Db-library Process Dead - Connection Broken

Mar 30, 1999

Using Server 6.5 ISQL. This occurrs after running a 5 to 10 processes ???

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DB-Library Process Dead - Connection Broken

Aug 19, 1999

I am running a SELECT query in SQL Server 6.5 and continue to get the following message (error?):

This command did not return data, and it did not return any rows

DB-Library Process Dead - Connection Broken

I'm running it directly from Enterprise Manager on the same box as the database itself. The problem seems to be specific to the query itself as minor changes work fine. There are lots of joins involved - the query joins 3 tables and a view, that view joins 3 tables and a sub-query, and that sub-query joins 2 more tables. Simple queries on the view seem to indicate that the view works fine.

I'm a web/DB developer, but not much of a DBA. Has anyone run into this problem and know what may be causing it? Please let me know if you need to see the code of the query and/or the view. (Will replies be emailed to me automatically? If not, please email to tmenier@ontrack.com.)

Thank you!

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Help: DB-Library Process Dead - Connection Broken

Jul 15, 1998

I have a stored procedure whose sole purpose is to assign a value to 26 variables using select statements (i.e. select @enroll = (select count(distinct upid)fromPATLOG). Some of the souces are tables and some are views.

After the 26 variables are assigned they are written to a table using a INSERT into Values (@enroll, @tbrconsents,...)

My problem is that when I run the SP I get the message

"This command did not return data, and it did not return any rows"
"DB-Library Process Dead - Connection Broken"

and nothing is written to the table. I`m fairly new to SQL programming so I haven`t a clue where to start. The SP has run successfully four times intermittantly but I can`t get it to run consistantly.

Any help or insights would be appreciated.



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Nested Transactions (dblibrary Process Dead - Broken Connection)

Nov 24, 1998

Ok sql-masters, I'm stumped and need someone to come to the rescue.

The issue: nested transactions = dblibrary process dead; broken connection or runaway process.

On the first try it usually bombs with the dblibrary... error. If I continue trying to run it, it will run, but actually runaway.

The sp:
/****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.UP_MR1700 Script Date: 10/03/1998 11:00:08 AM ******/

DECLARE @TotRecs int

EXECUTE MR1700_Insert_WT1_OnHand
EXECUTE MR1700_Insert_WT1_Packed
EXECUTE MR1700_Insert_WT1_Allocated
EXECUTE MR1700_Insert_WT1_Capacity

SELECT @TotRecs = (SELECT COUNT(Store_No) FROM MR1700_WorkTable1)

IF @TotRecs = 0 OR @TotRecs IS Null

EXECUTE MR1700_Insert_WT2_Classes
EXECUTE MR1700_Insert_WT2_Depts
EXECUTE MR1700_Insert_WT2_ClassGroups
EXECUTE MR1700_Insert_WT2_DeptGroups
EXECUTE MR1700_Report_Request

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DB-Library Process Dead

Feb 16, 1999

hi, I ran a query on a test database and got this error , does anyone tell me whatdoes it mean and how can I fix it

This command did not return data, and it did not return any rows

DB-Library Process Dead - Connection Brokenh

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DB-library Process Is Dead

Nov 6, 1998

Hi All,

Would really like insights in determining how to fix the following problem.
( i did search the archives -- got nothing)

When I try to run query against the SQL server i get following message; Process 13 error "DB -library process dead", terminating connection.

Thanks a lot


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Jan 16, 2007

Dear Friends,

Please help me in below unexpected error.

Server Details:

HP Proliant DL385 G1, 142*6 GB
AMD Opteron „¢ Processor 280, 2.40 GHz
Win2K3 R2, SP1 64bit

SQL Server Details:

SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition 32bit
Service Pack4

Network Details:

Clients can access the server by Terminal Server and also by Direct Connectivity.
The connectivity is provided by RF network Provider.

Application Details:

Application was designed by Power Builder 6.5.

Error Details:
If I divide my clients connectivity to the server then it is divided into 3 types

TYPE A >> Users inside my LAN using a DNS server they give the server name in their Parameter file to connect to the Database Server.

TYPE B >> Users who are in WAN connect to the server by Terminal Servers for Data Input.
Terminal Servers are inside my LAN.

TYPE C >> Users who are in WAN connect to the Server by Direct Connection for Reports and Print Out they give the IP address of the Database server directly in their Parameter files.

After every 6 to 7 days the ERROR DB Processes Dead comes to the TYPE C.
The error Numbers are 100025 and 100005.

At the same time TYPE A AND TYPE B are not getting any errors.

For further diagnosis I have taken a client machine to Net Meeting and taken his desktop in control. I have connected the client machine to the database server by ISQL in command prompt.

From Backend I can see that the SQL server has allocated a SPID to the client machine. After I have executed


It will return me all data but it will not show me how many rows selected or EOF.

After some time it will give me the prompt (3>) but without EOF and after that if I give another query then it will give the below error

DB-Library: Attempt to initiate a new SQL Server Operation with results pending.

DB-Library: Unexpected EOF from SQL Server. General Network Error. Check Your Documentation.
Net-Library error 10054: ConnectionCheckForData (CheckForData())
DB-Library: DBPROCESSES is dead or not enabled.
DB-Library: DBPROCESSES is dead or not enabled.
DB-Library: DBPROCESSES is dead or not enabled.
DB-Library: DBPROCESSES is dead or not enabled.

At the same time if I give IP address of another server then it works and TYPE A and TYPE B don€™t get any problem.

To stop this error I have to restart the server after that for again seven days it works and again the same problem.

I cant find anything I have checked tempdb, cache size but it is normal no abnormal activities.

No virus Issues.
Please advice.


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Connection Broken

Jul 17, 2001

I have a problem, when i do a select records from the production server which is situated in melbourne,around 20,000 records need to be fetched but sunddenly after 13,000 records the connection is broken
why is this heppening
what is the cause for this
how to overcome this
pls let me know asap with the evidence

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Connection Broken!!

Jul 23, 2001

Hi ,
I am running a process from from my client having TCP/IP sockets connected to WIN NT sql server 7.0. I get a error msg [MICROSOFT][ODBC SQL SERVER DRIVER][TCP/IP SOCKETS]ConnectionCheckForData (null())).
Connection Broken .

The same thing happened in other NT SQL server as well,but it is ran o.k if i run from the server itself. Checked Microsoft documents they advised me to use Named Pipes and to check the client and server network utility. Check every detail but still facing same errors. Can anyone provide an solution for this.


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Connection Broken

Dec 6, 2007

Hi All,

When I run this statement it gives me an error.:

INDEX [NC_DateAcctTotal] ON [dbo].[BilledPackages] ([pu_date], [acct_no], [delete_flag], [billing_weight_charge])

::::: ERROR ::::

Server: Msg 823, Level 24, State 2, Line 1
I/O error (torn page) detected during read at offset 0x000006d5f2c000 in file 'E:MSSQLDataManagement_Data2_Data.NDF'.
Connection Broken


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Backup Log Connection Broken

Aug 26, 2002


While performing a restore, one of the transaction logs was apparently corrupt. So the database gets partially restored with an error saying :

Backup or restore operation successfully processed 1 pages in 0.505 seconds Processed 6 pages for database 'royal', file 'royal_Log' on file 1.
Server: Msg 9004, Level 21, State 2, Line 1
The log for database ' ' is corrupt.
ODBC: Msg 0, Level 16, State 1
Communication link failure

Can anyone give me some tips how to restore? any help appreciated.

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.NET 2.0 SP1 / Connection String To SQL Broken

Apr 12, 2008


Our vertical market applicaiton uses connection strings to connect to SQL 2005.
.NET 2.0 SP1 was auto updated on one of our machines

Connection strings are now failing (doesn't return -1 but doesn't connect).

Can anyone help?

I'm really nervoust that on Monday 1200 angry customers are going to call.

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SSIS Connection Manager Broken

Oct 6, 2006

Hi to all,

I'm having serious problem with SSIS on my development machine.

each time I try to add a new Connection manager i got this error :

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
The new connection manager could not be created.

The connection manager 'OLEDB' is not properly installed on this computer. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design)

This happen for any type of Connection Manager, ADO.NET, FILE,SMTP. I've already tried to uninstall SSIS , but nothing change.

I've any chance to get this problem solved?

Thanks in advance

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Linked Server W/ Text Field Gets Connection Broken Error

Sep 5, 2006

We have a stored proc on Server B called:

my_sp_server_b it takes 1 parameter a text field as a parameter, with default set to NULL

this proc calls:

my_sp_server_a through a linked server (which happens to be the same server, different DB), it has two parameters: my_id int, my_text text w/ my_text having a default set to NULL

This second stored procedure just selects back an ID that is passed to it (to keep things simple).

If we pass any string value to my_sp_server_b we get the appropriate hardcoded ID passed to my_sp_server_a. If we pass NULL to my_sp_server_b we get the following error:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionCheckForData (CheckforData()).
Server: Msg 11, Level 16, State 1, Line 0
General network error. Check your network documentation.

Connection Broken

If we remove the linked server, and just reference my_sp_server_a via the scoped DB, we do not get an error. If we change the data type in both procs to varchar(50) we do not get an error. If we change the data type to nText we still get an error. If we put IF logic into stored procedure: my_sp_server_b to check for NULL in the input parameter and if it true then to pass NULL explicitly to my_sp_server_a we do not get an error.

It seems to be a combination of using a linked server and trying to pass a text (or nText variable) with a NULL value to stored procedure. Sometimes the error changes based on which scenario I described above - but we consistantly receive an error unless we do some of the workarounds described above.

Any ideas?

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Inserting Image Data Fails With Connection Broken (SQL Server 2000 And SQL Native Client)

May 28, 2008

Dear all,

we have tables with many image columns. We fill these image columns via ODBC and SQLPutData as described in MSDN etc (using SQL_LEN_DATA_AT_EXEC(...), calling SQLParamData and sending the data in chunks of 4096 bytes when receiving SQL_NEED_DATA).

The SQLPutData call fails under the following conditions with sqlstate 08S01

- The database resides on SQL Server 2000
- The driver is SQL Native Client
- The table consists e.g. of one Identity column (key column) and nine image columns
- The data to be inserted are nine blocks of data with the following byte size:

1: 6781262
2: 119454

3: 269
4: 7611

5: 120054

6: 269

7: 8172

8: 120054

9: 269
The content of the data does not matter, (it happens also if only zero bytes are written), nor does the data origin (file or memory).

All data blocks including no 7 are inserted. If the first chunk of data block 8 should be written with SQLPutData the function fails and the connection is broken. There are errors such as "broken pipe" or "I/O error" depending on the used network protocol.

If data no 7 consists of 8173 bytes instead of 8172 all works again.
(Changing the 4096 chunk size length does not help)

Has anybody encountered this or a similar phenomenon?

Thank you


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Analysis :: Creating Data Connection Library In SharePoint 2013

May 5, 2015

I am trying to create a Data Connection Library linking an SQL Database to SP2013.  I have been unable to locate instruction or where in SP Central Administration to create the library.  The option to Create Data Connection is not available.I am creating an InfoPath form to create-read-write-update data in the SQL database.

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Unable To Establish Connection With Sql Server Using Microsoft Enterprise Library 2005

Aug 3, 2006

Hi All,

I have downloaded Microsoft Enterprise Library 2005 from microsoft.com. I am trying implement Data Access Layer with visual studio 2003. I am able to access some functions of the DAL but I am not able to establish connection with SQL Server 2000.

Will anyone tell me the solution for the above issue.

Thanks & Regards,


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Connection Pool Limit Reached !! Please Help ! (Using Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block)

Apr 22, 2008

This is my code...
public partial class test : System.Web.UI.Page
{protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{SqlDatabase database = (SqlDatabase)DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("ConnectionString");DbCommand command = database.GetSqlStringCommand("SELECT UserName FROM Users WHERE UserID = '6264'");
 using (IDataReader reader = database.ExecuteReader(command))
{if (reader.Read())
{lblTest.Text = "test";
This is my error:
Server Error in '/' Application.

Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool.  This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool.  This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.Source Error:

Line 21: //DbCommand command = database.GetStoredProcCommand("CorrUsers_GetByUserId_s");
Line 22: DbCommand command = database.GetSqlStringCommand("SELECT UserName FROM Users WHERE UserID = '6264'");
Line 23: database.ExecuteReader(command);
Line 24: using (IDataReader reader = database.ExecuteReader(command))
Line 25: {Source File: d:webwwwrootchacha078dev.cha.toplingo.com est.aspx.cs    Line: 23 Stack Trace:

[InvalidOperationException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.]
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection) +1261381
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory) +105
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +111
Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Database.GetNewOpenConnection() +195
Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Database.GetOpenConnection(Boolean disposeInnerConnection) +106
Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Database.ExecuteReader(DbCommand command) +62
test.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in d:webwwwrootchacha078dev.cha.toplingo.com est.aspx.cs:23
System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o, Object t, EventArgs e) +15
System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e) +33
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +99
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +47
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1436

Any help with this matter would be very much appreciated.
 Thank you for your time.
 Jeffrey Pham

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A Connection Was Successfully Established With The Server, But Then An Error Occurred During The Login Process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, Error: 0 - No Process Is On The Other End Of The Pipe.)

Apr 7, 2008

i'm going nuts with SQL server notification thing. I have gone throigh this artical which tells how to set user http://www.codeproject.com/KB/database/SqlDependencyPermissions.aspx. This article show how to create new user and setup for sql server notification.But In my case user was alredy existing in database. which is very common senario in most cases. So i did following( check the SQL script below) but then i get this error
"A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)"
this my sql script
use [master]Go
-- Ensuring that Service Broker is enabled ALTER DATABASE [DatabaseName] SET ENABLE_BROKERGO
-- Switching to our databaseuse [DatabaseName]GO
/* * Creating two new roles. We're not going to set the necessary permissions  * on the user-accounts, but we're going to set them on these two new roles. * At the end of this script, we're simply going to make our two users  * members of these roles. */EXEC sp_addrole 'sql_dependency_subscriber' EXEC sp_addrole 'sql_dependency_starter'
-- Permissions needed for [sql_dependency_starter]GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE to [sql_dependency_starter] GRANT CREATE QUEUE to [sql_dependency_starter]GRANT CREATE SERVICE to [sql_dependency_starter]GRANT REFERENCES on CONTRACT::[http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/Notifications/PostQueryNotification]  to [sql_dependency_starter] GRANT VIEW DEFINITION TO [sql_dependency_starter]
-- Permissions needed for [sql_dependency_subscriber] GRANT SELECT to [sql_dependency_subscriber] GRANT SUBSCRIBE QUERY NOTIFICATIONS TO [sql_dependency_subscriber] GRANT RECEIVE ON QueryNotificationErrorsQueue TO [sql_dependency_subscriber] GRANT REFERENCES on CONTRACT::[http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/Notifications/PostQueryNotification]  to [sql_dependency_subscriber]
-- Making sure that my users are member of the correct role.EXEC sp_addrolemember 'sql_dependency_starter', 'username'EXEC sp_addrolemember 'sql_dependency_subscriber', 'username'

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Connection Blocked By Process -2

Oct 18, 2007


I have a fairly complex application running which has numerous connections on various threads accessing my sql 2005 database.

Every now and then I find that one of my connections is being blocked by process with a pid of -2.

I assume this is some system process.

The only way I can get my application going again is to restart the sql server.

Can someone tell me what process -2 is?


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Connection Still Apperas In SQLServer Entreprise Manager Over Locks / Process ID

Sep 22, 2005

Hello,i have a doubt here, after a close the connection, i still can see the last stored procedure active in the LOCKS/PROCESSID in enterprise manager of SQL SERVER.I think i'm closing the connection well
If Me.ID > 0 Then
Dim sqlcommand As New SqlCommand(strSql, New SqlConnection(ConnStr))
sqlcommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
sqlcommand.Parameters.Add("@PerformActivation", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = 0
sqlcommand.Parameters.Add("@PerformInactivation", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = 0
sqlcommand.Parameters.Add("@PerformDelete", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = 1
sqlcommand.Parameters.Add("@PerformUndelete", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = 0
sqlcommand.Parameters.Add("@PermanentDelete", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = CBit(PermanentDelete)
sqlcommand.Parameters.Add("@Class_ID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = _id
Err.Raise(10205, "CLASS", "CLASS ID is empty")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
_err = ex.Message
Return Err.Number
End Try

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Unable To Complete Login Process Due To Delay In Opening Server Connection

Oct 15, 2007

I am getting an error in Replication between SQL Server 2005 and SQL Express when "Connecting to Subscriber". Detailed error message is given below. Do we need to increase the logintimeout for "Connecting to Subscriber". How can we increase it?

2007-10-15 06:37:58.398 Startup Delay: 8503 (msecs)
2007-10-15 06:38:06.898 Connecting to Distributor 'ACR-MANGO'
2007-10-15 06:38:06.976 Initializing
2007-10-15 06:38:06.976 Parameter values obtained from agent profile:
-bcpbatchsize 2147473647
-commitbatchsize 100
-commitbatchthreshold 1000
-historyverboselevel 1
-keepalivemessageinterval 300
-logintimeout 15
-maxbcpthreads 1
-maxdeliveredtransactions 0
-pollinginterval 5000
-querytimeout 1800
-transactionsperhistory 100
2007-10-15 06:38:06.991 Connecting to Subscriber 'ACR-ANJILISQLEXPRESS'
2007-10-15 06:38:46.133 Agent message code 20084. The process could not connect to Subscriber 'ACR-ANJILISQLEXPRESS'.
2007-10-15 06:38:46.148 Category:NULL
Source: Microsoft SQL Native Client
Number: 08001
Message: Unable to complete login process due to delay in opening server connection
2007-10-15 06:38:46.148 The agent failed with a 'Retry' status. Try to run the agent at a later time.

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Server Failed With Error Code 0xc0000000 To Spawn A Thread To Process A New Login Or Connection

Mar 6, 2007

Hello All,

Suddenly, the sql server is down, in the log file, C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGERRORLOG, I found the record as follows,

2007-03-05 15:40:31.59 Logon Error: 17189, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-03-05 15:40:31.59 Logon SQL Server failed with error code 0xc0000000 to spawn a thread to process a new login or connection. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information about possible related problems. [CLIENT:]

What else I can do to further investigate?



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A Connection Was Successfully Established With The Server, But Then An Error Occurred During The Login Process. (provider: Share

Mar 15, 2007

I have just installed MS SQL Server 2005 Express edition along with the SSMSE. I am using windows authentication. When I open SSMSE it connects me to a 'local instance' of the server. From there I right click on Database and select to add a new Database and I get the error above. I think I only need to allow local connections to the engine but I have tried allowing remote conections with all varations of named pipes and TCP/IP. I am running on Windows XP SP2 (home).

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Transaction (Process ID 135) Was Deadlocked On Lock Resources With Another Process And Has Been Chosen As The Deadlock Victim.

Nov 14, 2007


I was trying to extract data from the source server using OLEDB Source and SQL Server Destination when i encountered this error:

"Transaction (Process ID 135) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.".

What must be done so that even if the table being queried is locked, i wouldn't experience any deadlock?


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FCB::Open: Operating System Error 32(The Process Cannot Access The File Because It Is Being Used By Another Process.) Occurred W

Dec 3, 2007

Hello all,
I am running into an interesting scenario on my desktop. I'm running developer edition on Windows XP Professional (9.00.3042.00 SP2 Developer Edition). OS is autopatched via corporate policy and I saw some patches go in last week. This machine is also a hand-me-down so I don't have a clean install of the databases on the machine but I am local admin.

So, starting last week after a forced remote reboot (also a policy) I noticed a few of the databases didn't start back up. I chalked it up to the hard shutdown and went along my merry way. Friday however I know I shut my machine down nicely and this morning when I booted up, I was in the same state I was last Wenesday. 7 of the 18 databases on my machine came up with

FCB:pen: Operating system error 32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.) occurred while creating or opening file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataTest.mdf'. Diagnose and correct the operating system error, and retry the operation.
and it also logs
FCB:pen failed: Could not open file C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataTest.mdf for file number 1. OS error: 32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.).

I've caught references to the auto close feature being a possible culprit, no dice as the databases in question are set to False. Recovery mode varies on the databases from Simple to Full. If I cycle the SQL Server service, whatever transient issue it was having with those files is gone.
As much as I'd love to disable the virus scanner, network security would not be amused. The data and log files appear to have the same permissions as unaffected database files. Nothing's set to read only or archive as I've caught on other forums as possible gremlins. I have sufficient disk space and the databases are set for unrestricted growth.

Any thoughts on what I could look at? If it was everything coming up in RECOVERY_PENDING it's make more sense to me than a hit or miss type of thing I'm experiencing now.

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Dead Log

May 12, 2006

what should i do . if my database having deadlock?

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[Execute Process Task] Error:The Process Exit Code Was -1 While The Expected Was 0.

Mar 11, 2008

Dear list
Im designing a package that uses Microsofts preplog.exe to prepare web log files to be imported into SQL Server

What Im trying to do is convert this cmd that works into an execute process task
D:SSIS ProcessPrepweblogProcessLoad>preplog ex.log > out.log
the above dos cmd works 100%

However when I use the Execute Process Task I get this error
[Execute Process Task] Error: In Executing "D:SSIS ProcessPrepweblogProcessLoadpreplog.exe" "" at "D:SSIS ProcessPrepweblogProcessLoad", The process exit code was "-1" while the expected was "0".

There are two package varaibles
User::gsPreplogInput = ex.log
User::gsPreplogOutput = out.log

Here are the task properties
RequireFullFileName = True
Executable = D:SSIS ProcessPrepweblogProcessLoadpreplog.exe
Arguments =
WorkingDirectory = D:SSIS ProcessPrepweblogProcessLoad
StandardInputVariable = User::gsPreplogInput
StandardOutputVariable = User::gsPreplogOutput
StandardErrorVariable =
FailTaskIfReturnCodeIsNotSuccessValue = True
SuccessValue = 0
TimeOut = 0

thanks in advance

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Execute Process Task Error - The Process Exit Code Was 1 While The Expected Was 0.

Jan 30, 2007

How do I use the execute process task? I am trying to unzip the file using the freeware PZUnzip.exe and I tried to place the entire command in a batch file and specified the working directory as the location of the batch file, but the task fails with the error:

SSIS package "IngramWeeklyPOS.dtsx" starting.

Error: 0xC0029151 at Unzip download file, Execute Process Task: In Executing "C:ETLPOSDataIngramWeeklyUnzip.bat" "" at "C:ETLPOSDataIngramWeekly", The process exit code was "1" while the expected was "0".

Task failed: Unzip download file

SSIS package "IngramWeeklyPOS.dtsx" finished: Success.

Then I tried to specify the exe directly in the Executable property and the agruments as the location of the zip file and the directory to unzip the files in, but this time it fails with the following message:

SSIS package "IngramWeeklyPOS.dtsx" starting.

Error: 0xC002F304 at Unzip download file, Execute Process Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "%1 is not a valid Win32 application".

Task failed: Unzip download file

SSIS package "IngramWeeklyPOS.dtsx" finished: Success.

The command in the batch file when run from the command line works perfectly and unzips the file, so there is absolutely no problem with the command, I believe it is just the set up of the variables on the execute process task editor under Process. Any input on resolving this will be much appreciated.



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Execute Process Task - Error :The Process Exit Code Was 2 While The Expected Was 0.

Mar 20, 2008

I am designing a utility which will keep two similar databases in sync. In other words, copying the new data from db1 to db2 and updating the old data from db1 to db2.

For this I am making use of the 'Tablediff' utility which when provided with server name, database, table info will generate .sql file which can be used to keep the target table in sync with the source table.

I am using the Execute Process Task and the process parameters I am providing are:

WorkingDirectory : C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90COM
Executable : C:SQL_bat_FilesSQL5TC_CTIcustomer.bat

The customer.bat file will have the following code:
tablediff -sourceserver "LV-SQL5" -sourcedatabase "TC_CTI" -sourcetable "CUSTOMER_1" -destinationserver "LV-SQL2" -destinationdatabase "TC_CTI" -destinationtable "CUSTOMER" -f "c:SQL_bat_Filessql5TC_CTIsql_filescustomer1"

the .sql file will be generated at: C:SQL_bat_Filessql5TC_CTIsql_filescustomer1.

The Problem:
The Execute Process Task is working fine, ie., the tables are being compared correctly and the .SQL file is being generated as desired. But the task as such is reporting faliure with the following error :

[Execute Process Task] Error: In Executing "C:SQL_bat_FilesSQL5TC_CTIpackage_occurrence.bat" "" at "C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90COM", The process exit code was "2" while the expected was "0". ]

Some of you may suggest to just set the ForceExecutionResult = Success (infact this is what I am doing now just to get the program working), but, this is not what I desire.

Can anyone help ?

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Server Was Unable To Process Request. ---&> A Connection Was Successfully Established With The Server, But Then An Error Occurred During The Pre-login Handshake.

Apr 16, 2008

I got this message from sql
"Server was unable to process request. ---> A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.) "
 Does anyone know what happen?

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Integration Services :: Dataload Process - Error Capturing Process

Aug 20, 2014

I'm pulling data from Oracle db and load into MS-SQL 2008.For my data type checks during the data load process, what are options to ensure that the data being processed wouldn't fail. such that I can verify first in-hand with the target type of data and then if its valid format load it into destination table else mark it with error flag and push into errors table... All this at the row level.One way I can think of is to load into a staging table then get the source & destination table -column data types, compare them and proceed.

should I just try loading the data directly and if it fails try trouble shooting(which could be a difficult task as I wouldn't know what caused error...)

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Dead Locks - Regarding

Jul 31, 2002


This is top urgent Sir !

There are 2 tables for transaction. The header and tail tables. How do I insert records. if one is updated & another is not ? the sequence for tracking the records will fail. How do I deadlock the table for insert especially when I use stored procedures for 'Inserts'.

Sundar Raman S K

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