Bulk Inserting Uniqueidentifier Column

Oct 10, 2007

Hi at all,
I'm trying to bulk insert a uniqueidentifier column from unicode file.
In my file I have guid generated from c# application and they are
formatted in this way (separated by "|") :

guid | field1 | field2

In my destination table I have three column:
id (uniqueidentifier)
field1 (nvarchar)
field2 (nvarchar)

I use in bulk insert a format file like this :


and I use this script

BULK INSERT [dbo].[KWTA2] FROM 'd:WTA2.txt'
WITH (FORMATFILE = 'd:wta2Format.FMT')

It doesn't work, it prints out
Msg 8152, Level 16, State 13, Line 2
String or binary data would be truncated.

I've also tried to specify in FMT file SQLUNIQUEID instead of SQLNCHAR
and it works perfectly but it imports another data. For example the
guid fc0c0c42-438e-4897-96db-8b0489e873ef became

Please can you help me?
Why sql converts alphanumerical GUID into only numbers ID?
How can I bulk insert GUID? (I didn't find anything googling around :



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Bulk Insert - Inserting Only One Column From Data File

Sep 29, 2007


I have a data file in the folloing format


I just wanted to insert only SubjectIds into my table 'Subjects' which has the follwing schama ignoring the classes
The row delimeter is "
" and the column delimeter is ' | '

Table Subjects

ID (Autoincrement)
SubjectId varchar(20)

Can any one provide the format file for doing this or suggest anyway to do this?
Please do note that the file may contain millions of records

Thank u

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Inserting Value Into Uniqueidentifier Datatype

Mar 6, 2008

I am having difficulty writing, what I thought was a simple insert statement.
I am trying to insert a specified value into a column which is a unique identifier. The value is from another uniqueidentifier column so it matches the mask a unique identifier needs.
If anyone can show me the obvious, Id really appreciate it.

Table- Formsetup Column-Rowguid is a uniqueidentifier and primary key

insert into FormSetup (rowguid, FormName, Name)
values( convert(uniqueidentifier, 'F9FA1E48-t740-49FC-82DE-003ECD5A8ADE'),'t','Field0')
Server: Msg 8169, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.

Just trying to select
select convert(uniqueidentifier, '{F9FA1E48-t740-49FC-82DE-003ECD5A8ADE}') as uniqueidentifiersame error - Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.

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Bulk Inserting Into Sql Server

Apr 26, 2004

Hello Everyone,

I am currently struggling with a problem bulk inserting data into sql server.

The application I am writing is multi-threaded and downloads about 2000 records every 2 seconds on x amount of threads (depending on bandwidth).

What I would like to do is find a 'friendly' way to insert this data into sql server without hammering the cpu.. I have tried the following with little success.

1, Using a single insert and thread.sleep(x * 20) to allow for massive data input, altough this made the application more stable and lowered cpu usage to very little the data takes about 60 times longer to download and process into the database.

2, Using a SqlDataAdapter and DataSet and updating the database via the .Update method of the data adapter.. Simply this was awful and took forever to process the data into the database.. (Took about 30 seconds to process 2000 records and Command Timeout was high).

3, Using OpenXML in SqlServer and parsing the data as an XML string (nText), although this method is fast its still very CPU intensive. I have to set the command timeouts very high to allow for this approach (because of the multi-threaded nature of the app).

Does anyone have any idea's on a cpu friendly approach to this problem ??

Thanks in advance..


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Triggers When Bulk Inserting

May 21, 2008


hope this is the right forum for this...

I'm using asp.net and the SqlBulkCopy command to insert a few lines of data into a table. I have the SqlBulkCopyOption.FireTriggers set, and a simple trigger on the table to take the inserted data and update a couple of other tables. Works fine if I only insert one record, but as soon as there are multiple records it fails.

So I presume that the trigger isn't firing on every line, but only once when the bulk insert is done?

Am I missing a trick? I can post some code if it will help - I'll have to get a screengrab of the error too.


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Bulk Inserting A .dat File

Aug 19, 2007

The following produces no errors, but does not place any rows in the table:

USE MoneyManager
FROM 'C:DownloadsSecuritiess20070105.dat'
firstrow = 2,
formatfile = 'C:DownloadsDailyPrices.fmt',
errorfile = 'c:downloadsprice_error_file.txt'

select *
from DailyPrices

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Inserting Manually Vs. Bulk Insert

Sep 12, 2006

Hi Andrea,
I have made a table which contain data inserted manually and also data that was inserted by using bulk insertion. I have no problems using the table with Grid View. But when I try to use a query like the following:

FROM dbo.last
WHERE VMake = 'Honda'
AND VType = 'sedan'
AND VColor = 'Red';

I would only get the data that were inserted manually.
When I use the same query to filter data from a table that the data was inserted by using bulk insert, I get column names but no data.

Any help please.


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Bulk Inserting The Datetime Failing

Oct 25, 2007

I am using SQL 2k5

I have a table with the follwing schema

Table BulkTest

ID nvarchar(100),
SubDate Datetime

And i have data in a file as follows ( column delimeter is | and row deleimeter is new line character ( windows ) )

4000000|10/25/2007 6:07:32 AM
4000001|10/25/2007 6:07:32 AM
4000002|10/25/2007 6:07:32 AM
4000003|10/25/2007 6:07:32 AM
4000004|10/25/2007 6:07:32 AM

When i execute this statement its failing with the follwing message.

Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 2 (SubDate ).

Can any one please let me know whats wrong in this and what should be done to make it work
Quick response will be appreciated
Thanks much

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Bulk Inserting Into Table With Computed Columns

Jul 20, 2005

Using SS2K, I'm getting the following error while bulk inserting:Column 'warranty_expiration_date' cannot be modified because it is acomputed column.Here is my bulk insert statement:BULK INSERT dbo.TestDataFROM 'TestData.dat'WITH (CHECK_CONSTRAINTS,FIELDTERMINATOR='|',MAXERRORS = 1,FORMATFILE='TestData.fmt')The computed column is not referenced in the format file and the data filedoes not contain the computed data.Thanks

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SQL Server 2008 :: BULK INSERT Inserting No Rows

Aug 7, 2015

I am trying to BULK INSERT csv files using a stored procedure in SQL SERVER 2008R2 SP3. Although the files contain several thousand lines and BULK INSERT returns no errors, no data is actually imported into the table. Every field in the table is a NVARCHAR(50) datatype.

Here is the code for the operation (only the parameters for the insert itself):

set @open = 'bulk insert [DWHStaging].[dbo].[Abverkaufsquote] from '''
set @path = 'G:DataStagingDWHStagingSourceAbverkaufsquote'
set @params = ''' with (firstrow = 2
, datafiletype = ''widechar''
, fieldterminator = '';''
, rowterminator = ''
, codepage = ''1252''
, keepnulls);'

The csv file originates from a DB2 database. Using exactly the same code base I can import several other types of CSV files without problem.

The files are stored on the local server with as UCS2 Little Endian and one difference is that the files that do not import do not include a BOM. The other difference is that the failed files are non-UNICODE files.

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Skip Field Terminator While Inserting Data To A Table-Bulk Insert

Oct 10, 2007

I have a data file which consists of data as below,

While iam inserting into table using bulk insert, this pipe(||) is also getting inserted into the table,
here is my query iam using to insert the data using bulk insert.


Can any one help on this.


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How Do You Use An Identity Column When Doing A Bulk Insert Using The Bulk Insert Task Editor

Apr 18, 2008


I'm just learning SSIS and I've hit my first bump. I am doing a bulk import from a tab delimited text file to an empty sql table that has a Idendity column defined. How do I tell the bulk insert task to skip that column when inserting from the text file. If I remove the identity column it imports the data fine, but I want to create the indentity column in the table too.


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Bulk Insert/ One Column

Sep 6, 2006

I have no problem importing a file.txt to my table (mehet).

Bulk Insert mehet From 'C: est.txt'

With (DataFileType = 'char', FIELDTERMINATOR = ',')

But I would appreciated if someone could help me how to import only 1 or 2 columns.

instead of all columns.



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Bulk Insert With Only One Column

Sep 13, 2007

I have a question on inserting data for only a specific column in a table.
I have a table as follows
Table <MyTable>

Name varchar,
DateUpdate DateTime

I wanted to insert the the from a file to table.
The File contains the list of name as follows (line by line)


The file name actually contains the DateTime
I would like to insert the names in the file as wellas the DateTime (i.e. part of the file name ) into <MyTable>

I guess "Bulk insert " doens't allow to insert values for only one column

If i change the contents of my data file to

name1 | DateTime1
name2 | DateTime2
name3 | DateTime3
name4 | DateTime4

Then the follwoin query works fine for me.

Bulk Insert <MyTable> FROM <filePath>



But my original file will contains only Names and the file name contains the date that commom for all the names in the file. And also the file may contains millions of names

Is there any way this can be accomplised using " Bulk Insert" ? Or is there any alternative that i can do it fastly

Your answer will be appreciated


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Inserting More Than One Column

May 30, 2006

I am trying to write a script to insert more than one column but the script I am making only inserts the column in the second line and I dont know why. 
In my code below, columnB is added to the table, but not columnA.  I am stumped
My sql is:
Alter table  [dbName].[dbo].[tableName] Add columnA bit Default 0 Not NullAlter table  [dbName].[dbo].[tableName] Add columnB bit Default 0 Not Null
thanks for your help.

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Bulk Insert & Export Column

Apr 16, 2008

Can anyone help me how to use Bulk Insert and Export Column in ssis

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Column-conscious Bulk Insert

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to bulk insert a text file. The file has fixed-length fieldswith no field terminators. BOL says that field terminators are onlyneeded when the data does *not* contain fixed-length fields, whichimplies they are optional -- so I made a format file without any (twoconsecutive tabs with nothing between them). The following messageresulted:Server: Msg 4827, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Could not bulk insert. Invalid column terminator for column number1 in format fileThat sounds like I am required to have some sort of terminator in theformat file, even though there aren't any in the data file. Unfortunately,the documentation on bcp/bulk copy and format files does not directlyaddress this point, and I would appreciate some help.BTW, putting '""' (empty string) for the terminator also leads to errors,with the first field overflowing -- bulk insert can't figure out whereit ends.Thanks,Jim GeissmanCountrywide Home Loans

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Inserting Login Name Into Sql Column

May 20, 2007

I'm trying to INSERT into an Sql db column the User Name (Login Name) from a login to my website. So the insertparameters statement would be?
Thank you for any help you can offer.

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Inserting Into Identity Column

Jan 2, 2001

Hi Friends

Happy new year 20001.

Is it requires DBO Permission for do 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT FARRentalUnit ON'
or Write permission is enough.
I don't want give dbo perivilage to user.

Please reply soon.

Thanks for reply in advance.


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Inserting Several Columns Into One Column

Mar 15, 2000

I would like to insert several columns into one column.
eg. Coloumn1, Column2 & Coloum3 insert into Column00

thanks, Vic

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Inserting Into Table With One Column 1,2,3,4...

Jan 14, 2005


I have a temporary table into which I insert bulk data from a stored procedure output. It will be easy for me if the temptable can have a column with sequential numbers 1,2,3,4,. I could not figure out a way to do it. This is the stripped down sql what I have in the stored procedure.
insert into temptable select name, email, date from usertable where condition = xyz.
I tried auto increment column with seed 1, increment 1. But if I delete and insert again it does not start from 1. Is there any way to accompolish this? It will make the front-end code very simple.

Thank you

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Inserting A Unique Value In A Column

Oct 8, 2007

In the below code, i am trying to insert the identity value into the 2nd column of the Symp_Quote table. Schema of the table Symp_Quote is as follows.

QuoteRevision_ID INT PK,
DocumentSeq TINYINT PK,
DocumentDisplayName VARCHAR (255)

1st column data is coming from the select statement. but for 2nd column i have to insert identity or some unique value. to do that i was trying withe the following code, but it failed.

IDENTITY (INT,1,1) AS DocumentSeq,
SQR.tril_gid = FQR.tril_gid

kindly correct me whr I am wrong.........

Rahul Jha

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Inserting A Value With Spaces Into A Column

Jun 17, 2008


I am fairly new to SQL I have started to administer a system which handles carrier information for a mail order system. The logic behind the system is quite simple there are 5 or so columns in a table the first column is the first part of the postcode i.e EX15, the other columns contain which delivery services and depot numbers are associated with that postcode. It works fine at the moment.

However now the main carrier has decided that they are now going to split these postcodes so for example EX15 1* goes to a different depot than EX15 2*

I cant seem to insert EX15 1 into the first column, I get the following error:

Attempt to store duplicate value in unique column. (-155)

Is this because of the space in 'EX15 1'? Because 'EX15' already exists in that column? In which case do I need to somehow tell SQL that there is a space there?

I hope this makes sense

Below is a snap of the table with the existing EX15 postcode data


Here is a snap of how I would like to set up another entry:

EX15 1...|NF/S93......|........1|34........|C.......|DEVO
EX15 1...|NF/SAT......|........1|34........|C.......|DEVO
EX15 1...|NF/930......|........1|34........|C.......|DEVO
EX15 1...|NF/AM.......|........1|34........|C.......|DEVO
EX15 1...|NF/ON.......|........1|34........|C.......|DEVO
EX15 1...|NF/48.......|........1|34........|C.......|DEVO
EX15 1...|NF/3D.......|........1|34........|C.......|DEVO


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Inserting With Different Column Names

Feb 15, 2006

I'm trying to perform an insert on a table from another table, but
the fieldnames are different. The data is similar, but there are
less fields as well. Does anyone know how to accomplish this? All
the material I've read on the Internet so far pertaining to Insert
statements, has all the column names matching up.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Bulk Copying Into A Table W/identity Column

Jul 13, 1999

I'm having difficulty bulk-copying a data file, using a format file, into a SQLServer 6.5 table with an identity column.
The data file is tab-delimited, and does not include the identity column (I want it to be automatically generated).

When I execute the following:

bcp DB1.dbo.WORK_TABLE in WorkTable.txt -Usa -P -fWorkTable.fmt -SSERVERX'

I receive this message:

Starting copy...
BCP copy in failed

I've had no problems loading a similar table without the identity column.

Can anybody help? Here is the table definition & bcp format:

PersonID int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1,1)
,FirstName char(25) NULL
,MiddleName char(25) NULL
,LastName char(25) NULL
,Company char(50) NULL
,City char(25) NULL
,State char(2) NULL
,Phone char(25) NULL


1 SQLCHAR 0 0 "" 1 PersonID
2 SQLCHAR 0 25 "" 2 FirstName
3 SQLCHAR 0 25 "" 3 MiddleName
4 SQLCHAR 0 25 "" 4 LastName
5 SQLCHAR 0 50 "" 5 Company
6 SQLCHAR 0 25 "" 6 City
7 SQLCHAR 0 2 "" 7 State
8 SQLCHAR 0 25 "
" 8 Phone


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BULK INSERT Flat File With Only One Column

Jan 30, 2004


I have a text file with a single column that i need to bulk insert into a table with 2 colums - an ID (with identity turned on) and col2

my text file looks like:


so my bulk insert i have like this:
BULK INSERT test FROM 'd: estBig.txt'

but i get the error:

Server: Msg 4866, Level 17, State 66, Line 1
Bulk Insert fails. Column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 1. Make sure the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.

However, as you can see from the text file, there is only one column, so i dont have any field terminators.

Any ideas how to make this work?


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Identity Column As Foreign Key In Bulk Update

Apr 17, 2007

We need to import data from flat/xml files into our database.
we plan to do so in bulk as amount of data is huge, 2GB+
we need to do some validation checks in our code after that we create insert queries.

We have identity columns that are used as foreign keys in child tables. Question is how can I write a bulk/batch insert statement that will propogate the identity column to the child, as for all other we are creating the query in the application memory.
there are 2 parent tables and 1st table value needs to be referred to in 7 tables and second table's value in 6.

Thanks much for your help.

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BULK INSERT Into Table With Identity Column?

Sep 2, 2006

I have a file I'm trying to do some non-set-based processing with. Inorder to make sure I keep the order of the results, I want to BULKINSERT into a temp table with an identity column. The spec says thatyou should be able to use either KEEPIDENTITY or KEEPNULLS, but I can'tget it to work. For once, I have full code - just add any file of yourchoice that doesn't have commas/tabs. :)Any suggestions, folks?--create table ##Holding_Tank ( full_record varchar(500)) -- thisworkscreate table ##Holding_Tank (id int identity(1,1) primary key,full_record varchar(500)) --that doesn't workBULK INSERT ##Holding_TankFROM "d: elnet_scriptspsaxresult.txt"WITH(TABLOCK,KEEPIDENTITY,KEEPNULLS,MAXERRORS = 0)select * from ##Holding_tank

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Transact SQL :: Bulk Column Names Rename

Aug 4, 2015

Is there a way to bulk remove spaces from column names from all tables in a db? 

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Transact SQL :: Additional Column With Bulk Insert?

Aug 11, 2015

Need to know a mode whereby somehow I can every time insert an additional column in a table while bulk inserting data to an existing table from a new flat file thus identifying the file from which, or the time when, the data was inserted in an existing table.

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Inserting Multiple Values Into One Column

May 1, 2001

Is there a way to insert multiple values into a single column based on various "tests".
For example, I want to check a sales_order table and flag all new orders coming in against previous orders placed that were determined to be fraudulent. If I were to set up i.e. five different tests(i.e. check email, credit_card number etc. against previous fraud orders), then there would be the possibility that any given order can be flagged 1 to 5 times. I want to record all of these tests within the same column if possible. Therefore the output may look something like the following:

order_number fraud_score
1234567890 a,b,d
5432109876 e
2345678901 null
3455607983 a,b,c,d,e

I was considering adding five additional columns to the table and running five different update steps, but this doesn't appear very scalable. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
thanks in advance-

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Inserting New Column In Specific Place

Jan 15, 2007


In MySQL it's simple to insert new columns in specific locations in a table like this

sql Code:

- sql Code

alter table foo add column bar integer not null default 0 after baz


But attempting to do the same thing in MSSQL fails with a syntax error on the word "after." I can insert columns in MSSQL but only if they are added to the end. I looked at the Microsoft insert documentation here but don't see any way to replicate the above MySQL command.

Is there any way to do this in MSSQL? Or do I have to completely recreate all my tables from scratch?

Thanks for any help

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Inserting In An Image Type Column

Aug 10, 2004

Hello, I was wondering, how do I insert a file in an Image type column from the SQL server 2000 corporative administrator? I have a table that contains information about all the programs we run here, and I have a column that I set to image type, I want to put the icon of my programs there..

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