Updating Systemtables Directly To Change Column-collations

Mar 3, 2005

Hi there.

Is there any way to update the system tables directly, to alter the collations of the columns in the user db's?

I've tried the script below:

UPDATE Syscolumns SET collation = 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS' WHERE name = '<AddrCode>'
AND id = object_id('<Compliance>')

but, I get the following error message:

Server: Msg 271, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Column 'collation' cannot be modified because it is a computed column.

Can you please help me! I need to do thousands of these, and most of them has constraints on, so my script I generated to do the ALTER TABLE.... ALTER COLUMN does not suffice.


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Change Collations In Many Tables Defined Using COLLATE

Jun 9, 2004

I have (inherited a) a db with lots of tables looking like the definition at the end of the message.

I need to change all these tables, so that all the textual fields follow the default DB collation.

Any help appreciated!

[id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[name] [varchar] (100) COLLATE Greek_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[address] [varchar] (255) COLLATE Greek_CI_AS NULL ,
[zoomAreaId] [int] NULL ,
[phone] [varchar] (255) COLLATE Greek_CI_AS NULL ,
[contact] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Greek_CI_AS NULL ,
[clubCategoryId] [int] NULL ,
[unused] [varchar] (2) COLLATE Greek_CI_AS NULL ,
[monday] [int] NULL ,
[tuesday] [int] NULL ,
[wednesday] [int] NULL ,
[thursday] [int] NULL ,
[friday] [int] NULL ,
[saturday] [int] NULL ,
[sunday] [int] NULL ,
[comments] [text] COLLATE Greek_CI_AS NULL ,
[URL] [varchar] (255) COLLATE Greek_CI_AS NULL ,
[image] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Greek_CI_AS NULL ,
[priceCategoryId] [int] NULL ,
[ratingId] [int] NULL ,
[entryDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[WAPText] [varchar] (255) COLLATE Greek_CI_AS NULL ,
[SMSText] [varchar] (160) COLLATE Greek_CI_AS NULL ,
[SMSAddress] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Greek_CI_AS NULL ,
[active] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[content_id] [bigint] NULL ,
[disp_as_propos] [bit] NULL ,
[date2disp] [datetime] NULL

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Unable To Resolve Column Level Collations

May 14, 2008


When I try to execute a package I get this following error. I have a bunch of similar packages which runs fine on the same source(sybase) and destination(sqlserver 2005), just different tables. Only few of them fails and all of them have the same error of "Unable to resolve column level collations. Bulk-copy cannot continue". I checked for the dtatatype and length between source and destination, both are same. The user have all the required rights on the objects in both source and destination.

Error at Data Flow Task For Test1 - test_tbl_job [OLE DB Destination [16]]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Unable to resolve column level collations. Bulk-copy cannot continue.".

Error at Data Flow Task For Test1 - test_tbl_job [OLE DB Destination [16]]: Failed to open a fastload rowset for "testdb..tbl2". Check that the object exists in the database.

On further trial and error I found that if I remove the fast load option, it works without glitch.

Its kind of wierd though....

Any body has faced this situation?


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Unable To Resolve Column Level Collations. Bulk-copy Cannot Continue

May 13, 2008


When I try to execute a package I get this following error. I have a bunch of similar packages which runs fine on the same source(sybase) and destination(sqlserver 2005), just different tables. Only few of them fails and all of them have the same error of "Unable to resolve column level collations. Bulk-copy cannot continue". I checked for the dtatatype and length between source and destination, both are same. The user have all the required rights on the objects in both source and destination.

Error at Data Flow Task For Test1 - test_tbl_job [OLE DB Destination [16]]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Unable to resolve column level collations. Bulk-copy cannot continue.".
Error at Data Flow Task For Test1 - test_tbl_job [OLE DB Destination [16]]: Failed to open a fastload rowset for "testdb..tbl2". Check that the object exists in the database.

Some body can shed light on this?


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Data In Systemtables

Jan 28, 2000


In which system table (and columns) can i find data of the Table's primarykey Field(s).

I know that in Sysobjects-table there's table names and in SysColumns-table there's Column names. So where is the description of primary - or foreignkey fields.



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SQL Server 2014 :: Capture Each Change In Database Without Updating Earlier Status

Jan 22, 2015

I have a matrix table. These status can be changed by the user and I want to capture each change in database with out updating the earlier status


Pending can be changed to submitted or completed. For one form there can be different status at different time. And each status must be saved in the database table. How can I design a table...

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Updating The Column Defined As 'Text' Column

Oct 31, 2002


I have a table with col_noteText defined as 'Text' datatype column.

I want to search a pattern 'Lawyer' and replace with 'Attorney' in the column col_noteText.

Does anyone know how to do this for 'Text' datatype column.

Thanks in advance.


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Reporting Services :: Change Column Size Dynamically Depends On Content Of The Column?

Jun 4, 2015

How to change column size dynamically depends on content of the column.

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Updating A Column With A Column From Another Table

Apr 1, 2004

Hi, I am kinda new to this so here it goes:

table name: USERS
field names : LName, FName, EmpID

other table name:PERSONNEL
field names : (same as USERS)

The EmpID column in my USERS table is blank (I have 30 records in the table.)

I would like to update the USERS.EmpID table with the PERSONNEL.EmpID data

how would I do this or what would the code be?


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Updating Max(column) And Between_dates Column

Apr 26, 2008


I have dataset which has max(column) and between_sale_dates columns So I would like to
update those columns. CustomerNo and Sales_date are important . This group by for these 2
colums. I can write a sproc but How can I do with SSIS?


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Do You Know Anything About Collations

Nov 5, 2003

I want to change the collation on a column to be case-sensitive without affecting anything else. What do I do?

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Jun 26, 2003

Can anyone point me to collation chart for Latin1_General and CP850?

I'm having conversion difficulties dealing with diacritics and want to look into the specifics.



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Nov 2, 2007

Hi there. I'm trying to create a copy of a remote database for development purposes. I am useing MySQL, the remote database is in MSSQL. The create table commands contain a collation titled


which MySQL doesn't recognise. The three most similar collations I can find in MySQL are:

Does anyone know the difference between these collations? And whether any of them is equivalent to the MSSQL code I have to implement?

thanks! Dave

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Need Help With Collations

Jul 20, 2005

I want to create a database where the table names / column names / SP namesare NOTcase sensitive but where the data in the tables is, so that I canbuild a unique index where 'test' and TEST' is accepted as different.I have tried Installing SQL with a Collation designator with the CaseSensitive option checked- this caused all sp names / column names / table names to be casesensitive - not what I want.I have also tried installing SQL and selecting a SQL Collation and pickingan option from the drop down list. - again this cause everything to be casesensitive - not desiredDo I have to install SQL with a non case sensitive collation, then set eachcolumn in the table to be case sensitive? What if any are the problems I amlikely to come across?ThanksSteve

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SQL2000 Collations

Feb 4, 2002

I noticed that when I installed SQL2000,with "typical install",
the default, the following will be used:
SQL collation (dictionary order, case-insensitive, assent sensitive)
sp_helpsort will give

Is there any difference if I choose the "custom install", then and choose
the windows locale which gives the result of sp_helpsort:

SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI is supposed for backward compatibilty, so are
they actually equivalent ??
Any impact or difference we have to be aware of ??
Anyone knows..Thx

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Changing Collations...

Mar 2, 2006

I have looked thru the forum but have a couple of questions:
1) data base was created with case insensitive collation
2) all the tables were then create (72 tables) and by default got the CI collation on all columns
3) lots of data was added 2GB
4) discovered mistake and altered the database to have case sensitive collation
5)..... how to change all the collations for all the columns without doing them all manually
can i backup the database and change some settings and restore it?
export all the data, drop and recreate tables and import data?

View 7 Replies View Related

Changing Collations

Dec 19, 2005

Hi,We have around 150 databases as case sensitive, and we are planning tochange it to case insensitive. Each database has around 180 tables, Ihave changed the collation on DB, but changing collation manually oneach column is a daunting process. Is there any script or tool whichcan assist in doing this.Appreciate your help.ThanksSAI

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Collations And Nvarchar

Aug 22, 2007

Should a programmer bother using nvarchar for a person's name (special chracters allowed) if I still use SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS?

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Updating A Column In SQL

Dec 13, 2006

I am trying to update a users status from Pending to either Approved or Rejected.  I created the following handers to update me db by I keep getting a syntax error. What am I doing wrong? public partial class admin_beta : System.Web.UI.Page{    protected void ApproveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=TECATE;Initial Catalog=subscribe_mainSQL; User Id=maindb Password=$$ricardo; Integrated Security=SSPI");        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE [main] ([status]) VALUES (@status)", conn);        conn.Open();        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@status", "Approved");        int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();        conn.Dispose();    }    protected void DenyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=TECATE;Initial Catalog=subscribe_mainSQL; User Id=maindb Password=$$ricardo; Integrated Security=SSPI");        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE [main] ([status]) VALUES (@status)", conn);        conn.Open();        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@status", "Rejected");        int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();        conn.Dispose();    }}

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Updating A Column By The Value Of '1'

Nov 6, 2007

Hi,Its probably simple but.. How do I update a column by just '1'..for example - heres my code:    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();        con.ConnectionString = "HiddenConnection";        con.Open();        SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();        command.Connection = con;        Label productIDLabel = (Label)DataList1.FindControl("productIDLabel");        command.CommandText = "UPDATE Items SET numberclickedin = numberclickedin + 1 WHERE productID=@productID";        command.Parameters.Add("@productID", productIDLabel.Text);        command.ExecuteNonQuery();        con.Close();        command.Dispose();    } As you can see in the bold text, I want to add 1 to the numberclickedin column.. and in my primative way Ive just typed +1What should I use instead?Thanks in advance,Jon 

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HELP Updating Column

Nov 15, 2006

How can I create an update statement that will allow me to fill in a column if the previous column already has data in it? I am trying to do and UPDATE/SET command that allows me to extract information and populate columns within a table. However, the UPDATE/SET has to make sure that it is not overwriting information that is already in the column and if there is, to populate the column next to it, and so on until all the columns are populated.

Here is my table:


create table #add_diags(
add_diag_1 varchar(10) null,
add_diag_2 varchar(10) null,
add_diag_3 varchar(10) null,
add_diag_4 varchar(10) null,
add_diag_5 varchar(10) null,
add_diag_6 varchar(10) null,
add_diag_7 varchar(10) null,
add_diag_8 varchar(10) null

In my UPDATE/SET I am pulling data from another table to populate into the 'add_diag' columns however, I'm not sure how to write in SQL the ability to monitor all the columns, and if for example the first three are full to then populate into the fourth and so on.

Here is my UPDATE/SET statement (while involved, I think I need something in my WHERE clause in order for this to be resolved):


update ad
set add_diag_1=dsm_code
from #add_diags ad
join Doc_Entity de
on ad.patient_id=de.patient_id
and ad.episode_id=de.episode_id
and doc_code = 'DCDIAG'
join Patient_Assignment pa
on de.patient_assignment_id = pa.patient_assignment_id
and convert(char(8),de.effective_date,112) = convert(char(8),pa.date_discharged,112)
left outer join Doc_Diag_Axis_I_III dx1
on de.doc_session_no=dx1.doc_session_no
and de.current_version_no=dx1.version_no
where dx1.sequence_no=2
and de.is_locked = 'Y'
and dx1.rule_out = 'N'
and is_billable = 'Y'
and dx1.axis_type IN ('1','2')
and de.status in ('CO' , 'SA')

Any ideas? Thanks!

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English And German Collations

Apr 10, 2007

I have developed a tool to allow project developers to easily re-create the entire schema for our base product. The current issue involves setting the correct collation for the customers' region. Our brother company in Germany uses the same db creation tool and scripts, and we here in the US also have customers in South America. My ultimate question is "what subset of collation names would be necessary to provide the project developer?" I could query the database to get all the collation names, but I think it was around 1000 names. Can I query to get a smaller subset of the most relevant collation names?


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Updating Identity Column

Sep 18, 2007

Please excuse my ignorance.  I've researched this and it appears I am asking to do something that is ridiculous, so please let me know what is wrong with my design (or my brain).  I'd like to update an ID number in a table.  It is an identity column.  In my solution I'm adding a lot of new entries into my table and deleting old ones.  Call me anal, but It's driving me nuts that my ID numbers are growing so large so quickly and that I have so many unused ID's.  If you were to look over my data ID's they would be something like 1,3,45,78,88,89,103,140,219.  What I'm trying to do is renumber my data so that my data currently at say ID# 1067 can be moved to the unused ID#2, etc.  So I either need a way to update an Identity column...or I need a way find the lowest unused number among a list of ID's.  So is there anyway to achieve what I am trying to do?  I see this guy had my same OCD issue (without a solution) :-(

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Updating A Text Column

Sep 20, 2001

how can i update a column with datatype of text with a combination of columns having a datatype of float? do i convert the float columns to varchar/char/?? and/or can i convert the column i am updating?


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Updating IDENTITY Column

May 2, 2000

Do anyone knows if there is a way that I can manually update the value in an IDENTITY column?


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Updating Column In A Table

Jan 18, 2001

hi i want to update column with new value in a table is it possible to do so in stored procedure . the name of the column will be an input to stored procedure ie at the time of writing the stored procedure i dont know which column the user will be updating

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Updating Table With New Column

May 25, 2001

Does anyone know of the SQL statement to add additional comuns to an existing table. I know i can do it through enterprise managaer, but I want to see if I can do it from query analyzer or some script to add columns without having to recreate the table. Or a way to save off the data and recreate the table then placing data back in? I hope that makes sense. I am thinking of this from the sens of doing all updates through source safe


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Column Chechking While Updating

Jan 3, 2004

If amc.amc2>0 then
“UPDATE amc set AMC2= AMC2 + “ & val(txtamt.text) & “where am1=1”
else if amc.amc2<0 then
“UPDATE amc set AMC2= “ & val(txtamt.text) & “where am1=1”
end if

Here I check the value of column with if condition statement. I need to check the column with out if condition statement.

What is my doubt is that how I can check value of amc2 column while updating.

eg: update amc set case when amc2>0 then AMC2= AMC2 + “ & val(txtamt.text)
like this

Is it possible with “case-when -end”?

If it is possible I can solve a big problem in my project.
Can you give me an example with this query?

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Updating Rows Of A Column

Apr 10, 2008

Hi, I need to update column week14 in table PastWeeks with data from Eng_Goal and then result of some calculation from table AverageEngTime in the row Goal and Used respectively. I used the following and was not successful. Please advice. Thank you.

Update Pastweeks
week14 = (SELECT Eng_Goal,((Mon_Day + Mon_Night + Tue_Day + Tue_Night + Wed_Day + Wed_Night + Thu_Day + Thu_Night + Fri_Day + Fri_Night + Sat_Day + Sat_Night + Sun_Day + Sun_night)* 100/168) FROM AverageEngTime where Shifts = 'Average')
where Weeks = ('Goal','Used' )

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Updating Column Data On The Fly?

Jul 23, 2005

Hey...newbie question: I've got three columns in my database, thethird of which is blank right now, and I need it to equal the value ofcolumn one minus column two. While I can accomplish this in the .aspxpage with a subroutine, I want to do it in SQL Server so I can simplyread the data in the page and not have to do any calculations. Helpplease? Thanks.Erik

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Updating Telephone Column

Apr 3, 2006

Hi all

I have a column the customer table which holds the telephone numbers,

0293 232 232 2

2323 23232333

0222229999 00

the problem is that they all appear with spaces in different places, i need to remove all the spaces, remove the leading 0 if ther eis one and put +44 on the front.

Any suggestions??

Regards Rich

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Changing Collations For Master Database.

May 3, 2004

Hi there

I am using SQL server 2000 and
I want to Change Server Collations from SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN to

Can anybody help me in this regard.



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Collations And Simple Import From A Csv-file

Apr 23, 2007

Hello. Here a two different problems that occur one and a while when I try to import a textfile to SQL Server 2005.

I have a flat file connection to a csv-file that originally is a export from an AS4000 DB2 database
This csv-file is defined as a variable length file
Why do SSIS automatically interpret the length of each column as varchar(50)? It does not matter if a define the same file as a fixed lenght file. The problem is that I will get a warning that information in columns will be truncated. I would like to do a direct export to the SQL Server 2005 table with shorter varchar fields. I can solve this by using the task for transforming data types but this only works on the text fields. This task cannot transform a string to a decimal or an integer column in the SQL Server 2005 table. Is there no other way than having a staging table between the text file and the SSIS-data pipe?
I also get a lot of collation or code page errors even if we set the receiving columns to nvarchar and nchar. Is there any good article on this subject? Code page errors

Last question. Is there parameter support in the data reader source connection?

I appreciate all help.


Thomas Ivarsson

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