Data Columns Empty In Management Studio But Not Query Analyzer

Jan 3, 2008

we have a database hosted online on sql server 05. at work, we have a sql 2000 query analyzer on a machine, and sql 2005 management studio on a machine. both machines can connect to the database, both can pull up the data from a certain table. but there are two columns that display info in query analyzer that show up as empty on management studio. not null, just empty.

any ideas why?

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Difference Of Sqlserver Management Studio With Query Analyzer?

Nov 21, 2005

what are the new features provided by SQL management studio

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Translating Enterprise Manager And SQL Query Analyzer To SQL Server Management Studio

Nov 13, 2007

Good morning,

I have a project that consists of modifying a report in Crystal. The problem is that I know very little about SQL and I need to add some data items to Crystal using SQL. The guide that I was given refers to Enterprise Manager and SQL Query Analyzer but they have since upgraded to SQL Server Management Studio. Can anyone translate the following statement into SQL Server Management Studio so that I can complete this process?

Best regards,

We will now edit the View on the MS SQL server. Open Enterprise
Manager and find the cst_adEnroll_MyInitials _vw in the Views
section of the database. Right-click, select Copy, then go to the
menu bar and Select Tools and SQL Query Analyzer. Once Query
Analyzer opens: Change CREATE to ALTER before the view name.

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How To Empty A Stored Procedure In Ms Sql Server Management Studio Express

Apr 13, 2007

hi everyone,

I have a db based on the Tracking_Schema.sql / Tracking_Logic.sql (find in &windir%/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v3.0/Windows Workflow Foundation/SQL/EN), so after executing both of them I get several stored procedures, especially dbo.GetWorkflows. And I have a solution in VS05 which when executed is filling this stored procedure with Instance-Id´s. My question is: how is the working command (like exec, truncate,..) to empty my st.procedure, not to drop/delete it?

Thanks in advance, best regards


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Empty Warning Box Appears With Only OK Button (2 Processes Started) When I Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Sep 4, 2007


I'm new to SQL server 2005. I installed SQL server 2005 and had some problems with the original install. I therefore uninstalled SQL server 2005. Rebooted and than installed SQL server 2005 again. Everything appears to have installed correctly except for the fact that when I start SQL Server Management Suite I get 2 copies running in the foreground. The last copy of the SQL Server Management Suite shows a dialogue box that contain a warning sign (yellow triangle) with no text but an OK button is in the dialogue box. When I press the OK button, this instance of SQL Server Management Suite kills itself. The first instance is now given window focus and it brings up the "Connect to Server" dialogue box. I can connect to my local server and run a script to add columns to the database. But everytime I bring up SQL Server Management Suite, I always end up with 2 copies running and I have to hit the OK button to get rid of the second copy. Can anyone help me get ride of this annoying problem?

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Cannot Connect To Server Through Visual Studio .NET And Query Analyzer

Jul 23, 2005

Good day. I was able to connect to a database server using SQL ServerEnterprise Manager. The Server name specified on the tree isJOMARGON(Windows NT). But no server was detected using either VisualStudio .NET and SQL Server's query analyzer.I highlighted one database (master) on the SQL Server EnterpriseManager and chose 'SQL Query Analyzer' under the 'Tools' menu. Itworked. The Title of the Query Analyzer window isSQL Server Analyzer - [Query- JOMARGON.master.JOMARGONJM Gonzalezand below on the status bar, I can seeJOMARGON(8.0) and JOMARGONJM Gonzalez(52)But again, I cannot connect manually using Query Analyzer as nothing islisted in the SQL Server drop-down listThanks

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Error In Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio Trying To Modify Tables Or Columns

May 21, 2008

I get the error below when trying to modify a table or colum with MSSMS.  I can expad out the tree and look at the columns, but I can't change them, view the data in them, or create new ones.
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Class does not support aggregation (or class object is remote) (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040110 (CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION)) (Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlTools.VSIntegration)
 I resintallelled .NET Framework, recommended from another post.  I am using .NET 3.5 BETA Frame work, ans SQL Server 2005 V

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Query Help, What Columns For All Records Are Empty

Aug 30, 2004

I am wanting to make a query to find out if there are any columns in a table that are null for all records.

So far I am using a cursor that holds all the column names of that table and then a stored procedure that would use a loop to cycle through all the column names in a query to essentially count the number of nulls for each column and then an If statement to check to see if the #of nulls = to the number of records.

What isn't working is my query to count the number of nulls...Here is my query

select count(*)
from XYZ
where @cName is null

Ive tried declaring cName as a sysname, and varchar, neither work.

Also, I've tried using COL_NAME(OBJECT_ID('XYZ'), someColumnIndx)...I think this would be the better choice just because I wouldn't need to use a cursor, but both aren't working.
I am a bit new to MSSQL and don't know my way around the system tables. Is there a sys table that would give me this info so I wouldn't need to perform a query?

Any info would be great.

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Formating Of Columns In Output Of A SQL Statement In Query Analyzer

Jan 16, 2004

Hi guys

I want to format the result of a SQL Statement carried out in the query analyzer. Example:

suppose that you have this table:

col1 col2
------------------------- -----------------------
abcdefg bdbsjjdasjdh
bdfjsjdf hasdasjdasj
jhsdjhd asjdhashdas
hasjdhj ahsjdhajshdj

and I want this output:

col1 col2
---------- ----------------
abcdefg bdbsjjdasjdh
bdfjsjdf hasdasjdasj
jhsdjhd asjdhashdas
hasjdhj ahsjdhajshdj

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Query Formatting In SQL Management Studio

Feb 2, 2007

I recently upgraded my SQL Server to 2005 and instead of the Enterprise Manager I am now using SQL Server Management Studio.

Does anyone know how to turn off query formatting in views?

In enterprise manager I use to be able to double-click the view and it would open an sql editor which left the code exactly how I formatted it (space, returns etc for ease of reading). Now in Management Studio, each time I modify a view it reformats it so it become confusing to build them.

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MDX Query With Parameters In Management Studio

Feb 27, 2008


I would like to know if it is possible to make a MDX query on a cube with parameters in Management Studio and if yes, how to define the parameters?

In fact, I have a quite big query which of course does not work and in Reporting Services, I get an error message which is not very clear :

Cannot set the command text for data set "Cube"
Error during processing of the CommandText expression of dataset "Cube"

So I would like to test my query in SSMS and correct directly.

Edit :

Forget the query but my question concerning the parameters definition in SSMS is still asked.


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Where Can I Find The Import Data/Export Data Options If I Only Have The SQL Server Management Express Studio?

Oct 4, 2007

Hi all,

It looks like these options are only available in the SQL Server Management Studio? I installed SQL Server Management Express Studio and I can't even find the DTSWizard.exe on my machine.

Can you please help how I can import data from excel or where can I download the SQL Server Management Studio?

Your prompt response is greatly appreciated.


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Query Autocomplete In SQL Server Management Studio?

Oct 25, 2006

Brand new to this tool, and I am constructing a few queries. I am used tohaving a column list pop up when referencing table names in queries - thelat couple of products I used provided this feature.Is this available in the SQL Server Management studio tool - if so how?TnxGary

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Query Abt Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Feb 25, 2008

Hi all,
I am Vaibhav.I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.1399.00 on my machine , which have Windows 2000 Professional OS installed. Now I am upgrading My ystem to Windows Vista OS.
And I am not getting whether Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.1399.00 will support Windows Vista? or I have to go for Higher version available for Microsoft SQL Server Management studio ?
Please asist me on same.


Vaibhav Tare

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SQL Tools :: Query Editing In Management Studio?

Apr 24, 2015

I've accidentally done something to my install of Management Studio that is making query editing very difficult.  I must have used a weird key combination to enable some feature that is now opening an Intellisense like window with suggested keywords or column names.  I've tried every option I can find to disable this and even tried all the <ctrl> key combinations from A-Z to try to turn this off.  How to have the editor revert to the "default" behavior as installed?

I've received several replies about disabling Intellisense or changing the Intellisense options and I've already done this to no effect.  I've also not installed any 3rd party tools.  I was editing queries when the problem began and I think I had hit a <ctrl> or <alt> key combination key that started this problem.

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SQL Server Management Studio - New Query Window

Jan 23, 2008

I'm trying to write a query with named parameters/variables in the Management Studio - New Query pane. Where should I post a question about how to create parameters/variables?


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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated. I Get This Error When Entering Data Using Sql Server Management Studio Express.

May 21, 2008

String or binary data would be truncated. I get this error when entering data using sql server management studio express.

I am not running a sql to insert or update the table. This is through the EDI.

The data type is varchar(100). I enter one character and it errors on me. So this isn't a string being too long problem.

Any ideas?

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Editing Data With Management Studio

Jul 24, 2007

I use the SQL Compact Edition 3.1 as database for a desktop application. Everything works fine, but is it possible to edit the data (e.g. tables and views) in the SQL Server Management Studio? I can make a connection to the SQL CE database, but I can only edit the objects of a table. The option 'Open Table' as in SQL Server (2005) is not avalible? Does anybody know if it posible to edit the data with the Managementstudio (express)?

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Management Studio - How To Index Tables Based On Query - Please Help

Mar 20, 2007

We are using SQL2005.
I have a stored proc that runs a Select query based on a complex view.
The sproc has two input date parameters (StartDate and EndDate).
We are experiencing SQL timeout problems when the sproc is run with certain Start and End Dates.
We have run the SQL Profiler and created a trace (trc) file (We've used the 'Default' trace configuration).
We have used the trace file in SQL Server Management Studio to try and automatically create indexes on some of our tables.
Unfortunatly SQL Server Management does not make any index recommendations.
I think we are not capturing the right information in our trace file to allow SQL Server Management Studio to do its job.
How do I use SQL Profiler to capture a trace of my sprocs query, so that it can be used by SQL Server Management Studio, to recommend index changes?
Any help appreciated.

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Query Runs 10x Slower In Than In Management Studio - Any Ideas?

May 5, 2007

We're on SQL 2005 SP1, IIS6, ASP.NET 2.0Data access is 3 tier (.xsd, BLL) similar to the data tutorials.From SQL Profiler:ASP.NETexec dbo.SpGetCatalogCategories @Show='Children',@ServiceId=31016,@BrandId=NULL,@CategoryId=NULL,@ParentId=10028,@ApplicationId=NULL,@ShowUniversal=1Event Class: RPC:Completed CPU: 5,109Reads: 613,174Writes: 0Duration: 5,133Management Studioexec dbo.SpGetCatalogCategories @Show='Children',@ServiceId=31016,@BrandId=NULL,@CategoryId=NULL,@ParentId=10028,@ApplicationId=NULL,@ShowUniversal=1Event Class: SQL:BatchCompletedCPU: 407Reads: 2,182Writes: 0Duration: 409I can post the SP if it will help.This is in a production enviroment and any help is greatly appreciated.kyle 

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SQL Server Management Studio - Query Results Problem

Nov 23, 2007

Hi there

I have a problem with SQL Server Management Studio after insdtall regarding querys result showing!

I have a query i run and getting results in a grid view. But the ruslt is somehow corrupted. I guess you´d think its a sql problem but it is not. Because when i take the same query and run it in the old Query Analyzer the result is correct. For better explanation written the results below to show my problem.

In old Query Analyzer (correct)

1,00 60,00
1,00 34,80
1,00 79,20
-1,00 -79,20

In SQL Server Management Studio (corrupt)

1.000 60.00000000
1.000 34.80000000
-1.000 79.20000000
1.000 -79.20000000

What can cause this problem? Do I have to change some settings to make SQL Server Management Studio show the result correctly?

Best Regards

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Data Retrieval Is Much Slower In RS Than In Management Studio

Feb 16, 2007

A call to a stored procedure completes in 13 seconds when ran from within SQL Server Management Studio. A report whose data source uses the same stored procedure can take as long as 10 minutes to run. The same parameter values are used in both the direct call and the report. The execution log says almost all of that time is spent on data retrieval. How could that be? What might be the cause?

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SQL 2005 Management Studio Only Imports First Row Of Data

Mar 12, 2007

I'm pretty new to using SQL 2005 Management Studio. Generally speaking, it works pretty much the way I'm used to (using Enterprise Manager) as far as moving data around and designing databases is concerned. But I've been trying to import some data to my local SQL server from an online SQL database and I am getting the most bizarre results.

Basically, it appears to work perfectly, but when the import is finished, there is only one new row in the destination table.

I have tried this with two completely different online databases and I have tried importing using a query and just downloading the table as-is, but whatever happens, I just get one row! All of the databases I'm exporting from or importing into are SQL 2000 - I just happen to be using the SQL 2005 client software.

Have you heard of anything like this?

I'm appending the report to the end of this email. As you can see, it says "success, success" all the way down and it clearly states "71236 rows transferred", but when I get done, there's just one.

Any thoughts?

One explanation is that every new row is overwriting the last new row somehow, but I don't think so because the row that actually gets copied is always the first one in the record set, not the last. Unless they're being transferred in reverse order, I suppose.

I'm pretty stumped and I haven't found any useful blogs or help on the web.

Hope you can think of something because I don't have Enterprise Manager on my computer any more and it's going to be a pain to install it.


Here's the report:

The execution was successful

- Initializing Data Flow Task (Success)

- Initializing Connections (Success)

- Setting SQL Command (Success)

- Setting Source Connection (Success)

- Setting Destination Connection (Success)

- Validating (Success)

- Prepare for Execute (Success)

- Pre-execute (Success)

- Executing (Success)

- Copying to [inframes].[dbo].[sum_shop_clicks] (Success)
* 71236 rows transferred

* Information 0x402090df: Data Flow Task: The final commit for the data insertion has started.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

* Information 0x402090e0: Data Flow Task: The final commit for the data insertion has ended.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

- Post-execute (Success)

- Cleanup (Success)
* Information 0x4004300b: Data Flow Task: "component "Destination - sum_shop_clicks" (37)" wrote 71236 rows.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

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SQL Query That Works In SQL Server Management Studio, But Doesn't On .NET 2.0 Page

Feb 21, 2008

SELECT favorites.FID, favorites.filename, favorites.username, files.status, files.private, files.views, files.title FROM favorites INNER JOIN files ON favorites.filename = files.filename WHERE (favorites.username = @username) AND (files.status IS NULL) AND (files.private = @private)@private is manually set to 'no'@username is set to profile.usernamewhen I run the above query in microsoft sql server mgmt studio express on the database, it presents all the information i'm asking for very easily. however when i try to implement this query on a aspx .net2.0 page with teh sqldatasource and a gridview, no data is displayed.anyone know what my problem is? 

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SQL 2005 Management Studio: Line Numbers In Query Window.

Dec 19, 2005

Can anyone tell me if you can display line numbers in the query windowof SQL 2005 Management Studio and if so how do I go about doing it?Thanks a bunch. TFD

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Query That Works In Management Studio, Fails In Reporting Services

May 30, 2007

I can run the following query in Management Studio, but get the error listed below when I run it from the data tab in Reporting Services:

declare @starttime as datetime
declare @endtime as datetime
declare @timezone as integer
declare @date as datetime

set @timezone = 1
set @date = '5/1/2007'

set @starttime = dateadd(hh, @timezone, @date)
set @endtime = dateadd(d, 1, @starttime)

select @Starttime, @endtime from site

Error Message:

TITLE: Microsoft Report Designer

An error occurred while executing the query.
The variable name '@starttime' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.


The variable name '@starttime' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 134)

For help, click:



What I am trying to accomplish is the ability for users to select which time zone they want the data in the report to display in. To do this, I created a timezone parameter that has the offset from Central Time (which is how all data is stored in our database).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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SQL Server Management Studio - Entering Field Data

Aug 28, 2007

Hello experts

I'm trying to enter some data into a table to run some tests. Whenever I open the table, I can enter data into all my fields *except* for the fields that I defined as Binary data types. I've tried to enter 0, 1, true, false... I always get the same error...

"Invalid value for cell...
The changed value in this cell was not recognized as valid.
Error Message: You cannot use the Result pane to set this Field data to values other than NULL"

Any ideas on this? I thought Binary was True or False? Is it the way I'm trying to enter data? I'm not familiar with SQL code and I just need to get a few rows filled up with data so I can test using gridview to pull the data onto a webpage.


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SQL Server Management Studio Express - Import Data...?

Jun 14, 2006

Hi, I have Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express and do not see how I can enable the Import Data... feature which I have seen on the regular Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio version.

Basically, if I right-click on a database, I'd like to use the Import Data... function which should be found in this menu under the Tasks... item. The Import Data... menu choice is visible just below the Generate Scripts... choice in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio but not in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express.

Can anybody tell me if this feature is available in the express version. If not what are my options in order of least cost. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is really beyond my ability to purchase.

Thanks for your advice!

David M. Bennett

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Cannot Edit Table Data With SQL Server Management Studio?

Apr 15, 2008

HI all,

I'm just posting this to make sure I didn't mess anything.

Is the only way to enter/edit table data (in grid view) is through the VS (Express) IDE?

The reason why I ask is because I installed the Sql Server 2008 developer trial to get the Management Studio and pretty much the only things I can do are create/edit/delete databases, tables and the like.

It would be nice for the Management Studio (and Express at that) to have those capabilites. It would be nice to not have to create connections in the VS IDE to diffferent databases to edit them. Opening up the Management Studio and selecting the database seems like the proper (if not accustomed) way to do it.


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How To Add Data In Sql Mobile Database From Sql Server 2005 Management Studio

Feb 17, 2006


After creating mobile database into sql server 2005 management studio, how to insert the records from sql server 2005 management studio into and mobile database from excel file?

Thank you


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View Data From A Compact Database With The Management Studio Express ?

Jan 23, 2007

Hi there, after some hours of installing and experiments i can now open and sql server compact database (sdf) iam also able to create a new database and add tables and columns. (everything with the ms sql server management studio express)

i can also open the northwind database. but iam not able to view the data .

if i rightclick on a normal database table i can choose ->open table and see its content.

but on a compact table i have at rightclick only

edit table


how can i see the data in the table or add new content ?


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How Do I Import Data In SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005

Mar 8, 2008

I am still a bit of a noob with SQL, but, when I use Enterprise Manager with my SQL 2000 server at the office, it is pretty simple to import data from pretty much any data source. I have not been able to locate the Transform facility in the 2005 express software that I downloaded onto my home pc (to help me learn SQL). Did I not install something that I need? or am I just missing what I am looking for? The net question is, how do I import data?



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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Change The Message Text In Management Studio In Query Result

Apr 26, 2014

I have two having pid=10


then i executed the below query..

update Child set pid=10 where id in (101,102)

the sql server showing message like

(2 row(s) affected) but as per data no records updated so i need to change this message type

if i ran the above update query the the result should be like

(0 row(s) affected)

is there any way to change this...

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