Use SQL Server Express 2005 With Visual Studio 2003

Jul 16, 2007

Hi, is it possible to use SQL server express 2005 with visual studio 2003?

i've some problems...


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Can I Use MS SQL Server Express 2005 In Visual Studio 2003?

Aug 3, 2007

I have been experiencing troubles since I was decided to install SQL Server Expr 2005 in my PC, first I needed to remove the .NET framework 1.1 in my computer because it is suggested before installing sql server expr 2k5 that cause my 2003 to stop loading because sql express runs in .NET framework 2.0 and 2003 is in .Net Framework 1.1 then what I did is to install .Net Framework 1.1 in my PC together with .Net Framework 2.0 and my started runnning again.

My problem now is when I try to connect to a database using Data Link Properties in the Server Explorer it says "[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen](Connect()).]Sql server does not exist or access denied." how could this happen if I can see the sql server in the Server Explorer in my environment?

Please somebody help me I am just learning to this language and I think I cannot proceed to the next few chapters remaining because of this.

Thank you very much!

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Whether SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Can Work With Visual Studio 2003 (Ver 1.1)

Mar 3, 2006

We are new to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. We are going to develope a solution for one of our client and we have to decide on which database to use for the solution. Client wanted to have a low cost solution. Thus we were not in a position to push them for SQL Sever 2000.

In the process, we also thought of having MySQL as one of the option. Another option we have is to use SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.

We wanted to know if SQL Server 2005 Express Edition can be used with Visual Studion 2003 (Ver 1.1) or it can only be used with Visual Studio 2005 (Ver 2.0)?

Hope to get feedback soon.



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Connecting Visual Studio 2003 To SQL Server Express 2005 Edition

Jan 11, 2006

I was wondering if it is possible to connect the SQL Server 2005 Express Version to Visual Studio 2003.If its possible , how can it be done?Cos i seem to have an error if i do so.

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SQL Express 2005 With Visual Studio 2003

Jun 2, 2006

I am just starting to work with Visual Studio and SQL. I have Visual Studion 2003 with .net Framework 1.1. I want to download the SQL 2005 Express version and it requires the upgrade to .NET Framework 2.0

Will this affect my Visual Studio 2003? And can I use SQL 2005 with Visual Studio 2003?

Any help would be appreciated.


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SQL 2005 Express And Visual Studio 2003 - Connecting

Jul 20, 2006

I have Visual Studio 2003 and had used it successfully with MSDE. I recently upgraded to SQL 2005 Express and cannot seem to connect to the SQL server. it appears in the list of servers on localhost, but when I try to create a new database it tells me that it "cannot create databases on this server." It will not even open up any existing databases.

I have .NET 2.0 installed. I uninstalled SQL and reinstalled it, but nothing seems to help. I feel I must be missing something, but do not know what.

I no longer have the MSDE installation files, so I hope I can get Studio to talk to SQL Express.

Any help is appreciated.

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Connecting To SQL Express 2005 Via Web.Config File In Visual Studio 2003

Oct 30, 2007

 I am following a project to build a small E-Commerce site from a book I have purchased and I have having problems connecting to the SQL Database with the code supplied.
The book is Apress Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 E-Commerce
 The code added to the Web.Config file is :
<add key="ConnectionString" value="Server=(local)NetSDK;Integrated Security=True;Initial Catalog=JokePoint" />
The connection details are in a class file called Catalog.vb and is as follows
Imports System.Data.SqlClientPublic Class Catalog
Public Shared Function GetDepartments() As SqlDataReader
'Create the connection objectDim connection As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
'Create and initialize the command objectDim command As New SqlCommand("GetDepartments", connection)
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
'Open the connection
'Return a SqlDataReader to the calling functionReturn command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
End Function
Private Shared ReadOnly Property connectionString() As String
GetReturn ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString")
End GetEnd Property
End Class
 The error is.....
Cannot open database "JokePoint" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'MachineNameASPNET'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open database "JokePoint" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'MachineNameASPNET'.Source Error:

Line 15: 'Open the connection
Line 16:
Line 17: connection.Open()
Line 18:
Line 19: 'Return a SqlDataReader to the calling function
Source File: C:MyCommerceSiteJokePointBusinessObjectsCatalog.vb    Line: 17 Stack Trace:

[SqlException: Cannot open database "JokePoint" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'MachineNameASPNET'.]
System.Data.SqlClient.ConnectionPool.GetConnection(Boolean& isInTransaction)
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolManager.GetPooledConnection(SqlConnectionString options, Boolean& isInTransaction)
JokePoint.Catalog.GetDepartments() in C:MyCommerceSiteJokePointBusinessObjectsCatalog.vb:17
JokePoint.DepartmentsList.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:MyCommerceSiteJokePointUserControlsDepartmentsList.ascx.vb:44
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)

The connection tests ok in Visual Studio 2003. All permissions are set using SQL Management Studio Express 2005.
The book is using SQL 2000, I have been trying different connection syntax's in the Web.Config file all day and now I have a big headache. I know its something simple, can anyone please advise ?
Thanks in advance.

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Visual Studio 2003 And SQL Server Express

Apr 14, 2006

I'm attempting to connect to my SQL Server Express instance through Visual Studio 2003. When I go to Data Connections, I choose the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, then fill in all the parameters for my server (server name, username, password, database). When I click "Test Connection" it goes through successfully. When I click "Ok" to create the Data Connection, it fails saying that the username and password should be checked. I changed the username and password to the "sa" account I created when I installed SQL Server Express, and got the same successful connection test, but failure when it tries to create the connection. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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Connect To SQL Server 2005 From Visual Studio 2003

Jul 21, 2006

hello all,

i have SQL Server 2005 installed on a network computer and want to access it through code in I am using visual studio 2003.

I have porvided this connection string to connect to that Sql Server 2005 Express instance but failed:

data source=mynetworkstystemSQLEXPRESS;database=MobMatiLogs;User Id=sa;password=mobmasti786

But I get the error:

SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Anyone please help me!

Thanks in advance

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DB Connection From Visual Studio 2003 To Sql Server 2005

Jun 1, 2007

I have one computer running Visual Studio 2003, and another running SQL Server 2005. I am trying (unsuccessfully) to add a connection to a sqlDataAdapter from an application in the Visual Studio 2003 computer to the db on the SQL 2005 machine.

If I go to the machine running sql 2005, where I am running visual Studio 2005, I can create this connection with no problems.

Is there a way fromvisual Studio 2003 to create a sqlDataAdapter with a connection to SQL 2005?

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Can Visual Studio 2005 BI Co-exist With Visual Studio 2003?

Jan 19, 2006

I ask because I'm still looking for the source of interface problems I have in using the SSIS designer.

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Using Visual Studio 2003 With Sql Server 2000 And Planning To Switch To Sql Server 2005

Aug 24, 2006

We have a project already developed iusing VS 2003 Enterprise architect edition using sql server 2000(have lots of table and stored procs etc.)
Now planning to switch to Sql server 2005 are there any issues associated with the switch.
I mean front end programming wise and front end codes do they work straight away or need to make any changes to all the front end codes, we are using datasets, data readers calling stored procs and also using lot of hash tables and XML object to make bulk loads to sql server via sqlxml3.0 sp3.
Please help thank you very much for the information.

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SQL Server 2005 - Studio Express Vs. Visual Studio 2005 Install

May 5, 2006

I'm very confused.  I installed Visual Studio 2005 and thought I understood that SQL Server 2005 came with it, but it appears that it's SQL Server 2005 - Express.  Can anyone tell me what I need to do in order to get Data Transformation Services loaded or the equivalent of DTS in SQL Express? 

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How To Apply SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 To The Version Of SQL Server 2005 Express Which Installs With Visual Studio 2005?

Aug 8, 2006

When I installed VS 2005, it installed the default version of SQL Server 2005 Express that ships with Visual Studio 2005 installer media.

How can apply SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 to update this existing instance?

Currently, if I run this query:

SELECT @@version

I get the following:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86) Oct 14 2005 00:33:37 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Express Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)

After applying SP1, I should get 9.00.2047.00.

Should I just go to this link and download & install the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP1:

Thank you,


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SQL/CLR Debugging Hangs On Visual Studio 2003 And SQL 2005

Feb 5, 2008

I am unable to debug code from a SQL Database Project using the CLR. After VS 2005 does the auto-attaching to the SQL server, VS hangs until I tell it to stop debugging. Many others have reported this as a similar problem, however this only seems to affect me when I€™m connecting to specific servers. Specifically it seems to be remote connections. When I attempt to connect to my SQL 2005 Developer Edition €œlocally€? I get right through and can debug.
From my VS output window:

Auto-attach to process '[1688] [SQL] gx620-eric' on machine 'gx620-eric' succeeded.

Debugging script from project script file.


No rows affected.

(0 row(s) returned)

Finished running sp_executesql.

The thread 'gx620-eric [59]' (0x1730) has exited with code 0 (0x0).

The thread 'gx620-eric [59]' (0x1730) has exited with code 0 (0x0).

The thread 'gx620-eric [59]' (0x1730) has exited with code 0 (0x0).

The thread 'gx620-eric [59]' (0x1730) has exited with code 0 (0x0).

The program '[1688] [SQL] gx620-eric: gx620-eric' has exited with code 0 (0x0).

When I attempt to connect to a remote server running Enterprise Edition, it hangs after a successful attach.

Auto-attach to process '[1856] [SQL] virtual2003eric' on machine 'virtual2003eric' succeeded.

Sometimes after countless attempts, I am able to get this to work, but lately I have had no success. As far as the SQL Server side, enabling and disabling the CLR through the Surface Area Configuration seems to be the only place to do anything relative to the CLR inside SQL server.

I have firewalls disabled. All SQL Servers presently have both SQL 2005 SP2 and Visual Studio 2005 SP1 installed.

I€™ve tried restarting servers and services, checking and un-checking €œAllow SQL/CLR Debugging€? and those steps did not work for me.

Does anyone have any insight on this one? Any ideas on how I can further debug this one?



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SQL Server 2005 Express Edition And Visual

Jun 29, 2007

I work for a school district and our business lab is looking at using Visual and since MSDE is being replaced by SQL Server Express 2005, will that work with Visual for creating applications.

Thanks ahead of time.

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Can I Use .dbp Files With Visual Studio 2005 + SQL Express Server?

Feb 7, 2008

Alright I'm using Visual Studio 2005 with SP1 and SQL Server Express 2005. I've downloaded all the updates on Windows Update. I'm joining a project late and trying to get the C#/SQL web-app up and running. My project manager has it built with Visual Studio 2005 pro and a full blown corporate license for the SQL server, but I don't have access to the SQL server quite yet.

When I try to open the "LLRCWEB.sln" file I receive the following error:

"The application for project 'C:Documents and Settings......LLRCSQL.dbp' is not installed.
Make sure the application for the project type (.dbp) is installed."

Has anyone encountered this problem before? Are there any plug-ins or particular application versions you know are required to handle '.dbp' files, or will I have to Install Visual Studio 2005 Pro and get access to the SQL server?

Any input would be greatly appreciated

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How To Slipstream Sql Server 2005 Express SP1 Into Visual Studio 2005 Setup?

Jul 18, 2006

Hello, I would like to know if anyone here has any information on how to change the default version of SQL Server 2005 Express which ships with Visual Studio 2005 to the new SQL 2005 Express SERVICE PACK 1?

I see a file under disc:vswcuSSESQLEXPR.exe I am wondering if changing that file with the new one from Microsoft Download Center will do it...

There's another file under that folder named sqlexpr32.exe I am wondering what it's for?

Thanks in advance.

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How To Slipstream Sql Server 2005 Express SP1 Into Visual Studio 2005 Setup?

Jul 18, 2006

Hello, I would like to know if anyone here has any information on how to change the default version of SQL Server 2005 Express which ships with Visual Studio 2005 to the new SQL 2005 Express SERVICE PACK 1?

I see a file under disc:vswcuSSESQLEXPR.exe I am wondering if changing that file with the new one from Microsoft Download Center will do it...

There's another file under that folder named sqlexpr32.exe I am wondering what it's for?

Thanks in advance.

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Visual Studio 2005 Unable To Connect To SQL Server Express 2005

May 26, 2008

I have VS Pro 2005 and SQL Server Express 2005 installed on an XP Pro machine. When using VS 2005, in the 'Server Explorer' window I can see and attach to two SQL Server databases that I have set-up. But if I attempt to access the same databases from withn the 'Solution Explorer' window I get the following dialog box message,

Required Component Missing (Dialog box heading)

Connections to SQL Server Files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express to function properly. Please verify the installation of the component or download from the URL:

I have uninstalled and then reinstalled both VS 2005 and SQL Server Express twice but it has helped.

I don't understand why I'm getting this error because all of the server configuration tools and connection utilities seem to work fine but VS say's that SQL Server Express is not installed.



I had another application that required MSDE 2000A to be installed. When I removed the other application I also removed MSDE 2000A and that's when the problem began.

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Visual Studio 2005 Bootstrap Package For SQL Server 2005 Express Edition With Advanced Services SP2

Feb 15, 2008

Hi there,

Anyone know how I can replace (or download) the sqlexpr32.exe bootstrap package with the advanced services SP2 edition of SQL 2005 express ?


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Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt Missing From SQL Server 2005 Express Toolkit Install

May 10, 2006

The program shortcut "Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt" seems to be mising from the "Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt" Start menu added by the current Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit. Where is it? How to workaround?

I am trying to do Download details SQL Server 2005 Samples and Sample Databases (April 2006) -> GettingStartedWithSQLSamples.htm which says "a. Open a Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 command prompt. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, point to Visual Studio Tools, and then click Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt." but I can find no such command prompt within "Visual Studio Tools", only "Visual Studio 2005 Remote Debugger{, Configuration Wizard}".

What's wrong? How to fix or workaround? I'd install .NET SDK 2.0 to get it's Command Prompt but that's about 570MB merely for a command prompt!

Thanks for your help, -Mike Parker

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SQL Server 2005 Express And Visual Studio 2005 Standard

Jul 9, 2006

Hi everyone,I am trying to connect to SQL Server 2005 Express with Advanced Services from Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition.  I have SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition but it took up so much space and resources on my computer that I didn't want to put it back on there.  So I put the SQL Express on there and while the Management Studio application connects just fine, VS 2005 will not.  Oddly enough, VS 2005 connected just fine to SQL 2005 Standard.  I have enabled shared memory, named pipes and TCP/IP.  I have set up SQL Express to accept remote connections on named pipes and TCP/IP.  And I have tried running SQL Express as the Local System Account, as a Local Service and as a Network Service.  Nothing.  I have tried feeding the Server Name is the Data Connections dialog in Visual Studio my SQL Express instance as (local)/SQLEXPRESS, localhost/SQLEXPRESS, and {computername}/SQLEXPRESS where {computername} is the name of my local computer which SQL Express is (allegedly) running on.  And I cannot get the list of databases on that server.There is probably something very simple that I have left out.  Can anyone see what it is?Thanks!

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SQL Server 2005 Express Connectivity With Visual Studio.NET 2005

Dec 5, 2007

I'm having a problem with the server connection and my C# code. The code executes alright but no data is entered into the database behind it.  I'm pasting the connection code over here as well. The sql commands are used in the code. I think I used the sql server mobile edition which is installed along with visual 2005. Anyone know what's wrong, and can help me out? Thanks in advance.public static void storeInDb(string trackName, string artist, string albumTitle, string year, string path, uint[] fp)
string connStr="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename='"+path+"\Data\ACI.mdf';Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True";SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr);
conn.Open();string sql = "INSERT INTO Clip(Song, Artist, Album, Year) VALUES('" + trackName;sql = sql + "','" + artist + "','" + albumTitle + "','" + year + "')";
 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
 sql="SELECT max(ClipID) FROM Clip";
cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);int id = Int32.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString());for (int i = 0; i < fp.Length; i++)
sql="INSERT INTO Hash VALUES ("+id+","+(i+1)+","+(int)fp[i]+")";cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);

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Visual Academic (2002) With Sql Server Express 2005?

Sep 17, 2006

Can Visual Academic (2002) be used with Sql Server Express 2005?

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Can I Install Visual Studio 2008 Without The SQL Server 2005 Express And Use Instead My SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition?

Feb 22, 2008

(1) I have already installed of SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition first.

(1) Can I install visual studio 2008 without the 2005 express edition of SQL server? Will be any problems because I don't have express edition of SQL server? Do I need to install the express edition of SQL server as well?

(3) How to use SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition instance on visual studio 2008?

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Can I Use Reporting Services 2005 Reports On An ASP.NET Page Created With Visual Studio 2003?

Oct 15, 2007


I've seen this question floating around, but I have not been able to find a definitive answer.

Can this be done, and if so, what do I need to install into Visual Studio 2003?

Thank you.


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SQL Server Mobile With Visual Studio 2003

Jan 2, 2006

I've recently noticed the availability of SQL Server Mobile, and would
like to take advantage of some of the new features, however, I'm
currently using Visual Studio 2003. The requirements state that Visual
Studio 2005 is required, but I was wondering if anyone has had any
success getting it to work with VS 2003?

I hope that I can do this with VS 2003, but if VS 2005 will be
required, I'd like to clear up a few issues before asking my workplace
to fork out more money for the upgrade:

What have your experiences been like in getting clients to
upgrade from SQL Server CE to SQL Server Mobile? I've seen some
postings regarding problems with specific devices which seem a bit
worrying, but I was wondering how easy it was in general.

Does SQL Server Mobile really do a good job of reclaiming wasted
space? Using SqlCeEngine's Compact method has caused problems due to
the required storage space to perform the operation.

The documentation states that using SQL Server 2000 with SP3A is
supported, but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this?

Thanks in advance,


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Need Help To Get Visual Studio 2003 To Connect To SQL Server 2000

Feb 3, 2007

I need help setting up my laptop so that I can develop using Visual Studio 2003 and SQL Server 2000. I currently have both installed on my laptop but can not get them to play nicely together. Here is my connection code:

//string strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;";
//strConnection += @"Data Source=C:BegASPNET11ch12Northwind.mdb";
//Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=guest;Initial Catalog=Volkswagen;Data Source=DEREKLAPTOP;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=DEREKLAPTOP;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False
string strConnection = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1";
strConnection += @"Data Source=C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDataorthwnd.mdf";
////strConnection += @"Data Source=DEREKLAPTOP";
data_src.Text = strConnection;
string strSQL = "SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Employees";
DataSet objDataSet = new DataSet();
OleDbConnection objConnection = new OleDbConnection(strConnection);
OleDbDataAdapter objAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(strSQL, objConnection);
objAdapter.Fill(objDataSet, "Employees");
DataView objDataView = new DataView(objDataSet.Tables["Employees"]);

Here is the error message I get in IE:

No error information available: REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG(0x80040154).
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and
where it originated in the code.

Exception Details:
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: No error information available:

Source Error:

Line 18: OleDbDataAdapter objAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(strSQL, objConnection);
Line 19:
Line 20: objAdapter.Fill(objDataSet, "Employees");
Line 21: DataView objDataView = new DataView(objDataSet.Tables["Employees"]);
Line 22: dgNameList.DataSource=objDataView;
File: C:BegASPNET11ch12datagrid.aspx Line: 20


[OleDbException (0x80040154): No error information available: REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG(0x80040154).]

[InvalidOperationException: The 'SQLOLEDB.1Data Source=C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDataorthwnd.mdf' provider is not registered on the local machine.]
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.CreateProviderError(Int32 hr) +81
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.CreateProvider(OleDbConnectionString constr) +107
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open() +203
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.QuietOpen(IDbConnection connection, ConnectionState& originalState) +44
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillFromCommand(Object data, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +304
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +77
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, String srcTable) +36
ASP.datagrid_aspx.Page_Load() in C:BegASPNET11ch12datagrid.aspx:20
System.Web.Util.ArglessEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e) +10
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +35
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +750

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.2032;
ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.2032

I know that my problem is in the @DataSource part of the connection string. It works if I use the first two lines (the database file is in the same folder as the code). But not when I use it as above. I think I'm pointing to the wrong place, but I can't figure out the right place to point to. I have SQLServer running on my laptop (I think), so can anyone help me out or maybe give me some example connection strings that you have used? Thanks.


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Sql Express SP2 And Visual Studio 2005

Jan 11, 2007

Will the SQL Express SP2 update the Installer package that comes with Visual Studio 2005 so that SQL Express SP2 is included with a ClickOnce or MSI based installer?

Including SP2 on Windows Update is a step in the right direction, but I (and I assume others) really hate the idea of burdening our users with the additional step of obtaining the SP2 update immediately after installing our application. This is especially cumbersome if they are using dial-up Internet connections which, unfortunately, many of our customers continue to use.


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Visual Studio Database File And SQL Server Management Studio Express Question

Mar 17, 2007

I have a database in my "App_Data" folder of my visual studio project.  I can view it fine in Visual Studio's built-in tools for managing a database attached to a solution.  However i recently started playing around with the SQL Server Management Studio Express program.  When i attach my database to Management Studio, and try to run my program it crashes.  I think it might be a permissions error?!? When i detatch it and reattach it in visual studio it runs fine again.   Any suggestions? ThanksJason 

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SQL 2005 Express Toolkit Problem With Visual Studio 2005

Sep 23, 2006

I have windows XP box, installed MS Visual Studio 2005 without SQL 2005 express.After this I have installed SQL 2005 Express edition and then SQL 2005 client toolkit.

Now when I open "SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio", it gives message missing shortcut and searches for devenv.exe file. That is the problem, I dont know where is problem..??

Please anybody help me............???



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SQL Server Management Studio Express, Database Explorer In Visual Web Developer Express...which To Use???

Apr 16, 2007

When I downloaded/started using Visual Web Developer I was under the impression that I needed to install SQL Server Management Studio Express in order to create/manage databases, and to provide the engine to access the data.
 Since then I have found tutorials and have successfully created/used databases solely from within Visual Web Developer. I'm assuming that Visual Web Developer includes a database engine, much like the webserver that is included. (This is an awesome thing).
 When I tried to upload my web application with database to my production server, the database would not work, it started working after I installed SQL Server Management Studio Express on the server.
 Is it my understanding that you need SQL Server Management Studio Express if you do not have Visual Web Developer Express installed in order to provide the data access engine?
Also, I am unable to "attach" my Visual Web Developer Express created database to SQL Server Management Studio Express. Are there any posts that provide more information about this topic?
The only reason I'm asking is that I have extra whitespace on the end of my text fields, and I thought ANSI_PADDING was turned on. I do not see the option in Visual Web Developer Express, but have found it in SQL Server Management Studio Express.

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