer

Aug 31, 2006

Hi All,

I need to create a query which gives me something like this

DDasb IT 3000

Where 'HH' is the header(followed by Date and time) and 'FF' is the footer (followed by Date, time and no of records)and 'DD' has some details (few fields) from database.I am using UNION to get this result but the problem is that if the count in the footer is 0 then query should not give any output.but If I am using the following query
select 'HH'+convert(varchar,getDATE(),112)+replace(convert(varchar,getdate(),8),':','') as filename,'' as name,'' as dept,'' as sal
union all
select 'DD'+'',filename,dept,sal from emp where empno like '%1%'
union all
select 'FF'+convert(varchar,getDATE(),112)+replace(convert(varchar,getdate(),8),':','')+ REPLICATE(0, 9-len(COUNT(*)))+''+convert(VARchar(10),COUNT(*)) as filename,'' as name,'' as dept,'' as sal from emp where empno like '%1%'

I am getting the result as

if the second select statement has no records

Please help

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Bulk Import With Header In Text File

Nov 28, 2005

I would appreciate some help on a procedure that I have. Using BulkInsert, I would like to import records from a text file. The issue Ihave is the file contains a header - '1AMC_TO_Axiz' and a footer'1AMC_TO_Axiz2". Using a format file, I can get the import to work byediting the file and removing these two entries. Is there a way tosetup the format file to skip these two entries? My file currentlylooks like this:7.0161 SQLCHAR 0 50 "|" 1 keyMemberNo2 SQLCHAR 0 10 "|" 2 fldEffdate.................16 SQLCHAR 0 10 "
" 16 fldNewRecordThanksCharles

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How To Reader Header And Footer In EBCDIC File?

Jun 19, 2007

I have data arriving in fixed-width EBCDIC format. Each file contains one or more groups of records. Before and after each group there is a header/footer, which is not in the same layout as the records that it describes. Header, record and footer each have a different layout to the other but are consistent within themselves.

Thankfully the one thing header, footer and record layout have in common is their length, so at the moment, using the appropriate code page in the Flat File Connection Manager, I'm able to read all the columns as strings. The headers and footers just come through, albeit a bit weird looking, and I can filter them out with a conditional splt.

However, the header contains information that needs to be appended to each record in the group. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to achieve this? I'm trying to avoid developing a custom data source for this task but, if there's no other way, has anyone done it and do they have any tips?

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Different Format In Flat File For Header And Data

Apr 12, 2007

Hello all,

Is it possible to have two different formats for the header and the data in a flat file connection?

An example text file would look like this:




where the header is delimited and the data is ragged right.

It looks like you should be able to accomplish this from the Flat File Connection Manager Editor interface, but perhaps having different delimiter dropdown boxes for the header and columns can only be used if you are using the Delimited format?

Thanks for any info you can provide!


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? About Error Message - Lost File Header

Oct 3, 2006

I made a mistake in copying my database and somehow lost my file header. How do I recreate my file header without losing all the data in my database? Is there a way to undo my mistake?



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Putting The Row Count In The Header Of A Text File.

Feb 7, 2008

Hello, I'm pretty new to SSIS but so far what I have is a package that exports a SQL Server table to a text file. I needed to add a dynamic header that had the date and time of creation. Now I need to know how many records are being exported and put that number into the header.

For the header I am using a script task in the control flow which works well to put the creation date in the header. The script runs and writes the header and then the data flow exports and appends the records to the same text file. It seems to me since the script runs before the data flow I won't know the amount of records until after the data flow is done.

Maybe I could write the header after the data is gathered but before it is exported. Can anyone make some suggestions?

Basically the text file would be:


the 154 would be the total number of records to follow.

While I'm at it can someone tell me how to access the destination file path in the flat file connection? Right now I'm just hardcoding the path into my script.


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Writing A Header Row To A Flat File Destination

Sep 18, 2006

I'm unable to figure out how to write a column header to my flat file destination. My source is a OLE DB SQL query and I need the column names as a header row in my text file destination. This seems easy but the closet I can find is hardcoding the column header row in the header property. Is this the only option?


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SQL 2012 :: Adding Header Information To XML Generated File

Apr 23, 2015

I have a sql query:

'5' AS 'value/@version',
'database' AS 'value/@type',
'master' AS 'value/name',
LTRIM(RTRIM(( [Server Name] ))) AS 'value/server',
'True' AS 'value/integratedSecurity',
15 AS 'value/connectionTimeout',
4096 AS 'value/packetSize',
'False' AS 'value/encrypted',
'True' AS 'value/selected',
LTRIM(RTRIM(( [Server Name] ))) AS 'value/cserver'
FROM dbo.RedGateServerList

I need to add some header information to the beginning of the query:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" standalone="yes"?><!--
SQL Multi Script 1
SQL Multi Script
Version:><multiScriptApplication version="2" type="multiScriptApplication"><databaseLists type="List_databaseList" version="1">

Everything I have tried ends up as a failure, usually compile issues. My goal here is to be able to automare a configuration file for multiscript so I can keep my server list up to date.

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Feb 21, 2007

I can't believe it's been a few days and I can't figure this out. We have a flat file (purchaseOrder.txt) that has header and detail lines. It gets dropped in a folder. I need to pick it up and insert it into normalized tables and/or transform it into another file structure or .NET class.

10001,2005/01/01,some more data

Can somebody place give me some guidance on how to do this in SSIS?

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Flat File With Fixed Length Header And No Delimeter

Aug 21, 2006


I'm trying to extract data from a Flat File which is as fixed length as they come. The file has a header, which simply contains the number of records in the file, followed by the records, with no header delimeter (No CR/LF, nothing).

For example a file would look like the following:


So this has 3 records (indicated by the first 8 characters), each consisting of a Name and Address.

I can't see a way to extract the data using a flat file connection, unless we add a delimeter for the header (not possible at this stage). Am I wrong?

Any suggestions on possible solution would be much appreciated - I'm thinking Ill have to write a script to parse the file manually.

Thanks in advance,


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Transform Header And Detail Flat File Into One Table

Sep 13, 2007

I have a flat file with header and detail information, it is actually employee punch card data. I need to parse the header line which contains the Employee ID and don't save it to a table just save the value. Then with the detail line, parse the different data elements and save them along with the employee ID to one table. Then continue until the next header line is read.

The file looks something like this:

FINNEY,RONNIE 0001005420
Mon 09/03 700a HOL 8.00
Tue 09/04 630a*E 326p 8.50 8.50
Wed 09/05 645a 330p 8.00 16.50
Thu 09/06 639a 2.40 18.90
HALL,MARK 0001005601
Mon 09/03 700a HOL 8.00
Tue 09/04 608a*E 257p 8.40 8.40
Wed 09/05 601a*E 259p 8.50 16.90
Thu 09/06 606a*E 3.30 20.20
Mon 09/03 700a HOL 8.00
Tue 09/04 556a*E 326p 9.10 9.10
Wed 09/05 600a*E 328p 9.00 18.10
Thu 09/06 554a*E 3.50 21.60

So I think I need a data flow transformation object that let's me save the Employee ID into a variable available when the next record is read. What type of transformation would be best?

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