VS 2008 Setup Project - Size Limits

Dec 14, 2007

Same issue in VS 2005. Using a setup project (or ClickOnce) there seems to be a limit to how large a content file can be. I'm cross-posting in setup and ClickOnce, but thought that other SQL CE developers may have had this issue.
I cannot find a reference to this in the online help, and find no answer here. I have some SQL CE databases that are marked as 'content' in a project. One is less than a mb, the other is over 600mb. The larger one will always break the setup build if I leave it marked as content. Also will break a 'clickOnce publish' build.

How does one use the MS Visual Studio tools for setup when a file size is too big?

What is the max file size limitation?

I need to deploy with ClickOnce, but find it difficult to determine the directory that my large file will need to be copied to afterwards since a ClickOnce install uses such a confusing path to install to. So, if the workaround is to fire a script post install, it would be a problem to discover the path for that file to be copied to.-----------------------------------------------------------------

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Can't Create A Setup Project For Project Referencing Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS

Feb 3, 2007

I have a very small project written in VB.Net 2005 using the SQL Server 2005 SSiS DTSx package.

I took a SQL Server 2000 dts package and using the SQL Server 3005 legacy tools migrated it so I could still use the package withing SQL 2005 until I can build one using BI/SSIS.

Anyway,I added the reference Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS so I could then use the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime so I can execute the commands:

Dim oApp As New Application
Dim oPkg As New Package
oPkg = oApp.LoadPackage(g_DTSx_Directory & "AOC copy Generic1 CSV to AOC_verify_file_1.dtsx", Nothing)
Dim oResults As DTSExecResult
oResults = oPkg.Execute

Ok. That works fine. Executes without a hitch. So now I try and create a setup project for this and I use the setup wizard.

During the creation of the setup project I get a message that states:
The following files may have dependencies that cannot be determined automatically. Please confirm that all dependencies have been added to the project.

OK. The dll is part of the reference I mentioned above and I have no idea what other dependencies it may have.

How do I find this out?

Has anyone else created a project like this and experenced the same?

I am on a clean build running WinXP Pro with SP2 - VS2005 with SP1 and the SQL Server 2005 tools.

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Business Intelligence Project/Integration Services Project Not Showing Up In Visual Studio 2008

Mar 31, 2008

I have visual studio 2005 and sql server 2005 with integration service installed on my machine. Couple of days ago, I installed visual studio 2008 professional. When I go to create SSIS project I dont see it in visual studio 2008. What do I have to do to make it appear in visual studio 2008 so that I can create SSIS projects.


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Sql Server 2005 Vs Express Size Limits

Feb 28, 2006

I've been developing a vb app with sql server 2005 and had planned to use express as the client server so the db could be distributed with the app. After importing 21 csv text files, I realized that I have way too much data. My understanding is that sqlexpress can only work with max 4gb database.

The 21 csv files (total 925mb) brought the db size up to 1.5gb and I still have at least 250 more files to go. Obviously, I need a different approach. What are the size limitations of the non express version of sql server 2005? Any suggestions on the best approach for this type of situation?

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SQL 2005 Mobile Merge Replication Size Limits?

Feb 8, 2006

I am in the process of testing a SQL 2005 Std x64 server with merge replication using Windows Mobile 5.0 clients and SQL 2005 Mobile. The test DB is a copy of the currently active DB, but has been expanded to include some new tables to support planned application functionality extensions.

Once the publication exceeds 97 Articles, the error is thrown that "The buffer pool is too small or there are too many open cursors". If I drop one article everything is fine. I ran a test with dummy DB that had 100 blank tables, and this initialized just fine on the client. The additional articles I am publishing (the 98th table) is also empty, but it throws the error anyway.

Is there a limit on the total size/number of changes that can be sent? Since I have run tests sending over 64,000 changes to a client during initialization this does not seem to be the case (I am only attempting a little more than 9,700 changes on this initialization).

Some other ideas that have been tested without success are to stop the user triggers from propagating, and toggling the AWE setting for SQL. The Replication Monitor does say the client completes replication, and it seems to choke at the very end of completing replication when it attempts to write to the tracking tables. The last successful action is sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90, and it appears to be acting on the last table added to the publication.

There does not appear to be a limit on the number or articles, since I can publish more articles in a dummy DB than I am able here, so it seems to be something to do with size. Any information would be helpful, this is a very frustrating issue. Thanks!

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Setup And Upgrade :: 2008 R2 Setup UI Has Incomplete List Of Installed Features - Can't Uninstall RS

Jul 23, 2015

We're doing upgrades from SQL 2008 R2 to SQL 2014. This is blocked due to RS is installed but not configured. Our desired action is to uninstall RS and proceed with the upgrade. But when setuparp.exe is raised, it does not list all the features on the 'Select Features' page.  In fact, it only lists the last 2 shared features (SQ Client Connectivity SDK and Microsoft Sync Framework). However, all items appear to be listed on the 'Select Instance' page including RS. I've seen this issue on 2 of our SQL 2008 R2 Servers already.

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SSIS Setup Project

Oct 2, 2007

Is there any use of creating an SSIS Setup project? Since the Package Installation Wizard already does a good job of it?

Which brings up a question - why dont SSIS Packages compile to a dll just like any other .NET project? It seems interpreted from the .dtsx file except for the Script Tasks of Components which are pre-compiled.

Why did MS change the design language all of a sudden?

But please answer - is there any use of creating an SSIS Setup project?

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How To: Add SQL Server Install Within Setup Project

Oct 23, 2007

I am trying to integrate SQL server 2005 install within my application setup project.so that whenever my application is intalling on a computer , if would check for sql server 2005 express , if the computer does not have sql server 2005 installed . the installer file should install sql server on the host computer.

Can anybody guide me through the steps involved in doing this.


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Adding Sqlexpress Sp1/2 Into Setup Project

Aug 28, 2007

Hi All,
How can I add sql server express sp1 or sp2 into a setup project I created for an application. Normally sqlserver express is a prerequisite for my app and in deployment vs only adds sqlexpress not the sqlexpress with sp1 or sp2. I know that I need those to make my application run on vista. Any suggestion??


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Setup For Report Server Project

Nov 12, 2007

I have a Report Server Project in my visual studio.net, To deploy the reports on target it is not possible to use deploy option on production. I need to build a MSI setup for my ReportServerProject.

What are the steps should be done to build a setup for the Report Server Project?

Thanks In Advance,

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Correct Setup For SQL Server 2005 For Web Project!

Oct 11, 2007

Ive been trying to get some type of Blogpost tutorial Etc on how to set up SQL Server 2005 to serve data to a website1 How do I setup users?    a) Can I have 3 roles?       1a) Owner of DB can read/write       2a) reader Can Only read from database      3a) Writer. Can only write to database How would I set this up? How can I call all these from ASP.NET depending on what the user is currently using on the website?    eg:       Just serving pages with content (reader)      Forms (writter)      admin (owner)I also need to have the SQL keep sessions (Ive already ran aspnet_reqSQL.exe) and created all that im just unsure what type user can access all thisAny tutorials on how to set up a whole WEb application project from DB to VS 2005? Thanks         

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How To Deploy Sqlserver Database And Tables With Vb.net Project Setup

Jan 18, 2008

i have done a project in vb.net ,now i want to create setup for sql server database so that we can run easily on client machine,plzzzzzzzzz give me answer for deploying

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Database Size Of Access Project.

Nov 14, 2003

I have recently moved from Access mdb to Access project.
I have found that for the same data, an MSDE database occupies more than double the size of an Acess database!
I had upsized a database with a table, comprising about 200,000 rows.
Where as the Access database occupied 40 mb, the MSDE database occupied 120 mb!.
Tried shrinking the database and reduced it to 113 mb.
Is this to be accepted?
Is there any equivalent of the very effective 'compact database' command of Access in SQL Server?

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Adding SSMSE 2005 As A Prerequisite To A Visual Studio Setup Project

Feb 26, 2007


I'm am deploying an application that uses SQL Express and wish to also deploy SSMSE along with it.

I have the .msi but I don't know how to get the setup project to deploy this as it does SQLExpress and .Net Framework 2.0. (and I am using VS 2005 SE)

There is an MS article on creating "Custom Prerequisites" (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms165429(VS.80).aspx) which speaks to creating product and project manifests.

Has anyone does this for SSMSE? Or am I going about this in the wrong way?

Thanks in advance,


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SSIS Project Support In VS 2008

Nov 28, 2007

This is really a question for MS. Will the VS2005 project types for SSIS projects be installable in VS2008.

A lot of work has gone into VS2008 to allow developers to develop .net2.0 - .Net 3.0 applications in the same environment. It would be a same if us data folk have to keep VS2005 around to support SSIS 2005 projects.

Here's hoping


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SQL Server 2008 :: Cannot Open New SSIS Project

Nov 2, 2012

I installed SQL Server 2008 R2 and Visual Studio 2008. However, after several installations and un-installations. I could no longer use the SSIS to create New Projects. I cleaned out the registry with a Registry cleaner from Wise. I deleted the SQL Server and Visual Studio folders as well.

When I create a New SSIS Project, I immediately get an error as follows:

"Microsoft Visual Studio"
"An error prevented the view from loading."
"Additional information:"
"Specified Module cannot be Found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)"

What this means is that I cannot create any new SSIS Projects.

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Vs 2008 Smart Device Cab Project And Sqlce 3.5

May 21, 2008

I've created a simple application that uses a SQLCE 3.5 database. When I debug it SQLCE 3.5 is deployed to the emulator. However, I made a "smart device cab project" for my application and copied the cab file to my windows mobile 6 device and it does not deploy SQLCE 3.5. I don't see a way to specify the prerequisites of the "smart device cab project" like you can in a normal setup project. How can I get SQLCE 3.5 to deploy with my application...or even just get it on my device? I've tried installing it on my desktop with the device connected via active sync, but it doesn't install on the device like the compact framework did.

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Developing DW Project On SQL 2008 - Does It Make Sense?

Feb 5, 2008

Dear all,

We started to develop a datawarehouse solution for client back in December 2008 based on SQL 2008.
We are convinced that we can use some of the new feature included in the new version which is the reason we we chossed to go down this path.

Due to the delay of the next version we have some question that I would like to hear you opinion on.

The estimatet "go live" date is during spring (march/april)

Is it wrong to contiue the development on the 2008 version?

We would need to run Release candidate at the customer site until the product is released. Is there any major changes coming up that are already known?

So far in the development we have had no big problems with releasecandidate.

Thank you for you feedback.

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Reporting Service Project Templates With VS 2008

Feb 3, 2008

I could not find The Reporting Service Project Template with Visual Studio 2008. It was available with Visual Studio 2005.
How i can add the reporting service project into VS2008?

any post will be appreciated.

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Can't Open/upgrade SSRS 2005 Project In VS 2008

Nov 25, 2007

I have a solution that contains SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 project. I upgraded the solution to VS 2008. The report project shows that it is not loaded. Trying to load it gives me the error - "cannot be opened because its project type (.rptproj) is not supported by this version of visual studio". Okay, so I do I convert it?!

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System Setup And RAID Stripe Size

May 4, 2006

Dear All,

I've been asked to build a 64bit Windows 2003 server which will SQL Server Enterprise 2000 64bit edition on it. This is my first foray into the world of 64 Server OSs, so hoping to get some advise from the wise. This will be used as a back end to a web application. This server has been purchased with 5 disks (all 146GB disks) in it. Currently this has been setup from the manufacturer as RAID 1+1 with 1 disk not allocated.

I was going to reconfigure the logical drives to have RAID 1 (2 drives) which has OS and swapfile on it, and RAID 5 (3 drives) with all SQL data (the main DB I am estimating to be 20-30GB) on it.

Reading through a couple of forums and google results regarding determining stripe size, it seems some people are recommending putting the tempdb and logs on a seperate drive to the rest of the SQL data, as well as trying to get the optinum strip size.

Can you let me know your opinions on if my proposed logical drive setup seems OK (or just keep one logical drive as either RAID5 or 6), and if tempdb and logs should be on the OS, or should stay on the RAID 5 array? Also, for the stripe size, should I think the same as a 32bit OS, and just use 128/64 or 64/64?


edit: SQL Server type corrected.

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Team Project In TFS - SSIS Project Sets Itself As The Startup Project

May 29, 2008

For some reason in a Team Foundation Team Project that has multiple project types (SSRS, SSIS, WebSite, C# Business DLL...), the SSIS project makes itself the startup project to the team project. If I explicitly set another project as the startup project to the team project and then select an SSIS package in the SSIS project in the team project, the SSIS project becomes the startup project automatically.

I am using Visual Studio 2005 SP1.

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SQL 2008 Setup Failed

Feb 6, 2008


i have fail in sql 2005 setup it stop at install workstation componant step when it remove the backup file and apeare this message :

"there is aproblem with this windows installer pachage.A problem run as part of the setup did finish as expected.
Contact support personnel or package vendor"

and i try to unistall it and reinstall but it fail too
i romve all regitary key before reistalle.

note : my operating system is windows vista business edition and i work in vs 2008


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SQL Server 2008 :: Must Setup Be Run With A Domain Account?

Nov 6, 2015

I am running a SQL 2008r2 install while logged onto the server with a local admin account, not a domain account. I am specifying a domain account to run the SQL service. The install fails saying the service account credentials are invalid but I am 99.9% sure they are right.My theory - the local admin account running Setup cannot validate the service account creds against AD. Is it a requirement to run Setup while logged on with a domain account?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Setup Log Shipping From Log Shipped Database?

Mar 20, 2015

We have log shipping for databases from production to back office (BO) environments for users to run reports. In preparation for moving a back office environment to a different server, we want to setup an addition log shipping environment, let’s call it BO2, same as the BO. One of the challenges we had was the amount of time it would take to get the full backup from production to BO2 due to the size of the database. It would take days just to transfer the full backup.

Solution:Let’s just say the database being logged shipped is DB123. Instead of using the full backup of DB123 from production, we use the mdf and ldf of DB123 from current log shipped database on the BO to setup the additional log shipping on BO2.

Steps:1.Setup the directory structure for the undo file (tuf) on the BO2 server same as the BO server.

Note: The undo can be moved to different drive after the log shipping is setup.

2.Stop SQL services on the BO server.

3.Copy the undo file (tuf), mdf, and ldf files of the log shipped database, DB123, from server BO to server BO2.

Note: Keep these files as main copies because they will be used multiple times. Do NOT copy files to where you’ll put the new database files.

4.After the files are copied, start SQL services on BO.

5.On the BO2 server, create an empty database DB123 with database name, file_id, logical names, physical names exactly the same as the ones on the BO server.
Note: Make the size of mdf and ldf small so it doesn’t take long to create the database.

6.Stop SQL Services on the BO2 server.

7.Overwrite the new mdf and ldf files of the empty database DB123 with the mdf and ldf files that were copied over from BO.

8.Start SQL services on BO2.

Note: If the file_id, logical names and physical names are not matching up, the database will be in suspect mode.

9.Do a backup of DB123 with COPY_ONLY.

10.Drop DB123 on BO2 after backup is complete.

11.Use the full backup from previous step to setup log shipping of DB123 on BO2.

Note: Below was the LiteSpeed syntax that was used

exec master.dbo.xp_restore_database @database = N'DB123' ,
@filename = N'F:SQL BackupsDB123_FULL.slsfull',
@filenumber = 1,@with = N'STATS = 10',
@with = N'STANDBY = N''C: MSSQLDataROLLBACK_UNDO_DB123.trn''',
@affinity = 0,@logging = 0

12.Stop SQL services on BO2.

13.Again, overwrite the mdf, ldf and undo file (tuf) of DB123 on server BO2 with mdf, ldf, and undo file (tuf) from BO.

14.Start SQL services on BO2.

15.Replay transaction log from PRD

Note: You can change the location of the undo file by copy the current undo file to the new location and point to new location in “STANDBY” parameter. DO NOT do cut and paste of undo file but do copy and paste.

It works on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP2) - 10.50.4033.0 (X64) . I have not tried it on SQL Server 2012 yet.

In steps that stop/start SQL services, you can bring the database offline/online.

In a way, this is doing detach/attach a log shipped database.

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Setup And Upgrade :: Add New Node To Server 2008 X64 Cluster

Nov 23, 2015

I ran into problem while trying to install SQL Server 2008 to join to another node in a failover cluster ,you will find here the configuration doc and installation details. URL...

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SQL 2012 :: Disk / RAID Setup With Limited Disks For Windows 2008 R2

Jun 27, 2015

I am wondering what would be the best disk/RAID setup for a Windows server 2008 R2 OS and SQL Server 2012 database that has heavy read/write. I have the following disks I can use:

4x 15k 146GB
2x 10k 600GB

According to the server build requirements for the application, I need 100GB for the OS and 290GB for the drive containing the SQL mdf there are no stated requirements for the ldf, but would like to know if it should be allocated elsewhere?I should do RAID 10 for the 15k drives for SQL and RAID 1 for the OS on the 10k.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Estimate Size Of A Table

Feb 4, 2015

I have a table like below,

Id BIGINT not null
,Name NCHAR(20) not Null
,Branch NVARCHAR (64) null

The table contains : 100000 rows .

1)Number of rows in a data page
2)Total number of pages required for the table
3)Total Table size in KB or MB
4)Total file size in Kb or MB

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SQL Server 2008 :: Table Size After Reindex

Feb 22, 2015

I'm trying to understand what is happening to one large table.

In a DB SQL 2008R2, I'm trying to track a rapidly increasing DB size. It's due to one table recently added.

Despite the table's no rows increasing its size reduces after a scheduled re-index.

I've recorded the space used by this table by recording EXEC sp_spaceused 'tableName'

NoRows reserved data index_size unused
128864512300384 KB 2290928 KB9432 KB24 KB AFTER reindex
128864515406232 KB 5366184 KB39280 KB768 KBBEFORE reindex

N.B. The only thing I'm aware of happening in the time period is a reindex as part of scheduled task. I could be missing something else happening.

The table has only one Index the PK which is clustered, No Fill factor is specified. The Server Default fill factor =0.

I read fillfactor=0=100 Will always try and fill the pages so space used will be minimised?

After running the reindex the index fragmentation is v.low. I've not recorded the fragmentation before reindex.

I can see the Data is not added in Clustered index order.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Data Type And Size Of Each Row

Feb 27, 2015

In my database there is a big table and format is something like this:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable](
[aaa] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
[bbb] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
[ccc] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[ddd] [nvarchar](100) NULL,.......etc.........

There are some more columns with more 'nvarchar' (max) and other INT data types. Anyway, I know a page is 8K size. How do I find out how much space does A ROW takes with above datatypes? If users add 5000 Rows per day, how do I figure out how much size the table will increase?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Reduce MDF File Size

Apr 30, 2015

I have issue with my DATA file ( MDF) .. The usage is 99.87% for database DB1 . File size is 3 GB . How do I reduce it ?

I have tried to shrink it by changing the recovery from FULL to SIMPLE and set it back to FULL .

I notice the index Defragmentation is high ..

Can I change the Initial Size into 1 GB for example ?

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SQL Server 2008 :: TempDB Size Hovering Around 45%

Jul 27, 2015

My prod server (only default instance) is configured TempDB 1024 MB data and Log 200MB. when I run 'sqlperf logspace' it shows most of time around 45% 'log space used'. There nothing going on the instance when I ran 'whoisactive' and select * from sys.sysprocesses where dbid = 2!!!

So my questions are is this normal to see log space around 45%, how to find what what CAUSED the tempdb log space to grow 45%? Is there something to do about it?

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SQL Server 2008 :: View Log Cache Size

Jun 21, 2010

Can I view the log cache size in SQL Server memory any DMV's which states that.

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